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Wyleyrabbitcan anyone suggest a place to get help with an LTS upgrade problem?00:58
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: this is a good place for you01:08
Wyleyrabbitpmatulis, really? I asked a question about an hour ago and got no response.01:09
WyleyrabbitOK, I upgraded a server from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS, and now my database-driven website doesn't work.01:09
Wyleyrabbitseems the CMS (Called MODx) cannot create a database connection.01:10
Wyleyrabbitnot sure if related, but an apache module called "fcgi" continually segfaults.01:11
Wyleyrabbiteverything was working before the upgrade.01:11
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pmatulisWyleyrabbit: when you try to start apache it doesn't work or only crashes when it is solicited/used?01:15
Wyleyrabbitonly when solicited01:15
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: and solicited using mysql/php?01:16
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: i would begin by looking for error messages in mysql/php logs01:17
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: does mysql start?01:17
WyleyrabbitApache logs show lots of these:01:17
Wyleyrabbit"[error] mod_fcgid: process /home/domain/fcgi-bin/php5.fcgi(30368) exit(communication error), get signal 11, possible coredump generated"01:17
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: i would begin by assuring that mysql and php are in good shape, then look at apache side01:18
Wyleyrabbityeah, Mysql starts fine.01:18
Wyleyrabbitand I can install and use an old version of the CMS.01:18
Wyleyrabbitseems the new version uses "xpdo" or something to talk to database, and that seems to be a problem now.01:19
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: ah ok, when you upgrade your cms everything goes pear-shaped?01:19
Wyleyrabbitha ha ha01:19
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: is that the case?01:20
Wyleyrabbitjust testing exactly that.01:20
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: ok01:20
Wyleyrabbitset up a new subdomain for testing, installed version 1.x of cms, and it worked fine.01:20
Wyleyrabbitwill know in about 3 minutes about upgrading to 2.x01:20
Wyleyrabbitpmatulis, argh. php having issues. Setup for Modx 2.x is saying date.timezone setting isn't set (it is!!!).01:30
Wyleyrabbitanybody know where php5 logs its errors (in Ubuntu 12.04)?01:35
pmatulisWyleyrabbit: i believe that is set in the main/global PHP config file.  forget where that is.  you shouold also be able to increase verbosity in the same file (if needed)01:37
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pmatulisWyleyrabbit: but it's prolly a known issue.  might head over to the modx community (if it exists)01:40
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pentagonHow is it making a reverse vnc connection past ufw05:10
pentagon37.9.53.2RURussian Federation66Saint Petersburg CitySaint Petersburg59.894430.2642Petersburg Internet Network ltd.Petersburg Internet Network ltd.05:18
planetwhat is the quickest way of stripping ubuntu server of everything not needed for the bare system to run05:50
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sanderjWhen I boot ubuntu 12.04 it says I cant find "bnx2-mips-09-6.2.1a.fw"08:47
sanderj,  but it's located inside /tmp/lib/firmware/3.2.0-24-generic/bnx208:47
sanderjI'm wondring how I repack initrd08:49
RoyKsanderj: man mkinitramfs08:51
sanderjRoyK, when I extracted the initrd. The file it was complaining about is there. Do you know what could be wrong then?08:52
jacobwhi, i'm trying to make a preseed, how can i generate a hash to use at the root password value?09:14
melmothmkpasswd ?09:20
RoyKjacobw: using that alone, only generates the des-56-encrypted password - better use -m something-cool10:01
sanderjHow do I create a mkinitramfs for a diffrent architecture? mkinitramfs only does it on the same.10:13
sanderjIs it just a matter of spesifying the correct kernel?10:17
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eagles0513875_hey guys i have dovecot + postfix for email how can i set it up to use multiple domains ?10:51
mldeagles0513875: tried googling it? have a look at http://library.linode.com/email/postfix/dovecot-mysql-ubuntu-10.04-lucid10:56
