
smartboyhwlen-dt, you said you don't know why do we have three partitioning options. balloons (Canonical Community QA Manager) forced me to. Don't worry I will intergrate them and make it into one:P09:20
smartboyhwGrr added it go to http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/225/builds/16300/testcases to check it out!09:54
len-dtsmartboyhw, That is much better.14:00
smartboyhwlen-dt, :P14:00
len-dtI like having post install separate.14:01
len-dtCan we change the "Family" to Ubuntu Studio? It may be a little less confusing for someone.14:02
smartboyhwlen-dt, wait what family?14:04
len-dtA lot of the test cases use the word "Family" where I would expect the name ubuntu studio14:05
smartboyhwlen-dt, that is actually a new feature of the ISO QA Tracker14:07
smartboyhwThe variable FAMILY has been set to Ubuntu Studio in the testsuite:P14:07
len-dtSo when it goes live it will be right?14:08
smartboyhwlen-dt, it will show the same thing in the info page, but the people will see the right thing in the normal testcase reporting page14:08
len-dtOk, sounds good.14:09
len-dtsmartboyhw, I would suggest that when selecting a username password for testing that they be throw away names not real ones14:12
len-dtthat way if there are bugs with the installer all the log files can be sent open14:13
len-dtfor example I use joe tester with a password testing14:13
smartboyhwlen-dt, where?14:13
len-dtfor test install14:13
smartboyhwlen-dt, not understanding now....14:14
len-dtFinal install with a real name pw should be ok.14:14
len-dtif the installer crashes, the ubuntu-bug runs on it's own and wants to send log files to the bug track14:16
len-dtin those files are the username password that the user put in14:16
len-dtThe installer has gotten a lot better and I have not had it crash on me for some time, but it is still in active development14:17
* len-dt is talking about ubiquity14:18
* smartboyhw is not understanding which step:P14:18
smartboyhwStep 27?14:18
len-dtyes 2714:18
smartboyhwOK so you want them to provide false info?14:18
len-dtI am not sure how to word this14:19
len-dtbut yes.14:19
len-dtthough I don't think at this point there will be much changes to the installer, I am thinking for next cycle14:20
smartboyhwlen-dt, check again under step 2714:21
len-dtI would add "for testing" to the end of that line14:21
smartboyhwlen-dt, check again:P14:22
len-dtYup looks good14:22
smartboyhwlen-dt, :)14:22
smartboyhwailo_, any comments?14:23
len-dtI have had ubiquity crash on me many times while testing and then get asked if they can send the file with my id and PW that is why I started using fake ones14:24
smartboyhwlen-dt, ah:P14:24
len-dtWhat is painful is that often someone else has had the same bug, but I can't look at it to confirm because the info is closed. I always go in and make sure it is open on my bugs so other can see14:26
smartboyhwlen-dt, good choice:)14:27
smartboyhwOh no:P14:40
smartboyhwWelcome back len-dt :P14:42
len-dtjust let software update. New fix in for gstreamer...14:47
smartboyhwlen-dt, good:P14:48
len-dtdidn't seem to work so I rebooted14:48
len-dtstill doesn't work14:48
smartboyhwlen-dt, oh no.....14:48
len-dtsomething is odd anyway14:49
len-dtI'll try a different app14:52
smartboyhwlen-dt, a few weeks ago I talked about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/1041882 which you think you have fixed it.....So did you reupload the fix?14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041882 in Ubuntu Studio "Ubuntu Studio 12.04.1 does not have help" [Undecided,New]14:54
len-dtI thnk the fix is there but not released14:55
len-dtThat is commited14:55
* smartboyhw figures that is a problem14:55
smartboyhwGee that IS weird14:57
len-dtIt has to get approval or sru or whatever.14:58
len-dtFixes three bugs (three commits)14:58
len-dtfirefox doesn't seem to use gstreamer15:00
* smartboyhw finds out the help link in 12.10 and 12.04 are actually differenty15:00
smartboyhwlen-dt, I looked at the ubuntustudio-default-settings package in Precise and finds out that the package has NOT been updated. Maybe you have to rebuild it....15:03
len-dtI can't, I can only commit to it. 15:04
* smartboyhw thinks len-dt can build the package and then ask a MOTU to sponsor it15:05
len-dtThe package is there (the old one) I don't know what this would be called (SRU, backport?)15:06
len-dtAnyway, the comments I got at the time were that so long as it was fixed for 12.10......15:08
len-dtso I worked on other things15:09
