
SteveRiley_!find locale-archive07:46
ubottuPackage/file locale-archive does not exist in quantal07:47
SteveRiley_!find kcm_locale07:54
ubottuFile kcm_locale found in kde-runtime, kde-runtime-dbg07:54
* Riddell updates http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-ppa-build-status.html09:08
Riddell4.9.2 working for me11:20
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw11:21
Riddell4.9.2 needs testing for quantal in ninjas11:21
Riddellnow, what to do with it11:21
RiddellScottK: you say you wouldn't want it in the main archive?11:21
soeeRiddell, ill test when i get home ~ 20:00 cet11:21
BluesKajHey all12:06
ScottKRiddell: Which?12:53
RiddellScottK: KDE SC 4.9.212:58
Riddellthe latest and greatest with bugfixes a plenty12:58
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  Please.12:59
RiddellScottK: groovy, I'll upload it to -proposed13:00
Riddellagateau, afiestas, Quintasan_: brian@bryton should be e-mailing you to confirm your name is the same as on your passport, then we can book the flights14:13
Riddellhah, got a missed call which I thought was somebody important but turned out to be a guy wanting to know if there was equivalent software to sony soundthing14:24
Riddellhard to tell someone to go elsewhere when it's me who phoned him (back)14:24
Peace-apachelogger: ping 15:38
ScottKRiddell: I think language pack updates can go straight to -release.15:43
afiestasRiddell: okz15:49
RiddellScottK: yeah, onto those now15:51
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
soeeRiddell, 18:48
soeeill do an upgrade now to 4.9.218:48
soeejust let me check if i have ninjas ppa18:48
dokoRiddell, ScottK: I did seed libpam-xdg-support in desktop-common, so it shows up on the kubuntu desktop as well. as an xdg spec it should be there. if not, please shout18:48
Riddelldoko: yes that should wo9rk18:50
dokook, thanks18:50
genii-aroundThere were some dependency issues this morning for me with kdelibs5-dev18:53
Riddellgreyback: in quantal?18:55
Riddellmm sorry bad tab18:55
Riddellgenii-around: in quantal?18:55
greybackRiddell: I am yep :)18:56
genii-aroundRiddell: Yes, with ninja ppa18:56
genii-aroundhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1256613/   18:57
Riddellgenii-around: on that's fine, just a mistake I made then fixed18:58
Riddellgenii-around: you know how to work around it?18:58
genii-aroundRiddell: I just manually tracked down the packages it complained of ending in ppa3 and did dpkg -i on them from the cache18:59
JontheEchidna!info muon-discover quantal19:00
ubottumuon-discover (source: muon): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 103 kB, installed size 623 kB19:00
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: ^19:01
shadeslayerthen https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/muon19:01
shadeslayeris wrong19:01
shadeslayer( the package listing at the top )19:01
JontheEchidnait probably only lists the current non-devel release for the binary packages19:01
RiddellI have muon-discover: Installed: 1.4.1-0ubuntu119:01
shadeslayermmm maybe19:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: I take it the muon replacing jockey thing never happened?19:02
JontheEchidnaeh, no, sorry. :(19:02
JontheEchidnaI never remembered to get in touch with barry19:02
soeekdelibs5-dev dependency problems19:02
RiddellI didn't think that would be an easy thing to do19:02
soeeleaving unconfigured19:02
JontheEchidnait wouldn't be too bad of a task if you could make python3 kde plugins19:03
JontheEchidna(where you = anybody)19:03
RiddellJontheEchidna: why does it need python?  muon is c++19:03
JontheEchidnato utilize the common driver detection bits that Ubuntu has19:04
JontheEchidnasee: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UbuntuDrivers/detect.py19:04
JontheEchidnaideally you'd have something that could use the UbuntuDrivers module to check what driver packages are available, and then you could just use qapt-batch to run the install19:05
JontheEchidnaotherwise you have to re-code all the modalias detection and such in c++19:05
JontheEchidnathe kicker is that the UbuntuDrivers module is py3k, and python-kde4 doesn't support py3k19:06
Riddellit does19:06
Riddellubiquity uses that19:06
JontheEchidnait does in a limited fashion19:06
Riddellbut probably not for plugins19:06
Riddellin kcm at least19:07
JontheEchidnaif it needs kpythonpluginfactory, you can't make it in py3k19:07
JontheEchidnabarry started to do a py3 port of kpythonpluginfactory, but we never got it to the point where it could load a KCModule19:08
shadeslayerRiddell: we should get something like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Get%20Involved/WhoWeAre19:09
Riddellgosh how did they get so many?19:10
Riddellshadeslayer: trouble with pages like that is they end up never being updated19:10
Riddellbut go for it, or convince someone like mparillo to go for it19:10
shadeslayeryeah, thats what I was thinking :P19:10
shadeslayer!find icui18n19:28
ubottuFile icui18n found in libicu-dev, libicu4819:28
genii-aroundsoee: These were the commands I issued to fix it this morning ( I was in sudo -i , hence no sudo commands in the paste) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1256698/19:38
soeegenii-around, loooks like simple apt-get -f install worked19:38
genii-aroundsoee: Ah, nevermind then :-)19:39
yofelshadeslayer: as a matter of fact we do have a few people's names on our wiki pages with the contributing information19:42
yofelso either improve that OR make a contact page like ^, but please not both19:43
shadeslayeroh ok19:43
yofel(I do agree that we lack on the contact info side though)19:43
yofelhm... 702 updates, yummy19:44
yofelshadeslayer: I do like their idea of documenting people's expertise though. I don't want to be a "mentor", no time for that right now. But if people know what to ask me about I don't mind being asked.19:53
shadeslayerhaha :D19:54