mldeagles0513875: here's another take on it: http://www.exratione.com/2012/05/a-mailserver-on-ubuntu-1204-postfix-dovecot-mysql/10:57
ikoniaeagles0513875: you've set this up befor e- we've been thorugh it before10:57
ikoniawhy are you not doing the same as your server that worked10:57
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hallynsmb: awesome, good idea on the saddr=daddr=0 patch :)13:01
smbhallyn, It is a bit poking in the mud... At least it works with the testcase... :-P13:02
hallynsmb: do you have a kernel built in ppa?13:03
hallynstgraber and SpamapS were able to hit it very quickly, so confirmation from them would go a long way (of course 'i didn't hit it' won't be "proof" :)13:04
smbhallyn, No I only got 64bit testkernel debs right now which will puke a lot of messages13:04
smbI could shove them over to people if they want to13:04
hallynsmb: i think it'd worthwhile13:05
hallyn(given what you'd posted in the bugzilla before)13:05
smbstgraber, SpamapS, hallyn, http://people.canonical.com/~smb/clonetst13:06
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stgrabersmb: thanks! I'll try that one once I'm done going through my e-mails.13:20
randomDudeJust physically moved server location, one of my cloud servers had a firewall rule allowing ssh access only from a specific ip address (which i no longer have access to), I do however have the cloud server offlined and its harddrive attached to a recovery server and mounted at /mnt/recovery... can I edit a file to reset the firewall rules ?13:20
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hallynrandomDude: depends how you were loading the rule before.  if using ufw, check ufw-framework manpage13:46
randomDudehallyn: it was with zentyal13:46
randomDudeperhaps if i put a `ufw reset` somewhere in the init scripts after zentyal has loaded all its bits?13:47
stgrabersmb: running your test kernel now, will do a bit of stresstest today (rebuilding all my test containers, playing with arkose/lxc-start-ephemeral to see if I can make something bad happen)13:56
smbstgraber, Ok cool. Lets see what happens. Though I somewhat still hope to get some upstream feedback... :)13:57
smbDaviey, Seems you where not adventurous last Friday... ;)14:03
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Davieysmb: oh?14:17
Davieythe upload, ah :)14:18
ziggyzeroCan anybody help me with installing mod_proxy_html v3.1 so I get rid of the Invalid command 'ProxyHTMLEnable', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration error message14:37
mercsniperDo you know how to compile from source?14:38
ziggyzeromercsniper: sorry I was trying to ask the same question in httpd too14:40
ziggyzeromercsniper: but it won't let me post :-(14:41
mercsniperI have no idea on httpd channel14:41
mercsniperbut do you know how to compile?14:41
ziggyzeromercsniper: I've seen instructions on how to compile the c source using the apache module compiler but I have not done it before, no.14:42
mercsniperI have not compiled with apache, but I know how to compile using gcc14:42
ziggyzeromercsniper: I am paranoid about breaking apache2 package that I installed via apt-get :-|14:42
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ziggyzeromercsniper: basically I just want to proxy to an internal web server, but atm it's redirecting to absolute paths14:43
ziggyzeromercsniper: I am led to believe that mod_proxy_html 3.1 will resolve the issue but apt-get repository only has 3.0.1114:44
mercsnipersee this http://www.apachetutor.org/admin/reverseproxies14:45
SpamapSsmb: installing your test kernel now14:47
ziggyzeromercsniper: He's using Apache 2.2 and mod_proxy_html 3.114:48
ziggyzeromercsniper: I also want to use mod_proxy_html 3.114:49
mercsniperthat article details how to install the module with the apxs command14:49
ziggyzeromercsniper: ProxyHTMLEnable On   and ProxyHTMLURLMap  /      /app1/ are the lines are need14:50
ziggyzeromercsniper: Ah, I see the section 'Building Apache for Proxying'14:51
mercsniperthen after that section it mentions how to compile the module14:51
mercsniperusing apxs14:51
ziggyzeromercsniper: I am paranoid about breaking apache2 package :-|14:52
mercsniperhow would you break it14:52
mercsniperthe module is only activated if you have the ProxyHTMLEnable on14:53
mercsniperbuilding the module will not inherantly break it14:53
