
zykotick9pentagon: if it's an actual ISO, then you don't need "clone" features... just sayin'00:01
pentagonzykotick9: so i should be able to verify the cd against the standard md500:03
zykotick9pentagon: ya.  iso is easy ;)  cat can do it.00:03
niarghzodiak: thx, will have a look.00:03
pentagonwhat are the standard md5sums00:04
zykotick9!md5sums | pentagon00:04
ubottupentagon: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.00:04
pentagonsomeone put them up in here for 2 pont verification00:04
pentagonthisaway i know im not getting md5sums replaced on my http line00:06
CongIs possible to switch the side of where files on the desktop are put on a paste command and created?00:07
pentagonwill someone paste the ubuntu i386 server iso md5sum in this channel please00:10
CongHow will you know it's correct?00:11
Pici!hashes | pentagon00:11
ubottupentagon: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/12.04/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release00:11
mmnicolasCong: it will match the md5 from his iso ?00:11
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pentagonbecause the dns servers could be sending me to bad hash pages00:12
Congmmnicolas, why do you write the question mark out, with a space like that. is that correct grammer?00:14
pentagonwill someone paste the ubuntu i386 server iso md5sum in this channel please00:14
mmnicolasCong: I'm french00:15
Congmmnicolas, doesn't mean a thing to me00:15
ikoniapentagon: you can get it from the ubuntu.com website00:18
VlanZcan i reset an USB controller on ubuntu w/out restarting the whole system?00:21
mmnicolasVlanZ: man modprobe00:22
alexandroshello guys00:25
alexandrosi just started using lubuntu00:25
alexandrosand im curious if i can add a shortcut on the desktop for a website00:25
DarkStar1hello has anyone here managed to install courier mailserver on 12.04?00:27
chris92alexandros: did u try to do a right-click on the desktop and see if there is sth like "Create an URL-Link"?00:27
DarkStar1Also is cgi interface enabled by default in ubuntu?00:28
GlycanI'm trying to install BURG. add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/burg as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg gives "Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)"00:28
ikoniaDarkStar1: cgi interface ?what00:28
Glycan(with a python traceback before that)00:28
DarkStar1in apache web server00:28
ikoniaDarkStar1: there is an apache package for ubuntu with all modules available00:29
VlanZmmnicolas: is it normal that  modprobe -r usbhid  hangs the USB controller?00:29
DarkStar1So that's a yes then as I installed from the repo00:29
DarkStar1 :)00:29
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stepnjumpok ikonia, sorry for not getting back to you earlier. Well, unless one might be a whizz, it's not obvious to know how to tell the distro to ignore the files it wants to download. It has a mind of it's own00:33
ikoniastepnjump: you DON'T TELL IT TO IGNORE - IT NEEDS THEM !!! THEY ARE NOT THERE00:34
ikoniastepnjump: how many times can I say this "it cannot run the upgrade because the files it needs are not on the remote server"00:35
stepnjumpok...mmm so what is your suggestion?00:35
ikoniaeither change to a mirror with the files or contact the mirror owner00:35
stepnjumpI get that... but if the system needs them and obviously cannot download them because they are not there, so what is your suggested alternative00:36
ikoniaI've just told you the alternative00:36
stepnjumpok thanks then for your help... I'll look into that00:36
ikoniaeither switch to a server that has the files, or contact the mirror owner to get the files put back00:36
Richard_CavellGuys I'm on 12.04 running from USB.  I have a parallel port installed on my computer and I want to know whether Ubuntu recognizes it.  How do I tell?00:37
KM0201Richard_Cavell: something as old as a parallel, i'd say probably, i take it you're trying to get a printer or scanner working?00:37
KM0201gry: lspci will only show devices on the pci bus... don't think a parallel port runs there (it might though)00:38
Richard_Cavellmore complicated than that though KM0201 I'm trying to bit bang the parallel port with avrdude00:38
Richard_CavellMy parallel port is actually on a PCI card that is plugged into my PCI slot00:38
KM0201hmm, it might show up in lspci then00:38
Richard_CavellI can see 5:02.0 Communitcation controller: Device 5372:687200:38
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KM0201bit bang parallel port with avvrdude?   i hope something got lost in the translation there, because that makes no sense.00:39
Richard_CavellKM0201: that's what it is mate00:39
DarkStar1has anyone here managed to install courier mailserver on 12.04? I am having issues with the webadmin interface00:39
Richard_CavellKM0201: avrdude can communicate directly over the parallel port with an AVR chip to program it00:39
KM0201DarkStar1: you might try asking in ubuntu-server00:39
Richard_Cavellbut my Windows 7 drivers for the parallel port aren't signed so Win 7 won't recognize it (it's cheap Chinese junk)00:39
KM0201ic... i have no idea on that one, dunno.00:39
DarkStar1KM0201: thx00:40
ikoniaDarkStar1: webmin won't work with ubuntu00:40
ikonia!webmin | DarkStar100:40
ubottuDarkStar1: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.00:40
Richard_Cavellis there a way I can see whether lpt1 exists?00:40
DarkStar1ikonia: not webmin. webadmin00:40
gry!info webadmin00:40
ubottuPackage webadmin does not exist in precise00:40
ikoniaDarkStar1: my apologies00:40
DarkStar1which is a courier addon00:40
yekomswebmin works fine for me. but i only use it to edit mysql remotely..00:44
KM0201not webmin, webadmin00:44
yekomsive never heard of webadmin.00:44
KM0201because it's something to manage a courier mail server00:44
DarkStar1yup. I install it and it tells me that cgi may not be configured for the webserver (which it is) or I didn't read the install file regarding it (which I did)00:47
duhhhow do I save my settings in xchat so it connects to all my servers and channels when i open it?01:10
gogetaduhh: you set that up in the settings lol01:10
duhhi dont see where01:11
xineor edit your ~/.xchat2/servlist_.conf01:11
gogetaduhh: http://xchat.org/faq/#q2301:11
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bsmith093http://www.example.net/s/[1-10000000] i need these links one line each in a file, how do i do this?01:16
duhhperfect thans ti whoever helped me01:17
duhhthere you are01:17
duhhtoo many G's forget who it was01:18
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Sidney__when I attemtp to run from a usb stick I get the warning " The system is running in low-graphics mode01:35
KM0201whats your graphics chipset and do you have the driver installed>01:36
Sidney__why would the system run in low graphics mode in a live session01:36
zykotick9Sidney__: 'cause it doesn't have the drivers for your video card...01:36
[x]how to log in ssh shell via terminal ?01:36
zykotick9[x]: "ssh remote-address" or is you need to change users "ssh user@remote-address"01:37
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:37
[x]i want to log in to cjb.net shell account in linux01:37
[x]zykotick9, thanks01:38
Sidney__but it boots into windows01:38
Sidney__dosen't a live session use generic drivers01:39
cedwardsI recently applied some updates to my VM server, and now I'm unable to access any of my virtual guests.01:40
cedwardsIs there a known issue with that, or did I manage to somehow hose multiple VMs at once?01:40
[x]how to set up tor for terminal ?01:41
zykotick9cedwards: what VM software?  details required.01:41
cedwardszykotick9: I'm running 12.04 LTS, using virsh and deployed the VMs with ubuntu-vm-builder..01:41
[x]zykotick9, is it possible to set up tor for terminal ?01:42
b1Just testing, can anyone read me????01:42
zykotick9cedwards: well hopefully someone else in the channel uses a similar setup (i don't).  good luck.01:42
[x]Troy^ has quit (Excess Flood)?01:43
zykotick9b1: test = fail ;)01:43
[x]zykotick9, ?01:43
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rocky_who uses empathy?01:45
the_loop_diggai do;)01:46
[x]what is empathy ?01:46
zykotick9rocky_: see "/msg ubottu anyone" for a better question.01:46
gry[x], empathy is an im client01:46
gry!empathy | [x] read here01:47
ubottu[x] read here: empathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin01:47
[x]ok gry01:47
[x]ok let me try01:47
[x]"apt-get install empathy" enuf to install ?01:48
[x]ok got it :)01:49
Sidney__KM0201, my chipset is Nvidia Geforce 7025/nnForce 630a01:50
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:52
zauberparacelsusDoes Ubuntu have any equivalent to Arch Linux's makepkg utility for recompiling packages from source?01:53
[x]my wifi card not picking up data packets only recieving beacons what is the problem ?01:53
gryzauberparacelsus, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/?01:53
zauberparacelsusgry: I don't want to create a package, I want to compile a patched package for xorg so that my drawing tablet works properly.01:54
gryisn't 'compiling' it in this manual too?01:55
[x]gry are you bot ?01:56
grynot yet01:56
Demonarchad some questions about wifi security can anyone help?01:58
ikoniaDemonarc: if it's about ubuntu, just ask01:59
upsetI have a strange noise problem since upgrading to 12.04. My internal microphone is saturated with noise. What can I do?02:00
WeThePeoplewill upgrading keep my apps on the hdd02:01
WeThePeople /join #linux02:01
Demonarcwell is about wpa pins. do wpa pins only apply when you use the one step security setup on the routers?02:01
Sidney__why cant i run a live cd without installing drivers02:02
WeThePeoplesidney__, is their a erroe msg02:02
ddtgei need help02:02
WeThePeopleddtge, just ask02:03
Sidney__running in low graphic mode but the other os works fine02:03
ddtgei'm install lirc now, what i need to choose in the installation table for "rc-dib0700-rc5"02:03
socommHello. I've just installed ubuntu on a new computer and I'm trying to get sound working.02:04
Sidney__WeThePeople, this started when i attempted to install 12.04 on another drive02:04
socommThe motherboard has integrated sound card, but for some reason my OS does not pick it up.02:04
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:04
Demonarchave some network questions can anyone point me to the right channel?02:05
gryor here if it's on ubuntu02:05
ddtgei'm install lirc now, what i need to choose in the installation table for "rc-dib0700-rc5"02:05
ddtgei have a list of IR receivers but i cant find my.02:06
Sidney__xserver will not start but i am asked to upgrade to 12.04 will this complete hose the system?02:12
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[x]how to update a particular program ? e.g firefox02:14
shallwehi guys, in gnome 3 if you point the mouse on top corner left, its show the menu and windows opens, can i make the same effect in ubuntu?02:14
Shazer[2]Hey. I'm trying to install vim from the command line but I have ran into this problem: http://codepad.org/H9nKk4Ra02:15
DemonarcI have some wifi questions to ask little advanced what channel should i go to?02:15
Sidney__Demonarc maybe hardware02:16
Sidney__that would be my first choice02:17
Shazer[2]Demonarc, he means #hardware02:17
Sidney__oh sorry02:17
Demonarcoh ok :)02:17
Sidney__well i did learn something today02:18
BennI'm using Kubuntu. When a program crashes, is the 'developer information' it gives you the same as a .crash report?02:18
Sidney__Shazer[2], thank you02:18
gryBenn, try #kubuntu, no idea sorry02:19
chris92jaker333: hey02:24
chris92 /msg nickserv identify blink18202:26
chris92damn damn dam02:26
[x]wc chris9202:26
chris92pw changed02:28
[x]he put the pw :D02:28
Demonarci have some advanced network questions what channel should i go to?02:28
chris92screw you, space02:28
Smackbookthats why i alwasys send my identify in a PM window to NickServ when it asks02:28
chris92yea Smackbook I already changed the pw02:29
chris92its fine02:29
[x]blink82 ? worth a pw lol02:29
chris92[x]: yea :D02:29
[x]chris92, how to change pw ?02:30
chris92Smackbook: is there a way to contact the guys who are responsible for the logging of this channel?02:30
Smackbookmaybe but its probably not worth the red tape02:30
Smackbookbetter change it anyway02:30
chris92[x]: /msg nickserv set PASSWORD02:30
chris92Smackbook: already changed, but still02:31
Demonarci have some security questions . what channel should i go to?02:31
Smackbookwe all knwo it was blink182 ;)02:31
[x]oh k02:31
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Smackbooklogged on all our computers02:31
chris92Smackbook: okay okay... :D02:31
[x] [x]: how you select ma nick like this ?02:32
[x] [x]: how you select ma nick like this ? chris9202:32
chris92i write [ and press TAB02:32
abyss42I have a windows and a ubuntu partition in my machine right now. For some reason, windows is not working properly and I want to re-install my windows. Will it overwrite the ubuntu partition when I reinstall windows?02:33
MonkeyDustabyss42  no, but it will ruin the grub menu02:33
chris92abyss42: as long as you choose the right partition, it wont overwrite it. you might have to fix grub afterwards, tho02:33
Demonarccan anyone help? i have wireless questions02:33
chris92!anyone | Demonarc02:33
ubottuDemonarc: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:33
[x]using xchat ?02:34
[x]i'm getting [x],02:34
chris92[x]: I'm using hexchat, a modified and more powerful version of xchat02:34
abyss42MonkeyDust, thats what i thought...but if grub is gone., how will i select which OS to run?02:34
MonkeyDustabyss42  repair the grub menu02:34
upsetI have high levels of static when using my internal microphone ever since a few months ago. I'm using 12.04. What can I do?02:34
abyss42MonkeyDust, I meant to say will i have access to the linux terminal?02:35
abyss42to repair the grub menu02:35
abyss42or will need to do it via live cd02:35
MonkeyDustabyss42  you'll have to use the live cd ot usb02:35
abyss42MonkeyDust, thats what i thought thanks02:35
Demonarcis there a channel for wireless security?02:35
MonkeyDustDemonarc  try #ubuntu02:36
chris92MonkeyDust: troll much?02:36
[x]chris92, apt-get install hexchat not working02:36
seednodeWhat about wireless security do you need help with?02:36
Demonarcisnt that is where i am?02:36
seednodechris: I don't think it's in repos; look for a .deb online02:36
[x]how to install hexchat chris9202:37
seednodeI mean [x]02:37
seednodeTagged the wrong person.02:37
MonkeyDustDemonarc  better just ask your question02:37
chris92[x]: I send you a query on how-to install it02:37
[x]seednode, ?02:37
seednodeI was saying it's not in repos, [x]02:37
seednodeYou'll have to Google it and find a .deb02:37
Demonarcis there a wireless security channel?02:37
yeats!alis | Demonarc02:38
seednodeNot that I know of, Demonarc , what's your question?02:38
ubottuDemonarc: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:38
[x]yea seednode02:38
[x]i know how to install via repos only , is there any guide to install a fiile offline from HD02:39
seednodeDownload the .deb file, go to the folder it's in, and type 'sudo dpkg -i packagename'02:39
STMelonhexchat info and to add the repo02:39
Demonarci need a advanced wireless channel please. can anyone help?02:40
upsetAgain, extreme noise when recording and it's a new problem. I have messed with alsamixer, pavucontrol, and decreased the mic volume, but noise is still high and covers my speech.02:40
chris92Demonarc: as already said, we're not aware of any channel02:40
chris92Demonarc: just ask your question here and we will try to help you as much as possible02:40
[x]how to add https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/hexchat-stable to repos02:40
MonkeyDustDemonarc  instead of asking if there's such channel, try asking your question here02:40
showdoni know this is a ubuntu irc, but does anyone know anything about backtrack distro?02:41
msxshowdon: what you want to know?02:41
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MonkeyDustshowdon  type /join #backtrack-linux, it's not supported here02:41
msxbacktrack it's ubuntu at its core02:41
seednodeshowdon: I know a bit about it.02:41
msxjt__: hellopat_02:42
Demonarcwhat kind of backtrack question did you have?02:42
ClientAliveNiteRain: What up man!  :)02:42
jt__I am new and probably will need some kind of help lol02:42
showdonwell i tried installing it and it freezes on a black screen after typing startx in the command prompt02:42
NiteRainHey ClientAlive02:42
jt__is there a linux mint irc channel? does anyone know?02:43
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ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:43
Demonarcdid you run it in a virtual drive?02:43
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ClientAliveNiteRain: what u up to tonight?02:43
showdonno, hard drive boot02:43
NiteRaininstalled desura02:43
Demonarcso you ave nothing else installed?02:43
jt__ah dang mint, I want to switch to ubuntu but I cannot stand the desktop02:44
ClientAliveright on02:44
ClientAliveI'll have to google what that is02:44
jt__what would be the02:44
showdonwell i have mint and ubuntu installed02:44
MonkeyDustjt__  you can use another desktop if you want, unity is just the default02:44
chris92jt__ did you think about using another desktop environment like xfce or kde? u dont need to use unity02:44
jt__what would be the best ubuntu to use?02:44
BennAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462802:44
chris92jt__: depends on which desktop environment you prefer02:44
jt__i miss gnome 2 is there a desktop like that?02:45
ClientAliveNiteRain: ahh, something about getting games02:45
chris92jt__ probably XFCE02:45
Demonarcinstall one jesus lol02:45
NiteRainLOL yup02:45
ClientAliveright on02:45
MonkeyDustjt__  fallback/classic is very similar to gnome2, i use it too02:45
bizhanMonahi does ubuntu supports systemd? Thx02:45
jt__ok I will have to try that02:45
NiteRainClientAlive: how is everything going with unison?02:45
Demonarci have a  question with wpa202:46
ClientAliveMonkeyDust: Yes it is, I was stuck on it the other night and finally got full gnome working02:46
scath<----- Gentoo convert02:46
ClientAliveI'm basically stuck and don't know what else to try02:46
Smackbooki might screwed, i was trying to change my user to login without a password, so I went to the User accounts thing and first i thought i had to change the password so I typed the same password into the old and new/confirm password boxes, but then i realized the "login without password" option is a dropbox at the top.  So I dropped it down to "login without password" which greyed out the password boxes I had typed into and clicked ok.  now02:46
Bennjt__, I like Kubuntu because its interface is more list-based. Ubuntu's Unity uses icons.02:46
chris92Demonarc: just ask your question ^^02:46
NiteRainClientAlive: stuck on the gnome side or unison side?02:47
Demonarcwhere can i can some advanced wireless help at?02:47
blackshirtdemonarc,what is your wifi card?02:47
chris92Demonarc: for the last time, just ask your question in this channel, please02:47
ClientAliveNiteRain: with unison. I was trying to do a relatively advanced setup (and I'm just learning it). Seems it should have worked but in the end I get errors w/ everything I try.02:47
pooltablehelp need a good cd rip program ??02:49
Demonarci need to know when the wpa pin is used? is it only when people touch there one time security on their router?02:49
=== Justasic- is now known as Justasic
scathHey all.  I'm used to compiling everything with all sorts of march/mcpu tweaks and so on.  I know it doesn't matter most of the time, but for things like POVRay and various codecs I'd like to at least turn on SSE and so on.  What's the best method of going about installing source packages and going from there?02:49
ClientAliveNiteRain: Basically, I made a "common" file that I wanted to put prefs that would be included in all my little unique .prf files. And I created a default.prf (because I beleve you have to with that type of set up). Really my motivation to all this was wanting to set up diff3 for doing merges.02:49
folorncould anyone help im having some issues unpacking 2 jar files :problem is they wont upack well atleast 1 of  them wont.02:49
ClientAliveNiteRain: I think it's because I misunderstood something about diff3 and how it works. I tested it (diff3) manually on some test files and it works though.02:50
folornive tried all sorts of combinations of jar -xcf etc and it still wont and its got the make file in it02:50
folornanyone spare some quick help? ;)02:50
ddtgelinux supprt ir receiver?02:51
blackshirtfolorn,maybe has been corrupted02:51
blackshirtddtge, ir was old thing02:51
jaker333is there a way to shutdown a program after a period of unactivity?02:51
Demonarcis there any "security" channels?02:52
NiteRainClientAlive: are we talking about the same file you put the two roots in one from your system and the other from the remote system and then add the paths you want to keep insync?02:52
ddtgeblackshirt, i mean IR remote control....02:52
MonkeyDustDemonarc  type /join ##security02:53
folorn thats the file i need extracted the shagg-0.2.0.src.jar02:53
ClientAlivejaker333: egrep can find the PID of the program based on it's name then you can kill the process based on the PID. (from the terminal). Not sure the exact details/ commands though.'02:53
ClientAliveNiteRain: It would be difficult for me to explain by typing but there are three small files I could paste that pertty much show what I was after.02:54
MonkeyDustDemonarc  there's also #wireless and #linux-wireless02:55
ClientAliveNiteRain: paste.ubuntu.com/1250882/   paste.ubuntu.com/1250883/   paste.ubuntu.com/1250884/02:57
BennAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462802:57
SecretFireis it possible to open a ftp p2p connection with an IP address02:57
ClientAliveNiteRain: first is default.prf  second is common  and third is a profile I created to sync folder in my "storage" area02:58
bazhangSecretFire, ##networking02:58
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lobhaterhello all03:05
mark06why Ubuntu font looks so much better in Windows?03:12
blackshirtmark86,because you like them :d03:13
UidXUbuntu is considered as a typographical error lol03:14
lobhaterUidx: why?03:15
ikoniathis has nothing to do with this channe03:15
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
ikoniait's a support channel03:15
UidXi dont know that pic underlined Ubuntu03:15
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=== lyre is now known as Karid
mark06none of one and a half thousand people knows this?03:19
lobhaterhow is everyone tonight?03:21
blackshirtmorning on my place :d03:21
ikonia#ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chatter please.03:21
grylobhater, good thanks, how can we help you?03:21
zykotick9lobhater: do you have a support question?  if so ask.  see ikonia's msg above if you what to "chat".03:22
lobhatergry: i am good, i was kinda hoping i could be of some service. thanks though03:22
Pinkamena_Ddoes anyone know how to make sysmonitor indicator show the swap useage?03:22
BennnAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462803:22
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Pinkamena_Dtheir are options where its like display: cpu:{cpu ram:{ram}03:24
Pinkamena_Dputting {swap} didnt work.03:24
mark06ikonia: that's a technical question, because there's a technical reason why it doesn't look the same as in Ubuntu03:24
mark06ikonia: what channel would have an answer?03:25
ikoniano idea03:25
ikoniaand it's a matter of opinion, I don't think it looks better03:25
mark06ok :(03:25
mark06well, replace better with different03:25
mark06which is easily inferred03:25
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
meowcow_I can not dualboot my macbook with 10.04 mini.iso. It will not boot from usb. I have tried the method from the wiki.03:31
lobhaterhow do i make it so that when i open chrome i do not have to enter my keyring password everytime?03:32
blackshirt!info openvpn-server03:33
ubottuPackage openvpn-server does not exist in precise03:33
blackshirt!info openvpn03:33
ubottuopenvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.1-8ubuntu1 (precise), package size 431 kB, installed size 1067 kB03:33
blackshirt!info openvpn-utils03:33
ubottuPackage openvpn-utils does not exist in precise03:33
blackshirt!info openvpn-tools03:34
ubottuPackage openvpn-tools does not exist in precise03:34
blackshirt!info openvpn-client03:34
ubottuPackage openvpn-client does not exist in precise03:34
lobhaterwhy are you repeating yourself? please stop03:34
Smackbookor ask ubottu that stuff in a pm03:35
Smackbooki was trying to change from gdm back to lightdm by dpkg-reconfigure gdm, and now when I reboot x doesnt start at all when I reboot.  tail /var/log/dmesg ends in "init: gdm main process killed by TERM signal".  any suggestions?03:36
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!03:36
StepNjumpikonia, thank you very much for your help. You helped me fix it... now it works! It was down for over 1 year!!!03:37
StepNjumpikonia I owe you.... thanks a million03:37
lobhaterSmackbook:  what is the output when you try to restart lightdm?03:38
bodhyhi hall, i have one problem https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Intrepid when i give sudo do-release-upgrade03:38
Smackbooklobhater: how do I do that?03:38
Smackbookall i know is startx03:38
bodhyChecking for a new ubuntu release Failed Upgrade tool signature Failed Upgrade tool Done downloading             extracting 'jaunty.tar.gz' Failed to extract Extracting the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.03:38
ddtgeblackshirt, you know how i can work with IR remote control03:38
lobhaterSmackbook:are you at the terminal i assume as the gui wont start?03:39
lobhaterSmackbook:   sudo service lightdm restart03:39
blackshirtddtge, no, i don't have this03:40
bodhyhow resolve ?03:41
Smackbooklobhater: it just swtiches back to terminal 7 and shows those final terminal boot messages (starting daemons etc)03:41
lobhateris there anything when you switch back to f103:42
=== scottas is now known as zz_scottas
lobhaterSmackbook:is there anything when you switch back to f103:42
bitvector2What is the preferred tool(part of the base os) to manipulate startup scripts like chkconfig in RHEL?03:43
Smackbooklightdm start/running, process 1712, but that process doesnt seem to be running, so it must be stopping immediatly03:43
lobhaterSmackbook: sudo apt-get purge gdm03:45
lobhaterSmackbook: sudo apt-get purge lightdm03:45
lobhatersudo apt-get install lightdm03:45
Smackbookwait, could changing the defualt user session to something invalid cause this?  I was trying to set it to xbmc before this03:46
lobhaterSmackbook:sudo apt-get install lightdm03:46
lobhaterSmackbook: yea very well could, did you not change it back?  try that now if you didnt03:46
Smackbooklobhater: i was trying to undo a series of things and wasnt sure what to do first, im trying it03:47
lobhaterSmackbook: lol I understand all to well ;)03:48
lobhaterSmackbook: they prob wont fix it but worth a try for sure. i would try to undo everything you can remember03:48
Smackbookis there a way to list available session strings?03:48
ClientAlivehas anyone here familiar with merge? I'm reading the man page but having trouble understainding how it works. I never used anything like it before.03:49
lobhaterSmackbook:  not my cup of tea. sorry03:50
lobhaterSmackbook: what are you trying to do?   you do know about 'tab' for auto complete right?  but it prob wont work for that03:51
lobhaterSmackbook: any luck?03:55
hxxwhere are your from?04:00
woot-0854irc got quiet04:01
lobhaterSmackbook: brb 5 min04:01
woot-0854NCS_One: hi04:02
hxxi only known little about English...04:03
chris92hxx, what is your native language?04:03
PCI7250-Helphxx if u speak spanish i can translate for u04:03
NCS_OneI'm on ubuntu 12.04. I have Pointer speed acceleration and sensitivity on the minimum but it still moves very fast. What can I do?04:03
woot-0854hxx: um I can say hello in chinese04:04
dcrouchNCS_One try setting to fastest.04:04
PCI7250-Helphxx: hablas español ?04:04
hxxi can not..04:05
chris92hxx where are you from? which country?04:05
NCS_Onedcrouch: thanks, setting it to fast and then to slow fixed it :)04:06
hxxGuangDong Chinese04:06
dcrouchNCS_One, welcome.  I forget the system but it seems like one I used had speeds reversed.04:07
chris92do we have a chinese support channel for ubuntu, guys?04:08
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:08
chris92almost thought so^^04:08
chris92shouldve been directed to hxx04:08
BennAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462804:10
chris92!cn | hxx04:12
ubottuhxx: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:12
PCI7250-Helphi Guys... i'm new at linux (using ubuntu 11.10), the thing is that i have a Data Adq. Card (PCI7250)  with 16 relays that can be input or output installed, but i don't know how to test it. The card have some samples (written in .c) is there anyway i can open the form and see if it turns on a led or switch a relay ?04:13
wilee-nileePCI7250-Help, If I search the web with your card and ubuntu no hits, with linux 1 hit04:16
OerHeksa .c editor ..04:17
PCI7250-Helpwilee-nilee: umm should try in other linux ?  or how i compile a .c file ?04:17
wilee-nileePCI7250-Help, Personally I would not know.04:18
codemaniacPCI7250-Help: you use gcc04:18
OerHeksc . eclips04:18
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator04:18
PCI7250-Helpcodemaniac: none ... first time using linux04:18
codemaniacPCI7250-Help: do you have the build-essential package installed in your system ?04:19
codemaniacif not ,search and install it .04:19
codemaniacsudo apt-get install build-essential04:20
PCI7250-Helpcodemaniac: this is a fresh ubuntu install  ... i just know that the card is listed with lspci ;P04:20
codemaniacthen you do a "gcc yourProgram.c"04:20
PCI7250-Helpcodemaniac: let me try that ;P04:20
err-orhi guys. i did an release-upgrade from 10.04 server to 12.04 server, but my slapd doesn't get upgraded. i get an error message like this: olcDbDirectory: value #0: invalid path: No such file or diretory. afaik it has something to do with the upgrade script. look here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/1003854 where to find the files mentioned in this bug report whih should be edited?? thanks for helping me04:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1003854 in openldap (Ubuntu Precise) "Database upgrade/migration fails with nested db directories (lucid to precise)" [Medium,Confirmed]04:35
PCI7250-Helpcodemaniac: it compile.. but im getting some error with pre-defined variables. I'd just found a file called: Makefile and inside are files .o ; inside those files are the pre-defined variables. i'm going to pastebin the makefile info and the .c file    ... really apreciate your help! (=04:35
PCI7250-Helpcodemaniac: http://pastebin.com/3Nzptpcb      makefile   ;    http://pastebin.com/g29LVrSS    .c file04:36
=== Err404NotFound is now known as Error404NotFound
devslashI'm following instructions on how to upgrade to ubuntu 12.10. i did sudo aptitude dist-upgrade and its showing "The following packages will be REMOVED:  libjs-prototype{u} libnusoap-php{u} libphp-phpmailer{u} libphp-snoopy{u} php5{u} php5-auth-pam{u} php5-xmlrpc{u}04:41
devslashwhat does {u} mean ?04:41
lobhaterSmackbook: u there?04:42
jab416171|Cloudhow have I never heard of interix before?04:44
lobhaterwhat does {u} mean? does anyone know?04:45
Smackbooklobhater: sorry, yes that fixed it, i'm trying to get xbmc to start automatically04:46
edveHi ppl04:47
lobhaterSmackbook: what fixed it? u reversing ur steps?04:47
=== root____2 is now known as Tonvin
|Anthony|Smackbook, it's trivial to get xbmc to start auto-magically04:48
|Anthony|Smackbook, would you like the juicy details?04:48
Tonvinhi,how to add passwd in hgrc,when using mercurial VCS?04:49
Smackbooklobhater: i did the purge and reinstall, thanks for that04:49
Smackbook|Anthony|: is it installing xbmc-live?04:50
|Anthony|Smackbook, no04:50
Smackbookthats what i'm trying now but now i'm getting dpkg returned an error code (1)04:50
|Anthony|xbmc is in the repos04:50
lobhaterSmackbook: good to know. just like to know what works so I can pass it on to the next person. best of luck!04:50
Smackbooksure thanks04:50
|Anthony|open synaptic and install from there04:50
Smackbook|Anthony|: thats how i installed it04:51
Tonvinhi,how to add passwd in hgrc,when using mercurial VCS? eg.ssh://username@ip:port//var/hgrepository/project_name04:52
|Anthony|Smackbook, just install the xbmc package. it will pull in what ever else it needs04:52
Smackbooki have xbmc installed... just installing it doesnt make it start on boot04:52
|Anthony|Smackbook, right. there is a next step04:52
Smackbookit does give you a user session for XBMC to log into which loads xbmc-standalone04:52
Smackbookoh ok04:52
|Anthony|Smackbook, first make sure it runs04:53
|Anthony|as a normal app04:53
codemaniacPCI7250-Help: sorry i was not here04:53
Smackbookit does...04:53
codemaniacPCI7250-Help: when you invoke gcc with -Wall option it produces all kinda warnings04:54
codemaniacthey are not errors04:54
|Anthony|Smackbook, ok. are you going to use this machine for anything besides xbmc?04:54
|Anthony|Smackbook, ok. do make sure you have an additional non-admin user account created.04:56
mih1406I have submitted my feature request for Ubuntu One, I believe it is a great addition to Ubuntu One's future!! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/105890004:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058900 in Ubuntu One Client "Sync application preferences and/or data" [Undecided,New]04:56
|Anthony|Smackbook, possible HTPC or something similar04:56
|Anthony|Smackbook, you with me here?04:58
|Anthony|you have a non-admin user account ready?04:59
feraserhi. I'm using a huawei usb dongle for Vodafone 3g on my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop edition. but whenever I plug in the device my system freezes and i have to reboot with the dongle attached, in order to actually be able to use it. can somebody please help me?04:59
|Anthony|open terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf05:00
ParabolaI'm having an issue with my dual displays (using twinview atm) the unity sidebar keeps grabbing my mouse and its making switching between displays rather annoying05:00
Parabolaany help would be fantastic :)05:00
|Anthony|Smackbook, find the section that starts with [Seat:0]05:00
|Anthony|Parabola, i think i read a bug report on launchpad for that05:01
|Anthony|Smackbook, please pastebin that section05:02
|Anthony|Smackbook, or the whole file. which ever is easier for you05:02
PCI7250-Helpcodemaniac: i'm having this msgs: 7250test.c:(.text+0x3b): undefined reference to `Register_Card'05:03
Parabola|Anthony|: i'm kind of dissapointed that this made it past any QA, you only have 3 options for video, and dual displays isnt uncommon.05:04
Parabolaits like printing not working, and no one noticed :)05:04
|Anthony|Parabola, personally, i don't use twinview. i've never like the results. i prefer to have each screen be separate05:05
codemaniacPCI7250-Help: does the compile been able to produce .o files ?05:05
Parabola|Anthony|: will that fix the issue?05:05
kuhwallskeeHow can I modify what the dash-home displays???05:05
Parabolaif so i'm all for that05:05
PCI7250-Helpcodemaniac: no05:05
Sprocksmy grub menu stays on screen, can someone help? I changed the timeout to 0 already05:05
|Anthony|Parabola, do you know what i'm talking about?05:05
Parabolaseperate x sessions for each display05:05
Parabolai'm saying, will that fix the stupid (and useless) osx ripoff sidebar from grabbin my mouse :)05:06
|Anthony|Parabola, see this for an example http://pastebin.com/XEQ93YUe05:06
Parabolaty mate05:06
Parabolai think the nvidia control panel tool will do that for you though05:06
|Anthony|well you might be able to have the panel on one screen only and cairo-dock or something on the other05:07
|Anthony|Parabola, personally, i ditched mainline ubuntu for xubuntu since the gnome3 / unity bs05:07
kuhwallskeeI would like to change what the dash displays, I want to limit it only to applications. Is this possible?? Please let me know, thanks!05:08
|Anthony|Smackbook, you still need help?05:08
|Anthony|Smackbook, or did you figure it out?05:08
Smackbooksorry its taking a sec, that machine isn't the same one I have irc on05:08
ferasercan somebody please help me with the usb 3g dongle issue? thanks05:09
pentagonWill someone please paste the proper checksums for the iso's in channel.05:09
lotuspsychje!md5 | pentagon05:09
ubottupentagon: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:09
pentagonI have 2 isos with conflicting keys and I do not know which one to pick.05:09
|Anthony|I'm in the process of updating https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX. I would like some feedback :)05:10
Smackbook|Anthony|: http://pastebin.com/Fp7cur4b  i was already trying this, as far as I can tell this is what I was supposed to do05:11
|Anthony|Smackbook, yes05:11
|Anthony|Smackbook, reboot and enjoy05:11
pentagonHow come the ssl cert foir ubuntu.com says run by unknown ?05:11
|Anthony|Smackbook, or you could restart lightdm05:12
Smackbook|Anthony|: the problem is this isn't working.  its still booting to gnome-classic when I hve the user set to 'Automatic Login'05:13
Smackbookor if I turn Automatic Login off it just defaults to XBMC for the session at thelogin screen05:14
Smackbookbut i still have to go through the step of logging in05:14
|Anthony|try it with an actual [Seat:0] section05:14
|Anthony|did you reboot after the edit, or just restart lightdm?05:15
pentagonHas anyone on this channel with a verified gpg05:16
|Anthony|i haven't done that yet pentagon05:17
|Anthony|keep meaning to05:17
Smackbooki have been rebooting "viewer" is the non admin user btw, whats the [Seat:0] thing I just try copying everything from seat defaults to a new section?05:19
|Anthony|Smackbook, yeah basically05:20
|Anthony|let me run to the tv and review my lightdm.conf file to make sure here05:20
codemaniacpentagon: are you trying to connect to IRC with ssl?05:20
codemaniacpentagon: if you do not have the certificates installed you can have them now.05:21
codemaniac!info ca-certificates05:21
ubottuca-certificates (source: ca-certificates): Common CA certificates. In component main, is standard. Version 20111211 (precise), package size 165 kB, installed size 373 kB05:21
bitvector2Anyone have an idea why DNS resolution from chrome would be so slow in Ubuntu in a VM?  I've tried eliminating dnsmasq and it is the same slowness.  The host OS and other devices on the network are fast.05:25
pentagonHow do I verify the signing keys ?05:25
maicodwhere are the config files stored that associate file types to a program?05:25
|Anthony|Smackbook, open /home/viewer/.dmrc05:26
bitvector2nsswitch.conf and resolv.conf conf are the same across machines - apparmor is set to only complain - anything else to check?05:26
pentagondoesnt ubuntu have a gpg key?05:27
codemaniacpentagon: you mean the ubuntu iso file ?05:27
pentagonI mean the organisation.05:28
pentagonWHo compiles ubuntu ?05:28
pentagonWhere is it compiled?05:28
codemaniacpentagon: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto05:29
bitvector2jeeze pentagon what next - do you need to validate the compiler?05:29
Smackbook|Anthony|: should i change that session to xbmc?  its gnome-classic05:29
|Anthony|apparently .dmrc overrides lightdm05:30
|Anthony|finally started the major edit here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX05:31
|Anthony|I'd like some feedback :)05:31
pentagoncodemaniac: so are the torrent downloads different from what is on the mirrors ?05:31
pentagonbecause I dont even need to run an md5 when the filesize is different05:31
=== owner_ is now known as Guest45823
e66I am sharing internet from eth1 to eth2. I also use dnsmasq for dns caching. Now if I enable Internet sharing I have to stop the existing dnsmasq instance. network manager starts its own dnsmasq instance. But this dnsmasq has no dns caching options. So my dns query takes more time. How can I change the dnsmasq or network manager so when network manager starts the dnsmasq it also support dns caching? Sorry for the long question.05:32
codemaniacpentagon: if you dont trust your download the you need to verify it05:33
codemaniacthe steps are in the above link.'05:33
|Anthony|pentagon, that last statement tells us that you shouldn't even concern your self with signing keys05:33
pentagon|Anthony|: how so ?05:33
pentagonCan you say something intelligent ?05:34
|Anthony|pentagon, 2 completely different files can be exactly the same size05:34
pentagonYou have it backwards |Anthony| did you take your meds ?05:35
|Anthony|i'm done feeding trolls. i'm too tired to care05:35
pentagon2 of the same files cannot have different file sizes05:35
pentagonseems like every place i download it from it is slightly different05:35
pentagon|Anthony|: go to sleep05:36
|Anthony|yeah.. i read that as "isn't different"05:37
pentagonwell at least you admit mistakes.. applauds05:37
* |Anthony| is sleepy05:37
pentagonhave a good rest |Anthony|05:37
|Anthony|waiting to make sure Smackbook has xbmc working05:38
ramprasadgkwhere do i get complete ubuntu package05:38
ramprasadgknot live CD05:38
pentagoni think theres some jackass screwing me over05:38
Smackbook|Anthony|: i just rebooted and tried it a second time, when I reboot it still reboots to gnome-classic, and changes .dmrc back05:38
pentagondownload 1 wrong iso and install it and you can never get out of VM prision05:38
pentagonid like to break some legs05:38
Smackbook|Anthony|: i might just work on this tomorrow05:39
|Anthony|i know the feeling05:39
e66relevant syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251025/05:39
pentagonSmackbook: you might be blue pilled05:39
pentagonbooting into a vm served by pxe boot05:39
pentagonthats what they keep doing to me05:39
Smackbookpentagon: ? like wake up and not remember if it was a dream or not?05:39
|Anthony|Smackbook, it was something simple... i remember that for sure.05:40
Smackbook|Anthony|: well fwiw what you are describing to do is what i've read in a few places, something really wierd must be going on here05:40
pentagoni want to break some legs at the cable company05:40
ramprasadgk where do i get complete ubuntu package05:40
pentagoni buy a dynamic line and they just put me on static so they can keep fucking with me05:41
lobhaterpentagon: how are they screwing you?05:41
pentagonbecause i cant change my ip address05:42
codemaniacramprasadgk: download the ubuntu iso ?05:42
lobhaterpentagon: why do you want to?05:42
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:42
cactusfrogquick question, if I want to make a pernimate ubuntu install on a USB and boot off of it with an intel mac, so I need a book disk, but the guide out there is only for 8.04 ubuntu, will the same steps work with a newer release?05:42
pentagonthey got me on some mental health garbage05:42
ramprasadgk i mean complete ubuntu package05:42
pentagonanytime you reject the cia they do it05:42
pentagonnasty militant sodomites05:43
ramprasadgki want to install all packages without connecting to internet05:43
codemaniacramprasadgk: http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:43
ramprasadgkwhat is hardy precise05:43
codemaniacramprasadgk: but solving the dependencies are a hell05:43
ramprasadgkwhci on eto choose05:43
|Anthony|hey Smackbook. once at the lightdm greeter. you can select the xbmc session from the little bubble, right?05:43
pentagonthey use it as an excuse to harass people05:43
codemaniacramprasadgk: a older version of ubuntu05:43
lobhaterpentagon: proxy? tor?  they can't really keep you from doing anything? ssl encryption05:43
ramprasadgkwhich is newer05:43
pentagoni told them ill hack thenm up if they try and make me take pills05:44
pentagonso they follow me and shoot me with darts05:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:44
lobhaterpentagon: so your metal challenged or just a kid??05:44
pentagonno im harassed05:44
ramprasadgkwhen they say If you don’t need the full language pack, we recommend the standard CD installer as all other packages are available in the Software Centre.05:44
lobhaterpentagon: how?05:44
ramprasadgkdoes it mean i need internet to connect to Software center05:45
lobhaterpentagon: lets find a solution05:45
codemaniacramprasadgk: yes05:45
