
veebersWhere would I find the spec for creating an icon set for a desktop application?02:29
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pittiGood morning05:06
didrocksgood morning05:18
pittibonjour didrocks05:18
didrocksguten morgen pitti!05:19
didrockspitti: does the webapp integration works for you?05:32
pittididrocks: is that the u1 music store?05:32
pittiif I click on that in a guest session, I get firefox opened with that page, yes05:32
didrockspitti: no, like if you go to g+, you should see a banner telling you that webapps scripts are available for better ubuntu integration05:33
didrocksand if you click yes, you should see a package installing05:33
pittioh; I never saw that one05:33
didrocksI see the banner here (on chromium), but clicking yes, and nothing happens05:34
pittiI have g+ open in firefox all the time (in fact, twice -- one for my personal and one for my canonical QA account)05:34
didrocksI find it amazing that this feature still doesn't work properly 3 weeks before the release :/05:34
didrocksand the maching for default apps in the launcher05:34
didrockslike amazon and u1ms05:34
didrocksdoesn't match chromium here05:34
didrocks(it opens a new chromium instance and there is a second chromium icon in the launcher)05:35
pittididrocks: so, in a guest session I open plus.g.c. in firefox and get to the login page; no popup, banner, etc.05:36
didrockspitti: chromium is a little bit better, there is the banner at least05:38
didrockspitti: thanks for confirming :)05:38
pittifirefox is still our default browser, though :)05:38
didrocksyeah, but it's not functional on chromium anyway05:39
didrockssame for the matching05:39
didrocksisn't PS working on that for months? ;)05:39
* Sweetshark looks out of the window.07:15
Sweetsharkoh it day again!07:15
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didrockshey Sweetshark! how are you?07:23
Sweetsharkdidrocks: Pulled an allnighter on Friday. Pulled an allnighter today. But now unity menus in LibreOffice seem to work stable ...07:27
Sweetsharkunfortunately the diff is too nontrivial for me to really dump it in quantal ...07:28
didrocksSweetshark: argh, what was the issue? I found the menu pretty stable (or I'm just a lucky man ;))07:28
Sweetsharkdidrocks: bug 1052200 and bug 104207007:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1052200 in libreoffice "LibreOffice crashes with a SIGSEGV sometimes because GMenuModel exporter receives a NULL menu" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105220007:30
didrocksSweetshark: interesting. I bet it was a "fun" hunt :)07:32
Sweetsharkdidrocks: yeah, reorganizing the object ownerships in LibreOffice (LibreOffice menus have independant lifecycles from the windows/frames and the implementation was done the the menu_model as a member of the menu. If you can only export a menu_model once, that obviously cant work.)07:38
Sweetsharkdidrocks: and then there is a small additional patch to glib which might or might not be needed anymore. that one is quick and easy to review, though ...07:39
Sweetsharkdidrocks: it was easier than hunting down bug 1017125 or bug 745836 -- _those_ where weeks/months of fun ...07:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1017125 in boost1.49 "boost::unordered_multimap<>::erase(iterator, iterator) broken on quantal" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101712507:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 745836 in linux "encrypted swap corrupts application stack/heap [was: soffice.bin SIGSEGV cppu::throwException()]" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74583607:48
didrocksSweetshark: issue in boost?07:49
didrockswaow, that's quite rare :)07:49
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks07:52
Sweetsharkdidrocks: yeah, that was a Sherlock Holmes like: "It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." conclusion in the end. However, I was detracted by the gcc-ABI breakage fun in the beginning as the crash had a (otherwise rather rare in LO) slist in the stack ....07:52
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson :)07:56
didrocksSweetshark: yeah, I can imagine the gcc-ABI breakage played into the mix :/07:56
didrocksSweetshark: btw, what did you do for libroffice?07:57
didrocksbuilt it with 4.6?07:57
didrocksor is it fixed? (didn't check if libsigc++ has been rebuilt since the 4.7 fix)07:57
Sweetsharkdidrocks: libreoffice is build without C++11 itself (vendor patched that), there do not seem to be any other issues so all linked libs should be clean/have been rebuild after foundations tweaked gcc to be ABI compatible again.08:11
Sweetsharkhmmm, in the end the diff isnt that big at all:  4 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-)08:12
Sweetsharkdidrocks: wanna review? ;)08:12
didrocksSweetshark: ah sweet, I'll switch at the start of next cycle then :)08:12
didrocksSweetshark: this is the glib part?08:12
didrocksor libro?08:12
mlankhorstSweetshark: seems small enough, don't think it warrants a review if it's only doing some small rewrite ;)08:12
* mlankhorst ducks08:13
Sweetsharkdidrocks: libreoffice. glib is 10 lines max (and is just checking for some nullpointers and instead of crashing splitting stern warnings ...)08:13
didrocksSweetshark: not sure I'm quite confortable to do libreoffice reviews :)08:14
didrockshey Laney08:14
Sweetsharkeverytime I ask for reviews for LibreOffice it feels like "This is my boomstick!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFriRcIwqNU08:15
didrocksahah :)08:15
seb128hey desktopers08:16
didrockssalut seb128!08:16
seb128lut didrocks ;-)08:16
Sweetsharkseb128: salut!08:17
chrisccoulsondidrocks, did you have a good weekend?08:17
chrisccoulsonhi seb12808:17
