
darkxstjbicha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/105884501:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1058845 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Apport hook to log running display manager" [Undecided,New]01:01
darkxstalso log out (with autologin enabled ) is basically broken now01:03
darkxstgetting a random result between, autologin, going to gdm and crashing01:03
darkxstand more often than not, logout from classic results in crashing01:03
darkxstI suppose it was working before due to one of the CK bugs01:04
jbichaI wonder who besides Debian & Ubuntu uses gdm on consolekit01:05
darkxstarch might by default01:06
darkxstalthough I think all other distros are planning to switch to systemd if they havent already01:07
jbichaarch is moving to systemd soonish, despite the complaining01:07
jbichaif we had a gnome theme for lightdm and if it wasn't for the annoyingly-close integration between gnome-shell & gdm this cycle, we'd be using lightdm01:08
jbichait's better supported on Ubuntu01:08
jbichaI've had a few times where I couldn't even get sudo service gdm stop; sudo service gdm start to get the login screen back :(01:11
darkxstI havent had that, but I do get a race condition sometimes with, sudo service restart gdm01:11
darkxstthe new gdm comes up before the old one closes down01:12
jbichayeah, that's why I split the command in two01:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1058859 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Hide lock screenShield when waking from suspend" [Undecided,New]02:10
everaldojbicha, awake?04:33
jbichaeveraldo: yes04:34
everaldojbicha, we need to update ubuntu-gnome-meta, but I did not understand exactly how04:34
jbichaI'm already doing it, but this is how it works:04:35
jbichayou first have to update https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-gnome.quantal04:35
jbichaand then run ./update in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev/+junk/ubuntu-gnome-meta04:36
jbichaif it's a brand new package like this time, you have to wait until the package gets published or else ./update won't add it04:37
everaldoright, thank you for explanation, I see you already did it but04:37
everaldowhen I try to branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-gnome.quantal04:38
everaldoI got some problems04:38
everaldolet me try to reproduce so next time I can do it04:38
everaldobzr branch lp:~ubuntu-gnome-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-gnome.quantal - works ok04:39
everaldothen I try bzr push lp:~ecanuto/ubuntu/quantal/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-gnome.quantal04:40
everaldoand looks like it works this time :)04:41
everaldolast time I got some errors04:41
jbichaLP was acting up this morning (like 16 hours ago) for me04:42
everaldojbicha, ah, I know now04:42
everaldowhen I make this branches I don't have "Propose for merging" option on lauchpad04:42
jbichaI think you want to push to lp:~ecanuto/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-gnome.quantal instead04:43
everaldoyes, thanks... now I have it :)04:45
everaldoI think I must learn a little more about this "namespaces"04:45
jbichaum, I don't know if it's really explained anywhere04:47
jbichabut the first part after the first / is the project name04:47
jbichawhich is ubuntu if it's a ubuntu-package but it could be something different04:48
jbichaif a project hasn't been registered you can use +junk (like our iso-build-script branch)04:48
jbichasee, here's the project page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-seeds04:49
everaldooh, I see it04:49
everaldoand ~ubuntu-gnome-dev, is it a user?04:49
jbichawell in this case, it's a team, but same idea04:50
everaldoso, it the future I must create my branch and merge it or I can commit direct to ~ubuntu-gnome-dev?04:50
jbichayou have to do a merge proposal04:51
everaldounderstand now04:51
jbichathat team is basically reserved for Ubuntu Developers, since it controls our seed and build script, but you're welcome to propose merges04:53
everaldovery cleaver this merges proposal04:53
everaldolook like github04:53
everaldoabout iso creation, I saw some place (don't found it now) that Ubuntu is now using live-builds04:54
everaldobut we have for ubuntu-gnome a script that build iso04:55
everaldodo you know how other teams build isos?04:55
jbichathe official flavors all use Ubuntu's build system, that system isn't fully public or documented but it's becoming more open04:56
