
fuhrer_help me00:19
monkeyjuicedont know what you need fuhrer_00:22
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=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
justin___When installing a *.deb package, I navagate to the folder where it's located and do a sudo apt-get?01:12
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
DreadtowerJust run  it. It knows how to  unpack things01:23
DreadtowerSo, the following will install package tomatoes01:23
Dreadtower[It doesn;t exist]01:23
Dreadtowersudo apt-get install tomatoes01:24
DreadtowerFrom anywhere01:24
DreadtowerAlso try 'man apt-get' for the manual page01:28
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Schrodinger`Catwith firefox and kde, i cant open menus on firefox05:09
Schrodinger`Cati have no problem with others gtk applications05:10
=== pjoe_afk is now known as pjoe
foormeahi. i see the zoom in/out keyboard shortcuts seem not to work anymore on yakuake 2.9.8. am i stupid and not finding the option to re-enable the ctrl-alt-+/- in the options or has it just disappeared?05:53
=== tricia is now known as Guest5881
brohanHi there06:39
lordievaderGood morning07:14
lordievaderHey Solak, how are you?07:16
* Solak is enjoying the new computer with kubuntu :-)07:19
Solakit's different from an upgraded 12.04 though... I can't find how to 'restore' some old settings :/07:20
Solaki.e. in the previous config I had a folder with often used applications which was visible on the Desktop, but when I copy it and select 'folderview' nothing happens.07:25
tmoenickemzanetti: ping07:32
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planetwhat version am i usgin?08:36
planeti need to know that08:36
susundbe1gof what?08:36
susundbe1gversion of what program i mean08:37
planetof kubuntu08:37
susundbe1gi usually just do 'cat /etc/issue' but i guess there is more sophisticated way also08:37
=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
planetwhat is the uh08:38
planetUbuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l08:39
planetthe code name08:39
susundbe1gi think you can find out that with google08:39
tsimpsonthat's precise08:39
planetwhy the hell are all the windwos tiling automatically08:41
=== Guest77071 is now known as Mamarok
avihaySchrodinger`Cat: close firefox, open firefox, fixed09:00
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=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
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inetkillersomebody here/11:53
Smurphy.oO(only zombies ...)11:54
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BluesKajHey all12:49
chummastart up disk creator not detecting cd. i am on ubuntu 11.10 i want to create a 12.04 live cd12:54
chummait detects iso12:54
skreech_hi BluesKaj13:08
BluesKajhey skreech_13:11
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone13:54
emIn Konsole there is a setting for 'smooth fonts'. It is a checkbox. I am wondering, what is the use case where you would not want smooth fonts?14:10
BluesKajem the best setting for readable fonts IME is the dpi setting in system settings>application appearance>fonts, force fonts dpi and enable antialiasing14:13
lordievaderGood afternoon14:21
Brustofski-Fan? installed ubuntu 12.10 unity... how do i do a purekde14:31
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »14:39
Picithey're gone.14:40
BluesKajyup , but I was curious if the factoid was there14:41
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== derin is now known as Shoowen
analexGood Morning everyone....15:24
analexanyone here knows how to get Visuall C++ to work on Linux? and also Microsoft SQL Server?15:25
lordievaderanalex: Run Windows in a VM?15:25
analexVM? Like WINE?/15:26
lordievaderanalex: No a VM like Virtualbox.15:26
lordievaderanalex: Or it might work in Wine.15:26
analexgonna try that.. hope it works....15:30
lordievaderanalex: Did Wine work? Might be an easier solution.15:30
=== Shoowen is now known as derin
analexgonna try the wine now..... didn't try running windows in it.... was only trying to run software in it.15:31
=== derin is now known as Shoowen
skreech_lordievader: #winehq would probably know buti'd bet SQL Server is undocumented enough to not work15:31
skreech_actually #Mono might be a good place to start15:32
lordievaderanalex: I didn't mean running Windows in Wine... Just the programs..15:32
analexwell, the visual C++ not working in it so far... installed like more than one versions.15:33
lordievaderanalex: Hmm, thought so. I guess you got to choose between running a VM or a dual-boot.15:34
lordievaderanalex: Unless there is a linux alternative for it all.15:34
skreech_or Kdevelop of course15:35
analexwanted to avoid a dualboot15:35
skreech_analex: VM ?15:35
analexVirtual Machine15:36
analexMonoDevelop is for C# need to do C++. Have class work to do....15:37
skreech_analex: For Microsoft SQl15:38
skreech_Or just an SQL database?15:39
skreech_Cause Kdevelop and anynumber of SQL databases is pretty easy to come by15:39
analexHave SQL Database to do and also C++15:39
skreech_I think install kdevelop and dropping by in #kde-devel might be instructive15:40
=== izzy__ is now known as monkeyjuice
rapidspwhy ktorrent does not start torrent after his start?16:18
