
Riddellhappy monday08:27
RiddellQuintasan_: you asked for your new flight dates?08:32
=== Guest77071 is now known as Mamarok
RiddellJontheEchidna: I can't believe amy died with Rory, I always said she'd do so much better with her life if she dumped him and went out with me09:49
RiddellBlizzz: I presume there's no patch to owncloud 3.0 for the various security issues?09:54
BlizzzRiddell: ownCloud 3 isn't supported any more09:59
ovidiu-florin_I have a project and I need to develop in C++ an application to monitor CPU and memory usage of itself.10:01
ovidiu-florin_I would like to look over the source code of the Ksysguard application, but I can't seem to find it. Maybe I just don't know where to look.10:01
ovidiu-florin_On this page the code presented I think it's for the website: http://userbase.kde.org/index.php?title=KSysGuard&action=edit10:01
ovidiu-florin_Can anybody help me?10:01
Riddellovidiu-florin_: apt-get source ksysguard10:12
ovidiu-florin_I'm guessing this was downloaded in ~/ ?10:14
Riddellovidiu-florin_: into current directory10:14
ovidiu-florin_thank you10:15
Riddellgood luck10:19
vprintsAny progress with Precise https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1055967 ?10:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1055967 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "ubiquity kde frontend is broken in current kubuntu daily builds" [Critical,In progress]10:40
xnoxvprints: it's commited to the branch but there was no upload yet.10:41
xnoxvprints: plus even if we do a precise upload you would either have to manually update ubiquity or use precise-daily image as 12.04.2 is not due soon yet.10:41
vprintsxnox: that is not a problem10:44
vprintsi am from downstream, we generate our own isos :)10:45
xnoxvprints: so... cherry pick the patch then.10:45
vprintsbut it would be good if the package would come from the official repo10:45
xnoxvprints: as in you'd have no work to do ?! I see....10:45
xnoxthat didn't convince me to do an upload now. I still have another bug to solve for precise.10:46
vprintsI think i was just asking10:47
vprintsand plitely10:47
vprintsnot demanding10:47
xnoxwell, I gave you the status update =) not happening soon as far as I can see. But there will be one for 12.04.210:47
Quintasan_Riddell: Yes, I did. Awaiting response. Im also looking for a way to get to Berlin10:52
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Riddelloh I remember the kubuntu automation script's issue, it stops when it has a problem building package like a patch that no longer applies and you have to start all over again11:20
* Riddell doing 4.9.211:20
debfxthere is still the issue of all our branches not being in sync with the archive11:21
debfxso the script won't do anything11:21
* tsdgeos shakes fist at clementine package11:25
tsdgeosapt-get source + apt-get builddep + dpkg-buildpackage → fail11:26
tsdgeosRiddell: be aware there might be a kde-workspace respin11:26
Riddelltsdgeos: yeah I read that11:27
debfxhm why is qt4-x11 in quantal-proposed?11:27
apolhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-gtk-config/+bug/1058464 << anybody knows what changed?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058464 in kde-gtk-config (Ubuntu) "Gtk Configuration is doesn't display real current configuration status after upgrade from Precise to Quantal" [Undecided,New]11:29
apol(on the gtk configs in quantal)11:29
RiddellI keep forgetting the details, if only gtk did things consistently11:32
Riddellbut we switched from having it set somewhere in gtk2 and xsettings-kde trying to give the same thing to gtk311:32
Riddellto your kcm and setting it somewhere else one for gtk2 and again for gtk 311:32
apolRiddell: i haven't seen a patch in the kcm...11:39
Riddellapol: here's what it has http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/kde-gtk-config/quantal/files/head:/debian/patches/11:41
apolRiddell: why aren't I aware of this?11:42
Riddellgood question, I'm not sure11:42
RiddellI think partly it comes from debian and partly I blame my poor broken brain, sorry11:43
apolRiddell: kubuntu needs a no-patch policy against KDE11:43
Riddellwe do, but an exception is that stuff from debian we tend to assume has already been handled properly, assuming you're looking at the mirgation-from-package-src\:kcm-gtk patch11:46
apolRiddell: ok, I'll get in touch with him11:51
Riddellapol: it is causing a problem?11:52
apolRiddell: well, for starters i'm not happy to see there's patches removing features and such > http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/kde-gtk-config/quantal/view/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_01_no_gtk.diff11:53
apolalso there are patches that won't work11:54
Riddellapol: hmm I seem to remember you saying at some point we could compile it without the gtk dependency11:55
apolyes definitely11:56
apolbut the solution isn't a distro patch11:56
apolRiddell: do you know what's the default ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file in quantal?12:07
yofelapol: ~/.gtkrc-2.012:08
Riddell/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/dot-gtkrc-2.0-kde4  it should be12:10
pktvprints: you could use https://github.com/squibbylinux/ubiquity.squibby.git12:13
pktI 'm also from downstream and I have done the patching12:14
pktit also has fixes for the other issues I reported12:14
pktmaybe the code is not so great but I hope it is too simple to mess it up :P12:14
pktat least it is tested :)12:14
