
Sarvattehoover: no need, googling it turned up the wine bug, easy test case attached there :)03:23
ubottubugs.winehq.org bug 31406 in directx-d3d "Borderlands freezes in game when items details are displayed" [Normal,Resolved: upstream]03:24
ehooverAwesome, do you guys need anything else from me?03:24
Sarvattnope! thanks again for that03:25
ehooverNo, thank you guys so much for looking into it!03:25
mlankhorstok q-lts-backport updated to recent stack :p07:32
mlankhorstI think armhf would work too, but there was some fun interaction between the ti-omap ppa that will prevent it from working for now07:32
tjaaltonx11-xserver-utils with xrandr snapshot uploaded07:33
mlankhorstneeds a custom xorg-server + updated EGL binaries07:33
mlankhorstwhich is about good enough to upload it to q-lts-backport I suppose, needs some solution for libgl1 though07:36
mlankhorstis it ok if I make people specify the solution manually for now?07:39
tjaaltonwhat do you mean?07:39
tjaaltonfor arm?07:39
mlankhorstseems to require apt-get install xserver-xorg-lts-quantal libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-quantal for now, else it removes a bunch of stuff07:40
mlankhorstbut that was testing on arm, which doesn't use libgl07:40
mlankhorstI think I found the solution though if the abi requires different packaging in fglrx08:20
mlankhorstif there are conflicting packages they are simply deleted, and only added back if another package explicitly requires it08:20
mlankhorsttjaalton: should we upload qxl/r128/mga to satisfy those with ocd in http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html ?08:34
mlankhorstobsessive compulsive08:45
tjaalton-qxl needs newer spice08:46
tjaaltondunno if it's in yet, there's a ffe for it08:46
tjaaltonhmm, so -qxl will be an issue08:52
tjaaltonshould probably drop it from -video-all for the backports08:53
tjaaltonor backport spice too..08:53
popeyis there an alternative to xrestop? it seems there's a bug in it upstream which causes it to kill x when you run it. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=85188508:56
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 851885 in xorg-x11-server "xrestop crashes X" [Unspecified,New]08:56
mlankhorsttjaalton: I thought it was only a build-depends, though..08:58
tjaaltonmlankhorst: how do you satisfy the b-dep without providing the binaries?08:58
tjaaltonapi changed08:58
jcristaupopey: if xrestop crashes X that can't possibly be a bug in xrestop.08:59
popeyjcristau, ok, noted :)09:08
tjaaltonpopey: yeah, please file it against the xserver09:13
tjaalton-r128 6.9.1 uploaded09:31
tjaaltonand -mga 1.6.209:38
popeyok tjaalton 09:45
mlankhorsttjaalton: we could just drop qxl for the backport, it's meant for new hardware enablement so no point in porting it09:49
tjaaltonmlankhorst: yeah09:49
mlankhorsthttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/107849042/Stacktrace.txt oh fun10:07
mlankhorstRAOF: ping?10:13
tjaaltonwhere's that from?10:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014419 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in FreeGrab()" [Medium,New]10:13
tjaaltonthat's kinda old10:14
mlankhorstoh :p10:14
tjaaltoni mean, we've gone via 1.12 to 1.13 now :)10:14
mlankhorstbut was looking at it because the backtrace was interesting and something that could theoretically still happen10:15
mlankhorstnot sure if -core would help here10:15
mlankhorstoh another bug valgrind found in intel *sigh*11:35
tjaaltonimpossible :)12:09
mlankhorsttjaalton: can you upload intel?12:37
tjaaltonmlankhorst: yup, done12:40
mlankhorstok seems xorg-server is clean now on my intel system, *tries ati*12:46
mlankhorstyeah just a lot of scary warnings from ioctl's12:47
mlankhorstmaybe I should add some valgrind annotations to libdrm, so it will shut up about the ioctl's12:48
mlankhorstnouveau seems ok too13:22
mlankhorstargh just as I give it a all clear ati decides to crash on me, evil ati :(14:41
ehooverSarvatt: There's a testcase for bug 1059276 that just used XCB directly, would you like me to update the description to link to that instead?17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059276 in libxcb (Ubuntu) "Wine locks up when running multithreaded applications that touch both OpenGL and X11" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105927617:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Sarvattdid i enable the patch system properly in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118032526/libxcb_1.8.1-1ubuntu1.debdiff ?18:58
Sarvattehoover: yeah can ya just add that one too?18:58
ehooverSarvatt: I don't know what you're asking (sorry, was down in the lab).19:08
