
roaksoaxbigjools: howdy!! quickly on the squashfs. 1. THere are no precise squashfs images03:06
roaksoaxbigjools: 2. I don't mind changing to a different path, though the current start of maas-provision wouldn't; allow to install them in the correct path03:07
roaksoaxbigjools: i wanted to serve these through tftp, but there's a bug in the tftp server that doesn't allow to download more than 32mbs03:07
roaksoaxbigjools: but allenap said it was decided that it wasn't something important to address for 12.1003:08
* roaksoax gone03:08
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools_
Davieybigjools_: did you see roaksoax's comment?06:02
Daviey(before you pinged out?)06:02
bigjools_Daviey: I didn't ping out but I did start using a different machine.  And no I didn't see it.06:03
bigjools_good morning BTW06:03
Davieybigjools_: as yes, sorry.. misread06:03
Daviey04:06 < roaksoax> bigjools: howdy!! quickly on the squashfs. 1. THere are no precise squashfs images06:03
Daviey04:07 < roaksoax> bigjools: 2. I don't mind changing to a different path, though the current start of maas-provision wouldn't; allow to install them in the correct path06:03
Daviey04:07 < roaksoax> bigjools: i wanted to serve these through tftp, but there's a bug in the tftp server that doesn't allow to download more than 32mbs06:03
Daviey04:08 < roaksoax> bigjools: but allenap said it was decided that it wasn't something important to address for 12.1006:04
Daviey04:08  * roaksoax gone06:04
Daviey05:44 -!- bigjools-afk [~quassel@60-241-216-21.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #maas06:04
Daviey(i prodded the tftp issue myself, and seemed a pain.)06:04
bigjools_Daviey: I feel quite strongly that we should not expose the whole TFTP tree over HTTP06:04
Davieyi didn't realise we were..06:05
bigjools_we aren't, but roaksoax's branch makes it so06:05
Davieybigjools_: does it actually expose it, or make everything 'work' over http?  Ie, does it include directory listings ?06:06
Davieybeing able to wget, seems desirable.. directory listings seems not so nice06:06
bigjools_the tftp stuff is currently nicely isolated06:07
bigjools_it needs to stay that we so we can change it if we want in the future06:08
bigjools_mixing in unrelated images into the TFTP tree that are not being served over TFTP is pretty nasty06:08
bigjools_Daviey: what are you thinking?06:11
Davieybigjools_: Well, we would be serving it purely under tftp, but the tftp server craps out at >32MB files06:12
Davieyso, using http as an alternative.06:12
bigjools_Daviey: I know :/06:12
DavieyI mean,http could go away, when tftp is fixed.06:13
Davieybut it does seem quite desirable to support http.. or certainly ftp.06:13
Davieyunrelated, pxe-kexec supports ftp as a alliterative to tftp06:14
DavieyI agree that directory listings, should probably not be exposed in either case.06:14
bigjools_I'll compromise then, if we remove directory listings06:15
Davieysounds good06:16
bigjools_I am nothing if not flexible06:17
DavieyI've seen the videos.06:17
rbasakallenap: do we keep HTTP response code constants in a convenient module somewhere?11:18
bigjoolsrbasak: httplib11:19
mgzrbasak: there all in htt... bigjools wins11:19
rbasakbigjools, mgz: thanks!11:20
allenaprbasak: They're all in... ug.11:28
Davieyrbasak: Yeah, you can find them in.. Oh.11:32
Daviey(felt left out)11:32
rbasakrbasak: they're in httplib you muppet!11:32
roaksoaxbigjools: around?12:59
bigjoolsrbasak: I am13:00
bigjoolsroaksoax: I am13:00
roaksoaxbigjools: howdy! hehe13:00
bigjoolsroaksoax: loads of bugs!13:00
bigjoolssee email to -devel list13:01
roaksoaxbigjools: so I saw the sqaushfs comments, how is that directory listing should be hidden?13:02
roaksoaxbigjools: as in, you cannot http://MAAS_server/MAAS/images/amd6413:02
bigjoolsroaksoax: turn off the apache option to show directory listings13:02
bigjoolsrequires direct navigation then13:02
roaksoaxbigjools: as in, you cannot http://MAAS_server/MAAS/images/amd64 ->> you cannot access anything, but it shows page doesn't exist13:03
bigjoolsroaksoax: sorry I am not following you13:03
roaksoaxbigjools: i mean, if you browse "http://MAAS_server/MAAS/images/amd64" for example, no directory listing is provided13:06
roaksoaxbigjools: which is why i was asking, is that what you meant about disabling directory listings?13:06