mlankhorstSweetshark: every time I ask for kernel reviews I can see their brains switch off :-)08:17
chrisccoulsonhi Laney, Sweetshark, mlankhorst08:17
Laney"The disk drive for / is not present"08:17
Laneyhappy Monday :(08:17
didrockschrisccoulson: was quite good, saturday was about places for the wedding, and quiet sunday as it was raining outside :)08:17
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, excellent, thanks ... you?08:18
mlankhorstLaney: Please insert floppy in dry A!08:18
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: http://i.imgur.com/LF4a2.png08:18
mlankhorstSweetshark: :D08:18
Laney(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail08:18
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, we went to west midlands safari park on saturday, which was quite fun08:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks :)08:18
mlankhorstSweetshark: actually you do, it's just no floating points and a mildly different api08:19
didrockschrisccoulson: ah, great!08:19
seb128chrisccoulson, you have safari parks in the u.k ... isn't that the wrong continent and weather? ;-)08:19
mlankhorstinterrupts are fun, too!08:19
chrisccoulsonseb128, heh :)08:19
chrisccoulsonthe weather was actually not too bad on saturday08:20
chrisccoulsonit's a bit cold this morning though08:20
Laneyhum, it is there08:20
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: yes, that pic was grekhs reaction to reading on a OS X dev manpage "dont program in kernelspace, its very black magic, be veeewwwy careful"08:22
chrisccoulsonCan people please stop breaking Firefox this week? :)08:22
mlankhorstSweetshark: :D08:23
mlankhorstSweetshark: well it is targetted towards the apple audience08:23
mlankhorstand I can imagine it's black magic if you don't have the full kernel source..08:23
LaneyI saw some firefox crashes over the weekend that seemed correlated to saying "yes" to those new irritating webapp popups08:23
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: https://plus.google.com/111049168280159033135/posts/Sq36QJGXn8r08:25
chrisccoulsonLaney, yeah. there are other things too. people are reporting cookies disappearing and general issues with the addon manager (addons being marked as third party and prompted to reinstall on each restart)08:25
chrisccoulsonfrom my bug mail at the weekend, firefox looks like a big steaming turd in quantal right now ;)08:25
mlankhorstSweetshark: that first comment from tyler is spot on though08:26
mlankhorstbinary kernels suck08:26
chrisccoulsoneg, bug 1058220, bug 1058209, bug 105813508:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058220 in unity-firefox-extension "Firefox deletes Accept Cookies exceptions on one of profiles" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105822008:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058209 in webapps-greasemonkey "firefox re-installs Add-ons everytime I restart Ubuntu" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105820908:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058135 in unity-firefox-extension "Firefox loses cookies when closed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105813508:26
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: the first comment on the original post by kai is even better ...08:27
chrisccoulsonnot very happy :(08:27
czajkowskichrisccoulson: not a good start to your day then :(08:27
chrisccoulsoni'll be ok after some coffee ;)08:28
mlankhorstSweetshark: the real reason source code for binary blobs are hidden is because it's to conserve your eyes08:28
chrisccoulsonLaney, did you submit those crashes btw?08:30
Laneywell, I told it do, didn't check it was successful08:30
chrisccoulsonLaney, got a crash ID in about:crashes?08:31
Laneyah yes08:31
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: I have worked at a close source shop, I have seen ~everything. And the dark (pre-1990) corners of StarOffice had ... character ... too.08:31
Laneyfetching this archived report :O08:31
Laneychrisccoulson: https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/24bb9f36-765e-4d12-87ab-5216b212093008:32
chrisccoulsonLaney, thanks.08:32
chrisccoulsonso, callback being garbage collected? sigh....08:32
mlankhorstSweetshark: that's something you really don't want to say..08:33
chrisccoulsonLaney, bug 105944108:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059441 in webapps-greasemonkey "Firefox 15.0.1 Crash Report [@ proxy_LookupGeneric ] " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105944108:38
* Sweetshark throws around mutexguards until libreoffice is completely singlethreaded ...08:39
Laneychrisccoulson: cheers08:39
seb128dpm, hey08:41
seb128dpm, how are you?08:41
seb128dpm, could you approve https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/unity-lens-shopping/+imports ?08:42
chrisccoulsonLaney, there's quite a few more with a subtly different frame on the top of the stack too08:42
pittibonjour seb128, ça va?08:42
dpmhey seb128 good morning, and done ;)08:42
pittihey dpm08:43
dpmmorning pitti08:43
seb128dpm, thanks08:46
seb128pitti, guten tag!08:46
seb128pitti, wie gehts?08:46
pittiseb128: sehr gut, danke! wie war Dein Wochenende?08:48
seb128pitti, es war gut danke ;-)08:49
davmor2seb128, pitti: hey guys samaung s3 and sansa fuse on quantal are still not showing up as devices :(  did your fix in precise make it to debian and get pulled back into quantal?08:49
pittiyes, if I fix stuff I do that straight upstream and then upload to D/sync to U08:50
pittiso I guess there's something else wrong anywhere in between udev and rhythmbox08:50
pittidavmor2: I guess I already asked you before, but does this have any hits? udevadm info --export-db|grep ID_MEDIA_PLAYER08:55
pittidavmor2: (if the player is connected)08:55
