
derekvmigrains suck00:17
derekvhacking up android bookie00:23
derekvsoft keyboard doesn't disappear after you add a tag01:06
jrwrenderekv: did you find icons?01:27
jrwreni used to use tango icons in client software01:27
derekvjrwren: i found a couple sources online, I ended up putting a circle with an 'x' i it, no png just a shape01:30
derekvreally ugly, but i just want functionality atm01:30
derekvI namespaced the project as org.bookie.*, trying to decide if I need to change that before release01:31
derekvthinking of pushing it out to play so whoever can give me feedback and actually use it01:32
jrwrenderekv: next time: http://tango.freedesktop.org/01:47
derekvshit, I need art01:53
derekvI need icons01:53
derekvok time to do somthing else for a minute01:53
derekvoh wow... fall noises01:54
derekvit sounds like fall01:55
derekvleaves moving accross pavement in wind01:55
derekvbookie art02:07
derekvJVM must die04:46
derekvthat and like, the patent system.  and child abuse.04:46
snap-lANything else? :)12:32
jrwrenrepublicans and democrats13:07
rick_h_droidugh we all having fun?15:08
jjessehello :)18:32
snap-lNice to see Tor books don't have DRM20:53
jrwrenthey changed it a while back, remember?20:59
snap-lyeah, I remember, but I'm actually seeing hte fruits of their efforts21:31
snap-lwhich means I'm more likely to buy their books21:31
snap-lThis is my RickRoll: http://viralconspiracyrecords.bandcamp.com/track/dyn-blasted22:54
snap-lI swear, I need to block this label22:55

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