
BarkingFishmorning guys :)  Do we have any fix on a release date yet for QQ to go live to the public please?00:07
Daekdroom!schedule | BarkingFish00:10
ubottuBarkingFish: A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule00:10
BarkingFishexcellent, thank you kindly :)00:11
silverarroware you sure you aren't a dog?00:11
silverarrow;- )00:11
BarkingFishno, I'm not :)00:12
BarkingFishI might occasionally be dog tired, but I don't bark irl - I just bite :D00:12
silverarrowwhere is diskutility in quantal?00:12
DaekdroomNot installed by default, I suppose.00:14
silverarrowoh, disks00:14
silverarrowinstall is alway scary00:16
silverarroware you familiar with "install alongt side other verson of ubuntu"00:17
c_smith_man, I really gotta say 12.10 is shaping up nicely.00:34
bjsnideri guess it can't be found by searching for "palimpsest" in overview anymore00:34
c_smith_bjsnider, that's when one makes it a point to search everything local for now.00:36
bjsnideri dunno00:36
c_smith_might be a good idea until they implement the opt-out00:37
c_smith_and as I have read, it's gonna be opt-out rather than opt-in00:37
c_smith_no clue who made that ludicrous decision.00:37
jbichabjsnider: that's because the binary is now called gnome-disks00:46
bjsnideryeah, i figgered00:46
bjsnideri guess it makes sense, since nobody seemed to know why the tool was called palimpsest00:47
silverarrowthat is 6 hours until i have wired connection00:54
silverarrowmaybe I can get the b43 stuff through puppy lucid00:58
silverarrowor not00:58
silverarrowit can retrieve from ubuntu repositories00:58
silverarrowor a usb thing00:59
bjsnidersilverarrow, having a broadcom problem are you?01:00
=== silverarrow_ is now known as silverarrow
BarkingFish!find b43 precise01:04
ubottuFound: b43-fwcutter, libghc-configfile-dev, libghc-configfile-prof, firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43-lpphy-installer01:04
BarkingFishsilverarrow, those are the broadcom 43 files you might very well need, I don't know because I don't use broadcom - but at least one or more of those may be able to help you.01:05
BarkingFishsilverarrow, those are the broadcom 43 files you might very well need, I don't know because I don't use broadcom - but at least one or more of those may be able to help you.01:05
BarkingFishi think you need to have a firmware file to use one or more of them :|01:05
silverarrowyes, luckily a usb wireless I have works,01:06
bjsniderjbicha, the maximize gesture doesn't work with gimp01:06
silverarrowodd, but lucky01:06
silverarrowit will not download01:07
bjsnidersilverarrow, aren't you glad you bought broadcom stuff?01:08
silverarrowi am01:08
silverarrowor rather realtek perhaps01:08
jbichabjsnider: I'm not responsible for gimp ;)01:08
silverarrowanyhow, it works01:08
silverarrowhowever, download is veeerry slow01:09
silverarrowlike a week01:09
bjsniderjbicha, i thought you might have an idea why, so i could complain on a gimp ml somewhere01:13
omacIt's interesting to note that vlc when opened up plays with a tinny sound for videos or mp3s.  Once I adjust the volume for a second or two it goes back to normal sound.03:50
omacAlso to note I don't have this issue when playing with totem.03:50
sindilei have a thinkpad w530 - i have been trying to install nvidia drivers from this ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates. running apt-get install nvidia-current i get the following error unmet dependencies - depednds xorg-video-abi-11 but it is not installable05:22
sindileany ideas on how to resolve this05:22
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gsedej_workhi! I'm just trying ubuntu 12.10. I can't find logout button10:25
gsedej_workI wish to test other DE, because unity works awfully bad in Eee (atom + gma500)10:25
gsedej_workin live seassion10:26
varikonniemithere is no other de in live cd :D10:36
varikonniemikubuntu is other de10:36
varikonniemixubuntu other10:36
gsedej_worklive usb + persistance10:37
gsedej_workkde works quite good in "software" mode10:38
varikonniemiand iirc unity2d was removed with llvmpipe10:38
varikonniemiso is there any other de available but unity anymore?10:38
gsedej_workvarikonniemi, you can install it using usb+persistance10:39
varikonniemiyeah a de might be possible10:40
varikonniemii was thinking about my problems trying live persistence + nvidia binary blob, which is impossible10:40
tsimpsonisn't the logout option in the top right? probably under a menu10:41
md_5<md_5> there are currently no applications which integrate with your (null) account10:53
md_5<md_5> I can't delete whatever was there10:53
md_5<md_5> hmm probably +1 question10:53
=== silverarrow_ is now known as silverarrow
=== silverarrow_ is now known as silverarrow
BluesKajHey all12:06
gsedej_workvarikonniemi, why impossible? it worked for me12:07
varikonniemiat the time i was told that since it is a kernel module that needs to be compiled it cannot be done12:08
varikonniemiwhat i managed though was a normal install to the usb drive, and then i got it working just as if booted from hd12:08
silverarrowI have installed b43 package for quantal, and yet no wireless?12:09
BluesKajsilverarrow, sudo modprobe b4312:21
silverarrownothing much happens12:28
BluesKajtry to connect12:29
BluesKajif the module loads there's no output from modprobe12:29
silverarrowI had the b43-fwcutter_015-14_powerpc.deb stored on a usb stick, and then installed12:32
