
BarkingFishmorning guys - is it possible to downgrade firefox on kubuntu please? I'm stuck on 15.0.1 and most of my addons don't work with it.00:05
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artaono such luck :(00:07
artaooh well00:07
DragnslcrBarkingFish- apt-get install firefox=X.Y.Z00:10
DragnslcrI don't think the default GUI programs have a way of specifying a version00:11
BarkingFishthat would be great Dragnslcr - thank you.00:11
BarkingFishI had got firefox pinned at 13 but decided to have a look and see what the new version was like. Wish I hadn't :(00:11
BarkingFishDragnslcr, doesn't work unfortunately :(00:14
BarkingFishI just get "version 14.0.1 for Firefox not found"00:14
BarkingFishI guess I'll have to cheat and use the wine version of firefox - which is still at 3.6 :D00:15
DragnslcrBarkingFish- you might need the entire version string, e.g. 15.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.100:18
DragnslcrI'm not sure offhand how to see a list of all available versions, though00:18
BarkingFishDragnslcr, success.00:22
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BarkingFishI ran apt-cache policy firefox and it gave me the current version, and the last one it had which was 11.0+build1-0ubuntu400:22
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BarkingFishso I ran apt-get install firefox=11.0+build1-0ubuntu4 and it's gone through :)00:23
BarkingFishgood lord JontheEchidna :)  There's a name i've not seen pop up for a while :D  How are you?00:29
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TSKBarkingFish: There's also addons that you can install in newer Firefox revisions that'll override the version checking for addons and just FORCE them to work.01:30
BarkingFishTSK, that is good to know.  I wish I could find one - I'm back at v11 now and hardly bloody anything works :/01:31
TSKHang on, BarkingFish.  I'll find ya the one I use.01:52
BarkingFishthanks :)01:53
BarkingFishbe warned, I may ping out - I'm dl'ing Gnome / Unity to my system01:54
TSKBarkingFish: Found one of the tools I was using.  It's called "Addon Compatibility Reporter".  It used to force compatibility for addons, but apparently that has become the default for Firefox now.  Addons should just automatically ASSUME they're compatible unless you report them as incompatible.02:02
BarkingFishfantastic :)02:03
emmadoes it seem reasonable that when i run clementine (the music player) and i run the visualizations, clementine crashes?04:26
SmurphyMorning ...06:19
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skreech__Whooo Sony07:44
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amgarchingany advice on getting "slight" hinting for rendering fonts in GTK? I cannot make "gedit" to respect my font settings. Firefox is ok though. I am puzzled.08:30
amgarchingthunderbird fonts are ok, inkscape fonts are not. Both are GTK. Why?08:31
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Guest37964hi every body10:52
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BluesKajHey all12:06
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grek1hy when i use from bash script kdialog  --inputbox " when i have value ? in http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Shell_Scripting_with_KDE_Dialogs i have The string that is entered (or modified / accepted if default text is used) is returned on standard output.14:01
grek1what is standard output ?14:01
grek1i use reply=kdialog --title "Input dialog" --inputbox "What name would you like to use" "default Name"14:02
grek1and have 1 or 014:02
grek1so where is inputed text ?14:02
grek1any know ? i search hour without results im new in bash kde14:03
grek1help please ?14:06
BluesKajgrek1, what are you writing to ?14:08
grek1i write dolphin desktop action14:09
grek1they run sh batsh script and i need ask user for parameter14:09
grek1its  ok - kdialog  --inputbox ask14:09
grek1but i dont have this reply in bash , i dont know how to read it - in mabnual i have "The string that is entered (or modified / accepted if default text is used) is returned on standard output. If the user chooses Cancel, no output is sent. "14:10
grek1http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Shell_Scripting_with_KDE_Dialogs - example 2014:10
grek1but what is defalut output14:10
grek1i need like in other examples - reply= kdialog  --inputbox "some ask"14:10
grek1and i have 0 or 114:11
grek1if user click cancel 0 in ok 1 but where is writed value you know ?14:11
grek1or other dialog - to ask user for parameter - if kdialog is so difficult and bad manual14:13
BluesKajalways thought it went to stdout14:15
BluesKajbut I'm not much on scripting14:15
grek1i dont know how to use stdout14:16
grek1for passwor is like i need kompresja=`kdialog --password "Enter the password"`14:16
grek1and in kompresja i have value14:16
BluesKajgrek1, perhaps you should ask in #ubuntu , there are 8 times more ppl there to help14:33
grek1ok i got it14:33
grek1thnaks  kompresja=$(kdialog  work14:34
