
toraxI think some 4gb swap will be more than enough00:00
David-AKrasus: 1G or 0.5G swap is fine, some people settle with no swap at all, but i think some swap is good to have on a desktop system00:01
Krasustorax, do u know about my parttition problem ?00:01
Krasusthx David-A00:01
Krasusgot ntfs partition and i want to cut from it for xubuntu instalation and home and when i click change it will create new partiton not change this ntfs to for e.g this new root ?00:02
keithclarkDue to my distaste for Unity I've decided to give Xubuntu a fair shot.  I like what I've seen so far, but everything is sooooo blue.  Any suggestions for themes/wallpaper sources to cure this?00:57
GridCubekeithclark, see xfce-look.org01:11
keithclarkJust trying out Xubuntu from Ubuntu and I must say, nice job!  So far so good.  I think I even like it better than Lubuntu01:36
scath<--- recent Gentoo convert02:39
jyc_llo - does anyone know when this bug will be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/+bug/99679103:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 996791 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu 12.04 extremely slow login" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:25
mih1406I have submitted my feature request for Ubuntu One, I believe it is a great addition to Ubuntu One's future!! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/105890004:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058900 in Ubuntu One Client "Sync application preferences and/or data" [Undecided,New]04:58
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homebrewciderhi there, I have a xubuntu desktop with vinagre (remote desktop) installed. I have a second pc with xubuntu and mythbuntu installed. I can't login to the second one via the remote desktop program, I can log in via ssh though. I need to get the remote desktop via vnc going, can someone help please07:57
xubuntuserHow can I boot into Windows7? Can see it in Grub menu but selecting this just returns to Grub screen again. Boots fine into Xubuntu though.08:00
well_laid_lawnhomebrewcider: do you have any sort of vnc server running on the other comp?08:09
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:10
xubuntuserubottu: It's grub2 itslef. I just can't get into Windows7. However Windows7 is listed in grub menu.08:13
ubottuxubuntuser: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:13
xubuntuserwell_laid_lawn: It's grub2 itslef. I just can't get into Windows7. However Windows7 is listed in grub menu. (Guess your reply was pointed to me)08:14
homebrewciderwell_laid_lawn - as far as I know08:14
well_laid_lawnhomebrewcider: well, which port did you set the vnc server to be on? Stuff like that is important. Xubuntu doesn't come with a servr08:16
well_laid_lawnxubuntuser: I was just seeing if there was a bot link to help you out. I know nothing about windows08:17
xubuntuserwell_laid_lawn: oh..thanks btw.. i actually can see my win7 partition in grub ..08:19
well_laid_lawndoes the menu entry point to the right partition08:20
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xubuntuserwell_laid_lawn: yes. seems so..sda1..any chance grub might have overwritten win7 bootloader? i think i had selected hda to install grub rather than /hda/sda2 (xbuntu partition)08:23
well_laid_lawnprobably could have08:23
well_laid_lawnthere will be plenty on the web about checking that08:24
well_laid_lawnI've never even seen win708:24
well_laid_lawnso I can't help there08:24
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xubuntu125where i can get xubuntnu 12.10 beta ?please09:28
xubuntu125i want to try it09:28
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Quantal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.09:30
TheSheepone moment09:30
TheSheepxubuntu125: found it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta2#Download_the_Beta_209:34
TheSheepit *is* hard to find :(09:34
distygood morning09:59
Gabryele72hi guys how is the party going? :D10:02
distysorry, how can i change the user and the name of machine?10:03
toraxdisty: to change computer name edit /etc/hosts file, "sudoedit /etc/hosts"10:16
toraxdisty: about users, http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.fi/2012/07/how-to-add-new-user-account-in-xubuntu.html10:17
Krasushey, anyone knows which driver should i choose after the xubuntu 12.04 instalation ? Nvidia 173 / 173 updates /current updates ?10:24
Krasusor current10:24
Krasusany explanation why ?10:25
distytorax: thanks.10:27
homebrewciderHI, one of the computers on my network can ping and be pinged but it will not update or connect to the internet itself. can someone help please12:37
toraxhomebrewcider: are you using NAT?12:41
homebrewciderhow do I fond out13:00
homebrewciderfind out13:01
toraxhomebrewcider: what is your ip addres, open terminal type ifconfig13:08
homebrewciderthe computer in question, I have assigned a static ip of
holsteinhomebrewcider: can you ping google from the machine? ping google.com13:15
homebrewciderno I can't13:18
homebrewciderunknown host13:18
holsteinhomebrewcider: i would just check the network config.. make sure DNS is as expected13:20
holsteinhomebrewcider: i suppose at some point i might throw a live CD in the machine to test the networking hardware if i "hit a wall" with it13:21
homebrewciderokay, the live cd option...13:21
holsteinhomebrewcider: the live CD would take all of my configuration form my current install out of the equation.. easily13:22
holsteinif the machine *doesnt* get online from a live CD, then i can stop fiddlying with the OS.. i can look to driver support, or hardare issues.. or network configuration13:23
homebrewciderokay< I'm assuming I have to run a command at a shell when the live cd boots13:23