mercsniperthe apxs command just builds it14:53
mercsniperbut you need to know if your version has the apxs command by14:53
mercsniper"which apxs"14:53
ziggyzeromersniper: I don't have apxs installed. Also not in the repository14:55
ziggyzeromercsniper: I also have another problem (unrelated to the proxy one)14:57
ziggyzeromercsniper: I have a SAMBA share setup on another server. I automount this in FSTAB, which works fine14:58
ziggyzeromercsniper: I map this using an account called Bill with 755 privilges.14:59
ziggyzeromercsniper: But when Bill created files and folders on the share the privileges it creates them with is 700, but I want 755 so others have readonly access15:00
mercsniperto install apxs: http://knowledge-republic.com/CRM/2011/09/ubuntu-missing-apxs-fo-compile-apache-module/15:00
ziggyzeromercsniper: Thanks mercsniper, I'll install that now15:01
ziggyzeromercsniper: on my other issue the automount command I am using is: // /mnt/docs cifs auto,iocharset=utf8,uid=bill,gid=staff,credentials=/root/.cifscredentials,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755 0 015:02
ziggyzeromercsniper: but when bill creates files they are created with 700. The umask is showing as 0022. Any advise also appreciated15:02
SpamapSsmb: any help on how I can run that test kernel of yours with bcmwl ?15:11
SpamapSsmb: I get a build failure from dkms complaining about GPL/non-GPL15:11
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smbSpamapS, Did you install all of the debs? I am cheating there a bit because it would otherwise need an ABI bump15:18
SpamapSsmb: yes installed them all15:23
SpamapSsmb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1254068/15:23
SpamapSsmb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1254069/15:24
SpamapSsmb: second one is the dkms fail15:24
smbSpamapS, Hm, ok. Can you paste me the error that dkms complains about? Wonder whether it is because of the the lockdep enablement... ok thanks15:24
SpamapSsmb: can I assume then that I can't just cheat and copy the one from -16?15:26
smbSpamapS, Yeah sounds like wl cannot be compiled when the kernel has lockdep enabled. *sigh*15:26
smbSpamapS, Nothing guaranteed but its worth a try15:26
smbThough I fear that the module abi hashes don't match and so it won't work15:27
SpamapSsmb: can I just lie to dkms that wl is gpl compatible somehow?15:27
SpamapSI promise I won't distribute wl.ko to anybody except me ;)15:27
smbSpamapS, Never tried it... not sure its enough to modify the MODULE_LICENSE line in the source code, but you could try15:29
* smb did not say that and denies any recollection of the incident15:30
* xnox that's what she said.... we have logs!15:30
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CharlieSuHi all.  I'm running Ubuntu Server on one of my servers that acts as a SFTP server and I'm noticing that it is starting to take a long time to login.  The console-kit-daemon process is eating up a lot of CPU.  What does this process do?15:36
holsteinlogin? or boot?15:36
Jeeves_CharlieSu: Good question. I've been wondering about that for some years now15:37
Jeeves_No manual entry for console-kit-daemon15:37
SpamapSsmb: well I don't have any non-bcmwl machines here.. so, can't test your kernel. :-/ (changing MODULE_LICENSE caused breakage elsewhere)15:38
chmacHow can I disable the auto update check? Can only find instructions that involve clicking in the forums, etc.15:39
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/172524/how-can-i-check-if-automatic-updates-are-enabled seems relevant chmac15:41
SpamapSsmb: hang on, don't start a non-lockdep build or anything, I might have it..15:43
smbSpamapS, Oh I was not (even yet) ;)15:43
SpamapSok booted and testing now15:46
CharlieSuJeeves_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/consolekit/+bug/28422915:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 284229 in consolekit "console-kit-daemon using a lot of cpu" [High,Fix released]15:47
chmacholstein: Awesome, that looks like exactly the ticket, thanks a lot. :-)15:50
stgraberhallyn: FYI (not sure it's really worth spending a lot of time on), having commented fstab entries make lxc-start-ephemeral fail, at least on 12.0415:50
stgraberhallyn: found that out while helping one of the unity guys debug a broken lxc :)15:50
SpamapSsmb: [  701.391431] unregister_netdevice: waiting for lo to become free. Usage count = 215:56