RiddellI think I need to go to bed, there's a few packages in kubuntu-ninjas for precise that could do with being fixed to compile then tested then released19:58
* ScottK is about to mass accept 4.9.2 for quantal-proposed.20:01
yofel4.92 upgraded fine here20:08
shadeslayer4.92? :O20:10
shadeslayerare you from the future?20:11
shadeslayerDid they forget to release FF?20:11
shadeslayerFF5 I mean :P20:11
ScottKOK.  4.9.2 all in quantal-proposed.20:25
yofelshadeslayer: more like my keyboard needed some cleaning...20:32
shadeslayerany ideas where kdm stores it's prefered session?20:35
sneleshadeslayer: /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc :)20:39
sneleor maybe not :)20:42
shadeslayernah, that's not what I want ;)20:43
shadeslayerScottK: bug 1054084 still needs a upload21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054084 in Precise Backports "Please backport kmymoney 4.6.3-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105408421:11
shadeslayerany ideas how to fix this armhf FTBFS : http://paste.kde.org/561308/21:32
ScottKshadeslayer: OK.  Please be fixing https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118158534/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.kde-baseapps_4%3A4.9.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:55
shadeslayer../../../konq-plugins/dirfilter/dirfilterplugin.h:28:37: fatal error: kparts/listingextension.h: No such file or directory21:56
shadeslayer!find listingextension.h21:56
ubottuPackage/file listingextension.h does not exist in quantal21:56
ScottKAlso https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118161611/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.juk_4%3A4.9.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:57
ScottKshadeslayer: kmymoney backport done.22:08
shadeslayerawesome :)22:08
Quintasan_Riddell: I forgot to take my passport with me to wroclaw, will send him the information tomorrow.22:52
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerQuintasan: still there?22:53
Quintasanshadeslayer: yeah22:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17090527/Tablet/IMAG0335.jpg && http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17090527/Tablet/IMAG0334.jpg22:53
Quintasannow this looks interesting22:53
Quintasanhow does it work?22:53
shadeslayerhow does what work?22:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: also, that's a armhf install22:54
shadeslayerand is a bit more usable22:54
shadeslayerstill no hw acceleration though22:54
shadeslayer( maybe we can figure it out at UDS )22:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: pinching etc works as well22:55
Quintasanarmhf wont help us much with the poor performance22:55
QuintasanI heard nvidia released tegra docs22:55
shadeslayerthey're going to22:55
shadeslayerand you have to sign a NDA22:56
QuintasanThat might get things rolling22:56
shadeslayerdon't think so22:56
shadeslayerhaving only partial info about hardware is just as bad as having no info22:56
QuintasanI see.22:56
QuintasanWell, no hw accel means shit works22:56
QuintasanBut slow as hell22:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: it's not slow as hell22:57
QuintasanNot the most pleasurable testing environment but better than nothing22:57
QuintasanHow did you install it?22:57
shadeslayerit's not OMG snappy as well22:57
Quintasanu-boot or some other black magic?22:57
shadeslayerI just dd'd the armhf ubuntu.img to p7 and flashed the kernel22:57
shadeslayerthe armhf ubuntu.img is very basic, has some Linux_for_Tegra stuff in there as well22:58
Quintasanquantal or precise?22:58
Quintasanthe release image?22:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=185270222:59
shadeslayerthe one from there22:59
shadeslayerthe scripts are a bit crap though22:59
QuintasanBut they work or I need to look at them?23:00
shadeslayeroh and then you'll have to compile homerun on your machine23:00
shadeslayerQuintasan: they work ...23:00
Quintasanhomerun? what's this?23:00
shadeslayerthe thing in the screenshots23:00
shadeslayeragateau is working on it23:00
Quintasanshadeslayer: Thanks for letting me know, I didn't do anything with tf for a while. I'll definitely give it a spin and keep it for UDS23:01
Quintasanoff to bed since I have uni stuff tomorrow early23:02
Quintasanthis week is so damn unorganised23:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: the only reason I spent the last 2 days figuring out the various bits was to try homerun on the tf23:13
ScottKshadeslayer or Quintasan: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118159142/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.kdegames_4%3A4.9.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:23
shadeslayerI've fixed baseapps, needed kdelibs5-data23:23
ScottKshadeslayer: Need fixes asap so we can get 4.9.2 into quantal proper.23:23
ScottKshadeslayer: Did you upload?23:23
shadeslayerabout it23:23
shadeslayer*about to23:23
ScottK(to quantal-proposed)23:23
shadeslayerright :)23:23
shadeslayerI have a 1 second lag so everything is *slow*23:28
shadeslayerScottK: kde-baseapps uploaded23:28
ScottKshadeslayer: juk next?23:29
shadeslayer!find tiostream.h23:29
ubottuFile tiostream.h found in fp-docs-2.6.023:29
shadeslayerthat doesn't look right23:29
ScottKNo. 23:30
ScottKIt's taglib23:30
shadeslayerwell ...it does find taglib ... hmm23:30
ScottKIs our taqlib package FUBAR?23:31
ScottKMaybe a path issue.23:31
ScottKDon't forget to update bzr too.23:35
shadeslayerright, I'll do that at the end :)23:35
ScottKNo diff in the queue yet.  I'll come back later and check.  Keep going.23:36
shadeslayertaglib is foobared I believe23:37
ScottKPlease be fixing ...23:47
shadeslayerScottK: taglib uploaded23:49
shadeslayertaglib rejected because I don't have the rights23:50
=== Guest90715 is now known as Mamarok
shadeslayerScottK: can you apply this debdiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/1257087/ and upload?23:53

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