
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
superflymorning Squirm06:33
Squirmhey there superfly 06:49
magespawngood day Squirm, superfly 06:50
kiloshi superfly and others08:01
superflyhi kilos08:01
kilosi got kubuntu and made a usb startup disk and booted from it. but oh so slow08:02
kilosinstalling from cd is much faster methinks but havent got a cd that can take 703m08:04
Squirmusb should be faster08:05
Squirmthus where SSD's came in08:05
kilosi dunno , even tried it in another port08:07
kilosbut it is installing slowly anyway08:07
superflykilos: installs are always slow08:08
superflyeven Ubuntu08:08
kilosfrom cd it goes through the motions here much faster. can install ubuntu in 25 mins08:09
SquirmUSB2 high-speed (480 Mbit/s)08:11
Squirma 24x DVD drive is08:11
Squirm265.92 Mbit/s08:11
kilosmaybe i aint got high speed ports08:12
kilosbut looks like its doing good08:12
Squirmmy pc is 6 years old and I'd think it'd be high speed 08:12
Squirmcopies 150Mb is about 10s08:13
kilosim not sure of age on this one. its p4 but only ddr ram not ddr208:13
kilosand one gig ram here08:13
kilosdunno if they make ddr in 1g cards08:14
kilosonly 2 slots08:14
Squirmthat should be fine08:15
kiloswell unity worked on it08:16
Squirmwere just comparing cdrom vs usb speeds08:16
kilosit seems to be doing ok08:16
kilosits in08:16
kilostween 20 and 25 mins i think it was08:16
kilosso must been cheating in the background08:17
kilosfirst usb install 08:18
kilosyay music08:19
kilossound works08:19
kilosblack screen?08:20
kiloscan ctrl+alt+f2 but got no gui08:22
kilosthe goose will be happy im trying kde08:24
kilossuperfly, cant kubuntu afford a gui08:26
superflykilos: try pressing alt+shift+f1208:30
kilosno change superfly 08:32
superflykilos: did you log in yet?08:32
kilosyes that went fine08:33
superflyso you logged in, then what?08:33
kilosafter password it went black08:33
kilostried again, same thing08:33
superflyblack... hrm08:34
superflyand then you pressed alt+shift+f12 ?08:34
kilosfirst time yes the logged in that way and type sudo kdm start08:35
kilosback to prompt08:35
kilosf2 not f1208:35
superflykilos: OK, hold on. Do you get a GUI login prompt, or a CLI prompt?08:35
kilossorry i misread that08:35
superflythen you logged in using the GUI, and got a black screen?08:35
superflyalright, when you get to the black screen, type alt+shift+f12 (yes, not F2, F12)08:36
kilosit came08:37
superfly"it came"?08:37
kilosgui arrived now i can start looking for things08:38
kilosis it gonna need the f12 every time08:38
superflyya, I thought so... your graphics card can't handle KDE's desktop effects08:38
superflyno, you can turn them off08:38
superflykilos: what graphics card do you have?08:39
kilosfx something08:39
superflyah, and you don't have the proprietary drivers installed08:39
kiloshavent nothing yet08:39
kilosi will do nvidi-current as soon as i got rsync of archives and update upgrade done08:40
kiloslucky i got 2 pcs08:40
superflykilos: OK, for the moment we can turn them off. In your menu, go to the Applications tab, then click on Settings, and then click on System Settings08:41
kilosim there08:43
superflyright, click on "Desktop Effects"08:45
superflyThen, there's a check box on the first page you see that says, "Enable desktop effects at startup" - untick it.08:45
kilosim there08:45
kilosah ty superfly 08:46
superflykilos: one other thing you can do - by default KDE likes you to click once to do things, and most folks are used to double-clicking, so we can switch it to double-click if you'd like08:47
kilosok where superfly ?08:48
kilosback to them settings?08:48
kilostrying to find terminal08:49
superflythen look for "Input Devices"08:49
kilosgot it08:49
superflythen under the Mouse section, there's a section that talks about either single-click or double-click08:50
superflykilos: the terminal is called Konsole08:50
kilosah what makes for the one click?08:50
kilosgot it ty08:51
kilosi spose if i can survive unity i can survive kde08:56
kilosmaybe feed family eggs tonight. no time to make a meal08:58
kilosok guys i steal modem here. see you from kde after updates08:59
kilosbe good08:59
kilosaw superfly mobile broadband button grayed out09:07
