
teteafter 6 years with gnome 2 i felt in love with xfce and xubuntu, yay!!00:04
paul_doing a fresh install of xubuntu right now00:32
xubuntu919what does 'configuring hardware' mean?00:52
holsteinxubuntu919: providing you with hardware support00:52
holsteinthe operating system is installing and "configuring the hardware", making it work, when possible... out of the box00:53
xubuntu919oh ok, it's just been taking a while00:55
holsteinif its not installed after 40 minutes, id start to get concerned00:55
holsteinsometimes, it takes like 10 minutes00:55
tetehello, is there an alternative to the propietary drivers app?00:56
holsteintete: you mean, and app to pop up and offer proprietary drivers?00:56
tetethe pop up!00:56
teteto install propietary drivers!00:57
holsteintete: i mean, any package manager00:57
holsteinif you are getting drivers from the vedors, they will likely have instructions00:58
tetei mean, in ubuntu you get an option to install the propietary driver, like it search it for you00:58
tetei am not sure if have the drivers correctly installed00:58
xubuntu919what do I do if the 'configuring hardware' step has been going on for an hour? the drop down option says things are still happening though01:00
xubuntu919what do I do if the 'configuring hardware' step has been going on for an hour? the drop down option says things are still happening though01:17
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ThyemI am trying to install Xubuntu on my desktop from a USB stick. But when I try to start the installer or select "Try Xubuntu" all I get is this: http://hoel.us/photo.JPG , any ideas on what might be wrong?04:15
bazhangtry #test07:02
xubuntu506Hello people out there, I recently installed Xubuntu on my Intel P4 machine and worked like charm until i started seeing "problem activating swap", after that its never booting only,  Isuspect this has happened because of improper shut down, I do not have a UPS, so whenever electricity supply goes off, my computer terminates  without  proper shutdown07:03
koegsis there a way to tell a panel to stay in the background07:16
koegsso any program is able to overlap07:16
Sysikoegs: basically no07:20
koegsok, so i have to use any dock instead :)07:20
TheSheepxubuntu506: can you boot from a livecd?07:21
TheSheepxubuntu506: or liveusb?07:21
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Glitchdhey i was wondering if its possibel to install kde and gnome on the same 12.04 installation, arent they just desktop managers and i can switch between them freely07:37
Glitchdthis is for ubuntu also, not xubuntu, sry..07:37
Sysiyou can have all desktops installed, just select what to use on login07:38
Glitchdyea, thats what i thought..07:38
Glitchdthnx for the heads up=)07:38
Bluesky02There is no Xubuntu Facebook Page :(08:45
Bluesky02I think i have found it, but dunno if its official08:46
koegsBluesky02: it is on the front-page... http://xubuntu.org/08:48
koegs"Xubuntu Users on Facebook"08:48
TheSheepBluesky02: xubuntu is affiliated with facebook in any way, so there can't be an official facebook page08:49
Marzatafacebook, what for?08:55
Marzatamaybe instagram xubuntu page?08:55
xubuntu783hello, how can i set files with MPD extension to open with a wine app called MLCAD ?11:09
recon_lapxubuntu783: dont know, but have you looked for setting in wine to associate the .MPD files to you preferred app11:13
xubuntu783they open with linux text editors11:14
xubuntu783i want it just with mlcad , i got it it opens mlcad but empty without the selected file11:15
xubuntu783i'm checking other file and programs11:16
xubuntu783and how i add it to wine in main menu it shows in others only11:18
recon_lapxubuntu783:  have a look at this file /usr/share/applications/defaults.list11:21
recon_lap 11:21
recon_lapxubuntu783: there is an easier way, if you right click on one of the ..MPD files and select properties11:25
recon_lapthere is a open with setting11:26
xubuntu783i have xubuntu11:26
xubuntu783i don't see all options in properties to change file11:27
xubuntu783i see11:27
xubuntu783now is selected11:27
xubuntu783but i think it only does wine pathofprogram program11:29
xubuntu783and doesn't get the selected file11:30
xubuntu783the program was installed manually no installed i have to say11:30
recon_lapxubuntu783: dont know wine, but get the .MPD to open in wine first, then I'd try set the file type in wine so it know what program to use11:34
xubuntu783i'll see faq of wine then11:35
xubuntu783wine isn't that alcohol ?11:35
