
* Kilos waves05:45
Kilosmorning all what does this mean??07:47
Kilos(gedit:8069): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: Missing callback called fullpath = /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel07:48
Kilosthats why my sound doesnt work on xchat on 12.04 with mate im sure07:55
Kilosi ran sudo gedit /home/miles/.xchat2/sounds07:56
Kilosto get that warning07:56
Kilosthat sound file is empty on other pc as well where xchat sound works08:02
Kilosyo Ludo 08:43
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
charlvngood morning10:44
charlvnMaaz: coffee on10:45
* Maaz starts grinding coffee10:45
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!10:49
charlvnMaaz: thanks10:59
Maazcharlvn: Okay :-)10:59
charlvnhttp://youtu.be/eJaaMzTjFC8 <- ha ha ha!11:00
kodezgreetings everyone12:31
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
charlvnhi Vince-0 13:02
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Cantide is now known as CanShower
=== CanShower is now known as Cantide
smile Johannesburg – Meer as 200 motoriste is die afgelope naweek in Gauteng in hegtenis geneem vir dronkbestuur, het die provinsiale verkeerspolisie Sondag gesê.  :o17:00
smileThat's a lot :p17:00
* inetpro 's ubuntu-za membership has expired17:08
* smile kicks inetpro out17:08
smileI won't do that. :) You are too friendly :p17:08
tumbleweedyou should get e-mail a week before it expires17:08
inetprotumbleweed: I think I got exactly one email, which was yesterday17:09
inetprobut let me check17:09
inetproI could have missed it17:09
inetprohmm... 17:09
Kerberois that the ubuntu-za loco?17:09
Kerberoor mailing list17:10
inetproactually I got a message a day since Sunday17:10
tumbleweedanyway, I'm not an admin, so can't help :)17:11
inetprobut I missed them all due to a rule which moves launchpad mails to another folder17:11
inetprotumbleweed: yes the loco membership on launchpad17:11
Kerberoahh ok17:11
inetproso tumbleweed, who do I talk to?17:11
tumbleweedoh, it's an open team, you can just re-join :)17:11
Kerberoi never got mail like that17:11
inetproI'm not sure whether it's even necessary to be a member these days17:12
tumbleweedit doesn't do anything except add a flag to your page, no17:13
* inetpro successfully re-joined South African Ubuntu team at a click of a button17:14
tumbleweeddo you feel patriotic? :)17:15
inetprofeels like rebooting a server with a long uptime17:15
Kerberodefine long17:15
inetproKerbero: hmm... like 1149 days?17:17
Kerberoo wow17:18
inetproactually my memberships went much further than that17:19
inetproanyway /me wbb17:19
inetprodinner time17:19
Kilosguten abend17:42
smileSchönen guten Abend, Kilos 17:44
charlvnhi Kilos 17:44
Kiloshehe you sleep inna wool17:44
Kilosschlafen sie wol17:44
Kilossomething like that17:44
smilelol. :P17:44
smileyour german is at the same level as mine is ;)17:45
Kiloslong time no see charlvn 17:45
Kiloshey smile 17:45
smilebig hug for Uncle Kilos :)17:45
Kilosaw ty smile 17:45
smileyw :)17:45
Kiloshad a bad head day so slept most of it away17:46
Kilosthe day not the head17:46
charlvnfunny i was just watching a video about how germany is taking over the economy17:47
charlvnyes long time no speak to, how's it going Kilos ?17:47
Kilosok ty charlvn why you been so scsrce??17:47
Kiloshope you well17:48
Kilosevening superfly 17:48
charlvnjust been busy17:48
superflyhi Kilos17:48
charlvni have been moving into a new apartment in the middle of the city17:48
Kiloshows things there SubOracle ?17:48
charlvnso i have been painting, drilling holes, hanging up curtains17:48
Kilosfamily and your health wise17:49
charlvni also still have a piece of floor to do, i need to put a mat right at the entrance17:49
Kilosah thats nice c har, closer to work?17:49
Kiloswhew ChanServ 17:49
Kiloscharlvn, 17:49
smilecharlvn: when your apartment is done, you will organise a party? :D17:50
charlvnsmile: i actually want to invite a few people over and eat some cake but i'm not a person for real parties17:50
smileme neither :)17:50
charlvnsmile: particularly for the people who helped me moving stuff around and who gave me some furniture17:50
charlvnKilos: not really much closer to work, about the same distance17:51
Kilosbetter place??17:51
smilecharlvn: that's very kind :)17:51
