
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Milos_SDHello... Does anyone have an idea how can I purge xorg-edgers packages a revert to default on ubuntu 12.04 64bit?12:29
mlankhorstMilos_SD: ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa or something12:29
Milos_SDmlankhorst, that doesn't work on 64bit :(12:30
Milos_SDppa-purge or aptitute doesn't work with multiarch...12:31
tjaaltonno reason why they shouldn't13:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tjaaltonmeh, installing the powervr blob on the panda made it more sluggish16:37
mlankhorstuploaded the new stack to my ppa, with armhf so I'm going to test on my panda :p17:03
mlankhorsttjaalton: you need to have the ti-omap ppa17:03
mlankhorstCurrently 12 packages building and 26 packages waiting to build.. poor pandaboard ppa builders17:05
tjaaltonmlankhorst: ah, ok17:28
tjaaltonstill on precise17:28
mlankhorstyeah but you need to remove the mem=... args from /boot/boot.script else the ti kernel will go lockup 17:41
mlankhorstand install ubuntu-omap4-extras17:41
mlankhorstif you use unity3d, you need to add option 'hwcursor' 'false' to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-*omap*.conf to prevent massive glitches17:43
mlankhorstand I think there was some bug with smp in the 1486 kernel so you might need nosmp too, I'm using that for now.17:44
tjaaltonwhat a mess :)17:44
mlankhorstwell robclark helped me a little with sorting those quirks out17:45
mlankhorstwow no launchpad queue, all my non-arm uploads finished \o/17:46
Sarvatttjaalton: ha, go figure i finally hit that black screen bug right after you uploaded the fix and i hadn't rebooted into it yet20:26
tjaaltonSarvatt: hehe20:39
ehooverHello, sorry to be a bother - but who would I contact to get an XCB upstream patch applied to the current ubuntu package?  The patch fixes a pretty significant problem for Wine and I'd like to get it fixed before 12.04.2/12.11.21:09
tjaaltonwhich bug?21:12
ubottuFreedesktop bug 54671 in Library "Wine locks up when running multithreaded applications that touch both OpenGL and X11" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:14
tjaaltonno I mean on launchpad21:15
ehooverI haven't created a bug for it on launchpad, I was working directly with upstream.  Would it help for me to do that?21:17
tjaaltonfor SRU's it's mandatory21:17
ehooverI'm sorry, I'm not familiar with your procedures (I've never had to do this before).  Could you point me to what I need to read so that I'm not bothering you unnecessarily?21:19
Sarvattyeah it would help a lot, we're frozen for 12.10 so it has to reference a launchpad bug to upload the fix (and a 12.04 stable release update would absolutely need a launchpad bug), ubuntu-bug xorg will fill out most of the info for you21:20
tjaaltonjust file a bug against libxcb21:20
tjaaltonor that21:20
Sarvattcouldn't figure out the ubuntu-bug invocation for libxcb from a quick try :P21:20
Sarvattoh ubuntu-bug libxcb121:21
tjaaltonor the source package21:22
tjaaltonbut lp will map it there if it's filed against the binary package21:22
Sarvattubuntu-bug libxcb doesn't work21:22
tjaaltonright, it's apport..21:24
ehooverok, i've filed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/libxcb/+bug/1059276 and linked it to the upstream bug.  Should I copy the details of the issue to the launchpad bug or is that unnecessary?21:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059276 in libxcb (Ubuntu) "Wine locks up when running multithreaded applications that touch both OpenGL and X11" [Undecided,New]21:29
Sarvatthmm, i can't nominate for series on that bug21:57
Sarvattehoover: so what app is hitting that for you? can't say i've noticed the problem ever with wine, going to need some kind of test case for a precise fix to happen22:00
ehooverSarvatt: I've seen it with Borderlands and Silverlight.  Others have reported issues with Skyrim and a few other apps.  Would you like me to link in the Wine bug?22:03
brycehRAOF, when you get in:  I've uploaded new jockey and nvidia-common for bug #1047681.  Mind reviewing/accepting them?22:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047681 in jockey (Ubuntu Quantal) "Add package nvidia-experimental for tracking nvidia beta drivers" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104768122:43
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
mlankhorstwell testing on my panda, seems i need some explicit depends on libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-quantal to upgrade things correctly, need to figure out a correct fix for that23:07
mlankhorstother than that it works it seems23:39

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