rapidspim starting torrents manually16:18
spook_i'm new to kubuntu and now i'm facing some problems16:19
rapidspi updated to 4.9.1 and clean kde home16:19
spook_problem is i can't upgrade16:19
rapidspspook_: whats kind of upgrade?16:20
spook_apt-get update work fines16:20
spook_apt-get upgrade doesn't work16:20
rapidspwhat it sayd?16:20
BluesKajspook_, you've obviously upgraded to the latest , but you may need to enable canonical and independent repositories in your package manager , for other software16:23
spook_so, how can i enable those repositories16:26
spook_please see my errors, http://paste.pro/515922616:26
rapidspmay be local server is not up to date16:27
rapidsptry use main server16:27
BluesKajspook_, run , sudo dpkg --configure -a;sudo apt-get -f install16:33
spook_i got these, http://paste.pro/515922816:36
brohananyone here?16:38
brohanI have some questions about video and upgrade issues16:39
spook_this one, http://paste.pro/515923016:41
BluesKajspook_, you need to install the kde backports repository16:41
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:41
spook_ok, thanks, i'm trying16:42
BluesKajthen you have to run sudo dist-upgrade16:42
BluesKajerr sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:42
BluesKajbrohan , what is your question ?16:45
bazhanghe's gone16:45
BluesKajhe's still on the server16:45
bazhangnot on this channel though16:46
BluesKajmaybe the highlighter will work , if it's setup16:46
BluesKajok brohan , what's the issue with your graohics?16:49
brohanFirst, I downloaded Kubuntu 12.10 beta 1 created an iso thumbdrive and booted from it16:50
brohanall went well16:50
brohanI installed from thumbdrive16:50
brohanall went well16:50
brohanI transfered my files from backup, all was well16:50
brohanI did the recommended upgrade16:50
brohanWhen I logged in, the login screen was fine however then no systray, no launcher, right click didn't work, nothing worked16:51
BluesKajto the graphics card in additional drivers ?16:51
brohanA little more expl;anation16:51
brohanI had win 7 on the first partition16:51
brohanJust now I used gparted to erase that partition, so now the only O/S on my system is Kubuntu. I am reinstalling from the thumbdrive as we speak16:52
BluesKajdid you upgrade the graphics drivers in addtional drivers?16:52
brohanI must have16:52
brohanSo with this new fresh install I will NOT upgrade anything until I know what not to upgrade16:52
BluesKajwhich graphics card?16:53
brohanI should know but I don't16:53
brohanI want to say amd x140016:54
BluesKajlspci |grep VGA16:54
brohanI will do that once I get the install done which should be in a few minutes16:54
brohanI am doing this on my laptop, talking to you on an old desktop16:54
brohanThank you for your help!16:55
BluesKajbrohan, are you installing 12.10 ?16:55
brohanbeta 1 as that was available wheni downloaded the iso16:56
slevskвсем привет :)16:56
bazhang!ru | slevsk16:57
ubottuslevsk: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:57
brohanRight now it is 90% done and downloading packages16:58
BluesKajthen brohan by rights we should discuss this in #ubuntu+116:58
brohanI can go there16:58
BluesKajyes , I see you there :)16:58
spook_i've tried to install the backports,17:06
spook_i failed17:06
spook_i've changed the software center server to MAin server17:07
spook_and now, this one came out, http://paste.pro/515923317:08
spook_my bad17:08
rapidspspanner: you're running another apt app17:19
rapidspmay be synaptic or its GUI settings17:19
rapidspsorry... spook_ gone17:20
=== eliecer is now known as sk_ryan007
GirlyGirlI want to completely remove ubuntu-desktop packages on Kubuntu 12.10, any ideas?17:30
BluesKaj!purekde | GirlyGirl17:33
ubottuGirlyGirl: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »17:33
BluesKajor did you already look there and reject the suggestions , GirlyGirl?17:34
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Already rejected as that is for 12.0417:34
BluesKajwell, that's understandable since 12.10 is still in Beta17:36
BluesKajreinstall kubuntu to / if you have one17:36
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest90770
ScuniziFor some reason Gimp will no longer load.  Trying from CLI I get the following warning.. How do I fix this? (gimp:23331): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.30.0/./glib/goption.c:2168: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags (8) on option of type 018:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jacobwi'm using 12.04, i've just installed the amarok mp3 plugins and using the qtapt helper thing, amarok is crashing while transistioning between songs18:56
jacobwis this a known issue?18:57
* jacobw remembers rock stable 1.4 ..18:57
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Peace-jacobw: mmm bad stuff19:19
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dmattif i want to install fglrx, what should I use in 12.10? jockey doesn't suggest anything and i Heard it is being deprecated19:40
lordievaderdmatt: I'd say use the installer from amd.com19:41
dmattlordievader: i can try that but this does not sound like official supported way19:42
