
=== lukjad is now known as lukjad007
=== Vetinari is now known as lukjad
Akshit97is anyone there12:06
=== cortman is now known as thewildhaggis
Cris22881need some help with ubuntu and aspire z561013:09
=== Sidewinder1 is now known as Scrapple
thewildhaggisWhat do you need help with Cris2288113:11
Cris22881with the videocard...it is a geforce g210m13:13
Cris22881with the latest nvidia drivers I get this : without the nvidia driver I can only boot in safe mode13:14
roastedhaggisthats bumblebee13:14
Cris22881with the latest nvidia drivers I get this :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3dtfdljzw without the nvidia driver I can only boot in safe mode13:14
roastedhaggisits a optimus card, and is a bit unstable under linux13:14
roastedhaggisit can be used with the bumblebee project to get it working13:14
Cris22881I read something about this bumblebee, but I thought that is only if I have 2 videocards13:15
roastedhaggisCris22881, if you have optimus, you have two video cards13:16
roastedhaggisis your laptop using optimus?13:16
Cris22881I have only one13:16
Cris22881 geforce g210M13:16
roastedhaggisCris22881, no optimus then - have you checked in the Hardware Drivers utility?13:18
Cris22881well..I found lots of info about how to get it working, but none of them succeded13:19
roastedhaggisCris22881, what have you tried so far?13:20
Cris22881to install on this computer I need to use acpi=off13:20
Cris22881after the instalation I can only boot in safe mode13:20
Cris22881normal mode gives me some resolution issue, it makes the screen of of sync or something13:21
=== smartboyhw is now known as nohaggis
Cris22881in safe mode I install the latest nvidia driver and I get the screen like above13:21
Cris22881I tried to uninstal the nvidia driver with apt-get purge nvidia-*13:22
Cris22881and still no chance to boot in normal mode13:22
roastedhaggisCris22881, post the output of lspci13:23
roastedhaggisand pastebin please13:24
=== nohaggis is now known as smartboyhw
Cris22881first I need to make a fresh instalation13:26
Cris22881will be back, and thanks for trying to help13:26
=== roastedhaggis is now known as Celene
=== Scrapple is now known as Sidewinder
=== thewildhaggis is now known as cortman
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=== cristian__ is now known as Cristian2281
=== Sidewinder is now known as Scrapple
=== Scrapple is now known as Sidewinder
=== Sidewinder is now known as Scrapple
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=== Sidewinder is now known as Scrapple
=== Scrapple is now known as Sidewinder1
=== Sidewinder1 is now known as Sidewinder
Cristian2281hello.Can saomeone help me with Ubuntu and aspire z5610 ?15:30
smartboyhw!patience | Cristian228115:31
ubot2Cristian2281: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:31
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:32
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw: that's not the right factoid.15:32
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR, well he did it in one line so your's isn;t too15:32
smartboyhwIt also refers to the patience factoid15:32
Cristian2281!ask my aspire  z5610 only boots in safe mode15:36
ubot2Cristian2281: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:36
Cristian2281can someone help me with booting an aspire z5610 in normal mode?It only boots ubuntu in safe mode15:46
cortmanWhat happens when you try to boot normally?15:48
Cristian2281 I get artifacts and nothing more. I managed to boot in normal mode only after I installed bumblebee15:49
cortmanSounds like video card issues15:49
Cristian2281but the strange thing is I don't have 2 graphics card and I am not able to start bumblebee daemon15:50
Cristian2281I installed the nvidia-current but all I get was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3dtfdljzw15:51
cortmanThen I'm out of my depth already Cristian2281 - sorry15:54
Cristian2281well...thanks for trying at least, cortman15:57
cortmanCristian2281, if you don't get any help here make a post on the forums16:02
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=== cortman is now known as thewildhaggis
=== thewildhaggis is now known as john_barleycorn
=== john_barleycorn is now known as cortman
CommKavI need help.19:58
CommKavIs there anybody out there?  pink floyd20:00
CommKav:-(, Hello anyone...20:01
CommKavIs there anybody out there?20:03
ubot2A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:04
CommKavHow do I find out the drive letter of my cdrom.  I am trying to install the second disk of a windows game and it asks for a cd drive letter.  The Home Folder is no help.20:07
jimbo_looking for help with and/or point me in the right direction for getting Mobile Broadband to show in modem-manager21:31
jimbo_wwan isn't showing up in modem-manager, ifconfig, nor iwconfig.  How do I enable/use my wwan card?22:50

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