
jfenn2199evening all01:44
mac9416Evening, jfenn219901:44
mac9416How's it goin?01:45
jfenn2199hey how've ya been mac941601:45
jfenn2199it's going pretty well01:45
mac9416Can't complain, but I often still do.  ;-)01:45
jfenn2199I hear that01:46
wrstmorning (barely) mac941616:58
mac9416Mornin', y'all of the Central time zone, and good afternoon, our friends to the east!  ;-)16:58
mac9416How're you, wrst?16:58
wrsttalking to people that barely speak english mac941617:01
* wrst is not enjoying call centers17:01
mac9416Oh yeah, love those to death.17:03
wrstwell you know most of the time the people are nice i just can't communicate with them17:03
wrstwhen i get a call center state side i can communicate but the people many times aren't so friendly i shall say17:03
mac9416Haha, yeah.17:04
wrstor they are just stupid17:04
mac9416I once had to call Gigabyte. Guy spoke English, was friendly, and seemed like he had built the MB himself.17:04
wrsti love teh gigabyte boards i have used17:04
mac9416Yeah? I've been happy with this one. But it's the only one I've used.17:05
wrsti've used  a couple and soem gpus also from gigabyte17:05
wrsthowdy jfenn219917:37
jfenn2199how wrst17:37
jfenn2199*how goes wrst17:37
* jfenn2199 thinks faster than types17:37
wrsti don't think very fast jfenn2199 :)17:38
wrstso i type faster than i think :)17:40
jfenn2199so how's the loco been lately?17:45
wrstquiet and rainy jfenn2199 :)17:49
wrstgood morning chris458518:12
chris4585hey wrst, how is your monday?18:14
wrstits monday chris4585 but still ok :)18:14
chris4585it doesn't feel like monday, but I'm glad, whoo october18:14
wrsti'm a fan of october18:15
chris4585I kind of just can't wait for this month to be over...18:38
wrstwhy is that?18:46
chris4585november is so full of awesome stuff19:05
wrsti don't like turkey but like a few days off19:06
chris4585lol I don't really care about turkey either, we usually have turkey, chicken and ham19:23
chris4585but turkey day is awesome19:24
wrstmy parents a lot of times do steaks i really like that19:24
chris4585that sounds nice19:33
wrstyeah turkey just isn't my favorite really19:36
chris4585I only really like it if there is gravy19:45
wrstgravy and mashed potatos i can live on that19:46
wrsthm potatoes?19:46
chris4585potatoes indeed19:46
chris4585yeah I can't have too much dry meat, gravy <319:46
chris4585this conversation is a little too early lol again I wish it was november already19:47
wrstha ha chris458519:56
wrstnever too early to get hungry i don't suppose19:56
chris4585lol I guess, but thanksgiving only comes once :/20:13
wrstyeah i could stand some turkey or gravy or whatever right now actually20:16
chris4585wrst, did you see that the amazon results in unity wont filter NSFW content?20:28
wrstchris4585: yes heard that yesterday on the linux action show20:32
wrstwell that is a bit fanboyish because while yes you can disable it, but by default it will be on20:35
wrstand if that's the case that shouldn't be enabled20:35
chris4585wrst, yeah I agree, just kind of makes ubuntu look very bad in the spot light22:26

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