lordievaderdmatt: It probably isn't, no. However I'm not sure about the support of a beta version of Kubuntu either. Try the #ubuntu+1 channel, that is for beta versions, not this one.19:44
dmattI already suffered a lot when i upgraded with fglrx enabled and it was not released for Quantal19:44
dmattlordievader: I actually asked there before but no response19:45
BluesKajdmatt, best to ask in #ubuntu+119:46
lordievaderdmatt: That could be but in here 12.10 is not (yet) supported. So I think the only thing you can do is wait.19:46
lordievaderBluesKaj: Already said so ;)19:46
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:46
dmattBluesKaj: i first tried there and only after no aswer was given I went to this channel19:47
BluesKajbut there are some issues with ati graphics on 12.10 , hence the reluctance to answer since there doesn't seem to be many answers19:48
BluesKajsorry lordievader , didn't notice your post19:49
dmattBluesKaj: it is test install and I want to test beta release and report bugs if found19:49
BluesKajwhich card is it, dmatt?19:50
dmattBluesKaj: ATI RV620 [Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series]19:50
lordievaderBluesKaj, dmatt: Shouldn't this continue in #ubuntu+1 you are both in there, I believe.19:50
dmattlordievader: OK19:51
BluesKajlordievader, problem is with 12.04 and 12.10 , and the issue is basically the same with ati nowadays19:52
lordievaderBluesKaj: Hmm, allright.19:53
analexfinally getting oracle  virtualbox to work...20:08
lordievaderanalex: What kind of troubles did you have with it?20:11
thechefI have many problems with the Package Managent tools in KDE. Once I had Muon remove kubuntu-desktop and muon, QApt is marking dependencies as manually installed. How can I recover from such faults? How can I mark all packages as automatically installed, except those who are manually installed after a default install20:27
ovidiu-florinhello, where are the icons stored for the /usr/shared/applications/*.desktop files?20:27
GH0Could someone assist me in setting up logwatch? I had it working at one point, eventually it just stopped, so I removed the packages (logwatch and postfix) and purged the conf files and set it up again following the instructions from the Ubuntu site and editing the logwatch conf file to send it to my e-mail. But i am getting this: http://pastebin.com/dtUwKf3F20:28
thechefI can then probe apt-get autoremove and will see which functionality I still need and then mark them manually again20:28
thechefovidiu-florin: some are here: /usr/share/pixmaps/20:31
ovidiu-florinthechef: and if the application is installed in home?20:34
thechefovidiu-florin: then the .desktop file won't be in /usr/share/applications20:34
thechefovidiu-florin: maybe it helps to open the desktop-file with kate20:34
ovidiu-florinI know that, I want to find the icon mentioned in /home/username/app/app.desktop20:35
ovidiu-florinsorry, I meant /home/username/.local/share/applications/app.desktop20:36
thechefovidiu-florin: what does kate say?20:37
ovidiu-florinI-ve solved it, they were in ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/........20:38
ovidiu-florinin my app.desktop file the filename of the icon was wrong, and I needed the actual filename20:39
neotomi am wondering about how to add other widget platforms to plasma such as google gadgets20:48
artaoL3top: you around?20:56
artaoapparently not20:56
artaoany xrandr gurus about? esp. in connection with NVidia graphics cards?20:57
artaoLinux (Kubuntu 12.04) is seeing both monitors as ONE big wide screen. not as two monitors. ... i KNOW i set it up as two seperate x-screens .. under the NVidia setting panel21:07
artaoand then i restarted X21:07
artaoi CAN NOT have one big wide screen .. my two monitors don't support the same refresh rates21:07
artaoi MUST have two seperate displays21:08
artaoABSOLUTELY must21:08
artaothis channel is amazingly dead for having so many people logged into it21:08
dmattartao: dou you use nvidia driver or noveau?21:09
artaohold on. gotta reboot again21:09
artaojust made an x-server change21:10
dmattso you need to set it in nvidia, not in xrandr21:10
* artao screams and punches babies21:15
artaothe fricken NVidia control panel keep fricken reverting to "TwinView" instead of "seperate x-screen for each monitor"21:16
FloodBotK1artao: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:16
artaoSTFU FloodBotK121:16
artaoboy this is pissing me RIGHT off21:16
GH0artao, calm down, you aren't going to get any help yelling.21:16
GH0Or yeah... that21:16
artaoum... did i just get kicked for some reason? what did i do?21:17
IdleOneartao: please calm down, don't swear and read the link ubottu sent you so you know what is expected and acceptable behaviour in this channel.21:18
artaowhy does linux have such a hard time with multiple monitors??21:18
artaowhen did I swear?21:18
brohanI need some serious install with backup restore help, anyone game?21:18
artaothe 'P' word? seriously? that's considered "swearing" here? >.> fine whatever21:18
GH0"stfu FloodBotK1"21:19
artaoand "calm down" ... ... right ... for something SO simple and irritating .. I've re-set the NVidiia control panel like 4 times now .. every time it comes back as a single screen x-session21:19
