
ESphynxSync sync sync https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecere/+bug/394998 pretty please =) Quantal! :)02:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394998 in Ubuntu "Please sync ecere-sdk 0.44.01-1 from Debian Experimental" [Wishlist,In progress]02:32
jbichaESphynx: you'll need to apply for a feature freeze exception since it's late in the release cycle02:39
xnoxit will need a sync in either case cause it's in the experimental and since the archive is frozen I can sponsor this into ubuntu as I did into debian and then let the release team decide =)03:02
ESphynxjbicha: Should I still apply for a feature freeze exception? :)03:30
ESphynxthanks again xnox :)03:31
jbichaESphynx: I don't know, it got accepted from the unapproved queue, but not the new queue03:31
ESphynxwhat should I do then :P03:32
xnoxESphynx: you should state the FFe reasons in the bug report.03:32
xnoxas it is an FFe.03:32
xnoxregardless of which queues it's stuck in.....03:33
ESphynxso I should just post a comment saying 'Ecere is Awesome, please sync into Quantal?' ?03:33
xnoxESphynx: sure, why not =)03:36
ESphynxxnox: seriously, what's your recommendatino? :)03:37
ESphynxtumbleweed: hey man you around? :) You got that FFe magic with you? :)03:37
ESphynxthere :)03:46
micahgjbicha: new sources don't hit unapproved, they hit NEW regardless of freeze AIUI04:07
micahgxnox: usually, we don't sync stuff into NEW without the FFe to avoid wasting the AAs tim04:11
ESphynxhow do we get that FFe? :P04:11
micahgand there's always backports (which would show up in software center just the same AIUI)04:12
micahgTBH, I'd rather have it in backports than in the release pocket with 3 weeks to go, but I think I'm alone in this opinion (and IANA release team member)04:13
ESphynxbut backport doesn't have the Gold feeling as much as making it into Quantal :P04:14
ESphynxThe SDK is so small it might just fill the annoying free 5mb onto CD1 :P04:14
micahgwith the backport, you can also keep updating it (as long as you install/run test it)04:15
ESphynx(Ok I'm pushing it :P)04:15
ESphynxIs that different from the regular Updates?04:16
micahgyou can do the backport afterwards anyways, but then people have to choose the initial jump to backports if they have the release version installed04:16
micahgESphynx: well, backports allow feature updates, regular updates pocket usually doesn't04:16
micahgregardless, it would go into the release pocket for R04:16
jbichamicahg: quantal-backports isn't open yet, is it?04:41
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Rhondahmm, how to block wesnoth-1.11 from getting synced?  File a bugreport against what specific?11:18
jtaylorRhonda: you want no autosync?11:23
jtaylorthat is off until R opens11:23
RhondaI don't want any sync at all, it's not a package targetted for a release.11:23
jtaylorthere is a sync blacklist maintained by archive admins11:24
gesertrying to remember how the sync blacklist now works11:24
RhondaRight, but it shouldn't get synced after R opens neither. :)11:24
geserif it's on that sync blacklist it won't get synced before the entry gets removed first11:25
RhondaIt just got accepted into Debian unstable, so it can't be on that list yet. ;)11:25
jtaylorif its not suitable for release why is it in unstable and not experimental?11:25
RhondaBecause it gets more testing that way.11:26
jtaylorwell R will be only for the brave too11:26
RhondaIt will eventually turn into wesnoth-1.12.11:26
jtaylorwill it not stabilize in 6 month?11:27
RhondaRight, but 1.12 won't be out before R gets into release. :)11:27
geserRhonda: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+junk/sync-blacklist; branch, patch, propose-merge11:28
Rhondayay, working on my rusty bizarre knowledge ;)11:28
geser(I hope that the right process to get entries into that file)11:28
jtaylordoes someone know why we have two glades in quantal?11:33
jtaylor3.14 and 3.8?11:33
jtaylorcan we remove 3.8? it ftbs (with a simple fix)11:33
geserwhat are the source package names?11:35
jtaylorglade and glade-311:35
jtaylorthe latter is old and in universe11:35
jtaylorthe former main11:35
jtaylorlooks to my like it was forgotten to remove glade-3 when glade3 went in main11:36
jtayloror do you need 3.8 for gtk2?11:37
geserboth packages are also in Debian11:37
geseris there something depending/build-depeding on it?11:38
jtaylorI'll then just fix the ftbs11:39
jtaylorRhonda: the next wesnoth will get a new source package?11:44
RhondaYes, the reason being that people can install 1.10 side-by-side with 1.12.11:45
RhondaUsers complained that they can't finish their started campaigns after the upgrade.  The savegames are compatible, but the campaigns change between stable releases, mainly for balancing factors, and even units might change.11:46
geserRhonda: just got told by cjwatson in #ubuntu-devel that you should file a bug to get wesnoth-1.11 added to the sync-blacklist and subscribe ubuntu-archive11:46
RhondaSo the approach was to be able to install the different stable versions side-by-side, and thus also the development release for those who want to give it a test early on.11:46
Rhondageser: bug against what?  :)11:47
cjwatsondoesn't matter11:47
cjwatsonwesnoth-1.11, conventionally11:47
cjwatsonbut we work off our +subscribedbugs list so the target is irrelevant11:47
cjwatsondon't bother proposing a branch for the sync-blacklist or whatever; that's a waste of effort11:48
cjwatsonand merge proposals won't work there anyway because it's a +junk branch11:48