Sarvattya said you had a testcase that uses xcb directly?19:08
jcristauSarvatt: there's one attached to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5467119:13
ubottuFreedesktop bug 54671 in Library "Wine locks up when running multithreaded applications that touch both OpenGL and X11" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:13
ehooverYeah, I've just finished adding the XCB test case to the description.19:16
ehooverI meant the "did i enable the patch system properly"?19:17
ehooverSarvatt: oops, it looks like I might have overriden your description changes.19:18
Sarvattno biggie, had them saved19:18
brycehSarvatt, on bug 1059276, need sponsorship?20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059276 in libxcb (Ubuntu) "Wine locks up when running multithreaded applications that touch both OpenGL and X11" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105927620:17
Sarvattbryceh: would be much appreciated, but the ppa finally finished publishing so i'm about to try it out now first to be sure it fixes the test cases20:19
Sarvatthad to use a ppa because its a pain in the butt building those for both arches :P20:19
brycehSarvatt, okie doke.  Ping me if/when you're ready for uploads20:19
Sarvattthese humble games make me desperately want delta debs :)20:20
Sarvattredownloading 2gb just for a package dependency change is a PITA20:20
Sarvattbryceh: both test cases pass, ship it!20:22
Sarvattmlankhorst: it's nuts how much you play that game :)20:22
mlankhorstSarvatt: doing it with a friend, not alone20:23
mlankhorsthelping him test the mod he's writing for a school project20:23
Sarvattoh only 148 hours.. seems like every time i log in you're in it :) RAOF has you beat in civ 5!20:23
mlankhorstif it was alone I would have been long bored with it20:23
mlankhorstSarvatt: because you log in when I play :p20:24
mlankhorstand it's evening here lol20:24
Sarvattmlankhorst: wow, 31 days playing TF2. you are the winner :)20:24
mlankhorstSarvatt: and that's only after it started recording..20:24
mlankhorstbut I have a live now, I think20:25
Azelphurpfft, 31 days is nothing20:26
Sarvattholy crap :)20:26
mlankhorstit's not world of warcraft o.O20:27
AzelphurI been there and done that with WoW too :D20:27
Azelphurbut nah, most of my TF2 time is idling, since you can get free stuff just by going afk haha20:27
mlankhorstnothing to be proud of, more ashamed of20:28
Azelphurobviously havn't played TF2 for 6000+ hours, xD20:28
mlankhorstyou do realize you only get a fixed amount of items per week right?20:31
Azelphuryou do now, you didn't originally20:31
Azelphurwhich is where I built up about 4500 of those 6000 hours xD20:31
mlankhorstoh right, bet you don't have cheater's lament, then20:31
Azelphuramusingly, I do20:31
Azelphurand I cheated20:31
mlankhorstI hate you20:31
Azelphurmlankhorst: if your into items, check out page 6 http://tf2items.com/id/azelphur20:33
mlankhorstI don't care about that :p20:34
AzelphurI do it all under wine too, btw \o/20:35
brycehSarvatt, the ppa packages are identical to the debdiffs, other than the version number (and precise-proposed)?20:43
brycehyep looks like20:46
brycehSarvatt, upload sponsored20:47
Sarvattbryceh: yep sure are, thank you for that! I didn't want to harass you guys so just subscribed sponsors20:50
brycehSarvatt, no prob, was in the mood to upload something ;-)20:54
brycehwell, actually, I'm thrilled to see our graph going down at this stage in the release (this hasn't happened before afaik!)  http://www.bryceharrington.org/Arsenal/ubuntu-x-swat/Reports/totals-quantal-workqueue.svg20:55
mlankhorstnouveau's likely going to stay open though20:56
mlankhorstbut yeah I tried valgrinding some, it really does help finding some bugs proactively20:56
brycehmlankhorst, to get them off this graph it's sufficient to simply get them forwarded upstream20:58
brycehbugs that have open upstream bug tasks are excluded from the count20:58
bryceh(the graph is trying to only count "bugs we can actually do some action on")20:58
mlankhorstbryceh: I mean more in finding bugs early also means there's not going to be bug reports about them20:59
mlankhorsthaving valgrind and all the -dbg symbols for easy local backtracing does help a lot20:59
Sarvattwow, and i haven't even been looking at many public bugs this cycle because we're swimming in so many private ones20:59
brycehalso, if bug reports don't make sense, setting them to incomplete with a question to the reporter also excludes them from the list20:59
mlankhorstah k20:59
mlankhorstbut for nouveau, what's the point of doing bug reports if upstream won't look at it :-(21:00