holsteinhomebrewcider: you shouldnt... you didnt when you installed xubuntu, correct?13:24
homebrewcideroh I see what you're gtting at13:24
homebrewciderI was thinking rescue mode13:24
homebrewcideryeah, I'll try that then13:24
homebrewcidercheers, I'll do that tomorrow, getting late here13:25
holsteinthen, i would want to see the DHCP settings, and DNS... just typical network troublshooting13:25
holsteinhomebrewcider: you're issue has *nothing* to do with updates however13:25
homebrewcidercheers for your help13:25
holsteinso, next time you ask, you can just say "im on whatever version of whatever operating system using whatever device, and its not geting online"13:26
holsteinhomebrewcider: when you say "static IP".. i would look at whate made that IP static13:27
homebrewcidergo on13:27
toraxid say its just NAT13:27
holsteinhomebrewcider: im suggesting whatever you did to make it static is the issue... i would try DHCP.. i would try specifying a DNS server in the static IP config13:28
holsteini moved my server machine over to my parents house... i had to specify a DNS server to get it to connect to anything.. i used the opendns ip's13:29
homebrewciderok, I'll look at all this tomorrow13:30
Krasushey anyone here ? :)14:10
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xubuntu969really? on-the-fly irc support during installation? :D17:53
xubuntu969your installer rox.17:53
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Os_Maleushey all together!19:12
Os_Maleuscan somebody tell me, why a search for updates in a freshly installed Xubuntu 11.10 doesn't present me the option for upgrading onto 12.04?19:13
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ballIs there a simple music player, perhaps with fairly big cassette player style buttons and support for playlists or albums that works with Xubuntu?19:23
ballI want something for my daughter to use. She's just turned 7.19:23
Sysiaudacious is pretty simple19:24
ballThanks. I'll have a look for that.19:27
ballThat looks promising, thanks.19:28
vorsorkenquick question: what does the RSS stand for in the task manager? I'm assuming it indicates RAM usage but I'm curious what the acronym is19:37
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qwerty1234Can someone help me with a problem?20:36
TheSheepqwerty1234: you have to describe it20:36
qwerty1234Ok one second20:36
TheSheepqwerty1234: nobody can tell if they can help or not without first knowing the problem20:36
qwerty1234Ok so I have gmusicbrowser and I have been trying to download youtube vidoes as mp3 files and when I try to play them an error message keeps coming up and it does not play?20:37
qwerty1234"Playing error : Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser_gstreamer-0.10.pm line 135, <$OUTPUTfh> line 135."20:37
TheSheepqwerty1234: how did you "save them as mp3 files"?20:38
qwerty1234The website I use requires me to input the url of the video and it converts it to an mp3 file and then I download the file20:39
qwerty1234But when I try to open it the error message comes up20:39
TheSheepqwerty1234: can you play other mp3 files fine?20:39
qwerty1234I dont have any other ones this is the first time I have tried to download mp3 files and play them20:40
SkippersBossso what website are u using to download these videos20:40
TheSheepok, first make sure you can play mp3 files at all, see this20:40
TheSheep!mp3 | qwerty123420:40
ubottuqwerty1234: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:40
qwerty1234thats it^20:41
qwerty1234TheSheep what do you mean?20:42
TheSheepqwerty1234: visit those links, read through them and see if what they say helps you20:42
SkippersBossqwerty1234,  can you play any other mp3 files20:42
qwerty1234Oh ok I will hold on20:42
qwerty1234I do not have any other mp3 files this was the first time I have tried to dowload and play any?20:43
SkippersBossit looks like the website is dodgy20:48
qwerty1234what do you mean?20:48
SkippersBosswhen a website has a problem in doing its primary task but is very succesful in showing anoying scripts with links to other sites i get very cautious20:51
qwerty1234when i try to play an mp3 it says GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in20:55
SkippersBosshave you got another mp3 file NOT coming from this website20:55
qwerty1234ive tryed other websites also20:55
qwerty1234i dont think its the website20:55
qwerty1234how do i get the plug in that it says im missing?20:56
SkippersBosswell follow the TheSheep suggestions and read the links20:56
qwerty1234i looked but could not find anything20:56
SkippersBoss!mp3 > qwerty123420:57
ubottuqwerty1234, please see my private message20:57
qwerty1234I fixed it21:06
qwerty1234thanks for your help :D21:07
SkippersBossMay i suggest you use a tool like clipgrab21:07
qwerty1234Whats clipgrab?21:07
SkippersBossinstead of external sites21:07
qwerty1234oh ok sure21:07
SkippersBossfollow the directions in the box. It will save to mp4 /ogg and mp3 :-)21:09
xubuntu156I've just installed Xubuntu 12.04 LS in my Eee Pc 1101 Ha21:32
xubuntu156the problem is if i started the computer with out pressing Ctrl+alt+f2 it does'nt work21:33
xubuntu156I've read somewhere there is a command to solve this problem21:33
xubuntu156can someone help me?21:34
holsteinxubuntu156: whats the issue? you got to tty ans type startx ?21:34
holsteinxubuntu156: i have various ubuntu versions on quite a few eee's21:35
xubuntu156I would like to start my Xubuntu automataticly21:39
xubuntu156but I always must to press Ctrl+alt+f2 to log in#21:39
holsteinxubuntu156: so, you go to tty after xubuntu boots and type startx ?21:40
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