Rhondadone. :)11:53
jtaylorsomeone familiar with the tiff transition?14:10
jtaylortiff-dev is gone, now we should use libtiff5-dev?14:10
jtaylorwhy is that? I though the recommendation is the opposite14:10
tumbleweedjtaylor: libtiff5-dev provides libtiff-dev14:24
jtaylorI don't understand this failure https://launchpadlibrarian.net/117813129/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.love_0.8.0-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:26
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cjwatsonjtaylor: In general you should just use libtiff-dev - it only has one provider14:52
cjwatsonjtaylor: That kind of failure generally means that something in the (build-)dependency set conflicts14:53
cjwatsonjtaylor: love has an explicit build-dep on libtiff4-dev, which won't work.  Try s/libtiff4-dev/libtiff-dev/ there14:54
jtaylormakes sense, thanks14:54
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bobweaverHello there I have been trying to package up some C++ work for the last day and can not get it to package correctly. all dependency's are fine debian file is good. It is cmake that I am having trouble with16:00
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JontheEchidnabobweaver: anything in particular?16:02
bobweaverdo I do  cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr16:02
JontheEchidnawhat does your rules file look like?16:02
bobweaverJontheEchidna,  yeah It says that (on LP) that it can not change dir's to /home/joseph   and I can understand why16:02
bobweaverJontheEchidna,  one sec16:03
bobweaverslow neytwork today16:03
JontheEchidnano rush :)16:03
bobweaverhttps://launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+archive/beta/+packages   it is the package Unity-2d-nudity116:04
bobweaverhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1252077/    << debian/rules16:05
jtaylorbobweaver: you can pass arguments to cmake by running dh_auto_configure -- cmake-args16:06
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bobweaverI have a feeling that I need to tell cmake to install to $(DESTDIR) but I am not sure how to do this ?16:06
JontheEchidnait looks like the packaging has cmake generated files local to your machine...16:06
jtaylordh_auto_configure should set the install prefix to destdir already16:06
bobweavercorrect should I get ride of all the cache ?16:06
JontheEchidnayes, it is the cmake files that are confusing the build daemon16:07
bobweavermaybe try presitine package ?16:07
bobweavermeaning do not run cmake at all on local16:07
JontheEchidnayes, you will not need to run cmake locally16:07
bobweaverthere is the troubles very cool and thanks JontheEchidna16:08
JontheEchidnano problem. :)16:08
bobweaveryeah I just ran cmake  before so that I could test package on 12.10 (fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -F)16:09
bobweaverpackage build and compile and I have unity 2d on 12.10 now16:10
bobweavernow just to get it into repo's16:10
bobweaverwell my repo thanks again16:10
JontheEchidnahere's an easy way to clean stuff up: mkdir build; cd build; cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr; make; make install16:10
JontheEchidnathen when you're done: rm -rf build/16:10
jtaylorI think dh already does out of source builds for you16:11
jtaylorbut its been a while sinece I dealt with cmake packages :/16:11
JontheEchidnaI think he was just trying to do a local build, without any packaging involved16:11
bobweaveryeah local build works great16:12
JontheEchidnabut yeah, debhelper will create its own build directory and instruct cmake to use that when building the package16:12
bobweaverhad to remange libs but works (little buggy but not that bad )    to clean I can run  find -iname '*cmake*' -not -name CMakeLists.txt -exec rm -rf {} \+      ?16:12
bobweavernm I see what you said above ^^16:12
bobweaverIs there a way to tell dh_automake  to run with -j4 ?16:16
bobweaverlike for make -j4  (because I have 4 threads )16:16
jtaylor--with parallel16:17
bobweaverbut with-in the build (just to make faster )16:17
jtaylorthen uses DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS16:17
bobweaversweet thanks jtaylor16:17
bobweaversorry about all the questions but this should be the last of the day (I hope) When building a package what do I do with the .bzr stuff remove it ?16:32
bobweaverlitian warning me16:32
tumbleweedit shouldn't be in the source package16:33
bobweaverlintian *16:33
tumbleweedif you bulid with bzr bd, it shouldn't be there16:33
bobweaverthanks tumbleweed . never used bzr to build, Looks like I got more cool stuff to learn about :)16:34
bobweaveryou all are straight up AWESOME in this channel !  thanks again for the help. If you all ever need any qml QT or C++ javascript stuff done. dont be shy to call me out. (it is the least that I could do (not sure that I could be the best help but hey I have to offer ))16:37
bobweaverthanks again !16:37
tumbleweedbtw, debuild -i will also ignore that stuff (I have -i as a default debuild argument)16:40
bobweaverCool tumbleweed  !!16:49
micahgjbicha_: yes, quantal-backports is open18:17
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MohamedAlaa98raof: hello :) I've branch merging propose https://code.launchpad.net/~m-alaa8/ubuntu/quantal/gtk-nodoka-engine/fix-for-803007/+merge/127177 so can you please merge it after the ubuntu 12.10 release? thank you ;)21:10
MohamedAlaa98* :)21:12
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