recon_lapxubuntu783: also , where you set the open with to "wine" , you can also put "wine <name of windows app> " somthing like "wine mlcad"11:43
xubuntu783yea i'll try11:46
jewelsgood morning...I've compiled the latest version of gcc yesterday, but I still have the latest version of gcc installed on my workstation, how can I do in order to set as default compiler the latest version of gcc? If I do gcc --version it still print me that it is the old one12:21
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.12:26
ikoniajewels: CC=/path/to/gcc12:31
jewelsI have to put gcc in the bin directory?12:32
jewelsI have removed the old one executable12:33
jewelsThe program 'gcc' can be found in the following packages:12:33
jewels * gcc12:33
jewels * pentium-builder12:33
jewelsTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>12:33
jewelsI've tried creating symlink to the executable that were been installed in the /opt/gcc-4.7.2/bin directory12:34
recon_lapjewels: why not just install the build-essential package ?12:35
jewelsI've just installed it..but I want the latest version of the gcc compiler12:36
jewelson my xubuntu I have the 4.6 version, now i've installed the 4.7.212:36
ikoniajewels: do you have any idea what you are doing ?12:37
ikoniajewels: why do you need the latest GCC version ?12:37
jewelsI just want to have all the newest package available12:39
jewelsI frequently program in C or C++ so I just want to have all the newest development tools12:41
ikoniawhy ?12:41
ikoniasorry, that's just crazy12:41
jewelsI don't think that compiling gcc is crazy..12:42
ikoniait is for no reason12:42
ikoniaand changing hte version away from what your whole OS is built on.....12:42
ikoniaand why you are trying to symlink it to /usr/bin I don't know, rather than just run it from /opt12:43
jewelsyes but I just want to do simply from my console12:44
jewelsand run the newest version12:44
jewelsnothing more12:44
ikoniaright so change your PATH12:45
ikoniarather than start creating sylinks that may break other things12:45
ikoniaor use the environment variable CC12:45
jewelsI've changed the PATH editing the .profile file and I've also changed the CC value12:45
ikoniathis seems a silly approach and reason to me, sorry.12:45
ikoniajewels: right, so you shouldn't need to create symlinks12:45
ikoniasetting the PATH to have /opt/bin as priority should be enough12:46
jewelsI just want to make practice with compiling and other interesting stuff which linux grant to do12:46
jewelsnothing more ikonia :)12:46
ikoniawell, you're going the right way about breaking your box12:46
ikoniaand you're putting the latest version of gcc on your machine inlcluding core libraries for no reason12:46
ikoniayou can practice using the tools ubuntu build, package, test and support12:46
ikoniaor you can drop some crazy hunk of junk you've tried to build onto your machine then make a mess of settig it up for your enviornment12:47
ikoniaI know which one sounds better for sane compiling to me12:47
jewelsikonia, thank you for your suggestion you're right after all but I think that could be interesting to see how can multiple package could be compiled together in order to make a big and large program like the GCC compiler suite12:49
ikoniagcc compiler is one package12:49
jewelsyes one package, but it needs other libraries12:49
ikoniaso I don't know where this multi-pacakge stuff making the gcc compiler suite is you're talking about12:49
ikoniayes, which if you don't know what you are doing - will cause a conflict on your system and break it12:50
ikoniahence why I'm saying you are going to break your system if you continue with your current approach12:50
jewelsso do you suggest to me to delete it and reinstall correctly gcc?12:52
ikoniaI'm not suggesting anything as I don't know what you've currently done to your machine messing around12:52
jewelsHow can I remove the gcc-4.7.2 that I have compiled just right now? I have done make and make install12:54
jewelsnow I just want to remove everything I do12:55
bonnohello ..i just installed xubuntu.. how can i remove the quick launcher ? (and can i open it again later?! )  cos i want to install another dock15:04
Sysiright click on it -> panel -> select panel you want to remove and press the button15:05
Sysiyou can also unlock it and drag it elswhere on the screen15:05
bonnoif i remove it can i put it again back later i i want?15:06
bonno*if i want15:06
Sysiyou need to add launchers again and edit it's settings15:07