Smackbook|Anthony|: yes, and if lightdm.conf is set to xbmc AND "Login Automatically" is off, the bubble defaults to xbmc like you would expect.  if "Login Automatically" is turned on, it boots into gnome-classic.   wierd huh?05:45
pentagonwell i try and buy a dynamic line and they give me a static line05:45
pentagonfederal lockstep05:45
lobhaterpentagon: usually people pay for a static ip?  why do you care?05:45
pentagonits harassment05:45
codemaniacramprasadgk: but there are some ways for offline package installation05:45
lobhaterpentagon: no its not05:45
pentagonyes it is harassment05:46
ramprasadgki dont have internet at home i just need all package download at once05:46
lobhaterpentagon: why do you need a dynamic ip?  and if you really do why dont you use one of the million proxy serves out ther05:46
ramprasadgkplease suggest where can i downlaod05:46
pentagonlobhater: dont tell me you are that dumb05:46
pentagonme and him05:46
pentagoneye and eye05:47
pentagonno tracking05:47
lobhaterpentagon: yea I amm explain it to me05:47
* pentagon sighs05:47
|Anthony|Smackbook, what i am getting at is that lightdm is supposed to remember your last session choice. If it's explicitly defined in lightdm.conf and your last selection was xbmc...05:47
lobhaterpentagon: lol you think by having a dynamic ip you cant be tracked??? reall?05:47
pentagonok, well a server logs everything05:47
codemaniacyou can download the packages from packages.ubuntu.com05:47
lobhaterpentagon: yea05:47
codemaniacramprasadgk: just select your ubuntu version05:47
pentagonservers log everything numbnuts05:48
lobhaterpentagon:  just stop looking at child porn and it wont be an issue05:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:48
pentagonlobhater: you are an idiot05:48
|Anthony|you're flooding the support chan with bs guys05:48
pentagonthe child porn is fake and its pushed onto a computer by a virus for a federal lockstep excuse05:48
pentagonits bs05:48
pentagonget thier legs broke05:49
cactusfrogso does anyone know how to create a Persistent Bootable Ubuntu USB Flash Drive that work with an intel mac?05:49
cactusfrogdo i still need to make a boot disk?05:49
pentagonwell how can we solve the problem lobhater05:50
codemaniacyou need to create a bootable Ubuntu live usb cactusfrog05:50
pentagonhe who hides his hatred has lying lips05:50
pentagoni will not lie05:50
pentagonbreaking legs solves the problem05:50
codemaniaccactusfrog: are you on a windows system now ?>05:50
=== witakr|NiteNite is now known as witakr
pentagonif i see another verizon phone pointed at me05:50
witakrHerro good people...05:50
cactusfrogcodemaniac: no but i have access to one05:51
hmmwhatsthisdouhm... you shouldn't need a windows system to make a live USB05:51
pentagonthats why Ehud hacked up the king05:51
pentagonhacken em up into pieces05:51
pentagonkeep harassing people05:51
hmmwhatsthisdoburning an ISO of the live disc onto a usb drive should be enough05:52
pentagonleft hand05:52
pentagonnot know what the right hand is doing05:52
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: you would think so, but I haven't had any luck with that,05:52
codemaniaccactusfrog: are you on a ubuntu box now ?05:52
witakrhmmwhatsthisdo, i had trouble making live usb's in linux before.. was always easiest with lily in windows05:52
lobhaterpentagon: if you are concerned that the servers that you are connecting to are logging your ip you could use a proxy server. or the tor network.   if you think that by having a dynamic ip you aren't traceable i believe you are wrong. ISPs keep track of what dynamic ip was assigned to which customer at which time. so by even having a dynamic ip you are just as traceable05:52
pentagonI buy a fucking dynamic ip I want a dynamic ip05:52
hmmwhatsthisdocactusfrog: how so?05:52
witakrhmmwhatsthisdo, Just commenting.. don't need help05:52
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: when I try to boot of a CD it doesn't work, just get a flashing white underscore and nothing else happens05:52
|Anthony|cactusfrog: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:52
cactusfrogcodemaniac: no but i can get to one,05:53
hmmwhatsthisdocactusfrog: might you be trying to boot an x64 copy of Ubuntu?05:53
pentagonlobhater: tor is a joke05:53
codemaniaccactusfrog: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick05:53
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: no 32 or x8605:53
pentagonlobhater: if you were the architect of your own tor network ok05:53
pentagonbut connecting to just any tor node doesnt help05:53
pentagoncould be a vm 1 hop away05:53
codemaniacpentagon: the discussion would better suite in #ubuntu-offtopic05:54
lobhaterpentagon: go to a coffee shop then05:54
hmmwhatsthisdopentagon: I'm fairly sure you can specify countries to use for nodes05:54
lobhaterpentagon: stop talking to me05:54
cactusfrogcodemaniac: so is there any quick fix to the cd boot problem?05:54
pentagoni guess i will go to a coffee shop05:54
hmmwhatsthisdocactusfrog: have you tried re-burning?05:55
hmmwhatsthisdoor using a DVD instead of a CD?05:55
hmmwhatsthisdo(as dumb as it sounds)05:55
pentagonand they always do the man in the middle with aircrack05:55
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: yes it was always on a DVD and i burned 4 using different disk burners and at a slow speed05:55
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: i also tested it on a windows machine and it worked05:55
hmmwhatsthisdowhat Mac are you using?05:56
pentagonthe left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing05:56
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: as retarded as it sounds i don't know the exact kind, it is a new macbook pro 64bit 2.9gz bought in 201205:56
hmmwhatsthisdommkay, so it's certainly one that CAN boot to disc05:57
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: I searched around and I couldn't find anyone with my exact problem05:57
hmmwhatsthisdocactusfrog: have you tried installing to USB on a Windows device and booting to the USB on your Mac?05:58
pentagoneverytime i download an iso its a different size05:58
pentagonwhat a joke05:58
codemaniaccactusfrog: you can play with the bootparameters05:58
pentagoni might just have to do lfs05:58
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: yes actually i was able to install a usb version of ubuntu on a USB and boot off of that, the problem was, that the other flash I had wouldn't plug in when the flash drive i booted off was plugged in...05:58
cactusfrogcodemaniac: what do you mean?05:59
hmmwhatsthisdowhy, only one USB port or something?05:59
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: no they are to close together05:59
codemaniaccactusfrog: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions05:59
lobhaterhow do you guys think adobe reader compares to document viewer?06:00
pentagonno difference except for entry for the irs06:01
cactusfrogcodemaniac: It wouldn't get to that stage of booting up. I would hold down alt (option) as I was booting up and then select the disk which for some reason is identified as windows, then it would just show an underscore that would flash white for a while and the disk would stop spinning and nothing would hapen06:01
pentagonadobe reader is mainly for irs tax forms06:02
tomazWhen I open the program with Java 7 OpenJDK Runtime writes me this:06:03
tomazThe file '/ home / tomaz / Desktop / MinecraftSP.jar' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or Copied from an untrusted source, it may BE dangerous to Run. For more details, read about the executable bit.06:03
tomazPlease help!06:03
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: so I used a windows machine and installed a version of ubuntu on a flash drive using the drop down install menu, that didn't work either06:04
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: for that installation it would load but then get to the purple screen with the dots and freeze there, nothing else would happen06:04
hmmwhatsthisdothat's problematic06:04
wilee-nileelobhater, This channel is not for polling try #ubuntu-offtopic06:05
tomazWhen I open the program with Java 7 OpenJDK Runtime writes me this:06:05
tomaz<tomaz> The file '/ home / tomaz / Desktop / MinecraftSP.jar' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or Copied from an untrusted source, it may BE dangerous to Run. For more details, read about the executable bit.06:05
tomaz<tomaz> Please help!06:05
mrm2mtomaz: The file is not set up to be handled like an executeable program. That's normal for files like pictures or text files.06:06
wilee-nilee!help > tomaz06:06
ubottutomaz, please see my private message06:06
codemaniactomaz: can you show us the output of ls -l /home/tomaz/Desktop/MinecraftSP.jar'06:06
cactusfroghmmwhatsthisdo: yeah very, whats more annoying no one seems to have my problem. Are you sure that I can boot off of a Persistent Bootable Ubuntu USB Flash Drive on a mac06:06
pentagonthey aint nothing but dope dealers anyway06:07
pentagonwe da feds06:07
pentagonbuch of crackheads everywhere06:07
cactusfrogpenghuang: what are you talking about06:07
pentagoni cant even connect to yahoo now06:08
cactusfrogpentagon: so are you being blocked or what?06:08
pentagoni dont know its a cisco router06:09
pentagonwherever its routing my dns requests06:09
pentagonrouts them to chicago before anything goes out06:09
pentagonwindy city06:10
pentagonand then they send a bunch of dope fiends with illinois liscence plates down here06:10
IdleOnepentagon: Do you have a Ubuntu related support question?06:10
cactusfrogpentagon: have you checked to make sure that your router isn't set to another DSN i had a virus do that to me once06:10
lobhatercactusfrog: on your linux box?06:11
pentagoncactusfrog: not allowed into the router its the cable companys06:11
IdleOnepentagon: Do you have a Ubuntu related support question?06:11
pentagonyeah IdleOne06:12
cactusfroglobhater: i had my router set to the default password and someone connected with an infected pc that changed the DSN06:12
IdleOneIf not please take the chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic06:12
Snowiehi all. I have a shortcut in the launcher for a web app plexmediaserver. Anyone tell me how i can modify it to open in firefox rather than chrome?06:12
pentagoncan someone paste the official md5sums in channel06:12
pentagonfor about the 5th time06:12
lobhatercactusfrog: man that stinks!06:12
darkodeltai have a question how to change ethernet adapter DNS settings in Ubuntu06:13
chris92pentagon: for which iso exactly?06:13
cactusfroglobhater: it wasn't consistent either so it took me forever to figure out what was going on. It was the link bucks virus06:13
lobhater682b0388d2a15bf9f38480b0eb4653f6 *ubuntu-12.04.1-alternate-amd64.iso b4512076d85a1056f8a35f91702d81f9 *ubuntu-12.04.1-alternate-i386.iso 06472ddf11382c8da1f32e9487435c3d *ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso e235b63c02644e219b7bf3668f479c9e *ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso a8c667e871f48f3a662f3fbf1c3ddb17 *ubuntu-12.04.1-server-amd64.iso 3daaa312833a7da1e85e2a02787e4b66 *ubuntu-12.04.1-server-i386.iso 1f2d0974eee10c54db4359ae85cdcc6c *ubun06:13
Yellowzinhai need a help06:13
pentagonchris92: server i38606:13
IdleOnepentagon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes06:13
IdleOnelobhater: use a pastebin next time please06:13
Yellowzinhai am using Momentum 5.0 Insigne06:13
Yellowzinhaand i wanna change to UBUNTU06:13
Yellowzinhahow can i do?06:13
chris92pentagon: that should do it: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/MD5SUMS06:13
lobhaterIdleOne: how many lines of text am i allowed to type at one time?06:14
IdleOnelobhater: not a question of numbers of lines but more about readability06:14
pentagonchris92: i cant connect06:14
Yellowzinhaanyone can tell me? please06:14
IdleOne!install Yellowzinha06:14
pentagongood question06:14
IdleOne!install \Yellowzinha06:15
IdleOne!install | Yellowzinha06:15
ubottuYellowzinha: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:15
chris92server iso, is that the alternate?06:15
maxexclooHey guys, how can I disable the creation of motd.legal-displayed in ~/.cache on login?06:15
pentagonboom now it connects06:15
Yellowzinhai dont have cd06:15
gogetachris92: no06:15
Yellowzinhai am downloading now06:15
Yellowzinhahave to out in a cd?06:16
IdleOne!usb > Yellowzinha06:16
ubottuYellowzinha, please see my private message06:16
Yellowzinhawhy usb?06:16
pentagonnope no md5 for the server on there06:16
pentagonchris92: do you see an md5 for the server on there?06:17
chris92pentagon: one sec06:17
lobhaterpentagon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes06:17
pentagonlobhater: you are not listetning06:18
pentagonare you?06:18
Yellowzinhawhy USB Idleone06:18
chris92pentagon: 3daaa312833a7da1e85e2a02787e4b66 - thats the md5 hash for server i386 / 12.04.106:18
lobhaterpentagon: a search engine is an amazing tool.  you can find anything06:18
IdleOneYellowzinha: because you said you don't have a cd06:18
lobhateryes pentagon the server hash was on that link06:18
lobhaterpentagon: are you reading?06:18
IdleOnepentagon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes Does have the server hashes for 12.0406:18
Yellowzinhabut the usb has to be empty?06:18
lobhaterpentagon: are you?06:19
chris92IdleOne: he wanted to know the md5 sum for the 12.04.1 server iso, which isnt listed on the site you and lobhater linked06:20
YellowzinhaIdleOne -- usb has to be empty?06:20
Yellowzinhai need help!06:21
chris92Yellowzinha: yes, the usb drive should be empty, or at least should not contain any valuable data, as it gets formatted when you create the an usb boot medium with it06:21
IdleOnechris92: you are right, pentagon here it is http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/06:21
Yellowzinhahmm ok ok06:21
YellowzinhaThanks IdleOne!06:22
chris92pentagon: did you get the hash?06:22
pentagonlobhater: do you understand i want support not a searxch engine06:23
pentagonyou could get paid 12 dollars an hour to man support telephone lines and say "server's down"06:23
gogetapentagon: that's opnening a can of worms lol06:24
chris92can we all calm down again, gentlemen?06:24
pentagonno servers down!06:25
pentagonservers down!06:25
gogetapentagon: what server apt?06:26
chris92pentagon: Here's your hash, sir: 3daaa312833a7da1e85e2a02787e4b66 *ubuntu-12.04.1-server-i386.iso06:26
chris92i'd usually suggest joining #ubuntu-offtopic, but I dont think it helps in this case :/06:27
chris92gogeta: btw, nice nickname choice =)06:28
chris92gogeta: if the origin is what I think it is06:28
pentagonchris92: is that the verion with child porn spam bots built in06:28
IdleOneback to REAL Ubuntu support.06:28
=== anon is now known as Guest70518
gogetachris92: lol had this Nick registers for years06:29
Guest70518What could be the reason that my new Logitech K750 wireless keyboard does not work with the pre-boot encryption login password?06:29
gogetaoutch ban hammer06:29
chris92gogeta: dbz was first aired some years ago :P but that is stuff to be discussed in the ot-channel ;)06:29
chris92Guest70518: i guess the "wireless" is the problem06:30
chris92Guest70518: how does it connect to the pc, bluetooth?06:31
Guest70518chris92, via USB06:31
chris92Guest70518: ah okay. did you have an usb keyboard before?06:32
Guest70518chris92, yes06:32
chris92Guest70518: i assume that worked?06:32
Guest70518chris92, yet it did06:32
gogetachris92: strange my Logitech wireless USB works fine darn drivers06:33
gogetais it one with extra keys or somethibg06:34
chris92Guest70518: pre-boot encryption... is it the bios password or is it sth like truecrypt?06:34
Guest70518chris92, no06:34
Guest70518chris92, it is the ubuntu full disk encryption06:34
devslashis 12.10 officially out ?06:35
witakrdevslash, nope06:35
chris92devslash: it should be released in about 3-4 weeks06:35
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+106:35
devslashok thanks06:35
gogetaGuest70518: Hummer it must be asking for the password before it loads the USB driver06:36
devslashand can you update ubuntu server from the command line instead of a full install ?06:36
gogetalol at spell check06:36
Guest70518gogeta, that sucks.06:37
chris92devslash: u mean an upgrade to a newer version?06:37
gogetadevslash: yes06:37
devslashok thanks06:37
gogetadisk cryptograms is unneeded anyways a good file destroyer and sentiv data is gone06:40
Guest70518gogeta, I hope you are not serious.06:40
gogetanever herd of true deletions lol06:41
witakr'her'? ಠ_ಠ06:43
chris92that look of disapproval o.O06:43
RizlaHey all06:43
witakrRizla, heyo!06:43
codemaniacRizla: hi06:43
gogetalol crappy andorid auto correct06:43
chris92hey Rizla06:43
Snowiehi all. I have a shortcut in the launcher for a web app plexmediaserver. Anyone tell me how i can modify it to open in firefox rather than chrome?06:44
RizlaGot a problem hoping that someone can help06:44
witakrSnowie, I beleive plex requires chrome to function properly06:44
codemaniacSnowie: try changing your default browser to chrome ?06:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:45
witakrRizla, What's the problem?06:45
witakrSnowie, I tried opening my pms in FF and it seems to have opened fine.. That being the case I would go with codemaniac's suggestion06:47
codemaniacwitakr: i cannot remember the context :)06:48
witakrcodemaniac, "codemaniac> Snowie: try changing your default browser to chrome ?" which was a response to this: "Rizla> Got a problem hoping that someone can help"06:49
codemaniacaha :)06:49
Guest70518I am using Gnome in Ubuntu 12.04. I don't know what I did but now I have 4 "protect you computer from unauthorized use" lock screen icons in the top panel. How can one remove them again? A right click does not provide an option to remove them.06:50
witakrcodemaniac, Actually.. lol I erred there.. It wasn't a response to Rizla .. It was a response to Snowie's question about plex and chrome06:50
chris92codemaniac: also, he wanted to avoid chrome and rather use firefox :P therefore setting chrome as default browser would be pretty useless :P06:51
RizlaI have a win7 pc and iv been Trying to boot ubuntu 12.04 from a usb but it always hang when i come as far as the screen gets its nice ubuntu color and then it hangs. The ubuntu logo doesnt show up or anything it just hangs. I can move the mouse but there isnt anything there just the nice ubuntu color. I have tried dualboot, cd, usb all the same06:52
err-ormy 12.04 spits out lots of not found errors if do apt-get update. im using approx on ubuntu 10.04. is there anything i should change in my approx conf?06:52
codemaniacchris92: it is typing-in-lots-of-channels syndrome06:52
Garr255how about older audis? I'm looking at a 2000 a606:53
RizlaWhen i installed dualboot it got so bad i had to format everything06:53
witakrRizla, There may be a problem detecting or recognizing hardware.. I can't remember how the live cds and usbs boot but if you have the option you might try booting in a verbose mode and see what it says06:54
chris92witakr: i think you could press alt+tab to get into a verbose mode while booting06:54
chris92witakr: not sure tho if thats what u mean06:55
RizlaWhen you make the usb boot disk should it be formated in fat3206:55
Guest70518Anybody has an idea?06:55
chris92Rizla: normally the usb boot disk tool on ubuntu does the right settings for it06:55
chris92Guest70518: no idea, sorry, im not using unity :)06:56
witakrchris92, I think that's right..lol06:56
RizlaWhat filesystem does ubuntu 12.04?06:56
Guest70518chris92, not Unity but Gnome.06:56
witakrRizla, ext06:56
chris92Rizla: ext2, ext3 or ext4, preferably ext4 tho06:56
witakrext4 in the house06:57
chris92Guest70518: I'm on xfce ;) sorry, would like to help you, but I cant :/06:57
witakrRizla, What program did you use to create the live USB?06:57
RizlaThat one that links from the ubuntu download page.06:58
Guest70518chris92, I found the solution. Thx http://askubuntu.com/questions/91445/how-do-i-remove-an-icon-from-the-top-panel-in-gnome-fallback-mode06:58
witakrRizla, In windows I had the best experience creating Live USB's using Lily06:59
chris92Guest70518: google is a friend :306:59
Guest70518chris92, google was founded by the CIA06:59
witakrRizla, FIX: LiLi see here: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/07:00
RizlaIll try07:00
Guest70518chris92, google wants us to fully trust it but it is definitely not a friend.07:00
TitanZis there any offline Language translator for ubuntu ?07:00
rymate1234I trust google07:00
chris92google has so much from my data... im using an android phone07:01
chris92definitely better than apple tho07:01
chris92or facebook07:01
witakrRizla, Also, download the latest ISO of Ubuntu from the ubuntu website and use LiLi to create your Live USB.. I have always selected for it to format the flash drive and I have never had a bad install that way. you may try that.07:01
Guest70518facebook is another CIA front.07:01
rymate1234Guest70518 thinks everything is the CIA07:02
aeon-ltdexcept CIA07:02
Guest70518look at the board of directors of facebook and google07:02
TitanZIs  there any offline Language translator for ubuntu  ?07:02
aeon-ltdCIA is a front for the FBI07:02
Guest70518i use yacy.net07:02
TitanZwhat's that yacy.net ?07:03
rymate1234Guest70518, yacy.net is a front for MI607:03
witakrrymate1234, lol07:03
Guest70518yacy is a distributed, peer to peer search engine. anonymous, uncensorable07:03
TitanZCan i guys, show me an offline translator for ubuntu ?07:03
rymate1234look at the main contributors of it07:04
rymate1234all members of MI6 undercover07:04
devslashis the ad system thats coming in ubuntu only part of x or is it baked into the underlying linux core ?07:04
rymate1234devslash, its only in unity07:04
devslashahh ok07:04
devslashbecause i don't use X07:04
witakrXfce ftw07:04
rymate1234They should add amazon apps into grep07:05
zerowaitstateno, google ad words07:07
Snowiewitakr, sorry for the late reply, been googling. problem is, the link in chrome has weird artefacts, FF works fine. hence why im trying to change the browser the application points to.,07:08
cmugHi, I got a machine that does not boot the installer. I have tried with USB and with DVD. On another machine they work fine. Are there specific bios options that are known to cause havoc on 12.04 LTS 64b installer media?07:08
cmugduring boot, it shows me the initial Ubuntu installer logo and then goes to blink a cursor at top left which never progresses so I feel its hw related07:09
witakrSnowie, You may just change your default browser to FF. Should be a setting in FF to do that... one sec...07:09
Kulitorumv identify Silverspoon07:10
witakrSnowie, In FF Click Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Make FireFox my default browser.07:10
witakrtry that07:10
Snowiewitakr, i prefer chrome for all else. Only plex from unity shortcut i want changed. all the guides i find seem to rely on unity launcher have in favourites option, which is not present on 12.04 i think07:10
codemaniacKulitorum: try /msg nickserv help identify07:11
witakrSnowie, Ah.. ok one sec07:11
zerowaitstateSnowie, you can also go into system settings in unity and go to the Details window, then go to default programs07:11
Snowiewitakr, i think all i need to do is edit launcher to say "firefox http://'plex'07:11
Snowiewitakr, i just cant find the launcher file to edit L(07:12
chris92snowie, rightclick the shortcut maybe?07:13
chris92dunno if there is a context menu on unity07:14
chris92for that stuff07:14
witakrSnowie, I got it.. do this: On your desktop right click and select create launcher and then in the Name field type Plex.. it should offer to auto complete. Select the auto complete option but in the command field change x-www-browser to firefox07:14
witakrtry that.. it worked for me07:14
hemiteHello, I am having some issues installing ubuntu on a powerbok g4. I can't seem to load either 10.10 or 12.04. Anyone know which version is compatible?07:15
Guest70518Does anybody know if there is a Ubuntu package for yacy.net?07:15
Snowiewitakr, 12.04, i see no such option when i right click desktop07:15
witakrSnowie, You using Ubuntu with Unity?07:15
rymate1234Guest70518, google.com07:16
chris92hemite: try this one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-powerpc.iso07:16
Snowiewitakr, yes, 2d07:16
Guest70518rymate1234, google is a CIA front.07:16
witakrSnowie, Ok one sec07:16
cmugGuest70518: duckduckgo.com then07:16
Snowiewitakr, thanks mate07:16
adantemore like cia is a google front07:16
rymate1234maybe the cia removed the yacy package for ubuntu07:16
rymate1234damn cia07:16
hemitechris92, Do you know if there is one of those for KDE?07:17
chris92hemite, gimme a second07:17
Snowiewitakr, thanks for your help mate, but friends have arrived to wisk me away early. pm me if you have an answer. ill be back on here later anyway. appreciate it bro07:18
chris92hemite: there you go, kubuntu for powerpc: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/12.04.1/release/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-powerpc.iso07:18
zerowaitstatewell, apparently ubuntu 12.10 does not play well with VBox07:18
chris92!12.10 | zerowaitstate07:19
ubottuzerowaitstate: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+107:19
zerowaitstateah, doh07:19
cmugFedora 18 seems to launch the installer.. now what is so different between fedora and 12.04 installers07:19
chris92probably the boot method or the drivers07:19
rymate1234cmug, a lot07:20
cmugofcourse, but why is my standard x86_64 desktop so special07:20
rymate1234I think the fedora installer might be a fron for the cia07:20
chris92rymate1234 :D07:20
cmugthatswhy Id rather use Ubuntu07:21
codemaniacrymate1234: you are blocking support07:21
rymate1234ok lol07:21
xorgnak_ubuntu and fedora come from different code bases.  Fedora kind of does theor own thing while ubuntu borrows from the debian community07:21
cmugIts all linux in the end though, anyway, how do I debug the ubuntu installer that why does it fail?07:22
hemitechris92, Ok hopefully this will work. I've tried previous ones already but I havn't been able to boot any of them07:22
xorgnak_try ubuntu's minimal install and build from there.  it's a good learning experience if you're somewhat new to linux07:22
hemitechris92,  I'm doing this off a live usb idk if that matters07:22
xorgnak_how'd you prepare the usb stick?07:22
rymate1234I get this error when trying to launch FTL07:23
cmugxorgnak_: unetbootin, triedboth minimal and live07:23
cmugxorgnak_: now it has live inside07:23
cmugminimal, netboot i mea07:23
xorgnak_I can't remember how to do it offhand, but dd the image to the stick.07:23
rymate1234I also get those errors with minecraft07:24
rymate1234wat do07:24
cmugdvd fails to same @error@07:24
chris92rymate1234: not sure if serious or troll07:24
cmugso its not the boot media, im sure07:24
xorgnak_sometimes unetbootin won't overwrite the usb's mbr and it causes problems.07:24
witakrrymate1234, It seems you are missing a couple drivers07:24
rymate1234chris92, actually serious at the moment07:25
chris92rymate1234: looks like you miss the radeon driver07:25
chris92if r600 is indeed the radeon driver07:25
chris92also, there is a linux version of FTL?!07:25
cmugI assume the installer logo keyboard = human is the grub loading? how do I change the boot parameters?07:26
witakrplus 1 point for early english response07:26
xorgnak_should be standard grub07:26
Canuckiancmug, when you see those images, just wait a minute or two more07:26
xorgnak_something like 'e' at boot I think07:26
rymate1234package seems to be installed07:26
auronandace!boot | cmug07:27
ubottucmug: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:27
xorgnak_unetbootin uses sbm.  I keep forgetting that.07:27
chris92rymate1234: did you activate the drivers in "Additional drivers"?07:27
rymate1234I'm using the open source ones07:28
cmugCanuckian: yeah i let it sit there for 20min already07:28
chris92rymate1234: ahh okay07:28
cmugauronandace: thanks07:28
rymate1234so it should work out of the box07:28
cmugxorgnak_: yes with unetbootin the loader is different, ill try that instead of the dvd07:28
xorgnak_cmug: are you booting hardware or vm?07:28
xorgnak_checksums match?07:29
cmuglaptop boots fine from both medias07:29
cmugdesktop failing07:29
xorgnak_damn.  you're killing my troubleshooting tree.07:29
xorgnak_what's the platform?07:30
cmugok got the splash and quiet out, i see its probing my disks07:30
xorgnak_have you tried x86?  sometimes that will boot more reliably on x86_6407:30
xorgnak_making progress07:30
cmugor, has finished probing my disks07:31
cmugand tilted there07:31
cmugI never understood why I should prefer 32b over 64b07:31
cmugeven if it was more stable etc etc, but thats more of a Microsoft thinking07:31
xorgnak_I still use 32.  but then again, I don't have a particular need for 6407:32
witakrI use 64 with no problems07:32
cmugI have over 4Gigs of RAM, my need right there07:32
cmugI have 64b running in my server without issues07:32
xorgnak_I've run 64 before just fine.  just no good reason to prefer it.07:32
cmugI could try 32b installer and see if it worked any better, but that will delay me a bit too much07:33
witakrMathematically speaking 64 is greater than 32 thus I like it more..lol07:33
CellWhat is going on with Ubuntu's system reporter? I no longer see any detail about system crashes, I just see a message saying System reporter, report problem? And two buttons saying cancel and report problem07:33
xorgnak_it'd be worth a shot.07:33
xorgnak_I live in command line land so I didn't even know system reporter existed07:34
witakrI love the GUI goodness, myself07:34
xorgnak_there's another good reason to run 6407:35
trash_marginalidade..  brasil.. BR PT07:38
codemaniac!br | trash_07:39
ubottutrash_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.07:39
Cellxorgnak_ I do run 6407:42
Shazer[2]Hey guys, I'm missing dependencies for Teamviewer.07:43
Shazer[2]How do I install them?07:43
witakrShazer[2], Install it with playonlinux07:43
auronandaceShazer[2]: teamviewer isn't in the repo but its dependencies are07:44
Shazer[2]witakr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251165/07:44
Shazer[2]That's the problem.07:44
gryflashbang: hi, yes, this is an English support channel. Are you looking for another language support?07:44
maxexclooHey guys, how can I disable the creation of motd.legal-displayed in ~/.cache on login?07:44
auronandaceShazer[2]: you need the ai32libs07:45
Shazer[2]auronandace: what's the command?07:45
auronandaceShazer[2]: i can't remember the name of the package07:45
Shazer[2]Alright. :)07:46
Shazer[2]Anybody else know?07:46
xorgnakthank you07:46
cmugWhatever is the equalent of yum whatprovides command in apt-get/dpkg07:46
xorgnaktry apt-get install07:47
m000gleI'm using Ubuntu 12.04 (Gnome-Shell) and was wondering if there is any way to control what happens when left-clicking on the system tray icons.  Most applications (eg Pidgin, VLC, X-Chat) hide/show the main window when the tray icon is clicked, while others (eg gPodder) displays a context menu. I'm hoping to make the latter function the same as the former.07:47
witakrShazer[2], in terminal try: sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 and repeat for each dependency it tells you it needs in your pastebin post07:48
witakrthat is what i would do to start with07:48
xorgnakyou could get really fancy and download source packages and compile them yourself, but if you were into that sort of thing youd be doing a gentoo install07:50
auronandaceShazer[2]: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch07:50
cmugxorgnak: 32b installer hangs just the same07:50
witakror he can download the msi file from microsoft.com07:50
xorgnakalternate installer?07:50
cmugxorgnak: no live07:50
xorgnaktry the alternate installer.  thatll boot on anything.07:51
witakrits true.. I got it to boot on my toaster three days ago07:51
xorgnakor you could just bite the bullet and try a debian install07:51
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Notimikanyoone here running 12.10?07:51
witakrNotimik, not I07:52
cmughmm, the install option goes furhter than the live environment. All the way to USB Mass storage support registered07:52
gryin #ubuntu+1 Notimik07:52
witakr!12.10 | Notimik07:52
ubottuNotimik: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+107:52
cmugI will let it sit there for a moment07:52
Notimikgry: will try that then07:52
grysure, good luck07:53
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nucc1Hi guys, using gnome shell, is there a way to make changing workspaces change both of my monitors?08:03
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xorgnakthat sounds like a xinarama issue08:07
nucc1xorgnak, you referring to me?08:11
nucc1its a gnome-shell issue.08:11
nucc1i've found the fix.08:11
nucc1i originally was trying to fix it in "metacity", but i need to fix it in gnome-shell.08:11
nucc1a dconf setting.08:11
xorgnakgood times08:12
g_hello everyone I have one small question.. I installed ubuntu server 12.04 x6408:16
gryand then? :-)08:16
g_then I figured I'd like a window manager :) So I installed the kubuntu package on top08:16
grydid it work? ;-)08:16
g_which is really not so wise but whatever, some more learning08:16
witakrthe suspense is killing me g_08:16
g_then after I jungled through the login screen to make the system actually only use KDE and automatically login to KDE.. I did it:) yeaaah08:17
g_hahaha stop it you guys :D08:17
ejvhello, this evening I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 and (among other things) it has run amuck on my software raid (mdadm). It fails to assemble, complaining about "invalid raid superblock magic on /dev/sdXX". This array however was *just working* 2 hours ago under 10.04. How do I salvage this mess without losing data? Thanks.08:17
g_I went on to install the 'restricted package' .. but didnt know which one to choose08:17
g_Actually I am web dev/ web designer so I'd need more fancy fonts for my Chrome08:17
g_for the moment they look very .. edgy..08:17
g_I turned on antiliasing didn't help much...08:17
g_It strikes me how different font rendering is between chrome winx and chrome unix08:18
IdleOneplease stop using ... and try completing a thought on one line08:18
IdleOneaccepted :)08:18
gryg_, "ubuntu-restricted-extras" looks like it08:19
g_My question is, as I installed kubuntu package on top of server (which is basically a naked core unix) how do I proceed from now on.. which packages apply to my case? ubuntu or kubuntu.. and do you know which package should I install for extra fonts and so on? Thanks in advance.08:19
g_gry: thanks. So the previous package I installed, should I remove it?08:20
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gryonly if you're asked to; they probably coexist well, too08:20
g_Thanks. In general would you say I should continue using this system or Should I just format and go back to a normal kubuntu? I plan on doing some experimentation on LAMP stacks, Varnish, Memcache, svn and so on..08:21
gryI'm running lamp ok on a desktop install (ubuntu/xubuntu) but I'd suggest probably reading docs as to in what way server install is different from the desktop one, as I'm hardly proficient in that personally08:22
gryif you run lamp on a desktop, just make sure you don't do it for production, and it could be fine; on the other hand, server install could be shipped with a bunch of useful monitoring tools08:23
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g_yeah, that's what I guessed too. It's not prod. it's just personal pc testing.. simulation:) Last question, apt-get upgrade is good enough to upgrade all existing packages?08:24
gryI'm speaking without any experience with ubuntu server install myself, and I'm sure the difference is documented somewhere..  hrmph. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#What.27s_the_difference_between_desktop_and_server.3F ?08:24
grydo `apt-get update` then `apt-get upgrade` (first one updates packages listing)08:24
bekksBasically the server uses another kernel and has no desktop environment.08:25
gryIn my case I run it with sudo ('sudo apt-get update') or use ubuntu software center or synaptic08:25
g_bekks: ?08:25
gryhe's trying to outline the difference.. yes, this is related to your question g_ :)08:26
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g_bekks: a different kernel? It's compiled differently so that it is.. lighter? simpler?08:26
gryon that note, bekks may want to read my last link, item 3. the knowledge appears a bit outdated08:26
gry(these kernels are same since 12.04)08:27
gryhello ShapeShifter49908:27
ShapeShifter499is it possible to run a 64 bit application on a 32 bit ubuntu install when the CPU can run 64 bit Operating Systems and apps?08:27
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: No.08:27
witakrThere's those numbers again08:27
xorgnakseems to be the issue of the day08:27
bekksgry: They arent. There is a -server kernel... :)08:28
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, why?08:28
grybekks, the faq entry I linked implies they were merged or I'm misreading things?08:28
bekksgry: You are misreading things :)08:28
gryxorgnak, ack08:28
xorgnakthank you.08:29
bannazhello everyone08:29
grybekks, could you possible un-bork my understanding there please (I'm failing to comprehend)?08:29
gryhi bannaz08:29
xorgnakIm just going to start treating my random SYNs as sneezes.08:29
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, I know that virtualbox will let me run a whole ubuntu 64 bit ontop of my 32 bit install because my CPU supports it, why not support for one (or a couple) of 64 bit apps08:29
bannazhey gry08:29
bekksgry: The contents of the kernel are the same, but there still is the transitional package for -server.08:29
MyrttiShapeShifter499: if a road has a bottleneck of being three meters wide, it doesn't matter how wide the road was intended to be if the object that needs to travel on that road is 4 meters wide08:29
grybekks: (what does the transitional package do?)08:29
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: One thing, to run 64 bit apps you need 64 bit system calls and memory management, which requires the kernel to be running in long mode.08:30
bekksgry: It basically translates one package into another, without breaking dependencies.08:30
gryI see. does that imply a user of server install has an option of using the default kernel and a server kernel?08:31
bekksgry: No.08:31
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, so it would have to be though virtualbox then huh?08:31
g_guys. how do I see if my nvidia driver is installed automatically and if I have the latest version?08:31
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: In that case, your kernel is is running in long mode (though at a guess, I would expect that your virtualbox VM won't be able to take advantage of RAM which your 32 bit kernel can't access.08:31
grybekks, ok, I'll keep that in mind. the faq appears to be a bit confusing (that is, I'm not seeing why it's saying the kernels are merged if they're different)08:32
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, I thought PAE opened it up to a max of 64 gigs08:32
nibblerMyrtti, you'd have to emulate a 4m wide road on the 3m wide one ;-)08:32
gryg_: good question, please stand by08:32
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: As I understand it, yes. But there isn't much of a reason not to run a 64 bit kernel on 64 bit hardware (except that distros make installing 32 bit kernels easier in 32 bit userlands).08:32
c2tarunmy enery star is getting reset to Standby: 48    Suspend: 72    Off: 96 no matter how many times I change it disable it or anything. I am facing this problem since many days, can anyone please help?08:33
gryg_: possibly http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/07/how-to-check-your-opengl-and-nvidia.html08:33
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, I ran in to 32 bit only drivers (like one for my dial up modem which will be for mostly faxes)08:33
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: Then you can just create a chroot with any needed 64 bit libraries and run your 64 bit apps in that. Though that leads to the question of why you want a 32 bit userland at all.08:33
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: Where did you get this driver from?08:33
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, the ubuntu repos, its called martian-modem, I couldn't get it to work in 64 bit even after i386-libs installed08:34
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: You tried simply "sudo apt-get install martian-modem"?08:35
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, yes then I googled all over the internet and found no 64 bit hope so I reinstalled to 32 bit08:36
newbchessplayerHello, I would like to use my ubuntu system audio OUTPUT as an INPUT for another program so i can play music on voip calls. could anyone clue me in on the secret to doing this?08:36
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, I hate having hardware I might use not work08:36
Jordan_Unewbchessplayer: #pulseaudio might be a good place to try if nobody here answers (note that #pulseaudio is a much smaller channel, wait paitiently).08:37
Calinounewbchessplayer: playing music in VOIP calls is a very bad idea, I advise not doing it08:39
Calinoujust upload the music somewhere and give the link08:40
Calinouwhenever you do that, mumblers say your name08:40
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, so I can have a 64 bit chroot?08:41
newbchessplayerCalinou, what is a mumbler08:41
newbchessplayerCalinou, i just want to play it on the call. period. i  dont want to give them a link to it.08:42
Jordan_UShapeShifter499: Only with a 64 bit kernel.08:42
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, D:08:42
glonii am having troubles getting wlan to work. the modules are loaded, the rfkill switch is disabled... but i dont see no interface08:43
ejvHello, this evening I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 and (among other things) it has run amuck on my software raid (mdadm). It fails to assemble, complaining about "invalid raid superblock magic on /dev/sdXX". This array however was *just working* 2 hours ago under 10.04. How do I salvage this mess without losing data? Thanks.08:44
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gloniUbuntu 12.04 LTS, Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 A08:44
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Jordan_UShapeShifter499: Try just installing a 64 bit kernel in your current 32 bit installl and see if everything (including the modem) continues to work. Though realize 1: This is non-standard, and probably not "officially supported" 2: I don't have time to walk you through how to do it right now and 3: This will probably require manually downloading kernel images, and generating initramfs images, and you will need to go through this ...08:45
Jordan_U... manual process every time there is a kernel update.08:45
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newbchessplayerJordan_U, thanks for the referral to #pulseaudio but they seem to be too uptight in there to be bothered to answer my question08:48
[deXter]Uninstall pulseaudio, problem solved :)08:49
g_Guys, I guess wasnt a good idea to start from the Ubuntu server.. I have no sound...08:49
g_any idea what to install to fix this?08:49
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, I found this post, looks solid, I'll try it ---> http://askubuntu.com/a/15279808:50
BenL90I'm new in ubuntu, i just using compiz and now my desktop blank, how to resolve it?08:51
Nunya-BizBenny? Let's hear your drama...08:53
bazhangBenL90, restart compiz08:53
ShapeShifter499Jordan_U, just completed will reboot and tell you what happens08:53
BenL90Now i'm at my desktop, everything gone, one my wallpaper08:53
BenL90*i look at my desktop i mean08:54
BenL90*i'm at smartphone *08:54
BenL90nunya-Biz: what drama?08:55
Nunya-BizAnyone any good at Apache2?  (I'm a Stunt-Man at Apache v1 under Mac OS X, but one simple dilemma with 'Bunny'/(Ubuntu) running Apache2), anyone on top of Apache v2?08:55
glonimac80211,iwl4965,iwl_legacy all loaded08:55
bazhangNunya-Biz, #httpd08:55
g_guys any idea why I have no sound?08:56
BenL90Hei, i need help please :(08:57
Nunya-Bizbazhang, Yeah - all over httpd, but I'm missing the apache2.conf file, (It didn't install properly), do you have it?08:57