GH0Did you read what dmatt sent to you?21:19
artaoi must've been mid-reboot .. i see no links from dmatt21:20
artaomy previous video card, an ATI, worked FINE with multi-screen ... why is NVidia having such a hard time retaining my settings?21:20
brohanI tried 12.10 live CD, worked great, I then installed it over my 12.04. All was well, restored my backup, and rebooted, I could log in, but that was it, no tray, no mouse right click menu etc.21:20
GH0<dmatt> so you need to set it in nvidia, not in xrandr21:21
artaoi have been21:21
brohanI did a format, an install of 12.10, and upgradated it, everything is fine. I want to restors my home dir that I backed up from 12.04. How do I do it so it doesn't mess up my desktop/graphics?21:21
artaohowever, xrandr doesn't seem to think my primary monitor is capable of 75hz .. whereas the NVidia display panel says it is .. yet when I set the NVidia panel to 75hz then chck xrandr on CLI.. it reports a refresh of 51hz21:22
artaono good at all ... i have NO IDEA what refresh I'm acutally running at ... altho the way the monitor sometimes makes my eyes glaze over leads me to believe it's ACTUALLY running at the xrandr stated 51hz and NOT 75hz like I set it in the NVidia control panel21:22
dmattartao: check in monitor OSD menu, sometimes there is also freqvency stated21:23
artaothe what? OSD menu? what's that and where?21:23
dmatton monitor there are few buttons, one of them should be menu21:24
dmattso go through options and look for info or something similar21:25
artaowell, looks like the monitor is reporting 75hz21:26
artaosothat's good i guess21:26
dmattso thats the right number21:26
artaoso that's working ... next up is getting the system to see each monitor as a seperate x-display21:26
dmattI believe this has to be done by nvidia configurtation tool21:27
artaoi need to be able to apply different gamma and color correction to each monitor individually ... not possible with one x-screen21:27
artaoi've set it to seperate x-screens like 4 times now ...every time i restart, it comes back up as one x-screen21:27
dmatteven though I am not sure, I had only AMD always21:27
artaoi have in the past .. i went NVidia for teh CUDA for GPGPU stuff21:27
dmatthm, my colleague too - and he never used it really21:28
artaoi do. it's made a previously hour-long render take less than 10 minutes =D21:29
dmattok, so did you use sudo nvidia-settings?21:31
artaoum. wow. didn't even occur to me.21:32
artaorestarting again after doing that21:33
=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
rahiymhas anyone else tried installing Nvidia drivers and wound up with resolution smaller than 800 x 600?21:36
brohanI installed 12.10, and did an update, now I can't find the Muon software manager21:46
brohanwhat is the command line to install muon suite?21:49
dmattbrohan: ALT-F2 muon does not work?21:50
brohanI just did a fresh install on 12.1021:50
brohanupdated it21:50
brohanand now I go into the KDE menu, or alt-f2 and type muon21:50
brohanNot the package manager, the software center of the update manager21:51
dmattbrohan: sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get install muon21:51
dmattehm, not &, use &&21:52
brohanthank you dmatt21:52
brohanodd don't you think?21:52
brohanI used it to udate\21:52
artaookay. seems i needed to save the settings to my xorg.conf ... now it's seeing two seperate x-screens ... but I can't seem to put anything on the 2nd monitor ... i try to drag windows onto it, and they just stop at the edge of monitor 121:52
dmattartao: thats how to separate X screen should work21:53
artaothis is really really really really irritating ... VERY glad to read that Ubuntu is finally going to address the ridiculosity of multi-monitors under linux ... too late for me tho. i need it to work nao!21:53
artaodmatt, I heartily disagree21:53
artaothe behaviour i expect and desire is two seperate screens which i can use interchangably21:54
dmattwell, maybe this helps you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197262821:54
artaomaybe it will. reading now. <sigh>21:55
* artao shakes his head21:56
brohandmatt, running that line only installed muon package manager, not the software manager or update21:57
brohandmatt although in the package manager is shows that the update manager, looks like there is another one muon discover21:59
TSKTo run apps on a second X screen you have to TELL the app to run on the second X instance.  'export DISPLAY=":0.1" && xbmc' for example is how I load up my XBMC on my second Xorg instance (on the bigscreen TV to my right).22:02
TSKIf you want to be able to just drag apps between the two screens then you don't want a SEPERATE X screen.  You want twinview or xinerama.22:03
artaookay. what the heck is compiz and why would i want it and do i need it?22:04
TSKtwinview or xinerama are both modes that are much more similar to the dual monitor handling you'd find on other operating systems.22:04
artaoTSK, okay .. but with Twinview i can't adjust the color correction settings for each monitor individually ... at least not that i can find22:04
TSKcompiz is the fancy 3D desktop effects that allow compositing and transitions and other neat stuff like that.22:04