bonnoand how do i do that ?15:07
Sysiadd panel, drah launchers from menu, edit settings15:08
bonnooh..so its a panel ..no diference.. thank you15:08
=== Anona is now known as Transfuta
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
wibenHi, I have a question about changing an icon in xubuntu: Shouldn't it be possible to change icons by right-clicking the file/folder choosing preferences and clicking the icon ?18:07
baizonit should be :)18:07
wibenhmm.. any ideas why i cannot click the icon then ?18:08
baizonwiben: no permission? :)18:08
holsteinwiben: you cant right click on it?.. you dont get a menu?18:09
holsteinwhat icon? a launcher? or one in the file manager?18:09
wibeni can right click on it and go to preferences, but i cannot change the icon.. its a html file18:09
wibeni tried to use: sudo thunar   <-- don't know if that would give me permission ?18:10
holsteinwiben: what icon.. where is it located? is it an application launcher on the desktop? a location shorcut?18:10
holsteinyou would try gksudo thunar18:11
wibenits in my home folder ~/.local/share/links18:11
wibeneven with gksudo i can't change icons18:13
holsteinwiben: changing an icon in thunar is different though... i would still expect to be able to change it,, but you can search for that more appropriately18:13
holsteinwiben: i see emblems.. i remember someone asking about how to have custom emblems and it not being implemented yet18:14
wibenI tried to google it but all I found where ways to change icon themes, I only need to change a specific icon18:14
holsteinwiben: the way i think of it.. im using thunar for a reason.. its lighter-weight.. with that comes some "compromises"18:14
wibenOk, I guess I can live with that for now.. I love that its light-weight one of the reasons I chose xubuntu on this old comp18:16
holsteini dont see an easy way to do it from nautilus rigt now though18:17
wiben... I wanted to add a link to a specific webpage to "docky" and so i thought i could change the icon before adding it18:18
holsteinim sure you can... it'll just be a mater of digging around and finding the right place to change it18:19
holsteinhttp://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/23776/how-to-change-a-file-type-icon-in-xfce-thunar for example wiben18:19
wiben@holstein thnx, I will try that..18:20
HackinBl1ckhellcan any one help me18:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:26
HackinBl1ckI want to know how to uninstall ubuntu18:27
holsteinHackinBl1ck: you can download the iso images for ubuntu and burn them to a CD or use a USB stick18:28
tsimpsonand install what instead?18:28
holsteinOH.. i see... i thought you said install.. just get a windwos install disk instead18:28
tsimpsonyou just put the Windows CD/DVD in, and install18:28
tsimpsonthat is, you overwrite Ubuntu with Windows18:29
holsteinHackinBl1ck: you can ask in a windows channel for more information about how the process works per the windows version you are using18:29
HackinBl1ckIs there a easy way to dual boot though? with ubuntu installed first18:29
holsteinHackinBl1ck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub18:30
HackinBl1ckalright i will look at that18:33
HackinBl1ckWhats better ubuntu or kubuntu?18:36
PiciHackinBl1ck: It completely depends on your own preferences18:37
HackinBl1ckI have ubuntu right now.18:37
HackinBl1ckmay try kubuntu18:38
HackinBl1cklooking at site right now18:38
MarzataXubuntu is the best.18:48
TheSheep!best | Marzata18:49
ubottuMarzata: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Polls are highly discouraged to be taken on this channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, please ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:49
MarzataDon't waste your time with Apple and Windows dream interfaces.18:49
MathsterkMarzata: lol19:54
nmizarI'm trying to install xubuntu 12.04 on a fujitsu/siemens amilo laptop21:57
recon_lapnmizar: and how is that going for you?21:58
nmizarbut I'm experiencing a bunch of problems21:58
nmizarfirst, I dowwnloaded an iso image21:58
nmizar'cos I tried unetbooting to no reasonable effect (it didn't install xubuntu, actually)21:59
nmizarthen, I've tried to a) install by booting from the image burnt to a CD and b) trying xubuntu and selecting the install link22:00
Unit193Downloaded, did you check the MD5 sum?  What are you making the bootable flash from? (Windows, Linux)22:00
nmizarold ubuntu Maverick already unsupported22:00
nmizarI wanted to try xubuntu as it seems to be much more lightweight22:01
