
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
dholbachgood morning06:26
obounaimdoes Ubuntu sync "connman" form Debian I have some conflicts when merging from Debian?06:43
obounaimHow to resolve bzr conflicts when merging from Debian please?07:03
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cjwatsonLaney: Did you get anywhere with debugging the haskell-cmdargs segfault on armhf?09:21
Laneyoh, no, I kept putting it off :(09:21
LaneyI managed to reproduce it, but not even consistently09:22
Laneysome of (dpkg-buildpackage, runhaskell Setup.lhs ..., cabal install) worked and some didn't09:22
Laneycjwatson: At this point, given that I fail to get round to doing it, if you're inclined you could just submit what we've got upstream and promise that we'll try to reduce it down if they need it09:25
cjwatsonIf it's unreproducible we could just throw it at the buildd until it works? :-)09:25
Laneyit always fails on the buildd09:26
Laneywell, from what i've seen anyway09:26
Laneygive it back if you want, won't hurt09:26
cjwatsonTrying for laughs09:27
Laneyyou could munge d/rules to increase verbosity for a potentially more useful bug report09:27
xnoxI did build haskell-cmdargs and it failed consistently in the sbuild for me =/09:27
Laneyok, maybe I tried to do incremental builds to narrow it down and it started succeeding or something09:28
Laneysorry, I've not been very useful on this09:28
* Laney should ask for some +1 time09:28
cjwatsonIt's certainly sitting in   /usr/lib/ghc/lib/ghc -B/usr/lib/ghc --make -o dist-ghc/build/cmdargs/cmdargs -hide-all-packages -fbuilding-cabal-package -no-user-package-conf -package-conf dist-ghc/package.conf.inplace -i -idist-ghc/build/cmdargs/cmdargs-tmp -i. -idist-ghc/build/autogen -Idist-ghc/build/autogen -Idist-ghc/build/cmdargs/cmdargs-tmp -optP-include -optPdist-ghc/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -odir ...09:30
cjwatson... dist-ghc/build/cmdargs/cmdargs-tmp -hidir dist-ghc/build/cmdargs/cmdargs-tmp -stubdir dist-ghc/build/cmdargs/cmdargs-tmp -package-id base- -package-id filepath- -package-id process- -package-id template-haskell- -package-id ...09:30
cjwatson... transformers- -O -XHaskell98 ./Main.hs   for a long time09:30
cjwatsonYeah, same failure on ishigaq09:58
cjwatsonLaney: I'm not sure I have enough haskell context to know what to send upstream, even ...09:59
Laneycjwatson: OK, never mind, leave it with me09:59
cjwatsonOK, thanks :-/10:00
Laneyno worries, thanks for re-raising10:01
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geserjtaylor: do you have time to fix the qtemu FTBFS from the archive rebuild? it looks like a missing "#include <unistd.h>"12:09
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ESphynx2Hey guys... How do we get a package moved to the proper section? :) http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/quantal/misc/ecere-sdk  should be in devel, I wondered how it ended up in Misc? The control file said devel and in Debian it's in http://packages.debian.org/experimental/devel/16:37
ESphynx2Oh no it's also in misc for the Source package in debian :|16:39
geserin Debian the archive admins may override the section (which they apparently did), but Ubuntu uses the info from the control file16:40
ESphynx2geser: Control file says https://github.com/ecere/sdk/blob/ppa/debian/debian/control16:40
ESphynx2Section: devel16:40
ESphynx2The binary packages are in the proper section... just the source that's in misc :|16:41
geserRhonda: ^^ can you help ESphynx2?16:44
jtaylorgeser: looking16:46
ESphynx2thanks guys16:46
jtaylormeh more issues than just unistd ._.16:51
ESphynx2unistd? :|16:52
geserESphynx2: not you, different issue16:53
ESphynx2oh :)16:53
jtaylormh #define error(...) before system file includes, the question is now, intentional or bug ._.16:54
obounaimWhat the best thing someone can do now to help with Ubuntu 12.10 release?17:03
jtaylorobounaim: testing is always good17:07
jtaylorobounaim: you could also to go over this list and check if there is something worth syncing: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/multidistrotools/universe.html#outdatedinB17:08
jtaylorspeaking of it I should start getting to work on my action item ._.17:08
jtaylorobounaim: if you know how, there also many build failures to fix: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/17:09
geseror from the archive test rebuild: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20120922-quantal.html17:10
obounaimthanks to all of you17:12
cjwatsonESphynx2: sections aren't really that important or well-maintained17:24