TSKCompiz isn't strictly necessary, but it's nice for those who enjoy a little extra eye-candy to their desktop experience.22:05
artaoi .. uh ... okay .. um ... i'm pretty sure i have fancy desktop effects running .. but on CLI if i do "compiz" it tells me compiz isn't installed XD22:05
TSKIt's become default on most desktops because that seems to be what most folk expect from a "modern" desktop.22:06
dmattbrohan: sudo apt-get install muon-updater muon-installer update-manager-kde libmuonprivate1 muon-notifier libdebconf-kde022:06
TSKartao: Well, compiz isn't the ONLY way to get fancy effects.  There's also KDE's kwin, and clutter, and a couple few others if I remember rightly.  :)22:06
artaoso i switch back to Twinview ... how do I adjust the color settings of each monitor individually then22:06
TSKartao: According to what I read at http://askubuntu.com/questions/79117/whats-the-best-alternative-to-twinview-so-i-can-calibrate-both-my-monitors-inde apparently you want Xinerama rather than Twinview if you must calibrate seperate monitors differently from one another.22:09
artaoum .. kay22:09
artaoBOY this is overly confusing XD22:09
dmattartao: maybe you could set calibration directly on monitor (through the menu)22:10
TSKartao: No more "overly confusing" than any OTHER operating system would be were you not already familir with it.  ;)22:11
artaonope. not possible. monitor 2 is old and even at max brightness it's still too dark .. i need to up the gamma for it .. AND do a semi-proper color calibration22:11
artaoTSK well .. win 7 just did it right without me doing anything for example :\22:11
TSKI used to find Windows "overly confusing" when I was first getting used to it.  These days, they're all pretty much the same to me.  Just tools for getting stuff done.  :)22:12
artaoand i suppose Twinview is really the behaviour most people want and expect .. my need for seperate calibration configs is beyond the norm. i admit and accept that.22:12
dmattbrohan: or alternatively, just install kubuntu-desktop and ypou should get back everything missing from standard install22:12
TSKartao: Win 7 does admittedly simplify some tasks (such as dual monitor setup) to the point of being automatic or nearly so.  On the other hand there are SOME things that Win7 overly complicates, too.  All operating systems have their strengths and weaknesses.  :)22:13
artaotrue. but it's pretty common knowledge that linux + dual monitors ... needs work, shall we say22:14
TSKOne example of a strength of Ubuntu, and Linux in general that I enjoy is TRUE plug-n-play.  I plug in hardware and 99% of the time it "just works".  No driver installation or anything.  :)22:14
TSKI do the same on Mac at work, too.22:14
artaoLOL again, i have issues with that .. i can't hot-plug my Wacom tablet for instance22:14
artaonot that i really need to22:14
TSKOn Win7, that'd require a CD or DVD with drivers 90% of the time.  :)22:15
TSKAnd often a reboot, too.  :)22:15
artaonah. win 7 just looks it up online22:15
artaowindows .. "you've pressed a key, I need to reboot" LOLOLZ22:15
dmattartao: i just setup my dual monitors in amdcccle once and it works22:15
artaoamdcccle??? XD22:15
dmattartao: that amd setup thing, name might be different, i am on test boot now22:17
TSKIn my case, SEPERATE x screens are actually what I WANT for MY needs.  I only run certain apps on the other monitor and never have a need to move them back and forth, so I just set their icon or menu entry so it launches on the second screen ALWAYS.  :)22:18
TSKXinerama or Twinview are the behavior MOST folk would be expecting tho.22:19
artaofair nuf. won't work for my needs. i need to drag windows back and forth regularly ... also drag-n-drop files between monitors22:19
artaoreading that thread re: xinerama22:19
TSKYar.  Xinerama for you.  Twinview for most folk.  :)22:19
artaoi thought xinerama was a media player XD22:19
TSKYer thinkin' of...  :)22:20
TSKAnd it's actually a pretty decent media player, too.  :)22:21
artaoAH! of course22:21
TSKSimple, but plays a TON of formats, like VLC does.  :)22:21
artaookay. restarting X with xinerama22:22
TSKHopefully that xinerama'll get 'em goin' with what they need...22:23
TSKWB, artao22:24
TSKLuck?  :)22:25
artaostill can't adjust gamma/color seperately22:26
artaoactually .. i make adjustments now and it only affects my primary monitor ... there ARE no options for the secondary XD22:26
TSKLemme go look at my nvidia-settings and xrandr22:27
artaoand it breaks compositing22:28
TSKWell, bugger, that's no fun.22:28
artaorestarting again. back to regular Twinview22:29
artaocrap. i'm still not getting the "desktop flip" effect now ... it WAS working before i tried xinerama XD22:31
artaoand now monitor 2 looks washed out22:34
artaoyeah, i've read that they're "working on it" SIR_Taco_ =]22:34
artaoi anxiously await it being fully fixed22:34
dmattanybody using two panels? I want to put application launchers on second panel, but it is always added only to first one22:37
artaoi use two panels22:37
artaoleft side is all launchers, bottom is taskbar and open windows22:37
dmatt(actually I solved it just as I finished the question :) - but how do you do it?22:38