davmor2pitti yeap added to the bug I think but I'll double check once I found the new bug I wrote08:55
davmor2pitti: from memory it showed up as expected iirc08:56
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seb128dpm, do you think we should tell the translators that the shopping lens is available to translate? can you do it? ;-)08:57
dpmseb128, :) yes08:57
seb128dpm, thanks08:58
davmor2pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/105195108:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1051951 in gvfs "sansa fuze and samsung s3 phone are both shown as usb drive not devices" [Undecided,New]08:59
davmor2pitti: let me know if there is anything else I tracked down the old bug from precise incase it is related09:00
pittihm, quantal still has 06_music-player-mimetype.patch09:01
pittidavmor2: subscribed and asked a q on the bug09:01
davmor2pitti: done09:04
pittithanks; so, looks like a gvfs bug09:07
chrisccoulsonheh, http://browser.yandex.com/. time to change the default browser!09:07
davmor2pitti:  if you need anything else just ping me or if you need me to test anything, I'm not really about today but irssi will email me.09:18
mvocompiz keeps reseting my auto-raise settings somehow, noticed that on two boxes now :/09:18
mvo(i.e. reseting to no-autoraise)09:18
mvobut focus-follow-mouse is honored still09:18
pittimvo: me too, bug 104204109:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1042041 in compiz "1:0.9.8+bzr3319-0ubuntu1 regression: keeps setting gsettings keys to wrong values" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104204109:18
mvocool, thanks pitti09:19
pittiseb128: hm, now that we enable a11y by default, my apport GTK tests fail with ** (test_ui_gtk.py:8001): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files09:22
pittiseb128: I can add at-spi2-core to the test dependencies, but shouldn't that rather be a dependency of GTK itself?09:23
seb128pitti, I'm a bit unsure where the depends should be added, GTK would work09:24
seb128libgail-3-0 depends on at-spi2-core though09:24
seb128isn't gtk depending on libgail?09:24
* seb128 checks09:24
pittilibevince and nautilus do09:24
pittiso libgtk-3-0 Depends: libgail-3-0 might be better then, if that's what GTK is actually talking to?09:25
seb128  * debian/control.in:09:25
seb128    - libgail-3-0 depends on at-spi2-core since a11y is an hard depends09:25
seb128yeah, I did that09:25
seb128let me check, I don't know well how a11y is working09:25
pittiright, but libgail-3-0 doesn't get pulled in as a dep either09:25
seb128especially not since this cycle09:25
pittihm, libgail-3-0 already depends on libgtk-3-009:26
pittiso better not do a cyclic dependency09:26
pitti(Recommends: might do, though)09:26
seb128pitti, in fact I asked in July on https://mail.gnome.org/archives/distributor-list/2012-July/msg00000.html09:28
seb128so yeah, we should probably add the depends to libgtk-3-009:29
pitti"recommends" then?09:29
seb128thanks for the reminder I forgot to follow up on that and the warnings stopped there (because nautilus brings gail which brings the service)09:29
seb128pitti, no, libgtk-3-0 Depends at-spi2-core09:29
pittiah, that way09:29
seb128e.g move the depends from gail to gtk09:29
seb128what do you think?09:29
pittiright, then gail would still have it transitively09:31
pittishouldn't hurt to have it on both, though09:31
seb128well, reading the second like I give09:32
seb128the service is used by gtk, gnome-shell, unity, firefox09:32
seb128not by gail09:32
seb128so I think it's fine moving it09:32
chrisccoulsonmy ears are burning09:37
seb128chrisccoulson, stop listening to that loud music!09:43
Laneybah, I get prompted to install the webapp script every time I visit LP, but clicking "Install" does nothing09:43
seb128Laney, czajkowski and didrocks are talking to the webapps guys and throwing bugs at them, let's see what they do with those09:45
chrisccoulsoni've thrown a few bugs their way too ;)09:45
czajkowskiLaney: ohhh confirm my bug09:45
czajkowskiLaney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-launchpad/+bug/105945709:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059457 in unity-webapps-launchpad "webapps keeps offering to install even when I've said never for this site " [Undecided,Triaged]09:46
czajkowskithat one annoys me on LP every day09:46
didrocksLaney: bugs and stones to be exact :)09:46
LaneyI haven't said never09:46
LaneyI don't want to say never, because I want to try the script :P09:46
didrocksLaney: this is bug #1059460 then09:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059460 in libunity-webapps "With chromium, when clicking "yes" on any integration feature, nothing happens" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105946009:47
Laneywell, with firefox09:47
czajkowskiLaney: aye an option to revist it at a later date might be useful09:47
Laneybut that yes09:47
didrocksLaney: please change the comment then :)09:48
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seb128pitti, do you want me to do the gtk depends change?10:09
pittiseb128: commit to bzr sounds fine to me; I worked around it in apport's packaging fornow10:09
seb128pitti, ok10:09
seb128tjaalton, hey, thanks for tracking down that intel frozen screen after screen blanking bug ;-)10:12
tjaaltonseb128: yw, was a nice couple of days..10:13
* didrocks hurray at tjaalton \o/10:15
seb128tjaalton, I guess you will SRU that fix as well? ;-)10:15
tjaaltonseb128: yeah, in some form10:16
tjaaltonthere's a test for this in intel-gpu-tools git, so no need to run compiz and hope it happens (in order to verify the backport) :)10:17
