
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
didrockssil2100: good morning! How are you?06:58
sil2100didrocks: good morning - I'm a bit cold and tired, but fine - how about you?07:01
didrockssil2100: still coughing a little, but way better, thanks!07:02
didrockssil2100: will we have some tested compiz packages today?07:02
* didrocks wants to update today on ubuntu to have one less parameter for next unity release07:02
sil2100didrocks: yes ;)07:09
didrocksgreat! Any ETA?07:10
didrockssil2100: sorry, got disconnected07:14
didrocks09:10:05   didrocks | great! Any ETA?07:14
sil2100didrocks: I'll know everything soon, need to consult with popey07:36
didrockssil2100: ok, keep me posted ASAP so that I can organize my work :)07:37
davidcallempt, ping?08:19
davidcallempt, oops, nevermind, found what I was looking for :)08:20
mptdavidcalle, ok. :-) FWIW, I never respond to pings. I do respond to questions.08:20
didrocksmpt: I should have the same policy :)08:21
didrocksmpt: tired of "ping", then you answer "pong" and finally no answer for an hour :p08:22
thumpers'up mpt08:22
thumpermpt: I'm missing my marmite08:22
didrocksmarmite? :)08:23
mpthi thumper -- the factory's still closed?08:23
thumpermpt: factory broke in the earthquake way back, no more made08:23
thumperdidrocks: yes...08:23
thumperdidrocks: nz marmite, not uk marmite08:23
thumpermpt: unfortunately08:23
mptthumper, is there a black market for it?08:23
thumpermpt: probably08:24
thumpermpt: a local radio station was using the 5g single serve things as prizes :)08:24
mptHoly crap, NZ$61 for a 500g jar08:25
didrocksthumper: a marmite is rather that in France: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite_en_fonte :)08:26
thumpermpt: hmm, $61 is a bit rich for me08:27
mptIt would almost be worth me buying up the stock at the NZ Shop in Haymarket and putting it on TradeMe08:29
mpteven with postage back to NZ08:29
mpt(though I guess if that was really a good idea, someone would have done it already)08:30
thumperdidrocks: different marmite :)08:32
thumpermpt: if there is some, I'll pay you for a jar at copenhagen08:32
mptok :-)08:32
didrocksthumper: I can see that :)08:32
popeymorning didrocks08:39
didrockshey popey!08:40
popeydidrocks, had some issues which I debugged with omer on friday night, which were not regressions in compiz.. nvidia related issues08:40
popeyand I have an issue with xrestop for finding windows resources08:40
popeyseems xrestop crashes x (so don't run it)08:40
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 851885 in xorg-x11-server "xrestop crashes X" [Unspecified,New]08:40
popeyyeah, one of the manual tests for compiz08:41
popeyi guess to look for leaks08:41
didrocksah ok, (upstream test I guess)08:41
popeybut other than that, all looking funky08:41
didrocksok, so no regression and tests done?08:41
didrockssweet :)08:41
popeyeven had one report from loco member who said it all felt quicker :D08:41
popeywhich wasn't what I asked, but nice to hear anyway :D08:41
popeyyes, no regressions I found, and tests done08:42
popey(just to be clear) :)08:42
didrocksso sil2100, popey: packages? :)08:43
* popey points didrocks to sil2100 :)08:43
* didrocks stares at stil210008:45
didrockspopey: thanks for the testing! :)08:45
didrocksand results ;)08:45
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
didrockssil2100: ? :)08:59
sil2100uh oh sorry!09:16
sil2100Didn't watch IRC09:17
sil2100didrocks: you want the packaging branch ;) ?09:17
didrockssil2100: well, if it's ready to be released, have all bugs on it and so on, yes :)09:18
sil2100didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/compiz/ubuntu_0.9.8.409:21
sil2100It *should* be ready for release, since I prepared the changelog last week already09:21
sil2100And we tested packages built from it09:21
seb128hum, I should install that compiz ;-)09:22
didrocksseb128: I'll get you some debs ready soon if you want09:23
sil2100seb128: I have it on my PPA, but you need to reinstall unity as well09:24