kilosi go try see if it sees fone as modem09:08
superflykilos: do you have KPPP installed?09:12
superflyMenu -> Applications -> Internet09:13
Kilosoh well, we be kdefied now11:05
Kilostoods chanserv11:06
inetproehlo Kilos, and all others11:12
KilosMaaz: coffee on11:13
* Maaz flips the salt-timer11:13
KilosMaaz: hi11:13
MaazSup Kilos11:13
Kilosmm no sound here11:13
KilosMaaz: hi11:14
MaazHowzit Kilos11:14
inetproMaaz: coffee please11:14
Maazinetpro: Sure11:14
Kiloshi inetpro11:15
Kilosme quassel fied in kde11:15
* inetpro wbb11:15
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za11:17
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!11:17
KilosMaaz: ty11:17
MaazYou are welcome Kilos11:17
Trixar_zaHi Kilos11:17
Kiloshiya maiatoday11:18
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
maiatodayhi Kilos11:24
not_foundalo uncle Kilos 14:27
Kilosalo not_found hows you14:27
Kilosi be on kubuntu now14:27
not_foundcool... Kubuntu 12.04|14:28
not_foundI be fine thanks14:28
not_foundcool, KDE 4.8 is very cool14:28
Kilosinstalled twice. first time it didnt see the modem14:28
Kilosso did all updates upgrades via cell. so slow at 4kB/s14:29
Kilosthis time it sees modem and goiung lekker14:30
Kilosgoing as well14:30
Kiloswhats that not_found ?14:32
not_foundsome random SA music on youtube14:33
Kilosoh lol14:33
Kilosi dont do music online. data hog14:33
Kilosbut no sound here on xchat yet or quassel14:36
not_foundoh well14:36
Kiloswas hoping to be like the fly and say i dont have probs i use kubuntu14:37
Kilosyo Vince-0 14:43
Kilosnot_found, is gdebi a gnome tool? whats the kde one?14:43
not_foundKilos, I see there is gdebi-kde14:45
not_foundI haven't tried it but seems to be gdebi for KDE14:46
Kilossome package tool took over after i double clicked on ibid daily package14:47
Kilosdolphin is nice14:48
Kilosshows packages well14:48
Kilosaw missed him16:04
Kilosnot very patient was he16:05
Kiloshyper active dude16:05
Kiloshi Cantide 16:18
Cantidehello :)16:18
Cantidehow is Kilos ?16:19
Kilosgood ty and you Cantide ?16:19
Kilostrying to find sound for my xchat16:19
Kilosand/or quassel16:20
Cantidei'm okay '-' eating dinner :)16:20
nuvolariI'm alive!16:37
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 16:37
Kiloswow nuvolari wb16:37
nuvolarihowdy Cantide,16:37
nuvolariLudo: 16:37
nuvolaridankie oom :)16:38
Kilossjoe jy was lank weg ne16:38
Kilosals goed daar?16:38
nuvolarija oom, moet maar soveel tyd soos ek kan saam my ouers spandeer16:38
nuvolarivoor dit eendag te laat is16:38
nuvolaridit gaan voor die wind dankie oom16:38
Kiloso ja ekt vergeet16:38
nuvolarihulle's darm veilig by die huis16:40
nuvolarisoe, is vanoggend vroeg hier weg16:40
Cantidehey nuvolari :)16:42
Kilosinetpro, you home yet16:56
superflywow nuvolari16:58
superflyKilos: do you want it to bloep for each and every message?16:59
magespawngood evening nuvolari, Kilos, superfly, Cantide 16:59
superflyyo magespawn17:00
Cantidehello magespawn :p17:00
superflyso much for my 10Mbps, I'm getting 2 this evening17:00
Kilosnope superfly only when nick mentioned17:00
Kiloshi magespawn 17:00
nuvolarihi superfly, magespawn 17:00
Kilos2m/s whew i dream of that17:00
superflyKilos: in Quassel, Settings > Configure > Interface > Notifications17:01
Kilosupdated kubuntu at 4kB/s on fone17:01
Kilosok i open quassel first and try set it up ty superfly did another clean install with /home deleted17:02
superflyhi kilos_17:05
kilos_hi superfly17:05
magespawnKilos i am willing to be you could do install with your eyes closed by now17:09
kilos_first time from a stick17:10
kilos_and second17:10
kilos_if modem isnt plugged in it doesnt see it after reboot17:10
* nuvolari wil send his lappy via mail to oom kilos_ when a new install is required17:10
kilos_lol yw17:11
kilos_now ive found a use for 8ta night surfer17:11
Kiloswow auto restart for some reason17:27
KilosMaaz: hi17:35
* Maaz waves to Kilos17:35
superflyhi Kilos17:37
Kiloshehe hi superfly still no sound17:37
superflyKilos: go to Settings -> Notifications17:38
Kilosmust i untick the play a sound block?17:38
superflymake sure you select "highlight"17:38
superflyand then make sure the sound block is ticked, and there is a sound file in the edit box17:38