bigjoolsroaksoax: It was, yes13:06
roaksoaxbigjools: right, so instead, MAAS shows a message that page doesn't exist13:07
roaksoaxbigjools: but no directory listing is provided13:07
roaksoaxbigjools: btw.. did you confirm that a rogue celery is running? on package uninstallation maas-celery.upstart will remain *but* it will be stopped before the package gets removed13:08
bigjoolsroaksoax: when I reboot there is a rogue celery13:09
bigjoolsand the config file lives on13:09
roaksoaxbigjools: the config file lives because the package, on upgrade, is removed, not purged13:10
bigjoolsright :/13:10
bigjoolsso we need some custom stuff?13:10
roaksoaxbigjools: No, we shouldn't need custom stuff. Upstart should not start the package as the init script should be disabled13:11
roaksoaxbigjools: oh btw... we need to change the approach how we handle config files13:11
bigjoolsroaksoax: how does it get disabled?13:11
jambigjools: when I do 'make run' and ^C I have a maas-provisioner left running, I wonder if that is related to some of the issues you saw13:11
roaksoaxbigjools: packaging should do that automatically13:12
bigjoolsroaksoax: it didn't happen though :(13:12
bigjoolsjam: no that's a separate bug13:13
bigjoolsbut thanks for pointing it out :)13:13
jambigjools: ah k.13:13
jamI ran into it as 'cannot make run' because it hangs if the old process doesn't shutdown.13:14
bigjoolsdarn - perhaps one of my guys can fix that13:14
roaksoaxbigjools: I think adding Conflicts/Replaces <= maas XYZ would fix the issue13:20
roaksoaxbigjools: for maas package itself13:20
roaksoaxbigjools: so it forces the removal of 'maas' binary before installing the new one13:20
bigjoolsroaksoax: right13:21
roaksoaxbigjools: so, i need to discuss this with you13:21
roaksoaxbigjools: we need to change the approach how config files are being handle13:21
roaksoaxbigjools: as per policy, we shouldn't not be modifying conffiles13:21
roaksoaxbigjools: even though we did that in precise, we need to stop doing that for quantal13:22
roaksoaxbigjools: there's a few alternatives13:22
roaksoaxbigjools: 1. is to stop treating config files as conffiles for packaging purposes. Say, we for example can ship files under /usr/share/maas/confs and then copy the packaging over /etc/maas/ and make the modifications13:23
roaksoaxbigjools: that way, on upgrade, the file will be automatically overwritteng and new custom configs will be generated13:23
roaksoaxbigjools: that causes that, if the user makes a modification, then they won't be preserved13:23
bigjoolsthat's not nice :(13:24
roaksoax2. the second option is to ship the config files in a different location, make the package modify those new files, and add new config files in /etc/maas that are *only* meant to be modified by the user13:24
roaksoaxthis would be similar to what we do with maas_local_settings.py and settings.py13:25
roaksoaxhowever, instead of modifying automatically maas_local_settings.py we would need to modify settings.py, and leave maas_local_settings.py to be modified by the user only13:25
roaksoaxin the event they modify the file, on upgrade it will be asked whether they want to isntall the new config file or not, if they decide not to, we hsould still make the customizations in the initial settings.py13:26
roaksoax(that's an example of course)13:26
roaksoaxthis however, does not cover *.yaml files for the daemons13:26
roaksoax3. add support for .d/ to the config files, so we ship a base conffile, and the modifications we do are placed under a .d/13:27
roaksoax4. (which could go with any of the options above), would be to put the passwords in a different file, such as etc/maas/passwds, and source those files that need them13:28
bigjoolswhat is the reason for this policy?13:29
roaksoaxbigjools: the only big blocker i see here is the *yaml files for the daemons, since we manually specify what config file to use13:29
roaksoaxbigjools: basically, it can leave you with a broken system. So only users should modify conffiles, rather than package13:30
bigjoolsso basically no "sed -i" ?13:30
roaksoaxbigjools: Note that a package should not modify a dpkg-handled conffile in its maintainer scripts. Doing this will lead to dpkg giving the user confusing and possibly dangerous options for conffile update when the package is upgraded.13:30