SpamapSsmb: not fixed :(15:57
SpamapSroot     13315  0.0  0.0  27532  1112 ?        Ds   08:57   0:00 lxc-start --daemon -n clint-local-ci-u2-0 -l DEBUG -o /home/clint/.juju/data/clint-loc15:57
smbSpamapS, It would be nice if you could send me the full dmesg somewhere15:57
smbCould be just not the case of daddr=saddr=015:58
SpamapS[  821.326828] rt-key: hash=fa11 daddr=7259bd5b saddr=600a8c0 oif=015:59
SpamapSsmb: recreate with base LXC tools..   lxc-create -n foo -t ubuntu-cloud -- -r precise  ; lxc-start -n foo ; lxc-stop -n foo ; lxc-destroy -n foo ; # Usage count = 2 starts printing16:03
smbSpamapS, Yeah, I guess that means that preventing any route is not the way forward... Rather needs the route cache purged at some point...16:05
SpamapSsmb: is there a command that can be run to purge the route cache manually?16:06
smbSpamapS, Maybe /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush...16:07
smbechoing 1 into16:08
SpamapSsmb: that doesn't seem to do anything unfortunately :-/16:08
smbSpamapS, Darn, ok, back to thinking... But thanks for testing16:10
SpecialEdHi, would anyone know of a good Ubuntu 12.04 VPS hosting company that is physically located in Amsterdam?  I am hoping to configure this VPS to receive LVM Snapshots of my production VPS for use as a failover. I currently have a VPS hosted in France $15USD/mo 512MB RAM, 100GB HDD, 100Mbps uplink...     If this is NOT the place to ask I apologize, any suggestions where I should ask would16:15
SpecialEdbe greatly appreciated!  Thanks :)16:15
RoyKSpecialEd: I don't think it's the politically correct place to ask, but I don't know if too many bothers - why does it have to be in Amsterdam, when the internet contains so many other species?16:18
SpecialEdI like the netherlands :)16:21
SpecialEdfor real, its a customer request, don't understand the full scope of it to be honest16:22
SpecialEdsomething to do with needing to have a hot site that is specifically so many miles away16:22
SpecialEdand I know what you were thinking :P16:22
RoyKreally, all I was thinking was that it doesn't matter much for me where a VPS is, physically, so long as the setup is stable and latency isn't too bad16:23
SpecialEdmay I ask what country your from?16:24
SpecialEdIm in the states, and I used to work for a data backup company that was all ubuntu driven creating Windows VMs and storing them in an 8 petabyte cloud16:24
SpecialEdso, given the country your from I can probably tell you reasons why physical location matters (mostly to idiot auditors and government regulations)16:25
SpecialEdbut I personally think at your level with that :)  as a veteran of the disaster recovery field I can tell you that 80-90 % of disasters are the result of human stupidity :)16:26
bananapieI used the network interfaces on my ubuntu 10.04 to setup network bonding. I have eth1 and eth3 as slaves. I am using active backup ( mode 1 ), when the server boots it uses eth3 as the primary and eth1 as the backup. I want eth1 as the primary and eth3 as the backup. Anyone know how I can fix this ?16:36
SpecialEdnot sure what the best suggestion would be, but maybe fooling the NIC order in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  ?16:38
sarnoldbananapie: I was thinking vaguely along SpecialEd's line of thought, though thought about fiddling with the order in /etc/network/interfaces16:38
SpecialEdyeah network interfaces would definitely be the place to start16:39
bananapieYou think it's because eth3 is being brought up first ?16:39
RoyKwhat parses networking interfaces, btw?16:40
SpecialEdI dont mind building a 10.04 vm real fast to try for ya16:40
SpecialEdand I dont believe /etc/network/interfaces is parsable16:40
smoserkirkland, ping16:42
bananapiePhysically changing the wires at this point is complicated because the server is 350 kilometers away. I had a look at persistent rules, I see that eth1 and eth0 are listed before eth2 and eth316:42
SpecialEdsorry, can't do the VM, just realized i dont have my host machine's second nic available16:42
bananapieeth1 is using tg3 ( according to comment ) and eth3 is sundance ( according to the comment )16:42
SpecialEdu mind doing a pastebin of /etc/network/interfaces  ?16:43
SpecialEdI've had to deal with VERY remote network troubleshooting like this, its like walking on eggshells ...16:43