mitya57pitti: hi, re bug 1055295: the new gnome-panel still has .mo files stripped out, did you really fix that?10:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1055295 in ubuntu-translations "Translation files are no longer installed in quantal" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105529510:27
pittimitya57: it's not supposed to have .mo files (i. e. stripping is working)10:27
pittilangpacks are supposed to have gnome-panel10:27
pittimitya57: it's a known bug, will be fixed with the next langpack update10:28
pitti(bug in LP)10:28
mitya57why should gnome-panel translations be in langpacks?10:28
mitya57because of edubuntu? :)10:29
seb128mitya57, because translators asked for it (things in langpacks can get translations updates via launchpad without needing a source upload)10:30
seb128mitya57, it also allows translators to translate strings from distro patches10:30
seb128chrisccoulson, hum, I installed "libufe-xidgetter0 xul-ext-unity xul-ext-websites-integration", on next opening firefox opened tab for each extension I've installed asking if I want to install those ... is that expected?10:31
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, that's bug 1058209. i've no idea why it happens yet10:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058209 in webapps-greasemonkey "firefox re-installs Add-ons everytime I restart Ubuntu" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105820910:32
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, thanks10:32
chrisccoulsonbut your addon database is totally f**ked now (ie, all of your addons are now marked as third party)10:32
chrisccoulsonyou'll need to uninstall them and manually reinstall them to fix that10:32
seb128chrisccoulson, well, I'm in that broken state so I can help debugging if you need somebody who gets the issue10:33
chrisccoulsonthe problem is that the addon database is already broken now :/10:33
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure how it gets in to that state10:34
seb128ok, so I can just start my firefox?10:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, you'll probably get asked to reenable your addons again if you restart10:34
seb128** (firefox:9047): WARNING **: Failed to open webapp application path dir /usr/local/share/unity-webapps/userscripts: Error opening directory '/usr/local/share/unity-webapps/userscripts': No such file or directory10:35
chrisccoulsonseb128, are there any errors in the error console? (assuming you've not restarted yet)10:36
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry, I restarted...10:36
chrisccoulsonah, never mind :/10:36
chrisccoulsoni'll try and reproduce it here, but i've not managed to so far10:37
chrisccoulsonseb128, what other addons do you have installed?10:38
seb128chrisccoulson, greasemonkey firebug flashblocker were the only ones10:39
seb128greasemonkey was disabling to workaround the segfault I pinged you about last week10:39
seb128oh and testpilot10:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, mind setting a path for "extensions.log" in about:config, so that addon manager errors are written to a file?10:45
seb128chrisccoulson, what key is that? I've a extensions.logging.enabled but it's a bool10:46
tkamppeterpitti, I do not know whether you can approve packages into Quantal, I have uploaded a cups package to the queue to fix the three known crash bugs.10:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, you need to create a new string preference10:46
pittitkamppeter: no, I don't; the release team should regularly review the pending uploads10:47
seb128chrisccoulson, that doesn't seem to work, I set a "extensions.log;/home/seb128/.mozilla/debug"10:48
seb128chrisccoulson, but no such file after restarting firefox10:48
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it will get created on the first error that the addon manager logs to the console10:49
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tkamppeterLaney, hi10:55
LaneyI'll review the queue this afternoon10:55
tkamppeterLaney, are you working on avahi-daemon? Whenever CUPS is started avahi-daemon runs up to 100% CPU. How can one debug this?10:58
Laneyno I'm not, sorry10:58
tkamppeterLaney, who is it?10:58
Laneynobody in particular afaik10:59
tkamppeterAnyone knows how to debug avahi-daemon?10:59
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tkamppeterWhoever accepted CUPS, thank you for doing it so quickly.11:00
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i really feel like drinking tea11:42
chrisccoulsonthat's unusual11:43
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Sweetsharkseb128: you got mail. Signing off for hibernate now.12:20
seb128Sweetshark, great job, thanks for the work and for the status update, enjoy your deserved sleep ;-)12:22
seb128Sweetshark, I can do manual testing and have a look to the diff ... where is it?12:22
dpmhey all, I'm not sure how important this package is, but could someone look at bug 1048985 to ensure a .pot file is built and translations are shipped? Thanks.12:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048985 in gtk-vnc "The gtk-vnc package needs to generate a .pot file during the build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104898512:28
seb128dpm, hey, thanks for pointing it12:34
desrtseb128, larsu: did you find my branch?12:36
seb128hey desrt12:36
larsudesrt, hm, I wasn't looking for it :)12:36
seb128neither was I ;-)12:36
desrtya.  that one :)12:36
desrtlarsu: your turn to review (and test) :)12:36
seb128desrt, things don't show up until you merge propose them usually12:36
desrtoh right12:37
desrti always forget about that one :)12:37
desrtanyway... this is a pre-proposal :)12:37
* desrt wants lars to take a look since it's actually his branch12:37
larsuI'll have a look in a minute12:37
seb128desrt, can you https://code.launchpad.net/~desrt/indicator-appmenu/lp1042824/+register-merge ? ;-)12:43
