
ajmitchit feels too early to be at work19:38
thumpermwhudson: how goes fatherhood?21:37
mwhudsonthumper: pretty well21:37
mwhudsonwe had a bad night sat/sun but that was the first for a while21:37
thumpermwhudson: I'll tell ya, time flies so fast...21:37
mwhudsonno kidding21:37
mwhudsonshe's 61 cm already21:38
thumperand before you know it, puberty21:38
thumperCaitlin is almost 1221:38
mwhudsoni was going to say, i _think_ i will notice a decade+ passing just about21:39
thumperI keep thinking back to the Steve Martin movie, "father of the bride" I think21:39
thumperwhere he is looking admiringly over his family at the table, and his six year old looks at him and says "daddy, I'm getting married"21:40
thumperdouble take21:40
thumperthen his 20ish year old daughter repeats it21:41
thumpersometimes it feels a little like that21:41
mwhudsondon't think i've seen that one21:41
thumpermwhudson: maybe you are too young :)21:41
mwhudsoni've seen some steve martin movies!21:41
lifelessthat was fairly funny21:41
mwhudsontime does past quickly though21:41
mwhudsonwe'll be applying for citizenship in january21:41
thumpermwhudson: good luck21:42
mwhudsonthumper: https://twitter.com/terrcin/status/25163238545883136021:44

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