bananapiefortunately, this machine has something called 'ilo' and is non-critical.16:44
SpecialEdactually i can bridge two virtual nics to a physical and replicate it16:44
SpecialEdyeah, but if it breaks it still sucks to have to troubleshoot it with an end user (if your lucky to have that )16:44
bananapiethe network interfaces file is the same as another machine, I think my problem is related to the difference in drivers on the cards.16:44
SpecialEdi got a 10.10 server 64bit ISO locally on this machine, that should be close enough to 10.04 i think16:45
bananapieYea, networking stuff doesn't change a lot16:45
RoyKSpecialEd: 10.10 isn't supported anymore, though16:47
SpecialEdyeah b/c 10.04 was lts16:47
* RoyK only uses LTS for servers16:47
SpecialEdbut since im gonna try and replicate his issue real fast in a vm it should be close enough16:47
SpecialEdfor this issue16:48
SpecialEdyeah, I'm pretty much all 12.04 myself right now16:48
bananapieI am hoping to migrate to 12.04 on my servers in the new year.16:48
RoyKI still have a few machines/VMs on 10.04 and even an old hardy installation16:48
SpecialEdhardy was what 8.04 ?16:49
SpecialEdi think that was my first intro to ubuntu16:49
bananapieI had a hardy installation, we wiped it out this morning :D16:49
bananapiemy first intro was version 5 something, 5.10 maybe ?16:49
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RoyKproblem is - that hardy installation runs zimbra on 32bit and migrating that to 64bit is a PITA, so I haven't gotten around to it yet...16:50
SpecialEdstill installing the OS btw, almost done16:50
bananapieI think I found the problem, I think the network cards I installed don't support bonding properly and can not read the status of the card.16:51
hallynstgraber: is that with the bash or python version of lxc-start-ephemeral?16:51
bananapieand that's mixing up bonding16:51
* RoyK thought bonding was done in software...16:52
bananapieyea, but the monitoring ( miimon ) has hardware stuff, no ?16:52
RoyKbananapie: what sort of NICs are these?16:52
bananapie10/100 mbps pci cards ( it's an older server )16:52
RoyKwhat chipset?16:52
bananapieI think it's an HP DL380 g4, eth 3 is a cheapo card from an electronics store.16:53
RoyKlshw will tell16:53
bananapiehang on16:53
bananapieI think I found a solution.16:53
stgraberhallyn: bash16:54
SpecialEdare eth0 and eth2 in another bond?16:54
stgraberhallyn: python should be unafected (didn't try though)16:54
bananapieI am uploading my solution to pastebin16:56
SpecialEdvm is up16:57
SpecialEdim in bash shell16:57
SpecialEdand playing with it now16:57
bananapieI used bond-arp instead of bond-miimon, and it boots with the proper card. I think that whatever miimon is using is not working properly on the card.16:57
bananapieThanks for your guys' help :D16:58
SpecialEdnot sure bout this...16:59
SpecialEdshouldn't that line be:17:00
RoyKno, .0 is the network address with 24bit mask17:00
RoyKgateway is the address of the router on the network17:01
SpecialEdi can't test ur static route in there17:05
SpecialEdand im replicating ur config on a 10.17:05
SpecialEdfailed to bring up bond17:06
SpecialEd1 sec17:06
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bananapieThe file '/sys/devices/virtual/net/bond1/slave_eth3' contains 'unknown', it should say 'up'. Anyone know where I need to go next ?17:13
Davieyzul: wtf is openstack-resource-agents ?17:26
zulDaviey: its the openstack HA stuff that roaksoax was working on17:26
zulroaksoax: ^^^17:27
roaksoaxDaviey escoex talk al17:28
Davieyzul / roaksoax: bug 1054022 needs more data before i can even consider reviewing it.17:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1054022 in ubuntu "[FFe] [needs-packaging] openstack-resource-agents" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105402217:29
Davieyroaksoax: Has it been uploaded to Debian yet?17:29
roaksoaxthey are scripts that allow monitoring of openstack components in pacemaker based clusters17:29
roaksoaxDaviey not yet17:29
Davieyroaksoax: For universe ?17:29
vikramhello... I am using Tomcat 7.0.29 ... my question is why we need to restart tomcat after making configuration changes ( changes to .properties file ) ......???17:30
sarnoldvikram: does tomcat not provide a SIGHUP-style reload-configuration-please trigger?17:30
