
lapionso anyone try to install ubuntu-gnome over regular ubuntu08:29
smartboyhwlapion, oh what ppa?08:32
lapionno just install regular quantal b1, then install quantal-gnome b1 without formatting the fses08:33
* smartboyhw thinks it is b2 now:P08:34
lapionI meant b208:34
smartboyhwAh OK08:35
lapionhello smartboyhw..08:53
smartboyhwHello lapion08:53
darkxstlapion, just install ubuntu-gnome-desktop08:54
smartboyhwHello vibhav too08:54
lapionthe first time I got the gdm, but after logging in the X server got killed08:54
darkxstdo you have logs?08:54
lapionafter restart not oven gdm will start up..08:55
lapiononly the mouse cursor for the xserver starts..08:56
darkxstare you doing service gdm restart?08:56
lapionI can create logs at each startup..08:56
lapionyes darkxst08:56
darkxstthat is a known problem08:56
darkxstif you do stop, then wait a sec and do start it will work08:57
lapionals trying gdm sto, gdm start..08:57
lapionI mean stop gdm , start gdm08:57
darkxstwhich works? yes?09:00
* smartboyhw decides not to install it for now:P09:01
darkxstsmartboyhw, how we going to fix it, if no one tests it!09:02
smartboyhwdarkxst, well fix it then I'll test it:P09:03
lapiondarkxst after the first gdm bailout, will not start up again09:03
darkxstlapion, enable gdm debugging (/etc/gdm/custom.conf)09:04
darkxstthen file a bug with ubuntu-bug gdm after it crashes09:05
darkxsthopefully that will also attach the gdm logs, but if not they are in /var/log/gdm/$DISPLAY.log09:05
vsraoAfter an update, the X server has problems starting. I can login through the CLI mode, but if I switch back, it freezes. Is this a known issue? Also, colord faults a lot.10:00
smartboyhwwelcome jbicha13:42
lapionTo all developers, thank you very much for returning the old tried and true unity killer gnome 2 look.14:11
lapionmy next upgrade will be to ubuntu-gnome I was allready thinking about going back to the 'ol trusty slackware what with the 14.0 release...14:13
lapionmost probably14:13
jbichaI don't think many are aware that the Ubuntu GNOME Remix includes GNOME Classic so tell your friends14:20
jbichaEdubuntu includes it also14:20
jbichaI don't know if we'll always include it though; that depends on demand I guess14:21
lapionmaybe the big problem is that people who tended to use the menu where mostly people that tended to not allow usage feedback due to security concerns I guess...14:25
lapionI prefer the menu because it frees the creative part of the mind to do the actual working.14:29
lapionand since image recognition requires more processing time then letter recognition I would prefer using less mind computing time on medial tasks such as remembering what that applications icon looks like again.14:31
jbichaI need to see how much space GNOME Classic takes on the image, if it's only a few MB then we probably should continue to include it14:36
lapionI do however miss the separation of System menu and application menu but that is not a ball-breaker14:40
lapionI however just found a nice bug, I cannot seem to get the gdm login anymore after a login with the last available desktop variant in the login list.14:43
lapionnot even changing password and a logout helps.14:43
lapionnvm I found the autologin disable setting, however, if someone where to logout once or twice I think the system should go to gdm-password screen.14:54
lapionI do however think there is a rather annoying security problem in the password changing dialog.14:57
lapionas soon as you leave the old password field the system already checks the password. Which opens a window to semi-brute-force password hacking.14:58
jbichalapion: oh, bug 1052453 should be fixed now15:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1052453 in Unity Greeter "Cannot click other sessions in unity-greeter" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105245315:00
jbichabut... that's only if you were using lightdm, not gdm15:00
lapiongdm is the default for ubuntu-gnome15:01
jbichaok, never mind that then15:01
lapionbut that problem is supposed to be solved simply by disabling auto-login15:01
jbichaif someone has physical access to your machine then they have access to everything on your machine15:01
lapionif autologin is set the system does not allow logging out15:02
jbichayeah, autologin isn't working quite right15:02
lapionYou have to disable and reenable autologin before you can logout15:14
lapionhow can I modify/add the panels, add/move applets etc etc?15:22

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