silverarrowshould it matter which way it is installed?12:33
silverarrowI give up12:47
silverarrowhave to get wired connection12:47
Seven_Six_Twodownloaded beta2 and put on usb. booted on laptop with nvidia. Output says "nouveau gpu lockup - switching to software fbcon...Failed to idle channel 2". I switched to a term and changed xorg.conf to nv, but that just locked my system.16:15
Seven_Six_TwoI think I might have just achieved low graphics mode.16:18
BluesKajSeven_Six_Two, install nvidia-current then reboot16:24
yofel_Seven_Six_Two: if I remember correctly nv doesn't exist anymore, try to boot with 'nomodeset' instead16:25
BluesKajoops , thought nv was short for nouveau ... Seven_Six_Two  , ignore my post16:26
yofel_well, once the system does boot he should do that :)16:27
Seven_Six_TwoI can't install it, because my 4gb usb key is apparently out of space16:27
Seven_Six_TwoI decided after a bit of kicking that I'd try in vmware16:27
BluesKajyeah , but i might hang on nouveau as default16:27
Seven_Six_TwoI take it back. I'm going to try nomodeset first. Thanks yofel_16:29
Seven_Six_TwoI replaced "quiet" with "nomodeset"16:30
Seven_Six_Twoaaw. sorry. It flashed a few times like it really wanted to start. LGM, no mouse.16:31
Seven_Six_TwoI run 12.04 normally, and it's an HP g60 laptop. Not obscure hardware16:32
BluesKajcan you get to grub , Seven_Six_Two16:32
BluesKajtry the recovery kernel , then in the dialog repair broken packages , then once finished , install nvidia-current16:34
BluesKajand sudo nvidia-xconfig16:35
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Seven_Six_Twook. I'm at grub. can you be more specific? I have :  /casper/vmlinuz initrd=/casper/initrd.lz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper quiet splash -- persistent16:36
Seven_Six_TwoI don't know about any recovery kernels when using unetbootin16:37
BluesKajSeven_Six_Two, I mean the grub menu, after the bios scrreen16:39
Seven_Six_TwoI didn't install it on my harddrive, so it's not on my laptop's grub. I have to select "try without installing" from unetbootin menu, and there's no grub screen after that16:41
Seven_Six_Twoas a side note, my desktop says that there's 3.1gb free on my usb key, so I don't know why it was complaining about being full when I tried to install nvidia-current16:41
BluesKajwel, it would have good to know you were using live media instead of an actual install16:44
Seven_Six_TwoI'm sorry you missed that part! I did mention it twice though...16:46
Seven_Six_TwoI'm going to give vmware a go before I try the nightly16:47
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Seven_Six_Twoit booted without trouble in vmware, but I'd like to get it to work from usb. Is there a trick to being able to install software when you run from usb?17:02
yofel_well, you can use usb-creator to make a persistent stick, then your installed software will stay.17:04
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Seven_Six_Twono wayland yet? I thought it was going to be this release?17:05
Seven_Six_Twoyofel, I thought that's what I had done, but maybe I suppose I did it wrong. I'll try it again. Thanks17:09
RiXtErHello all, is there a way to upgrade to 12.10 using apt?17:17
RiXtErWow, just checked the link, someone RTFM me next time...17:24
* RiXtEr facepalms.17:24
BluesKajRiXtEr,  well , the command , sudo do-release-upgrade -d , will upgrade , but make sure you updated and upgraded in your present OS first which I assume is 12.0417:38
BluesKajand for saftey's sake delete the ppas in /etc/apt/sources.list.d17:39
Seven_Six_Twowow. all of those problems simply because I didn17:47
RiXtErBluesKaj, thanks!17:47
Seven_Six_Twodidn't allot enough space on the usb key for persistence17:47
BluesKajRiXtEr, np , have fun :)17:48
RiXtErBluesKaj, will do :)17:48
RiXtErBluesKaj, to my understanding everything is 'frozen' right now, so if I grab it now, as opposed to 2 weeks from now, it should be the same right?17:49
BluesKajRiXtEr, not necessarily , ..the upgrades are frozen untill they are tested and approved atm ..that's my take on it17:50
BluesKajRiXtEr, but mostly everything is in a stable state right now , but the unity/gnome experience may be different than KDE , which is what I use.17:53
BluesKajRiXtEr, and if you're using ati pci graphics ..all bets are off17:55
Seven_Six_Twojockey-gtk is transitional. Is something replacing it for installing the nvidia drivers?18:10
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BluesKajSeven_Six_Two, there's going to be a software properties tab option in  whatever the hardware drivers section is in unity/gnome18:19
Seven_Six_TwoBluesKaj, thanks18:24
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BluesKajhey FernandoMiguel20:29
FernandoMiguelhey budy20:31
OSreXhi, does 12.10 include mono in the base install?20:35
trismOSreX: no20:36
OSreXthank you20:36
dr_willisThink i found a bug in Vsftp. :) after playign withit for the last hour. I can get anonymous users to login, but not my normal users.22:43
dr_willisseems PAM related. but thats about as far s all my trouble shooting skills go.22:45
dr_willisweird.. found a fix... :) just hitting the forums..  hope this will help anyone else with issues.23:01
dr_willisin /etc/vsftpd.conf:23:01
dr_willispam_service_name=vsftpd -> pam_service_name=ftp23:01
dr_willisnow it works. :)23:01

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