YcareneI want to install a package that is available on quantal but not in precise (the working version of libdvdnav) how do I do that without doing a complete upgrade?08:57
bazhangNunya-Biz, #httpd is a freenode channel08:57
bazhangYcarene, whats not working08:58
Nunya-Bizbazhang, Mate, love your work! Thanks! (I'm off and over there now...)  Cheers!08:58
err-ornfs-kernel-server isn't working anymore since i upgraded to 12.04. not starting: portmapper not running. any hints to fix this?08:58
YcareneThe libdvdnav library crashes with an error in "dvdnav_describe_title_chapters" it's fixed in quantal but not in precise.  It doesn't look like there are any plans to port the fix back to precise either so I'd like to install the quantal version.08:59
bazhangYcarene, what precisely are you trying to do when you get that error09:00
YcarenePlay a dvd09:00
YcareneThe bug described is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdvdnav/+bug/934471 it shows libdvdnav-4.2.0-1ubuntu1 as the working version but it's not available in precise.09:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 934471 in libdvdnav (Ubuntu) "vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in dvdnav_describe_title_chapters()" [Medium,Fix released]09:02
twitchieerr-or what does dmesg say?09:03
drcodehi all09:04
err-ortwitchie: dmesg is full of init: statd main process ended respawning, init: statd main process terminated with status 109:04
drcodeany one know ubuntu dist with kid games? gcompise and other ?09:04
bazhangdrcode, edubuntu?09:05
g_hi I installed ubuntu server and kubuntu on top... now tried to install nvidia driver but my display got all weird and  system tells me it doesnt appear to be using the driver...09:05
err-ortwitchie: same goes for idmap09:05
decciNeed an AWK script that connects to an RS 232 device that will have to have a background thread constantly reading 2 com ports for data received and send them to 2 standard out files.I wanted to get this as done in awk because i know it works, has no dependency no rpm, no fiddle code script that works. I understand that awk is not multi thread and it does buffer, what i need is a real time simple port monitor that will deposit its out09:05
nibblerdrchaos, http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:05
bazhangdrcode, you can install anything from the repos onto any flavour of ubuntu09:05
g_hi I installed ubuntu server and kubuntu on top... now tried to install nvidia driver but my display got all weird and system tells me it doesnt appear to be using the driver... I also dont have sound... should I just delete everything and install kubuntu?09:06
bazhangg_,  no need to repeat that fast09:06
bazhangdrcode, edubuntu09:06
drcodeI need it for my kid 5 years old09:06
bazhang!edubuntu | drcode09:06
ubottudrcode: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org09:06
nibblerjust installed ubuntu 12.4 from alternative installer, it was not able to install the desktop environment, and after enabling some extra repositorys via synaptic checkboxes it complained about missing keys...... i was quiet shocked....09:07
bazhang!gpgerr | nibbler09:08
ubottunibbler: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »09:08
bazhangnibbler, perhaps you meant 12.0409:08
nibblerbazhang, thanks, its all resolved.... just saying... its not a custom repo, its one of the synaptic preconfigured ones09:08
nibblerbazhang, 12.04.x09:08
nomade64buongiorno.....qualche italiano?09:09
bazhangnibbler, that happens sometimes, internet drops packets etc09:09
bazhangnomade64, #ubuntu-it09:09
g_bazhang: sorry... just bit frustrated...09:10
bazhangg_, did you check in alsamixer that nothing is muted09:11
WACOMalthi there. I have a scrip that I currently have to launch by cd'ing to the directory and ./scriptname09:12
WACOMalthow can I make a alias of this?09:12
nibblerhow can i add apps to the gnome classic menu bars?09:12
kostkonnibbler, try to update your package index, by pressing reload in synaptic09:12
WACOMalthold alt and right click to get any customization menus I think09:12
WACOMaltI dont use it though, may be wrong09:12
WACOMaltI just switched to cinnamon.09:12
nibblerkostkon, its all resolved.... thanks for your comment anyway.... was just complaining about the out-of-the-box bugs of 12.04.x alternate installer09:12
kostkonnibbler, no prob. althoug, i am not sure it was a bug. nevertheless, i hope you enjoy 12.04 :)09:13
flashbang12.04 is terrible with my pc09:14
WACOMaltso anyone know why ./path/to/binary doesnt work to run a binary?09:14
bazhangWACOMalt, what are you trying to do , which binary09:15
nibblerwachw, is it executable (attribute)? is the FS mounted in a way that allows executables?09:15
WACOMaltyes I can run it fine09:16
WACOMaltif I am in that folder09:16
WACOMaltbut doing ./ with a path in it doesnt work09:16
nibblerWACOMalt, then it is searching for some dependencies in the current folder09:16
nibblerWACOMalt, strace -eopen ./path/to/file09:16
bodhygoodmorning all... can you help me? i upgrade from 8.10 ubuntu to 9.10 now get sudo do-release-upgrade e give me Checking for a new ubuntu release Failed Upgrade tool signature Failed Upgrade tool Done downloading             Failed to fetch Fetching the upgrade failed. There may be a network problem.09:16
bodhyhow resolve this?09:16
dr_willis WACOMalt  whats the exact command line you are ysing?09:16
nibblerWACOMalt, will tell you which files it is trying to open, output might look a bit messy if you are not used to it09:17
bazhangbodhy, both of those are end of line09:17
bodhyi have modified sources.list and metarelease but dont work09:17
nibblerWACOMalt, but first, what is the exact output that appears if you run it that way?09:17
WACOMaltstrace -eopen ./usr/local/minecraft/MCMA2_Linux_x86_64            strace: ./usr/local/minecraft/MCMA2_Linux_x86_64: command not found09:17
bodhyyes bazhang09:17
bazhangbodhy, modified to what09:17
WACOMaltit cant find the file09:17
nibblerWACOMalt, try it without the first .09:17
dr_willisWACOMalt:  i dont think you want ./the/full/path09:17
WACOMaltruns fine, but in the wrong folder09:18
dr_willisthe . means current directory09:18
bodhyi use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/09:18
WACOMaltbut ./ also means run09:18
WACOMaltso how do I combine the two?09:18
nibblerWACOMalt, nope, it does not. /usr/local/minecraft/MCMA2_Linux_x86_6409:18
dr_willis./ does not mean 'run' it means the local directory09:18
WACOMaltok that mostly works09:19
nibblerWACOMalt, it makes the difference between absolute and relative path09:19
dr_willisits a path for the current directory. :)09:19
WACOMaltbut it's still launching in the wrong folder09:19
WACOMaltit needs to launch in ITS folder09:19
nibblerWACOMalt, cd /usr/local/minecraft/MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 && /usr/local/minecraft/MCMA2_Linux_x86_6409:19
bazhangbodhy, you are trying to upgrade from 8.10 then 9.10 to ??? what finally09:19
g_bazhang: nothing is muted.. I seem to have 2 cards one is the HDMI I guess... also another problem I just installed nvidia driver current and all the displays changed.. (no hdmi, bad resolution..)09:19
WACOMaltbasically what I am trying to do is run that in a screen. my current command has been cd /usr/local/minecraft/ and then ./MCMAblahblah09:20
WACOMaltbut I want to make an alias of that09:20
WACOMaltwould I have to put the CD part into the screen command itself?09:20
bodhybazhang have already increased from 8.10 to 9.1009:20
bodhynow I have to take the next step09:20
bazhangbodhy, and 9.10 to what (is the final goal)09:20
nibblerWACOMalt, alias runminecraft='cd /foo; ./foo'09:21
bodhy9.10 to 10.0409:21
WACOMaltnibbler, and if I run that, will my current session wind up in that folder?09:21
bazhangbodhy, then 10.04 to 12.04?09:21
WACOMaltI need to run this command, from outside of that folder, and stay outside of that folder09:21
bodhyyes :D09:21
nibblerWACOMalt, why?09:21
WACOMaltbecause the people running it I dont want to be in that folder too often09:22
flashbangbazhang ,you can keep 10.04 for another year09:22
WACOMalthow does this look to you? alias minecraft screen -dmS minecraft cd /usr/local/minecraft/; ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_6409:22
bazhangflashbang, of this I am well, aware, thanks09:22
bazhangminus the ,09:22
bodhybazhang: you know help me for that error? I do not understand why from 8.10 to 9.10 went well and now not working09:23
nibblerWACOMalt, you'd have a screen permanently lurking in this dirty directory....09:23
WACOMaltthat's fine09:23
WACOMaltthey will control it via the aliases only09:23
WACOMaltstartminecraft, stop minecraft09:23
bazhangbodhy, what does lsb_release -a say now09:23
bodhy9.10 karmic but i start by 8.10 intrepid09:24
nibblerWACOMalt, an alias is defined by "alias newcommand='whatever to execute'". and its not permanently defined by just executing this one once09:24
bodhyNo LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 9.10 Release:9.10 Codename:karmic09:24
bazhangbodhy, and you fully updated karmic?09:25
g_back again.. I might have to install kubuntu from scratch.. I tried to install nvidia driver - everything collapsed - I cant have sound :(09:25
bodhybazhang: I think so09:25
bazhangbodhy, how about paste.ubuntu.com with your sources.list09:25
WACOMaltnibbler, ok this command is launching it in my current session, forgoing the screen altogether. any idea why? alias startminecraft='screen -dmS minecraft cd /usr/local/minecraft/; ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64'09:26
bodhyblackshirt: what?09:26
bazhangbodhy, pastebin09:26
blackshirtbodhy, do you want to upgrade ?09:27
WACOMaltalso nibbler I know I need to add this alias to a file somewhere to make it permanant, where is that?09:27
nibblerWACOMalt, i'd guess you need to do some more quoting within the screen -S "..."09:27
bodhyblackshirt:  my sources.list deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main universe restricted multiverse and moore09:27
nibblerWACOMalt, not sure, guess .bashrc would be a good place or such09:27
bazhangbodhy, pastebin the whole thing09:27
bodhyblackshirt: to 9.10 to 10.*09:27
blackshirtbodhy, bazhang want it, not me09:28
bazhangbodhy, to paste.ubuntu.com09:28
WACOMalthmm ok this time it does nothing, no errors, no screens exist. alias startminecraft='screen -dmS minecraft "cd /usr/local/minecraft/; ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64"'09:28
bodhyI do not understand pastebin09:28
codemaniacWACOMalt: there is also .screenrc where you can command screen better09:28
bazhangbodhy, it's a website09:29
bazhang!pastebin | bodhy09:29
ubottubodhy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:29
blackshirtbodhy, actually, if you want do upgrades to newer releases, you should do it with minimum install,that willl reduce your risk to fail09:29
codemaniacWACOMalt:you can have your default screens on startup through screenrc file09:29
bazhangblackshirt, thats not helping09:29
WACOMaltdefault screens? what do you mean by that09:30
bodhyI have to change from http://old-releases.ubuntu.com with pastebin right?09:30
bodhyin the sources.list09:30
blackshirtbazhang, i'm just sitting here for a seconds, i don't know what bodhy want trying to do09:30
decciNeed an AWK script that connects to an RS 232 device that will have to have a background thread constantly reading 2 com ports for data received and send them to 2 standard out files.I wanted to get this as done in awk because i know it works, has no dependency no rpm, no fiddle code script that works. I understand that awk is not multi thread and it does buffer, what i need is a real time simple port monitor that will deposit its out09:31
bazhangblackshirt, suggesting the mini.iso for upgrading version is not good advice09:31
bodhyblackshirt: sorry for my translade english, i start to 8.10 upgrade to 9.10 and now i wont upgrade moore but give me a error09:31
nibblerdecci, what about two awk scripts? one for each port?09:31
MonkeyDustdecci  better ask in #bash or #networking09:32
bodhybaddd english :D09:32
blackshirtbazhang, i don't mean for mini iso, i mean for a basic system, thats i'm thinking about09:32
WACOMaltI dont get how alias is passing (or not) my commands to the screen when it opens...09:33
err-ortwitchie: solved, purged nfs-kernel-server rpcbind nfs-common, reinstalled nfs-kernel-server. working09:33
flashbangI don't keep much things in my computer ,when i upgrade a new version ,i just make a usb stick  installer to get a fully fresh system.09:34
blackshirtbodhy, if there an error, you should describe more detail..thats would help so much people who suggest helping you..09:34
blackshirtBodhy, maybe pastebin the error was a great step to going to solve the problem09:36
bodhyblackshirt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251317/09:37
metallicabuenos dias09:37
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
gloniwell, i am clueless, lspci shows the device, the rfkill unblock is run, the hardwareswitch is off. no wireless led is lightening up on my thinkpad x61, and no networkinterface is created :(09:38
BoreeasDoes anyone know where totem gets the titles of mp3s from? The titles it displays don't match the titles I gave it with an mp3 tagger.09:39
Such_A_BossI hate not having server backups.....09:39
Such_A_Bossshould've payed for cloud storage.09:39
Such_A_BossI'm gonna go kick myself in the face now09:40
CellSuch_A_Boss: or use Ubuntu One09:40
err-orboreeas: maybe from the id3 in the files09:41
qwebirc70805It means the same thing as 'Lol'09:43
flashbangsorry ,in China it means a friendly smell09:43
blackshirtxibond joins here too :d09:43
flashbangsorry ,in China it means a friendly smile09:43
qwebirc70805You damn kids and your hip new lingo. Back in my day I had to walk to school 15 miles up hill, in the snow, there and back.09:44
deccinibbler: yes09:44
deccinibbler: what i need is a real time simple port monitor that will deposit its output to a standard out txt file. I want to run two instance of the script to monitor two ports since i need both feeds09:45
qwebirc70805This never would've happened when I was a boy! You kids these days and your Millennium Items and your card games and your loud music and your hula hoops and your hopscotch and your dungarees and your lollipops and your Sony Playstations and your voice-activated light switches and your leather pants and your artificial insemination-09:45
bazhangqwebirc70805, wrong channel09:46
qwebirc70805is that me?09:46
qwebirc70805Oh yeah lol09:47
p0op--Hello, i just deleted the partitions on the wrong disk but have not yet rebooted, so the changes have not made affect yet, how can i get it back to what it was?09:47
err-ormaybe try testdisk09:48
err-or@ p0op--09:48
blackshirtlet's kick the xibond...09:49
qwebirc70805Back in my day we didn't have to fight over the remote. We actually had to get up off our tuckus and walk to the tv and actually change the channel manually. Now shut up and give me the remote you little rugrats.09:49
Ben64!ot | qwebirc7080509:49
ubottuqwebirc70805: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:49
bazhangblackshirt, thats enough09:50
blackshirtthanks bazhang09:50
WACOMaltman, writing a bash script to send commands to screen... is hard.09:52
g_I just installed nvidia driver but system doesnt use it.. what do I have to do?09:52
err-org_: how did you install it? manually or with jockey?09:53
Boreeaserr-or: Well, that's what I thought I edited with puddletags.09:53
g_apt-get install nvidia blabla...09:53
WACOMalthttp://pastie.org/4877886 Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?09:53
WACOMalttrying top make a screen, and make that screen cd to a directory. When I connect tot he screen though its still in /usr/bin/09:54
WACOMalter... that without the "stuff"09:54
t4b_I want to rsync two huge folders in individual Truecrypt containers. I do: "rsync -r /media/truecrypt1/ /media/truecrypt2/" then "sudo renice +20 -p $(pidof truecrypt rsync); sudo ionice -c 3 -p $(pidof truecrypt rsync)". Is there something else I can do so I notice the least possible of the running rsync process?09:55
err-org_: try opening jockey-gtk and activate it with this little tool. always worked here09:55
err-org_: you rebooted yes?09:55
thechefHow can I get more verbosity on the Ubuntu Ones syncing process?09:59
WACOMaltplease can anyone please help me with my very simple shell script? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251351/ It is supposed to open a screen, detached, and cd that screen to a folder. Not working at all. If I manually connect to the screen I can see it's still in the folder I rant he command from.09:59
thechefI want to see the  progress of a file, or the current file, or files10:00
MonkeyDustthechef  use rsync --progress10:00
MonkeyDustthechef  nvm, it's ubuntu one, I misread10:01
WACOMaltanyone up for reading my 2 line bash script? :/ Its 2am and I need to sleep T_T10:01
s0126his it true that it's not possible to make 30 day trial app for linux10:02
asdfnif I don't use Gnome, where should I customize my fonts settings?10:02
err-ors0126h: why you shouldn't be able to do that?10:02
MonkeyDusts0126h  some linux products are commercial, so it should be possible, but i guess then it's not under GPL10:03
s0126hhow is 30 day trial app possible in linux without registry10:03
WACOMalts0126h, if its open source that wont work, but there is NOTHING limiting you from making a 30 day trial.10:03
WACOMaltsame way as on OS X10:03
MonkeyDusts0126h  better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic10:04
WACOMaltregistry isnt the only way to accomplish a countdown :P nor the best.10:04
WACOMaltWell, if no one can help me with 2 lines of bash.. I guess I should just come back in the daytime...10:04
s0126hwacomalt then how do they prevent a user from uninstalling and reinstalling and  start fresh new 30 day trial again10:05
WACOMalthave it phone home10:05
WACOMaltthere are a million ways to tackle that. and you act like the registry isnt editable? O_o10:05
WACOMaltOk.. well sleep time then. Maybe someone with bash experience will  be in tomorrow10:06
thechefMonkeyDust: is there a way to access Ubuntu One using rsync? ubuntone-syncd seems to be a weird non-understandable and unreliable blobby blackbox10:07
nibblers0126h, i'd take the mac adress or some other hashed hardware versions, and request permission to run online. will do good enough10:07
Knight7hey i have a video file with codec H.264 / AVC and i cant go to a specific position in the video, just watch it from the beginning to end10:07
Knight7*totem video player10:07
MonkeyDustthechef  just checked, didn't find such option10:07
Ben64Knight7: have you tried in mplayer or mplayer210:08
RamtronYo, anyone know anything about android-SDK for linux?10:08
Ben64!anyone | Ramtron10:09
ubottuRamtron: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:09
RamtronI've already asked my question.10:09
Ben64No, you didn't10:09
RamtronBen64: Do you know anything about Android-SDK for Linux?10:09
Ben64Just ask your question, nobody can help you until you do10:10
nibblerRamtron, if anyone would answer "yes", you would ask your real question10:10
Knight7Ben64: ive tried it with vlc and vlc even doesnt start the file... i think the file is broken but is there a "workaround" maybe?10:10
MonkeyDustthechef  there's this   http://askubuntu.com/questions/16592/how-can-i-tell-whether-ubuntu-one-file-sync-is-working-and-what-progress-it-is10:10
Ben64Knight7: you could re-encode it with mencoder or ffmpeg10:11
ZenoWeird question: What happens if you reboot a server while ubuntu is in the middle of installing?  Does it lose all the data it'd made so far, or does it retain where it left off?10:11
g_err-or: yep I did reboot.. thats when things broke :) (no hdmi, wrong resolution)10:12
MrManyone here familiar with the "sensors"-command? I'm trying to make sense of the output... what is the temperature reported by coretemp-isa-0000?10:12
bekksZeno: Data crrectly written will be retained, data in the process of writing (already in the buffer, but not on the disk yet) will be lost most likely.10:12
g_err-or: funnily the generic driver worked like a charm.10:12
Zenobekks, Mostly I'm interested in the network configuration10:12
bekksZeno: And is stored in files. The above applies.10:13
sidziif i do Windows system recovery on C: , does my ubuntu get erased too.10:13
Zenobekks, Thanks, so if you reboot, even in mid-installation, the server will come up and reconnect to the network10:14
g_err-or: this tool seems to have find the updated nvidia driver version, activating now.. lets see.10:14
bekksZeno: Not necessarilly.10:14
bekkssidzi: You should have a backup before doing so.10:14
g_err-or:  "sorry installation of this driver failed.. check the log etc.etc...."10:15
err-org_: maybe first uninstall the previously installed one10:16
sidzido I make complete back up of ubuntu  using "Deja Vu"10:16
g_err-or:  how do I do that?10:16
g_ah ok apt-get remove :)10:17
RamtronHow do I navigate to a file through the terminal? I'm not finding any information on it.10:22
jrib!cli | Ramtron10:23
ubottuRamtron: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro10:23
jribRamtron: cd DIRECTORY10:23
Ramtroncd desktop then?10:23
jribRamtron: case is important.  So: cd Desktop10:23
diverdudedid the new ubuntu come out yet or in the ind of the month first?10:23
jrib!12.10 | diverdude10:24
ubottudiverdude: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:24
bazhangdiverdude, October10:24
Ramtronwhat would I type to open Android-sdk/tools/android?10:24
diverdudebazhang: so tomorrow?10:24
Ramtronfrom the desktop10:24
bazhangdiverdude, #ubuntu+110:24
jribRamtron: go to Desktop, then go to Android-sdk/tools/android10:25
RamtronI mean, I'm trying to run /.android through the terminal10:25
jribRamtron: or you can provide a full path (note ~ expands to your $HOME): cd ~/Desktop/Android-sdk/tools/android10:25
jribRamtron: then go to the directory it is in10:25
RamtronHmm, I'm such a Linux noob10:26
diverdudewill QQ ship with php 5.4?10:26
jribdiverdude: #ubuntu+110:27
diverdudejrib: nobody is answering there10:27
decciI want to build Ubuntu 10.04 ISO from scratch so I can include mega_raid sas driver for Dell R620. Ubuntu 12.04.1 has that driver10:27
Ramtronandroid-sdk-linux/tools/android: 1: android-sdk-linux/tools/android: java: not found10:27
jribdiverdude: that's the channel for help with 12.10.  You can check http://packages.ubuntu.com for package versions currently available10:27
Ramtronandroid-sdk-linux/tools/android: 1: android-sdk-linux/tools/android: java: not found10:28
Ramtronandroid-sdk-linux/tools/android: 110: exec: java: not found10:28
decciIs it possible to include the driver at installation time.10:28
RamtronThe guide I'm following says this; Mac or Linux: Open a terminal and navigate to the /tools directory in the Android SDK, then execute ./android10:28
jribRamtron: so did you do that?10:28
RamtronI don't quite know how.10:29
RamtronEverything I try fails10:29
diverdudejrib: thx10:29
jribRamtron: what directory are you in now? Type « pwd »10:29
jribRamtron: that's not the output of pwd10:29
RamtronThe folder is android-sdk-linux/tools10:29
Ramtron/home/ramtron/desktop, the folder is on my Desktop as well10:30
jribRamtron: you're in "desktop" with a lowercase "d"?10:30
RamtronI just mistyped10:30
jribRamtron: great.  You can check that the android-sdk-linux directory is in your current directory (~/Desktop), by listing all of the files first.  Type « ls »10:31
RamtronI see it there10:31
jribRamtron: so, now you can "cd" to it.  Do that now10:31
Ramtronawesome, now LS then do tools?10:32
jribRamtron: sure10:32
Ramtronnow I should be able to type ./android to execute the file?10:32
jribRamtron: yes, though I think you don't have java installed10:33
RamtronI don't think so either. How would I go about that?10:33
jrib!java | Ramtron10:33
ubottuRamtron: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:33
RamtronBefore I do this, typing:  sudo apt-get purge oracle-java7-installer*10:34
Ramtron sudo apt-get install ppa-purge10:34
Ramtron sudo ppa-purge ppa:eugenesan/java10:34
Ramtron sudo apt-get clean10:34
Ramtron sudo apt-get update10:34
FloodBot1Ramtron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:34
Ramtronwill install Java and enable me to open this?10:34
jribRamtron: well if you really want that version of java, I guess so10:35
RamtronI have no idea, I just want whichever will make this work.10:35
jribRamtron: you should be able to use the openjdk as far as I know10:35
RamtronI see, I thought all of that was for windows, so I looked for a command. Seems to be working then10:36
diverdudeare LTS editions really only 5 years?10:37
jrib!lts | diverdude10:38
ubottudiverdude: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)10:38
jribdiverdude: you can upgrade to next LTS at that point10:38
diverdudejrib: updating is not always that easy10:38
jribdiverdude: because?10:39
MonkeyDustdiverdude  by then, your current LTS will be like a dinosaur10:39
diverdudejrib: 5 years is not enough i would say10:39
bekksdiverdude: Because you want to run an even older OS? :P10:39
bekksdiverdude: Whatever you think about it - the LTS support is 5 years.10:39
MonkeyDustdiverdude  a policy cannot be changed for the needs of one single user10:40
blzDoes anybody know where I can get a native statusbar icon for skype?10:40
blzi.e. a monochrome icon10:40
Ramtronis "./" always the command to execute a program?10:41
bekksRamtron: No. "./" is needed when the current directory is not in the PATH.10:41
nibblerRamtron, no, thats the beginning of a relative path10:41
g_any idea why I have no sound at all?10:41
RamtronI see10:41
diverdudeblz: a monochrome icon :D hehe thats a pretty boring icon10:42
nibblerhow woud i add applets to my gnome classic menubar?10:42
diverdudeblz: i dont there is such a thing as monochrom icons10:42
MonkeyDustnibbler  super-alt right click on the bar10:42
angswhat is the command for installing JDK? I used apt-get update & apt-get install jdk but it did not work.10:42
nibblerMonkeyDust, thanks.... tried mostly all other combos, but mainly without suer10:43
jrib!java | angs10:43
ubottuangs: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:43
decciangs: apt-get list sun-openjdk???10:43
ShapeShifter499what would you guys suggest ubuntu native or ubuntu virtual (as in vbox or vmware)?10:43
jribShapeShifter499: well why do you want to virtualize?10:44
bekksShapeShifter499: On a real machine - native. In a vm - virtualized.10:44
angsdecci: it outputs "E: Invalid operation list"10:44
g_system doesn't want to install the frickin nvidia driver10:44
ShapeShifter499I'm frustrated most drivers aren't working or can't be found10:44
g_I'm on KDE10:44
bekksShapeShifter499: Which drivers in particular?10:44
blzdiverdude, all the statusbar icons by default are monochrome... lol10:44
g_ShapeShifter499: welcome to linux :-)(10:45
blzor at least, that's what I thought they were called10:45
decciangs: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre10:45
angsdecci: it works now, thank you10:45
Ramtronjrib: Finally, Android opens. Thanks for the help.10:45
jribRamtron: no problem10:45
decciangs: If you want to develop Java programs then install the openjdk-7-jdk package.10:45
ShapeShifter499so I'm thinking going back to windows 7 and either running ubuntu in vmware unity mode or slimming down windows and running ubuntu in vmware full screen10:46
angsthank you decci10:46
decciangs: welcome10:46
MonkeyDustShapeShifter499  plenty options, whatever works for you10:46
ShapeShifter499bekks, scanner, dialup/fax modem, iphone upgrading or restoring firmware... so far10:46
blackshirtshapeshifter499, what drivers are you trying to search?10:47
MonkeyDustI can't get my Canon scanner to work, either10:47
bekksShapeShifter499: itunes never worked on linux, and isnt designed to do so. sane provides the scanner infrastructure and most likely, you'll need a fax server, etc. to use your modem for faxes.10:47
ShapeShifter499blackshirt, scanner, dialup/fax modem, and last one isn't a driver but iphone upgrading or restoring firmware... so far10:47
c2taruncan anyone please help me with energy star? my enery star is getting reset to Standby: 48    Suspend: 72    Off: 96 no matter how many times I change it disable it or anything. I am facing this problem since many days, can anyone please help?10:48
bekksc2tarun: Whats an "Energy Star"? Some new alien technology? :)10:49
ShapeShifter499bekks, well because 100% of my stuff works on windows I'll go back to that and run ubuntu in vmware10:49
c2tarunbekks: ohh... :) nope, it is something that controls the monitor on/off and saves some battery. try executing 'xset -q' on your machine, you'll see a dpms at the end, thats the energy star10:50
blackshirtshapeshifter499, thats a good choice :d10:50
bekksShapeShifter499: You could use windows in a vm as well.10:50
ShapeShifter499however I have ubuntu natively running on my netbook with everything working better then windows xD10:50
jribc2tarun: if you're looking for random suggestions (since you've been at this for a while now): have you tried logging into different (preferably simpler, like fluxbox for example) environments?  Does it get reset at boot, or only after login?10:50
bekksc2tarun: I dont see any energy stars here. All I have is dynamic power management :)10:50
ShapeShifter499netbook - with ubuntu everything and wifi now now works      big laptop - loads of things don't work under ubuntu... go figure10:51
bekksShapeShifter499: "loads..." - you named only three, and one of them is well known for every itunes user :)10:51
c2tarunjrib: it gets reset at its will :( some times in a min, some times in 10 or 15. (at least I am not able to find a pattern). It has no connection is restarting/rebooting10:52
ShapeShifter499bekks, is there a way to pass through the dial up modem to the windows vm?10:52
gipzoHi, guys10:52
bekksShapeShifter499: Unless it is connected to your parallel port - yes. I'd use virtualbox instead of vmware.10:52
gipzoAnyone know how to copy all files from system to another drive on working system?10:53
gipzoI have ubuntu running from usb-stick, and want to copy it to another usb stick (second already have mbr)10:53
ShapeShifter499bekks, well I think I fixed the random shutdown in ubuntu with drivers from a bleeding edge ppa but I don't know10:53
ShapeShifter499bekks, xorg drivers that is10:54
gipzoUbuntu vesrion is ubuntu server10:54
ShapeShifter499bekks, how do I pass though the dial up exactly?  I've ran vm windows before and never saw an option10:55
bekksShapeShifter499: So thats a solved issue. Two left :)10:55
bekksActually - just one :)10:55
gogetaShapeShifter499: do what with dialup now10:55
ShapeShifter499gogeta, get it working somehow, even if it means running windows in vm for it10:56
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up10:56
ShapeShifter499tried that already... the only driver seems messed up10:57
bekksShapeShifter499: Which driver did you use?10:57
gogetaShapeShifter499: you check witch driver you nedded10:58
ShapeShifter499gogeta, yes "martin-modem"10:58
bekksShapeShifter499: Wrong. "martian-modem" was the package which was suggested to you.10:58
gogetadoes it dial10:58
gogetaoh lol10:58
ShapeShifter499bekks, ok but thats what I tried to get my modem working10:59
gogetaits probly a soft modem10:59
gogetause the tool in the howto11:00
gogetayou probly need the linmosem driver from dell11:00
gogetait will tell you whhat modem you have and from there the correct drivee11:02
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as G4MBY
ShapeShifter499this blows......11:04
=== G4MBY is now known as Guest7336
ShapeShifter499I'll brb11:05
ShapeShifter499I made a mistake with 32 bit over 64 bit on my laptop so I'm going to reinstall the right one and try one more thing with the drivers I have11:05
ShapeShifter499if nothing happens I'll go back to windows11:06
bekksShapeShifter499: Why dont you just stick with the howto to get it working?11:06
ShapeShifter499bekks, I did, it landed me with martin-modem11:07
=== Guest7336 is now known as G4MBY
ShapeShifter499bekks, I couldn't find the other "proprietary driver"11:07
ShapeShifter499bekks, I'm running 12.04 bte11:07
bekksShapeShifter499: martian-modem, not martin-modem.11:08
ShapeShifter499oops yea xD11:08
ShapeShifter499bekks, well you know what I mean :p11:08
g__guys can u help I am trying to setup my display for hours...11:09
bekksShapeShifter499: So where's that howto exactly, and where are you stuck, exactly?11:09
g__cant get to make nvidia work...11:09
gogetaright there11:10
gogetawell anyways it points him to scan modem11:10
gogetathere it e:-) will.list the type he has11:10
bekksAll we need is the URL now... :P11:11
gogetascroll up11:11
gogetaisn't using dialup a bit obsolete11:14
grynot too much11:14
bekksThere are still people/companies that do need faxing.11:14
gogetaEva's cough11:15
gogetaand I think a few webmail clients have faxing hiddin11:16
g_guys I cant set one of my monitors to its proper resolution.. all problems started when I installed nvidia driver... I think I removed it but I guess something is blocked11:16
g_please help...11:16
ShapeShifter499I give..... it seems WAY  easier (especially for a noob like me) to go back to windows and run ubuntu in a vm11:17
TJ-g_: How are you setting the resolution? Using the System Settings > Display, or Nvidia X Settings ?11:17
g_TJ-: (i'm on KDE) so I m using the menus Display.. the only resolution available is 640x11:18
ShapeShifter499if I ever need native ubuntu I just use my netbook11:18
gogetaShapeShifter499: yea if you can't use a simple tool like scanmodem11:18
TJ-g_: Unless you're using the very latest Nvidia 304.xx driver from precise-proposed, you'll have to use "Nvidia X Settings" to configure the screens11:18
g_TJ-:  got rid of nvidia setting as nothng worked (conflicts with my sound card etc etc..)11:18
g_TJ-: as I said I apt-get removed all nvidia related things as my problems began after Installing them...11:19
g_TJ-: Display was working just fine before :(11:19
g_TJ-:  would just like the general driver, not 3d stuff needed here..11:19
gogetaShapeShifter499: I set up a modem years ago its a non issue11:19
ShapeShifter499gogeta, my system is messed up anyways.... I need to reinstall to 64 bit ubuntu  first11:20
TJ-g_: If you've removed the nvidia proprietary drivers, then the system should be using the nouveau drivers. Check the log-file to confirm that ( /var/log/Xorg.0.log)11:20
g_TJ-:  which line am I searching for?11:20
ShapeShifter499its currently 32 bit with chunks of 64 bit installed11:20
ShapeShifter499so horribly messed up11:20
gogetaShapeShifter499: umm you can't do that11:20
g_TJ-:  yeah it's nouveau...11:20
ShapeShifter499don't ask what I did11:21
bekksgogeta: There are ways... :P11:21
TJ-g_: multiple lines that confirm that 'nouveau' is managing the GPU ... once you see the log-file you'll see the pattern. If the driver is "VESA" instead, that may explain not having multiple-screen options11:21
g_TJ-:  but still why is the laptop monitor doesnt wanna go above 640x (SONY VAIO)11:21
=== Jelly_ is now known as gelswip
gogetanot must be dead11:21
Ben64or it doesn't have a dialup trigger11:22
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up11:22
TJ-g_: The available modes depend upon which display driver is being used by X, and that the driver is reading the EDID information from the attached monitors11:22
g_should I go ahead an reinstall the nvidia driver...11:22
ShapeShifter499bekks, gogeta I'll brb in around 30 mins to a hour or so... I'll reinstall to 64 bit11:23
g_which would be the best method to do so TJ- ?11:23
gogetaits as simple as that guide11:23
g_TJ-:  I should get the latest latest driver....11:23
TJ-g_: First, determine what is in use now11:23
g_TJ-: all I see here is nouveau nouveau nouveau.. (many of them)11:23
ShapeShifter499bekks, gogeta but it wont look like I wen't anywhere, I have a online bnc service lol11:23
g_TJ-:  I also see the proper resolution mentioned ([    46.321] (II) NOUVEAU(0): Modeline "1366x768"x0.0   72.00  1366 1388 1410 1430  768 776 784 840 -hsync -vsync (50.3 kHz))11:24
TJ-g_: OK, then it's "nouveau" :)   ... you should also see lots of lines with "modeline" immediately after a monitor has been discovered. That should help determine what monitors and modes the driver has found and can use11:24
ddtgei'm trying to config infra-red receiver11:24
TJ-g_: can you pastebin the log-file?11:24
ddtgesomeone can help me with that?11:25
gogetagotta love nivida driver fail11:25
=== witakr is now known as witakr|NiteNite
=== gelswip is now known as gelswippt
g_TJ-: there u go: http://pastebin.com/MYG01RdQ11:25
witakr|NiteNiteNite folks.. see you guys in about 18 hours11:26
g_gogeta:  :( next time I m buying a laptop or any device, NO NVIDIA. -11:26
g_gogeta:  No SONY Vaio for that matter either.11:26
gogetainfrared that is a good one11:26
=== gelswippt is now known as gelswip
gogetaAti is far worse11:26
Ben64g_: nvidia works great in linux11:26
g_Ben64:  doesnt seem to be the case in practice.11:27
Ben64you should have installed with jockey instead of apt-get11:27
gogetait just sounds like it did not verbally the supported Res11:27
g_Ben64: did it before, jockey failed.11:27
g_Ben64: it couldnt activate the driver.11:27
TJ-g_: that pastebin is missing some lines from the start of the log-file. Can you re-paste including them please?11:27
gogetagive it a month on a brand new card11:28
gogetait will be fixed11:28
g_TJ-: any terminal command to dumpy my log in pastebin without copying pasting around?:(11:29
TJ-g_: from what I am seeing, I suspect the problem is there is a hard-coded /etc/X11/xorg.conf that is over-riding the resolutions detected11:29
melodieI would like an information about when to write a blueprint : someone ?11:29
gogetayes but I forgot the name11:29
g_TJ-: actually I installed Ubuntu server 64bit and then installed kubuntu package on top. if that would have to do with anything. .. .11:29
TJ-g_: If you "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" you can do "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"11:29
dummydoes anyone know an distribution which is compatible with is networkcard? Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)11:30
gogetathat might server does that have the kernel with CPU drivets11:30
TJ-g_: probably the nvidia proprietary driver left its xorg.conf behind when you un-installed... if you can get me that complete log-file we'll soon know11:30
dummyor does anyone know where can i check that out?11:30
melodiedummy, any if you install the bcm drivers11:30
g_TJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251507/ done :) Thanks for the shortcut :) Linux rules for that...11:30
dummymelodie, can install the bcm drivers on backtrack 5 ?11:30
melodiedummy, did you try the wiki ?11:30
yeats!backtrack | dummy11:31
ubottudummy: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition11:31
g_As a Web Designer I think I should volonteer to help Linux guys build a decent GUI :-)11:31
melodiedummy, probably, but come to a forum or irc #cyber-nux to ask11:31
TJ-g_: Thanks. That confirms what I thought (Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf")  so can you "pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" please?11:31
Ben64g_: we already have gui11:31
MonkeyDustg_  what's keeping you from doing it?11:31
gogetawe got decent ui out there just unity isn't one of them11:32
g_TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251510/11:32
itiliousanyone here familiar with setting up a test webserver on ubuntu?11:32
dummymelodie, ok is the channel on freenode ?11:32
Ben64gogeta: which is why i'm still on 10.0411:32
yeats!alis | dummy11:32
ubottudummy: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:32
g_MonkeyDust: nothing actually, I guess I just need the motivation :) (dont know how to contribute often) channels etc.11:32
gogetalxde xfce awesome etc11:32
itiliousi've got it setup working via tasksel w/php/mysql/etc,, my issue is getting ftp to work correctly for joomla11:32
Ben64g_: could probably do "sudo apt-get install nvidia-common nvidia-current-modaliases nvidia-current nvidia-settings" to install the driver11:32
g_gogeta: I'm on KDE..11:32
fantaghiritilious, consider access11:33
gogetaode can be one11:33
fantaghiritilious, precisely said: access rights to files aslo11:33
TJ-g_: OK, let's lose that xorg.conf. "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvidia"   then log-out to cause the X server to restart, and log-in again ... that should allow the auto-detected modes to take effect11:33
Ben64TJ-: i thought the goal was to get nvidia working?11:34
gogetaits just gnome and Ubuntu lost there minds lol11:34
MonkeyDustg_  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved11:34
itiliousfantaghir, is is sufficient to just set the entire www directory and subfiles/directories to 775?11:35
itiliouswith www-data being the owner?11:35
g_Ben64: no goal to make the right resolution available again - nvidia driver failed horribly :(11:35
g_TJ-:  reloggin11:35
gogetagooogle needs to drop the dead chrome is and make a official andorod x86. that would make waves11:36
TJ-Ben64: one step at atime. "g_" reported that nvidia caused other problems. We're trying to get multi-monitors up to begin with11:36
gogetachrome os not the chrome browser11:36
Ben64but multi monitor works differently on nvidia driver, getting it to work on noveau doesn't help it on nvidia11:36
rymate1234don't suppose there's a way to make skype integrate with empathy11:36
dummywhen i try to tip a message in #backtrack-linux it says: Cannot send to channel. What can i do??11:37
g_TJ-: it worked fine. Thanks.. I hope I'll be able to find these things on my own one day :)11:37
dummynot tip i mean send sorry11:37
g_TJ-:  any reason to attempt to install the nvidia driver? (if I dont plan to do any gaming or such..) (KDE)11:37
TJ-g_:  Now, do you want to get nvidia driver installed and working correctly, so you'll have full 3D acceleration?11:37
g_TJ-: I could try.11:38
MonkeyDustrymate1234  old post, maybe it helps http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/run-skype-as-a-daemon-and-manage-it-from-empathy-in-ubuntu-11-0411:38
melodiedummy, yes, on freenode11:38
rymate1234I did all that11:38
rymate1234How do I add it as an account?11:38
melodieOkropNick, where can I ask info about blueprints and the topics posted there ?11:38
melodiesorry, didn't mean to tab11:39
melodieI redo it:11:39
melodieOkropNick, where can I ask info about blueprints and the topics posted there ?11:39
melodieI said ok !!!11:39
aidyIs it possible to login to the same user account multiple times using lightdm? Currently it just goes back to the already running session. I'm running DWM and would like to be able to login to unity too for touch usage. (I have a tablet PC)11:39
melodienot OkropNick : what is that stupid configuration ?11:39
TJ-g_: If it gives you confidence, I have a VGN-FE41Z here I've been using 100% successfully with the nvidia drivers since 2007ish11:39
Ben64melodie: if you want to talk to yourself, I suggest doing so in a private message11:40
TJ-g_: show me the result of "lspci -nn | grep VGA" please11:40
MrMAny HW gurus around? I'm trying to make sense of my "sensors" (lm_sensors) config... what is "nouveau-pci-0300" PCI adapter... what does it refer to?11:40
melodiethanks Ben64, this is the most irrelevant suggest I ever got on a chan. wouldn't you rather tell me where some guys knowing about blueprints can inform me ?11:40
dummymelodie, when send a message in the #backtrack-linux channel it says: Cannot send to channel. And i don't know why.11:40
IdleOne!register | dummy You need to register11:41
ubottudummy You need to register: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode11:41
TJ-MrM: that's the GPU sensors exposed by the nouveau driver11:41
MonkeyDustdummy  you need to register11:41
melodiedummy, I don't either, I suggested you to come ask at #cyber-nux11:41
g_TJ-: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 330M] [10de:0a2b] (rev a2)11:41
g_TJ-: on a SONY laptop with HDMI external monitor :)11:41
TJ-g_: same here... what model Vaio?11:41
MrMTJ-: So the sensors-output is the temperature of the GPU? ... wow...11:41
dummyIdleOne, thx11:41
dummyubottu, thx11:41
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:42
dummyMonkeyDust, thx11:42
TJ-MrM: Most likely, yes... or fan speed11:42
V3n0mHi guys, wonder if someone could help me...I'm creating a simple ping sweep bash script that cuts just the ip address from the output. How would I append the word "up" or "Host up" to the output of each ping?11:42