cmaginaanyone experiencing issues with kwalletd? kwalletmanager can't open my wallet (no errors, it just shows me a wallet window with no contents)14:48
cmaginaseems to happen every so often on a boot and only restarting kwalletd fixes it14:48
cmaginaopening kwalletmanager on the commandline shows QDBusConnection warnings14:49
cmaginaQDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.14:49
layke__How can I add a command shortcut to the favourites start menu?15:03
layke__I want to launch something quickly regularly15:03
BluesKajlayke__, a script or an app?15:06
layke__It's a bash/sh script, which launches an app15:06
layke__I launch the app by just running ./launcher15:07
layke__So I'd like to drop something on my favourites that does something like cd /path/to/ && ./launcher15:07
BluesKajjust add it as a script to system settings>startup and shutdown15:08
BluesKajlayke__, or you could add a program to it as well15:10
layke__I can't actually find system settings>startup and shutdown15:11
layke__I've found autostart.15:11
layke__BluesKaj, Found what I want.15:13
layke__KDE Menu Editor15:13
layke__And I can enter a command.15:13
BluesKajkmenu >apps>computer>systemsettings>startup and shutdown15:14
layke__I see it now thanks. Looking at it though the Menu Editor is what I wanted though.15:18
BluesKajlayke__, does the script launch an app or ?15:20
layke__Yeah. It sets up environment vars and things and then launches it through WINE15:21
BluesKajyou can place the app in quicklaunch widget and if thapp is already linked to open with wine then that should work as well15:22
BluesKajjust add the quicklaunch to your panel15:23
BluesKajthen the app to quicklaunch15:23
crow_When I try to use "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" I get: Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: no solution found. Unable to safely resolve dependencies, try running with --full-resolver.15:34
shadeslayercrow_: use apt-get15:34
crow_shadeslayer, can't I solve it with aptitude?15:35
shadeslayerbecause it's not supported iirc15:35
shadeslayerall upgrades are only tested with apt-ge15:35
crow_shadeslayer, could there be future problems/inconsistence of the system if I start using apt-get because I've used only aptitude so far?15:36
shadeslayershouldn't be15:36
BluesKaj!aptitude | crow_15:38
ubottucrow_: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.15:38
crow_and all the comparisons I found online praised aptitude and bashed apt-get15:41
shadeslayerfanboys :P15:42
BluesKajcrow_, they must be old reviews , I used aptitude for yrs until 2 yrs ago or so when it became apparent that aptitude could no longer cut it15:43
BluesKajwas getting dependency errors , until I switched to apt-get15:43
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uneivii can't update my kde to the last version. When i include the ppa backports to the repository its says  the 404 error. What should i do?17:04
BluesKajuneivi, which KDE version17:05
uneivii'm using 4.9.1 and trying to upgrade to the last version.17:06
bobosoI would like to know how to get applications to only show on the desktop they are assigned.  I have searched the web but dont seem to be using the correct wording to find this.  I see the setting different widgets on each desktop.17:08
bobosoI am running kubuntu 12.0417:09
BluesKajboboso, you might have them set to show on every desktop17:09
bobosowhen i right click on it and it shows the 4 desktops the only one checked is desktop 2 so it should only be assinged to the 2nd correct?17:11
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BluesKajboboso, yes17:17
Daskreechboboso: Do you mean you want it to always open on Desktop 2 regardless of where you are now?17:53
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bobosoDaskreech that is fine but for now I just want it to show on desktop 2 and not the others18:05
Daskreechboboso: Just move it to desktop 2 and leave it there18:06
bobosoi did but it still shows in the taskbar on all the desktops18:06
bobosoi just want it to show on the taskbar in desktop 218:06
bobosothats how i had it in the last version of kubuntu18:07
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone18:10
qw[Russian]help me after update and upgrade my OS is very very brakes, to be exact a sound! and picture!18:13
phoenix_firebrdboboso: hello18:14
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renosisQuestion: is kubuntu effected by the Amazon search feature?18:36
genii-aroundrenosis: No, it's a package which is specific to Unity18:37
renosisgenii-around, thank you much18:38
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ElesaHi, the installer is crashing just after I specify what I want to use my external USB drive's partitions for (/home, /, swap, etc)20:32
BluesKajElesa, is your external drive formatted to ext file system and mounted ?20:33
ElesaYes, I had to create the partitions in the KDE Partition Manager since it crashed when I tried to do it via the installer..20:34
BluesKajElesa, does the drive show up in the ubquity's partitioning page ?20:37
ElesaI mean, everything works fine until I specify what I want to use each partition for..20:38