charlvnKilos: where i used to live was a really old building and i shared an apartment with a few other people17:51
Kilosah i see17:52
charlvnKilos: this is a more modern facility and i can live here on my own :)17:52
Kiloswell hope you happier now17:52
Kilosmaybe you wont be so scarce then17:52
charlvnKilos: no i will be on more from now on, the summer is over now and it's already getting colder so i will be spending a lot more time online17:53
charlvnKilos: you always see that in the european hacker scene, when it's summer there is relatively little going on, but in the winter there is a lot of activity17:53
charlvnKilos: mainly because everyone is indoors and doing interesting stuff with computers etc instead of doing stuff outside like in the summer17:53
Kilosour summer just starting. hadda coupla days of 30°c then cold again17:53
charlvnyeah here we also still get some mixed weather although it seems like the heat is about gone now17:54
charlvnwe had a terribly hot summer17:54
charlvnsmile: by the way, i discovered an interesting thing today, bier central also had la trappe which is actually a dutch beer17:57
charlvnsmile: NL is not exactly known for producing good beer so for some reason i always assumed it was a belgian beer17:58
charlvnsmile: only discovered it's a dutch beer today :)17:58
smileLa trappe is the only trappist17:58
smilein NL17:58
smileall other trappists are made in Belgium :)17:59
charlvnyeah i'm sure18:04
charlvnlike i said, NL is not exactly known  for producing good beer ;)18:04
smileYeah.. ;)18:04
smileThey stole our code o.O18:04
* smile steels it back18:05
charlvnthere is another exception though: http://www.hertogjan.nl/18:06
charlvnit's expensive but very good18:06
smileI have heard about it, but never tasted it :p18:06
charlvnthe other beer i like to drink is duvel, you can buy it about everywhere in NL but it's a belgian beer18:07
charlvnthere is also stella artois but i don't like it at all18:07
charlvnthe other beers i like to drink are german beers but they are sometimes a bit hard to buy in NL18:07
charlvnfortunately i live close to the german border so i just go and buy them in germany :)18:08
smilelol :)18:08
smiledo you live in drenthe?18:08
charlvnlike erdinger, krombacher, bitburger, etc18:08
smilein which province do you live, charlvn ? :)18:09
charlvni especially like weissbrau or hefeweissen18:09
charlvnsmile: overijssel18:09
smileoke :D18:09
smileJust under Drenthe18:09
smileMy guess wasn't that bad :p18:10
charlvnnope pretty good actually :)18:10
smileI was in Drenthe a few weeks ago18:11
charlvni have actually never been to drenthe, i don't normally go to the north of the country18:12
charlvni get to holland every so frequently though18:12
charlvni have family who live there18:12
smileI would like to visit all places in Europe18:14
charlvni don't even try :P18:14
smileBut I'll have a http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handelsreizigersprobleem .. ;)18:14
charlvnbut i really do want to make it to some hacker camp or something this year18:15
smile( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem )18:15
charlvnlast year i just got too busy / lazy18:15
smilegood luck :DD18:15
charlvnare you planning on attending anything?18:15
smileNot yet :) vague plans to meet someone in October18:16
smile(while studying, of course xD )18:16
charlvnif you hear of something interesting lemme know18:16
smileOf course I will :)18:16
charlvni thought of maybe even doing chaos communication congress this year18:16
charlvnalthough last year there wasn't too much interesting18:16
charlvnit's in berlin i think though so i will need to book accommodation early18:16
magespawnhowdy all18:17
charlvnbecause it's in a holiday season time of year too18:17
smileo :(18:17
charlvnhi magespawn 18:17
Kerbero"...and back to Hamburg in 2012"18:25
Kerberoie, not berlin this year18:25
magespawnis that a good thing?18:25
Kerberocloser to charlvn18:26
magespawni see, wish some of them were closer to me to18:26
smilegood night, everyone :)18:27
magespawnwe have a few of that sort of thing in south africa18:27
magespawnlater smile18:27
Kerberopycon in a few days18:27
smilesee ya, Kerbero and magespawn :)18:28
smilebye, charlvn 18:28
charlvnKerbero: ah that is very good news18:34