MrMTJ-: It's a server with a ION chip embedded11:42
qw[Russian]hello all11:42
qw[Russian]have question: i have notebook (acer eMachines g725) and i would like install Macubuntu OS Question: In my notebook installing OS ?11:42
IdleOneV3n0m: best to ask in #bash11:42
V3n0mok thanks11:42
IdleOnesure thing11:42
Ben64qw[Russian]: I'm not sure what "Macubuntu" is but it's probably not supported here11:42
MrMTJ-: Strange thing though... "lm_sensors" is reporting that high is +100 and crit is +95... shouldn't crit be above "high" ?11:43
writehey there guys, can anyone help me with a resolution related problem ? I've seen netbooks like mine with 1024 x 768, but i only get 600, which kinda forces my wallpaper and everything11:43
qw[Russian]Ben64: http://www.oslike.se/11:43
Ben64qw[Russian]: Yeah, that is definitely not supported in here11:44
MonkeyDustqw[Russian]  if you like the OSX interface, there's Pear OS for you - not supported here, tho11:44
qw[Russian]and were supported ?11:44
g_TJ-: VPCCW2S1E/w11:44
twitchiewrite: what video card do you have (sudo lshw -c video)11:44
g_TJ-: the one with the problem of the fan/BIOS :)11:44
TJ-g_: thanks... I'm just cross-checking for any issues on your PC11:44
qw[Russian]i am search11:44
romibidoes anyone know why a shutdown which got initiated over an autoshutdown-script in cron does freeze if nobody was logged in since systemstart?11:45
writetwitchie: *-display                       description: VGA compatible controller        product: Wrestler [Radeon HD 6290]        vendor: Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)11:45
g_TJ-: since we're talking, any idea why before I login to KDE I have an (bad res) login screen that has a list of window managers that don't work (with the default being gnome or something) could I just tell the system there's only KDE here and make it the default?11:45
qw[Russian][14:46:11] <CrypticSquared> you are in the wrong chan qw[Russian] try #ubuntu11:46
CrypticSquaredqw[Russian]: yes?11:46
tomazi need help !11:46
qw[Russian]maybe )11:47
Ben64!ask | tomaz11:47
ubottutomaz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:47
writetwitchie: from monitor/display settings, 1024x600 is the highest, but I KNOW i've seen higher.. but i'm kinda new to the whole ubuntu thing, and i need guidance11:47
Ben64write: what model is the laptop?11:47
tomazError:Could not create the Java virtual machine, Error: A fatal exception has occurred Program will exit11:47
TJ-g_: Sounds unusual - but I don't use KDE so I can't really guide you on that. Maybe some else here is a KDE expert, or else check in the #kubuntu channel?11:47
tomazError:Could not create the Java virtual machine, Error: A fatal exception has occurred Program will exit11:47
twitchiewrite: you need to install the Proprietary drivers. Just go to your menu and look for "Additional Drivers"11:47
twitchie!ati | write11:48
ubottuwrite: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:48
tomazError:Could not create the Java virtual machine, Error: A fatal exception has occurred Program will exit11:48
tomazhelp please11:48
Ben64!patience | tomaz11:48
ubottutomaz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:48
writetwitchie: someone at #radeon didnt recommend that, with propiretary drivers it got really laggy during video playback, and youtube viewing..11:48
TJ-g_: still researching (and trying to put 200 cotton-buds neatly back into their box!) ...11:49
Ben64write: what model is your laptop11:49
twitchiewrite: Don't know why they are telling you that. You can use the ubuntu Proprietary drivers or you can always go to amd.com and download the drivers directly from them.11:49
riz_hello all11:50
writetwitchie: i got open source drivers, the guide you gave me is for situations these are not installed, and need proprietary11:50
blackshirthello riz_11:50
writeBen64: asus 1015bx11:50
drsa2hi all11:50
Ben64write: it's for better performance. the open source ones aren't as good as the proprietary ones yet11:50
twitchiewrite: I am currently running a 6950 as well on amd's prop drivers fine .. no issues at all11:50
Ben64write: 10.1" LED Backlight WSVGA (1024x600) Screen11:51
writeBen64: then how come with proprietary things are worse...11:51
Ben64it shouldn't be worse11:51
writeBen64: :-s i've seen netbooks like these with 768 :-s11:51
Ben64write: well yours is 600 :)11:52
riz_i have a win 7 64bit  i7-2600 3.4ghz 16gb and i cant get ubuntu 12.04 to work not with dualboot, usb, cd it freezez after i se the ubuntu screen with the loading dots11:52
andtorghi, cannot see ubuntu-one sync-status icons, since I upgraded to 12.04. Any hints?11:52
writepeople said about xorg or something, which can make that bigger, maximum resolution for me is 1800x1800 or something, got that from xrandr11:52
write$ xrandr Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 600, maximum 8192 x 8192 LVDS connected 1024x600+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 223mm x 125mm11:53
write8129x8129 lewl :)11:53
ScottHarrisonI'm using deja-dup to backup my /home/me directory... I have recently added /home/girlfriend to the list of things to backup... After the first backup, deja-dup has told me it's failed to back up certain files in /home/girlfriend because it lacked permissions. Can I run deja-dup as sudo to backup files in other peoples home folders?11:53
Ben64write: well the screen only does 1024x600, so it'd either not work at all, or have to scroll to see the whole area11:53
TJ-g_: I found your question on askubuntu. Did installing to a partition (rather than Wubi) solve those other problems of slowness?11:53
ikoniaScottHarrison: it's better if she is setup to run it11:53
writeBen64: i see .... too bad, my wallpaper looks a bit squashed :)11:54
Ben64write: could fix that in the gimp :D11:54
ScottHarrisonikonia, it's being backed up to an encrypted drive which she doesn't need to know the password for. Is there any way to do it without her having to run the backup?11:54
riz_i have a win 7 64bit  i7-2600 3.4ghz 16gb and i cant get ubuntu 12.04 to work not with dualboot, usb, cd it freezez after i se the ubuntu screen with the loading dots11:55
writeBen64: it is just that 1024x600 doesnt sound like a widescreen resolution .. and the netbook's sure is11:55
Newb101 hi, How do I move a layer in gimp. I ave a jpeg image and I want to move a specific section of the jpeg. But why I try it moves the whole image?11:55
romibinobody an idea why my shutdown freezes? (wrote about it 10 minutes ago...)11:56
tomazError:Could not create the Java virtual machine, Error: A fatal exception has occurred Program will exit11:56
tomazplease help11:56
ScottHarrisontomaz, what are you trying to run?11:56
ScottHarrisonwhat command are you entering to run it?11:56
romibiNewb101: you have to make the area free (freistellen in german)11:57
dr_willisi recall my old netbook had a small vertical res. but i think it was above 60011:57
tomazno command11:57
Newb101romibi, in practical terms11:57
g_TJ-: ye ye sure this was solved immediately.11:57
Newb101I go to the move Icon and do what11:57
ScottHarrisonso what do you just before the error appears?11:58
drupodhello guys, can i run ubuntu server on 400 ghz arm laptop?11:58
romibitomaz: launch it with: java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame, also please use Sun's JVM.11:58
g_TJ-:  although my idea of installing Ubuntu server and then KDE on top wasn't a good one (that was the problem) I think there is some Xorg setting or something in a file I need to comment out or change.. but dont know where to look. Any luck for nvidia driver?11:58
drsa2hi am new to ubuntu i was using ubuntu 10.10 since last 2 yrs , after uploading to 11.10 my hard disc got some bad sectors and i changed it after that some one recomended using an win 8 but was feeling bad of that OS i installed linuxmint but now i got some issues with linuxmint too i would like to go back to ubuntu which version i should select11:58
g_TJ-:  in case I go idle I'll be helping the missus , but all messages stay so dont hesitate :-)11:58
drsa2i would like to have unity destop11:59
TJ-g_: OK, I don't see any reason for problems with the nvidia driver. I would suggest though, that you consider using the nvidia 304.xx driver (currently in precise-proposed and in the x-swat/xorg/ PPA) because it now supports xrandr so you can use the system Display applet to configure multi-monitors at last! No more needing nvidia-x-settings for that11:59
Ben64g_: what have you tried since moving the xorg.conf?11:59
drsa2iuse 1215t11:59
bekksdrsa2: Sorry, I didnt get your sentence without interpunctuation.11:59
ScottHarrisontomaz, is minecraft in your home folder?11:59
dr_willisdrupod:  sounds like one of those android netbooks. :-)11:59
tomazin my deskop11:59
TJ-g_:  This is the PPA containing the latest xorg drivers:  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates11:59
g_Ben64: yeah, when I log-out, I get a login screen, and the default option doesnt let me login cause "gnome problem blabla" (makes sense, I dont have gnome.)11:59
drupoddr_willis, yes it is11:59
ScottHarrisontomaz, ok, do you know how to open a terminal?12:00
drsa2i need to select an os for my eee pc 1215t12:00
bekksdrsa2: Ubuntu 12.0412:00
tomazin windows12:00
drsa2ok 32 bit or 64bit ,mine is 64bit12:00
bekksdrsa2: Then use 64bit.12:00
ScottHarrisontomaz, can you open one in ubuntu? the program is called Terminal12:00
blackshirtdrsa2, i think any linux would work greatly with your eeepc12:01
tomazin ubuntu id working12:01
dr_willisdrupod:  can you enen install another os at all will be the big question12:01
tomazin windows not working12:01
ScottHarrisonminecraft is working in ubuntu?12:01
drsa2i was using 32bit ..before it got burned when i updated it to 12.0412:01
drsa2i changed my hdd12:01
ScottHarrisontomaz, it's a good idea to specify that you need help with Windows when asking for support in an Ubuntu channel.12:02
g_TJ-: should I use the URL or should I just do apt-get nvidia-current or current-updates ?12:02
bekksdrsa2: There is no reason to not use 64bit on 64bit hardware.12:02
Ben64g_: you add the ppa with the instructions there first12:03
g_Ben64: what is the PPA ?:)12:03
ScottHarrisontomaz, go to www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp and confirm you have latest java version12:03
drsa2sorry really am new to computing , i would like to do partion and then instal 12.0412:03
auronandace!ppa | g_12:04
ubottug_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:04
Ben64g_: TJ- gave you the link. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates12:04
drsa2so can you help me to find how12:04
TJ-g_: On that PPA page you'll see "You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing) " ... that'll tell you how to use "apt-add-repository" to add the PPA to the system's packages list. Then, you can do "apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-current" and it'll use the PPA packages12:04
=== Beginner is now known as GUI-Help
bekksdrsa2: Do you want to dualboot or something?12:04
g_TJ-: Ben64 great, I ll do that later and get back to you... any idea how to  tell ubuntu KDE is my only WM?12:05
drupoddr_willis, i bought the laptop with windows c.e installed i've succesfully installed android and now i want to install ubuntu12:05
TJ-g_: The "Read about installing" link tells you to do "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates"12:05
drsa2i only use linux12:05
bekksdrsa2: Then just install 12.04 and select "use entire harddisk".12:05
dr_willisdrupod:  im suprised you were able to do that.12:05
bekksdrsa2: Why not?12:06
drsa2i need partitions in it12:06
Ben64g_: i'm still not sure what you mean by making it default12:06
bekksdrsa2: Because...?12:06
dr_willisdrupod:  find a arm server image/iso and go for it i guess. ;)12:06
drsa2because i lost all my data 10gb of books while updating from10.4 to 10.1012:06
g_Ben64: wait I ll log out to see what ll happen now12:06
drsa2so i would like to have a safe update too12:06
bekksdrsa2: You have to have a backup of your data prior installing.12:06
drupoddr_willis, thanks12:07
TJ-drupod: It depends on which ARM core is in the device. The Ubuntu ARM builds require later versions than the Debian builds.12:07
dr_willis'data worth keeping is data worth backing up'12:07
drsa2i i know but is it possible to partition and install12:07
bekksdrsa2: Yes, it is. But create backup before.12:07
drsa2ya now i got a new disk, old one got some bad sectors12:08
dr_willispower failuer while resizeing partitions is not fun drsa2 . backup befor resizeing12:08
drsa2so can you tel how to do partition12:09
TJ-drupod: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM   and "Ubuntu targets the ARMv7 and above Application Processor family (Cortex A8, A9 and above). Currently the archive supports ARM EABI, with an expectation of minimum compliance with the ARMv7+VFP ISA. Where possible Ubuntu targets the Thumb2 instruction set. "12:09
drsa2before it was easy when using entr disc12:09
drsa2but now i like to give separate /home and other s12:09
g_TJ-: installed the PPA :)12:10
blackshirtdrsa2, thats no problems...and maybe more better12:10
dr_willisdrsa2:  the installer can resize. or use a gparted cd.   you will adnt to manually partition as needed to make a seperate /home/12:10
drupodTJ, thanks12:10
bekksdrsa2: Then create a backup and create your desired layout.12:10
dr_willisdrsa2:  this is to be a linux only box? how big a hard disk?12:11
drsa2ya but do i have a tutorial for that12:11
asdfnhi, I have a question. I use .Xresources file to make my xterm looks pretty, but I always have to write xrdb ~/.Xresource in terminal when I start system. What should I do to make .Xresource load by default?12:11
dr_willisdrsa2:  id partion similer to this,  15gb for /, a few gb for swap, rest for /home12:12
Hatoridrsa2, thats more than enough12:12
drsa2 ok12:13
MonkeyDustdrsa2  my advice, keep free space for an additional partition12:13
RedfrontedHello ubuntu12:14
Hatorihello redfrontend12:14
drsa2so  shall i do like 15gb for /,  and 5gb for swap  and 100 gb for home balance free space , do i have to make swap as promary or logical12:15
Redfrontedfirst time here and fell really great12:15
Hatoriredfrontend, good luck :d12:16
dr_willisdrsa2:  you can have 4 primaries. so you could do them all primary12:16
dr_willisdrsa2:  either way wont matter much12:17
romibiNewb101: found it: Select area, Select -> Float (or Shift+CTRL+L), Move, Layer->Anchor Layer (or CTRL+H or Click outside of Selection)12:17
romibiI often don't use float but copy and paste12:18
drsa2when i intalled linux mint i have two p[artitions of 150GB, and i think both are in primary i am trying to maintain that12:18
dr_willisdrsa2:   linux is not real picky about it. if i use  4 or less partitions  i tend to make them all primary12:19
drag0nzhey guys, i have a script im trying to run from terminal, when i do ./script it says "no such file or directory" .. anyone know how to fix that?12:19
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dr_willisdrag0nz:  check spelling? in the current dir.. is it executable.. is the first #! line right....12:20
drsa2so ex2/ex4 which one i have to use12:20
MonkeyDustdrsa2  ext412:20
dr_willisdrsa2:  ext4 is the default normally12:20
drsa2so ext4 primary /12:21
drsa2with size12:21
drag0nzdr_willis, the spelling is correct, and its green colored and i  did chmod +x, still the same12:21
drsa2do i have to set space for /boot and all12:22
romibinobody an idea to my shutdown problem? (Wrote about it 35mins before)12:22
dr_willisdrag0nz:  firts line of the file is? you could pastebin it.. and whats ls -l say about it. and 'file ./thefile'12:22
drupodhello guys, how do i register my nick?12:23
dr_willisdrsa2:  /boot/ is optional i rarely use it these days12:23
diverdudeis the linux core optimized just as much for intel processors as mac and windows are?12:24
MonkeyDustdrupod  Type « /msg nickserv register password_of_your_choice your@email.address »12:24
=== GlobalCitizen75 is now known as joe75
drupodMonkeyDust, Thanks12:25
drsa2okey i was using linuxmint  last day when i removed pavcntrl , later i was able to login but no desktop was shown (a blank screen was there ) today i tryed to re instal mint again then it says grub boot partition not found12:25
drag0nzdr_willis, this is the script http://pastebin.com/GyM86ALv12:26
ikoniadrsa2: take it to the mint support channel please.12:26
drsa2no i am not happy with it i would like to go with ubuntu12:27
TJ-drag0nz: That's not a shell-script; it's an ELF binary executable12:27
drsa2my question is will it make any problems after i install 12.0412:27
dr_willisdrsa2:  will what make any problems?12:28
drag0nzTJ-, hmm how can i run this than? on windows or something?12:28
dr_willisdrag0nz:  where did that binary come from?12:28
TJ-drag0nz: do "file <your-file-name>" - that will tell you what kind of file it is, tell us what it reports12:28
drsa2home and / are primary , swap is logical , /books /photos are already partitioned as primary12:29
TJ-drag0nz: Is this where it comes from? http://www.redsquirrel87.com/trpex.html12:29
drag0nzTJ-, dr_willis, yes, this is exactly where its from12:30
bekksdrsa2: You cant have 4 primary partitions AND an extended partition, as you are stating.12:30
dr_willisdrsa2:  you can have 4 primary MAX, if you want a logical then that will need to be in an extended.. which will take away one of the primaries12:30
drag0nzit supposed to extract images12:30
=== edve_ is now known as edve
dr_willis3 primaries, one extended (holding a lot of logicals)12:31
drag0nzTJ-, this is what "file" returns http://pastebin.com/XEctar9e12:31
TJ-drag0nz: I downloaded the ZIP, extracted it, changed to the directory "TRPEX" and did "./trpex" and it runs OK12:32
webfoxHey guys, how do I activate a screen saver at my Ubuntu?12:32
drsa2so is it possible to change primary to logical12:32
drsa2with out loosing data if goes okey i got back up12:32
TJ-drag0nz: Here's its output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251621/12:32
dr_willisdrsa2:  easier to delete/remake12:33
bekksdrsa2: Have your backup handy, and just create a new layout instead of messing around with trying to convert things.12:33
ShambatI have an openvpn tunnel that I would like to allow all traffic to and from, but it seems something is blocking the traffic, how can I allow all traffic to and from a certain interface?12:34
drsa2ya backup is in back home and am in my college getting it will take time and i would like to update without loosing data few books12:34
drag0nzTJ-, thats weird! this is the output i get: http://pastebin.com/PbFdnGMv12:35
dr_willisubuntu one has 5 gb online storage for free...12:35
drsa2so would like to know weather it is possible12:35
dr_willisseen 32gb usb on sale for $20 laltly12:35
dr_willislately ;)12:35
TJ-drag0nz: Do you have it extracted on a 'noexec' mounted file-system?12:35
drag0nzTJ-, i unziped the file using "unzip file.zip" , went to the directory and ran ./trpex and thats what it shows12:35
drsa2hmm i shall try installintg12:36
dr_willisdrag0nz:  32bit or 64bit os?12:36
bekksdrag0nz: You are on NTFS, which does not support POSIX permissions. If you want to run it, copy it over to your linux filesystem.12:36
drag0nzdr_willis, 64bit12:36
diverdudeis the linux core optimized just as much for intel processors as mac and windows are?12:37
drag0nzbekks, what do you mean? im on my ubuntu desktop12:37
TJ-drag0nz: show us "ls -altr ~/Documents/psm/TRPEX" please12:37
dr_willisdrag0nz:  chmoding a file on ntfs/vfat does not change anytthing12:37
bekksdrag0nz: then run ls -lha to see wether the file actually exists with that name.12:37
dr_willisTJ-:  you are on 64bit also?12:37
TJ-dr_willis: I'm on a 64-bit installation; the trpex is ELF is 32-bit - it runs fine12:38
drag0nzTJ-, bekks, this is the output http://pastebin.com/zZQAcWQA12:38
dr_willisisent there some ia64 compatability libs needded for that?12:38
ikoniadr_willis: careful ia64 is itanium12:39
TJ-dr_willis: No. That's what multi-lib is for12:39
dr_willisso does he have the multilib stuff ? ;)12:39
TJ-drag0nz: Show me also "mount | grep home" please12:39
TJ-dr_willis: It's installed by default12:39
dr_willisor is he just doing thr name/path wrong.12:39
dr_willishmm. what release was he using?12:40
TJ-dr_willis: Looks like a 'noexec' issue to me with the error msg from bash12:40
drag0nzTJ-, http://pastebin.com/X3RgC8Hf12:40
TJ-Drag0nir: OK, thanks. So your /home/ is part of the root file-system12:41
drag0nzmaybe i need the ia32-libs?12:41
dr_willisdrag0nz:  you are on 12.04 ?12:42
TJ-drag0nz: what Ubuntu release is it? "lsb_release -d"12:42
tyler_dwhat kernel should I be using for an intel i5?12:42
TJ-tyler_d: amd64 or i386 (the former for 64-bit and addressing more than 4GB or RAM)12:43
drag0nzyo it worked!12:43
tyler_dvery good, ty TJ- one last question, though it's not official, do you know where I might find the 64 bit of kernel 3.4+12:43
drag0nzit was the ia32 libs12:43
drag0nzran after installing them12:43
drag0nzgood call dr_willis12:43
drag0nzand its 12.01.1 LTS :)12:44
TJ-drag0nz: Hmmm; that's supposed to be installed by default12:44
STMelon12.04.1 :P12:44
MonkeyDustdrag0nz  12.04.112:44
drag0nzi guess it wasnt.. im installing it on my server as well to see what happens12:44
webfoxHey guys, how do I activate a screen saver at my Ubuntu?12:45
dr_williswebfox:  you mean what hotkey? or what exactlty12:45
TJ-drag0nz: If you hit that kind of issue in future, the one thing we didn't do that would have helped would have been "ldd trpex" which would reveal missing libraries12:45
timer_Hi, can someone help me with awesome? I doesn't get it work. :(12:45
webfoxdr_willis, well I cannot find where is it located for settings.12:46
drag0nzTJ-, aah thats cool.. thats a good command to know12:46
t4b_Which version of Java is best for Minecraft? I recently had several crashes while playing minecraft with OpenJDK 1.6.bla. And with crash I mean that not even sysrq+reisub  were able to reboot the computer properly.12:46
dr_willistimer_:  give the channel details of what its doing and not doing12:46
=== Coil is now known as Guest14339
STMelonoracle java 1.7 is best for minecraft.. not openjdk12:47
AceKingI have a Realtek 8169 card in my PC. I had to manually install the driver for it to work. Everytime I restart my PC, I have to open up Terminal and type in "sudo modprobe r8169" in order for it to work. How can it to connect automatically?12:47
t4b_Ok, thanks STMelon.12:47
Guest14339reaver ubuntu12:48
STMelonScript (JRE only)12:48
dr_willisAceKing:  theres a modules auto load list, or put that command in /etc/rc.local12:48
TJ-webfox: http://www.howtogeek.com/114027/how-to-add-screensavers-to-ubuntu-12.04/12:48
timer_I installed it and if i will start it by a terminal with "awesome" it said it already run, but if i kill campiz  my keyboard doesn't work and there is no sidebar anymore12:48
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist12:48
dr_willistimer_:  i think you dont understand what awsome is, or how window managers work.12:49
blzHi i'm looking for libdc1394.so ... where is this file located?12:49
AceKingdr_willis: So I just put that command in /etc/rc.local?12:49
Guest14339initramfs when ubu istalled12:49
TJ-webfox: see also http://askubuntu.com/questions/64086/how-can-i-change-or-install-screensavers12:49
dr_willistimer_:  there should be a 'awsome' session on the login screen12:49
dr_willisAceKing:  thats a fast and dirty way. yes.12:49
timer_I installed awesome and it do nothing.12:49
AceKingdr_willis: Ok, thanks!12:50
STMelonyoun need to make it your default session before logging in12:50
webfoxTJ-, ok, it won't became an issue on system upgrades?12:50
dr_willistimer_:  its a window manager, you dont run it while on a compix session12:50
STMelonawesome is a gui (de)12:50
dr_willis'window manager' not a whole desktop12:50
tuxatcomhow can i expand tar.gz files in the terminal ? (I tried tar -x)12:50
TJ-webfox: I wouldn't think so12:50
timer_^^ sorry, by my last post was i was a little bit confuesed,12:50
TJ-blz: it's in the package "libdc1394-22"12:50
blzTJ-, yes, but I'm asking where the file is located12:51
blzTJ-, as in libdc1394.so.2212:51
TJ-tuxatcom: "tar -xzf <file.tar.gz>"12:51
webfoxTJ-, thank you.12:51
Guest14339ininramfs when UBUNTU INSTALLED12:51
dr_willistuxatcom:  -xzvf  ;)12:51
TJ-blz: On amd64: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdc1394.so.22"12:51
qwitwaNot sure if this is really the channel for it, but I'm trying to theme synaptic package manager when I open it with sudo. I've tried symlinking my home .themes, .icons, .fonts directories to /root/.themes etc, but when I open it it's still ugly.12:51
blzTJ-, great, thank you!12:51
angswhat is the command to see the latest gcc version to download?12:51
Guest14339Initramfs WHEN UBUNTU INSTALLED12:52
drupodhello guys, how can i record radio streaming  with ubuntu12:52
timer_ok, I also tried to made a new gnome-session with the tutorial from ubuntuusers.de but there is no /usr/share/xsession/.desktop file12:52
dr_willisqwitwa:  if its not a gtk1/2/3 app it may ignore most theme settings12:53
qwitwaI think it's a gtk2 app.12:53
TJ-drupod: investigate the Pulseaudio loopback interface. http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Modules#module-loopback12:53
qwitwaWhen I run it normally it follows my gtk2 theme, Bluebird.12:53
dr_willisdrupod: depends on where its streaming from. ive used 'streamtuner'12:53
RWOverdijkI have a very specific problem. Also, I think kind of weird... I've installed ubuntu on my imac (new partition), after that I've created a new partition and installed windows. Now it SHOULD look like this: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSN3sPqn-FOCDIT1jrQv8fVlHt59x3SD9NAbPeFjwFWKJaDftf4 But in stead, I'm not seeing linux anymore... Did windows do that? How do I get it back?12:54
drupodthanks guys12:54
mateus 12:54
tuxatcomhow can i expand tar.gz files in the terminal ? (I tried tar -x) But it didn't work.12:54
dr_willisqwitwa:  you do use 'gksudo synaptic' not 'sudo synaptic'?12:54
qwitwaNope. That's probably my n00b mistake.12:55
TJ-tuxatcom: "tar -xzf <file.tar.gz>"12:55
drupoddr_willis, i want to record internet radio12:55
qwitwaTried it, but still ugly.12:55
STMelontar -xzvf nameoffile.tar.gz12:55
dr_willisdrupod:  'internet radio' can be done in a dozen ways...12:55
dr_willisdrupod:  tunapie/streamtuner is a radio stream finder/recorders12:56
RWOverdijkI found this "If you have any issues, like not having the linux partition shown anymore, reinstall grub on your linux partition with a live-CD.". Where do I find this "reinstall grub" thing on the live cd?12:56
MonkeyDustdrupod  i did it with guayadeque12:56
drupoddr_willis, ok i'll check that thanks12:56
lmbeta8drupod try audiorecorder http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/ubuntu-soundcard-recording12:57
qwitwadrupod: If you're comfortable using a command-line script, there's one here that saves an internet radio stream to MP3: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3356412:57
SpindizZzyUpgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 LTS ==> still problems shutting down12:57
drupodthanks guys12:57
SpindizZzyany ideas ?12:57
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dr_willisRWOverdijk:  the 'boot-repair' tool is installable and fixes most issues.  its mentioned on the following url12:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:57
RWOverdijkThanks for your diagnosis dr_willis12:58
dr_willisi keep hopeing thta boot-repair tool will get included by default someday12:59
timer_on tutorial start awesome with the command: "killall campiz && awesome&" this doesn't work for me12:59
dr_willistimer_:  its 'compiz'13:00
RWOverdijkdr_willis: I thought it would just be a "repair ubuntu" alongsides "install" and "try"13:00
dr_willistimer_:  and you did see if there was a 'awsome' entry on the login screen menus?13:00
timer_dr_willis: ok, sorry,13:00
timer_I down't see any login screen13:01
acehello, is it possible to do something to make 'ps' displaying all the process (not only the current user ones)?13:01
dr_willistimer_:  you do have some idea how 'awsome' works?  its not for the normal beginner.13:01
dr_willistimer_:  the lightdm login screen when you first login...13:01
bekksace: sudo ps :)13:01
qwitwatimer_: When you start up your computer, do you have to log in first, or do you just go straight to the desktop?13:02
timer_dr_willis: this is in automatic mode13:02
STMelonps aux13:02
aceno sudo13:02
dr_willistimer_:  so logout aND look.....13:02
dr_willistimer_:  or disable the autologin...13:02
STMelonps aux displays user and root processes13:02
bekksace: ps -aux13:02
acebekks: no it displays only user space proc13:02
timer_k, I take a look, thanks so far13:02
|Anthony|It's a WIP, but i finally started the major edit here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX13:03
dr_willisi doubt if you want to be running unity on top of awsome. ;)13:03
dr_willisgear icon = login sessions menu13:03
|Anthony|I would appreciate it if someone would fact / type check it as i go along13:03
mateusalguem sabe como entro no mirc por cidades?13:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:03
bekksace: ps -aux clearly lists all processes13:04
dr_willislast time someone got awsome working.. they dident realize how minimal it was. and how it worked..13:04
acebekks: if you are root yes, but not13:04
bekksace: as a user, it does too. According to the man page: Select all processes except both session leaders (see getsid(2)) and processes not associated with a terminal13:05
bekksace: for displaying the latter ones, use -A instead of -a13:05
acebekks: i agree, but on my ubuntu it s not the case :/13:05
aceah it s perhaps related  to grsec13:05
dr_williswell i wonder if timer_ got into awsome and now cant launch anything... ;)13:07
azmhi, I would like to use ubntu live cd but when booting it jumps straight to grub..13:08
dr_willisazm:  you mean the grub of the installed system?13:08
MonkeyDustazm  change the boot sequensce in your bios13:08
azmnope, I dont have anz linux installed13:08
azmthe boot sequence is right..13:08
dr_willisthen we wonder whay you mean by 'grub'13:09
MonkeyDustazm  the cd may be corrupt, did it work before?13:09
azmwell it looks like grub13:09
azmno its not corrupt, checked already13:09
dr_williswhat does it look/like/say exactly13:09
azmthe grub-like table just says install ubuntu/check CD13:10
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:10
timer_dr_willis: danke13:10
timer_dr_willis: thanks13:11
azmthe welcome screen does not show at all13:11
TJ-azm: The liveISO images use syslinux not grub as the boot-loader. You can press F6 for advanced options and manually type additions to the kernel command line at the bottom of the screen *after* dismissing the F6 menu options using the Escape key13:11
azmis this even live is13:12
TJ-azm: That's the alternate ISO image - not live.13:12
azmoh god13:13
BluesKajHiyas all13:13
azmI should have used ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent13:13
ddtgei need some help13:13
azmTJ what alternate means please ?13:13
TJ-!alternate | azm13:13
ubottuazm: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:13
qwitwaFrom before: Not sure if this is really the channel for it, but I'm trying to theme synaptic package manager when I open it with sudo. I've tried symlinking my home .themes, .icons, .fonts directories to /root/.themes etc, but when I open it it's still ugly.13:14
qwitwagksudo makes no difference.13:14
ddtgei need some help13:14
ddtgesomeone know how to setup an IR usb stick?13:14
ubottudfdsgg: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:14
ddtgeit's recognize in dmseg as "rc-dib0700-rc5"13:14
azmTJ-, can I somehow hack into live session to run gparted ?13:15
MonkeyDustqwitwa  synaptic is meant to be efficient and practical, not to be beautiful, so i guess you cannot theme it13:16
qwitwaIt follows my gtk2 theme without sudo.13:16
azmwhy the installation process has such crappy partitioning options ?13:17
TJ-azm: gparted is installed for use in the LiveISO sessions13:17
azmTJ-, yea, so I guess the alternate has no X support at all13:18
bekksazm: correct.13:18
Erealzhey everyone13:18
Erealzim tooking to host my own torrent server on my server but i need one with out a gui frontend13:19
Erealztorrent flux is dead project and im not sure what else is out there/13:19
MonkeyDustErealz  ubuntu server has no GUI by default13:19
Erealzi know im sorry13:19
TJ-Erealz: I have Transmission installed on my server; it has a web front-end for managing it13:19
Erealztj- but how can you configure it with out useing a gui?13:20
Erealzi know that those13:20
Erealzand so does utorrent but again the they are gui not ment a server13:21
Erealzi what i mean is somthing that will have a webgui but somthing i can configure with out have xwindows  installed13:21
Erealztorrent flux again come to mind but the project is dead from i can tell.13:22
TJ-Erealz: I just did "sudo apt-get install transmission-cli" which also installs 'transmission-common' and then access it as "http://$HOSTNAME:9091/transmission/web/"13:22
* tech936 is looking for networkers/engineers/etc message me if you fill the criteria 13:22
Erealzoh work i didnt know it has a cli interface13:22
MonkeyDust!ask > tech93613:24
ubottutech936, please see my private message13:24
tech936MokeyDust if you read my message you would know im asking everyone if they fill the criteria to message me13:25
bazhangtech936, this is not the place for that13:25
MonkeyDusttech936  maybe someone here knows and you don't have to wait longer than needed13:26
tech936well how about i ask again Im looking for people to work along side me so insted of sounding smug why not read the message and take it in before typing13:27
bazhang!ot | tech93613:27
ubottutech936: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:27
tech936but nvm i should have known not to ask in here as most of you sit on here idle out13:27
tech936but i shall take you information and try in the offtopic13:28
Renskiim trying to setup suexec with apache and im failing, can anyone help?13:28
RenskiI've installed it, enabled it, set a suexecusergroup line in the directive, and edited my /etc/apache2/suexec/www-data file, and restarted. But scritps and files are still being accessed by the www-data user :(13:30
oratedHi! For VNC, I usually use ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@IP and then start VNC server on the other end. Now, is it possible to try same on second system with forwarding to something like localhost:1 and with new instance of viewer?13:31
RWOverdijkdr_willis: I'm back. That did not work for me. Instead, I now have the regular load, which includes the grub one, which in itself would be fine (if I could get into ubuntu) but it starts ubuntu, with the logo and the dots under it, and as soon as the first dot lights up my screen goes to black.13:32
RWOverdijkdr_willis: It told me to paste this if it failed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251710/13:33
sulaimanGreetings Earthlings, I want to run a command every hour from 10am to 9pm. I have set the following cronjob: 0 10-21/1* * * <command>, is that right?13:34
dfadeurhello all13:34
dfadeursearching help about usb 3.0 problem13:35
dfadeursearching help about usb 3.0 problem13:36
asdfnHi, I use Ubuntu 12.04 and LightDM. Which file I can use to specify the commands which I want execute once system is started? I tried .initrc, .xinitrc, .xprofile but none of them seems to be working13:36
tyrogHi, is it possible to run wine in ubuntu 12.04 unity? thanks13:37
MonkeyDusttyrog  sure13:37
bazhangtyrog, yes13:37
bazhangdfadeur, a hardware issue?13:38
tyrogMonkeyDust bazhang , with full performance? Because unity is a compiz plugin...13:38
bazhangtyrog, what app13:38
dfadeurbazhang my usb 3.0 port runs like a usb 2.013:39
MonkeyDusttyrog  maybe you can use something lighter than unity13:39
tyrogbazhang MonkeyDust some games, mainly, so i seek performance13:39
MonkeyDusttyrog  xfce and lxde are lighter than unity13:40
livingdaylightmike is not picking up my voice on skype. Any advice?13:40
bazhangtyrog, check the appdb and /join #winehq13:40
bazhang!appdb | tyrog13:40
ubottutyrog: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:40
tyrogMonkeyDust: is MATE a good option too?13:40
MonkeyDusttyrog  MATE is a mint thingy13:41
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dfadeurbazhang no usb 3.0 devices can run on this port13:42
bazhangdfadeur, sounds like a hardware issue13:42
dfadeurbazhang i think so, it's a fresco chipset, do you know about this13:44
bazhangdfadeur, try in ##hardware13:44
TJ-dfadeur: Does /var/log/kern.log report which driver is handling the port (xhci, ehci) ?13:45
TJ-dfadeur: Also, can you pastebin the output of "lspci -nn | grep USB"13:45
dfadeur_TJ 00:1a.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller [8086:3b3c] (rev 06)13:46
dfadeur_00:1d.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller [8086:3b34] (rev 06)13:46
dfadeur_04:00.0 USB controller [0c03]: Fresco Logic Device [1b73:1400] (rev 01)13:46
zykotick9dfadeur_: notice the USB2 in the output13:47
dfadeur_i'm here13:47
TJ-dfadeur_: OK, lets check which driver is handling the Fresco device. Pastebin the output please... "sudo lspci -vvvnn -s 04:00.0"13:48
TJ-!pastebin | dfadeur_13:48
ubottudfadeur_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:48
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dfadeur_04:00.0 USB controller [0c03]: Fresco Logic Device [1b73:1400] (rev 01) (prog-if 30 [XHCI])13:50
dfadeur_Subsystem: Device [1d5c:1000]13:50
dfadeur_Physical Slot: 313:50
dfadeur_Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx+13:50
dfadeur_Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-13:50
dfadeur_Latency: 0, Cache Line Size: 64 bytes13:50
FloodBot1dfadeur_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:50
dfadeur_Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 5213:50
dfadeur_Region 0: Memory at d5a00000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]13:50
TJ-!pastebin > dfadeur_13:51
ubottudfadeur_, please see my private message13:51
dfadeur_sorry  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251776/13:52
amngsome problem with apt-cacher,i use /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20proxy configuration to connecting to my cache server , when i try to update a apt-get (sudo apt-get update) my newly added repo ask me for BAD SIGNATURE. even after i recevied the key , it's ask me for key.13:53
TJ-dfadeur_: Good news. the USB3 device is being handled by the xhci_hcd driver13:53
dfadeur_and what's the bad news?13:54
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TJ-dfadeur_: It is possible that some ports on the PC are not connected to the USB3 controller. Do you know if the port you're using has been handled by the USB3 controller (for example, using Windows) ?13:55
rgmsHi. I've been experiencing unresponsiveness with Firefox on for example Google Docs on Ubuntu 12.04 on two computers. Has anyone else been experiencing anything similar?13:55
DarkStar1How can I kill a runaway process? ( by runaway I mean it's pid keeps changing)13:56
dfadeur_TJ_:yes this port runs with seven13:56
zykotick9DarkStar1: does the process name stay the same?  if so "killall foo" where foo is the process name.13:56
DarkStar1zykotick9: yeah but killall doesn't do the job13:57
TJ-dfadeur_: OK... that's alos good! It means we're not chasing an impossible function :) ... Can you pastebin for me the log-file? You can use "tail -n 1000 /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit"  to let me see the last 1000 lines from the log-file.13:57
jribDarkStar1: why do you have such a process?13:58
yekomsDarkStar1, kill the parent.13:58
zykotick9DarkStar1: what happens?13:58
yekomsjrib, hes trying to kill a service process i bet13:58
yekomswhen they are killed, they reload automaticly.13:58
DarkStar1jrib: don't know13:58
DarkStar1but I can't kill it13:58
jribDarkStar1: well what is it that you're trying to kill exactly?13:58
yekomswhat is the process called?13:58
MonkeyDustDarkStar1  start from the beginning, what were you doing and what went wrong13:58
tyler_dI'm trying to find the source for kernel 3.6.0-030600rc5-generic as my wireless nor nvidia drivers function after upgrading.13:59
TJ-dfadeur_: I think you missed the option "-n 1000" from 'tail'. There's only 4 lines of output14:00
yekomstyler_d, did you try down grading the kernel?14:01
DarkStar1jrib: the telnet client14:01
tyler_dyekoms: that does work however does not achieve the desired kernel upgrade14:01
yekomsi wouldnt use a RC kernel.14:01
DarkStar1each time I grep the pid has changed14:02
dfadeur_TJ_: no only 4 lines in this one14:02
TJ-tyler_d: The headers you need for building the nvidia DKMS packages, are in the Ubuntu mainline Kernel PPA14:02
yekomsDarkStar1, ps aux|grep telnet | pastebinit14:02
TJ-dfadeur_: really? did logrotate just changeover then? In that case, can you do ""tail -n 1000 /var/log/kern.log.1 | pastebinit"14:03
tyler_dTJ-: once again tyvm sir.14:03
dfadeur_TJ_: right http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251794/14:03
TJ-dfadeur_: ooooo that's better...dataaaaaa! :)14:04
DarkStar1yekoms: lanx    5574  0.0  0.0  16908   652 pts/0    S+   16:03   0:00 grep --color=auto telnet is the output14:04
jribyekoms: heh14:04
dfadeur_TJ_: gimme DATA pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase14:04
yekomsthats the only return DarkStar1 ?14:05
DarkStar1yekoms: yup14:05
yekomsLOL, telnet isnt running.14:05
yekomspgrep telnet, should return nothing.14:05
yekomsi think i just got trolled lol..14:06
DarkStar1pgrep telnet returns nothing14:06
DarkStar1grep returns14:07
yekomsDarkStar1, telnet isnt running.14:08
yekomswhat your seeing is the grep line with telnet in it.14:08
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:08
TJ-dfadeur_: I'm still reading, don't panic!14:09
dfadeur_TJ_: i'm on the ground making circles and kicking all around14:11
Krasushey anyone here ? :)14:12
TJ-dfadeur_: I see important info that indicates that laptop *may* have some ports assigned to a USB2 controller, and other ports for the USB3 controller. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251815/14:12
dfadeur_TJ_: yes i have 2 usb 2.0 ports and 1 usb 3.014:13
TJ-dfadeur_: OK, the last part of the log-file puzzle I need, is to see the contents of "/var/log/kern.log" after you've plugged in the USB3 device to the USB3 port. If the device is currently connected, disconnect it. Then reconnect it. The do "pastebinit /var/log/kern.log"14:16
przemekI'm trying to use blingbling extention for awesome wm on ubuntu 12.04 but I can't get to work oocairo package. When I'm trying in lua to do anything with cairo I'm getting an exeption14:18
TJ-dfadeur_: OK, so that is using "usb 2-1.1" and EHCI. Let me cross-reference that back to your earlier dmesg14:20
hmaar6anyone from queensland?14:21
sayersonly from fistland14:21
MonkeyDusthmaar6  this is the support channel, for xocial chat, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic14:21
dfadeur_TJ_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251835/14:24
TJ-dfadeur_: I'm currently researching any issues with EHCI/XHCI switching14:26
dfadeur_TJ_: thanks to you14:26
Monika2Hello plz tell me what is ubuntu????????????14:26
ikoniaan linux distribution, read ubuntu.com14:27
TJ-dfadeur_: This may not apply to your laptop, but I'm finding references for some motherboards that indicate that the motherboard BIOS can configure the USB ports for USB2 or USB3. Do you know if the BIOS on that laptop has that functionality? If it does, it is worth checking if changing the setting will help.14:29
dfadeur_TJ_: No possibility to change i think. Rebooting now and checking, i'll be back ;-)14:30
TJ-dfadeur_: OK14:30
sayershow to view only the users post ( I don't wish to see those who just entered or leaved the channel/irc) ?14:32
blazemoresayers: What client are you using?14:33
blazemoreIDK then14:33
blazemoreOn irssi it is14:33
blazemore/ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS14:33
Krasushey anyone know s how i can install wikipad on xubuntu 12.04 ?14:34
sayersthanks blazemore14:34
MonkeyDustblazemore  i also ignore MODES14:34
TJ-sayers: right-click the channel-name tab at the bottom of the window, choose "Settings..." and then "Hide Join/Part messages"14:34
dfadeurTJ_: i changed in bios but still the same in ubuntu14:34
KulitorumWhat sets the "move" speed?14:34
blazemoreMonkeyDust: Good call14:35