roaksoaxthat's what policy says13:30
bigjoolswhat about removing the files from dpkg's list of installed files?13:31
roaksoaxbigjools: 10.7 expalins this: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html13:35
roaksoaxbigjools: we can do that, which is what option 1 or 2 try to achieve partly13:35
roaksoaxbigjools: when you install in etc/ they are treated by conffiles, if you install them elsewhere, they are not, and if modified, they will be overwritten in an upgrade13:36
roaksoaxbigjools: so we remove them form dpkg's list of conffiles13:36
roaksoaxbigjools: we can simply do that, but then we would have to overwrite the config file each time we upgrade13:36
roaksoaxbigjools: and user will lose any custom settings13:37
roaksoaxbigjools: we can display a message an say that the file was overwritten in let the user know that they should merge their changes if any13:37
roaksoaxbigjools: and preverse a copy13:37
bigjoolsso many options at 23:38 at night13:39
roaksoaxbigjools: indeed, we need to digest them and start working on them13:41
roaksoaxso we can do that tomorrow13:41
roaksoaxbigjools: for for the .py, we can simply install them in /usr/share/maas/ and symlink to etc/maas/, and packaging would modify files directly in /usr/share/maas13:44
jammgz: I just chatted with Francis, essentially rather than trying to do migration via South, just having a simple 'here is a script that will migrate the data' is reasonable for 12.10. And I think that script is essentially 1 line of SQL. So it isn't the first thing we want to do, but when we get to it, it should be pretty straightforward.13:44
jammgz, jelmer: the first priority is to get async building of the node_tags table working (that allows much better scaling stories)13:45
jamand then search13:45
jamwhich I'll talk to huw tomorrow about.13:45
jelmerjam: okay13:45
mgz...it would be nice is south actually worked though...13:46
bigjoolsroaksoax: ok I'm dead beat here, it might be useful if you summarise in an email and we can look at it later13:47
mgzthis is at least quite amienable to just being done as a short update script13:47
roaksoaxbigjools: i will be around tongight so we can discuss it then13:48
smoserok. just a hint for anyone watching rsyslog logs on the maas server14:00
smoser(which are sent during install of a node)14:00
smoserpid=$(pidof rsyslogd); while date -R && sleep 5; do sudo kill -HUP $pid || break; done14:01
smoserbasically, rsyslog buffers log files14:01
smoserso if you dont tell it to flush the logs, your 'sudo tail -f /var/log/maas/rsyslog/' is going to look like its not doing anything.14:02
jammgz: it would be nice if it 'just worked' but if you have to pass special flags to the upgrade, it is going to be a bit hard to just do it in the packaging. So having a separate script should be really straightforward in comparison.14:05
roaksoaxallenap: howdy15:07
rbasaksmoser: hey, is there a plan for BOOTIF_DEFAULT at the moment?15:07
allenaproaksoax: Hello.15:07
rbasakroaksoax: what's the current schedule for the maas-enlist SRU, please?15:07
smoserrbasak, it shoudl be there now. in the dialy images (not sure about the released)15:08
rbasaksmoser: awesome!15:08
smoseri just have to start passing it in maas15:08
rbasaksmoser: so BOOTIF_DEFAULT=eth0 (case sensitive)?15:08
roaksoaxallenap: so I wanted to talk about the comments on the proposed branch15:08
smoserrbasak, yes, case matters in unix15:08
roaksoaxallenap: what do you mean by [1] symlinking15:08
roaksoaxrbasak: i'll upload today15:08
rbasakroaksoax: thanks!15:08
rbasaksmoser: I'll give it a go - thanks!15:08
rbasaksmoser: I was going to add for ARM only15:09
rbasaksmoser: but thinking about it we could just add it universally without a problem15:09
roaksoaxallenap: you actually want to symlink the preseed files?15:09
rbasaksmoser: do you have any preference?15:09
allenaproaksoax: You want the same template for both i386 and amd64, so you could call it x86_... and create symlinks from i386_... and amd64_... to it.15:10
smoserrbasak, it would seem like we could add it globally, yes.15:10
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1254041/ is the script15:10
roaksoaxallenap: right, but why would you wanna do that? where do you expect that to happen?15:10
