
paultaggilbert: \m/00:20
MoredaiAnyone know where I can get an Ubuntu case badge?01:47
canthus13Moredai: System7601:49
canthus13They'll mail them to you in exchange for an SASE.01:50
MoredaiThank you01:50
* canthus13 has them on his lappy. :)01:51
MoredaiI'm about to as well. I have a fedora one but I use Ubuntu more.01:52
thafreakI'm back, what'd I miss15:11
thafreakSo get this...it turns out my mobile broadband wasn't working...because I had turned the radio off :(15:16
thafreaki shouldn't have been messing with it before I left...15:17
thafreakI also should have realized that if something of mine isn't working, it's probably because I broke it and it's ultimately a simple fix15:17
thafreakas if life didn't suck enough working with alfresco...now my boss wants to throw drupal in the mix too15:38
* thafreak is no longer a sysadmin...15:39
* thafreak is now a computer handyman15:40
thafreakAlso, is anyone in here on the colug mailing list?15:44
thafreakI have some contact info for a recruiter to pass along15:45
snap-lthafreak: We did a little R&d using Drupal to serve files via Alfresco16:52
snap-lit was middling results at best.16:52
snap-ldidn't match what we needed (which essentially was a custom interface)16:53
thafreakyeah, my boss always basically wants a custom interface, but assumes some one else on the internet already made exactly what she wants17:02
thafreakalso, caffinated beef jerky...great idea17:04

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