BluesKajElesa, using the manual partioning option ?20:42
BluesKaj / is ext4 /home is ext4 etc ?20:43
ElesaYes, everything is ext4.20:44
ElesaOk, this is weird, I tried it again and set /dev/sdc1 as / but I forgot to click the Format checkbox.20:46
ElesaSo I did it where all the partitions are listed and the installer crashed.20:46
BluesKajis / the first partition ?, and make sure it's at least 7G in size20:49
ElesaYes, it is 30 G20:50
BluesKaj30G is way too large just for an OS under 7-10G is plenty20:52
ElesaBut what if I install a lot of stuff? Is it still enough?20:52
BluesKajElesa, well use 10G then but not 3020:53
BluesKajis this drive a usb or a sata20:54
ElesaUmm.. I think USB? It's a Seagate FreeAgent Go Flex20:54
BluesKajElesa, did you format the whole drive first then partition it ?20:55
ElesaI did..20:55
SIR_Taco_what about pre-formatting the partition, then install without formatting during the install?21:01
ElesaHow do I do that? I don't want to make a mistake and accidentally erase this laptop's hard drive xD21:02
SIR_Taco_Elesa: are you using a CD/DVD for installation?21:03
Elesano, Live USB21:03
SIR_Taco_Kubuntu 12.04?21:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #990464 [kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged]21:06
ElesaI figured..21:07
SIR_Taco_seems it's a known issue when installing via live USB21:07
ElesaThis is sad.. a bug in the INSTALLER? Oh well..21:08
SIR_Taco_one user suggested to specify just the root (/) and swap partitions during installation. After install, specify the /home, /etc, and other paritions in the fstab (not an ideal situation)21:09
ElesaI don't know how to modify fstab D:21:09
SIR_Taco_Elesa: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1038522/comments/9   maybe try that solution?21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "[kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged]21:12
ElesaI did it!21:16
ElesaI had less partitions this time and it just.. randomly worked. Haha.21:16
ElesaThanks for your help, everybody!21:16
SIR_Taco_good to hear21:17
bjrohanI have just recently installed 12.10. I think I installed java, however in CHrome in a website I try to use their screencapture tool which I used to get to work, and now it says I don't have Java. Is there somewhere I have to enable it in Chrome (not chromium)21:25
BluesKajbjrohan install kubuntu-restricted-extras , it contains the proper java libs and flash required for webpages21:28
bjrohanHow do I do that? A HUGE thank you for your help BluesKaj yesterday. I installed, updated like you said, rebooted 2x, updated via update manager, restored, rebooted, all is working okay21:29
BluesKajbjrohan, open a terminal , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras , make sure you wait for the disclaimer which you have to say yes (y) to21:31
bjrohanOkay. So not adding an additional software location21:31
BluesKajI think you added /enabled those yesterday21:33
olivier___salut le peuple21:35
olivier___ca gaz?21:36
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:36
genii-aroundeg:  /join #ubuntu-fr21:37
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backtothetoastgerman here?21:55
backtothetoastor only english?21:55
genii-around!de | backtothetoast21:58
ubottubacktothetoast: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:58
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Guest45687i wont to learn speak english22:15
Guest45687because my english is not very good22:16
backtothetoastg45678 what is your language?22:17
bjrohanHey BluesKaj22:19
bjrohanI recently installed kubuntu 12.10. previous to this I could do a screencast on a website on Chrome, now since the ugrade I get a message sayin Chrome can't find Java. I did just install the restricted packages, and rebooted, I still get the same error. Any suggestions?22:21
SIR_Taco_bjrohan: bugs are expected in a development release... there are patches that come down every day22:26
SIR_Taco_it's still in beta22:26
bjrohanI am pretty new to Ubuntu, just want to make sure I am not missing something obvious22:27
SIR_Taco_bjrohan: is the error more specific than "can't find java"? what service are you using to create your screencast?22:28
bjrohanI don't know. In the private website it gives me an option to upload a video, and one of the 4 ways is to record a screencast. It is a java program built into the site apparently. I do know before the update I would click it, it would tell me my icedtea was outdated, but I could run one time or upgrade. I tried to upgrade, but that didn't resolve, so I would always say use one time22:31
SIR_Taco_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java    It likely wants sun/oracle java.....22:34
SIR_Taco_assuming that it's directed towards Windows users22:34
bjrohanWill take a look22:39
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paul_I've unticked the wireless23:05
paul_and now it's greyed out23:05
paul_& I can't re-tick it, no wireless now, Help23:06
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