Kilosits all there but no sound17:40
KilosMaaz: hi17:41
MaazSup Kilos17:41
Kilosxchat also no sound but pidgin is fine17:42
superflyKilos: select "Highlight when focused" and make sure it has the same settings17:44
Kilosin the notifications window it pongs with top 2 and plings with bottom 217:47
superflyKilos: so are you getting noises now?17:47
KilosMaaz: hi17:48
MaazSup Kilos17:48
Kilosmust i restart quassel maybe?17:48
Kiloslol thats why the goose is hiding17:50
Kilostoo much brain strain with me going kde17:51
superflyKilos: it works for me17:52
Kilosyay it worked17:52
Kilosmaybe had to scratch around for the sound file first17:53
KilosMaaz: hi17:53
MaazHowzit Kilos17:53
Kilosnot from him17:53
Kilosmaybe something else made the sound17:53
superflyKilos: 17:54
superflyKilos: 17:54
Kilosmaybe a gstreamer file missing17:54
Kilosi tried googling too and all i find for xchat is tips and tricks17:55
Kilosno sound info17:55
superflyKilos: please say my nick, I'm not only hanging in here17:56
Kilossuperfly: 17:57
Kilossuperfly: 17:57
superflythere works for me17:57
Kilosits something else missing here17:57
Kilosquassel and xchat got no sound17:58
Kilosbindings or hooks or whatever you call them17:58
Kilosboth settings in quassel and xchat show sound should work17:58
Kilosits kmail making sounds because it cant get to gmail with pop17:59
Kilossuperfly: lemme try do sound from mb18:00
Kilosmaybe its because sound card hasnt got drivers18:00
Kilosgotta go enable ac97 in bios first18:00
Kilosaw not that either18:09
superflyKilos: minimize quassel18:13
superflyKilos: if another app has focus, quassel will generally highlight18:14
Kilosdone but cant see you if it stays minimised18:14
Kilosnothing else is open18:15
Kilosi nearly thought nuvolari had found something else to do like drubin18:23
Kilosand corrie20618:24
smilebye :)18:30
Kilosinetpro: jy kannie hele tyd ander goed doen nie18:33
Kiloskom drink saam koffie18:33
KilosMaaz: coffee on18:33
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:33
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:37
KilosMaaz: ty18:37
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:37
Kilosif im on another workspace then i hear messages to me18:38
Kilosbut not when here18:38
* Kilos scratches head18:38
nuvolarinah oom Kilos 18:44
nuvolariI won't leave you all high and dry here18:44
Kilosty very much18:44
nuvolarioom Kilos that's how notifications work in general18:45
nuvolarilike when it's minimized or you don't have focus on that window, it will bloep you18:45
nuvolariotherwise it will just light up18:45
Kilosya but why no sound in quassel and xchat?18:45
Kilosa plugin missing maybe18:46
nuvolarioh? like totally?18:46
nuvolarieek, I have to go kiep18:47
nuvolarinight oom kilos, and everyone else18:47
nuvolarisleep toit18:47
Kilossleep tight nuvolari18:47
nuvolaridankie oom :) oom ook!18:48
Kilosdankie seun18:48
Kilossuperfly: is there a way to tell quassel to use alsa not whatever it is using?19:24
Kilosjust an idea19:24
Kilosmaybe pulse conflick or something19:25
superflyKilos: Quassel uses KDE's audio system19:25
* superfly puts the heavy metal on at his son's request19:27
Kilosha ha ha19:28
Kiloshe should be in bed19:28
Kilosis that his lullabyes19:28
superflyKilos: he doesn't go to bed before 10:0019:30
magespawnsuperfly: why so late?19:33
superflymagespawn: because that's the way he's wired19:38
superflymagespawn: what time do the fish get up?19:38
superfly(in the morning)19:39
superflymagespawn: cause eldest here only gets up at like 9am19:39
Kiloshehe night guys sleep tight19:48
magespawnfish one is late 6 -7 fish two is early 5-619:55
magespawnbut theybare both in bed by 20:00 in school time19:56
magespawni presume the eldest is not going to school yet superfly20:03
superflymagespawn: the eldest is 320:04
magespawngood time for two or three times a week nursery/play school20:06
superflymagespawn: if you have the money20:08
magespawnahh yes that is always the thing20:08
magespawngood night all, superfly20:28
zerefSymmetria: 21:05
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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