seb128that will give us a nice diff, etc12:43
desrti want larsu to look it over12:43
desrtand possibly add more changes12:43
seb128well, you can iterate over a merge request, and at least it gives you a diff on launchpad to look at12:44
larsuhow can I turn off those "do you want to turn this into a webapp" notifications in firefox?12:44
larsuthey are annoying!12:44
chrisccoulsonlarsu, yeah, i know. that's nothing to do with firefox though ;)12:44
chrisccoulsonthat's the unity webapps stuff12:45
seb128larsu, uninstall xul-ext-websites-integration12:45
larsuchrisccoulson, sure, I'm complaining about the plugin12:45
seb128larsu, or wait for the webapp guys to fix it, they are just looking at those bugs (the U.S guys are just getting online)12:45
larsuseb128, I don't want to uninstall webapps12:45
seb128larsu, send a patch? :p12:45
desrtlarsu: i've been starting the hud-awareness work on top of this branch12:45
larsuit seems like a design decision to ask me everytime, instead of a bug12:46
seb128larsu, no, it's a bug12:46
desrtlarsu: it starts to occur to me that (a) we are growing a lot of redundancy wrt. app_menu_model vs. menubar_model and (b) the use of app_menu_model (and 'application' action group) in the indicator case is a bit weird12:46
larsuseb128, it shoudn't ask me?12:46
larsudesrt, actionmuxer!12:46
seb128larsu, it should ask you once, and respect your "yes" or "no"12:47
desrtlarsu: stop that :p12:47
larsuseb128, there's no yes/no, there's only "install" and a close button12:47
larsuoh, there's a "don't ask again"12:47
larsuwhy is that inside a popup menu?12:47
desrtlarsu: geesh.  all you ever do is complain about canonical-written software12:48
larsudesrt, it would fit beautifully12:48
larsudesrt, s/written/designed12:48
chrisccoulsonlarsu, they're just using the standard popup notification API in firefox, which gives you a popup menu ;)12:48
larsuchrisccoulson, got it. I'd be much happier if the status bar would gain an icon when unity integration is available12:49
seb128desrt, I can complain about GNOME code as well if you want ;-)12:49
larsuinstead of the popover12:49
desrtseb128: new nautilus is pretty cool!12:49
desrtas it turns out...12:49
larsudesrt, seriously?12:49
chrisccoulsonlarsu, yeah, this is an abuse of the popup notification system tbh. it's meant for stuff that really needs your attention immediately12:49
chrisccoulsonnot for asking random questions12:49
larsuchrisccoulson, and we want many websites to offer integration. So potentially every website I visit asks me this question....12:50
desrtlarsu: ya.  i kinda like it.12:50
didrockslarsu: I'm getting the webapps team to fix it and test what they ship…12:51
didrocksfor once :)12:51
larsudidrocks, hehe. Amazing12:51
didrockslarsu: and you only saw one bug on 4 we filed and marked critical this morning :p12:51
chrisccoulsondidrocks, can you get them to fix bug 1059441 too please? :)12:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059441 in webapps-greasemonkey "Firefox 15.0.1 Crash Report [@ proxy_LookupGeneric ] " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105944112:52
didrockschrisccoulson: ah, popey didn't get to reproduce the crash12:52
didrockschrisccoulson: adding to the list12:52
larsudidrocks, I don' really mind the bugs (it's new software after all), but the popover that I see every time I visit a web page12:52
chrisccoulsonand also ensure that they're checking https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/ regularly....12:52
didrockslarsu: I do mind that PS is pushing things on ubuntu which never worked for weeks :)12:53
larsudidrocks, I'm not saying that's a good thing. Just that that wasn't what I complained about ;)12:53
* larsu tries to complain about one thing at a time12:54
chrisccoulsondidrocks, they don't need to reproduce it. i can tell you what the crash is already ;)12:54
chrisccoulsonit's a callback going out of scope and being garbage collected12:54
chrisccoulsonthey just need to track that down and fix their memory management12:55
chrisccoulsoneasy :)12:55
didrockschrisccoulson: if it's easy, can you maybe talk to them about the exact place of the issue? :)12:56
didrocksdesrt: zomg? ;)12:57
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, maybe. although, i didn't really plan to be spending time on this :)12:57
didrocksdesrt: no, it's too early for that, you have that in a week :)12:57
didrockschrisccoulson: well, maybe it's better to work together the get quantal in the best shape?12:57
dpmhey Sweetshark, do you know if there is any workaround or fix scheduled for bug 1049025. It currently makes it extremely awkward to do the basic operation of selecting text with the mouse. I've had to actually install Word on a VM for my girlfriend to avoid her ditching Ubuntu altogether. You can help me regain an Ubuntu user and save a relationship! ;-)12:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049025 in libreoffice "Can't select text/highlight using mouse" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104902512:57
popeydidrocks, yeah, haven't reproduced it yet12:59
popeyseb128, where would I file a bug in the popup that comes up when you try to logout and an app (like U1 file sync) wants to supress the logout?13:00
seb128popey, what about those?13:00
seb128popey, the popup themself (like their ui,wording) or the fact that the app triggers one?13:00
popeyseb128, e.g. if u1 is syncing files and I want to logout now it pops up a box, I click "logout anyway" and it doesn't.13:01
seb128it doesn't even if you wait?13:01
seb128here it takes sometime up to a minute13:01
seb128but it usually does13:01
popeyyes, it does if you wait13:01
popeybut the dialog gives no indication that waiting is part of the process13:01