len-dtPersonally I would like to see more kernel updates15:10
smartboyhwlen-dt, :)15:11
len-dtsmartboyhw, I have one more bug fix to get through for 12.10 then testing then I will probably do less next cycle than I did this one15:13
len-dtI have less time... and I am at a point that I am not sure what else to do as well15:13
smartboyhwlen-dt, OK15:13
smartboyhwlen-dt, which one?15:14
len-dtI do have a small coding project I will do some work on... I have done a mock up in tk/tcl but should probably learn python and move it there.15:14
len-dtI have both a workflow launcher as well as a mode changer15:15
len-dtThe mode changer would go first, It allows turning things off that conflict with recording on the fly15:15
len-dtit goes in systray15:16
len-dttk doesn't haveanything to make systray stuff so I have been using alltray to wrap it15:17
len-dtpython does have acces to systray through the gtk stuff15:17
micahglen-dt: I don't think we've enabled the gstreamer support in Firefox yet15:19
micahglen-dt: have you filled out the SRU paperwork for precise?15:19
len-dtmicahg, Ah. I see. 15:19
len-dtno, there didn't seem to be intererest. And I had other things to do.15:20
len-dtPaper work? is there a form?15:20
len-dtI looked at the sru page and it didn't seem to indicate that15:21
len-dtmicahg, as you are here, 12.10 -default-settings has a committed bug fix if it could get released15:22
micahgok, will try to take a look today15:22
micahglen-dt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure step 215:22
smartboyhwlen-dt, add oil:P15:24
smartboyhwlen-dt, what do you think about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/1051888 ?15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1051888 in Ubuntu Studio "Audio CD's won't mount" [Undecided,New]15:28
len-dtI would have to test it. (on a machine that actually has a cd/dvd drive)15:31
len-dtnormally totem would not be used for playing an audio cd anyway... that would be audacious.15:32
smartboyhwlen-dt, I made the help bug assigned to you:P15:33
len-dtI may not work on it... 15:33
len-dtaudasious plays tracks ok. nautilus opens an audio disk as wav files.15:37
smartboyhwlen-dt, I think it is a backport instead......15:37
len-dtsmartboyhw, I'm sorry, I thought you ment the audio disk bug15:37
smartboyhwlen-dt, LOL15:37
len-dtThe help bug is ok15:37
smartboyhwlen-dt, I saw people asking about it in Ubuntu Studio Forums so...15:38
len-dtI think it isn't really a back port(s) because the fix is different from 12.1015:39
smartboyhwlen-dt, hmm.....15:39
smartboyhwStable release updates will, in general, only be issued in order to fix high-impact bugs. Examples of such bugs include:15:39
smartboyhw    Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a security vulnerability. These are done by the security team and are documented at SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures.15:39
smartboyhw    Bugs which represent severe regressions from the previous release of Ubuntu. This includes packages which are totally unusable, like being uninstallable or crashing on startup.15:39
smartboyhw    Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a loss of user data15:39
smartboyhw    Bugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages (like X.org or the kernel).15:39
smartboyhw    For Long Term Support releases we regularly want to enable new hardware. Such changes are appropriate provided that we can ensure to not affect upgrades on existing hardware. For example, modaliases of newly introduced drivers must not overlap with previously shipped drivers.15:39
len-dtThe -default-setting package from 12.10 will not work with 12.04. I tried it15:39
smartboyhw    New versions of commercial software in the Canonical partner archive.15:39
smartboyhw    FTBFS(Fails To Build From Source) can also be considered. Please note that in main the release process ensures that there are no binaries which are not built from a current source. Usually those bugs should only be SRUed in conjunction with another bug fix. 15:39
smartboyhwEr these are the requirements for SRUs15:39
len-dtYa, these are safe fixes because the most it would do is still have a non-working menu ittem15:42
smartboyhwWhich one do you think it meets?15:42
smartboyhwok then len-dt I hope you can go through it:)15:42
len-dtBugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages (like X.org or the kernel).15:42
len-dtXine plays cds directly15:42
len-dttotem seems to play cds directly too15:45