sayersTJ: Thank's man , it worked14:35
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JacruthhelloI need some help.14:35
TJ-dfadeur: OK, so no help there then :(14:36
JacruthIf I have the jacks pluged-in, I can listen sound from the speakers and from the headphone.14:37
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dfadeurTJ_: no, still using ehci14:37
TJ-dfadeur: I have to go make lunch --- brain-food might help. The only thing I can think of right now, is try using all the other ports on the laptop... if non provide USB3 we know there's a driver bug and can focus on that14:38
dfadeurTJ_: ok good lunch14:39
QzenAnyone here familiar with roundcube, postfix and courier?14:40
bizhanMonaHi I am trying to understand for ubuntu 12.04 secure boot, what is the relationship between the grub , Intel UEFI and ubuntu framework to support secure boot? Thx14:41
ikoniabizhanMona: no-one knows yet, as there is no secure boot14:41
RWOverdijkI've figured out which driver I need for my imac by installing it on windows. Now, back on ubuntu, I'm trying to figure out how to install it. It's this one: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx. Can I install drivers in ubuntu using the installer?14:41
ikoniaRWOverdijk: that's a windows driver14:42
RWOverdijkikonia: I know. That's why I'm asking.14:42
g_TJ-: installed the PPA :) what should I do now14:42
=== Guest99477 is now known as Jd46
sayersI saw yesterday someone with Mac(donalds) was trying to install linux on his beast but couldn't boot the distributions14:43
ikoniaRWOverdijk: you can't use the windows driver14:43
RWOverdijkikonia: Before, it was quite difficult to help me because I had no idea what I needed. Now I know I need that specific driver, and I'm asking what to do next.14:43
ikoniasayers: that's nothing to do with this channel14:43
ikoniaRWOverdijk: you don't need that specific driver, as that's for windows14:43
sayerssee RW0verdijk, he asked for the installation info14:44
TJ-bizhanMona: Have you seen http://blog.canonical.com/2012/09/20/quetzal-is-taking-flight-update-on-ubuntu-secure-boot-plans/14:44
bizhanMonaikonia: in Intel Development Forum (IDF) in San Francisco, Ubuntu representative (and Fedora) they announce UEFI secure boot framework.14:44
ikoniabizhanMona: annouced14:44
ikoniathat's it14:44
RWOverdijkikonia: Okay fine, I'll rephrase then. I've found a driver that works for me on windows. It's the one I just linked to. Now I'm hoping that you, based on that driver, can point me to one that will work on ubuntu.14:45
prathis there someone with lxc skills, i have the problem that the route defined in /etc/network/interfaces up route add default gw ip and other routes not set on startup inside the lxc container, which are ubuntu 12.0414:45
quixotedonhi, ffmpeg is no longer supported?14:45
quixotedoni want to compress audio file, is there another application of use?14:45
CalinoubizhanMona: you cannot buy ubuntu, sorry14:45
sayersikonia: do you see the specific question asked by RW0verdijk now ?14:45
BluesKajquixotedon, install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:46
bizhanMonaCalinou: sorry not sure what you mean?14:46
quixotedonBluesKaj: thanks!! is this for prolonging the use of ffmpeg?14:47
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BluesKajffmpeg is part of the package , quixotedon , at least I'm quite sure it still is14:48
BluesKajquixotedon, if not just install ffmpeg14:48
quixotedonBluesKaj: i have the winffmpeg installed but somehow it said: the application is predecated.. :(14:49
theadminquixotedon: Yes, FFmpeg is deprecated, you should use avconv instead14:49
sayersGoodbye guys14:49
theadminquixotedon: However if you can't (for instance you're using winff), then just keep using ffmpeg for now14:50
quixotedonhmm, let me try first and see what happens next, thanks theadmin & BluesKaj14:50
theadminquixotedon: winff works fine here14:50
quixotedonanybody knows a good audio compress application??14:51
quixotedontheadmin: really?14:51
BluesKajyup here as well , haven't tried the new avconv since ffmpeg still works for me14:52
theadminquixotedon: Yeah, I just converted a video, worked fine14:52
funky1hi all :)14:52
funky1i run ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, i want an application to run at start up, but i want the desktop to load, then wait 5 mins and then to run the startup command, how can i achieve that?14:53
theadminfunky1: Write a script with: sleep 5m && exec your_command14:53
quixotedontheadmin: it's not working here14:53
RWOverdijkfunky1: If you want timed processes, perhaps write a script?14:53
theadminquixotedon: Oh, odd, do you have libavcodec-extra-53 installed?14:53
funky1ah yeah14:54
funky1didn't think of that, will give it a go, thanks :)14:54
RWOverdijkHum... Did I format my question wrong again?14:55
theadminRWOverdijk: I didn't see your question14:56
RWOverdijktheadmin: But I'm starting to feel like the annoying noob :p14:56
quixotedontheadmin: let me checkk first14:56
theadminRWOverdijk: Heh don't worry, most people start out knowledgeless... I remember asking why I couldn't mount /dev/sda1 to /dev/sda1 >.<14:57
JacruthI have a 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03), and I listen sound from the headphone and from the speakers. How could I fix it, in order to listen sound only from the headphones when they are pluged?14:57
xsiicIm having problems with x-server14:57
tyler_dI would like to get my 'fn' key on my apple alu bluetooth keyboard working, keys recorded in xev come in 2 times... (ie. press left and it shows up twice) and the 'fn' key shows no input14:58
RWOverdijkI've found a driver that works for me on windows (http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx). Based on that driver, does any know what I can do to make it so that it will work on ubuntu? (problem with imac, 2 years old. i5 processor).14:58
xsiicWho would be able to help me fix x-server?14:58
theadminxsiic: Be more specific, what is your problem?14:58
BluesKajRWOverdijk, you need a driver for what hardware ?14:58
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TJ-dfadeur: I've done some reading up on the kernel mailing list. That suggests that some systems have "vendor specific port-switching methods". I read that to mean that unless a platform-specific software switch is used, the EHCI controller will retain ownership of ports. It wouldn't surprise me if the Windows drivers for the laptop 'know' how to do that, but the info hasn't been released to open-source developers. This is speculation though, in the absence of clues on14:59
TJ-your laptop14:59
theadminRWOverdijk: Hm... AMD does provide Linux drivers. The official AMD driver is in the repos ("sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle"), but whether it will work for you or not is out of my knowledge.14:59
RWOverdijktheadmin: Added more info to the question, also. mounting to self btw? I don't getit, I just used / :p14:59
RWOverdijkBluesKaj: video, on my imac14:59
xsiicI have a Lenovo Y570 and when I reset xorg.conf using 'nvidia-xconfig', my resolution went down to 640x480 (normally 1366x768) and now I can't get it back.14:59
theadminRWOverdijk: Yeah, I was silly and didn't understand the concept of mountpoints14:59
RWOverdijktheadmin: That's not the one that ubuntu suggests right after installation?15:00
theadminRWOverdijk: Uhm... It could be, if you mean the one suggested by the Hardware Drivers tool, then yes15:00
RWOverdijktheadmin: Me neither. I have no idea what I did. I just know that I use cd / a lot so I just went with that one :p15:00
RWOverdijktheadmin: Yeah I tried those... there are two drivers there, one of which is causing me problems.15:01
BluesKajRWOverdijk, ok , which graphics card ?15:01
RWOverdijkBluesKaj: I think theadmin already helped me out by pointing out this one "sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle"15:01
theadminRWOverdijk: If it's the "post-release upgrades", then don't install those, they never work15:01
theadminRWOverdijk: Not for me anyway15:01
xsiicI have a Lenovo Y570 and when I reset xorg.conf using 'nvidia-xconfig', my resolution went down to 640x480 (normally 1366x768) and now I can't get it back.15:01
RWOverdijktheadmin: Ah, yes it was that one. The other one doesn't help much, either. I'll try again, brb :p15:01
Calinouxsiic: the proprietary driver messed up, install the open source one15:02
Calinouapt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau15:02
Calinou(with sudo)15:02
BluesKajRWOverdijk, if you ran the command for ther fglrx driver then you have to reboot to finish the install15:02
theadminxsiic: Well, removing xorg.conf ("sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf") will go back to the default config15:02
xsiicAlright, thanks Calinou and theadmin.15:03
TJ-xsiic: That means the /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains limiting settings. See 'theadmin' suggestion - that'll return to auto-probing15:03
RWOverdijkBluesKaj: Yeah I figured.. Thanks for confirming :) I'll reboot.15:03
tyler_danyone know how to make pommed work with a non-apple machine15:03
xsiicit says i cant remove it because it doesnt exist15:04
theadminxsiic: Sure you typed it right? The X is uppercase and stuff (just paste my command in)15:04
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
xsiicok, didnt know it needed to be case sensitive15:04
theadminxsiic: That's Linux for you, it's case-sensetive15:05
g_TJ-:  you there ? :)15:05
TJ-g_: I am15:05
g_TJ-:  I was on the point of installing the latest latest nvidia driver so was wondering what was the best practice ...15:05
quixotedontheadmin: libavcodec-extra-53 is not installed yet, installing in progress15:06
theadminquixotedon: Good, that should fix your winff problems15:06
RWOverdijktheadmin: I... It works?15:06
theadminRWOverdijk: ?15:06
RWOverdijktheadmin: Even unity is fast now.15:06
quixotedonthanks a lot theadmin15:06
theadminRWOverdijk: You can do sort of a check by running a 3D game or something lol15:07
RWOverdijktheadmin: I'm surprised. I did the exact same thing yesterday. Only difference was that I installed gnome3, and wasn't using unity.15:07
ThinkT510!cookie | theadmin15:07
ubottutheadmin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:07
RWOverdijktheadmin: Any suggestions for a game I could quickly install?15:07
TJ-g_: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" ... that'll cause the DKMS to build the kernel module. Then restart and it should be in use.15:07
theadminRWOverdijk: I don't really do gaming much these days so I dunno, sorry15:07
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: tuxracer :)15:07
g_TJ-:  I dont need the other packages? (settings config etc)15:08
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: No items match in software center :p15:08
dr_willisRWOverdijk:  if you bought any of the humble bundles - a lot of those are ported to linux15:08
TJ-g_: no, that will pull in all the required packages15:08
actionParsnip!info extremetuxracer15:08
g_TJ-:  cool, let's see if that'll work this time:)15:08
ubottuextremetuxracer (source: extremetuxracer): 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-4 (precise), package size 235 kB, installed size 680 kB15:08
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: make sure you have universe repo enabled15:09
dfadeurTJ_: i think you mean it's dead for my case15:09
g_TJ-:  will loging out and login in again be enough for it to be active? or do I need a system reboot15:09
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: Found it.15:09
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/Tuxracer.png/781px-Tuxracer.png15:09
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: I copy pasted no spaces and no extreme :p15:09
RWOverdijkdr_willis: I was going to. It's for charity. But first I want a stable system15:09
TJ-g_: once it has finished, check the installed version using "apt-cache policy nvidia-current". No, log-out isn't usually sufficient, because the nouveau kernel module will be in place.15:09
g_TJ-:    Installed: 304.51-0ubuntu1~precise~xup115:10
xsiictheadmin: It worked, thanks!15:10
RWOverdijkactionParsnip, theadmin: game works like a charm.15:11
theadmin!yay | xsiic, RWOverdijk15:11
ubottuxsiic, RWOverdijk: Glad you made it! :-)15:11
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: great game :D15:11
TJ-g_: That's the one :)15:11
RWOverdijkI'll try gnome3 again. If it once again uses 100% cpu I know it's not the driver...15:11
BennnAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462815:11
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: if you like counterstrike, grab urbanterror from playdeb :)15:11
xsiicNow does anyone here have any experience with Bumblebee?15:11
g_TJ-:  I reboot now.. let's see. I am afraid my hdmi monitor wont work etc :(15:11
TJ-g_: have faith :D15:11
theadminxsiic: Sort of, what's the actual question?15:12
theadminOh, wait, bumblebee... I'm thinking bitlbee15:12
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: I've never played a lot of games. But counterstrike videos do look cool. I might install it.15:12
OerHeksxsiic, there is a #bumblebee channel here on #freenode, those guys are up2date15:12
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: Don't slap me but, what's playdeb?15:12
xsiicOerHeks: Alright, thanks for letting me know.15:12
dfadeurTJ_: i think you mean it's dead for my case15:12
RWOverdijktheadmin: Thank you for your quick, helpful response. You're awesome! :p15:12
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: its a 3rd party source of packages for some great games15:12
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: playdeb.net, found it. Looks cool15:13
theadminRWOverdijk: *le blush*15:13
=== fisted_ is now known as fisted
RWOverdijkThe level of support offered by theadmin is TOO DAMN HIGH15:14
TJ-dfadeur: No, that info helps us understand what is going on, and why in some cases the ports don't seem to be working as we expect. From what I can tell, in summary, the USB controllers have a Port Routing Mask register, or should have, and the USB2 and USB2 PRMs should be set to allow the USB3 controller to handle some ports. My guess right now is, that isn't happening15:14
theadminRWOverdijk: It's common here, people help people15:14
RWOverdijkSee what I did there, I countered your "le" with "too damn high" guy. :p15:14
RWOverdijktheadmin: Yesterday people were mainly busy being mad at eachother.15:14
g_TJ-:  no 2nd monitor, bad primary monitor resolution :( where do I start?15:14
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: you can add the PPA by installing: http://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb15:14
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: you can then use the links on the playdeb site to install apps easily15:15
theadminRWOverdijk: Hm, that's kinda against rules here15:15
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: The Penumbra series is very worth the cash, as are the humble bundles :)15:15
xsiicAlso, I normally have a second monitor attached through HDMI to my laptop and then I use it as my main monitor.  Are there any steps I'd have to take to get that to work?15:15
RWOverdijktheadmin: I figured. Good to see that it was just a bad first impression :)15:16
TJ-g_: OK, in the Ubuntu dashboard, type "nvidia" and you should see "Nvidia X Settings". Launch that.15:16
aguaditoany reason why Firefox would constantly crash/slow down on ubuntu?15:16
g_TJ-:  did it, message: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.15:16
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: I also pay for apps on my tablet. It;s not a lot of money, and it helps out people that deserve it. So I'm already sold :)15:16
TJ-g_: urghh!15:16
ThinkT510aguadito: flash or addons can be usual culprits15:17
aguaditofirefox has just sort of randomly started going "dim" and crashing15:17
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: devs gotta eat. I love the apps for 60p etc, great value :)15:17
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TJ-g_: OK, can you, from a terminal, do "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg"   and then "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" and tell me the URLs please?15:17
g_TJ-: g@G-PLUS:~$ apt-cache policy nvidia-current nvidia-current:Installed: 304.51-0ubuntu1~precise~xup115:17
actionParsnipaguadito: firefox chews ram like nobody elses business15:17
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: Exactly. though I can't find counterstrike.15:17
g_TJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251948/15:18
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: did you install the deb I linked?15:18
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: yes.15:18
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install urbanterror15:18
g_TJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251949/ (the Xorg.0.log)15:18
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: working. what's urbanterror?15:19
quixotedontheadmin: it works finally,,  many thanks15:19
actionParsnipaguadito: is it when you use flash things?15:19
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=urban%20terror15:19
TJ-g_: Xorg.0.log shows "(EE) NVIDIA: Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module." and dmesg confirms it wasn't loaded, so we need to check that out first15:20
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: its based on the unreal engine so you can do wall jumpng15:20
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: It reminds me of assaultcube just less realistic15:20
RWOverdijkah there you go.. haha15:20
g_TJ-:  ok! I'm all ears:) (eyes)15:21
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: yeah the idea is less realistic, more fun15:21
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: Downloading :315:22
RWOverdijkAm I the only one who loves gnome 3 more than unity by the way?15:22
TJ-g_: First, let's make sure the kernel module was built by DKMS. "ls -ltr /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/dkms/"15:22
g_TJ-:  ls: cannot access /lib/modules/3.2.0-29-generic/updates/dkms/: No such file or directory15:23
aguaditoactionParsnip,  i'm trying to reproduce it now15:23
TJ-g_: ho-hum! OK ... I want you to try forcing a reinstallation of the nvidia-current package, and copy the output from the terminal to a pastebin when it's done. "sudo apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-current"15:24
blzI have a pair of USB speakers that I want to connect to an ubuntu installation without the Sound Settings menu (XBMCBuntu).  Normally I would just select these speakers as output in the sound settings menu, (in the "play sound through" box) -- how can I do something equivalent at the command line?15:24
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: unity is a shell for Gnome3, so by using Unity you  also are running Gnome315:25
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: I don't really believe that o,0 If that were true, than why do I have to install gnome3 individually? Or is that just some other shell?15:26
g_TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251975/15:26
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: you probably installed Gnome shell, or gnome panel15:26
actionParsnip!unity | RWOverdijk15:26
ubottuRWOverdijk: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity15:26
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: ^15:26
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: I think I meant the shell than. With the small black bar on top15:27
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: then*15:27
TJ-g_: aha! "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed."15:27
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: its still gnome underneat15:27
TJ-g_: what does "dpkg-query -l 'linux*' report ?15:27
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: Okay. I'll rephrase :) Am I the only one that likes the gnome3 shell better than the unity shell? (Or is that still wrong terminology?)15:28
g_TJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251980/15:28
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: I'm sure a tonne of folks prefer Gnome Shell :)15:28
RWOverdijkI think unity is just too young15:29
TJ-g_: let's install the headers. "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic"15:29
Starsgood morning folks15:29
blzRWOverdijk, isn't gnome-shell younger than unity?15:29
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RWOverdijkblz: I have no idea actually. I've known gnome for a while, and only heard of unity about a year ago15:30
tyler_dI'm trying to add a custom keymap for delete, what is the command?15:30
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g_TJ-:  maybe all this because I installed UBUNTU Server version and not desktop :(15:30
blzRWOverdijk, gnome != gnome-shell, though.  Both unity and gnome-shell rely on gnome3, I believe15:30
yekomsanyone good with sudo? on 8.04: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/vzctl, it'll work fine without a password, but right after i can do sudo id and it dont prompt for a passwd but just exec's it15:30
blzI think you're talking about gnome-classic15:30
tyler_die. <ctrl><delete> or such15:30
Starsis there a free or buildin automated ftp client on 12.4?15:30
blz(I admit it's somewhat confusing)15:30
TJ-g_: Usually the headers are installed when the standard kernel packages are installed... never mind, we can fix it, we have the technology!15:30
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: That's very interesting by the way. Nowhere does it say that gnome3 is a shell. It just says "install gnome3" in several articles. Thanks for the information :)15:31
g_TJ-: haha :) I know, everything can be fixed in *nix. > Headers installed.15:31
tyler_dStars: filezilla15:31
yekomsif people dont use the kernel dep's they wont get em.15:31
TJ-g_: I noticed you have the .31 kernel and headers installed, but are currently using the .29 version15:31
tyler_dStars: `sudo apt-get install filezilla`15:31
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: gnome3 is a desktop, the gnoe shell is the shell that runs on top :)15:31
blzRWOverdijk, if you like the old-style gnome interface, you should be able to install gnome-classic from the repos15:31
RWOverdijkblz: Yeah, like I just told actionParsnip, it's confusing when you have titles like "Installing Gnome 3 on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)"15:31
g_TJ-:  I installed .29 :)15:31
ThinkT510yekoms: 8.04 is only supported on servers (and not for much longer), you should consider upgrading15:31
blzRWOverdijk, It's a nomenclature nightmare =/15:32
Starstyler_d, will filezilla do automated schedule time?15:32
RWOverdijkBut I'm glad that I know now :)15:32
TJ-g_: OK, with the headers in place, you can retry the reinstallation "sudo apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-current"15:32
yekomsi dont want to upgrade. i like 8.04 for openvz. so how about my sudo issue.15:32
tyler_dStars: why not simply use a bash script and add it to your cron?15:32
TJ-g_: check the output... make sure it doesn't say again "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped..."15:32
ThinkT510yekoms: i fail to see your issue15:32
RWOverdijkblz: Also thanks for teaching me a new word.15:32
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: its all layers. Xorg + Gnome3+ Gnome-Shell + Compiz15:33
g_TJ-:  I think it passed alright.15:33
HercI need assistance regarding mysql.15:33
Starstyler_d, i need to set weekly backup and ftp to another server how can i do it15:33
g_TJ-:  yeah, installing .29 fixed it.15:33
yekomswith the line above, username can issue: sudo vzctl like hes supposed too, but he can also do sudo id, which returns 0, and sudo passwd to change root. all from that command.15:33
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: I see... And am I crossing the line if I ask you what android is then?15:33
g_TJ-:  I reboot !15:33
OerHeksyekoms if you disable sudo pass, why do you think we can help with "right after i can do sudo id and it dont prompt for a passwd but just exec's it" ?15:33
TJ-g_: great... and you ought to be able to get away without rebooting...15:33
g_TJ-:  ah let me see then15:34
TJ-g_: try "sudo modprobe nvidia_current)updates"15:34
yekomsdosn't sudo allow a user to sudo just a single file without pass, but not others?15:34
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: its some custom UI with linux kernel etc15:34
tyler_dStars: a good start would be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto15:34
TJ-g_: oops, typo! try "sudo modprobe nvidia_current_updates"15:34
ThinkT510yekoms: what do you expect when you disable passwords15:34
blzHow can I edit my xorg.conf such that an external monitor will be the *only* output for my laptop?  In addition, I'd like for the output to be at the native resolution for the external display (1920x1080).15:34
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: Ah. So like ubuntu, fedora etc?15:34
Hercif you disable a password it will allow you to execute anything I would suppose.15:34
yekomsuhm, since i set it for a single binary command, just allow username root permissions to said binary...15:34
Starstyler_d, thanks15:34
g_TJ-: FATAL: Module nvidia_current_updates not found.15:34
yekomslike the manual even says.15:34
tyler_dStars:  no worries, best of luck15:35
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: its a lot different15:35
BluesKajyekoms,  add the all no password to you sudoers file by doing , sudo visudo in the temrinal , then add the near the bottom , then ctrl +0 , then hit enter , and ctrl+X15:35
yekomsso sudoers chains like iptables?15:37
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: I love learning that stuff. Sorry if my questions are getting annoying. Then just tell me so :)15:37
TJ-g_: grrr! "ls -ltr /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/dkms/"15:37
tyler_ddoes anyone know the command name or keybinding for delete?15:37
bazhangRWOverdijk, lets get back on topic please15:37
BluesKajYoMomma, , I don't know15:37
g_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15194704 Sep 30 17:33 nvidia.ko15:37
g_TJ-:  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15194704 Sep 30 17:33 nvidia.ko15:37
BennnAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462815:37
actionParsnipRWOverdijk: learning is good15:37
HercNeeding help troubleshooting why mysql is not accepting my service account on a Wordpress installation.15:37
yekomsBluesKaj, the way you explained it, is just like how iptables works.15:37
g_TJ-:  we installe nvidia-current , not the -updates...15:37
TJ-g_: ah! On my systems it is named "nvidia-current-updates" !! ... so do "sudo modprobe nvidia" then check it is in memory "lsmod | grep nvidia"15:37
RWOverdijkbazhang: Right, sorry.15:37
yekomsfirst rule to match, is applied. then continue the configuration script15:37
RWOverdijkactionParsnip: Just installed gnome shell. rebooting :)15:37
TJ-g_: yes... I have the same version, but from precise-proposed :p15:37
HercAlso the tab feature to fill in file names in terminal only tabs across like a regular tab. Any reason why on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server?15:37
BluesKajyekoms,  ok , I don't use iptables15:37
yekomsHerc, bash-completion isnt installed.15:37
g_TJ-: g@G-PLUS:~$ sudo modprobe nvidia  :   FATAL: Module nvidia_current not found.15:37
TJ-Herc: Are you using the bash shell? or just dash ?15:37
xsiicSince #bumblebee isn't much help right now, does anyone know how to get bbswitch working?  I installed bumblebee, but I don't know what to do from here.15:37
yekomsdo you use a firewall?15:37
kenalexdoes ubuntu have a social channel ?15:38
TJ-g_: double-grr this is getting sully15:38
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts15:38
g_TJ-:  maybe I'll reboot :-)15:38
HercI was on the gui side and ran terminal from there.15:38
TJ-g_:  good idea :p15:38
Hercwould that be dash?15:38
yekomsTJ-, even in terminal or dash it'll do the same, unless its a GUI thing then it wouldnt.15:38
TJ-Herc: depends on which shell the user is configured to use15:38
BluesKajkenalex, #ubuntu-offtopic15:38
yekomsHerc, Dash as in unity application thing.15:38
HercI switched to gnome15:38
yekomsno unity? are you in a terminal or ?15:38
TJ-yekoms: Herc started from Ubuntu-server and installed the gnome-desktop on top, I think15:39
yekomsand tab returns "           " ?15:39
TJ-Herc: "echo $SHELL"15:39
HercIt had unity but I switched it to gnome.15:39
yekomsTJ-, thats how i do my GUI setups.15:39
Hercone sec.15:39
yekomsherc, echo $SHELL15:39
yekomslol TJ-15:39
TJ-yekoms: stop stealing my typos :p15:40
azmis it possible to have grub written in extended partition ?..I just installed ubuntu 12.04 but it automatically boots win like there is no other system..15:40
azm ^^15:40
yekomsazm, what OS did you install first?15:42
Hercnothing happened.15:42
Hercjust have a blank line.15:42
yekomsHerc, $shell is empty?15:42
Hercecho $shell or $Shell?15:42
yekomsazm, Win7 first, then ubuntu?15:42
g_TJ-:  works like a charm... (at least it looks like it. )15:42
TJ-azm: You probably installed GRUB to a partition (primary or logical - e.g. sda5 instead of sda)15:42
yekomsall capped.15:42
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ThinkT510azm: the default is to the mbr but you can configure it to just install to the root partition (you'd need to chainload it then)15:42
yekomsdammit TJ- let me help someone :P15:42
Gorilla_No_Bakahello everyone15:42
g_TJ-: last question, any idea why I get a message Invalid option: -session when I start kde... ? :)15:42
azmno chainloading pls15:42
Hercnothing responds.15:42
TJ-g_: Great... now do from dash "nvidia x settings" and check the config - explore - get used to what it allows you to do15:42
Hercall I see is just $15:42
azmwould it help if I would create separate boot partition ?15:42
yekomsHerc, type /bin/bash, then echo $SHELL15:42
TJ-g_: try asking in #kubuntu - I've no idea with KDE15:42
BluesKajazm, have you run sudo update-grub15:42
g_TJ-:  I don't have Dash :-)15:42
* TJ- bows down to yekoms and muches on a pie15:42
azmBluesKaj, nope because I cant boot to system-ubuntui15:42
azmid have to use chroot or something15:42
Gorilla_No_Bakaquickquestion.. why won't ubuntu work with USB 3.0 ? i have a new laptop with 4 usb 3.0 ports but all i get is USB 2.0 speeds instead15:42
yekomsazm, here is what you need to do, very user friendly. do you have a USB drive?15:42
yekomsGorilla_No_Baka, install 3.0 drivers.15:42
TJ-g_: OK, well from the System menu... explore for it :p15:42
xsiicCan anyone help me through getting Bumblebee to work?  No one at #bumblebee is responding.15:42
Hercnot getting anything.15:43
azmyekoms, yea 4gb only15:43
ThinkT510Gorilla_No_Baka: usb3 is very new, what kernel are you using?15:43
yekomsthats big enough, back up the data.. we're going to use it for a LiveCD.15:43
Herclet me get out of the gui and go to command line.15:43
azmbut I was in live cd did15:43
azmsudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda15:43
g_TJ-: yeah indeed very fancy options there:) I wish I could sharpen my fonts a bit.. but thanks mate, if there's a vote for best support I vote for ya hehe15:43
azmwhere sda is sdb in my case15:43
TJ-Herc: Are you typing those commands in gnome-terminal? That would be fine.15:44
Gorilla_No_Bakai think i am using the standard kernel that comes shippied with the last version of ubuntu15:44
yekomsdid you mount sda1 to /mnt?15:44
azmbefore that sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt15:44
yekomsdid you use the --mirror opt?15:44
azm*or sdb515:44
TJ-g_: awww shucks... well, just return the favour and help someone else when you see a question you can deal with15:44
yekomsmount --bind /dev/sda1 /mnt ?15:44
yekomsthen do the procfs aswell?15:44
azmthats not in manual15:44
yekomsheh, hold on a moment please.15:44
g_TJ-:  I'll sure do so :-)15:45
yekomsazm, is this what you followed? http://www.howtogeek.com/114884/how-to-repair-grub2-when-ubuntu-wont-boot/15:45
HercIt's stuck in my home directoy.15:45
JacruthHello, someone told me I could ask this here. I'm using Ubuntu and I have a 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03), and I listen sound from the headphone and from the speakers. How could I fix it, in order to listen sound only from the headphones when they are pluged?15:46
azmmy disk looks like this :  primary-primary-primary(all ntfs)-extended-ext4-ext4-ntfs15:46
HercMay someone give me the proper syntax to go to that directory to run $Shell since I am not getting a response.15:46
yekomsazm, what drive contains the mbr?15:48
TJ-Herc: Have you got gnome-terminal open with a command prompt showing?15:48
azmprobably the windows one ?15:48
yekomsHerc, you have to cap entire SHELL.15:48
yekomsazm, the mbr is the drive selected in bios for Drive 1st.15:48
HercI am in the command line where you hit ctrl +alt + F115:48
azmah so I should change in bios to sdb 4 ?15:48
TJ-azm: MBR is Master Boot Record. It's the first sector (512 bytes) on a hard disk.15:48
yekomsif the MBR is on the boot drive sdb415:48
yekomsazm: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repairrestorereinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd/15:48
yekomsthat is how its properly done from a LiveCD.15:48
TJ-azm: When a system boots, the BIOS reads the devices in the boot-order, reads the MBR and sees if it has boot-code in it. If it does, it loads it into memory and executes it15:48
actionParsnipHerc: which directory do you want to go to?15:48
yekomsdon't take no more then 10 minutes.15:48
HercI was told to go to /bin/bash to run $Shell but I don't get anything15:48
yekomsTj-, all drives can contain a mbr, but the one he needs is the main drive listed as 1ST in bios :P15:49
tyler_dI'm trying to set alt-delete to "delete"15:49
yekomsexport SHELL=/bin/bash; echo $SHELL15:49
actionParsnipHerc: seems a bit weird, what to achieve?15:49
TJ-Herc: No, that's not the command line. We need you to open a Terminal window. In the dash type "Terminal" and launch it15:49
yekomshe want bash-completion.15:53
actionParsnipyekoms: oh thats easy15:53
azmyekoms, and If I do the chroot the grub will intall itself automatically to mbr ?15:53
azmso I dont have to do additional changes15:53
yekomsapt-get install bash-completion lol. well thats how i did it on freebsd, cept its done via port install bash-completion315:53
actionParsnipHerc: if you run:  gedit ~/.bashrc     make sure the last 3 lines are uncommented15:53
yekomsaslong as your mounting the drive selected to boot from bios yes.15:53
Hercmy last issue aside from this is why when I create a mysql service account that it rejects my login but it allows it for root via a wordpress install.15:53
HercCan't connect to my database as the service account.15:53
actionParsnipHerc: then run:  source ~/.bashrc15:53
azmyekoms, gonna try it, thanks15:53
Hercso am I installing bash completion?15:53
azmTJ, thanks15:53
yekomswelcome azm.15:53
yekomsHerc, i was just making a statement :P15:53
TJ-azm: When booting from a LiveISO it is possible the live device is /dev/sda ... so we need to be sure to correct the device-name given to grub-install15:53
yekomshe left.15:53
TJ-He'll be back15:53
actionParsnipHerc: no, you are enabling it, its default installed15:53
yekomsthe guide i gave him is a good one. it should work aslong as he installs grub on the bio 1st drive.15:53
TJ-Herc: Do you have a 'Terminal' window now with a command prompt?15:53
WeThePeoplehow do i upgrade to 10.0415:54
Gorilla_No_Bakaso.. any ideas on why i don't get usb3.0 speeds in ubunntu 12.04?15:54
ThinkT510WeThePeople: from...15:54
yekomsdont you do apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade ubuntu?15:54
lobhaterGorilla_No_Baka: please paste bin the output from   lsusb15:54
yekomsWeThePeople, try googling that simple question ;)15:54
bazhangyekoms, dist-upgrade does NOT change versions15:55
ThinkT510!dist-upgrade | yekoms15:55
ubottuyekoms: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.15:55
TJ-Gorilla_No_Baka: Were you dfadeur earlier ?15:55
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:55
bazhang!google | yekoms15:55
ubottuyekoms: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:55
yekomswhat is google-fu ?15:55
WeThePeopleyekoms, i do both actually15:55
bazhangyekoms, NEVER recommend google here15:55
lobhaterkung-fu, play on words15:55
TJ-WeThePeople: From which release of Ubuntu?15:55
Hercchecking something hold on.15:56
Gorilla_No_Bakaright i am not on ubuntu now.. but the lsubs and dmesg shows that the usb highspeed  is recognized15:56
WeThePeopletj-, 10.0415:56
Gorilla_No_Baka however... the speeds i am geting  are well under 50 MB15:56
bazhangWeThePeople, you mean 12.04 then15:56
g_Guys would this be OK for my .xinitrc ? #!/usr/bin/env bash    exec startkde15:56
yekomsif your on 10.04 how do you expect to upgrade to 10.04 ?15:56
TJ-WeThePeople: You want to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.04 !? :s15:56
yekomsdo you mean 11.04, 11.10 or 12.04 ?15:57
ThinkT510WeThePeople: you want to update to 10.04, what do you want to update from?15:57
lobhaterGorilla_No_Baka: and you are sure you have a use 3.0 device connected?  how are you measuring the speeds you are getting?  what speeds are you expecting?15:57
yekomshes expecting the 150MB15:57
TJ-Gorilla_No_Baka: Are you using Win7 now, to test it?15:57
yekomsor whatever speeds usb3 is.15:57
WeThePeopletj-, i would like to upgrade to 10.04.4 to 10.04.515:58
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Gorilla_No_Baka no.. windows  7 was so crappy and would drop my external devices so fast that i decided to try windows bloody 8.. for a change.. no joy either15:58
ThinkT510WeThePeople: then just update normally15:58
TJ-WeThePeople: Ahh. That is part of the normal "apt-get upgrade" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" process16:00
Gorilla_No_Bakathe only os that can support (ish) is linux16:00
ThinkT510WeThePeople: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:00
yekomshow do you update normally, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade' ?16:00
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Gorilla_No_Baka but even like that ... i hear other people can get full usb3.0 speeds in ubuntu16:00
WeThePeopleyekoms, update manager16:00
TJ-Gorilla_No_Baka: So neither of the Windows versions support USB3 ?16:00
yekomsi get usb3 full speeds, but i didnt do anything special.16:00
bazhangGorilla_No_Baka, there is no limitation. usb3 works great here16:00
yekomsWeThePeople, if you know how, why would you ask ?16:00
Hercok the bash completion is fixed now I have the mysql problem.16:00
g_This is my .xinitrc , does it look ok ? g@G-PLUS:~$ cat .xinitrc #!/usr/bin/env bash exec startkde16:00
OerHeksGorilla_No_Baka, check hdd speed with "hdparm -tT /dev/sda " ( or sdb/sdc whatever your ext drive is)16:00
yekomsHerc, i use webmin to manage my mysql server.16:00
WeThePeopleyekoms, idk16:00
Gorilla_No_BakaTJ-:  if by supporting you mean dropping every 45 seconds like crazy ....:)16:00
ThinkT510WeThePeople: what is the output of: lsb_release -sd16:00
HercI can put webmin in the problems is I made a service account to run wordpress for the mysql database.16:00
ThinkT510!webmin | Herc16:00
ubottuHerc: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.16:00
bazhang!webmin > yekoms16:01
ubottuyekoms, please see my private message16:01
TJ-Gorilla_No_Baka: From what I read about the controllers and drivers, the mix of Intel and non-Intel, and the Port Mask registers, is the issue. This discussion might help you understand it.  http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-usb/msg70218.html16:01
Gorilla_No_BakaOerHeks:  for 45 seconds untill the external harddrive is dropped (unmounted) on windows i get 150 MB/s16:02
Gorilla_No_Bakaso  i guess that 'spretty much it16:02
Gorilla_No_BakaTJ-: cheers mate16:02
|Anthony|when editing entires at help.ubuntu.com, is there a way to get a scrollbar for code blocks? or something that would serve the same purpose?16:02
yekomsHerc, try using phpmyadmin, it does mysql aswell...i dont manage mysql via console so i cant help you any further.16:02
Gorilla_No_Baka i am gonna have a look at it16:02
TJ-Gorilla_No_Baka: the USB kernel developers are actively working on it, from what I see16:02
Hercso. why would mysql accept the root login but it rejects my service account on the wordpress install?16:03
Gorilla_No_BakaTJ-:   let's hope  they will make ut16:03
HercI added the user via phpmyadmin16:03
yekomswhat hostname is the service account?16:03
|Anthony|also, some words in the entry i made @help.ubunut.com get autolinks to pages that don't exist yet. can i remove these as there seem to be an over-abundance of them?16:03
yekomsand did you add the hostname it'll be connecting from to said service account?16:03
Hercyes localhost.16:04
mneptokHerc: you do understand that UNIX system accounts and MySQL user accounts are completely unrelated, yes?16:04
yekomstry ANY16:04
yekomsthen check mysql log.16:04
HercYes I know.16:04
Hercbut there's a root account in mysql.16:04
* Gorilla_No_Baka ciggie break16:04
HercI did not want to use root I wanted to use the service account I made for security reasons.16:04
yekomsdid you give correct access to said service account?16:04
mneptokHerc: you have to GRANT rights to the USER on the database16:04
Hercyes I did.16:04
HercI did grant the rights.16:04
yekomsi think its a host issue.16:04
yekomspastebin the error as it shown please.16:05
HercI pointed it to the database it needs to perform the rights on.16:05
HercWell I am running the wordpress script.16:05
mneptokHerc: and you set a MySQL password for that user, and are using the correct IDENTIFIED BY?16:05
yekomsso is that, i cant do that right now?16:05
Hercand right where it asks for the mysql username and pass I put in my web_wordpress account and pass and it fails.16:05
HercWhen I put in the root account it works.16:05
yekomswhat does it say when it fails?16:05
yekomsthats important :)16:05
Hercerror connection to mysql database16:05
yekomsthats it?16:06
Hercwhen I go back and put in root I can continue to install wordpress.16:06
yekomsno permissions to the selected database.16:06
HercI put permissions to my wordpress database.16:06
HercI even gave it full permissions like root and it still didn't work.16:06
yeatsHerc: check your mysql log for clues16:07
mirzaei<smartboyhw> mirzaei, wrong channel. #ubuntu is for support:)16:07
mneptokHerc: you set permissions inside MYSQL using some of the commands i sent in caps, or you gave permissions in the filesystem?16:07
mirzaeii have aspire 5750 with nvidia vga and now i install nvidia-current_295.40-0ubuntu1_i386.deb but no cinnoment not log in and in gnome2d flash light not work16:07
actionParsnipHerc: do you have autocomplete now?16:07
HercI set them through phpmyadmin16:07
Hercyes I do action.16:07
actionParsnipHerc: sweet16:07
HercI installed the lib tools that it told me in terminal and it worked.16:07
mneptokHerc: take phpmyadmin out of the mix.16:07
mneptokHerc: use the MySQL command line to create a sb and issue GRANTS16:08
HercI did this before in ubuntu 10 and 11 without a problem16:08
mneptokHerc: it's not Ubuntu16:08
Sidney__is it possible to install an old kernel16:09
yekomsit sure is.16:09
Sidney__from command line16:09
yekomsand even select it as default in the /etc/defaults/grub16:10
mneptokSidney__: unless you uninstalled them, previous kernels arwe available at the grub menu16:10
yekomsSidney__, yes, from command line.16:10
yekomshe could have done a grub menu cleaning at some point like i do when i upgraded my kernels.16:10
yekomsbut i move the old kernels to /boot/oldkernels, then update-grub16:10
NME_I need some help with installing ubuntu on my computer.16:10
mneptokyekoms: well, that's not how Debian handles kernel management.16:10
actionParsnipSidney__: if you can find the packages, yes16:11
yekomsNME_, what kind of help?16:11
mneptokyekoms: you remove kernel packages, which updates the bootloader. you don't edit grub configs.16:11
Sidney__I think maybe if i install another kernel my system will boot into the desktop16:11
mneptokSidney__: try booting to an older kernel at the brug boot menu16:11
yekomsmneptok, uhm, if you have a large list of kernels, and you want a auto selection done for you, you edit /etc/defaults/grub, then update-grub for grub2.16:11