seb128right, gnome-session in any case13:02
seb128but it's one of those bugs I doubt anyone will look at13:02
popeynoted :)13:02
Laneychrisccoulson: got this one earlier https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/d054b980-5092-4bf2-9fcd-11da82121001 - is it the same as before?13:02
chrisccoulsonLaney, possibly. i'm not sure because there's no stack data for the top 4 frames. but i imagine that it is13:03
larsudesrt, reusing hud_menu_model_context_get_action_name to stitch together namespaces is kind of weird (at first, I thought you lost support for nested namespaces)13:17
desrtlarsu: i agree, slightly13:24
desrtfor this reason:13:24
desrtfor composing action names, you expect "win." + NULL to be equal to NULL13:24
desrt(ie: no action, no action, regardless of namespace)13:24
desrtfor namespaces, you expect "win." + NULL to equal "win."13:24
desrt(ie: no namespace, just use the one already there)13:24
desrti implement the second logic13:24
desrtand avoid it being problematic in the first case by not creating HudItems unless action is non-NULL13:25
larsuwhy not do the namespace-stitching in place where you need it?13:25
larsui.e. in context_new13:26
larsualso, I'd add a comment that the context is immutable. Otherwise your ref-when-same-as-parent thing in context_new falls apart13:27
desrti am doing the stitching in context_new()13:27
desrtvia a call to the other function13:27
larsuI mean, do it without the call13:27
larsuoh well, not a biggie13:27
desrtwhy?  it's exactly what the call does :)13:27
larsuit does have the problem you described13:28
desrtbut it's not used in that case for the other thing13:28
desrtso it's not really a problem...13:28
larsuexcept it's confusing your reviewer!13:28
desrtno it's not13:28
desrtyou just like to complain about all canonical-written software13:28
larsunot true: I tend to really like some canonical-written software13:29
desrtjust not the hud?13:29
desrti guess i can understand that13:29
larsuanyway: the third thing I noticed: if you're saving the prefix in the instance now, why are you still explicitly passing it into add_model?13:30
desrtbecause in the recursive stage it will be different13:30
desrtie: we call add_model() every time we see a new submenu menu item.  the prefix we give there should be the text of that item13:31
desrtlike App > File > Recent Documents > etc...13:31
desrtit's going to be different at each step13:31
larsutrue, sorry about that13:31
larsudesrt, still, I'd move the add_model call in new_for_endpoint to the end, when collector is fully initialized13:32
desrtlemme take a look13:33
desrti think you're right13:33
desrtbut that's where you put it :p13:33
larsuotherwise it's much better than before, thanks. Should I approve the MR or are you still adding things to that branch?13:33
desrtstill adding13:33
desrtbut no harm merging what's here13:33
desrtdid you test it much?13:34
larsuI tested it13:34
desrti didn't ;)13:34
* larsu goes test some more13:34
larsuI'll merge it, with the one change of moving the add_model call down13:35
desrtmy other stuff doesn't go near there13:35
larsujust push it into a different branch on lp when you're done13:35
larsudesrt, about your earlier observation: I think we should separate the indicatorsource from the menumodel source13:40
desrtya.  i was thinking so13:40
desrtit's too late to get into that kind of thing, but ya....13:40
larsuthe question is: how do we share the menumodel-searching bits13:40
desrtit's quite easy13:41
desrti was a bit annoyed with the approach you took at first, fwiw13:41
desrtbut i can't really blame you since i sort of pushed it that way myself13:41
larsuI didn't know the code base well enough when I started this patch13:41
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desrtbut in short that we should have is an indicator souce and an app (window?) source13:41
larsuand I thought, "ah, menumodelcollector, seems like the right place"13:42
desrtand a dbusmenucollector and a gmenumodelcollector13:42
desrtthe dbusmenu/menumodel collectors should just work on object paths13:42
desrtone object path13:42
larsuyeah that makes sense13:42
desrtthe indictor and app sources would be responsible for instantiating (and dispatching to) the appropriate menu collectors13:42
larsuwe should put that on the todo list of $INDICATOR_APPMENU_MAINTAINER13:42
desrtthis sort of abstraction will become more important when apps start having non-menu sources of huditems13:43
desrtthe current architecture is a bit of a hold-over from the original version of the code13:43
larsuyup, and then we just add a new collector for whatever protocol we choose13:43
desrti should have burned it to the ground and started fresh13:43
desrtbut i rather rewrote it one-class-at-a-time13:44
desrtso a bit of the old design stayed13:44
desrtanyway... i also want to make a 'collector' a specific kind of source13:44
desrtwe have two distinct types of hudsources right now13:44
desrtones that only pass searches down to other sources (like the 'list' source)13:45
desrtand ones that actually do searches over lists of huditems13:45
desrtall of the second type are called 'collector' in their name13:45
desrtwhich is the distinction...13:45
desrtbut it's not formalised13:45
desrtwould be nice if we created a collector class that actually maintained the list of huditems instead of having to duplicate the code for that13:45
desrtparticularly because then we could get more clever about change notifications13:45
desrtie: not needing to redo the entire search just because some (possibly-unrelated) menu item was added13:46
larsusound good. I wonder who will ever have the time to do this, though13:47
desrtrumour has it jussi is on hud duty next cycle13:47