ESphynx2cjwatson: I was just curious why the source section didn't get picked up properly :|17:26
ESphynx2They help when you're looking for a package though...17:27
cjwatsonsource sections even less well-maintained in general :-)17:28
cjwatsonThe upstream control file is irrelevant - it's the one in the Debian source package that matters17:28
cjwatsonAnyway, I've overridden the source section to devel for you now17:29
ESphynx2cjwatson: Ah thanks, but yeah the Debian source package control file is the one I was referring to...17:30
cjwatsonIt'll show up properly in the Ubuntu archive after the next publisher run17:30
ESphynx2thanks cjwatson17:31
ESphynx2http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/e/ecere-sdk/ecere-sdk_0.44.01-1.debian.tar.gz -- that does say Section: devel in there17:32
ESphynx2just wondering how it all happened :P17:32
cjwatsonDon't know then17:32
cjwatsonSuppose it could be a Launchpad bug17:32
ESphynx2cjwatson: But even on Debian it also shows up under misc for Sources17:33
ESphynx2i.e. http://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/misc/ecere-sdk17:33
cjwatsonThat suggests then that the Debian ftpmasters overrode it to misc17:33
cjwatsonWhich probably explains why https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/ecere-sdk/0.44.01-1 shows misc too17:33
cjwatsonSo probably not an LP bug17:33
cjwatsonNot something I care enough about to investigate further really :)17:34
ESphynx2Well, at least it's gonna be in the right Ubuntu section :P So thanks :)17:34
ESphynx2I'll bring it up with the Debian guys :P17:35
DktrKranzESphynx2, cjwatson: recent changes to dak set source overrides as misc/extra17:39
DktrKranzby default17:40
DktrKranzthis is to address debian #62639417:42
ubottuDebian bug 626394 in ftp.debian.org ""Priority: source" in Sources" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62639417:42
cjwatsonSeems conceptually unrelated though I can see why they happened together17:43
cjwatsonAlso slightly unfortunate if people really are attempting to browse by section in the packages.* web interfaces17:43
DktrKranzsections could be removed for good in the future17:45
DktrKranzbut I don't think that will happen so soon17:46
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ESphynx2All source packages become misc ?18:19
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jtaylorwhats up with pwlib, huge installation numbers in popcon but almost zero vote18:51
jtaylordid something in the past pull that thing in?18:52
jtaylora rverse-depends can check multiple series nice18:52
RhondaESphynx2: When uploading a package to Debian with an "override mismatch" one gets a mail that explains what to do.  I think it's a mail to the ftpmasters, or a bugreport against ftp.debian.org, but it's written in the mail after the upload …20:03
ESphynx2Rhonda: I didn't notice any such mail or 'override mismatch' ? :|20:08
RhondaWell, if the control file says different than the pool, there *is* some override mismatch. :)20:09
RhondaThe override file is where the actual information is taken from into which section to put a package.20:09
RhondaAnd it's controlled by the ftpmasters.20:10
cjwatsonESphynx2: You'd only have received it if you're the Debian maintainer of the package.20:12
cjwatsonWhich is not clear to me from the above.20:12
ESphynx2cjwatson: I am...20:19
cjwatsonThen I don't know.20:19
ESphynx2where is that damn override file :P20:20
ESphynx2It's just on the FTP? (i.e. not inside any of the downloadable tarballs?)20:20
cjwatson/indices/ in the archive20:21
cjwatsonThough that's a reflection of database state20:21
ESphynx2hmm no 'experimental' there?20:22
ESphynx2In the override.sid.main, there is ecere-sdkoptionaldevel in there ... but it's just the source package that's wrongly placed20:23
cjwatsonI think you want to be asking on a Debian channel at this point, really.  (No, I don't have a specific suggestion.)20:26
ESphynx2right. thanks guys.20:29
jtaylorwhats the best way to do version comparison in a shell22:27
jtaylorso that 2.10 > 2.922:27
jtaylorwithout dpkg --compare version so its upstream suitable22:29
mfischcan someone confirm that the upstream link for this package looks incorrect before I break it?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/owncloud22:55
jtayloryes that looks wrong23:02
mfischjtaylor: thanks, I'll break the link23:03
jtaylormade some hack with cut and lots of if's23:12
jtaylorthis version comparison business should have been sorted out decades ago ._.23:12

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