
bahman_azimii‏‏‫‫کسی راجع به فایل xorg.conf  میتونه کمکم کنه .‫‫من یک حساب جدید ساختم ولی تنظیمات صفحه نمایشو نگه نمیداره وهردفعه که واردش میشم باید از نو تنظیمش کنم.07:15
=== ashkan|away is now known as ashkan
anoNxeRoApplet, key miri daneshgah sharif rasi?! :D09:11
Appletsalam. khoobi? zang zadam goft hafteye dg hard biar filme ba keifiate behtaresho midam:D09:12
anoNxeRosalam Applet09:12
Appletage ye khorde keifiatesh bad bashe09:12
anoNxeRohalamo gerfti Applet !!!09:12
anoNxeRoin che vazishe akhe!!09:12
Appletsariian tabdil mishe be torrent09:12
anoNxeRoman goftam khod sozi darim!09:12
anoNxeRofaghat lebase rangi ina naposh09:13
anoNxeRochon michabonanet be ye hezboiyo ina bad dige hame karat bi faydast09:13
AppletCBT zadam vase dl09:14
Appletdame shoma garm09:14
anoNxeRoghamet kam Applet09:15
anoNxeRosay kon berooz bashe09:15
AppletCBT Nuggets linux series09:16
Applettarikh nadare09:16
anoNxeRoyeseri has to khone09:16
anoNxeRobet hashesho midam09:17
anoNxeRoonaro ham bebin bedardet mikhore09:17
anoNxeRoclientet ba hash kar mikone?09:17
anoNxeRochi masraf mikni Applet ?09:17
Applethame chi?09:18
Applethame chi:d09:18
anoNxeRona manzoram clientet bood09:18
anoNxeRochi has09:18
anoNxeRotransmission mage ba hash hamkar mikone?09:18
Appletmage kar nemikone?09:19
anoNxeRoengar nemikard :/09:19
anoNxeRoon dafe engar sare haminbash moshek dashtam09:19
Appletba bittorrent kar mikone?09:20
anoNxeRoonam nemidonam Applet09:20
anoNxeRoshayad ba transmission karkone09:20
anoNxeRoman motmaen nistam09:20
anoNxeRoare vuze kar mide09:21
anoNxeRoman khodam deluge masraf mikonam09:21
Appletkhob miram roo Vuze09:21
anoNxeRoon support mikone09:21
Appletagha ye soal09:23
Appletba bleachbit kar kardii?09:23
anoNxeRo!ask | Applet09:23
lubotu3`Applet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:23
anoNxeRoApplet, nicketo register kon10:47
anoNxeRoApplet, /MSG nickserv help register10:48
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3
=== ashkan is now known as ashkan|away
=== ashkan|away is now known as ashkan
=== ashkan is now known as ashkan|away

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