popeychrisccoulson, got my firefox crash.. can I/you find it in their database if I "Tell mozilla.." and add my email address?13:50
chrisccoulsonpopey, no, i can only find it by crash ID (from about:crashes)13:50
popeychrisccoulson, 4cffb435-d5d5-c5fc-6947443b-0b75a60313:52
popeythat was after clicking "install" on launchpad.net for the webapps integration13:53
chrisccoulsonpopey, hmmm, that id doesn't return anything :/13:54
popeyyeah, mozilla says "throttling"13:54
chrisccoulsondo you get anything if you try to click the link?13:54
chrisccoulsonpopey, i guess it's bug 105944113:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059441 in webapps-greasemonkey "Firefox 15.0.1 Crash Report [@ proxy_LookupGeneric ] " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105944113:54
larsudesrt, good thing I tested again :P http://paste.ubuntu.com/1253916/13:58
desrtthanks :)13:59
desrtSweetshark: hey... did your guys ever integrate that hud-awareness code i sent them?14:00
desrti'm about to land the other half in the hud14:07
desrtwithout it it's unlikely that we'll have working libreoffice + hud14:07
seb128mterry, hey14:11
mterryseb128, hello!14:11
seb128mterry, happy monday! how are you?14:11
mterryseb128, good.  What's up?14:11
seb128mterry, do you notice bugs assigned to you or when you get Cced (just wondering if I should ping you on IRC as well when I want your input,;look on something)14:12
mterryseb128, I should see them.  Is there a bug I didn't comment on?14:12
mterryseb128, (you talking about the loading circle one?)14:12
mterryI hadn't seen that behavior in the past, so I'm updating to make sure I have latest of everything14:13
seb128mterry, nothing, you didn't comment on, I just assigned you those:14:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1051946 in unity-greeter "onboard should be launched everytime after user enabled it in unity-greeter" [Medium,In progress]14:13
seb128 14:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059447 in unity-greeter "loading circle (in login authentication) is enlarged, out of its size" [High,Confirmed]14:13
mterryYeah, saw that too14:13
seb128mterry, and I was wondering if I should IRC ping as well14:13
seb128mterry, well, GtkSpinner were broken and not spinning due to Gtk,Theme until friday14:13
mterryseb128, no, assigning or subscribing should be enough14:14
mterryseb128, true14:14
seb128mterry, which is probably why you didn't see it before ;-)14:14
seb128mterry, ok, thanks14:14
mterryit was spinning a little bit, but yeah, if there was a theme update, I believe it could break us14:14
seb128mterry, other quick one, software-properties-gtk is back as a system settings icon ... do you know if that's wanted? (we dropped it in precise)14:15
seb128e.g design decision or bug?14:15
seb128mterry, other quick one, software-properties-gtk is back as a system settings icon ... do you know if that's wanted? (we dropped it in precise)14:16
mterryseb128, no, I don't know if that's intentional14:16
seb128ok, thanks14:16
mterryseb128, I didn't do it intentionally anyway14:16
seb128didrocks, ^14:17
seb128revno: 78114:17
seb128committer: Didier Roche <didier.roche@canonical.com>14:17
seb128  * data/software-properties-gtk.desktop.in:14:17
seb128    - show software-properties in gnome-control-center14:17
didrocksseb128: it is intentional14:17
didrocksseb128: now that jockey isn't14:18
seb128hum, I doubt anyone is going to look for drivers under "software sources"14:18
seb128didrocks, thanks14:18
seb128but oh, well, if that's what design wants...14:18
didrocksseb128: it was discussed here, not sure with who and no time to check the logs :)14:19
seb128didrocks, don't worry, I was just wanted to check if that was wanted, it is, moving on ;-)14:19
jbichaSoftware Source really needs some keywords for drivers14:22
jbichawe should remember to leave breadcrumbs behind when we move stuff around14:22
jbichait is mentioned in the Release Notes but who reads that?14:23
seb128jbicha, hey, how are you?14:23
jbichaseb128: hey, I'm doing fine, looking forward to Boston in a few days14:24
seb128oh, you are going to boston summit, great ;-)14:24
chrisccoulsonseb128, are you going too?14:26
seb128chrisccoulson, nah, I don't fancy flying over the atlantic when I don't need to and just before release is not a good time14:27
chrisccoulsonah :)14:27
chrisccoulsonseb128, surely just before the release is the best time? (for you, anyway) ;)14:27
seb128chrisccoulson, not to mention that it's more of a hackfest than a conf and I'm not really involved in any of the things they will hack on14:28
chrisccoulsonah, ok14:28
chrisccoulsoni wasn't really sure what it involved ;)14:28
seb128chrisccoulson, it's sort of rh's distro sprint it seems :p14:34
jbichalol, well I'll go spy on them then ;)14:35
seb128jbicha, ;-)14:36
didrocksjbicha: you did receives all the bugs to record everything, isn't it? :)14:44
jbichanot yet, maybe in today's mail?14:46
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chrisccoulsoni love it when a bug turns out to be not my fault: bug 1035755 :)15:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 1035755 in libdbusmenu-qt "Extension causes context/drop down menus to disappear" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103575515:34
GunnarHjjbicha: Hi Jeremy!15:58
GunnarHjjbicha: Did you notice my resubmission of https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/precise/ubuntu-docs/SRU-guest-session-fix/+merge/127151 ?  Any chance that we can agree on that SRU-MP as well? ;-)15:58
jbichaGunnarHj: sorry, precise docs are frozen, we're not going to add new content or even fix typos at this point16:03