Kerberotoo bad i did not know about it last year18:35
Kerberootherwise i would've gone18:35
charlvnok maybe i should really make an effort then this year18:35
charlvni would like to see the programme up front though18:35
charlvnbecause last year's talks i thought was quite disappointing18:36
charlvnthey had some interesting stuff about tor though18:36
magespawnnow pycon would be something to go to 18:41
charlvni also like python but not enough to attend a whole conference just about it :)18:43
magespawnonly two days 18:43
charlvni see praekelt is also a sponsor18:43
charlvna good set of sponsors18:44
magespawnyou get free stuff at cons18:44
charlvnlol is that your only reason for going? :)18:45
charlvnthis does look interesting though: http://za.pycon.org/speaker/29/detail.html18:45
magespawnno good place to learn things18:45
charlvni tend to get a feeling that most conferences are too far behind the cutting edge18:45
charlvni went to oscon in 2010 and wasn't too impressed18:46
charlvni picked up a few interesting things18:46
charlvnbut most of it was pretty old stuff18:46
charlvntoo much too quickly too18:46
magespawnbesides this is cape town, would be good to visit18:48
charlvnit's a nice chance to meet people18:50
charlvnand cape town is always a nice place to visit for a few days18:50
magespawnhave friends there i have not seen for years and new ones i have not met face to face yet.18:51
charlvnwhat are you still waiting for :)18:52
magespawnneed time and money18:58
magespawnthere was a discussion aboit moving there a one stage18:58
inetprogood night 19:02
magespawnbesides for now my place is here19:02
* inetpro falling asleep19:02
magespawngood night inetpro19:02
charlvnnight inetpro 19:06
magespawni would really like to go one of those security type con, and the ones in the states always seem well organised19:09
magespawnDef Con thats the one19:12
magespawnbit sun baked today forgot hates and sunscreen19:12
* magespawn looks like a well done lobster19:13
charlvnthere is also shmoocon, defcon, and a variety of others19:18
charlvnhak5 often goes to some of them19:18
charlvnblackhat i mean19:18
charlvnin europe it's mainly ccc which is very good19:18
charlvnbut after a few years of some excellent research i feel last year was a let-down19:19
charlvnthe ccc has a lot of events though and they are typically worth attending19:19
charlvncamps, conferences, etc19:19
charlvnthere is also the linuxbierwanderung19:20
magespawnwhen rich will come to europe for a whole year of  nothing but cons19:28
magespawnlater all19:39
Kiloswow you guys been busy hey20:07
Kilossuperfly, is 12.04 kubuntu stable and does nm work properly?20:08
superflyhasn't ever given me problems20:08
Kilosim thinkinf of getting it with night surfer data if i can stay awake20:08
Kilosya but you fix things easy man20:09
Kilosdoes it work without fixes i mean20:09
Kilossuperfly, you just install and it works?20:09
superflyyup, that was my experience20:10
Kilosand where do i find nm on it20:10
Kilosgood then ill give it a go methinks20:10
superflyit is in your tray area20:10
Kilosah good ty20:10
Kilosinetpro, lewe jy nog20:10
KilosMaaz, google where to download kubuntu iso20:12
MaazKilos: "Download Kubuntu | Kubuntu" http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download :: "Get Kubuntu | Kubuntu" http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu :: "Kubuntu 11.04 Released | Kubuntu" http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release :: "Kubuntu 10.04.4 LTS (Lucid Lynx)" http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.04/ :: "Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)" http://old-20:12
Maazreleases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/9.04/ :: "Kubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)" http://releases.ubuntu.com/…20:12
KilosMaaz, google where to download kubuntu 12.04 iso20:13
MaazKilos: "Download Kubuntu | Kubuntu" http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download :: "Kubuntu 12.04 LTS | Kubuntu" http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release :: "Kubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (Precise Pangolin)" http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/12.04/release/ :: "Kubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) Daily Build" http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ ::20:13