brycehmlankhorst, Sarvatt yeah there's been a lot less bug filing this cycle, which is either great news, or means all our users are sticking to 12.04 ;-)21:01
mlankhorstHEY! I'm on 12.04!!21:01
Sarvatthell I stuck to 12.04 until 2-3 weeks ago :)21:01
brycehthat's two data points to proving the latter!21:02
brycehactually three, I'm on 12.04 too (since the valve stuff targets 12.04)21:02
mlankhorstbryceh: but in my case it's since I need to keep testing the X stack, and I'm actually on quantal for stuff that matters..21:02
tjaaltoni have only my main desktop still on 12.04, and probably will update to the backport stack at some point21:03
brycehmlankhorst, yup.  it's awesome how much more serious attention we're all putting on 12.04.  I thought 10.04 got a lot of post-release attention but it was nothing like we're doing with 12.0421:03
mlankhorstwell I want things to just work, I did actually hit that synaptics suspend bug on my laptop at one point21:04
brycehmlankhorst, if -nouveau is complete fubar, what's going to happen when that gets backported to 12.04 via your lts stack?21:07
brycehsome of those nouveau bugs may be dupes, like all the screen corruption issues21:09
mlankhorstbryceh: well people don't HAVE to use the new stuff, so if they don't things stay the same21:10
Sarvattugh libxcb-util soname bump, thats going to need a lot of rebuilds next cycle21:13
Sarvattback in may21:15
jcristaumeh, it has like 3 rdeps21:15
Sarvattoh thought it was more for some reason, intel driver at least21:15
jcristauor am i thinking of something else21:15
jcristauyeah i think i'm just confused21:16
Sarvattutil-wm had a bunch of obscure window managers i had to rebuild in edgers last time, that got a bump too21:17
mlankhorstbryceh: yeah probably although it depends if their cards are simialr enough or not :-)21:18
mlankhorstclosed one more bug, muaha21:19
brycehmlankhorst, tomorrow would you mind browsing through them and duping whichever ones do look similar?21:19
brycehawesome, thanks21:20
jcristauSarvatt: ah right xcb-util was deferred in june because of the upcoming wheezy freeze back then21:22
jcristaulooks like the soname bump was avoidable...21:23
mlankhorstomap one closed too, seemed to have been invalid :p21:24
mlankhorstbryceh: are you not tracking geode or is there no bug for it?21:26
brycehmlankhorst, hmm, thought we were tracking that, no reason not to.  lemme check21:29
tjaaltonno bugs on quantal21:29
tjaaltonfor geode21:30
mlankhorstI'm fairly sure the fix I did just leaves it working on a compile level only, so it's probably more evidence nobody is using it21:30
mlankhorsteither that or the fix did work21:30
brycehyes we are tracking it, just no quantal bugs like tjaalton says21:30
tjaaltonthe maintainer was pinging me some time ago, wanted to sync some cleanup version so I guess it works as is21:31
brycehthe type of user for geode is unlikely to care about non-lts releases.  And actually might be they all just stick with 10.04 or something home built.  It's rather appliance-ish21:31
tjaaltonoh we could sync 2.11.13-621:32
mlankhorsttjaalton: ah :-)21:32
brycehtjaalton, wasn't there an exa update or something for it?21:33
tjaaltonbryceh: not sure21:33
tjaaltonand actually, our version is newer than on debian, so can't sync it21:33
tjaaltonremember telling him that..21:33
Sarvatterr, noone can even use geode on 12.10 can they since its PAE only?21:33
mlankhorstquite possibly21:34
tjaaltonyou can't install it21:34
* Sarvatt looks it up21:34
tjaaltonhe keeps syncing from git but doesn't touch the upstream version, so meh21:34
Sarvattnot seeing any geodes that support PAE and 12.04 was the last release with a non PAE kernel so.. yeah21:36
mlankhorstcan we drop it from main then?21:38
tjaaltonand -video-all21:38
tjaaltonsame thing21:38
mlankhorstyeah :p21:38
* mlankhorst prepares salutory parting shot21:39
mlankhorstcirrus too? should be using modesetting driver by now21:40
tjaaltonis it?21:40
Sarvattmlankhorst: they just disabled the cirrus drm driver21:40
brycehI think I have one of the geodes in some drawer somewhere, if anyone wants it.  has to be booted via PXE21:40
stgraberhmm, most geodes won't boot anyway21:41
Sarvatt-modesetting wasn't working as good as -cirrus or something21:41
stgraberthey died when we started being pure i68621:42
mlankhorstSarvatt: sigh, ok21:42
stgraberexcept for some Geode LX that are i686 and may still boot21:42
mlankhorstgeode lx should work, using shadowfb21:43
mlankhorstearlier actually had hardware acceleration and won't work for sure21:43
mlankhorstok pushed the commit for xorg to kill off geode, can anyone upload it?21:45
mlankhorstand bed21:46
mlankhorstnight all :-)21:46