sil2100Here's the PPA address too09:25
seb128didrocks, sil2100: I can test whatever should be tested, just point me to what to install when it's ready09:27
didrockssil2100: just take sil2100 ppa then :)09:27
didrocksI'm rebuilding here compiz and unity09:28
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
toabctlcan someone have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~toabctl/ayatana-scrollbar/fix-mem-leak-bug-1058205 (and merge it if the code is ok), please?11:47
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=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
ppdhi. I'm having severe performance issues with unity spread/compiz scale in quantal on my nvidia gt 220. what is the preferred way of collecting meaningful data for the developers to look at? I have seen some bug reports in compiz/unity regarding nvidia performance problems, but a Gt220 should easily outrun my pre-sandy-bridge integrated intel chip in my laptop. Right now multi-monitor setups just make me cry...12:16
mhr3ppd, it's fixed in trunk12:22
seb128toabctl, hey, I've pinged your merge request to Cimi (the maintainer of overlay-scrollbars)12:25
ppdmhr3, really? thank god. Is it the drawing caching fix?12:25
toabctlseb128, is cimi also on irc? /whois cimi on freenode gives nothing.12:26
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toabctlseb128, btw, thanks!12:33
seb128toabctl, yw!12:33
seb128toabctl, not sure why he's not on this IRC, I pinged him about it12:33
toabctlseb128, how do you ping him? on GIMPNet ? or any other server?12:34
seb128toabctl, through the Canonical server12:35
toabctlseb128, ah. ok12:35
didrocksdavidcalle: on https://code.launchpad.net/~davidc3/ubuntu-mono/22width-indicator-messages/+merge/127203, you need to ask mpt, he did the icons :)13:44
didrocksso not sure if the size was on purpose13:44
davidcalledidrocks, looks like you just did it :) (I thought Matthieu did them)13:45
didrocksdavidcalle: yeah, it was a double ping :p13:45
mptdavidcalle, +1 on that change13:55
didrocksdavidcalle: it's really the same icons, just different size, isn't it?13:56
davidcalledidrocks, yep13:59
didrocksok, I'm sponsoring it then13:59
davidcalledidrocks, mpt, thanks14:00
didrocksdavidcalle: thanks to you!14:00
davidcalledidrocks, I had the change on my desktop for a week, and a screenshot this morning reminded me it wasn't in distro :p14:01
didrocksheh :)14:02
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp
tsdgeosto fix a bug in unity shall i be using lp:~unity-team/unity/6.0 or lp:unity?14:22
tsdgeoshow different are they nowadays?14:22
sil2100tsdgeos: the rule is:14:28
sil2100tsdgeos: first you submit a fix to lp:unity, then backport it to 6.014:29
sil2100tsdgeos: they're VERY similar right now14:29
sil2100But always first commit a fix to trunk, then to given version14:29
tsdgeossil2100: are we finally getting a new unity-2d release for precise with my unreleased bugfixes?14:31
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sil2100tsdgeos: yes, it's like ready since Friday :o14:32
sil2100tsdgeos: the problem is, right now we're again context switched by unity 3d release14:32
tsdgeossure no hurries14:32
sil2100I think it will be dealt with tomorrow14:33
tsdgeosbut good we are giving the users some extra polish for LTS :-)14:33
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
tsdgeoshmmm, can't use quantal to depebelop for lp:unity?14:52
tsdgeosunityshell.cpp:1310:30: error: ‘class nux::animation::AnimationController’ has no member named ‘HasRunningAnimations’14:52
tsdgeosoh man that depebelop had lots of typos :D14:52
tsdgeosdevelop i mean14:52
sil2100I think you need latest nux14:52
sil2100From lp:nux or at least lp:nux/3.014:52
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hyperdadsimple way to add unity themes?15:57
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=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
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