actionParsnipyekoms: if you can run:  uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image      and pastebin the output, we can help remove the old kernels16:12
yekomsi dont want to remove them.16:12
NME_It doesn't work when i run the installer it just boots windows as usual and shows no sign of it doing anything else.16:12
yekomsNME_, when your booting, hit F12, and select CDROM16:12
mirzaeii have aspire 5750 with nvidia vga and now i install nvidia-current_295.40-0ubuntu1_i386.deb but no cinnoment not log in and in gnome2d flash light not work16:12
actionParsnipyekoms: you can set the default in /etc/default/grub but if you add a new kernel, the number isn't honoured16:12
mneptokyekoms: you said "grub menu cleaning" and not "grub menu custom edits." "cleaning" implies you're removing stuff. which you should not do,16:12
mirzaeii have aspire 5750 with nvidia vga and now i install nvidia-current_295.40-0ubuntu1_i386.deb but no cinnoment not log in and in gnome2d flash light not work16:12
mirzaeii have aspire 5750 with nvidia vga and now i install nvidia-current_295.40-0ubuntu1_i386.deb but no cinnoment not log in and in gnome2d flash light not work16:13
Sidney__mneptok, that is the problem i usually uninstall the old as soon as i get the new one. I know better now16:13
mirzaeii have aspire 5750 with nvidia vga and now i install nvidia-current_295.40-0ubuntu1_i386.deb but no cinnoment not log in and in gnome2d flash light not work16:13
mirzaeii have aspire 5750 with nvidia vga and now i install nvidia-current_295.40-0ubuntu1_i386.deb but no cinnoment not log in and in gnome2d flash light not work16:13
mirzaeii have aspire 5750 with nvidia vga and now i install nvidia-current_295.40-0ubuntu1_i386.deb but no cinnoment not log in and in gnome2d flash light not work16:13
NME_Ok ill try it. Thanks.16:13
yekomsmneptok, there is a few ubuntuforums.org posts where people suggest this, so you can keep the headers for building if needed.16:13
Hercgot it.16:13
Hercit had a % signs for the host box16:14
yekomsHerc, what was wrong?16:14
yekomstold you it was a host issue ;)16:14
mneptokyekoms: what random forum posters say doesn't really dictate how i maintain a Debian system :)16:14
HercI switched it to say localhost and recreated the user and now it went through.16:14
yekomsmneptok, hence the phrase: To each their own :D16:14
Hercto think 1 % sign can offset the whole thing.16:14
yekomslinux has to be perfect :P16:15
mneptokyekoms: yes, but on the official support channel you are asked to follow best practices. and hand-editing GRUB stuff is not a best practice.16:15
TJ-Herc: In mysql "%" is like the linux shell "*" glob character - it matches everything16:15
Hercwell it had that for my service account but it was getting rejected.16:15
Hercwhen I switched it as he said to localhost it went right in this time.16:15
yekomsi never told him to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but to edit /etc/defaults/grub and update-grub, which is best practices.16:15
actionParsnipyekoms: default, not defaults16:16
yekomsanyways, ive been trying to figure out how to give a user sudo acces to just a single file, instead of *16:16
yekomsactionParsnip, i have a bad habit of adding 's' to directory..causes me tons of problems when i do my systems :(16:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:17
actionParsnipyekoms: use tAB to complete stuff and you'll have fewer issues16:17
yekomsactionParsnip, tab dont complete when your writing bash scripts :(16:18
actionParsnipyekoms: you can set the setuid bit and it will run as root regardless of the user running it16:18
yekomsall i want is user 'vps' to run /usr/sbin/vzctl16:18
yekomsand no one else..except root ofc.16:18
actionParsnipyekoms: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=linux+setuid16:19
IDWMasterHi. What is the appropriate IRC channel for development questions?16:19
theadminIDWMaster: #ubuntu-devel16:19
yekomsyeah this wont work for me, as im writing in TCL.16:19
TJ-yekoms: I have this on one of my servers: "eddie  jeeves= /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/ifup, /sbin/ifconfig, /sbin/ip, /usr/sbin/service"16:20
WeThePeoplewhat would be the command to do a release upgrade 10.04 to 10.10, "sudo do-release-upgrade 10.10"16:20
yekomsis that without passwd?16:20
ThinkT510WeThePeople: 10.10 is no longer supported16:20
theadminWeThePeople: Upgrade to 12.04 directly16:20
actionParsnipyekoms: I believe so, try it. You can always undo it16:20
yekomsthe .tcl is a auto vps creater.16:20
WeThePeopletheadmin, will my files and apps be ok if i do this16:20
yekomsWeThePeople, in theory yes.16:21
ThinkT510WeThePeople: make backups just incase16:21
JacruthHello, someone told me I could ask this here. I'm using Ubuntu and I have a 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03), and I listen sound from the headphone and from the speakers. How could I fix it, in order to listen sound only from the headphones when they are pluged?16:21
actionParsnipWeThePeople: you can upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 directly (LTS to LTS)16:21
WeThePeopleok thanks16:21
yekomsit should install everything.. BUT things do happen.16:21
ThinkT510WeThePeople: it is always prudent to make backups16:21
theadminWeThePeople: Sure -- though as far as I remember updates fail if you have any 3rd party repos or apps16:21
Sidney__If I do the upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 you think it will solve my driver problems16:22
yekomsTJ-, what is jeeves? the group?16:22
actionParsnipSidney__: more than likely, newer apps, newer kernel etc16:22
yekomsSidney__, no one can give you a completly correct answer like that.16:22
TJ-yekoms: The server hostname16:22
tuxatcomhi, how can i change the permissions of the folder so that the files its includes have the same permission as the folder?16:22
mmfreaksup bitches16:22
yekomsohhh, so in my case it'd be: vps blackness-web=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/vzctl16:22
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yekomstuxatcom, chmod -R16:23
tuxatcomyekoms, thank you very much :D16:23
yekomsman chmod for further help.16:23
theadminyekoms: False! That changes the subfolders as well, he asked only about files.16:23
actionParsniptuxatcom: use:  sudo chmod -R user /path/to/folder16:23
yekomsthen use the find . -f command ;)16:23
theadmintuxatcom: find your_folder -type f -exec chmod 000 '{}' \; # replace 000 with the appropriate perms16:24
yekomsfind . -f -exec {} chmod ??? -16:24
yekomswhat theadmin said.16:24
theadminactionParsnip: What's "user" doing there?16:24
TJ-actionParsnip: shouldn't "chmod -R user ..." be "chown -R user ..."  ?16:24
theadminactionParsnip: chmod is not chown16:24
yekomsyes, chown ...16:24
actionParsniptheadmin: the user to chmod to16:24
yekomssorry tuxatcom..do this16:24
bazhang!language > mmfreak16:24
ubottummfreak, please see my private message16:24
BluesKajmmfreak, think that's cool "talk" ?16:25
actionParsniptheadmin: you're riht, mixed up16:25
mmfreaki dont think so16:25
mmfreakit IS16:25
yekomsfind your_folder -type f -exec chmod 755 '{}' \; gives user: exec, grp: rw, others: rw16:25
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, does upgrade have a --help page16:27
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:27
yekomsfreenode is having some serious TS linking issues..16:27
actionParsnipyekoms: what is 'TS'?16:28
yekomstime syncing.16:28
priyeshwhen i go full screen in flash (i have 2 screens) the video sort of goes full screen across both of them but only 1 screen shows it so it's essentially half the video16:28
priyeshany ideas?16:28
tuxatcomi install lamp-server for local machine. but i can't access localhost/phpmyadmin (it says not found) ... why?16:28
actionParsnipyekoms: I'd make the issues known in #freenod then16:28
yekomsthey cant fix that manually, the irc leafs have to resync.. it'll fix it self i hope ;P16:28
actionParsnippriyesh: does it affect all browsers?16:29
yekomsntpd will catch up heh.16:29
priyeshactionParsnip: just chrome16:29
theadminIs there any package in Ubuntu for the Gentoo's Path Sandbox? I think Debian had one... (not too sure)16:29
yekomssandbox? you mean to catch hax0rs?16:30
folornhow you empty a full dir16:31
folorninstead of doing it all by hand?16:31
yekomswhoa, this setuid is dangerious.16:31
theadminfolorn: rm -r directory16:31
folornanyone ive tried rmdir -r16:31
yekomsall i did was write a small setuid script, and it works, i hope people cant do setuid on sudo or su like this16:32
antivirtelhello! Is there any working netcafe software solution. I've tried CafePilot & Mkahawa, but the first is not good, and the second can't really work...16:32
lampe2hey i got a self signed cert on my server. i wanne use this cert systemwide on my laptop how can i do this ?16:33
tuxatcomhow can i shutdown and start a lamp-server? i want to install phpmyadmin :)16:33
actionParsniptuxatcom: sudo service whatever stop16:34
yekomsdoesnt lamp have a main service it uses to shut down all 4 at once?16:35
yekomsif not, he can write one :)16:35
=== erkan^ is now known as onzichtbaar
actionParsnipyekoms: see if lamp is an option as a servce, otherwise kill all 416:36
tuxatcomactionParsnip, thanks, but how can i find out a servername or number of the lamp-server ?? :[16:36
tuxatcomactionParsnip, servicename*16:36
actionParsniptuxatcom: you can tab complete service names, so type l and then hit TAB16:36
yekomsi dont use lamp LOL. i use lighttpd, mysql, php..so mine is a LMP setup. and i wrote a single servicename for them.16:36
lobhateron pidgin when you detach a tab, is there a way to reattach it?16:37
yekomstuxatcom, you can look in /etc/rc?.d for the scripts. :)16:37
yekomslobhater, drag and drop the window into the main window, thats how xchat does it16:37
yekoms!package blackbox16:37
actionParsnipyekoms: then stop those services and you are gold16:38
tuxatcomactionParsnip, thanks, i will try.16:38
tuxatcomyekoms, thanks16:38
yekomsactionParsnip, tuxatcom was asking about LAMP. :)16:38
actionParsnipyekoms: you could even make a new service called lamp which stops all 4 :)16:38
yekomswelcome tuxatcom. thats what good service is about, Free and prompt.16:38
lobhateryekoms: i have tried, doesnt work. I think ti must not support it. I have searched to no avail16:38
yekomsactionParsnip, i have service hosting stop :)16:38
actionParsnipyekoms: nice!16:38
yekomsit stops lighttpd, mysql, php, but service lighttpd stop never closes lighttpd, i HAVE to pkill lighttpd16:39
yekomslobhater, are you using pidgin for irc?16:39
dante123hi all, had dual monitor setup but needed one somewhere else.  Now upon reboot getting this message everytime "Could not apply the stored configuation for monitors"...How to clear/fix this?16:41
actionParsnipyekoms: could add the pkill to the script16:41
dante123also says "none of the selected modes were compatible with possible modes...trying modes for CRTC 354"16:41
tuxatcomyekoms, sorry but i don't understand what to do with these scripts. Should i execute each script in the read me file it says their purpose is to stop all services...16:43
actionParsnipdante123: what video chip do you use?16:43
dante123nvidia 550 i think....hang on16:43
actionParsnipdante123: which nvidia driver version are you using?16:45
dante123GEForce GTX 550 Ti16:45
WeThePeoplehow do i open a file in tty to edit it?16:45
dante123Everything was good until I added the second monitor...and only after I took it away did this issue crop up16:46
dante123Im thinking there is some reference to the second monitor in some config file and when it cant find it I get the error message....although when I close message all is well.  Just annoying mainly....16:46
ssfdrett8hey what is a good scree capture program i can use?16:46
blzHow can I edit my xorg.conf such that an external monitor will be the *only* output for my laptop?  In addition, I'd like for the output to be at the native resolution for the external display (1920x1080).16:46
rymate1234don't suppose there's a way to integrate skype with empathu16:46
actionParsnipdante123: try:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade16:49
dante123BTW, tried installing 12.10 Beta 2....and it has major issues with my graphics......screen is really weird....background a mess of blocks and colours.....only launcher works16:49
dante123ok actionParsnip16:49
tuxatcomi install the lamp server with ( sudo apt-get install lamp-server^) but i can't access MySql (localhost/mysql). Can someone tell me how to access mysql or phpmyadmin?16:49
actionParsnipdante123: Quantal isn't supported here16:49
azmhi I chrooted to ubuntu but after grub-update I got Cannot find list of partitions!  (Try mounting /sys.)16:49
dante123thats fine....just throwing that out there....16:49
actionParsnipdante123: until release day, Quantal is only supported in #ubuntu+116:49
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dante123hope all bugs are out before launch....16:49
actionParsnipdante123: works fine here16:49
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DarkStar1Anyone here installed dovecot with mysql lately? I'm missing the auth-sql file in conf.d and was wondering if anyone know where I can grab a copy16:49
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thewanderer1DarkStar1: workaround.org should have an idea16:49
Sidney__what was the kernel before 2.6.32-43-generic16:49
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Does that PPA contain the latest NVIDIA drivers?16:49
DarkStar1nice trolling :) thewanderer116:49
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dante123ok actionParsnip just reboot when it is done and see if message goes away?16:50
yekomsSidney__, wow, thats a old kernel.16:50
yekomsim still using 2.6 but thats cause im using openVZ16:50
Sidney__It's 10.04 and it was updated not long go16:51
mmfreakjust updated my ubuntu16:52
leaftwigI have current, how do I browse the source?16:52
mmfreakwhy i have to choose a disk with grubpc ?16:52
mmfreakdid udids change ?16:52
ThinkT510leaftwig: current what?16:53
ThinkT510!source | leaftwig16:53
ubottuleaftwig: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:53
actionParsnipdante123: sure, you have a newish video chip, the 295 driver may be too old for what you have16:54
islandmonkeyHi evil_16:54
yekomsok, when i do 'su' enter the passwd, it fails, but i can ssh root@box.com and use the same passwd and it works.16:54
yekomsany ideas?16:54
jribyekoms: you may be using an ssh key...16:54
yekomsi didnt set one up.16:55
jribyekoms: how/why did you enable the root account?16:55
quixotedoni got bluetooth not working after installing precise16:56
yekomsit was enabled by default when setting up the VPS.16:56
yekomsbut i cant issue su, but i can do sudo su fine.16:56
actionParsnipyekoms: instead of su,  use:   sudo -i16:56
yekomsor ssh in as root.16:56
jribyekoms: ask your provider then16:56
yekomsactionParsnip, su should still work like sudo -i16:56
actionParsnipyekoms: sudo -i   uses your  user's configs, rather than that of root16:56
yekomsjrib, i am my provider ;)16:56
actionParsnipyekoms: similar but not the same16:57
yekomsahh gotcha actionParsnip16:57
jribyekoms: so then I repeat my question... "how/why did you enable root?"16:57
actionParsnipyekoms: when you se to root, the configs of root will be reread16:57
DarkStar1Guys need your help with dovecot as it is critic for me. I'm looking for a config file that could have been changed for the ubuntu distro or its location moved16:57
yekomsohh actionParsnip.16:57
actionParsnipyekoms: using:  sudo -i   will mean you can use the configs in your user's profile16:57
DarkStar1the auth-sql.conf file16:57
actionParsnipyekoms: if you just forget about root, and use sudo, you'll have an easier time16:58
yekomsjrib, again, root was enabled automaticly VIA the OS Template provided with OpenVZ.16:58
jribyekoms: then ask the provider of the template16:58
yekomsactionParsnip, i didnt have my user in sudoers at the time i tried :)16:58
actionParsnipyekoms: I see, then add it to the sudo group and redisable root16:58
NME_I need some advice/help on installing ubuntu.16:59
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yekomsnow i know why service lighttpd stop doesnt work, there's not PID file of lighttpd16:59
ThinkT510NME_: then you need to be specific16:59
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azm1yekoms, I tried chroot but I got error afer grub-update17:00
islandmonkey!patience | DarkStar117:00
ubottuDarkStar1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:00
NME_When i run the installer and it reboots it just starts windows normally and it doesn't show any sign of it doing otherwise. (and i have changed it so it boots the disc drive first)17:01
yekomswhat error azm1 ?17:01
azm1Im searching17:01
yekomsdid you issue grub-update, or update-grub?17:01
* DarkStar1 adopts the zen position17:01
azm1i forget it :(17:02
DarkStar1what is the command format that searches the repo for a file? I have forgotten17:02
azm1something is not on list try to mont sys17:03
WeThePeoplehow do i open a file 'in' tty to edit it?17:03
yekomsdo you have your livecd running?17:03
jribWeThePeople: use nano17:03
jribDarkStar1: apt-file search17:03
WeThePeoplejrib, thanks17:03
`Nano_no don't use me D:17:03
yekomsupdate-grub shouldnt give any errors unless you're working off the wrong drive.17:03
azm1but man17:03
DarkStar1jrib: thx17:03
azm1I gave just one drive17:03
* jrib downgrades `Nano_ to emacs17:04
azm1one sda17:04
yekomshow many drives are installed currently?17:04
azm1I disconnected the second17:04
yekomsif there is JUST one, then SATA1, or IDA0 will be SDA.17:04
azm1in bios there is no way to choose anything different17:04
azm1its sda17:04
yekomswhich hopefully is what bios has as MASTER0.17:04
yekomsthen you should do mount --bind /dev/sda1 /mnt; mount --bind procfs /mnt/procfs; chroot /mnt; update-grub17:05
ovrflw0xwhere can i get WUBI.exe for 12.10?17:05
yekomsand it should go fine.17:05
yekomsovrflw0x, its in the ISO's.17:05
ThinkT510ovrflw0x: avoid wubi, 12.10 support in #ubuntu+117:05
ovrflw0xThinkT510, why avoid wubi?17:05
yekomsohhh .10, i thought he said .04, i'm sorry. disregard my statement.17:05
ThinkT510ovrflw0x: its only meant to be used as a demo (or taster)17:06
WeThePeoplejrib, will midnight commander work just as well??17:06
yekomsi found a workaround for the broken lighttpd upstart script ;)17:06
azm1and its always sda117:06
ThinkT510ovrflw0x: if you really want to use ubuntu then install it to its own partition17:06
jribWeThePeople: you can probably open an editor from inside mc, but mc is just a file browser17:06
azm1because its at the beginning ?17:06
jribyekoms: broken in what way?17:07
ovrflw0xThinkT510, will it have dual graphics support? a+i mux support?17:07
WeThePeoplejrib, yeah mcedit17:07
yekomsservice lighttpd stop doesnt work.17:07
yekomslighttpd fails to create a PID file..17:07
jribyekoms: seems to work ok here on 12.0417:08
yekomsso i added, PID=`ps aux|grep lighttpd|grep username|awk '{ print $2 }'`; kill -9 $PID17:08
yekomsim using 11.1017:08
zodiakovrflw0x, what do you mean by dual graphics support ? there are about 5 different 'dual graphics' things that could apply to17:08
yekomsi run lighttpd as a normal user.17:08
ThinkT510ovrflw0x: if wubi doesn't have it nor will ubuntu17:08
yekomsi never run anything as root, but sshd.17:08
ovrflw0xzodiak, ThinkT510 linux in general is very slow for newer hardware17:09
zodiakovrflw0x, come to think of it, what do you mean by a+i mux17:09
yekomslinux is slow on newer hardware?17:09
cdavid578i need download films.............17:09
zodiakovrflw0x, urm.. well.. I have dual 7850's running on the desktop17:09
jribyekoms: by default, lighttpd will run as www-data17:09
zodiakovrflw0x, and intel/nvidia hotswap on laptop17:09
bazhang!piracy > cdavid57817:10
ubottucdavid578, please see my private message17:10
yekomsif set within the config it will.17:10
ovrflw0xvery slow for making graphics drivers for newer hardware17:10
zodiakso.. not sure what you mean by 'dual graphics'17:10
jribyekoms: grepping ps aux like that doesn't seem ideal17:10
cdavid578ok ty17:10
TuxProbeguys, what have happened to all them beautiful panel applets? is gnome-panel totally gone since unity launcher and compiz merged?17:10
yekomspgrep lighttpd is simpler.17:10
ThinkT510ovrflw0x: thank the graphics card makers17:10
tozenTuxProbe, u can chioo17:12
jribyekoms: I still wouldn't recommend that17:12
yekomscan i ask, why not?17:12
yekomsif lighttpd wont create the pid file, i need a solution.17:12
jribyekoms: well, what if you have a process like lighttpdxyz.  Why won't lighttpd create a pid file?17:12
yekomsi have no idea, nothing in error.log17:13
TuxProbetozen chioo??17:13
jribyekoms: did you change any of the default setup?  You said before you had it running as non-root, but that's default behavior already (as www-data)17:13
tozenTuxProbe,sorry type erro17:13
yekomsi tried the default user, and other users.17:13
jribyekoms: tried what as the default user, and other users?17:14
yekomsi run everything under 'black' as it has no access outside of /www17:14
tozenTuxProbe, u can choose enviroment in login17:14
yekomsi used www-data, then selected black. lighttpd runs fine for both, but no pid file.17:14
yekomsit just creates a dir in /var/run as lighttpd17:14
jribyekoms: how did you "select black"?  I'm not sure what you mean17:15
jribyekoms: more importantly, did it create a pid file originally?  When it was running as www-data right after install?17:15
skrootWhat file is the auto mapping of samba shares stored in?17:15
yekomsits never created one.17:15
skrootI set them up via Webmin but it's caused problems17:15
TuxProbetozen ah yea got it..17:15
yekomsas soon as i installed it, i issued 'service lighttpd stop' and it said it closed it, but port :80 was still being used by lighttpd17:16
ThinkT510!webmin | skroot17:16
ubottuskroot: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:16
TuxProbefor instance, cpu-freq applet would be a nice addition to the indicator area -  anyone know of statuses in any ports of old applet api or something similar into gnome3?17:16
naveen_hi everyone..i am new to ubuntu..pls tell me how should i start.... i got fresh installation now ..17:16
yekomswow, this channel HATES webmin.17:16
ThinkT510!manual | naveen_17:16
ubottunaveen_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:16
skrootThinkT510, thanks for pointing out the obvious and completing aluding to my question, which in the end, had nothing to do with Webmin17:16
bazhang!rute | naveen_17:16
ubottunaveen_: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com17:16
yekomsnaveen_, start wherver you need for what project you wish to create/finish.17:16
=== ivan_ is now known as Guest59841
yekomswe dont know why you installed ubuntu ;) but glad you did17:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:17
Guest59841I have two hard drives. I have ubuntu installed in one of them and I made a /home partition...the other hard drive is empty I would like to add the empty hard drive to the File System...17:18
skrootGuest59841, it's probably /dev/sdb117:18
skrootformat it, mount it17:18
yekomsdmesg|grep brand17:18
Guest59841when I use gparted to build a primary ext4 partition on it it is called sdb17:19
yekomsit should be sdb117:19
yekomssdb1 is what you'll mount.17:19
skrootthe first partition should be sdb117:19
Guest59841and no sdb mention on etc/fstab file17:19
yekomssdb is the drive, sdb1 is the useable space.17:19
yekomsyou wont have one till you create it.. :)17:19
Guest59841I mean it is mounted as a new drive at the same level File System is17:19
jribyekoms: in any case, I'd suggest taking a look at the script in 12.04 and comparing it to the one you have.  It's a much better idea to have the pid stored when the process is started so you make sure you are stopping the correct process17:19
yekomsim using 8.04 :x17:20
skrootwhat file are auto mounts stored in?17:20
skrootthank you17:20
yekomsyou're welcome, i reccomend usind a UUID.17:20
skrootyekoms, can you explain?17:21
yekomsUUID="drive_id" ext3 /path17:21
jribyekoms: you said you were using 11.10 10 minutes ago...17:21
skrootmy problem is i have shares with a space in them17:21
skrootand they dont auto mount17:21
yekomsUUID=8388cae9-cdcc-4077-aae5-3f01b25c26c0 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       117:21
yekomsexcape the spaces.17:21
yekomsMy\ New\ Folder17:21
skrootah, ok17:21
yekomsor its My \New \Folder17:21
skrootwsant sure if i need to escape or wrap em in brackets17:22
BennnAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462817:22
Guest59841I d like to use the second hard drive as part of the system that is to say....inside root17:22
yekomsescape them.17:22
yekomsGuest59841, use it how?17:22
yekomsyou cannot STACK drive2 onto a folder drive1 is hosting.17:22
yekomslike two drives mounted to /home. it will use the second mounted drive for the storage.17:22
yekomsso it has to be a folder without a mount point.17:23
Guest59841yep that is17:23
skrootcouldnt he combine them in LVM?17:23
Guest59841a extended /home partition but in different hard drives17:23
yekomsyou mean like a software raid?17:23
Guest59841but I think that is not allowed17:23
Guest59841no I just want to use the space17:24
skrootor he could use greyhole17:24
skrootif you just want the space, just mount it as /storage or something17:24
skrootin my server i have one drive as /public, one as /private and the 3rd is /17:24
nibblerso, i install 12.04.x, try to use ccsm to enable a desktop cube, in the process enable composite and opengl.... and now i'm left without decorations - if i don't metacity --replace, i'd be completely lost....17:24
Guest59841okay the problem is I cant get to it through terminal17:24
nibblerany hints?17:24
Guest59841I need to go /media/harddrive17:25
yekomsi have my main as /, backups 3TB as /opt/backup, and media 2TB as /opt/media and 3TB VPS as /vz17:25
yekomsGuest, open a terminal, and type mount | pastebinit17:25
yekomspaste URL.17:25
Guest59841I used to have mine just under /17:25
skrootpastebinit is native?17:25
yekomsapt-get install pastebinit17:25
skrootno i have it, i just never heard of it17:25
yekomspastebinit is a python script..so i dont see why not17:25
yekomsi wrote one in C.17:25
Guest59841since I upgraded to 6417:25
skrootits just cool, thats all. didnt know about it17:25
yekomssockstat is native too17:26
yekomsfrom 11.10+17:26
skrootvery nice17:26
asdfnif I run mpd as daemon, does it mean that somebody from my local-network could connect to it too?17:26
yekomsyes asdfn17:27
asdfnmusic player daemon17:27
yekomsguest, how do you want to use the second drive, to addon to a drive, or as a secondary storage space?17:28
yekomsoh, never used any music stuff17:28
asdfnyekoms, thanks for the answer17:28
Troy^ok on boot if my harddrive is not present for mounting in my fstab is there any way to get it to automatically bypass the mounting instead of having to hit 'S'17:29
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yekomsTroy^, wait on them, they are scanning for errors.17:31
yekomslet ubuntu scan it17:31
balsaqyesterday i wanted to download a catalog and view it, but it said i needed adobe acrobat...i downloaded it anyway and ubuntu 12.04 was able to let me view it? how is this possible?17:31
balsaqit functioned as though i had acrobat17:32
jribbalsaq: it was probably just a pdf.  There are plenty of alternative pdf viewers17:32
ThinkT510balsaq: there are other pdf readers17:32
mars2Hi all...17:32
ThinkT510!pdf | balsaq17:32
ubottubalsaq: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)17:33
balsaqso ubuntu's pdf simply senced the need to act and did it on its own?17:33
mars2I need to install linux on a computer for my 4 year old niece... What version do you recommend?????17:33
ThinkT510balsaq: evince is installed by default17:33
jribmars2: 12.04 is the latest release17:33
DaghdhaI want to replace unity with gnome. Could that affect my networking?17:33
balsaqit was a very good experience17:34
ThinkT510!notunity | Daghdha17:34
ubottuDaghdha: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:34
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jribmars2: maybe check out http://www.edubuntu.org/17:34
Troy^ok on boot if my harddrive is not present for mounting in my fstab is there any way to get it to automatically bypass the mounting instead of having to hit 'S'17:34
mars2thanks jrib... I will try that!!!17:34
mars2jrib... Edubuntu... hmmm...heard that before... designed for small kids?17:35
ThinkT510!edubuntu | mars217:35
ubottumars2: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org17:35
jribmars2: it's designed with education in mind.  I don't think the cater only for younger children but their website says "kids of all ages"17:36
Daghdha4 is pretty young, can't read yet. Not sure if any OS is good for them :)17:36
[TiZ]Hi. What kind of activity might cause XFCE to be slow to start up?17:36
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tozen[TiZ] bootchart?17:37
jribmars2: if you can get her comfortable with the pointer and create some icons for her, there may be some sort of educational games she might enjoy.  But I'm not familiar at all with it.  Might try asking in #edubuntu too17:37
mars2thanks Thinkt510 and Jrib... will try that right away!17:37
[TiZ]tozen: I suppose I could check that.17:38
jribmars2: check out http://www.edubuntu.org/screenshots ... They mention gcompris there designed for ages 2-10!17:38
tuxatcomhi, i tried to install additional drivers on ubuntu 12.04 LTS (the driver: ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics dirver) but then is error appeared: "Sorry, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log" What can i do to fix this?17:38
tozen[TiZ], sudo apt-get install bootchart, after that reboot the system17:39
ThinkT510tuxatcom: posting the log to a pastebin would help17:39
compdoctuxatcom, do you need the proprietary driver?17:39
tozen[TiZ], log image will be placed in var/log/bootchart17:40
Joe_____Hello everyone, newbie here to irc and ubuntu.  i installed on a dell inspiron 1525 with Dell Wireless 1395 WLAN Mini-Card.  In ubuntu the wireless does not work.  any suggestions?17:40
Troy^Is there a way to get ubuntu on boot to automatically bypass on harddrive mount fail? Instead of having to hit 'S' key. Is there some sort of parameter to add to the fstab?17:40
tuxatcomThinkT510, http://pastebin.com/xWU3RBWn17:40
mschrhowto restart the unity panels?17:40
tuxatcomhttp://pastebin.com/xWU3RBWn this is the jockey.log file17:40
tozenmschr, restart or reset?17:41
DaghdhaThinkT510: Just to make sure, before i commit to gnome-shell, after installing i will no longer have all these effects and it will behave and handle just like my old ubunty (pre unity) did?17:41
mschrtozen newly installed stuff does not show17:41
[TiZ]tozen: thanks17:42
tuxatcomcompdoc, i want to install these drivers for blender. I can't run blender without these drivers. :(17:42
dstaubsaugerhi, on my pc, i have an extended partition with free space before it. how can i make the extended partition include the free space, so i can create a logical partition on it (preferrably using gparted)?17:42
ubottucdavid578: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:42
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mschrtozen like with 'killall gnome-panel' and then the service restarts the applets and menus itself17:43
ThinkT510Daghdha: gnome-shell isn't gnome2 so no not really17:43
mibneohello folks, I accidentally made my Firefox window somewhat opaque, now I can see the dekstop a little thru the window. What did I do? How do I get it back?17:43
Daghdhabecause my main grief with unity is the slow switching of workspaces and the workspace manager17:43
DaghdhaAnd the zoom effect :(17:44
compdoctuxatcom, there are sometimes 2 proprietary drivers listed. Have you rebooted and tried the other one?17:44
ThinkT510Daghdha: tried unity2d?17:44
tuxatcomThinkT510,  do you know how to search for a error in a .log file?? I have no clue how to find the error.17:44
DaghdhaI think it defaults to that17:44
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DaghdhaOn my machine, how can i tell ThinkT510?17:44
dstaubsaugerThinkT510: bad idea, they killed the unity-2d project for quantal17:44
ThinkT510tuxatcom: not entirely sure what to look for in that file sorry17:44
tozenmschr, startup with terminal then u'll be able to see them on the launcher, after that click right mouse button Lock on Launcher17:45
tuxatcomThinkT510, no problem, thanks for helping. :D17:45
Daghdha1st thing on windows i disable is all those soom in out slid in out menu's.17:45
ThinkT510dstaubsauger: unity2d has to be supported as long as 12.04 is, thats 5 years17:45
DaghdhaAnd now it's also in Ubuntu :) justc an't disable them17:45
mibneoaccidentally made my Firefox window opaque, how do I make it normal again?17:45
ThinkT510tuxatcom: do you have more than one graphics card?17:46
ThinkT510Daghdha: log out and select it at the login screen17:46
tuxatcomcompanion, the second driver is excatlly the same one only (post-release updtes)17:46
tuxatcomThinkT510, , the second driver is excatlly the same one only (post-release updtes)17:47
DaghdhaThinkT510: I'm on it over VLC. Not sureit will let me do that, i will try,17:47
ThinkT510Daghdha: vlc is a media player, not sure what you mean17:47
Daghdhalol, vnc. Sorry17:47
compdoctuxatcom, so youre saying you havent tried it17:47
ThinkT510Daghdha: ah, yeah vnc doesn't like compositing17:48
nagelhello. i have a problem with emphaty and my msn account.  iam on a fresh install of 12.04.1 and i have @gmail emailwith my MSN.17:48
mibneodoes anyone know how to make my firefox window non-opaque again? the text is very hard to read17:48
Joe_____nick joeah17:49
=== aoooox is now known as Szadek
Joe_____Hello everyone, newbie here to irc and ubuntu.  i installed on a dell inspiron 1525 with Dell Wireless 1395 WLAN Mini-Card.  In ubuntu the wireless does not work.  any suggestions?17:50
tuxatcomcompdoc, i tried but i will tried it a secound time. p.s. soon back17:51
ThinkT510!wifi | Joe_____17:51
ubottuJoe_____: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:51
Joe_____thanks ubottu17:51
actionParsnipJoe_____: run:   sudo lshw -C network      what is the wireless chip?17:51
Joe_____it says it is missing firmware actionParsnip.17:52
actionParsnip!broadcom | Joe_____17:52
ubottuJoe_____: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:52
Joe_____thanks, i will read and see if i can figure it out.17:53
nageldoes anyone know a fix for empathy and msn? one that actually  works?17:53
tuxatcomcompdoc, i can only activate the first one but not the upadtes drivers. blender is still not running. :[17:58
Evil_Ericok i need help with makeing and installing a app from source and need someone to walk me through it step by step anyone up to the agrovation?17:58
ThinkT510!checkinstall | Evil_Eric17:59
ubottuEvil_Eric: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:59
nagelhello. i have a problem with emphaty and my msn account.  iam on a fresh install of 12.04.1 and i have @gmail emailwith my MSN.17:59
yekomsblack blackness-web= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/vzctl, i have the only line in /etc/sudoers, it'll work issuing sudo vzctl, but after i issue that, i can do sudo su, how do i prevent this?17:59
tuxatcomcompdoc, when i try to start a program which includes any 3d nothing happens.17:59
tozennagel, what kind of problem do u have?18:00
Evil_Ericwell that kills the whole agrovation level dosent it18:00
nageltozen: i setup my online account and that is MSN. when i start empathy  it shows, displays the contact listfora second and exits withouth anything.18:01
ThinkT510nagel: why are you trying to use msn with a gmail account?18:02
tkingpls how do i find Network Manager in Ubuntu18:02
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mneptokThinkT510: empathy uses multiple IM protocols18:02
ThinkT510mneptok: yes but if he wants to use msn he needs to have a valid account18:03
nagelThinkT510 : becouse i set itup so longtime ago wheni still used windows MSN and i dont want to lose my contact list18:03
ThinkT510nagel: then why aren't you logging in with your msn account?18:04
nagelThinkT510: that is my msn account18:04
ThinkT510nagel: it can't be, thats a gmail address18:04
nagelthat is the email tht i log in so i get my msn contact list18:04
tozennagel, 4 msn u need @hotmail account18:05
nagelmsn had or still have  i dnot know the option to use other emails for their  services18:05
DJonesThinkT510: Old msn accounts don't have to be hotmail/msn accounts, my msn chat account is djones@mydomaim.com nothing to do with hotmail etc18:05
nagelin the passport era18:05
nagelit had this option18:05
nageli set it up then18:05
BluesKajyekoms, what the purpose of using NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/vzctl , using,  'username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'  ,works for everything requiring the pw (global setting)18:05
nageland the strange thing is my mns works with pidgin18:06
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DaghdhaThinkT510: Don't see that at login screen, just guest mode. Like i say i think it's already in 'simpler mode' because my machine has no gpu18:06
nagelbut then i lose gnome-shell's notifications18:06
ThinkT510Daghdha: its the little icon in the login screen18:06
yekomsi dont want user black, to enter a passwd for sudo /usr/sbin/vzctl but i do for anything other then /usr/sbin/vzctl18:07
DaghdhaThinkT510: ok, i guess i will lopgout and try again18:07
yekomsim trying to make a auto creating script that runs in TCL from iRC.18:07
DJonesnagel: I don't use empathy for messaging, I've always used pidgin it might be worth trying that instead of empathy18:07
yekomsand to use vzctl you HAVE to use sudo or run it as root.18:07
xanguanagel: well if it works with pidgin there is a plugin for it to integrate with gnome notifications18:07
DJonesnagel: Sorry, just saw that you said it works with pidgin18:08
BluesKaj!who | yekoms18:08
ubottuyekoms: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:08
yekomsBluesKaj, im looking for ANYONE for help.18:09
ThinkT510yekoms: then you should state your issue on one line18:09
nagelDJjones, xangua : yeah i used pidgin too, but once i want to try out ubuntu as the developers intended(minus unity. i hate it with pasion.)18:09
ThinkT510nagel: when is the last time you tried unity? 12.04's is good18:10
Evil_Ericok i think i dint make myself clear enough (no im not trying to be a douche it just always ends up that away) there is an app i want to install from sorce i dont know how to compile it nor do i know how to do anything with it and make install or check install. I have to have the app compiled first enorder for it to install. this has been a issue for me for awhile and am trying to learn the proper cli way in installing something fro18:10
Evil_Ericm source and do not wanna use a simpifed program for this am trying to learn and i just get confused when i read some of the guide that try to help18:10
dickassyour spelling was so horrible you have summoned me18:10
BluesKajyekoms, good because i have no idea what you're trying to do , I thought your trying to editn the sudoers file , but obviously I'm way off in left field18:10
dickasswhy is my username..18:10
FloodBot1dickass: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:10
yekomsokay, let me explain this again.18:10
nagelThinkT510: 11.04 ithink dunno when i started i just cant like it18:11
yekomsi have a eggdrop, all ready to manage my VPS host box, it needs root access to vzctl, so im using SUDO, it works fine, but i can also do sudo id after i test sudo vzctl,18:11
nagelrather gnome318:11
xanguanagel: i was refering to this https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/214/pidgin-conversation-integration/18:12
xanguaat least makes pidgin a little more usable in gnome shell18:12
GagarinI created a symlink form /var/www/user to /home/user/www. Everything is world-readable, but lighttpd gives 403 errors. Somehow this could be selinux related, but i haven't even installed that package. How could i fix this?18:12
DJonesnagel: I've just opened empathy for my msn account and I get a contact list18:12
=== sandyd is now known as Celene
xanguaDJones: with a passport account¿, he's having that issue18:12
jribGagarin: ls -ld / /home /home/user /home/user/www18:13
DaghdhaThinkT510: It seems slightly fatser, though that may be suggestive. Fact is just Unity workspace manager is cumbersome sub-standard product18:13
ThinkT510Daghdha: xfce is my favourite18:14
Daghdhai used to have that, way way.. waaaaaaaaay back18:14
SDS025Hey, I got a question: What is the command to start the backdrop in ubuntu?18:15
Evil_Ericif anyone is willing to help me install wakeup from source on ubuntu12.04.1 64bit please feel free to pm me18:15
jh1997saWhy is my Ubuntu install so god damn slow :@18:16
nagelDJones: it didnt crash on you?18:16
jh1997sai dont mean the install process18:17
jh1997sai mean ubuntu in general18:17
jh1997saWindows is so much faster :/18:17
ThinkT510jh1997sa: installed any ppas?18:17
companiontuxatcom, thanks for highlighting me wile being AFK, please consider of not typing the wrong name >.>18:17
DJonesnagel: No, no issues at all, I've got version on 12.0418:18
jribGagarin: www-data needs executable permissions on /home/user18:18
g_anyone else noticed ARIAL fonts are too small in 12.04 ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/172477/fonts-too-small-in-chrome-in-12-0418:19
nagelDjones: same version here, but you use hotmail.com mail dont you?18:19
DJonesnagel: no, mine is name@mydomain.com18:20
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=== celene is now known as sandyd
nagelDJones than how the hell doesnt work for me18:22
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nagelor at elst it would show an error report or something18:22
Gagarinjrib: thank you18:22
=== Celena is now known as sandyd
DJonesnagel: Maybe try running empathy from a terminal to if spits any error message when it crashes/closes18:25
StFSHi. Does anybody know how I can install the Helvetica font in ubuntu 12.10?18:25
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ThinkT510!12.10 | StFS18:25
ubottuStFS: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:25
DJonesnagel: The only other thought I've got is that the account within empathy has gotten corrupted, maybe remove the account and recreate it18:25
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nagelDJones:  i alreadfy tried removing and reading te acount didnt work. and i did start emphaty in termina lgave me long list of  dumps18:27
g_so my two worst problems for now: Chrome tabs font size super small and Arial seems 1 or 2 px smaller than Windows... (unreadable) :-( :-(18:27
Newb101how do I build a cheap but very powerful linux server?18:27
BluesKajchrome tabs are unconfigurable , g_18:28
DJonesnagel: I'd put the error messages into a pastebin and post the link, it might mean something to somebody18:28
BluesKaj!server | Newb10118:28
ubottuNewb101: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server18:28
g_BluesKaj:  I know I already starred the bug in chromium ... sucks...18:28
xanguaNewb101: you could try the offtopic or ##hardware channel perhaps18:28
nagelDJones: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1252400/18:28
BluesKajg_, it's probly not going to be fixed ,it's been unconfigurable since it's inception18:29
g_BluesKaj: they could just make the linux version font 1px bigger. easy peasy !18:29
g_BluesKaj: or we could reverse engineer it and hack it :-)18:30
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DJonesnagel: Sorry, I'm afraid that doesn't mean much to me, hopefully somebody else can suggest something from that memory dump though18:31
Zentaurdoes anybody know how to disable samba?18:32
BluesKajg_, I doubt their Linux comitment is very strong , they dumped google linux without any anouncement whatsoever , after all18:32
g_BluesKaj: the community could do it ...18:32
g_BluesKaj:  we can't patch it?18:32
ZentaurI want to access the shares on my server but don't want to share anything18:33
BluesKajFF fills the bill for mostppl with larger monitors , g_18:33
Zentauri don't even want to be seen in the network18:33
g_BluesKaj: eeeh it's way too slow ...18:33
BluesKajg_, well, I have the patience , it's slow due to javascipt mostly , think HTML5 will solve that soon , I hope18:34
SokelZentaur: ... you do NOT need to run samba to access a windows share.18:35
webfoxIs there a application to try restoring formated volumes for Ubuntu by any chance please?]18:35
