
nhainesbkerensa: thanks for the clarification.03:41
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
philballewpleia2, available for a pm?16:41
pleia2philballew: sure16:42
philballewor is there a time you would be?16:42
philballewpleia2, who is head of xubuntu? Looking to find someone to lead an open week session on xubuntu?17:18
pleia2you can ask in #xubuntu-devel17:18
philballewGareth, did you get my email a week or so back. Wanted to know if there was gonna be a youth section of scale.17:29
Garethphilballew: I did.  I responded too :)17:33
philballewah, , might need to check my spam or something.17:34
Garethphilballew: sent you something on the 19th of September.17:34
philballewi think were in the 90's or something because it never made it17:35
Garethphilipballew at ubuntu.com right?17:36
Garethah. weird.  don't see my response.  one sec.17:36
philballewno worries.17:36
bkerensa@ubuntu.com outgoing and incoming seems to hit spam a lot17:36
Garethstupid ubuntu.17:36
bkerensaI think its because the headers show whatever provider your using since its just an alises17:37
Garethphilballew: resent.17:37
philballewThats it! I'm switching to Oracle Enterprise Linux!17:37
Garethphilballew: did you get that?17:42
philballewGareth, yes, just got it17:43
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
philballewGareth,  got it, school here has crappy wifi so it takes a while17:49
Garethphilballew: no worries.  lemme know what you think of that.17:50
philballewalright. get back to you later today probably.17:51
Garethsounds good.17:51
bkerensaphilballew: you mean RHEL?17:55
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=== mikestewart|afk is now known as mikestewart
=== MediaDoneRight is now known as mikestewart

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