
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
jbichadpm: hey, so translators are filing typo bugs for ubuntu-docs, how should we handle that?13:39
dpmjbicha, are they glaring typos?13:40
jbichabug 1058565 probably is13:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058565 in ubuntu-docs "Incorrect strings about gwibber & music lenses in ubuntu-help quantal" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105856513:41
jbichaI didn't find/ask anyone to review the new pages I wrote so it's probably expected :(13:42
dpmhm, it's a bit of a tough one for docs. In order not to remove translations, the best thing would be to 1) download all translations (PO files) 2) do string replacement locally on the .POT file and on all .PO files for the wrong original string 3) Re-upload translations + .pot file13:43
jbichathat was a huge headache last time I had to do that13:45
jbichadon't we want to invalidate translations in this case since if they translated correctly, the translations will be wrong?13:45
=== 50UABSEYY is now known as trijntje
jbichadpm: I think that bug is worth fixing (those are brand new pages for quantal) and I don't think string replacement would help16:07
dpmjbicha, sorry for the delay, I was on the phone. Ah, if the translations are wrong too, then yeah, simply update the POT file16:09
dpmYeah, reading the bug that makes sense. So if you could just update the original strings as you'd do with any bug where you fix typos, and then update the .pot file and upload it manually, that should take care of it. If you could, it'd be great to send an e-mail to translators with a heads up.16:11
jbichaI can just use the automatic pot upload from our bzr branch, right? no need to upload manually if that works?16:12
dpmjbicha, you'll still need to update the POT on the Ubuntu source package. Translations are synced between upstream-downstream, but you need to have the identical set of strings on both16:30
dpmbut once you've updated the .pot on the branch, it is just a matter of fetching it and sticking it into the upload field for the source package in LP16:31
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew

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