webfoxI mean formated or deleted files...18:35
SokelThere's this thing called google. Look for it.18:36
ThinkT510!undelete | webfox18:36
ubottuwebfox: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:36
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PoolShark_hi all.. trying to get soundmodem to work on 12.04 server in Vbox... I have alsa installed and alsamixer sees the card and can set the levels..but I cannot find the right /dev/device to use in soundmodemconfig that will result in soundemodem working correctly... there is no /dev/dsp ... help? :)18:37
webfoxThinkT510, I deleted by mistake a file from a flash driver and I am interested in to recover it. Does those tips cover it also?18:38
oratedIs there a way to move a partition from extended partitions to primary?18:38
webfoxthis flash driver is FAT formated18:39
ThinkT510webfox: no idea sorry, i'm careful when deleting things18:39
webfoxPerhaps it was formated or deleted, not sure.18:39
ThinkT510webfox: backups are great though18:39
mumixamafter a power failure grub wont auto boot. any ideas?18:39
vltHello. I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. How can I enable flash on websites. I already installed the pkg flashplugin-installer but I can’t use any flash. What to do next?18:40
ThinkT510vlt: it should be usable in whatever browser you got18:41
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webfoxThinkT510, I have a backup, it is not available at the moment and it wasn't me whose deleted this file. But I think those explanations are far away from necessary. Do you think you can help me or let it go...18:41
vltThinkT510: And how to enable it?18:41
vltThinkT510: I mean how to actually *use* it?18:42
ThinkT510vlt: it should already be enabled once installed (restart your browser)18:42
vltThinkT510: I have restarted firefox and chromium. Flash doesn’t work.18:42
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QuanSaiDoes anyone know how to get rid of that stupid top bar on 12.04?18:43
vltThinkT510: Is there a website where I can test whether flash works and paste the output here for debugging?18:43
actionParsniporated: you could use dd from one partition to the other18:43
krosonHi everyone. What is the best tool to tweak and personalize unity? Thank you18:43
ThinkT510vlt: youtube18:43
Newb101does make a diference if you run the ubuntu server on an AMD or an intel processor18:43
ThinkT510Newb101: it runs fine on both18:44
QuanSaiDoes anyone know how to get rid of that stupid top bar on 12.04?18:44
ThinkT510!info myunity | kroson18:44
ubottukroson: myunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB18:44
krosonThinkT510: that is the one with more options?18:44
ThinkT510QuanSai: that is part of unity's layout18:44
ThinkT510kroson: yeah18:45
c0de_universalhelp-me on nginx :S18:45
vltThinkT510: I went to youtube.com and clicked on a video. It doesn’t play. What to do next?18:45
QuanSaiThinkT510: Terrible design.  Any way to get around that?18:45
ThinkT510vlt: sorry, i'm not sure, not a big flash user myself18:45
actionParsnipQuanSai: I found an extesion for gnome shell http://techhamlet.com/2011/12/auto-hide-the-top-gnome-panel/18:46
ThinkT510QuanSai: use a different desktop environment18:46
QuanSaiactionParsnip: Thanks.18:46
QuanSaiThinkT510: Well, to clarify, I'm not worried about the Unity bar.  Just that bar on top that provides the drop-downs.18:46
vltDoes anyone know how to enable Flash in browsers?18:46
seednodeYou should just be able to install from the website.18:47
seednodeIf you're using Chrome/Chromium/Firefox/etc18:47
ZentaurSokel, do you know how do I disable samba then?18:47
ThinkT510QuanSai: thats still part of the default setup18:47
vlt!who | seednode18:47
ubottuseednode: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:47
actionParsnipQuanSai: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174166418:47
ZentaurI don't want to completely erase because I may use it anytime18:47
seednodevlt: Yeah, sorry, I meant to direct that at you. I'm just a bit distracted; I'm helping people in 3 channels right now.18:48
vltseednode: Me too ;-)18:48
phy1729how do I give a server a static ip but get the gateway, dns server, and domain from DHCP?18:48
vltseednode: From what website do I need to install what to enable flash in Firefox or chromium?18:48
balsaqvlt - is everything up to date18:48
vltbalsaq: Is this a question?18:49
seednodevlt: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/18:49
vltbalsaq: If yes, how to check?18:49
actionParsnipvlt: flash is in the repos, you don't need a website18:49
seednodevlt: If not, you can install ubuntu-restricted-extras.18:49
actionParsnipvlt: just enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin18:49
vltactionParsnip: I installed flashplugin-installer. How to ebable it now in the browsers?18:50
actionParsnipvlt: are you using 64bit Ubuntu18:50
vltactionParsnip: No.18:50
balsaqgrr dead battery bbl18:50
actionParsnipvlt: ok cool, just close all the browsers down then rerun and it will be loaded18:50
vltactionParsnip: How many times do I need to do this?18:51
ssfdre38who can help me with an openshot question?18:51
actionParsnipvlt: once18:51
ThinkT510ssfdre38: you won't know until you ask it18:51
actionParsnipssfdre38: ask and see18:51
* vlt opens firefox again18:51
xanguavlt: did you restart your browser¿18:51
vltxangua: Yes.18:51
ssfdre38well i want to show if someone knows how to edit the volume of a clip to turn it down18:52
actionParsnipvlt: opening another browser doesn't do it,you need to get to a point where no firefoxes are running18:52
vltxangua, actionParsnip: I ran `killall firefox` and restarted then. No Flash here.18:52
actionParsnipvlt: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'18:53
ThinkT510vlt: why use killall? why not just close the browser like normal?18:53
actionParsnipvlt: something like http://pastie.org or similar. Thanks18:53
vltactionParsnip: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'18:54
vltactionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/xtRMuhCU18:54
actionParsnipvlt: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree18:54
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actionParsnipvlt: you do know Lucid is EOL in April next year? Not a lot of support left18:55
vltactionParsnip: Yes, but as long as it’s LTS’ed it should work, right?18:55
ThinkT510vlt: desktop support ends in april18:56
actionParsnipvlt: it will work indefinitely, you will just get no updates and no support anywhere18:56
vltactionParsnip: *will*18:56
fredlis there a method to make a program run for a fixed amount of time?18:56
vltactionParsnip: It’s not possible (for me) to use 12.04. It’s just too slow :(18:57
actionParsnipfredl: firefox; wait 60; killall firefox        for example18:57
seednodevlt: You could use a different DE than Unity18:57
actionParsnipvlt: did you try Xubuntu 12.04?18:57
actionParsnipseednode: Unity isn't a DE18:57
seednodeactionParsnip: Yeah, sorry, I just use DE as a blanket term.18:57
vltfredl: firefox && sleep 60; killall firefox18:57
actionParsnipvlt: nice18:58
seednodeactionParsnip: I do the same thing with Openbox sometimes.18:58
vltseednode: What can you reccommend? Gnome or MATE?18:58
Zentaurdoes anybody know how to disable samba?18:58
ThinkT510vlt: mate isn't supported18:58
seednodevlt: Well, I enjoy Openbox. However, it's really up to you.18:58
actionParsnipZentaur: sudo service smbd stop18:59
ThinkT510vlt: gnome-shell does have a fallback mode thats meant to be similar to gnome218:59
vltZentaur: Maybe there’s a /etc/default/smb where you can disable it. Or just remove it ;-)18:59
seednodevlt: Openbox isn't a DE, it's a window manager. However, you can give it the same functionality with less bloat, using programs.18:59
actionParsnipvlt: Lubuntu and Xubuntu will be nice and fast and supported here.18:59
ThinkT510vlt: my favourite is xfce18:59
vltactionParsnip, ThinkT510: Thanks18:59
actionParsnipseednode: you can even just use Compiz as a standalone WM, like openbox18:59
ZentaurI already made it but I can still see the name of my computer from another one when I seach in the windows shares18:59
Zentaurvery strange18:59
seednodeactionParsnip, true. However, I've had issues with compiz in the past, so I try not to recommend it.19:00
actionParsnipZentaur: you'll see it, you'll just see no shares19:00
ZentauractionParsnip,  that's it19:00
actionParsnipseednode: i've always hated it, I'm using it now in Quantal to help report bugs, then openbox for me19:00
Zentaurbut is it possible not to see the computer if there are no shares?19:01
vltZentaur: Check "netstat -tulpen"  to see a list of runnig programs listening on the network.19:01
seednodeactionParsnip, Yeah, I'm using Openbox right now.19:01
seednodeactionParsnip, I'm not actually running Ubuntu; I have some experience with it, though, so I help people around here.19:01
actionParsnipseednode: no bad thing :)19:01
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patman023question: what options would one normally use for /home in fstab?19:15
actionParsnippatman023: here's mine: UUID=29454e63-47c8-435c-b00e-3abcaa4ad68e /home           ext4    defaults        0       219:17
patman023no issues using just "defaults"?19:17
actionParsnippatman023: the installer set it up, so no19:17
patman023ah, makes sense! This is my first time trying to reinstall with /home on another partition, and I whoopsed the username on my account... >_<19:18
NisstyreSo, I updated my kernel to 3.2.0-31, and my usb wifi drivers stopped working (I rebuilt them manually using make, details here http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/229-ubuntu-precise-dlink-dwa160-revb2). Anyway, I switched to the previous kernel for now, but I'm wondering if these drivers are incompatible with the new kernel. dmesg just gave a whole bunch of errors saying "disagrees about version of symbol19:18
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Nisstyre", which I unfortunately forgot to copy.19:18
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NisstyreIt worked for the last kernel update, so, yeah19:19
patman023thanks muchly actionParsnip!19:19
OerHeksNisstyre, all drivers you build yourself, needs to be rebuild after aa kernel update.19:19
actionParsnipNisstyre: then reboot to the old kernel, redownload the souce and then boot to the new kernel and rebuild19:19
NisstyreOerHeks: I'm well aware of that19:19
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NisstyreactionParsnip: I still had the drivers on my hdd, I rebuilt them for the new kernel, but modprobe couldn't insert the new module19:19
NisstyreI am on the old kernel right now19:20
actionParsnipNisstyre: won't this ppa make it https://launchpad.net/~jools/+archive/joggler ?19:20
NisstyreactionParsnip: not sure what that would have to do with this19:21
NisstyreI'm fairly new to the ubuntu world, been using Arch for the past 3 years19:21
actionParsnipNisstyre: there is a package named rt2870sta-dkms    which would self build each kernel, the chip seems to use the rt2870 driver, right?19:22
NisstyreactionParsnip: the chipset is rt5572, and the drive is named rt5572sta19:22
Nisstyrethe drivers are open source from ralink19:23
Nisstyreit's a very new piece of hardware, so it's not yet in the kernel19:23
Nisstyrethis is a newer revision of that I think19:23
Basstard`Nisstyre: Are they free though?19:23
NisstyreBasstard`: they're open source19:23
NisstyreI had to patch them to get them to even work19:23
actionParsnipNisstyre: did you do the drivers-dkms bit on the guide you listed?19:24
NisstyreBasstard`: they are using a GPL license19:24
NisstyreactionParsnip: no, and I should've19:24
Nisstyrebut I should still be able to rebuild them manually, no?19:24
actionParsnipNisstyre: I guess so, you may have to make clean first19:25
Basstard`Nisstyre: Is there any kind of blob though?19:25
Nisstyreyeah, I did make clean19:25
NisstyreBasstard`: no19:25
djqHi Everyone: can anyone tell me how to use the terminal to connect to a 3G dongle to the internet? An upgrade failed mid-way and I am without a GUI.19:25
Nisstyremaybe it was just a fluke, I'll try again later19:25
actionParsnip!aptfix | djq19:25
ubottudjq: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:25
NisstyreI did do a make clean, which should remove everything from the last build19:26
TJ-Nisstyre: If you have the DKMS package installed, you can rebuild it using "sudo dkms build -m <module-name> -v <module-version> -k <kernel-version>" followed by - if that was successful - "sudo dkms install -m <module-name> -v <module-version> -k <kernel-version>"19:26
actionParsnipNisstyre: you'd need to check the make file to see what happens19:27
NisstyreTJ-: I'll give that a shot, thanks19:27
NisstyreactionParsnip: fair enough19:27
linuxandbsdcannot send to channel?19:28
linuxandbsdwhat the19:28
TJ-Nisstyre: That DKMS method relies upon the DKMS package having installed the sources to /usr/src/<module-name>-<module-version>/19:28
djqubottu: If i do this, I get the error: "dkpg: error: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system"19:28
ubottudjq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
NisstyreTJ-: okay19:28
gandalf88bisi need a fdisk help19:28
fizz_Hello, I have a hard drive in my fstab that will not always be present at boot, When it is not present the startup halts and waits for the press of the 'S' key to skip the mounting process of the drive. Is there a way to get it to default bypass?19:29
gandalf88bisif i'm tring to create new partition with fdisk, do fdisk assign partition name auto?19:30
TJ-Nisstyre: If it hasn't you'll need to copy the module source tree to that location (including creating the directory) and then use "sudo dkms add  -m <module-name> -v <module-version>"19:30
fizz_ Hello, I have a hard drive in my fstab that will not always be present at boot, When it19:31
fizz_               is not present the startup halts and waits for the press of the 'S' key to skip the19:31
actionParsnipdjq: try:  sudo mount -o rw,remount /19:31
fizz_               mounting process of the drive. Is there a way to get it to default bypass?19:31
actionParsnipdjq: then rerun the command ubottu gave19:31
rumpe1fizz_, keyword: noauto (in fstab)19:32
fizz_rumpe1: noauto is going to allow auto bypass at boot ?19:33
rumpe1fizz_, "auto" is default, which means it gets mounted automatically during boot19:33
rumpe1fizz_, noauto will deactivate that19:33
fizz_so i will have to mount it manually after a restart?19:34
skrootafter making changes to /etc/fstab, how do i push them out?19:36
skrootrestart samba?19:36
fizz_skroot: mount -a19:38
fizz_skroot: samba has nothing to do with fstab19:38
skrooti wasnt sure, thats why i asked19:39
skrootbut thank you!19:39
actionParsnipfizz_: you can mount samba shares in fstab19:39
skrootone of my drives has a space in it, mount is saying those lines are bad19:40
skrooti tried escaping them with \19:40
actionParsnipskroot: why not use the UUID?19:40
skrootnot sure how that works, honestly19:40
actionParsnipskroot: its also a partition you are mounting, not drive19:40
actionParsnipskroot: run:  sudo blkid     and you will see the UIID19:41
skroottechnically its a second drive, but i get you19:41
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actionParsnipskroot: look at the otherlines, you'll see how it is used19:41
skrootok, i see it19:41
actionParsnipskroot: the UUID is a solid way to reference partitions19:41
fizz_Hello, I have a hard drive in my fstab that will not always be present at boot, When it is not present the startup halts and waits for the press of the 'S' key to skip the mounting process of the drive. Is there a way to get it to default bypass? I don't want to use noauto because then if the drive is there it requires me to mount manually. I just need it not to get hung up if there drive is not there?19:41
rweaitI'm having odd issues with 12.04 wifi on a Lenovo T61. Wifi won't drop one AP and connect to another, when requested.  reboot fixes, but I'd rather not reboot.19:41
rizlahello all19:41
djqactionParsnip: thanks for advice19:41
actionParsnipdjq: all ok now?19:42
rizlaim have a win7 64bit i7 3.4 ghz 16gb ram and i cant get ubuntu 12.04 to boot not in dual boot or from usb or cd19:42
rizlait freezes when the ubuntu logo with the loading dots shows19:43
actionParsniprizla: what video chip?19:43
rizlaall the time!19:43
actionParsniprizla: the windows version you are using is of no value19:43
rweaitAnybody know of a good 12.04 wifi on T61 reference?  Also, this laptop was an upgrade from older versions.  Is a remove / replace for some wifi tools in order?19:43
skrootactionParsnip, i changed the one partition to a UUID, but the actual lines with errors are bind mounts19:43
skrootthey dont have uuid's in blkid19:44
actionParsniprizla: what video chip?19:44
TJ-fizz_: In 12.04, mountall supports both 'nobootwait' and 'timeout' options to control whether mountall should wait for a given filesystem before signalling for the boot to proceed.19:44
actionParsniprizla: yes the thing putting the display on the monitor?19:44
rizlaahh lol19:45
rizlanvidia geforce gtx 58019:45
fizz_TJ-:  so do i use nobootwait in the fstab as a param? I'm a little confused.19:46
TJ-fizz_: Sorry, no, those are kernel command-line options you can add19:46
fizz_TJ-: where do i add those?19:47
actionParsniprizla: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=119:47
TJ-fizz_: Sorry, I'm wrong! Ignore me :p Yes... they're fstab options! Add them alongside the other options in fstab, comma-separated19:47
rizlaneed more info pls i dont rly understand19:47
rizlaim booting from a usb19:48
TJ-fizz_: Here's an example http://askubuntu.com/questions/120/how-do-i-avoid-the-s-to-skip-message-on-boot19:48
actionParsnip!bootoption | rizla19:48
ubotturizla: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.19:48
Sidney__is there a way to do a system repair from a live session?19:49
fizz_/dev/sdd1 /media/3tbext ext4 nobootwait19:50
satdavhey guys looking for shadeslay19:50
Jordan_USidney__: That depends on what you're trying to repair.19:50
actionParsnipSidney__: sure, you can chroot and do all sorts of stuff19:50
Sidney__I cant boot into the desktop19:51
rizlathanks for the help19:52
Sidney__nouveau "nv" "vesa" "fbdev" modules are all missing19:52
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TJ-Sidney__: sounds like the kernel's linux-image packages installation has been hosed by something19:53
Sidney__TJ-, probally an old video card i installed19:53
actionParsnipSidney__: if you can boot to root recovery mode you can do stuff there too19:54
Sidney__actionParsnip, I can boot into the normal session just with no gui19:55
actionParsnipSidney__: tried unity2d session?19:55
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Sidney__actionParsnip, I'm on 10.04 thats why i installed the video card to get 12.04 installed onto another drive but failed19:57
TJ-Sidney__: That sounds more-like maybe the X driver packages weren't installed - if you've added new hardware since the OS was installed. Might just need to install the additional packages19:57
actionParsnipSidney__: what video chip do you use?19:57
krosonHello, is there a way to have the latest unity from ubuntu 12.10 in precise? Thanks19:57
actionParsnipkroson: there is a staging PPA for Unity19:58
ChasNewby here.  Question about dual boots19:58
actionParsnipkroson: https://launchpad.net/~benkai/+archive/precise-unity-backport19:58
mattias_Sidney__:did you try 'nomodeset' in the boot options?19:58
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Sidney__mattias f6 dosent give me that option19:59
Sidney__actionParsnip,  Geforce 7025/nForce 630a19:59
actionParsnipSidney__: did you upgrade from Lucid to Precise?20:00
Sidney__TJ-, can that be done from the live session20:00
Sidney__actionParsnip, no20:00
actionParsnipSidney__: so you clean installed Precise and it wouldn't boot?20:00
jsh_Nice... just tried installing 12.10 into a VM and it didn't even boot after install.20:01
Sidney__actionParsnip, i do get that option when i boot into the text mode20:01
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TJ-Sidney__: If that's the problem... once a liveISO is running -as actionParsnip said earlier - you can set-up a 'chroot' on the broken OS file-system mount20:01
Sidney__And I never got 12.04 installed20:01
actionParsnipSidney__: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current   will install the proprietary video driver20:02
mattias_sidney: that's weird, did you use the dd command to make your startup disk? that's the best..20:02
actionParsnipjsh_: Quantal is offtopic here20:02
TJ-Sidney__: You can boot the liveISO with the "nomodeset" option by pressing the 'F6' advanced menu option. When the menu shows up, press Esc to remove the menu. You're left with the kernel command-line that you can edit just above the bottom of the screen.20:03
Sidney__mattias_, no I used pendrive and a usb stick20:03
mattias_Sidney, you can use the dd command to copy the iso file to your usb stick, it's best method to make a usb startupdisk!20:04
Sidney__I'll save this text and try a few of these20:04
actionParsnipmattias_: why not use unetbootin, bit more user friendly20:04
bekksmattias_: There is no "best" method when it comes to software.20:05
mattias_Sidney, because unetbootin never worked for me, the dd comand did..20:05
Sidney__actionParsnip, i also used unetbootin20:06
mattias_Sidney: I found this on the serverfault.com: dd is most certainly the best cloning tool, it will create a 100% replica simply by using the following command. I've never once had any problems with it.20:09
Sidney__mattias_, I will try that as well20:10
overcluckerunetbootin creates a syslinux boot menu, if you use dd it will boot like a burned copy would.20:10
mattias_Sidney: the command looks like this:  dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb And you have to replace the paths with your own..20:11
bekksUsing dd for cloning a harddisk without using a sane bs= size is pointless in terms of performance.20:11
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BennnAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462820:13
mattias_Bekks: yes, you're right, so you have to add bs=32M at the end20:13
mumixami like ddrescue, gives you nice verbose info20:14
bekksmattias_: 32M is not sane in all cases. The value should not exceed the smallest cache of your harddisks.20:14
Nico1http://bayresmail.com.ar/imagebin/up/9a29d0123e4bf83fbd5eb15de5116333.jpg here is my lovely Wrt54g who is Broadcom Based Issi chip malfunction and there is no live fer him20:15
Led_Zeppelinwhat is a good sound configuration tool for Ubuntu?20:16
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: in what sense?20:17
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, i am coming from debian and I used to use alsamxer. with ubuntu its qite different. lots of GUIs :p20:17
Led_Zeppelintrying to setup my sound20:17
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: there is alsamixer in Ubuntu too....20:17
SharyariHi. I'm in need of a webcam driver, ov51x-jpeg to be specific, which only seems to exist on a certain page, rastageeks.org, but the page is not active anymore. In the ubuntu repo, there is a package called ov51x-jpeg-source, but this package does not seem to have a working make-file. Does anyone know how these source-packages are supposed to work?20:17
actionParsnipSharyari: maybe there is a PPA20:18
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, should I be using PulseAudio?20:18
SharyariactionParsnip: ppa?20:18
mattias_bekks: ok,  but when he uses the dd tool, than he will have the boot options, so that's the most important ;-)20:18
bekksmattias_: Using the other boot media creation options works too :)20:19
Led_Zeppelinso, what tool should I use to configure audio? like where is the volume control, actionParsnip20:19
actionParsnip!ppa | Sharyari20:19
ubottuSharyari: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:19
bekksLed_Zeppelin: Ubuntu uses PulseAudio by default, and ALSA as its backend.20:20
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: there is the sound controller in the top panel on the right20:20
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, no there isn´t. How do I get that there?20:20
Sidney__nvidia-current is already the newest version20:20
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: what desktop are you using?20:20
Sharyariubottu: does not seem like it is :P20:20
satdavcan anyone progamme the bot20:20
bekksSidney__: It is the latest version in the Ubuntu repos.20:20
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, HP Pavilion20:21
actionParsnipsatdav: you can suggest factoids, essentially yes20:21
Sidney__what is sudo -i20:21
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: no, gnome? Kde?  XFCE?20:21
Led_ZeppelinGnome, actionParsnip20:21
mattias_bekks: no, I didn't had the f6 boot option when I used unetbootin.. sometimes it doesn't work with unetbootin..20:21
actionParsnipSidney__: its a good way to become root.20:21
bekksmattias_: It did for me, everytime I used it in the past few years.20:22
satdavactionParsnip, I want to add ispconfig to it20:22
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: run:    /usr/lib/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service20:22
rkokkelkHello, does anyone know if there is an workaround to use Unity webapps with Firefox 15 ?20:22
actionParsnipsatdav: then say:     /msg ubottu !ispconfig is blahblahblahtext20:22
actionParsnipsatdav: just change the blahs20:22
satdavis it a supybot then20:23
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, no luck. (process:24886): libindicator-WARNING **: No watchers, service timing out.20:23
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:23
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: natty is EOL really soon, less than 1 month. I wouldn't bother with the release, why not in stall a fresh istall of Precise. It's supported til 201720:24
mattias_bekks, for me it didn't, and I used it often.. pls believe me ;-)20:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:25
cablophello, everyone20:25
bekksmattias_: No I dont - since I experienced the opposite :)20:26
satdavHell their20:26
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, hmm. i dont think its worth it. I really like the current distro. Dont want to change too much. Plus my PC is old so...20:26
bekksmattias_: However, lets move on :)20:26
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: could use a lighter DE, like LXDE or XFCE20:26
cablopi am adding a 2TB disk to my machine, is there any know problem if i create a partition of the whole disk size? afaik 2TB and beyond is roublesome for linux or some linux tools20:26
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: try:  killall indicator-sound20:26
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, true. How can I do that with natty btw? no matter what Gnome seems to be running.20:26
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: then press ALT+F2 and run: indicator-sound20:27
Led_Zeppelinindicator-sound does not exist20:27
Led_Zeppelinwhat dpkg is it in?20:27
actionParsnip!find  indicator-sound natty20:27
ubottuFound: indicator-sound20:27
actionParsnip!info  indicator-sound natty20:27
ubottuindicator-sound (source: indicator-sound): A system sound indicator.. In component main, is extra. Version (natty), package size 81 kB, installed size 328 kB20:27
cablopin simple terms... i am afraid of loosing data by creating a 2TB partition20:28
bekkscablop: You cant lose data when there is no data on the disk until now :)20:28
actionParsnipcablop: your backups will ensure data integrity20:28
mattias_bekks:' F6 doesn't work in the UNetbootin menu'20:29
Led_Zeppelinsays its already installed.20:29
Led_ZeppelinactionParsnip, where does the binary exist?20:29
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: then run the command20:29
Led_Zeppelinits not in the path, actionParsnip. it does not exist20:30
bekksmattias_: It works for me.20:30
cablopbekks, actionParsnip, i mean, create the partition, copy data on it, then error occurs! and the 2TB disk is for making the backups... of course i don't want to lose the backups when the system one day says something like, i cannot read the whole disk or i canot mount the partition20:30
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: try:  sudo updatedb; locate  indicator-sound20:30
Led_Zeppelinits called, "/usr/lib/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service"20:30
actionParsnipcablop: then rerun the backup, the originals still stand so you copy them and copy them20:31
mattias_bekks: but not for everyone, I know its strange.20:31
cablopactionParsnip: well, this is a good advice, but... my question is for the partition size... web is telling me that 2TB partitions are troublesome on linux20:32
actionParsnipLed_Zeppelin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=efb39171d247fd27d68ddc62d493e1b3&t=1292789&page=220:32
actionParsnipcablop: I've seen that you  have to set a different block size or something20:32
cablopactionParsnip: mmm, i think kde partition editor would take careof that, right?20:33
bekkscablop: I dont think so.20:34
actionParsnipcablop: isnt it just a kde interface to parted..20:34
K350If there's anyone interested in participating in a project helping making a few themes/skins send me a pm :-)20:34
cablophmmm, it is an interface, but dunno if parted or not20:36
tryy3Can anyone please help me? http://pastebay.net/1142498 happens when i do the command 'apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5'20:36
cablopi mean parted or other tool, afaik parted support the thing20:36
actionParsniptryy3: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage ; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage20:36
actionParsniptryy3: Natty is EOLin less than a month, have you considered upgrading20:36
tryy3Iam new to linux :D20:37
guntbertactionParsnip: wasn't there a superfluous blank before 'natty-updates' in that pastebin?20:38
tryy3acidchild that command you gave me, what will it do? will it install all stuff that is required for a webserver or what?20:39
guntberttryy3: you probably mis-tabbed :)20:40
actionParsnipguntbert: I only see 6 lines, is that what you mean?20:40
tryy3http://pastebay.net/1142528 that happen after a while of running that command you gave me actionParsnip20:41
tryy3guntbert opps :D20:41
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actionParsnip!info javascript-common20:41
ubottujavascript-common (source: javascript-common): Base support for JavaScript library packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 8 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 80 kB20:41
guntbertactionParsnip: no in line 1, just between .../ubuntu/ and natty-updates20:41
actionParsniptryy3: run:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install javascript-common20:41
actionParsnipguntbert: hmm, may be a thing20:42
tryy3oh... i think i runned out of hard drive :S20:42
actionParsniptryy3: run:  sudo apt-get clean20:42
tryy3is there a command to see how much space i got left?20:42
actionParsniptryy3: df -h20:42
tryy3hmm... it says "used: 989M" is that almost 1gb?20:44
mattias_[Ctryy3: yes it is :-)20:44
tryy3then i didn't runned out of space :D20:45
tryy3actionParsnip http://pastebay.net/114256120:45
actionParsniptryy3: sudo apt-get clean will free a tonne of space20:45
tryy3happens when i did that reinstall/install javascript20:45
actionParsniptryy3: try:   sudo mv /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/90-javascript-alias.conf $HOME; sudo apt-get --reinstall install javascript-common20:46
tryy3that worked20:46
tryy3i think20:46
=== [ReNTNeR]xing is now known as []xing
tryy3http://pastebay.net/1142575 did it work? actionParsnip20:47
actionParsniptryy3: looks good, then run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:48
tryy30 upgraded and no errors20:48
actionParsniptryy3: then you are good to go :)20:48
tryy3to run the php installation?20:49
XiaolinDraconisare wine-tricks and wine-tools part of the default repos?20:49
tryy3or do i got all stuff i need for webserver now?20:49
mattias_XiaolinDrac: yes they are..20:49
MonkeyDust!find winetricks20:50
ubottuFound: winetricks20:50
XiaolinDraconissee my mistake20:50
tryy3actionParsnip do i got all stuff for a webserver now?20:50
mattias_Xiao: yeah, or you can search wine in synaptics ;-)20:50
XiaolinDraconiswhats the search function?20:51
actionParsniptryy3: well the packages you wanted are installed I guess.20:51
tryy3ah ok20:51
XiaolinDraconisnot entirely familiar with apt-get aside from copy n paste20:51
actionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: apt-cache search thing20:52
tryy3actionParsnip i guess i will notice if iam missing something in future :D20:52
zykotick9XiaolinDraconis: fyi, apt-cache does NOT need sudo.20:52
mattias_Xiao: when you have synaptics or ubuntu-softwarecenter you see a searchbox in the right top of your screen!20:52
actionParsniptryy3: justtry and install what you want, you'll be told if it's already installed20:52
tryy3ye :D20:53
tryy3thanks for the help actionParsnip20:53
XiaolinDraconisthanks guys20:54
actionParsniptryy3: no worries dude20:54
XiaolinDraconismattias_, didnt realize you said synaptic,20:54
MuzerI don't use Ubuntu any more, and haven't used Gnome for even longer, so I'm asking on behalf of someone who does who doesn't really know much - does Ubuntu use compositing by default? If so, how do you turn it off nowadays (I remember metacity --replace from the olden days)20:55
Muzer(but apparently it causes issues now :P)20:55
zykotick9Muzer: Unity, if that's what you "friend" is using - is a compiz plugin, so yes, it requires compositing.20:56
XiaolinDraconisalso seems im being redundant, sudo apt-get install wine.... seems to have install winetricks and im assuming wine-tools as well20:56
juliahi there, im new to ubuntu and i have a proble get on dvds on my external dvd drive. Anyone can tell me how i mount my drive?20:56
XiaolinDraconisMuzer, at the login screen20:56
Muzerzykotick9: presumably, yeah, they're just using a default installation. Ah, right.20:56
zykotick9!dvd | julia20:56
ubottujulia: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:56
tryy3If i use apt-get on something i already installed, it will just ignore that right?20:57
tryy3and not double install or something?20:57
XiaolinDraconisMuzer, theres an icon next to username click it and select unity 2d, im guessing thatll fix the issues20:57
jribtryy3: it will install the latest(*) version of it20:57
zykotick9Muzer: if you want unity2d, log out and select it from the login screen20:57
Muzerthat kind of sucks, I'll let them know (it's for running a game, so not sure if it's something they'd want to keep logging out and in for :/)20:57
tryy3jrib ah20:57
cablopsigh... now... i want a recommendation about ext3 or ext4 on a 2TB partition, checking cylinders and sizes it seems i'll be fine with this disk, it is a little bit below the limit20:58
mattias_cablop: isn't ext4 better for everything?20:59
cablopnow... this partition is for fileserver and backup storage, so what partition system between ext3 and ext4 would give me better behavior/performance on that scenario?20:59
chronofusion1980hey everyone.20:59
zykotick9mattias_: other then faster filesystem checks, is ext4 better at anything?20:59
juliano i dont want play movie dvd i would install doom3 from the dvd but i cant because i dont know how^^20:59
cablopmattias_: afaik, yes... just two things make me think about ext3... more tools do exist for it that for ext420:59
actionParsnipcablop: ext4 is quite mature now, i'd go for that21:00
TaJMoXHelp please I think my GNOME is broken. The window controls are on the right instead of on the left, and I can't ALT-TAB and ALT-F4, and I can't alt-grab the window21:00
actionParsnipjulia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Doom321:00
lousygaruaI use gnome-shell + pidgin but when I'm online the indicator on the top-right of the screen shows I'm offline as if pidgin does not integrate into the desktop environment21:00
chronofusion1980Xubuntu 12.04 64 bit.  3.2ghz 6 core amd cpu, 8 gig ram, gtx 580 1.5gig vram video card here.  Can I run two instances of Handbrake " at the same time" to rip two different dvd's at the same time?21:00
actionParsnipTaJMoX: install ubuntu-tweak and you can switch tings around as you need21:00
=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: can't see why not, if there is copy protection it may cause a bad rip21:01
TaJMoXactionParsnip E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-tweak21:01
cablopactionParsnip: mmm thanks, could you give me an opinion on this setup? /boot ext3, / ext4, /data (that 2TB partition) ext421:01
zykotick9chronofusion1980: ;) i currently have 3 HandBrakeCLI instances currently running, not sure about HandbrakeGTK - good luck.21:01
cablopah i forgot, actionParsnip that setup using ub 12.0421:02
actionParsnipcablop: why a separate /boot partition?21:02
chronofusion1980na.. I've ripped the entire Season 1 of DBZ ( original dvd's that is that i purchased)  straight to my 1 tb wd black caviar drive without any issues or errors and it turned out great at less than 900 megs per disc21:02
TaJMoXchronofusion1980 You'd have to use CLI version I think, otherwise launch another user session21:03
chronofusion1980hmmm.   handbrakeCLI?  i don't know about that version  I " think" i installed handbrake-gtk in terminal to get handbrake running on my distro21:03
cablopactionParsnip: hmmmm... dunno i always did it that way... ah, i remembered last setup used lvm, so boot was a diferent partition, maybe i ll keep it for future flexibility to reenable a lvm21:03
chronofusion1980how would i do that and is it different from gtk?21:03
zykotick9chronofusion1980: i'm sure you want the GTK (aka GUI version)...21:04
actionParsnipcablop: if you want, about 300Mb /boot etx3, 8Gb / ext4, the rest for /home ext421:04
cablopactionParsnip: also /home is going to be on a diferent partition... same fs as /21:04
chronofusion1980so realistically speaking, what is the worst that could happen if i just tried to launch a second handbrake gtk and try to get it to start ripping another dvd disc while one instance of handbrake gtk is already ripping the first disc?21:05
cablopactionParsnip: wow, just 8GB... i was going to make a 50GB partition for / xD lol21:05
actionParsnipcablop: why so much?21:05
zykotick9chronofusion1980: do you have 2 DVD drives?  if so "handbrake-gtk -d DEVICE"21:05
cablopactionParsnip: id didn't gave it enough mind, i was thinking the windows way xD21:05
actionParsnipcablop: do you have ubuntu installed now, with separate /home patrtition?21:05
chronofusion1980yeap..I have a blu-ray lg burner that also rips dvd's and a regular dvd burner21:06
cablopactionParsnip: yes, i have the home on other place21:06
actionParsnipcablop: then run:  df -h     how much space is / using?21:06
chronofusion1980" handbrake-gtk -d DEVICE "  ?? im sorry im confused   Linux noob here21:06
actionParsnipcablop: my / is using 3.1Gb  just to give you an idea.......21:06
Porsche1I have a laptop with Windoze on one partition and Ubuntu on another with GRUB. If I wanted to do a complete reinstall of Ubuntu on the same partition, what should I back up so that after the intsall I am as good to go as can be21:07
cablopactionParsnip: wow... i plan to put some svn repos there... but thinking again, they're not going to end on / partition... but /data...21:07
actionParsnipcablop: I gave it 10Gb but its never been over 5Gb it it;s life21:07
actionParsnipcablop: ahh if you are playing with svn then you'll need space21:07
cablopactionParsnip: yes, but i think i can set it to be on /data, beside the archive system21:08
chronofusion1980zykotick9-  I'm confused   I put that exact command in terminal and it replied "  command not found"21:08
actionParsnipcablop: and the 1.1xRAM for swap :)21:08
actionParsnipcablop: sure, could keep that on its own partition too. Like it21:08
zykotick9chronofusion1980: we use different OSs and versions of handbrake probably...21:08
cablopi was going to use the 2.x for swap... just for the hibernate thing21:09
actionParsnipcablop: how much RAM do you have>21:09
cablop2GB now, but planning to place 4GB on that machine21:09
chronofusion1980when i go to " about" after loading handbrake i see a url of " http://handbrake.fr"21:09
actionParsnipcablop:for 4Gb RAM I'd use about 5Gb swap if you want hibernate etc21:09
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chronofusion1980and version " 0.9.8. (x86_64)21:10
zykotick9cablop: 2FYIs 1) hibernate is disabled by default in ubuntu (it can be turned on somehow) 2) swap must be "slightly" large then physical RAM for hibernate to work.21:10
mattias_how do you close an irssi window?21:10
cablophmmm... space is cheap, i think the 2x size is just playing safe21:10
TaJMoXactionParsnip Ubuntu-tweak is great, thanks!21:11
actionParsnipTaJMoX: very hand21:11
zykotick9mattias_: quit or just close a window/channel?  /quit or /wc21:11
cablopzykotick9: i would consider that... sigh... you made me remember i use tuxonice kernels21:11
mattias_zykotick9: thanks!!21:11
cablophmmmm... to rebuild this system is going to be a long journey21:11
davianAdeeel: heyy21:12
tyler_dprobably quite simple for someone here, I am running 12.04 64 and trying to map keycode 119 (Delete) to alt-backspace on an aluminum Apple keyboard21:12
BennnAnyone want to look at this crash report? Muon Software Center crashes right after I open it, or as it open. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206462821:13
tyler_dI have tried this using bindkey however it doesn't seem to want to work for me21:13
tyler_dany help or input would be appreciated21:13
zykotick9cablop: i just meant that i'm not on ubuntu, and my handbrake package is almost certainly different (i guess even the name of the executable ;).  it's not kernel related.  i have no idea what a "tuxonice kernel" is - and please DON'T tell me.21:13
=== FrankZZ` is now known as FrankZZ
vltactionParsnip, ThinkT510: I ran `sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree` and restarted firefox. No Flash. What’s next?21:14
chronofusion1980(shruggs)  I just tried it. and so far it's encoding both dvd's  disc 1 and 2 of Season 2 DBZ  no lag..no studders. (crossing fingers)21:15
actionParsnipvlt: enable the partner repo, uninstall flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer etc, then install adobe-flashplugin21:15
zykotick9chronofusion1980: handbrake is multithreaded, so it would be awesome on your multicore rip!  i'm jealous.21:15
chronofusion1980well i'm not counting the chickens yet.  I'm waiting on the hatched eggs21:17
chronofusion1980All i know is..windows 7 pro 64 bit boot...handbrake would not shrink the file less than half or 40% without the video file having massive pixelation artifacts and sound studders...Linux Rules!!21:17
zykotick9chronofusion1980: run "top" in terminal and tell me your load.  mine is currently 10.22, 9.59, 9.4521:17
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
chronofusion1980now if i could just get Starcraft II to run at more than 28/30 fps in Wine.....i would completely flip the bird at Windows and move on to Linux 100%21:17
chronofusion1980ok one sec21:17
=== seednode is now known as Seednode_afk
Sharyariehm, how unsafe is it to move back to the 2.6.26 kernel? =D21:18
ThinkT510Sharyari: its unsupported21:18
zykotick9Sharyari: on ubuntu, i'd doubt that would work.  lucid while it lasts for support.21:18
SharyariI really want to get my webcam working, and there's no support for it anymore :P21:18
dr_willisseems weird that a webcam driver would be removed..21:19
tryy3what linux do you recomand me using, if its for a server and iam still new to linux?21:19
dr_willisunless it had major issues21:19
chronofusion1980" Cpu(s):     that number fluctuates between 28% to 37%    not quite sure how to read all of this here...this is different than taskmanager in windows21:19
dr_willistryy3:  why are you using a 'server' if you are new to linux?21:19
zykotick9tryy3: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or #linux21:19
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: did you check on the appdb21:20
zykotick9tryy3: sorry it's ##linux, not #linux21:20
chronofusion1980?? appdb?21:20
tryy3dr_jesus because i windows takes up alot of hardware usage21:20
zykotick9!appdb > chronofusion198021:20
ubottuchronofusion1980, please see my private message21:20