Maaz"kubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso (download torrent) - TPB" http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7218540/…20:13
superflyKilos: do you want a live cd, or an alternate installer cd?20:15
Kiloslive cd i think20:15
Kilosclean install but not deleting home20:15
Kilostoo many email addies and settings to sort from scratch again20:16
superflyKilos: 32 or 64 bit?20:16
Kilos32 superfly 20:16
Kilosas long as i can find a terminal ill get by i think20:16
Kilosian cant get his nm going onna lappy with kde 12.0420:17
superflyKilos: it's easy to find the terminal :-)20:17
Kilosso better i install so i know what he is looking at20:17
superflyKilos: Kubuntu uses the KDE version of Network Manager20:17
Kilosyes but is it just a little icon somewhere?20:18
Kilosright click setup?20:18
Kilosterminal on gnome is ctrl+alt+t20:18
Kilosis kde different20:19
superflyKilos: KDE is not Gnome, so KDE is different.20:20
Kiloshehe so what keys please superfly 20:20
Kilosill write it down20:20
superflyKilos: what do you mean, what keys? you go to Konsole in your menu20:20
Kilosoh is that like applications20:21
Kilosshortcut keys to open a terminal20:21
Kilosand can i have lotsa workspaces20:22
KerberoKilos: i can help you with your network again tomorrow20:22
Kerberoif you are going to reinstall, please do not use firestarter again20:22
Kilosgood ty Kerbero 20:22
Kerberoi was a bit busy the past few days20:22
Kilosok i got arnos yesterday but didnt work either20:22
superflyKilos: I think that's because you have too much other junk installed20:23
Kerberogui programs to manage the firewall just doesn't work as well as doing it by hand20:23
Kilosah ok then Kerbero ty for offering. ill give you a shout once setup20:24
Kiloslast setup crashed nm completely20:24
Kiloson booting next morning nm was gone20:24
superflyKerbero: I don't know if you've ever used Arno's but it's a service, and it really simplifies firewall management20:24
Kilosive told you guys. murphy lives here20:24
superflyit's nice and light, doesn't do more than what it needs to20:25
Kerberosuperfly: no i havn't used arnos20:25
Kerberobut i did have a look at firestarter20:25
Kerberoand some other ones20:25
Kilossuperfly, why you asked all the info about 32 and 64 bit?20:25
superflyKilos: was trying to find you a decent download link20:25
Kilosoh ty20:26
superflyKilos: but mirror.ac.za is hopelessly out of date at the moment20:26
Kilosuh oh20:26
Kilosshout at symmetria20:26
KilosSymmetria, ping20:26
Kerberosymm said last time to use ufs' mirror20:26
Kerberobetter management there20:27
superflylets see if I Can find a link20:27
superflynope, modern releases of Kubuntu are only available on the international mirror: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/12.04/release/kubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso20:29
Kilosty superfly 20:30
Kiloscan one wget it?20:30
Kilosor better to go there20:30
superflyKilos: you can wget that link I pasted20:31
Kilosgreat ty superfly 20:31
Kerberosuperfly: arno's firewall script does the same thing that i do not like of the other tools too20:32
Kerberolocking down the machine20:32
Kerberoit is not a bad thing20:32
Kerberobut i don't like it if something do that without me specifically telling it to20:32
superflyKerbero: you mean doing what a firewall is supposed to do? :-P20:32
Kerberosuperfly: doing what a windows firewall does20:33
Kerberoif the port is not open on your computer, why firewall it?20:33
Kerberoespecially if it is a home PC20:33
Kerberoif it is a server on routable open internet fine20:33
Kerberobut home pc no20:33
superflyfor me, the machine running the firewall is on a routable open internet connection - i have a web server on there20:34
Kerberoin kilos' case it is anyway only one rule he needs to do the masquerading20:34
Kerberowebserver yes, firewall and run ssh on not-port-2220:36
Kerberoo and then one also runs fail2ban20:36
Kiloslol Kerbero work it all out lekker20:36
KilosKerbero, ill run a clean system with no other things installed. hope you know kubuntu20:36
Kerberosuperfly: i know you don't like webmin, but i find webmin's iptables interface is very nice20:37