nmizarbut gives lots of way for setting up my old laptop as I wanted to22:01
recon_lapnmizar: it's best to boot from the CD to a live desktop before actualy trying the install22:01
Os_Maleushi guys!22:01
nmizarrecon_lap, that's the first thing I did22:02
recon_lapnmizar: and did that work?22:02
nmizarbut, when trying to install, I find plenty of problems22:02
nmizarfor instance, dconf can't proceed because it has no permission to access /root/.cache22:03
Os_Maleuswanted to let You know that I am running Xubuntu 11.10 on a Lenovo U160. this one works perfectly here. but installing the 12.xx versions are failing massively.22:03
nmizarthen, I su myself, chown and allow it to enter22:04
Unit193What about trying the alternate installer?22:04
nmizarburning it to another CD?22:04
Os_Maleusnow, I have reinstalled the 11.10 - faster HD. but in contrast to the system before, I don't receive the option for upgrading anymore.22:05
recon_lapnmizar: I'm wondering why you need to do anything? is it not formating you drive and loading up a default install?22:05
nmizarI saw the alternate but I thought the Desktop would suit me22:05
Unit193Or USB, if you can get that.22:05
Unit193Desktop should be working fine, yes.22:05
Os_MaleusI myself was trying to install from a usb-drive, btw.22:05
nmizarit desn't look liek it's doing it22:05
recon_lapnmizar: anything odd about the laptop? is it super old or super new?22:06
nmizarI changed my partition table to, actually, leaving it as it was: one big / ext4 partition and one swap partition22:06
nmizarneither recon_lap22:06
Unit193nmizar: Can you try "Check CD for defects" ?22:07
Unit193Boot option on the CD.22:07
nmizarit's one fujitsu/siemens amilo 12xx series dating 5 or 6 yrs, maybe more22:07
nmizarcheck CD for defects. OK. Gonna try it out22:08
recon_lapnmizar: well I'd do the CD check like Unit193 suggested, then I would have a look at the HDD, maybe reset the partitions myself and let the CD do a install22:09
Unit193Yep, gparted should be on the live CD.22:09
nmizaryeah, I didn't check the CD but the rest I did22:09
recon_lapOs_Maleus: you getting stuck too?22:10
nmizarah, let me tell you that, when installing, there is one option for changing the partition table22:10
nmizarI've done that in a number of ways22:10
Unit193Os_Maleus: Bios may not support booting from USB, and you can force an upgrade by opening a terminal and paste do-release-upgrade22:11
nmizarfrom leaving it as it was to making a brand new partition table, for instance, one with /, home and swap22:11
nmizarbut to no avail22:12
recon_lapnmizar: well, I'd suggest just letting the install CD use all the hard-drive in a automatic install22:13
nmizargood idea but, I am not given the option22:13
Os_Maleuswell, I am wondering why I am receiving the error message "Failed to fetch cdrom://Xubuntu 12.04.1 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120817.3)/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages" when I am checking the updates.22:13
nmizarthe first, say, couple times, I had four options22:14
Unit193Os_Maleus: Ah!  That's pretty simple as you just have to disable that somewhere in software sources (or it is at the top of /etc/apt/sources.list if you feel good about editing that)22:14
Os_Maleusthe booting from USB worked finally out. but with 11.10 only.22:14
nmizarfrom leaving my ubuntu and adding xubuntu to customise my installation through making a fresh install22:14
nmizarbut I cannot reach that point anymore22:15
recon_lapnmizar: think you select "Install Ubuntu" then default setup22:16
recon_lapOs_Maleus: have you tried setting nomodeset? http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-to-set-nomodeset-for-installation22:17
nmizaryou mean booting from the CD or from the live distro22:17
recon_lapnmizar: the CD, but not sure what you mean by live distro22:17
nmizarah, I'm sorry: starting the live xubuntu and selecting install22:18
Os_Maleusindeed, there it was. I was checking that file (of course, just by eyes) and (of course) didn't find the entry.22:18
Os_Maleusrecon_lap: but this nomodest-thing is actually for a system, that is installed already. isn't it?22:20
recon_lapnmizar: should really be no difference. but something going wrong :)22:20
nmizaryeah, I thought so22:21
recon_lapOs_Maleus: no, you can use it on the CD to test a live session without installing. I think :)22:21
nmizarhow can I check the CD?22:21
nmizarshould I burn another image?22:21