roaksoaxallenap: i personally don't tink it would be a good idea to symlink. Maybe inherit, but not symlink15:10
allenaproaksoax: Okay, inherit is good too.15:11
smoserin theory the BOOTIF_DEFAULT is only read if BOOTIF is not provided.15:11
roaksoaxallenap: allenap but TBH that adds complexity.15:12
roaksoaxallenap: [2]., if squashfs_image is not defined in a template then it shouldn't really affect would it?15:13
rbasaksmoser: and there are no plans to lose IPAPPEND at all on Intel, so I think universal would be fine. We could always move it later if necessary15:13
rbasaksmoser: I'm just wondering if there's any conflict with biosdevname but I can't see a problem15:13
smoserrbasak, the way its being done now, i'm almost certain biosdevname would not affect it at all15:14
smoserunless the biosdevname implementation moved to early in initramfs potentially.15:14
smoseras it is now, the devices are left up and network/interfaces says they're "manual", meaning they dont get bounced on boot.15:14
smosermeaning biosdevname couldn't change their name if it wanted to15:15
smoseras that requires taking them down.15:15
rbasakah yes of course15:15
rbasakWe went over this. Sorry.15:15
roaksoaxallenap: allenap hold on, back to [1], I think having a 3 level inheritance (or symlinking for that matter) adds lots of complexity.15:16
roaksoaxallenap: on [2], the definition of self.squashfs_image is the same as what it is with self.proxy and so on, so there's shouldn't be any issues15:16
roaksoaxallenap: now tests, you can help me with that :)15:17
roaksoaxrbasak: btw.. now maas node.architecture is "amd64/generic" "i386/generic" and so on?15:17
roaksoaxrbasak: or =is there a node.subarchitecture15:17
rbasakroaksoax: it's "amd64/generic" or "armhf/highbank" for example15:17
rbasakroaksoax: we wanted to do it better but django had a few limitations with derived fields15:18
roaksoaxrbasak: right, but just wondering.... wasn't it better to simply add a node.subarchitecture attribute?15:18
rbasakroaksoax: it's a pain to pass it round everywhere then15:19
rbasakroaksoax: ideally it'd be a 2-tuple, and django would translate, but it can't do that even though sqlalchemy can15:19
allenaproaksoax: Re. undefined self.squashfs_image not being a problem: that's what we'd want a test for, to assert that that's the case.15:21
roaksoaxrbasak: right. now, are we looking to have an squashfs image for arm?15:21
rbasakroaksoax: I have no idea. I only learnt about the squashfs thing yesterday15:21
rbasakroaksoax: if it doesn't go in with already with support, I don't think I'll have time to add it15:22
allenaproaksoax: You're right about the complexity, because Tempita's inheritance is weird. OTOH, putting too much logic in a single template gets confusing too, and prevents on-site customisation (well, at least customisation that we can upgrade gracefully with).15:22
roaksoaxrbasak: right, so i don't mind changing the appracoh of using a subarch, however, it makes no sense doing it if we are not gonna be supporting squaqshfs for arm15:23
allenaproaksoax: I may not have time to help with tests until this evening, after 2000 UTC. I assume you'll still be around then?15:23
rbasakroaksoax: I've just spent the last few weeks removing all hardcodings of "generic". I'd really prefer not to have to do that again if we have to add support later. Can we not have code go in that understands the arch/subarch correctly even if armhf/highbank doens't work?15:24
rbasakroaksoax: that is, read the subarch properly instead of assuming "generic" - that's all.15:25
roaksoaxrbasak: yeah I don't mind adapting it that way, though it will require many modifications if we ship arm squashfs root filesystems15:25
rbasakroaksoax: what modifications would be required?15:25
rbasakflacoste: it is ok to skip squashfs support on ARM?15:25
roaksoaxrbasak: because i'm guessing that eh squashfs image would be provided in different archives, naming convention and stuff15:26
roaksoaxrbasak: currently for quantal it might even be a temporary naming convention, etc15:26
roaksoaxrbasak: but i'll adequate the script accordingly15:26
roaksoaxallenap: no worries i won't work on it till later today15:26
roaksoaxprobably you'll be gone by then15:27
