
=== _dancer is now known as MOSMarauder
studio-user032Well, just finishing my UbuntuStudio installation on my notebook and wanted to say THANKS to everybody for the AWESOME work done :D04:28
studio-user032Time to reboot ;)04:28
andrecdnobrehey peeps19:58
andrecdnobrecan anyone help me with something about ubuntu studio19:59
andrecdnobrei need to know how to do a schedule play for a school radio on ubuntu studi20:00
drupinwhat kind of play?20:04
andrecdnobreim on the school radio, and every recess i need to play music20:05
andrecdnobrebut in way that i dont have to run from my class to the radio room to press play20:05
andrecdnobremusic play*20:05
andrecdnobrei need to schedule by hour if you know what i mean20:23
len-dtandrecdnobre, So you have an hour long wav/mp3/ogg you want to play at a particular time? Or something else?20:24
andrecdnobreis more like a playlist20:29
andrecdnobrei head that winamp does that, tough it doesnt work on ubuntu20:30
len-dtOk. are you used to dealing with command line stuff?20:30
andrecdnobrenope not used20:30
len-dtCron can start a file of things to do20:30
len-dtOk. The other way I can think it to use Orage... this is the calendar that pops up when you click on the time in the top bar20:31
len-dtIf you select a day that you want the play list to play... Click on it.20:32
andrecdnobreI need for example, start music playing at 10am and stop 20min after20:32
len-dtYou will get an event dialog20:32
andrecdnobrethen start music at 11.50AM and stop 15min later20:32
len-dtYou can create a new appointment and for the alarm use a procedure20:34
andrecdnobrehumm so there is no real program to do that ?20:34
len-dtYou should for the procedure be able to give a command like audacious with the name of you playlist.20:36
len-dtI am not aware of a program to do that, but then I really haven't looked at all.20:36
len-dtyou would probably need a second procedure at the end of play time that says killall audacious :)20:36
andrecdnobrei know winamp does that, but winamp doesnt work on linux20:36
len-dtThere are a lot of audio file players around. xmmp was supposed to be the closest to winamp... back when, but I am not sure if it has kept up with winamp.20:38
len-dtHonestly though, I have not looked for that particular functionality20:40

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