vikramsorry .... i am new to tomcat .... let me search it ..17:32
Davieyzul: ./run_tests .. -P .. what does the P do now?17:35
zulignores the pep8 tests17:36
adam_gjamespage: around?17:36
Davieyzul: oh, cool17:37
Davieyzul: is it not pep8 clean now?17:37
zulDaviey: it is but not for the version we ship in quantal/precise17:38
Davieyzul: suck17:38
vikramsarnold: r u talking about "reloadable" attribute of Tomcat's Context ??17:38
sarnoldvikram: most servers allow you to do something as simple as 'kill -SIGHUP `pidof servername`' and they'll reload their configuration file.17:40
jacobwi want to learn about juju, where's are the resources collated?17:41
vikramsarnold:  'kill -SIGHUP `pidof servername` means they will stop the server ... i want to apply configuration changes without restarting the server17:42
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sarnoldvikram: that's the thing; since the "modem hangup signal" doesn't mean anything to servers the clear majority of servers use SIGHUP to ask for configuration reload.17:43
sarnoldvikram: see here, the signal handler installed will catch SIGHUP and schedule a configuration file reload: http://www.mail-archive.com/tomcat-dev@jakarta.apache.org/msg11338.html17:47
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b0otWhat's the easiest way to keep email servers fully synced?18:26
Jeeves_Ehm, need more info18:27
Jeeves_define email servers18:27
b0otSo, when users send email it stores all the email until they are able to get online18:30
b0otessentiall store and forward messenging18:30
RoyKb0ot: all servers do that18:37
b0otRoyK, I need all the servers to fully duplicate all email though18:39
b0otso any user could connect to any server to get their mail18:39
RoyKthen you need some sort of cluster18:40
RoyKDRBD could do it, perhaps glusterfs, or if you're not worried about redundancy, NFS will work18:41
smoserDaviey, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-initramfs-tools/0.18-ubuntu1/+build/386916218:45
smoserdoes that need some "ack" ?18:46
smoserit has been built but not copied to archive for ~ 1 hour18:46
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Davieysmoser: yes, you can see because https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-initramfs-tools/0.18-ubuntu1 shows (New)19:03
Davieysmoser:  cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf_0.18-ubuntu1_all.deb19:03
smoserright. that is a new binary package.19:03
Davieysmoser: accepted19:04
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hallynzul: adam_g: hey, have either of you ever run into bug 985489?  if so, can you also repr it with lxc, or only kvm?19:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 985489 in nova "nova-compute stops processing compute.$HOSTNAME occasionally on libvirt" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98548919:34
zulhallyn: i havent but i dont run a canonistack in my basement19:34
stgrabersmb, SpamapS: flushing the route cache in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush would likely only work if done from the right network namespace19:37
stgraberso the idea might still work, it's just that you'd need to run that against the "stuck" network namespace, which is relatively tricky to do (especially as it's in a pretty weird state, so not sure we can actually attach to it)19:37
hallynzul:  i thought you did19:38
TLoTanyone here want to help confirm/refute a php5-fpm bug?19:38
TLoTjust asking because it being confirmed determines if i upstream it to debian :p19:39
zulhallyn: nope19:39
TLoThttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1059272  <-- for those who want to help see if this actually happens19:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1059272 in php5 "php5-fpm init.d script does not return when php5-fpm  is started or stopped" [Undecided,New]19:40
lamontanyone want to claim significant dnsmasq knowledge?19:40
hallynsmb: have you tried (a) bisecting or (b) reproducing the bug with and without the commit removing the routing cache?  (i.e. at commits 89aef8921b and 89aef8921b^) ?19:40
hallynzul: anyway i'm trying to decide if i need to try and do a full kvm based cluster to test (hoefully i can do that with 2 laptops?) or if i can do it with lxc with just one19:41
hallyni guess i'll try with lxc and see what i get19:41
zulhallyn: hmmm...i can try to reproduce it as well19:42