artaoi add launchers to my launcher panel just by "editing" it to do so. they always go to the panel i'm editing22:38
dmattI have the same setup with launchers on left with autohide22:39
artaowait. no. ... how did i do that agaiN XD22:39
dmattwhat do tou mean by "editing"?22:39
artaounlock widgets, then the "Panel Tool Box" button22:40
dmattI know two ways how to achieve it, the better one just occured to me when I put the question here22:41
TSKYep.  I do the same.  The panel toolbox at the end of the panel.22:41
dmattbut i am still curious how you did it, may be it's even better22:42
artaohow do YOU do it? ... i've tried simple drag-n-drop and that didn't work22:42
dmattTSK: but how do you add application launcher?22:42
TSKI use one panel for launchers and such, and the other panel for informational type widgets.22:42
artaodmatt: add widget>application launcher22:43
artaorequires hand-editing the launcher tho :\22:43
artaorestarting again ... trying to get compositing back <sigh>22:43
TSKdmatt: Same as artao does it.  When you "unlock widgets" (from the right click menu) each toolbar gets a butten at the end of it.  You click that button to activate that bar's edit mode.22:43
TSKartao: I'm just reading some further pages about dual monitor separate color calibration. Since I've never really needed to do it, it's new to me.  :)22:45
dmattah I see, never found that particul;ar widget, namers are localised and I must have missed it22:45
dmattbut I think I found better way22:45
artaookay. back down to single monitor, trying to get compositing back ... the desktop effects system config panel is tellimg me "Required X extensions (XComposite and XDamage) are not available"22:46
artaohow do i get them back? XD22:46
artaoTSK, calibration is kinda a PITA .. but very important for graphics work22:46
artaoand i'm only doing it software .. i can't afford a hardware calibrator22:47
TSKartao: Maybe move your xorg.conf out of the way and try to create a fresh one with nvidia-settings ?22:47
dmattin KMenu(or is it Krunner) - simply that "K" icon when you right-click application, you can send it to panel... but you need to add K button to panel where you want to add launchers22:48
dmattthen remove "K" and done22:48
TSKartao: I have littlecms or tinycms or something like that installed, but I've never yet messed with it because the only graphics work I do is in GIMP, Inkscape, and Blender, but never yet had complaints about nor issues with my colors yet.22:48
TSKdmatt: krunner is the thing that pops up when you alt-f2 I believe.  So kmenu must be it.  :)22:49
artaomy two monitors display colors quite differently ... one is a CRT and the other an LCD22:49
artaothe CRT is too blue and washed out22:49
artaoit's old ... but i can't afford a new monitor22:49
brohanthen make a clrctd out of them combined22:50
brohansorry, bad attempt a humor22:51
TSKartao: Ah.  Mine is a flat-panel HDTV22:51
artaoAHA!! :: Section "Extensions" >> Option >> "Composite" "Disable"22:51
TSKdmatt: I don't actually need to add a kmenu to any panel except the one where I want to leave it at permanently.  :)22:52
artaoin xorg.conf22:52
TSKartao: AhHA22:52
TSKThat'd do it22:52
artaodo i just comment that out (i.e. with # .. right?) or change it to "Enable" or what?22:52
TSKI'd just change it to "Enable"22:52
TSKOr perhaps "True"22:52
artaoi don't know either22:53
TSKI'd try "Enable" first tho.22:53
artaoalso, hand-editing xorg.conf is rather frowned upon, no?22:53
dmattTSK: I believe its faster to right click on applications and the remove kmenu from that panel than manually edit all launchers22:53
TSKartao: Depends on how comfortable you are with hand editing config files.  ;)22:53
TSKIt's frowned upon to suggest it to folk who are utterly new to the concept tho, I'm fairly sure, as it scares a lotta folk silly.  ;)22:54
TSKdmatt: I don't manually edit all launchers.  Only the launcher I wanna add a widget to.22:54
TSKOnly the PANEL I wanna add a widget to, that is.22:55
artaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaand restartagain22:55
TSKartao: Hehehe...  The restarts are just to make sure Windows users feel at home here.  ;)22:56
artaoyay. compositing back. changed it to "Enable" just so you know TSK =]22:57
artaois there no way to restart x server from CLI ??22:57
TSKHonestly tho, the ONLY time I reboot my machine or restart my xorg is for xorg.conf changes, or kernel upgrades.  :)22:57
dmattTSK: I am not sure I understand you correctly - I added 10 applications launchers( or shortcuts) to second panel. I believe if I added each as a generic launcher widget, I would have to edit them all to point to different applications22:57
TSKartao: Aye, there is indeed.22:57
TSKartao: You restart your display manager (kdm on Kubuntu).  "service kdm restart"22:58
TSK(or "sudo service kdm restart" actually)22:58
TSKSince kdm is a root run service.22:59
TSKROFL!  He must have tested the theory.  ;)22:59
artaosure nuf ... pretty much the same as logging out and back in it seems23:00
TSKWelcome back, artao.  I guess you tested the sudo service kdm restart command, eh?  :)23:00
artaohad to log in via CLI then do a startx to get kde back up23:00
TSKartao: startx?  Should be able to just "sudo service kdm start"23:01