jbichabreaking the docs freeze breaks translations which would require the translators to re-translate those new strings and they aren't expecting to have to do that when they're trying to work on quantal translations16:05
GunnarHjjbicha: Ok ... by frozen, do you mean frozen frozen or frozen until the 12.04.1 release?16:08
jbichafrozen frozen, we don't really have a good system for how we handle fixing docs post-docs-string-freeze16:09
jbichaGNOME has an advantage in that their docs don't freeze weeks before release; they can keep fixing things for several weeks after release16:10
GunnarHjjbicha: I realize that an exception in this case might lead to untranslated strings in some translations. OTOH, considering that the target document is English only, that wouldn't be a disaster would it?16:17
jbichano, that wouldn't be a disaster but it's not ideal either16:22
jbichawhat we need is a policy for how we handle post-docs-string-freeze corrections or additions: what fixes are important enough? how much time do translators need? what are the actions required?16:23
GunnarHjjbicha: Sounds like a topic for ubuntu-doc. Would you like me to start such a discussion?16:25
GunnarHjOr would you prefer to introduce the topic yourself?16:26
jbichaI probably won't get to it for a while, so you're welcome to take on the topic if you like and start drafting the policy16:27
GunnarHjjbicha: Ok, I'll try to do something... The usual reward when you suggest something, right? ;-)16:48
GunnarHjjbicha: All respect for your great work with keeping the docs in order!16:48
jdstrandtedg: the apparmor profiles for freerdp and uccsconfigure should allow chromium to run, correct?17:10
tedgjdstrand, I believe so, they're exactly the same as the guest session ones.17:11
tedgHaven't tested though.17:12
jdstrandok, I am making changes to the guest session ones, so need to make them here too17:12
tedgjdstrand, Yeah, I think that it would make sense for you guys to make some abstractions for the guest stuff.17:12
jdstrandthat is part of it17:12
tedgjdstrand, That way we can lock them all down at the same time.17:12
tedgAh, cool.  Then don't mind me :-)17:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webapps-greasemonkey/+bug/1058209/comments/1917:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058209 in webapps-greasemonkey "firefox re-installs Add-ons everytime I restart Ubuntu" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:13
chrisccoulsonthat's bad17:17
chrisccoulsonso, missing cookies and broken addon manager are all the same bug17:21
chrisccoulsonbecause the storage service in firefox fails to initialize after installing webapps :/17:21
seb128chrisccoulson, likely to be an easy to fix issue?17:40
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chrisccoulsonseb128, i hope so. see my last comment on the bug ;)17:45
seb128chrisccoulson, great ;-) thanks for working on that!17:48
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seb128mterry, \o/18:46
seb128mterry, thanks for the unity-greeter fixes18:46
mterryseb128, no problem, sorry you had to waste some time uploading the session chooser one right before I did an upstream release.  I had been holding off until some merges landed, but you couldn't have known that18:46
mterryseb128, do you know who on the the Desktop team is going to the GNOME Boston Summit?18:47
seb128mterry, no worry, it took like 10min and the issue was annoying me personally ;-)18:47
seb128mterry, you?18:47
seb128mterry, otherwise nobody from Canonical I think18:48
mterryseb128, I plan to for some of it.  My Saturday is busy, but hopefully I'll pop in on Sunday/Monday18:48
seb128or desrt if you count him as Canonicaler18:48
seb128jbicha will be there as well18:48
mterryseb128, OK.  jbicha is going too now18:48
seb128mterry, https://live.gnome.org/Boston2012/Participants18:48
mterryoh whoops, should add myself I suppose18:48
seb128yeah :)18:49
chrisccoulsonah, i love being able to download an ISO in a little over 90 seconds :)18:58
mterryseb128, I'm going to look at some unassigned bugs from the q-tracking list unless you've got something special you want me to look at19:10
seb128mterry, nothing special, q-tracking or top errors.ubuntu.com issues19:10
seb128mterry, if you feel like doing gvfs hacking we have a gvfs-fuse errors out on double free when unmounting19:10
cyphermoxmterry: if you're familiar with online accounts I may need help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/104902819:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049028 in gnome-online-accounts "Unable to create gmail account" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:10
cyphermox(but it's just that I haven't gotten to it yet, busy with another ugly visible bug in evo)19:11
seb128cyphermox, mterry: we don't support goa, please upstream those issues but don't spend too much time on it19:11
chrisccoulsonis this "everyone assign work to mterry day" today?19:11
cyphermoxnah ;)19:11
cyphermoxseb128: will do19:12
cyphermoxit's just very very ugly and confusing, caused by two prominent checkboxes when adding accounts, and enabled by default ;)19:12
seb128did you try talking to mbarnes about it?19:13
mterryseb128, what's the double free bug?19:15
mterrybug 1053561 ?19:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1053561 in gvfs "gvfsd-fuse assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/gvfs//gvfsd-fuse: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00007f79a0022140 ***" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105356119:15
seb128mterry, bug #105356119:16
seb128mterry, bah, you got me ;-)19:16
seb128mterry, that and a stack of other issues19:16
seb128well, I think lot of recent bugs are the same issue19:16
seb128mterry, it seems to happen on unmount19:17
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