rbasakroaksoax: that makes sense and that's OK - I've had to do the same for various other ARM things15:27
roaksoaxrbasak: so, things like this in the preseeds would need to be changed: {{if node.architecture in {'i386', 'amd64'} }}15:27
rbasakroaksoax: the pain is when the full arch and subarch isn't passed around internally so selectively doing the right thing becomes very hard because the predicate isn't available and I have to change how entire sections of code understand arch/subarch15:27
rbasakroaksoax: that needs to be in {'i386/generic', 'amd64/generic'} already15:28
rbasakroaksoax: or node.architecture.split('/')[0] in {'i386', 'amd64'} - I don't mind which15:28
rbasakroaksoax: the important thing is that the full arch/subarch detail is available at that point, so that if statement can change later without having to re-architect the call stack that led to that point15:29
roaksoaxrbasak: ack. I';ll update my stff accordingly. Though that part is on the proxy stuff for ports.ubuntu.com15:29
rbasakroaksoax: ah. That'll be a bug. I need to fix that - thanks15:29
roaksoaxrbasak: alrigh then :) thanks for the input15:30
roaksoaxsmoser: howdy!! were you able to look at sending the power_type stuff at ipmi15:31
roaksoaxat the commissioning process/15:31
smoserroaksoax, no. i have not.15:31
roaksoaxsmoser: hehe, alright I think we can get that done by the end ofthe week15:32
smoserthis epheemeal stuff is a PITA15:33
smoserand has been sucking time from me15:33
smoserwe're *almost* there.15:33
smoseri was testing my fix for oauth time sync, but it appears to be broken :-(15:33
roaksoaxboomer :(15:33
flacosterbasak: the trick is that squadfs makes a big performance difference for provisioning time, so would be really good to have decent provisioning time on ARM15:38
flacosterbasak: i'm fine to doing it last though15:39
flacosterbasak: better to have working but slow arm support, than half-working fast one15:39
rbasakroaksoax: do squashfs images exist for ARM at the moment? What would be involved in getting them produced?15:40
roaksoaxrbasak: no they dont. Daviey was the one who worked on them15:41
smoserflacoste, are you making statements above based on experience ? or on conjecture ?15:54
smoser"big performance difference" in particular15:54
flacostesmoser: conjecture15:55
flacostesmoser: we are still awaiting that "one number" from Daviey ;-)15:55
smoserwhen i pressed cjwatson for it, he said "maybe 1 minute"15:55
smoserthat being part of a 10+ minute install15:56
flacostesmoser: only one minute difference between squashfs and d-i?15:56
flacosteis that experience or conjecture?15:56
smoserthat was in cjwatson's head when he initially enabled this.15:56
smosererr... from his memory of testing it when he enabled it.15:56
smoserso its not a hard result either15:57
flacosteright, but come from a least some tests15:57
flacostethat's disappointing15:57
smoserbut it seems to me that if your definition of "big" is > 10% you will likely be disappointed.15:57
flacostebut still worth a real test15:57
flacosteindeed :-)15:57
smoserroaksoax, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/revision/67815:58
smoseri've actually tested the oauth time sync issue now. and the url there shows the additional fix needed.15:59
smoserrbasak, did you test BOOTIF_DEFAULT ?16:27
smoserif so, i'm gonna do an upload to archive with that.16:27
rbasaksmoser: not yet, sorry16:28
rbasaksmoser: got a few things in my queue to test :-/16:29
smoseri'll test it here. i really already have, bug you are the *actual* target.16:29
jtvsmoser: can I just ask you something about the hostname/domain kernel options?16:50
smoserdomain is gone afaik16:52
jtv*Please* don't tell me that it's meant to be included in hostname now...16:52
smoseri dont really recall.16:56
smoserwell, i guess its not gone.16:58
smoserits an option to the debian installer.16:58
smoserit probably uses it to determine the fqdn16:58
jtvsmoser: well my question was: if no domain is given, do I need to provide "local" or somesuch, or can I just leave it out?16:58
jtvHmm... it wouldn't be used to set the search domain, would it?16:58
jtvFor dns resolution?16:58
smoseri dont know.17:00
smosersee 'domain' there. tells us that it is an alias for 'netcfg/get_domain'17:00
jtvVery helpful.17:01