TSKstart if it's not running yet, restart if it's running, but you've changed config settings.23:01
artaoah. oops.23:02
artaoseeing how many settings changes I've made recently, I'm gonna do a full reboot now23:02
TSKdmatt: So you mean individual launchers for individual apps then?  I usually just drag those directly out of my kmenu on to the desktop, or onto one of my panels.23:02
TSKartao: Should not be necessary.  :)23:02
TSKIf all the changes were in xorg.conf, restarting xorg should be more'n enough.  :)23:03
artaoperhaps. it's the windows user in me i guess. still gonna do it. :P23:03
dmattTSK: so that's the right approach, just drag from menu23:04
dmattTSK: because dragging from menu to menu dose not work correctly23:05
TSKdmatt: That's what I've always done.  The "right approach" I'd guess is the one that works best for YOU.  ;)23:05
TSKdmatt: Dragging from menu to menu I've never had a need to try, but dragging from the menu out to the desktop or to a panel or even into the quick launch widget?  Works for me.  :)23:05
dmattTSK: i did it easy in past, but I forgot how and couldn't find easy way now23:06
dmattTSK: I cannot drag to other panel, once it touches desktop, it just plainly refuses to go to other panel23:06
artaowell. that's working now at least.23:07
artaoleave well enuf alone.23:07
TSKartao: Don't feel bad about the urge to reboot.  I did a metric TONNE of Windows habits for months while getting comfortable with Linux.  I remember formatting and reinstalling a few dozen times before I really felt comfortable just fixing things the "right way".  ;)23:07
artaoup the gamma so both screens are too brite, then use the monitor adjustments to bring it back down I guess ... ... and just tweak monitor 2's color temp settings (bad ) until it matches monitor 123:07
TSKFunny thing is, now I fix WINDOWS machines for friends by booting up my Live Kubuntu or other Linux CD/DVD/USB and working in an environment I feel comfortable in.  :)23:08
* TSK has been on Linux now for a decade and prefers his tweaked to perfection desktop to all other working environments. :)23:09
TSKartao: I did find this page http://coderazzi.net/howto/kubuntu/gamma.html which may be of some help in your case perhaps?23:11
artaowell. there we go..... don't think i'm gonna get much better than this without creating a monitor profile .. which i can't do right now23:14
artaoclose enuf for hand grenades i spose23:15
artaoaltho i'm getting nasty pincushioning on monitor 2 now23:16
TSKartao: Every time I've come across an issue like this that requires extended research and experimenting I thank my lucky stars that I only ever have to fix this kinda thing ONCE and then add it to my git repository of custom config files so it STAYS fixed.  ;)23:16
artao... until you rebuild, and by then have COMPLETELY forgotten how you did "it" in the first place LOL23:17
TSKartao: That's why I commit the custom config file to a source control repository on my netbook.  When/if I ever rebuild (which I have not yet had to do in ages now) I will simply dump all my custom configs back into /etc and be done with it.  :)23:21
artaoi guess i'm just happy to finally have my dual-monitors back ... had to bufy a DVI>VGA converter ... kept neglecting to do so, for like 3 months now LOL23:22
* artao smacks himself23:22
TSKI also make bookmarks and scrapbook (a super-useful Firefox extension) captures of webpages that are TOO useful.  :)23:22
=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
artaome too23:22
TSKartao: Maybe useful information here -> https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/dual-head-twin-view-separate-x-window-things-you-can-do-with-multi-displays-606592/ too23:24
TSK(I'm still researching this for ya.)  ;)23:24
artaokul thnx23:24
artaoyou can stop now tho =]23:24
artaoi'm done with this for the day. bewfore i getz a headache -[23:25
artao=] rather23:25
TSKartao: Hehehe...  Just bookmark 'em for later.  Ye'll get bored and wanna dink around with it another day I assure you.  ;)23:25
artaoindeed. apparently i need to peruse NVidia's forums as well23:26
TSKartao: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/NVidia/Twin_View and http://www.wsanders.net/index.php?entry=entry120415-115150 and http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/MultiMonitorDesktop and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors may also be entertaining reading on a particularly bored day.  ;)23:27
TSKartao: That ought to be enough links to lead you to a solution sooner or later.  ;)23:28
TSKartao: Now that you've got me wondering about it tho I'ma prolly play with it myself this coming weekend, too.  :)23:28
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
artaofair nuf23:29
TSKRight now I only use the second (bigger) screen for XBMC and gaming, but it'd be nice to use it sometimes for Blender 'n stuff like that, too.23:29
artaoyeah. i like having blender on my primary screen and Krita (or GIMP , but only if absolutely neccessary these days) on the 2nd screen23:31
artaoand/or file browsers and/or text or CLI on the 2nd screen23:31
artaodisplay 1 is full screen apps, display 2 is all other windows23:32
