
iantoEspreon: Sori! wi wedi bod yn yfed03:30
EspreonIt's nothing to worry about.04:05
iantoEspreon: WRecked!04:09
EspreonOh, now you're sounding like me!04:09
EspreonYou're quite welcome, good sir.04:11
EspreonNow, let's hope this giant poison oak bubble on my foot magickally disappears soon.04:11
EspreonIs there poison oak in the isles?04:12
iantoI don't think si04:12
EspreonHow 'bout poison ivy?04:13
iantoMaybe, dunno!04:13
EspreonLet's hope not!04:13
Espreon'Cause these are evil plants...04:14
EspreonWell, I think I'll get off the Internet now. Nos da is it?04:19
EspreonApparently it is.04:20
EspreonAnd apparently it means the same thing in Cornish...04:21
Espreon... according to good ol' Wiktionary.04:21
EspreonOK, I'm gone now.04:21
=== ianto is now known as Guest67017

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