hallynzul: that'd be great.  i suspect it's present in precise and fixe din quantal.  (bc several nastybugs were solved there)19:46
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ziggyzeroHi does anybody know anything about libxml2?19:57
ziggyzeroI have run apt-get install libxml2 but it has not given me the file I need.19:59
ziggyzeroI was hoping to have /usr/lib/libxml2.so19:59
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hallynziggyzero: maybe /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so.2.8.0 ?  check 'dpkg -L libxml2' to see what files it ships20:14
ziggyzerohallyn: Thanks, found it at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so20:17
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SpamapSstgraber: is that something we could work into lxc-stop as a workaround?20:30
smw_Hi all, how can I regenerate the default config for a package?20:31
smw_I deleted my /etc/apache2 dir and I want to make it the default again20:31
stgraberSpamapS: not in lxc-stop but in lxc-start, probably. (lxc-stop essentially just pokes lxc-start asking it to kill the container)20:32
stgraberhallyn: ^20:32
SpamapSsmw_: its not generated, it is stored in the package.. you can remove the files and dpkg -i --force-confmiss file.deb ...20:32
SpamapSstgraber: *ah*20:32
stgraberhallyn: having lxc-start flush the routing tables of the netns (if not sharing the host's) when destroying the container20:32
smw_SpamapS, I don't have the deb file though...20:32
SpamapSstgraber: so perhaps as something to do right after tearing down the network, the route cache could be flushed? It seems like a reasonable workaround given the impact and nature of the kernel bug (and how close we are to kernel freeze.. ;)20:33
smw_SpamapS, and yes, I know it is not generated, I just want it to pretend it is installing apache2 for the first time20:33
SpamapSsmw_: you should be able to get it. It may even still be in /var/cache/apt/archives20:33
smw_ah, right20:33
smw_I guess I can just unzip the deb and install the etc files manually20:33
SpamapSsmw_: actually for that you can do  dpkg -i --force-confask --force-confnew apache-common_x.y.z-a_arch.deb20:35
smw_SpamapS, it works, thanks20:36
smw_sudo dpkg --force-confmiss -i apache2.2-common_2.2.22-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb20:36
hallynstgraber: worth a shot20:36
hallynstgraber: note that won't help in.vsftpd (which *should* have the problem too)20:37
hallynperhaps we can do it in the kernel, at exit_net_ns20:37
SpamapSthat seems more comprehensive20:38
SpamapSessentially if we know where the route cache causes problems, just flush it right after that point20:38
hallynsmb: ^ do you know offhand how you would do that?20:40
mkeysI have a ntfs formatted usb hard disk, /dev/sdc1 at the moment, and want to automount it at boot. It seems I must do a manual replug of the device for it to "see" the disk, it automounts it as /media/Seagate when I do. I snagged the uuid of the disk and put it in /etc/fstab, but like I said it doesn't see it without a manual replug and I'm forced to "press S to skip" at grub boot. Any suggestions?21:17
sarnoldmkeys: if you set the 'auto' column to '0', you'll at least avoid the "Press S to Skip" prompt. Perhaps it'll even magically mount once the USB modules have loaded? (perhaps they load after fstab has been parsed?)21:18
mkeysfstab line is : UUID=D6D4E78DD4E76E65 /usbhd ntfs defaults 0 021:20
mkeysuuid looks strange compared to the others, is that normal?21:20
sarnoldthat _is_ a funny looking UUID21:20
mkeysfrom blkid : /dev/sdc1: LABEL="Seagate Backup Plus Drive" UUID="D6D4E78DD4E76E65" TYPE="ntfs"21:21
mkeysmkeys@server:~$ sudo grub-probe -d /dev/sdc1 -t fs_uuid21:26
sarnoldmkeys: is sdc1 mentioned in your grub configuration?21:27
hallynstgraber: SpamapS: we can't exactly flush the caches from end of lxc-start, of course, bc 'exec' doesn't return.21:27
stgraberhallyn: hmm, right, so kernel would be our best bet (though I'm not fond of the idea of getting a workaround like that in the kernel)...21:29
stgraberSpamapS: I guess you could at least check that putting the flush line that smb gave you in a very late upstart job (in the shutdown sequence) indeed "fixes" it for you21:29
stgraberSpamapS: having a job that brings down all interfaces (ifdown -a) and then flushes the routing table should avoid the issue (if it's indeed where we think it's)21:30