jtvThis here seems to say that we should pass a default domain if none is given: http://www.hps.com/~tpg/notebook/autoinstall.php17:03
jtv(I'm taking a very limited view of the information because my question is exactly that)17:03
smoserit would seem that you should pass something, yes.17:04
jtvAnd then the next question is what that would be: "local" or "local.lan" or the enlistment domain...17:07
smoserwhat is "enlistment domain" ?17:08
jtvThe default domain that nodes go into on enlistment.17:08
smoser(i'm looking at netcfg source, and to me it seem slike it would get along without this variable, but then the domain portion of a hostname will not be written to e/tc/hosts)17:08
jtvWell the hostname and domain are separate variables.17:09
jtvAnd our Node.hostname includes the domain.17:09
smoserwhich ends up meaning that things that do 'hostname --fqdn' will do dns resolution to figure that out, which is indeerminable.17:09
smoserare you thinking of some reason that you'd want it to differe from the enlisted nodes?17:10
jtvYes: the fact that the hostname is initialized to include that domain by default.17:13
jtvFrom which it follows that if the hostname does not include a domain, it is the result of a deliberate action by an admin.17:14
smoserjtv, i'm sorry. i cna't come up with a really good suggestion. i think in general you do not want that empty.17:16
smoserbut i dont know.17:16
smoseri know that every time i muck with hostname in cloud-init it breaks something17:17
jtvNot very encouraging.17:18
jtvI think, given that enlistment domain has a reasonable well-defined goal and this is not it, and given that we only end up with a domain if people have chosen not to accept the one that was set there, the only option we have left is to default to "local."17:19
smoserits not entirely un-reasonable to specify none there. really.17:20
smoserbut your argument seems reasonable to me.17:20
jtvThe code I had prepared leaves it out if no domain was given, but it sounds as if that's really really undesirable.17:22
jtvWe can't have any questions on an automated remote install!17:22
jtvsmoser: is there any meaningful distinction between local and local.lan?17:26
smoserit seems maybe inappropriate then for us to use 'local' there17:29
smoserjtv, just to be forthcoming, i'm not at all a dns expert. i'm googling same  as you17:29
jtvsmoser: I don't see why it would make "local" inappropriate.  The wikipedia article makes it sound like a sensible, reasonably standardized choice if you can't get an actual proper domain.17:34
smoserlots of things specifically say not to use .local17:35
smoserbecause that is basically taken by avahi/mdns and you are explicitly *not* mdns or avahi17:36
Davieysmoser: erm, we actually DO want local17:36
jtv"Taken" in what way?17:36
jtvWe're publishing these names on mdns, right?17:36
smoseri'm not sure. i dont understand why we'd want .local17:37
smoserwe're using real dns. and real domain names.17:37
smosererr... real dns.17:38
jtvWe don't want it, but we have to pick something if humans have chosen not to leave the domain name in there.17:38
jtvDaviey: you seem to know more about this... please speak!17:38
Davieyjtv: No, i'm just a daft manager. :)17:41
jtvand allenap, you say a node's domain name should always be taken from its nodegroup... that's not going to be quite the same thing as its zone name, is it?17:41
DavieymDNS and maas-controlled-dns is mutually exclusive, right?17:42
allenapjtv: A node/nodegroup doesn't really have a zone name. A nodegroup has a domain name and it has a network. Every node in its network is in its domain, but it's not necessarily true that every node in its domain is in its network, because more than one nodegroup can have the same domain (well, once I land my wretched branch they will).17:46
jtvI think I was confused with ddns there for a moment.17:46
jtvallenap: "name" was supposed to be its zone name, not its domain name (not that I really know the difference)17:46
Davieyjtv: Yeah, so mDNS (.local) and DDNS should also not be used together17:47
jtvDaviey: so you're saying that at least it's guaranteed that mdns won't interfere with whatever we do?17:47
Davieyno, i'm saying it musn't ;)17:47
DavieyI have NFI if it does.17:47
Daviey<-- helpful17:48
jtvAhem  :)17:48
