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xnoxPlease reject https://code.launchpad.net/~cosmos-door/ubuntu/quantal/libproxy/fix-ftbfs-1057613/+merge/126724 as Laney already applied the same fix.01:56
micahginfinity: I've got a problem with webkit in precise now on arm*, it seems to be abort happy...do I need the gstabs fix there as well or is there some other thing I can do to get a complete build, these builds worked back in July...02:45
infinitymicahg: *sigh*... It's not that webkit or the toolchain have changed, it's that we need to revert the abort timeout to what it was.02:52
micahginfinity: please? :)02:52
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mih1406I have submitted my feature request for Ubuntu One, I believe it is a great addition to Ubuntu One's future!! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/105890004:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058900 in Ubuntu One Client "Sync application preferences and/or data" [Undecided,New]04:57
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geserdoko_: I see that you removed ldc and added it to the sync blacklist. Should the same happen to libtango too as it build-depends on ldc? (see also bug #935267)11:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935267 in libtango (Ubuntu Precise) "libtango version 0.99.9.dfsg-1 FTBFS on i386 in precise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93526711:32
cjwatsondoko_: I'd actually prefer that you didn't add such things to the sync-blacklist any more, please11:38
cjwatsondoko_: Only use the sync-blacklist when we never want the package in Ubuntu again even after it's been fixed in Debian11:38
cjwatsondoko_: The auto-sync is interactive nowadays when packages have been previously published in Ubuntu, so it shouldn't cause any accidents, and it's much easier to maintain things if you don't use the sync-blacklist for this kind of thing11:40
cjwatson(And in particular the auto-syncer will just ignore versions that were previously published and removed)11:41
gesercjwatson: Rhonda asked in #ubuntu-motu how go get a package never synced to Ubuntu. Is getting it on the sync-blacklist the right thing?11:43
cjwatsonSubscribe ~ubuntu-archive to an appropriate bug11:45
gesernot branch, patch, propose a merge?11:45
cjwatsonWaste of time11:45
cjwatsonI mean you can if you *really* want I suppose but it's pointless11:46
cjwatsonAnd I suspect merge proposals won't work anyway because it's a +junk branch11:46
jtaylorwhy is python3.3 not in python-all?12:15
cjwatsonjtaylor: Too late for 12.1012:17
jtaylorwhy have python3.3 then at all?12:17
jtaylorno extensions, apport going crazy about every traceback etc12:18
xnoxjtaylor: such that it's possible to do a rebuild against it?12:18
cjwatsonYou can at least do basic experiments with it12:18
* xnox after patching things up....12:18
ogra_and you can forward port for R while being on Q12:19
jtaylorit will confuse users12:22
ogra_how ?12:24
jtaylore.g. bug 1059017 confused me until I figured out its not in -all12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059017 in apport (Ubuntu) "python3.3 throws apport exception on each traceback" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105901712:24
jtaylorgranted its not too bad, but some people might expect a fully functioning python3.3 when they install the package12:25
jtaylorand understanding these types of issues is not trivial12:26
ogra_not hard to switch off apport orjust ignore it though12:27
ogra_indeed its a bug but really not that fatal12:27
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IDWMasterI'm having a really annoying problem when I use GTK in a library16:20
IDWMasterI'm trying to write a utilities library that uses GTK+, and I've followed the instructions on the website for compiling with pkg-config, but whenever I call a GTK function the program just terminates.16:20
IDWMasterDoes GTK also have to be linked with the program I'm embedding the library into?16:21
IDWMasterI thought that wasn't required for .so libraries.16:21
tumbleweedIDWMaster: yes, .so = shared library, you link to it, it isn't embedded16:26
IDWMasterI'm using dlopen to link to my library16:27
IDWMasterand then my library is linked to GTK+ using compile-time pkgconfig16:27
IDWMasterHowever; when I call a gtk+ function from my library; it crashes16:28
tumbleweedbtw, this is faily off topic for this channel, which is about development of Ubuntu, not support16:28
IDWMasterIsn't this development-related?16:28
tumbleweeddevelopment *of* Ubuntu, not development on Ubuntu16:28
IDWMasterWhere's the appropriate development on Ubuntu channel?16:29
stgraberIDWMaster: #ubuntu-app-devel according to this channel's topic16:30
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JHOSMANHello for all!20:52
JHOSMANI have Ubuntu Quantal problem but still do not know if you report it as bug.20:53
JHOSMAN=( hello20:57
jtaylorJHOSMAN: #ubuntu+1 is for quantal support20:59
JHOSMANTHanks! go to!20:59
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dokocjwatson, will look at these tomorrow21:51
trismdoko: if you get a chance could you retry the gecko-mediaplayer build on amd64,armhf, I think they just hit the archive at a bad time (firefox-dev was uninstallable)21:56
jtaylortrism: done on amd6422:04
trismjtaylor: thanks22:05
jtaylorlooks like it worked, started armhf22:11
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trismjtaylor: looks good on armhf too, excellent thanks much22:21
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