
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
=== smb` is now known as smb
* cking waves to smb08:09
* smb waves his coffee mug back08:09
ckingah coffeeeeeee08:11
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=== amitk-afk is now known as amitk
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
* cking re-configs his network.. maybe off line for a while10:25
=== doko_ is now known as doko
* henrix hates his ISP!12:40
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
rtgjsalisbury, need to reboot tangerine for kernel update. you doing anything ?14:27
jsalisburyrtg, not currently.  Thanks for the heads up.14:28
rtgjsalisbury, you've got a couple of open sessions14:28
rtgppisati, ^^14:28
jsalisburyrtg, just some bisects.  I can re-open them.  I keep track of them locally.14:28
ppisatirtg: go ahead14:29
* ogasawara back in 2014:48
cjwatsonHi.  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118007057/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-armhf.debian-installer_20101020ubuntu179_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is a kernel packaging problem.  Anyone know what happened to crypto-modules in linux-armadaxp?14:51
rtgcjwatson, crypto-modules were explicitly excluded in Ike's tree, though no explanation was given. debian.armadaxp/d-i/exclude-modules.armhf-armadaxp:crypto-modules15:02
rtgthe tree that he has made public is not up to date with what has been most recently uploaded15:03
cjwatsonOK, that may be correct as far as it goes (perhaps all the modules are built in), but in that case I need debian.armadaxp/d-i/package-list to gain a "Provides: crypto-modules" in the "Package: kernel-image" paragraph15:04
cjwatsonikepanhc: ^-15:04
rtgcjwatson, this is a HWE owned kernel, so I'll bug Jani who uploaded last.15:04
ikepanhccjwatson: rtg: ACK15:05
cjwatsonCan't really fix it otherwise - this is one of the special cases that has to exist15:05
rtgikepanhc, I assume you and jani will work this out ?15:06
ikepanhcrtg: yes, I will file the bug first15:06
* cking --> runs some errands16:01
* ppisati -> gym16:14
* rtg -> lunch17:19
kamalmjg59: hi Matthew!   in drivers/platform/x86/dell-wmi.c why is KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE set to KE_IGNORE?   on my XPS 13, the keyboard backlight fkey toggle works anyway (mostly), but if I do change that to KE_KEY, then I also get a pretty OSD notification bubble thingie.17:23
bjfsforshee, that latest test kernel has been working really well so far. no major issues.17:40
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
infinityikepanhc: Around?17:59
infinityikepanhc: The 3.5.0 armadaxp kernel is missing the crypto-modules and mouse-modules udebs.18:01
infinityikepanhc: Oh, I see cjwatson already brought it up.18:01
cjwatsonI didn't notice mouse-modules.18:02
cjwatsonNot sure that's so important since I don't think any non-modules udebs depend on it.18:02
infinitycjwatson: I was just comparing 3.2.0 to 3.5.0 in rmadison.18:02
infinitycjwatson: mouse-modules may or may not be an issue.18:02
cjwatsond-i currently uses it unconditionally in netboot/gtk.18:02
cjwatsonHowever, that isn't built in any flavour we care about.18:03
infinityYeah, but I'm not sure we build that.18:03
cjwatsonSo only crypto-modules matters.18:03
infinityHrm, I clearly didn't commit my d-i change.  yay conflicts.18:06
sforsheebjf, good, seems I'm on the right track then18:07
sforsheebjf, I started completely rewriting the brcmsmac queueing code this morning18:07
sforsheebjf, there are still a few issues I'm aware of in the kernel you're running18:08
ikepanhcinfinity: and also mouse-modules?18:12
infinityikepanhc: Well, mouse-modules is missing compared to 3.2.0, but perhaps not a big deal either, as pointed out above, since we don't build the GTK d-i bits anyway.18:13
cjwatsonYeah, really don't care about that.18:13
ikepanhcinfinity: I can upload 3.5.0-1602.4 with crypto-modules generated18:13
ikepanhcinfinity: where I shall upload it18:14
infinityikepanhc: That would be lovely.18:14
infinityikepanhc: Straight to the release pocket is fine.18:14
infinityikepanhc: Assuming it really isn't an ABI bump...18:14
ikepanhcinfinity: no abi bumped18:14
infinity(Which seems odd, if you're changing configs)18:14
* ikepanhc checks again .dsc and .changes18:15
rtginfinity, prolly no config changes, just udeb packaging BS18:15
infinityrtg: ;)18:16
cjwatsonHey, I never wanted it to be handled by the kernel packaging in the first place. :-P18:17
cjwatson(But I was overruled and it's probably unreasonable to revert that now)18:17
rtgcjwatson, really ? did that argument predate me ?18:17
cjwatson(Especially since Debian has since done the same)18:17
cjwatsoner, yes18:17
cjwatsonIt was from the Herbert era18:18
rtghuh, I never thought packaging udebs in the kernel made sense18:18
cjwatsonIt saves an extra upload cycle every time18:18
cjwatsonSo there is some rationale to it18:18
* henrix -> EOD18:20
ikepanhccjwatson: uploaded, will check how it build tomorrow first thing18:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
* rtg -> EOD20:32
AquilasHey guys my program is accessing a kernel module to read/write to a proc file. Within the code of the module(kernel space) I need to get the current thread id. I have process id. Does anyone know how to get this?21:22
bjfsforshee, still around?21:34
mjg59kamal: Good question! I think that came from Dell.22:21

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