Kerberothe clearest one i have seen20:37
Kerberowhat we do on a vps on open internet is to start the webmin service only when we need it20:37
superflyKilos: well, like Kerbero said, there's really only one rule you need to know20:37
Kerberoand of course it also runs on a non default port20:37
KerberoKilos: kubuntu doesn't matter20:38
Kerberothe terminal works the same everywhere20:38
Kilosah we use cli anyway hey20:38
Kilosyou type too fast for me20:38
KerberoIRC taught me how to type faster20:39
Kilosi installed 12.04 5 times yesterday and last night to get nm to at least show mobile broadband20:39
Kerberoyou installed it with the 3g modem unplugged right?20:40
Kilosyeah painful after a install not being able to update even20:40
Kiloscouldnt even install sakis3g because you gotta wget it20:40
Tonberryever thought of getting a dedicated 3g router?20:40
Kerbero^very good idea20:41
Kilosprice Tonberry ?20:41
Kilosalso then need another network cable20:41
Kilosa thousand bucks?20:41
Kerberoyeah :(20:42
Kilosthats a years data for me20:42
Kerberoyes i think you are better of doing it with your PC now20:42
Kilosya i think so20:42
Kilosits a waste for 2 pcs with limited cap20:43
Kilossuperfly, sorry to bug what sight do you update upgrade from if our mirror is outa date20:46
superflyKilos: I don't know, Kubuntu just picks up a decent mirror20:55
Kiloswget rocking, hold thumbs for me20:58
Kilosfirst iso download20:59
Kilos5 secs per meg20:59
Kiloswhew long way to go20:59
Kerberonot bad20:59
Kilosim doing it from maverick21:00
Kilosi still trust 10.1021:00
Kerberoi still trust 8.1021:01
Kerberoit was the best ubuntu ever :P21:01
Kerberothe one with the bird on the background i think21:01
Kilosi started on 8.1021:01
Kerberoor the one after that21:01
Kerberoyeah me too21:01
Kilosbut it got better every release up till 11.0421:02
Kilosthere was too much to do manually21:02
Kerberoi think it got worse21:02
Kiloseven mxit in pidgin was a battle21:02
Kerberoonly hardware support got a lot better21:03
Kerberothat is true21:03
Kerberoi remember21:03
Kilosmethinks maverick was my best system ive used here21:03
Kilosnew pidgin has everything already there21:03
Kerberobut ubuntu scrapped pidgin from its default install21:04
Kilosjust the plugins to install;21:04
Kilosyeah when they went empathy they went backwards21:04
Kilospidgin rocks21:04
Kilosi think thunderbird mail also isnt as nice as 10.10 evolution21:05
* bakuman uses thunderbird21:06
Kerberoi've been using thunderbird for a very long time21:06
Kerberoas evolution broke when exchange upgraded to 200721:06
Kilosevo can make its own backups21:06
Kerberogoogle keeps my backups21:06
Kilosi use online stuff as little as possible21:07
Kerberoi use it a lot21:07
Kilosat a stage i was limited to 100m data a month21:07
Kerberoas everything is nicely synchronized accross all my devices21:07
Kerberooffice pc, home pc, laptop and mobile phone21:07
Kilos8ta has helped a lot21:07
Kerberouni internet helps a lot here :P21:08
Kilosyeah it would 21:08
Kerberoespecially the free repo's21:08
Kilos20% downloaded21:08
Kilosmodem must be cooking21:09
Kerberoon a good day i can get 70MB/s from our local repo on my office PC21:09
Kilosid be happy with 1 mB/s21:09
Kerberoyeah 1MB/s is awesome21:10
Kilosbut then 8ta special would also not be enough21:10
Kerberoi had that when i started using ubuntu21:10
Kerberoi think that is one of the main reasons i stayed21:11
Kilosive never gone over 400 kB/s and that was for a few secs only21:11
Kerberoit is just too easy to install a new program21:11
Kerberowell 400kB/s is quite fast for 3G21:11
Kilosthey advertise the modems as 6mB/s21:12
Kilosits them providers that limit you21:12
Kiloslike the mtn R50 for a day21:12
Kilosafter first 500m they choke you to 120kB/s21:13
Kilosbut that goes down to 10kB/s at times21:13
Kilos200m downloaded21:14
Kiloshope its not a dvd iso21:15
Kerberook nag oom kilos. ek gaan nou eers bed toe.21:20
Kilosnag Kerbero 21:22
Kiloslekker slaap21:22
Kilossuperfly, does one do a checksum thing too?21:45
superflyif you want... I can't say I've ever really bothered21:47
* superfly goes to bed21:50
Kilossleep tight superfly 21:50
Kilosty for the help21:50
Kilosaw disconnected at 98 % download22:09

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