recon_lapnmizar: Have you checked you bios to make sure it booting from the CD first?22:22
nmizaryes, thanks22:22
nmizarI changed it to do it so22:22
Os_Maleusrecon_lap: didn't check it until now, to be honest. thanks for the tipp!22:22
recon_lapnmizar: then boot the CD,  you should see this menu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=804+Live+2+.png , you want to Check CD for defects22:23
nmizarrecon, I don't see that particular splash22:24
nmizarunfortunately, I won't be able to show you one22:24
recon_lapnmizar: what ISO did you down load?22:24
nmizarthe non-64 bit, Intel 12.04 desktop one22:25
nmizardo you want me to locate the actual link?22:25
recon_lapnmizar: you missing something very basic if thats not the splash screen you seeing, it's not booting a 12.04 desktop CD22:25
Unit193recon_lap: Sure it is, Xubuntu uses MaybeUbiquity: http://s.techairlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Ubuntu-Install-Welcome.jpg  hold shift on booting the CD.22:26
nmizarI'll try to describe what I see without rebooting again22:26
recon_lapopps my bad :-[22:26
nmizarit starts with a splash in blue with xubuntu written on it22:26
Unit193nmizar: Hold shift, esc, or enter.22:27
nmizarhe he22:27
nmizarwhen booting, unit?22:27
recon_laplol, keep forgetting I'm XUbuntu now :)22:28
TheSheepnmizar: just save a date in the session, and consider the user not logged in when that date is too far in past22:28
TheSheepnmizar: sorry22:28
TheSheepnmizar: wrong channel22:28
nmizarha ha, don't worry Sheep :-)22:28
Unit193nmizar: When you boot, you will see a small icon at the bottom and that's it, at that time you should hit shift (IIRC).22:29
nmizarrecon, when passing that step, it asks me for the language, then the time zone, keyboard setup and then it gets to the partition stuff, I guess22:30
nmizarsorry Unit, ok22:30
nmizarI'll try22:30
nmizarwhen clicking esc, shift or enter, what will it be supposed to happen :-P?22:31
nmizar'cos I hadn't noticed the icon :-S22:31
nmizarwas not paying attention, actually22:31
recon_lapnmizar: just press shift as soon as the BIOS post has finished22:32
recon_lapnmizar: keep tapping it :)22:32
nmizarand will that let me check the CD?22:32
nmizarhe he he22:32
nmizarsorry agin, will tapping that that let me check the CD?22:33
nmizarsorry agin, will tapping that will let me check the CD?22:33
nmizarhe he22:33
recon_lapnmizar: it should bring up the full boot menu with all the options22:33
nmizarany suggestion at that point?22:34
recon_laptest CD :) I'm looking for a picture of the menu, they hard to find22:34
Unit193http://blog.gambliser.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/xubuntu-upgrade-1_thumb.jpg  Can tell by the logo how new it is. :P22:36
nmizarperfect, thanks22:36
recon_lapbookmarks pictures for future reference :)22:37
nmizarhe he22:38
nmizarok, thanks a lot to you all, guys. I'm going to leave you by now and to give it go to the intall once again.22:39
recon_lapOs_Maleus: can you let me know if nomodeset fixes your issue22:39
nmizarIt's been a pleasure and you've been quite helpful22:39
nmizargood bye22:39
Unit193At least one of us has, good luck!22:39
Os_Maleuswell, now, I have installed the older version. hoped/-ing for a possibility to upgrade. but somehow, the update-manager doesn't want to offer that. guess, I have to play a bit around with the settings of the package manager.22:42
Os_Maleusrecon_lap: -î22:43
recon_lapOs_Maleus: this might help http://xubuntu.org/upgrading/22:47
Unit193Os_Maleus: Did you also remove the CD source?22:47
Os_Maleusthanks, recon_lap! yep, I did, Unit193. that helped to eliminate the trouble with the error messages. thanks!22:48
spaceneedleJust installed Xubuntu 12.10 on a usb stick and it boots up to a black screen on my Dell latitude. Same thing with Ubuntu 12.10 beta 2.22:52
recon_lapspaceneedle: you ,might want to try this  http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-to-set-nomodeset-for-installation , I'd like to know if it works as well22:53
recon_lapspaceneedle: opps, not sure about 12.10 , I though they would have fixed it22:54
spaceneedleHad the same problem with Bodhi too.22:55
Unit193spaceneedle: Sounds like the computer is a bit odd, would recommend trying some of the boot options and asking in #ubuntu+122:56
recon_lapspaceneedle: well, you could try monodeset boot option, that bug does give you a blank screen on certain hardware22:56
spaceneedleI'll give it a try and report back.22:58

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