jbichabut you don't have to do the entire live-build process to make an iso04:56
jbichaour script uses a regular Ubuntu iso to provide most of the pieces like wubi and the bootloader04:57
everaldoyes, I see it04:58
everaldojust curious about the way used by official flavors04:58
jbichawe create a minimal Ubuntu environment and add ubuntu-gnome-desktop and the installer pieces and then create the squashfs04:58
jbichathe squashfs is the compressed image for the live environment and it's copied to disk during install instead of installing the 1000 or more packages individually04:59
everaldohumm, that explain why installation is so fast05:00
jbichathere's some other ways of making Ubuntu flavor disks but this way seemed the best05:00
* everaldo reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch05:01
jbichait took me the summer to figure it out, the script I got was from the Ubuntu GNOME Shell Remix05:01
everaldonormally here I take on iso as basis and then I customize with packages that I use05:02
everaldoso next time I install it comes with my packages05:02
everaldobut I use my "ubuntomize" script :-)05:02
everaldojbicha, I don't know if you are right person but I see one problem on all flavors05:02
everaldosome years ago when ubuntu was in alpha and beta it comes with xterm and xdiagnose05:03
jbichaoh, that problem...05:03
everaldoand it is aways removed from final version05:03
everaldobut last two versions comes with this tools even on final version05:03
everaldoI know it is not a big deal but05:04
jbichabug 12904105:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 129041 in xterm (Ubuntu) "xterm icon available by default" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12904105:04
jbichathose tools have been in Ubuntu for a long time, I think I was told that xterm and xdiagnose are needed for the failsafe mode when X won't start05:06
everaldoso the idea is to remove the icon?05:06
everaldoit looks ok05:07
jbichathat's what I woud like05:07
everaldowhen "normal" users see the ugly icons they are just scared05:07
everaldothe same for imagemagic, mc and java packages05:08
everaldoI always had imagemagic instaled as dependency of gimp and inkscape05:08
everaldobut it never comes with the "ugly wizard icon"05:08
everaldobut last release start to comes with this ugly icon05:09
everaldojbicha, what is better place to post this bug report?05:09
jbichayou need to get someone else's attention, I tried following up on that bug but the developers who added the icons back didn't seem to see the problem05:11
jbichaI added a design task so maybe the designers will make a decision05:11
jbichait's too late for quantal05:12
everaldoso bad05:13
jbichaI think we can cheat for Ubuntu GNOME05:14
jbichaby adding those desktops to /usr/share/gnome/applications and settings nodisplay on them05:15
jbicha*setting nodisplay05:16
everaldoso, gnome use a different applications folder05:16
everaldodid not know that05:16
jbichain fact, Xubuntu does just that, check out xubuntu-default-settings05:17
everaldogood to know05:18
everaldojbicha, can I change ubuntu-gnome-default-settings to do the same?05:19
everaldoor is too late?05:19
jbichano, it's not too late for us, it won't require new translations and there is no documentation that would be hurt by changing that05:20
jbichasure, go ahead and fix it05:21
everaldoany problem if I do it also for mc and imagemagic or dont make sense as it is not included on default instalation?05:22
jbichatest it and see what happens when those apps are installed and when they aren't05:23
everaldook, I will do it right now05:23
jbichaI don't think we need to do that for mc though05:23
jbichanothing depends on mc, and byobu is a similar terminal app with its out .desktop05:24
jbicha*its own .desktop05:24
everaldoyes, and not everybody uses mc, a end user will never install it05:25
everaldoalso imagemagik is used by "ooo-thumbnailer"05:25
everaldolet me just remove xterm's05:26
everaldoand for others that I don't like I will create a "everaldo-settings" on my ppa :)05:26
jbichahiding imagemagick might be useful too05:27
everaldoyes, but I see now  that most packages depend on imagemagic-common05:28
everaldothe exception is ooo-thumbnailer05:28
everaldoI will fill a bug report to change ooo-thumbnailer05:28
everaldoso the "imagemagic" without "common" will never be installed05:29