smartboyhwlen-dt, on that help bug........16:00
* smartboyhw has been stupidly building the package:P16:00
smartboyhwlen-dt, it is now in my ppa:P:P:P:P16:04
micahgailo_: FYI, bzr mv is easier than mv in branches as it just shows the change as a file rename19:22
micahgailo_: also, why are you depending on such a strict version of python19:23
micahgailo_: also, IIRC, #I/usr/bin/env python is deprecated and should be #!/usr/bin/python19:24
micahgailo_: you also forgot to mention the debian/control addition of python19:26
micahg(in the changelog)19:27
* micahg fixes up and uploads19:27
micahglen-dt: about the new menu items, I assume your docs team (?) is aware19:28
micahgactually, I have to check on something, can this wait until Wed (I'm off Mon and Tues)19:31
len-dtmicahg, no problem. It is the last bug I can think to fix for 12.1020:12
len-dtmicahg, the documenting will have to wait. So far as I know, none of us has a colorimeter to play with. When I have some money I will rent one.... If I can find such a device in our small town.20:17
micahglen-dt: I was just concerned about menu screenshots being wrong, you're not required to screenshot every app you have20:17
len-dtit is a chicken and egg thing, we have to have the tools before photography people will us it and give feedback20:18
len-dtI don't think screen shots will be different20:18
len-dtWe still have to do the photgraphy/graphics workflow docs though.20:19
ailo_micahg: I should probably look more into python versions, but I decided to use a version I knew for certain would work, and was installed on 12.1020:56
micahgailo_: just Depends: python should be fine unless you're using specific features20:57
ailo_micahg: Ok. I'd like to make more changes before upload20:57
micahgailo_: ok, I won't be uploading until Tues night at the earliest, so have at it20:58
ailo_micahg: I'll make sure to have everything ready until then20:58
ailo_len-dt: I was thinking of making some final changes to the menu. Moving the extra starters to the top of each submenu20:59
ailo_Anything else in -settings we'd like to do before final release?21:01
astraljavaguitar -> Behringer -> M-Audio Audiophile S/PDIF in -> jackd -> S/PDIF out -> stereo -> headphones; done, an hour of testing; done. Whee!21:18
astraljavaErr... that should be of course ANALOG out, not S/PDIF. But oh well.21:19
astraljavaI'm getting started.21:19
astraljava...and I suppose there should be Mudita24 there in between, to handle the routing.21:21
holsteini remember when i missed winamp21:22
holsteinnow i could care lesss21:22
holsteinif a media player dictates the operating system you are going to use... i dont think there's much reason to be using linux21:23
astraljavaHeh... yeah.21:27
astraljavaThis is so much fun! I can't believe I let it take this long to start actually using the stuff.21:27
astraljavaNow I wish I could afford a midi keyboard, to make it easier to compose.21:28
holsteinastraljava: i got a cheapy21:28
holsteinan maudio keystation.. works great21:28
astraljavaBut oh well, I'll need to notation practice anyway, so I'll start punching in notes to Rosegarden or whatever there is.21:28
holsteinyou should see them used for around $5021:28
astraljavaOh cool, I'll look for some forums for musicians around here. Thanks for the tip!21:29
holsteinyeah, if you were closer id offer you this one for cheap21:29
holsteini got a weighted one and a USB to midi thing21:29
holsteinthough, that rig is out on loan too..21:29
astraljavaToo bad I've got a working day tomorrow. I could spend so much time on this right now. :) G'night for now, though.21:31
holsteinastraljava: o/21:31
=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu
len-dtailo_, I was goin to leave that for next cycle as I have run out of time to play, but feel free. I'll be happy with everything new working :)22:40
len-dtholstein, some people are afraid to try something new... or just do a bit of research even.22:41
holsteinlen-dt: yeah.. i was back then22:46
holsteini wanted winamp, and missed it22:46
len-dtThe I want an all in one solution idea is odd to me too. Using two or more apps together just seems natural to me22:47
len-dtholstein, to be honest, I have never used winamp.22:49
holsteinwell, you get used to the way things are22:49
holsteinwindows media player is and was *so* bad.. when winamp came along i think a lot of folks were just so into it22:50
len-dtMS does not give anything away...22:50

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