
ogra_cjwatson, i have this little weekend project (embedded filesystem builder) where i use a minimal busybox-static system + upstart + udev + pam for a core system and then plan to have a task management on top that copies over configs and binaries from a chroot for certain functional tasks ... and i was wondering ...12:33
ogra_... if someone saks you for a udeb of  a deb he has to include it in d-i, do you have any special reciepe on deciding what goes in that udeb ?12:33
cjwatsonThere's some general advice in doc/devel/modules.txt in the debian-installer source package12:36
ogra_ah, coo12:36
cjwatsondebhelper deals with a lot of the basics these days12:36
cjwatson(with Package-Type: udeb)12:37
ogra_thanks ! i'll take a look ... so far i'm using copy_exec from initramfs-tools for the binaries, that covers the libs etc just fine ... but for getting the configs i'm currently running the binary with strace and fish the files out of the log12:38
* ogra_ has a nicely working 8MB core filesystem already 12:40
infinityogra_: While you're at it, are you keeping /usr/share/doc/copyright, then?18:03
infinityogra_: Cause, if so, that's something we could actually build/ship images from, rather than just give other people to make their own images.18:04
infinityogra_: (/usr/share/doc/<package>/copyright, that is)18:06

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