jbichawhat do you mean? does anybody actually use imagemagick from a gui directly?05:30
everaldothe imagemagic package just install and desktop icon with a ugly gui tool to convert images05:30
jbichathe gui looks useless, let's hide it05:31
smartboyhwHi jbicha13:44
jbichasmartboyhw: hi14:03
jbichaeveraldo: I think Unity would use the gnome-menus blacklist too if it were enabled so I don't think we want to mess with that14:06
jbichawe just want to copy what xubuntu-default-settings does14:06
jbichaalso your merge request includes a bunch of plymouth stuff, you probably want to start over from what is actually at ubuntu:ubuntu-gnome-default-settings14:07
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=== Guest28143 is now known as jbicha_
jbicha_ricotz: hey, I was working on ibus today16:12
jbicha_what do you think about a gnome3 testing PPA, that way more than one person can push to it?16:13
jbicha_oh, that's cute, unity won't start with the new ibus17:21
jbicha_maybe I just need to rebuild nux17:24
everaldojbicha_, hey17:43
everaldojbicha_, the gnome-menus blacklist is not used anymore, the gnome-menus-blacklist utility is not calling on gnome-menus postinst17:44
jbicha_ok, rebuilding nux worked but maintaining nux in a ppa is going to be a headache17:47
everaldojbicha_, about default-setting, how I can start again, remerge and then apply setting?17:48
jbicha_everaldo: right, and we shouldn't enable it without knowing why it's been disabled in Ubuntu17:48
jbicha_just bzr branch into a new directory17:48
everaldook, let me fix this first then I will explain the blacklist because I am prety confident that it is the right way for blacklist17:50
jbicha_but I'm pretty confident that will affect Unity as well17:51
everaldojbicha_, ok, then is better I check it again17:51
everaldojbicha_, do you know that I havent included xterm and uxterm in blacklist, it is already there since long time?17:51
everaldothey just stop to call gnome-menus-blacklist17:52
everaldoand I made the ubuntu-gnome-default settings call it17:52
jbicha_yes, xterm and uxterm have been installed in Debian & Ubuntu for a long time by default but they've been kept hidden until a recent Ubuntu change17:52
jbicha_we don't need to use gnome-menus-blacklist, the xubuntu approach will work too17:53
everaldoxubuntu aproach did not work for me but let me fix the merge then we can back to it17:56
everaldooh, I see you comments on bug, hard discussion17:57
everaldo(xterm, uxterm)17:57
jbicha_the guy has been maintaining xterm for 16 years, he's got a lot invested in it and wants to see it used more17:58
jbicha_he also commented on the Debian bug17:58
everaldounderstand him but everybody must move on18:00
everaldoabout my first merge, I see that the "Plymouth theme added" is a already included but " Plymouth background color changed to #133773" not18:01
everaldois it normal?18:01
everaldoapprove one patch but not other?18:01
jbicha_I tweaked the changelog, did everything else get merged though?18:03
everaldolet me see18:03
everaldoah, so you merge it in only one revision18:05
everaldounderstand now :-)18:05
everaldoso now I can delete the branch or do I need to keep it?18:06
jbicha_I don't think there's a need to keep it18:08
everaldook, let me restart and test how it affect unity18:12
everaldook, /etc/gnome/menus.blacklist don't affect unity18:19
everaldobut when we run gnome-menus-blacklist it move some entries to "/usr/share/gnome/applications"18:19
everaldoand it also affects unity18:19
everaldoso, put files on /usr/share/gnome/applications or run gnome-menus-blacklist have same effect18:20
everaldoso, no different from xubuntu but using a different approach18:21
jbicha_everaldo: interesting18:22
everaldothe package gnome-menus still have gnome-menus-blacklist utility but now it is not calling in postinst probably to keep icons on unity on default installation18:22
jbicha_but at this point in the release cycle, I'd rather only touch one package than two18:22
everaldoso, my approach just run gnome-menus-blacklist18:22
everaldojbicha_, we dont need to touch two18:22
jbicha_as the Release Team has to manually approve each upload18:22
everaldojust gnome-settings18:22
everaldomy merge in gnome-menus is just an improvment of blacklist18:22
everaldoxterm and uxterm is already there18:23
everaldoI just added java718:23
everaldolook at my changes on gnome-menus18:23
everaldo131. OpenJDK 7 and IcedTea added to menus.blacklist18:24