allenapjtv: Yeah, that's what I thought until the weekend. The "zone name" for a node in a node group might be "example.com." or "168.192.in-addr.arpa.", depending on what context you're thinking of a node in.17:49
jtvThat doesn't sound helpful in excessive measures either.17:49
allenapDaviey: Where DDNS equals Dynamic DNS (updates)?17:50
jtvallenap: if the zone name can be multiple things depending on how we happen to be thinking at the moment, what is it we're storing in NodeGroup.name?17:57
allenapjtv: The domain name, so "maas.canonical.com" for example.17:57
jtvWhy didn't we know this?17:57
allenapjtv: Don't know. Last week was the first time I'd worked on this code, I think.18:02
jtvallenap: so... NodeGroup.domain _is_ the domain name then?  And the domain name that is included in the hostname should be ignored?  Any idea why we have the latter?18:11
allenapjtv: What? Where did NodeGroup.domain come from?18:14
jtvSorry, NodeGroup.name18:14
allenapjtv: Yeah, that sounds right, and I have no idea why the latter has been getting in. Left hand / right hand probably.18:15
jtvUrgh.  And we show that to users and invite them to edit it.18:15
allenapjtv: We should validate that it's a valid hostname. I wonder if Django has such a form field?18:18
jtvOur code inserts the domain name.18:18
jtvSo I doubt form validation is going to resolve this particular matter.18:18
jtvHowever at least one thing now becomes clear:18:21
allenapIt's a prophylactic for next time.18:21
jtvan enlisting node (which has no nodegroup) can use the enlistment domain, and an installing one (which does) can use the nodegroup's.18:21
jtvI guess a commissioning node (for which there is some special-casing) would naturally fall on the enlistment side.18:22
allenapjtv: We ought to be able to figure out which nodegroup any node belongs to by virtue of which network its in... assuming we're managing the network.18:23
allenapIf not, then what you said makes sense.18:23
allenaps/its/it's/ ETIRED18:24
allenapjtv: I have to go now, but I'll be back later.18:24
jtvIt's not quite as easy as it seems to figure out which nodegroup is in.18:24
jtvI can't be here when you get back: it's the wee hours.18:24
allenapjtv: Okay, get some sleep, see you tomorrow!18:25
jtvCan't wait that long -- it'll be after lunch for me when you get back.  :(18:25
jtvI think my only viable route right now, given what you said, is to go with what I just described.18:26
allenapjtv: If you're still there we can discuss some more. (I had to put Robin in the bath and then bed.)19:42
jtvallenap: I'm still sort of here!19:42
jtvUpdated my branch.19:42
allenapjtv: I'll review.19:42
jtvChanges aren't too big.19:42
jtvI think enlistment_domain makes a lot more sense this way.19:43
jtvBut we need to address the weirdness between those two  domains.19:43
wkharoldBug #1028448 (service try to contact zookeeper based on adress no ip) is there a work around?19:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1028448 in juju "service try to contact zookeeper based on adress not ip" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102844819:52
wkharoldwe are trying to bring up a private cloud and this is blocking us19:54
mgzwkharold: is that maas related? in general the solution is to use the openstack provider against openstack, rather than the ec2 one.19:55
mgz...also posting the same question in multiple channels simultaniously is annoying >_<19:56
mgz#juju is probably the better place19:56
wkharoldsorry, wasn't sure ... should've asked. this is a private cloud on raw hardware. trying to do a simple test to see if things are working before doing the openstack dance19:57
mgzso, it's not that bug then? just the same symptom?19:57
wkharoldit appears to be that bug ... gettting the same machine-agent stack trace on the blade chosen for the mysql deploy19:59
mgzbut is juju on raw hardware using the maas provider?19:59
mgzdoes dns work otherwise?20:01
wkharoldyes ... I'll verify w/my sys admin20:01
mgzif you can't raise anyone else in here, post full details with for conf etc to the maas list, when people are awake they'll respond20:03
allenapjtv: +120:06
jtvThanks allenap20:07
mercsniperanyone available to offer assistance?20:26
roaksoaxallenap: i don't think you are still around are you?23:40
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