mkeyssarnold : not that I can find21:30
hallynstgraber: well, we'd be saying "flush the routes from this netns", since the netns is going away presumably that should be done anyway21:30
sarnoldmkeys: makes me wonder if the UUID is being used at all by the tools. (Since it doesn't match the usual UUID format...) Perhaps try a /dev/disks/by-id/... link in the fstab instead?21:31
SpamapSstgraber: hm. so if that doesn't run and we forcibly stop a container.. there's no recovery except reboot. :(21:32
stgraberhallyn: indeed21:32
stgraberSpamapS: yeah, you'd have to live with lxc-shutdown for the time being21:33
hallynsmb` is probably eod, lemme go see if i can figure out whether what i'm saying even amkes any sense21:33
mkeyssarnold : so happens the uuid is the same in /dev/disk/by-uuid for sdc1. in by-id there's a wwn id for it21:33
mkeyswwn-0x5000cca34dd7edd6-part1 -> ../../sdb121:33
mkeyswhoops wrong one21:33
mkeyswwn-0x5000c50049a5812c-part1 -> ../../sdc121:33
sarnoldmkeys: aha, seagate :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Name21:37
sarnold(not that that means anything. It's just neat to find.)21:37
mkeyssarnold : works ok once it boots to desktop i can partprobe, mount -a, and then /usbhd/* exists21:39
SpamapSstgraber: thats pretty ugly. :-/21:40
sarnoldmkeys: that still sounds like a lot of work. :/21:40
mkeysdon't know how to force grub/kernel to look for it at boot21:40
SpamapShallyn: "netns is going away" ?21:40
hallynSpamapS: when the contaienr goes away, the netns goes away21:41
mkeyssarnold : hmm http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/17785.html21:43
sarnoldheh, I don't think I've ever added 'hotplug' to an fstab line before..21:44
hallynSpamapS: something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1254876/21:45
mkeysmust be a suse thing21:46
mkeysOct  1 17:45:51 server udevd[3783]: invalid rule '/etc/udev/rules.d/99-mount.rules:2'21:46
SpamapShallyn: makes sense to me21:49
hallynSpamapS: doing a test build;  i suspect the main question is: do we get to the point of freeing the struct net, and do that leaving route entries orphaned, or do we not get to that point (in which case my patch won't help) bc of the left-over entries?21:51
hallynbut it's worth a shot.  will get back to you21:51
SpamapShallyn: let me know if you want me to test21:52
SpamapShallyn: you can reproduce w/ lxc-stop right?21:52
hallynSpamapS: only once in a long while.  i'll shout if it works at all so you or stgraber can test :)21:54
mkeystesting hotplug, brb21:55
SpamapShallyn: I get it nearly every time21:55
hallynSpamapS: well while my build test runs, i went ahead and pushed to ppa:serge-hallyn/lxc-natty (figuring that wont' step on anyone's toes :)  so if it works it should be available there "in awhile"21:57
mkeysok, i take that back. partprobe does not see it. manual unplug/replug and then it shows up in dmesg22:16
mkeysis there a way to force a usb bus scan?22:18
mkeysI'll try modprobe usb-storage manually, brb22:19
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lamontsmoser: around?22:40
mkeysstill have no idea how to force a bus rescan. http://pastebin.com/27MNbwFd22:42
sarnoldmkeys: hrm, try udisks --poll-for-media /path/to/dev ? Perhaps that can poke the disk in the eye and get its attention?22:56
protoCall7Hi All, I am working with a Cobbler setup which has created a local repository mirror (via debmirror) for me, and I would like to add custom packages to it, however all of the documentation I'm finding is leading me to believe that this isn't really possible22:58
protoCall7could someone either confirm that, or point me in the right direction to research the proper way to go about doing this?22:58
sarnoldprotoCall7: probably easier is to run a separate repository for your own packages23:02
sarnold(since Releases.gz is signed and all that, trying to inject packages into a mirror sounds like more work than it is worth -- but setting up a new repository is not horrible)23:02
protoCall7sarnold:  That is accomplished using reprepro, correct?23:03
sarnoldprotoCall7: no idea about "reprepro" :) sorry23:04
protoCall7no worries, i23:04
protoCall7ve at least got a starting point for research23:04
sarnoldhave fun :)23:04
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