everaldo132. Midnight Commander and X Diagnostics added to menus.blacklist18:24
everaldo133. dconf editor added to menus.blacklist18:24
=== jbicha__ is now known as jbicha
everaldojbicha, look at https://code.launchpad.net/~ecanuto/ubuntu/quantal/gnome-menus/gnome-menus18:25
everaldolast three revisions18:25
jbichaplease don't add new changelog entries for every change unless the package is released18:25
jbichadconf-editor is too useful to hide18:25
everaldook, I will make a new propose without dconf and just one changelog entry18:26
jbichayou should talk to bryceh about whether xdiagnose should be hidden or not18:26
everaldook I will do it18:27
jbichaanyway, we're not going to change gnome-menus at this point, we're well after UI freeze18:27
everaldojust deleted this proposal for merging18:28
jbichayou may want to talk to the Debian GNOME maintainers if you think more stuff should be added to the blacklist18:28
* everaldo noting all18:29
everaldoabout gnome-default-settings way to blacklist, did you now agree or still want use xubuntu approach?18:29
jbichaI don't think mc needs hidden, there's a big difference between something installed by default or very common like Java and something that needs to be explicitly installed18:30
everaldook, I will just leave this gnome-menus changes and discuss it in Debian GNOME maintainers18:31
jbichaI don't want to hide all that KDE stuff, my wife plays some of the KDE games for instance18:32
jbichawhile she uses Unity, she wouldn't be happy if her games were missing just because I encouraged her to try GNOME Shell18:32
jbichathe xubuntu approach allows us to be more selective about the 2 or 3 things we don't want to see by default18:33
everaldook let me do it18:33
everaldojbicha, which application, only xterm and uxterm or also java stuff?18:34
jbichaI'd like to hide xterm, uxterm, and imagemagick; I don't really use java any more so I don't know how useful the java settings thing is18:36
everaldojbicha, ok, just propose the merge, tested here and it works19:59
everaldoon xubuntu add NoDisplay=true is enought20:00
everaldobut for gnome we need also to add also Exec and Type to desktop file20:01
darkxstNoDisplay should be enought20:20
darkxstunless we accidently imported the debian path20:20
jbichaeveraldo: I don't have ooo-thumbnailer installed but I still have the imagemagick icon20:30
everaldodarkxst, NoDisplay isant work20:36
everaldobut I don't know why20:36
everaldodarkxst, what is this debian patch?20:36
everaldojbicha, that is because you installed imagemagic, now most packages depends on imagemagic-common20:37
everaldothe imagemagic only add the icon20:37
darkxsteveraldo, there was a debian patch that disables noDisplay20:40
jbichaeveraldo: ah, it looks like I have it because of shutter, not inkscape20:41
darkxstjbicha, we should drop that patch20:42
ubot5Gnome bug 658176 in general "Also respect NoDisplay semantics for applications menu" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:43
everaldojbicha, do you want it also removed?20:52
everaldoso bad, lots of programs depends on imagemagic20:55
everaldoI will hide it20:55
jbichayeah, http://packages.debian.org/sid/i386/imagemagick/filelist21:00
jbichadarkxst: I don't the fix for that bug is causing problems21:01
darkxstjbicha, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=658176#c1321:03
ubot5Gnome bug 658176 in general "Also respect NoDisplay semantics for applications menu" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:03
darkxstsee comment #1321:03
darkxstthat is the patch we should drop21:03
darkxstdebian don't even have that one anymore21:06
jbichadarkxst: we comment that patch out21:09
darkxstah, ok21:09
darkxstI should have checked series ;)21:10
jbichanp, I commented out the disable-nm patch because it's likely to come back but the last I heard Debian might even be dropping that after Wheezy21:11
everaldojbicha, I added imagemagik hide but it is not on merge proposal, do I need to wait or propose again?21:12
jbichaeveraldo: just go ahead and push again, lp will update the merge proposal21:13
everaldook, thanks21:14
darkxstjbicha, that should be fine, as long as we have a dep against nm21:17
jbichayeah, it's not a problem for Ubuntu but it is an issue for non-Linux architectures21:20
everaldohumm, just see that I added changelog entry, forget recomendation :(21:27
everaldotime for dinner, be back later21:59

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