tryy3dr_willis *21:20
tryy3zykotick9 ok21:20
Sharyaridr_willis: rather that noone seems to have updated the driver21:20
dr_willistryy3:  why are you needing a 'server' ?21:20
tryy3dr_willis for hosting mc srver21:21
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: instead of repeating what I say which does nothing, try using to web to find out. This does someting21:21
dr_willistryy3:  Huh? The Desktop edition can host services.. if you are truely new to linux21:21
zykotick9dr_willis: +121:21
papnaIs there an easy way to launch an application in such a way that it cannot access the internet?21:22
tryy3i need more or less just a better OS then windows :D21:22
dr_willistryy3:  which is why im trying to get some real 'details' of what you are tryiung to do ;)21:22
actionParsniptryy3: depends on the requirements of the OS21:22
tryy3dr_willis minecraft servers :D21:22
chronofusion1980no.  What i meant by that was.  are you asking if i checked that in reference to my " getting starcraft II to run at much better fps?  or handbrake stability in two different instances of it ripping two different dvd discs"21:22
dr_willistryy3:  mine craft works on the desktop editions just fine.21:22
tryy3dr_willis okej thanks :D21:22
Artemis3tryy3, take a look at minetest, someday it might replace minecraft21:23
chronofusion1980Sorry, I'm alittle slow, I work night shift and just work up an hour ish ago.  no food in house yet..waiting on wife to get home with it21:23
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=appdb   top link, even the simplest search brings it up21:23
tryy3Artemis3 hmm...21:23
taoseekerhow much hd space do you need to keep free in Ubuntu?21:24
Artemis3tryy3, its free open source...21:24
chronofusion1980I KNOW what WINE hq is21:24
actionParsniptaoseeker: I like to keep 5% at least on all partitions21:24
tryy3Artemis3 i been playing constantly mc for about 1-1,5  year now, i dont wanna change now :D21:25
zykotick9taoseeker: do you mean for / or a storage partition?  root needs some space to do things, that's for sure.21:25
Sidney__what did ubuntu use to replace partimage?21:25
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: then you'd know what appdb is then....21:25
taoseekeractionParsnip, 5% ? oh, and I meant withing the ubuntu os partiton21:25
actionParsniptaoseeker: you can clean out old kernels and run:  sudo apt-get clean    to free space21:26
Artemis3tryy3, minetest is far more efficient, because it doesn't use java, uses c++ instead.21:26
taoseekeractionParsnip, I never knew about the 5 % outside the os partitions21:26
vltactionParsnip: I enabled the partner repo and then `sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin; killall firefox; firefox`. NO Flash. I have done a lot of steps now. One by one. Could you please tell me all the remaining things to do now?21:26
tryy3Artemis3 i dont care :P21:26
taoseekeractionParsnip, all new to me21:26
Artemis3tryy3, you will if you want to serve.21:26
tyler_dprobably quite simple for someone here, I am running 12.04 64 and trying to map keycode 119 (Delete) to alt-backspace on an aluminum Apple keyboard21:26
chronofusion1980I learn directions to a place by " driving' i don't usually memorize the road sites.   Same with how I learn computer apps and commands.  just by doing..now necessarily their names, etc.   and apparently you completely missed my question of " context"21:26
actionParsniptaoseeker: its my way to do it, its not the way or best, itsjust my take21:26
taoseekerzykotick9, would it be the same for both windows and ubuntu partition ?21:27
actionParsnipvlt: can you give the output of:  dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'21:27
chronofusion1980I appreciate the info though on a sincere note21:27
taoseekeractionParsnip, I`ve never even given it a thought21:27
vltactionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/w0yHBf1Z21:28
zykotick9actionParsnip: is that ontop of the 5% that's reserved for root (or do you modify that?).  taoseeker i don't care about windows - so NO comments there.21:28
taoseekeractionParsnip,  zykotick9 thanks for the info21:28
dr_willistaoseeker:  by default 5% of ext2/3/4 is reserved for 'file recovery' and other root ussage. its tuneable. so can be reduced.21:28
dr_willistaoseeker:  5% of a 3TB partion - is quite a bit of space. :) i tend to turn mine down to like 1% or even off on some filesystems21:29
dr_willistaoseeker:  the tune2fs command can change it.21:29
actionParsnipvlt: can you give the output of:  sudo updatedb; sudo apt-get install pastebinit; locate libflash | pastebinit       Thanks21:29
chronofusion1980how do you adjust recovery space for file recovery in xubuntu21:29
actionParsnipdr_willis: this is free space for user stuff, not the journal21:30
zykotick9chronofusion1980: i hope you notice'd dr_willis' tune2fs command ;)21:30
dr_willisthe 5% i mean is not part of the journal.21:30
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: the partition will need to be unmounted to change it21:31
Artemis3i'd say use 1% on / only, 0 elsewhere :).. and, it can take decimals so 0.1% is possible21:31
dr_willisactually you may need to reboot to make it take affect. I cant recall where i saw that at.  or remount it.  Im not sure it does need to be unmounted.21:32
jayeffkayHow do i make this command work with watch?21:32
jayeffkaysudo sh -c "rabbitmqctl list_queues name messages_ready messages_unacknowledged consumers| grep data_"21:32
zykotick9Artemis3: thanks for pointing out the decimal option - didn't know that.21:32
jayeffkaysudo watch sh … doesn't work21:32
dr_willisi tune the setting after i do a new install normally. :) s21:32
vltactionParsnip: I already used pastebinit ;-)  http://pastebin.com/kxP4uUn121:32
actionParsnipvlt: do you use firefox browser?21:33
dr_willisjayeffkay:  surround the whole command in single quotes perhaps..  sudo watch 'bla bla;21:33
dr_willisjayeffkay:  surround the whole command in single quotes perhaps..  sudo watch 'bla bla'21:33
vltactionParsnip: Yes. (`killall firefox; firefox`)21:33
actionParsnipvlt: try:   mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln -s /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so21:33
jayeffkaydr_willis: worked, thanks!21:33
actionParsnipvlt: then close all firefoxes and rerun (close them gracefully)21:33
cipher__i only have an integrated sandybridge opengl context atm, no nvidia, and i need to content an external display via HDMI. under admin->displays nothing is detected. lspci doesn't really show a second display either, nor does xrandr help21:34
chronofusion1980sorry had to hit the bathroom21:34
chronofusion1980actionParsnip-  thank you much21:35
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: any time21:35
chronofusion1980i'm kind of scared of that though.  Sounds like if i do that i'll lose my ability to boot into xubuntu.  I had a fun time figuring out how to boot back into it after the Grand updates ( around 4 of them recently)21:36
vltactionParsnip: Did that. No change. Still no flash.21:36
actionParsnipvlt: is the plugin listed in about:plugins21:37
vltactionParsnip: Yes, it appears as “Shockwave Flash”21:38
cablopsigh, the old ubuntu 10.10 has better support for the VIA video of my board than the current 12.04... sometimes i think ubuntu quality degraded too much in the last few years21:38
dr_williscablop:  you mean an S3 video card?21:38
actionParsnipvlt: do you have flashblock or anything like that as an addon for your browser/21:38
actionParsnipcablop: you may need an xorg.conf file21:39
cablopdr_willis: a s3? hmmm, i don't remember exactly, it uses openchrome21:39
vltactionParsnip: How to find out? (Nothing like that is listed in about:plugins.)21:39
dr_williscablop:  Via S3 i think is their brand/chipset.. From what i normally see/hear about them.. you are lucky you even get a screen.21:40
cablopactionParsnip: the issue is... ub 10.10 aloows me to set 1024x768 or even more res... 12.04 sticks at 800x600... even my netbook has better res21:41
actionParsnipvlt: its a concious effort to install it. Have you tried renaming ~/.mozilla/firefox21:41
dr_williscablop:  sounds to me like it may be using the vga drivers21:41
actionParsnipcablop: yes, if you add an xorg.conf file you can tell the system to use the resolution and driver you desire21:41
cablopactionParsnip: i was using randr but it seems it was even ignoring it21:42
quotescould someone help me?21:42
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zykotick9!ask | quotes21:43
ubottuquotes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:43
cablopi miss the times before unity and gnome321:44
zykotick9cablop: +1 (but that's OT in this channel)21:44
chronofusion1980ok.  i'm trying to add vm.swappiness=10 to the " end of the line.  in my leafpad editor.  i'm confused as to WHERE EXACTLY do i add this21:45
chronofusion1980I have searched through 10 different articles on the net about this..all same the exact same thing21:45
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: anywhere in /etc/sysctl.conf21:45
rymate1234chronofusion1980, if that line isn;t in the file, just add it to the bottom21:45
vltactionParsnip: I did a `rm -r .mozilla` before asking here.21:46
actionParsnipchronofusion1980: I add all this to new installs: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/sysctl21:46
actionParsnipvlt: are other browsers ok?21:46
vltactionParsnip: No.21:47
vltactionParsnip: chromium doesn’t work either.21:47
chronofusion1980chromium is awesome :D  makes life better   adblock.  webmail adblocker, ireader.etc21:47
actionParsnipvlt: could remove the adobe packages then install chrome, comes with its own flash21:47
rymate1234firefox ftw21:48
actionParsnipvlt: works great here, no adobe flash here21:48
rymate1234I prefer chrome21:48
vltactionParsnip: You mean chrome instead of chromium?21:48
rymate1234However it has higher ram usage21:48
zykotick9chronofusion1980: chromium is a 1/2 degree separation from google-chrome.  if you want to help google, continue using chromium/chrome.  </OT>21:48
rymate1234for me anyway21:48
actionParsnipvlt: yes the proprietary one21:48
quotesi've installed ubuntu 12.04 but when i try to run it nothing appears on the screen.. except for a little piece (line in the very top) of the desktop which makes me sure that the system is actually running.. but when i boot it from liveCd everything works fine. what the hell?21:48
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actionParsniprymate1234: firefox uses more RAM here just to exist21:49
vltactionParsnip: btw, chromium says "the following plugin has crashed: shockwave flash".21:49
rymate1234I should try chrome again21:49
zykotick9quotes: do you use nvidia/ati?  if so have you tried nomodeset?  see "/msg ubottu nomodeset" for details.21:49
dr_willis!nomodeset | quotes21:49
ubottuquotes: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:49
actionParsnipvlt: try removing the adobe packages and install chrome, may be ok21:50
dr_willisquotes:  you mean a blinking _ (underscore) ;)21:50
vltactionParsnip: Is it google-chrome-beta?21:50
actionParsnipvlt: https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/browser/eula.html?hl=en-GB&platform=linux21:52
cablopis reiserfs losing support?21:53
ccelhey everyone - really weird problem i've never seen before would -desperately- appreciate any assistance - my / partition has suddenly started filling up at an alarming rate (1gig per -second-).  As soon as I delete anything to free up space, it disappears again in a few seconds, so is constantly at 0% free - i've looked using the disc usage analyser and can't find anything untoward.. any advice much appreciated!21:53
vltactionParsnip: Thanks, I’ll try that.21:55
cablopactionParsnip: should you recommend using LVM for that setup i told you?21:58
actionParsnipcablop: if it gives benefits for what you need, why not21:59
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cablopactionParsnip: i just think for future advantage when improving migrating the server22:04
cablopany known issue using gpt instead of mbr to partition a disk?22:05
chronofusion1980actually chromium is the absolute newest " version" in a sense of a context of the browser..it always has the newest version release versus Chrome which is more often used by Windows and Mac22:06
XiaolinDraconisis there known issues with installing chrome under wine?22:06
chronofusion1980ubottu is correct..I had to set that in the boot up of the live cd xubuntu 12.04 just to make sure the desktop showed up TO install the distro22:07
ubottuchronofusion1980: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:07
MonkeyDustXiaolinDraconis  the browser in wine?22:07
melow01chronofusion1980, I just installed Google Chrome by adding the key and the repository method22:07
chronofusion1980now AFTER you install the 3rd party nvidia drivers ( usually only two options...one has recommended..the other is post-release)  THEN you shouldn't have to mess with " nomodeset" again22:07
MonkeyDustXiaolinDraconis  why would you do that?22:07
MonkeyDustchromium is in the ubuntu repos22:08
XiaolinDraconisMonkeyDust, was trying to use unity web player, now ive learned thats not possible, but still wondering why chrome wouldnt install22:08
chronofusion1980XiaolinDraconis- you would save yourself alot of headache and just install chromium. it's the exact same thing overall and yes you can sync everything and use all the same extensions22:08
XiaolinDraconiscant use unity web player on linux22:08
chronofusion1980awesome melow01.thanks for the info.  I'm about to have another pc assembled soon and when i install another distro similar to mycurrent.  I'll try that22:09
chronofusion1980anyways..gotta jet... fellas..thank you much for the help.  later22:09
melow01FYI: I've been having issues with Chromium on a different machine, I haven't resolved it yet but I've been meaning to uninstall Chromium because it seems to crash my system22:09
MonkeyDustmelow01  what kind of issues?22:09
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melow01MonkeyDust, Its an older Ubuntu distro and Chromium seems to freeze my screen22:11
actionParsnipmelow01: try renaming the chromium config folder too22:11
melow01MonkeyDust, mouse still moves, but the screen is frozen and i have to do a hard reboot22:11
melow01actionParsnip, thanks but its my machine at work and i'm at home - i might try it tomorrow22:12
XiaolinDraconisi want badly to be able to play these unity web games, looks like ill be waiting until the end of the year when i have a newer system and can use qemu to run windows22:14
melow01I just finished installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my netbook, updated the OS, and installed all my apps with a bash script... anything else I should do before Clonezilla?22:15
XiaolinDraconisis clonezilla for partition cloning?22:17
MonkeyDustmelow01  clean the cache, rm -r ~/.cache22:17
XiaolinDraconisnvm ill google it22:17
melow01MonkeyDust, cool thanks22:17
melow01XiaolinDraconis, I think it'll do both partition and whole drives22:18
XiaolinDraconissounds nice22:18
melow01XiaolinDraconis, I only know the basics but its been pretty solid for so far, running via usb22:18
XiaolinDraconisgood compression?22:19
cipher__I only have integrated graphics, and need to run dual monitors (11.10); i am having several issues, the first i suppose would be that hdmi is not even detected as being plugged in22:20
somanDoes anyone know html -> xml conversion tool for linux?22:21
melow01XiaolinDraconis, again, i just use the basics and set it to auto... i don't know much about the compression specs22:21
melow01curious question: what's with the 'zilla' apps? Mozilla, Filezilla, Clonezilla... is it the same group of developers or something?22:23
gelswipnot the same group of devs at least22:24
gelswipprobably just a nice sounding thing to put at the end of a name22:25
melow01gelswip, ok22:26
actionParsnipsoman: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/x-tiptidy/index.html22:28
DominciiDoes anyone know the expected release date for Steam for Ubuntu?22:29
actionParsnipDomincii: you'd have to contact them directly22:30
OerHeksDomincii, nobody knows, but you will read about it.22:30
actionParsnipsoman: could ask in apache channel too22:30
aristidesflhow can I update the git version which ships with ubuntu?22:31
lousygaruaI use gnome-shell + pidgin but when I'm online the indicator on the top-right of the screen shows I'm offline as if pidgin does not integrate into the desktop environment22:33
tyler_dhow do you get alt-tab to not group windows?22:33
xangualousygarua: did you check por pidgin plugins at the gnome-shell plugins web¿22:34
xanguai've seen there is a pidgin indicator and message notifier for gnome shell22:35
lousygaruaxangua, i searched for 'pidgin22:35
lousygarua' too22:35
lousygaruaxangua, but didn't find anything like that22:35
lousygaruaw8 what am i talking about22:36
lousygarualet me reset myself for a second22:36
lousygaruaxangua, in the extensions site i see 'pidgin menu', 'pidgin conversation integration' and 'pidgin persistent notification'22:38
lousygaruathe latter's info says it works best with "pidgin status integration" extension22:38
lousygaruawhich i don't seem to find22:38
DominciiI'm having some problems running the x64 client of WoW, I can start it up well enough and play it for a short while but then it seems to freeze all of a sudden, I can't tab out or anything although the sound still seems to be running as i can hear ambient effects in the background and whatnot, however this only lasts for a minute or so, after it initially happens it begins to happen every 5 minutes or so.22:39
dev___anyone here22:40
Dominciihow goes it?22:40
CaGeRitI'm present.22:40
dev___can anyone here help with wifi problems in ubuntu 12.04?22:40
DominciiNot me I'm afraid22:40
samyottewhat's the issue?22:40
CaGeRitI'm pretty new to ubuntu and linux in general, wish I could help.22:40
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dev___I can connect to wifi great but randomly it i get disconnected22:41
dev___like the internet will just stop working22:41
DominciiAre you connected via mobile devices or tablets etc?22:41
dev___how ever i go on desktop (windows) and internet is working, something is wrong with driver i believe22:41
actionParsnipdev___: are there lots of wirelesses on the same chanel in the area22:41
dev___no just desktop and laptop22:41
DominciiSo the desktop works?22:42
samyottehow many wireless networks can you see if you search?22:42
dev___6 atm22:42
dev___at this minuye22:42
samyottewhois stefan22:42
nklssomeone want to check cpu info system monitor - gui?22:42
dev___and yes the desktop works, i have never had wifi problems in windows ether22:43
dev___but on ubuntu 12.04 first linux i get wifi problems, ethernet is no problem22:43
actionParsnipdev___: no, when you scan for wirelesses, are they on the same channel, nothing to do with your systems22:43
OerHeks!info conky22:43
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-6 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 59 kB22:43
dev___No they arnt22:43
OerHeksnkls lots of examples on the ubuntu forums for conky scripts22:44
dev___i believe the problem is with the driver22:44
actionParsnipdev___: what wireless chip are you using?22:44
dev___a realtek i believe, how would i go about checking exactly22:44
silverarrowcan anyone talk about firefox, chrome and API?22:45
actionParsnipdev___: sudo lshw -C network22:45
silverarrowdoes it really matter which I choose ?22:45
kameronafter installing some recent updates, my nvidia driver is gone and i've used various methods to install an nvidia driver but it isn't working. any ideas?22:46
dev___the command i did comes back with realtek semiconductor rtl8111/8168b22:46
actionParsnipdev___: and what is the driver used? look for:  driver=22:47
actionParsnipdev___: rtl8111 is an ethernet controller, not wireless22:47
dev___Im sorry i do not see driver22:48
KurtCobainSomeone can help me? , i want to install ubuntu with a usb i have allready installed ubuntu on a usb but i dont know how to run correct22:48
actionParsnipdev___: there is another network device listed, what do you have?22:48
kameronKurtCobain, install unetbootin.22:48
dev___the wireless is RTl8188CE 802.11b/g/n wifi adapter22:48
actionParsnipKurtCobain: set the USB as the bootable device in BIOS22:48
KurtCobainI open the boot menu22:49
Kingsyguys, how do you get dvd's to play on ubuntu? I have followed --> https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html <-- and now PAROLE for example.. loads the dvd menu, but it doesnt seem to play.. it just doesnt respond and the prog crashes22:49
dev___i only have ethernet and wireless,22:49
dev___I do not see the driver22:49
KurtCobainand i select all USB but dont work22:49
actionParsnipdev___: read the bottom lump of text, you will see driver=22:49
Kingsyweith vlc it doesnt play at all22:49
dev___ok driver= rtl8192ce22:49
kameronKurtCobain, oh it's already on usb. if you select usb boot option at boot and it doesn't work, you may not have installed to usb correctly. what program did you use to install to usb?22:49
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dev___driver version 3.2.0-29-gene22:50
KurtCobain[kameron] i use Universal-USB-Installer-
KurtCobainAnd i select the correct versión22:50
dev___thats what i get for driver and version22:50
actionParsnipdev___: great when you read isn't it ;)22:50
dev___Hahah, yes22:51
KurtCobainWhat i neet to do? xd22:51
kameronKurtCobain, try using unetbootin. see if that works.22:51
dev___Do you happen to know whats wrong or have any suggestions?22:51
dev___to fix22:51
kameronKurtCobain, i've tried other usb installers that did not work, but unetbootin works well for me.22:51
KurtCobain[kameron] im downloading Uneedbotin22:51
actionParsnipdev___: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:52
kameronKurtCobain, there's another program called "usb-creator". i have not had any luck getting that to work.22:52
actionParsnip!dvd | Kingsy22:52
ubottuKingsy: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:52
dev___Im not seeing that one m822:53
actionParsnipKingsy: just installing VLC doesn't give a DVD decoder, none of them do. You need a special package22:53
dev___how do i check the output?22:53
KurtCobain[kameron] i send u a private msg22:54
KingsyactionParsnip: like I said, I did that.. I installed sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh the libdvread4 is installed22:54
KurtCobainU read it?22:54
dev___is   lsb_release -sc22:55
actionParsnipdev___: cool22:55
dev___is that right?22:55
KingsyactionParsnip: yup, just tried again, the package manager says I already have libdvread4 and I already ran the .sh   vlc still doesnt read it, parole does but it crashes22:55
Kingsywell vlc crashes too22:55
Kingsybut you get errors saying it cant read the disc22:56
xsiicI have a question about audio through HDMI.  I'm using the bumblebee nvidia drivers and I'm having a problem getting audio through HDMI.  Video works fine.22:56
xanguaKingsy: did you try to restart your machine¿22:56
Kingsyxangua: no.. would that matter?22:56
dev___actionparsnip anything else?22:56
actionParsnipdev___: let me search22:57
Kingsywell let me restart then.. see if it works22:57
actionParsnipdev___: these chips are known to be a headache22:57
dev___well that is indeed true ha22:57
actionParsnip!bug 90255722:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 902557 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "Wireless not working in 12.04 for rtl8192ce (RTL8188CE)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90255722:57
dev___are there any fixes?22:58
actionParsnipdev___: have you tried using a wired connection and getting fully updated?22:58
dev___yes on another install i was fully updated and still had the problem. Also after other methods it got worse22:58
actionParsnipdev___: http://techreport.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=79059   looks like you need to compile the driver some22:59
dev___stil had the problem22:59
actionParsnipdev___: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFh2EZhUKgs22:59
actionParsnipdev___: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192873/toshiba-satellite-c850-wlan-rtl8188ce-not-working22:59
Kingsyok, after restart exactly the same thing happens..22:59
Kingsyanyone got any other ideas?22:59
dev___compile the driver from realtek website?>23:00
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actionParsnipKingsy: try:  gksudo vlc   then play the dVD23:00
actionParsnipdev___: seems that way, could try Quantal live CD to see if the newer kernel and drivers make it stable23:00
dev___I believe i have compiled the driver realtek had on there website though23:01
dev___in past23:01
dev___still had issue23:01
KingsyactionParsnip: that command does nothing23:01
actionParsnipKingsy: are you using Gnome desktop?23:01
Kingsyoh no I am not23:01
actionParsnipKingsy: so, KDE?23:02
actionParsnipKingsy: should still work with gksudo, try: sudo vlc   instead23:02
zykotick9Kingsy: have you rebooted after installing libdvdread4?23:02
Kingsyzykotick9: yes.. didnt change anything23:02
zykotick9actionParsnip: please don't suggest sudo with GUI apps :| ?23:03
KingsyactionParsnip: yeah just tried sudo vlc, it says "vlc was not designed to run as root" or something23:03
actionParsnipzykotick9: gksudo didn't work. User is using XFCE, what do you advise?23:03
zykotick9Kingsy: what is the output of "groups" from a terminal?23:03
actionParsnipKingsy: oh yes it does that, try:   gksudo mplayer    (I think mplayer is default in Xubuntu)23:04
Kingsyzykotick9: chris adm dialout cdrom video plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare vboxusers23:04
xsiicCould someone help me with an audio issue?23:04
zykotick9actionParsnip: sudo + GUI can break home directory permissions - it really should be avoided.23:04
actionParsnipzykotick9: I know all that dude23:04
zykotick9Kingsy: well, that look sane.23:05
Kingsyyup :S23:05
zykotick9actionParsnip: I know - YOU know.  so why are you suggesting it ;)23:05
actionParsnipzykotick9: because gksudo failed and using sudo showed why, no harm done23:05
Kingsylet me double check the groups the packages again with the script23:06
Kingsygot it.. I must have somehow ran the script before the package was installed23:07
Kingsyits working now :)23:07
Kingsyapologies for that. I should have double checked that23:08
Kingsyout of curiousity.. why can gksudo cause problems?23:09
zykotick9Kingsy: sudo not gksudo.  see "/msg ubottu gksudo" for details.23:09
actionParsnipKingsy: gksudo is for GUI apps (and CLI apps), sudo is for CLI only23:10
actionParsnipKingsy: sudo doesn't setup the GUI environment correctly23:10
Kingsywell cheers actionParsnip zykotick9 I appriciate the help23:10
KurtCobain_awayints here ? :(23:12
KurtCobain_awaySomeone can help me?23:12
celthunderkurtcobain what's the issue23:13
KurtCobain_awayI want to install ubuntu with 1 usb23:14
KurtCobain_awayBut i listen some tutorials23:14
phong_hi guys, is there any youtube downloader for ubuntu?23:14
KurtCobain_awayand i cant..23:14
phong_does anyone know if there is youtube downloader for ubuntu?23:15
actionParsnip!info youtubedl | phong_23:15
ubottuphong_: Package youtubedl does not exist in precise23:15
actionParsnip!info youtube-dl23:15
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2012.02.27-1 (precise), package size 45 kB, installed size 205 kB23:15
zykotick9KurtCobain_away: please stop using ENTER so much (see "/msg ubottu enter" and/or "/msg ubottu ask" for some tips)23:15
phong_actionParsnip, how to install it then?23:16
lifebird64Kurt: are you trying to create a USB stick to install Ubuntu from it? or to boot-and-run Ubuntu from it?23:16
actionParsnipphong_: or you can use addons / extensions for web browsers23:16
phong_i dont understand23:16
KurtCobain_awaySorry t.t zykotick9 !23:16
actionParsnipphong_: its a package like any other, so install it how you have installed ANY other package in your Ubuntu install23:16
phong_i'm nooob23:16
lifebird64kurt: huh?23:16
KurtCobain_awaylook at privatemsg23:17
actionParsnipphong_: so you've never used software centre to install applications?23:17
phong_i usuallly use command line23:17
actionParsnipphong_: here is your first time then :)23:17
phong_something with  apt-get install23:17
actionParsnipphong_: then you already know the package name23:17
KurtCobain_away[lifebird64] private msg ^^23:17
phong_actionParsnip,  you meant ubuntu software center?23:18
Wyleyrabbithey everyone23:18
actionParsnipphong_: look at what ubottu said, you now have the package name which you can use with apt-get23:18
WeThePeople[R], got ubuntu workin :)23:18
xsiicIs there anyone who could help me with an audio issue?23:18
OerHeksxsiic, good start is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting23:19
silverarrowoh, the heks23:20
Wyleyrabbitneed some help. I just upgraded my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server to 12.04 LTS, and everything is great...except I can't get php to talk to a database. Also, I'm getting errors in /var/log/apach2/error.log - mod_fcgid segfaults.23:20
celthunderkurt dont pm me23:20
zykotick9xsiic: (i can't, i'm bad with audio) but what card do you have?  the channel could certainly use the info - does "lspci | grep -i audio" list your soundcard?23:20
Wyleyrabbitthe two are likely related23:20
xsiiczykotick9: I'm actually trying to run audio through HDMI, but my computer won't allow audio to be played.  Video through HDMI works, though.23:21
zykotick9xsiic: ya, i've never used hdmi audio - i'm useless.  good luck.23:21
xsiiczykotick9: alright, thanks anyway23:21
zykotick9xsiic: so what video card are you using then?  "lspci | grep -i vga"?  channel might be interested still ;)23:22
xsiicI'm using a GeForce GT 555M.  If it helps, I have a Lenovo Y570.23:23
phong_actionParsnip,  i install it already..so where is the software?23:23
phong_i can't find icon to run23:23
yaarrrhi guys for hard talk for me | I got a wrt54g V5 un mal function there is a chip called  IS42S16400b 7T and im in troubles into the same router at the chip intel their are luck with changin addres any one can help ??23:24
phong_actionParsnip, i did install thru software cneter23:24
OerHeksmaybe these steps are any help, xsiic > http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2012/04/28/how-to-fix-nvidia-hdmi-audio-in-ubuntu-12-04/23:24
phong_actionParsnip, after that where do i run the app?23:24
actionParsnipphong_: its a CLI app23:24
phong_where is the shortcut for it?23:24
actionParsnipphong_: you could have installed with:  sudo apt-get install youtube-dl23:24
dev___action are you there23:24
actionParsnipphong_: there isn't a shortcut for it23:24
phong_well how to run it23:24
dev___I compiled and installed i believe23:24
actionParsnipphong_: its a CLI app23:24
phong_what do u meant?23:25
xsiicOerHeks: I would try that, but I'm currently using Bumblebee drivers and the Lenovo Y570 has Optimus.  I was never able to get xserver t owork.23:25
DominciiAny of you guys run WoW via Wine?23:25
marcos_hi, i need to knoww what is the spanish servercan you help me?23:25
phong_actionParsnip, you know in window, after i install program..i know where it locate23:25
dev___world of war on wine?23:25
dev___is that even possible?23:25
phong_not sure in ubuntu23:25
actionParsnipphong_: go to the page with the video you desire, copy the address in the browser address bar then use it in cli with the youtube-dl command23:25
Dominciiworld or Warcraft23:25
OerHeksxsiic, oke, there is a #bumblebee channel here on freenode, those guys are up2date23:25
actionParsnipdev___: check the appdb23:25
woot-0854Domincii: Ya and lost 30 fps23:25
xsiicOerHeks:  If only they responded.  lol23:26
phong_actionParsnip, youtube-dl is command line?23:26
DominciiDo you constantly get your game freezing23:26
phong_it's like youtube-dl URL_ of movie ?23:26
dev___why don't you just run win in vm for world of warcraft23:26
actionParsnipphong_: yes, I've said this about 4 times now..23:26
woot-0854Dom: it ran just choppy23:26
actionParsnipphong_: youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8bquhphQ2823:26
phong_well..who know what is CLI23:26
phong_i got it23:26
woot-0854Dom: ever lookup wine doors?23:27
actionParsnipphong_: there are youtube downloaders in browsers too23:27
art3mHey guys23:27
yaarrrphong_:  do you can use elinks so you see the canonical links on you tube and their you put youtube-dl url and works23:27
dev___action what did you mean check appdb? how23:27
phong_actionParsnip, thanks..anyway, would you know what i meant by ABCDEF  stand for ?23:27
actionParsnipphong_: they are hexadecimal values23:27
phong_actionParsnip, what about convertor?23:27
ju2gle1i have a question23:27
art3mAnyone know of any IRC channels for comp security related???23:28
phong_actionParsnip, is there video convert?23:28
actionParsnipdev___: the appdb will show you how to make apps wok (if they work at all)23:28
phong_to avi or mkv23:28
DominciiBecause I can maintain around 50fps on ultra settings whilst in fullscreen, but it freezes semi constantly, even doing trivial things in unpopulated areas, the screen seems to freeze, I can still move my mouse around and stuff but I can't interact with anything, any clues as to what it might be?23:28
actionParsnipphong_: many23:28
yaarrrphong_:  do you can install ffmpeg23:28
actionParsnipphong_: sure, mencoder and ffmpeg are free23:28
phong_yaarrr, how to install it?23:28
yaarrrsudo apt-get install ffmpeg23:28
phong_actionParsnip, is it GUI ?23:28
actionParsnipphong_: take a WILD guess23:28
phong_i like gui ..easy to see :)23:29
dev___ok i am going to restart i believe and see if the driver updated23:29
yaarrrffmpeg -i video ouputy video23:29
dev___for wifi23:29
dazeSo I bought this PC with Windows Vista OEM back in early 2008. The OS was 64-bit. I bough a fingerprint reader with the PC. It was a "Microsoft Fingerprint Reader" and didn't work out of the box, because it only had 32-bit drivers. I waited and waited for MS to release 64-bit drivers and that never happened. There was a campaign sometime in 2010 that gave people back $50 for their useless fingerprint readers that didn't work with any 64-bit O23:29
dazeS. Fast forward to 2012 - I'm happily on Ubuntu (64-bit) and somehow got an idea to test whether my fingerprint reader would magically work. A big of googling and guess what - I'm now using Microsoft Fingerprint Reader for the first time! :D23:29
actionParsnipphong_: phong_there is handbrake23:29
dazejust wanted to share :]23:29
actionParsnipdo people use the fingerprint reader?23:30
clunkychickeni suggest handbrake23:30
dazeit's kinda cool23:30
yaarrrphong_:  also if you got a web cam do you can install ttv and put the command line as ttv -c /dev/videso0 7323:30
* zykotick9 encodes all video to m4v (aka mp4) using handbrake... even though mp4 ISN'T an open standard (which make /me sad :( - it's still the most cross compatible currently)23:30
* actionParsnip doesn't download youtube as I have a web connection nearly anywhere I am, so just stream stuff23:30
OerHeksdaze, post your succes story on ubuntu forum :-)23:30
phong_actionParsnip, if i do with command line...it will save in the current working directory?23:31
ju2gle1is it possible to convert a video file23:31
actionParsnipphong_: yes23:31
dazehehe, maybe I will :)23:31
* zykotick9 notes further default ubuntu repo can't produce mp4 due to license issues with ffmpeg and the aac audio required for mp4 output...23:31
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actionParsnipphong_: instead of asking, why not just try it and see23:31
ju2gle1is it possible to convert a video file by giving a size?23:31
phong_ok sir!23:31
ju2gle1i mean is it possible to convert a video file by giving a desired file size?23:32
actionParsnipju2gle1: size in wat sense?23:32
yaarrrhello actionParsnip  Im traing to revive a router who have the chip IS42S16400b 7T in a command line and i not have the address who are blocking the pings MY PING can you help me out in hardware23:32
dazeju2gle1: it is23:32
zykotick9ju2gle1: that's an old-school way to look at encoding.  but yes it's possible, but should be discouraged.  decide on a quality level instead ;)23:32
ju2gle1daze: how?23:32
yaarrralso actionParsnip  i have installed a copy off chaintools23:33
ju2gle1i can install any software, which one do i need?23:33
dev___Action how would i go about checking if the compiled driver i did is installed?23:33
dazeju2gle1: last time I used a linux program called "dvd::rip"23:33
KM0201art3m: this isn't the place for that23:33
actionParsnipart3m: kill the caps please23:33
dazeju2gle1: http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/23:34
art3mim kidding guys im kidding23:34
phong_actionParsnip, ERROR: unable to download video23:34
actionParsnipdev___: the modprobe command given will run23:34
art3mwow almost got virtually shot at23:34
ju2gle1daze: thx ill find out23:34
actionParsnipphong_: do you use a proxy for web access?23:34
phong_not at all23:34
dazethe title might be misleading, but it allows transcoding from different file formats and whatnot23:34
phong_regular internet23:34
art3mthis channel for any ubuntu distro? backtrack included?23:34
dev___actionParsnip, modprobe?23:35
jribart3m: no, only for official ubuntu versions23:35
actionParsnipart3m: think about it, you post in all caps (not cool and against channel rules) and are proposing something less than cool23:35
actionParsnipart3m: backtrack has it's own channel #backtrack-linux23:35
art3mjrip, thanks..23:35
art3maction, my bad =(23:35
actionParsnipdev___: yes, modprobe23:35
art3mdumb joke i guess23:35
dev___not sure what that is23:35
phong_actionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/kRsaqCyD23:35
dev___All i know is i compiled the link you gave me with that tut and installed23:35
dev___for my wifi problem23:35
dev___i would like to check if it indeed installed23:36
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actionParsnipphong_: what web browser do you use?23:36
actionParsnipdev___: the link should name the driver module which you can then load23:37
dev___yea i went to there website23:37
dev___and compiled and installled23:37
actionParsnipphong_: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-download/?src=ss23:37
yaarrrphong_: is not a cannonnical name in you tube fr see the cannonicall name run sudo apt-get install elinks open elinks o0n the command line at Run elinks soo you into the new browser put www.youtube.com and do you be abaible to se the link hope is you help 7323:37
BennMuon Software Center crashes when I open it. It gives me a crash report. Should that tell me where the problem is? Kubuntu 11.1023:38
phong_Benn, ben oi23:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:38
Bennphong_, what?23:39
phong_Benn, sup23:39
rootmarri need help,can any1 help me please23:39
phong_not compatible with firefox 1123:39
Hatorirootmarr,what the problems?23:39
phong_too much trouble23:39
yaarrrrootmarr:  Dont ask for ask ASK23:39
phong_oh well23:39
FloodBot1phong_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
Bennphong_, hello23:39
rootmarri cant make update,why¿23:39
actionParsnipphong_: there are other addons, you give up WAAY to easily23:40
BennI have the crash report here, from when Muon crashes, immediately after opening: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12269116#post1226911623:40
actionParsnipphong_: search the site, you'll find an addon23:40
Hatorirootmarr,actually and usually, there are some errors appeared,you should more detail23:40
actionParsnipphong_: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/easy-youtube-video-downl-10137/?src=ss23:41
actionParsnipphong_: even lets you choose the format23:42
yaarrrphong_:  youtube-dl www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJumCF7dyy823:43
actionParsnipphong_: took me 20 seconds to find, and I don't even use Firefox23:43
rootmarrwhen i try to add package manager i get this mesage23:43
rootmarrW: Failed to fetch http://archive.offensive-security.com/pool/main/g/gcalctool/gcalctool_5.24.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb23:43
rootmarr  Could not resolve 'archive.offensive-security.com'23:43
dev___Still having wifi problems :(23:43
actionParsniprootmarr: http://archive.offensive-security.com/pool/main/g/   isn't a source23:43
dev___didnt work23:43
Hatorirootmarr, i think you use repository from backtrack...23:44
OerHeksrootmarr, that is backtrack, not supported here afaik23:44
actionParsnipOerHeks: correct23:44
forgotmynickshoot me, shoot me now23:44
actionParsnip!info gcalctool23:44
ubottugcalctool (source: gcalctool): GNOME desktop calculator. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 230 kB, installed size 1248 kB23:44
rootmarrohh,and wher i need to go?23:44
actionParsniprootmarr: #backtrack-linux23:45
actionParsnipdev___: what guide did I give you please?23:45
forgotmynickshould i select "download updates while installing"?23:45
OerHeksforgotmynick, yes, this is a new feature, installing from cd + updates together23:46
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dev___you have me this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194449323:46
FloodBot1Guest56408: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
Guest56408Hi Ubuntu Lovers!23:47
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Guest56408Sorry for Floofinh the Support Chat Room!23:47
actionParsnipdev___: run:  echo "blacklist 8192ce" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null      reboot to test23:47
actionParsnipdev___: the page has a video of the poster running the same process, did you watch it?23:48
Guest56408I've got a problem with Wine23:48
dev___in terminal run exactly -  echo "blacklist 8192ce" | sudo tee -a  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null23:48
actionParsnipphong_: any better?23:48
actionParsnipdev___: yes, that's why I gave the command......23:48
dev___i will try23:48
Guest56408Wine Problems??23:49
dev___alright i ran that command23:49
dev___i am restarting23:49
BennGuest56408, try Freenode #AA23:49
dev___ill be back action23:49
forgotmynickI have 3 storage drives installed, 2x IDE HDD (/sda, /sdb) and 1xSATA SSD (/sdc). The 2x IDE HDD is on IDE channel 0, my blueray writer on channel 1 and my SSD on 2. I want to install onto sdc1 and install boot loader onto sdc. Will this cause any problems down the line because it's /sdc and not /sda?23:50
Guest56408I was download a .exe from the internet, which was a video game. I downloaded it successfully23:50
OerHeksGuest56408, check the wine database for application help23:50
forgotmynick(if i may add) sda and sdb won't always be plugged in23:50
Guest56408Benn: ok23:50
Guest56408OerHeks: Ok, how do I do that23:51
OerHeksa exe is so mystical ..23:51
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:51
BennGuest56408, I was joking. AA if for alcoholics anonymous23:51
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rootmarri cant enter on backtrack chat23:52
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OerHeksBenn als a known Amarican Army 3d shooter, awesome.23:52
OerHeksrootmarr, they won't allow you as root23:52
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.23:52
Guest56408Benn: Haha! I forgot to laugh, this is meant to be a Ubuntu Support, not a bloody comedy stand up chat room23:52
actionParsniprootmarr: then ask in #freenode23:53
Guest56408Ubottu: Hello there!23:53
BennGuest56408, just ask your question instead of just saying that you have a problem with Wine. It's hard to not be a jerk when things like that happen.23:54
zykotick9rootmarr: fyi, you CAN'T be root to join whatever BT irc channel is!23:54
rootmarri understand,tank you:)23:54
rootmarri must to be user23:54
Guest56408Benn: I have, now I want support please, is that any better, and you don't know me. So how? the hell I'm i jerk them ;-)??23:55
actionParsnipzykotick9: guess its some kind of backtrack joke23:56
BennGuest56408, I was calling myself a jerk. All I know is that you downloaded a game successfully.23:56
zykotick9actionParsnip: root is the default account of that terrible derivative ;)23:57
actionParsnipzykotick9: its not terrible, people just use it for what it isn't intended for23:57
zykotick9actionParsnip: agreed!23:58
zykotick9actionParsnip: we don't hear from the people that are suppose to be using it ;)23:58
forgotmynickcan exfat/ntfs/fat32 be used for /home?23:59
zykotick9forgotmynick: bad idea23:59
woot-0854sudo firefox :p23:59

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