artaoor, having blender workspace on display 1, and render view on display 223:32
artaothus they need to be as close in color as possible23:32
TSKartao: Oooo, nice idea23:35
TSKI think I'ma put my render display on the big screen where it'd look utterly sweet.  :)23:35
artaos'why blender made it so it can have multiple windows at once. split out any display frame to a new window.23:36
artaoit's also nice to have full-screen animation display while editing curves etc23:36
artaoor the full-screen video on one display while you do the video editing and/or compositing on the other screen23:36
artaoso many uses23:36
TSKI'm so happy that the new Blender interface kept all that was GOOD about earlier versions of Blender and only improved things that NEEDED improved.  :)23:37
artaofull-screen paint on primary monitor, UV editor on secondary23:37
artaowell .. almost all that was good .... we've lost the horizontal button-bar23:37
artaoalso lost the in-display preview render for Blender Internal23:38
TSKWell, I guess I'm mainly happy they didn't break the mostly keyboard driven workflow.  :)23:38
artaoplenty of changes tho from 2.4x23:38
TSKI can get stuff done SO fast in Blender with one hand of the mouse and one on the keyboard.  :)23:38
artaoBUT .. full keyboard editing now, so it's moot23:38
artaoyep. the way it's designed to be used =]23:39
TSKYar.  Amazing to me that so many folk coming to Blender from other programs have such a problem with it.23:39
artaoi understand it23:39
TSKI came to Blender from Lightwave and Imagine (on Commodore Amiga) and it really seemed pretty simple once I got used to it.23:40
artaoit's geneally n00bs who've only ever used that one 3D application, and expect all others will work the same23:40
artaopeople who've used numerous 3D apps generally have an easier transition23:40
TSKThe REAL problem for ME wasn't the interface.  It was getting over the fact that there was only about a BILLION different neat things I could do with Blender.  SOOOOoooo powerful.  :)23:40
artaoi came to blender from Lightwave, MAX 2.5, POVRay, TrueSpace, Maya23:41
TSKBlender is a bit overwhelming at first until you learn to ignore what you don't need right now until you DO need it.  :)23:41
artaoi used Calligari on Amiga way back in like '91 or so23:41
TSKPOVRay...  Hehehe...  I remember when that was new and folk were raving about how utterly AMAZING it was.  ;)23:41
TSKCalligari was awesome, too actually23:41
artaoit still is pretty amazing23:41
artaoTrueSpace is the direct descendent of Calligari ... the company is called Calligari =]23:42
TSKWhat's REALLY amazing is the fact that the average home user has power available to them now that rivals that of full movie/television studios, and much of it entirely cost-free or dirt-cheap.  :)23:42
TSKYay, Linux!  \o/23:43
artao*POVRay is still amazing that is ... very good caustics .. slow as all getout tho23:43
TSKWell...  Yay, open source, that is...  ;)23:43
artaoindeed! Hear Hear!23:43
* artao toasts to FOSS23:43
TSKCaustics (and any SERIOUS raytracing calculations) WILL tend to be slow really.23:44
TSKCUDA has helped a lot with some of that tho.23:44
artaoi JUST learned this today >> What's a billion? Well, apparently that depends if your American or European. -- In America, 10^9 is a billion. In Europe, 10^12 is a billion. So what, then, do they call 10^9?? A milliard.23:44
TSKartao: Aye.  I was so shocked to discover that.  :)23:44
TSKHad no idea, but I guess it shouldn't come as such a surprise.  Americans just GOTTA be different at ALL costs.  :)23:45
artaowell, TBF the american way makes more sense23:45
TSKHeck, we still use the "imperial" measurements rather than the metric system (which makes FAR more sense).23:46
artaoi mean .. million, milliard, billion, billiard .. etc .. C'MON!!!23:46
artaoi try to use metric23:46
TSKInches, feet, miles?23:46
artaooperative word "try"23:46
TSKI have long since preferred metric ever since my early grade school science and math teachers taught it to us.  It's just so much more logical.23:47
TSKIt's all tens.  Doesn't get much easier.  :)23:47
artaoand it's based on physical reality. not some king's foot.23:48
artaoand how can the world agreee on ANYTHING if we can't even agree what to call our "big numbers" ... insanity23:50
TSKYar.  Or the king's arms or fingers, or whatever.23:50
artaobillion dollars .. big difference between 10^9 and 10^12 there23:50
TSKartao: Oh, aye.  Especially when our nation's DEBT it measured in those big numbers.23:50
artaoworld population23:51
TSKMillions, billions, trillions... If we all figure the names of the numbers differently then how much money DO we really owe?  How many people really ARE on the planet?  Etc...  :)23:51
artaothe number of stars in the sky23:51
artaodon't ask me, i don't know =S23:51
TSKartao: That one's easy...  It's "billions and billions".23:51
TSKAsk Carl Sagan...  ;)23:51
artaowell, i'm out for awhile23:52
TSKHave a good one.  :)23:52
* TSK waves bye. :)23:52
artaoneed to see if i can find anyone with some tasty green nuggetz23:52
=== artao is now known as artaOUT
artaOUTand thanks again for your help TSK ! =D23:54

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