apoli'll have to review some stuff then...12:15
pktapol: In general I think what is there is also upstream in branches12:15
pktbut feel free :)12:15
apolno i mean i'll have to look into the kcm again12:16
pktoh sorry :)12:16
vprintspkt: great, thanks!12:48
BluesKajHey all12:49
pktvprints: you are welcome12:51
pktvprints: btw, which downstream are you from? Is it public?12:52
pktcool :)12:59
pktvprints: I 'm trying to do the same for Greek language :)13:01
pktso hopefully we will be able to exchange ideas :)13:01
vprintsgood :)13:03
vprintsyou are using PPAs or Your own system for repos?13:04
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1059602] Default buttons for close, minimize and maximize do not show in dialog windows @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1059602 (by drMerry)14:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
soeeso tomorrow kde 4.9.2 is released ?15:41
Riddellhi sheytan18:18
sheytanRiddell: hey18:19
debfxthat looks wrong: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/audiocd-kio/view/head:/debian/changelog18:31
* yofel_ goes rebuilding 4.9.218:31
debfxsame in all the other packages18:32
sheytanRiddell what's up? I'm only for a while ;)18:32
* yofel_ won't rebuild 4.9.2 for now...18:32
Riddelldebfx: it's a sign of how many times I had to run it before it would work :)18:32
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1028283] package libqt4-help 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: package libqt4-help is a... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1028283 (by Isaac)18:32
RiddellI'll tidy it up18:32
Riddellsheytan: nothing in paticular, we got an image for the 12.10 release, you can see it on kubuntu.org and critique if you like18:33
yofel_Riddell: reupload things while you're at it. It seems like stuff was built with kdelibs 4.9.1, so the libs are names *.so.4.9.1 not 4.9.218:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayerQuintasan: ping18:33
Riddellyofel: mm yes that's more important, I failed to do the build-dep version updates which is my failure18:34
yofelwell, the scripts should do that18:34
* yofel -> dinner, bbiab18:34
Riddellkubuntu-initial-upload?  I don't think it does18:35
shadeslayergrep-dctrl and set are your friends :P18:36
debfxmaybe we should reset the bzr branches with every release, would certainly make the history more readable than it is now18:36
debfxit does update the build-deps18:36
Riddelldebfx: oh?  it doesn't seem to have done so18:37
debfxmaybe you are using an old version?18:37
debfx(it would be a very good idea to update the tools before doing such packaging changes next time)18:38
sheytanRiddell i follow all the stuff in silent mode,  all good for now. Finally good software in default, still missing the KDE Web accounts, which is going to be cool, hope you fix lightDM theme the way i mocked it up, and hope for packageing kio-mtp just released :) That's it so far :D18:39
Riddellsheytan: afiestas says webaccounts isn't ready yet19:04
Riddellapachelogger has lightdm theme on his todo19:04
sheytanRiddell: thought that, but anyway, it will come with one of the KDE upgrades ;)19:04
Peace-hi there 19:35
Peace-i have bad feedback to report upgrading to 4.9.1 from 12,0419:36
Peace-plasma crashs a lots19:36
Peace-anyone knows this stuff ?19:36
Peace-or some else has the same issue?19:36
shadeslayerPeace-: works fine for me20:45
BluesKajPeace-, I had to reinstall the nvidia-current driver after 4.9.1 20:48
Peace-i dunno alexzion was reporting an ultra unstable system 20:57
Peace-with 30 crash of plasma 20:57
Peace-hahah pooor guy20:57
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852702 < have you seen that?22:05
SteveRiley_hiyall. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parted/+bug/105929722:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059297 in partitionmanager (Ubuntu) "Please add support for GPT disks" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:49
SteveRiley_already fixed in KDE SVN, according to https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30764322:50
ubottuKDE bug 307643 in general "Please add support for GPT disks" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:50
shadeslayerSteveRiley_: too late in the cycle :(22:59
SteveRiley_yes, i figured that. just prodding, hoping for 13.04 :)23:00
SteveRiley_i wasn't sure if you guys saw the bug or not23:00
shadeslayerprobably missed it23:00
SteveRiley_speaking of which... in cases like that, where there exists a ubuntu package but it's pretty much for us kubuntu guys, where's the better place to file?23:01
SteveRiley_against the package, or against kubuntu?23:01
shadeslayerwhat you need to do is to tag bugs with kubuntu and needs-packaging23:01
SteveRiley_ah, okie.23:01
SteveRiley_so much to learn23:01
shadeslayeragainst ubuntu, but if it concerns kubuntu, tag with kubuntu :)23:01
shadeslayerwell ... against the package23:01
SteveRiley_got it23:01
SteveRiley_thanks for the tip23:02
shadeslayergood god this source is completely busted23:02
SteveRiley_what source?23:02
shadeslayerhas a top level src dir, but no CMakeLists.txt23:02
SteveRiley_oh, i thought maybe you were looking at partitionmanager23:03
shadeslayernah :)23:03
shadeslayer!find qfile.h:23:13
shadeslayer!find qfile.h23:13
ubottuFile qfile.h found in grads, libqt3-headers, libqt4-dev, libqtscript4-doc, python-qt4-doc, qt3-doc, qt4-doc-html23:14

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