* mlankhorst steals bryceh's steam key22:27
Prf_JakobSo who do I need to buy a beer/whiskey to get into the Steam beta? :-)22:58
mlankhorstwell make hellstrom come to uds :p23:00
Prf_Jakob3 kids of which two are ~1 year old twins makes that unlikely :-/23:01
Prf_JakobWhere is it btw?23:01
Prf_JakobOh thats actually close.23:02
Prf_JakobSend him a email23:02
Prf_Jakob~4h car ride23:03
mlankhorsti will23:04
Prf_JakobI will try and make it as well23:05
Prf_JakobEven tho I'm on leave from VMware right now.23:05
Sarvattworst part about not going to UDS in copenhagen - finding out valve will be there the week after you realize you can't go :(23:05
mlankhorstcant you pay extra to get passport done sooner? :p23:06
mlankhorsthere you can get it in the next day instead of next week if you pay some extra23:06
Sarvattmlankhorst: i already mailed mine off, i coulda got it done the same day for money if i realized it would take 1.5 months through the mail :(23:06
Sarvattyeah i live right outside of dc where the passports are made, i got my last one 10 years ago done the same day, tried to save $100 this time, big mistake23:08
Prf_JakobIs UDS invite only btw?23:09
Sarvattinvite only if you are expecting it to be sponsored and paid for by canonical23:09
Prf_JakobAh ok23:10
RAOFEveryone else is welcome to rock up!23:10
Prf_Jakob3:46h train ride for $50 (one way).23:11
RAOFDamn Europeans and their awesome transit systems.23:11
SarvattI know right..23:12
Prf_JakobAlso not that far away...23:12
Sarvatthotel will probably be nuts though23:12
mlankhorstpssh sleep on t he conference floor or party all night with caffein :p23:12
Prf_Jakob$957 for the whole thing.23:16
mlankhorstso you don't need any food? >:-)23:19
SarvattPrf_Jakob: UDS discount rates?23:19
SarvattUDS includes breakfast and dinner23:19
Prf_JakobSarvatt: yes23:19
Sarvatterr lunch23:19
Sarvattjust not dinner23:19
Prf_Jakob$957 for the hotel.23:19
Prf_JakobAccording to XE.com23:20
Sarvattoh was hoping you could save more by using the discount rate, they almost always have one23:20
Prf_JakobWell thats for what 5nights.23:20
RAOFSo you can visit Legoland!23:22
mlankhorstRAOF: do you have a roomie yet?23:23
RAOFmlankhorst: I don't think so, no.23:23
mlankhorstwant one?23:25
* RAOF is just trying to find the wiki page to see if he has one already :)23:25
Prf_Jakobmlankhorst: You might need start working on sponsering Thomas btw, I'm not sure we have started a new budget quarter yet.23:25
SarvattPrf_Jakob: its too late afaik :(23:26
Prf_JakobSarvatt: oh okay :-/23:26
RAOFCurrently getting the lucky dip roomie!23:28
Sarvattdip roomie?23:28
mlankhorstpanda died on me! argh23:28
Sarvattmlankhorst: get a laptop for use in your bed, argh :)23:29
mlankhorsti'll take the eee one again23:29
mlankhorstbut leave it in my room :P23:29
brycehwb RAOF 23:34
Sarvattmlankhorst: why are you up at 1:34? :P23:34
RAOFThree day weekends are pretty good :)23:34
RAOFPity I don't have enough leave to make every weekend a 3-day weekend :)23:35
SarvattRAOF: .au holiday?23:35
RAOFSarvatt: Using up my leave.23:35
Sarvattoh gotcha :)23:35
brycehRAOF, btw you may want to read the TB irc log from today; I got some clarifications on what you can do vis a vis all the nvidia experimental stuff.  tl;dr TB considers you empowered to handle all the approvals for getting into -precise23:39
RAOFbryceh: Excellent. Will look into them.23:39
SarvattRAOF grew superpowers while on vacation :)23:39
RAOFMaybe next Monday I'll grow more!23:40
* RAOF has taken Mondays off for pretty much the rest of the year.23:40
brycehRAOF, also I jotted down my understanding of all the process steps for this at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/DriverUpdates with links to the TB discussions.23:40
mlankhorstoh speaking of which we need to sru llvm-3.1 to precise too :p23:40
brycehactually they decided no new powers, just implied powers gained from the previous TB :-)23:40
SarvattRAOF: thats US sundays so noone in the US will notice :)23:40
RAOFmlankhorst: For the purposes of backportage?23:41
mlankhorstyeah and new wayland23:41
RAOFThat's going to start getting nasty.23:41
mlankhorstit's actually a clean standalone package so not that hard23:42
mlankhorsthttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport/+packages is cleaned up mostly23:45
RAOFWayland could get nasty should something actually start using it :)23:49
mlankhorstRAOF: at that point the api is presumably stable enough to build mesa with23:51
RAOFThat would indeed be the hope, yes.23:51
mlankhorstworst case we rename it but things can only improve by putting in a new wayland23:59

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