
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
jbicharobert_ancell: I'm trying to figure out how to fix the missing a11y themes01:44
robert_ancelljbicha, patching them back in?01:45
jbichawell we can't do a normal quilt patch since those don't work for binary files01:45
robert_ancellyeah, that's as far as I got :)01:45
robert_ancellstupid dpkg/quilt01:45
jbichamaybe I could hack something together with debian/rules re-adding the files01:46
RAOFAdd uuencoded files in the patch, uudecode in debian/rules.02:10
RAOFjbicha: ^^02:10
sarnoldeww, is that really the best option?02:11
RAOFIt's a fairly common option.02:12
jbichasince we're moving two entire directories, I'd rather figure out the 2-3 lines I need to add in debian/rules02:13
jbichadpkg-source: info: using source format `3.0 (quilt)'02:19
jbichadpkg-source: error: unwanted binary file: debian/LowContrast/icons/48x48/devices/input-mouse.png02:19
jbichayikes, that's not working either :(02:19
xnoxjbicha: you need to list binaries you want to include02:20
xnoxjbicha: see man dpkg-source02:20
xnoxit's something like ./debian/source/included-binaries02:20
xnoxor something.02:20
xnoxbut check the manpage for syntax and correct name02:20
xnoxworks much better than uuencode. Or ship the binary files anywhere in ./debian/ dir and move them about as needed.02:21
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
jbichawell we can't do a normal quilt patch since those don't work for binary file04:06
jbichaThe two UIFE's I'm watching that still haven't landed yet (!) are04:07
jbichahttp://pad.lv/cial icon 105619104:07
pittiGood morning04:07
jbichahttp://pad.lvdisable online search results option to System Settings>Privacyg04:08
jbichasudo dpkg -i ../bu*.deb04:12
jbichahas:attachment to:jbicha@ubuntu.com04:12
pittijbicha: that didn't look like being meant for a public IRC channel?04:14
jbichahas:attachment to:jbicha@ubuntu.comYou had a sign-off process to contribute to the documentation?04:15
jbichaThe docs string freeze was September 25 so I didn't have a chance to see about iyour work.04:16
jbichaI'd like to forward your work to the ubuntu-docs list. Am I correct that it's licensed as CC-BY-SA 3.0Jeremy I did write material for previews, shopping (and how to disable it, which I hadwrite since the procedure changed). I adapted GNOME's material about online accounts.04:19
jbichawell we can't do a normal quilt patch since those don't work for binary filesbzr diff | less04:21
jbichaqbzr uncommit04:21
jbichaynano debfx RAOF04:21
jbichaynano debfthemes/x RAOF04:22
jbicharm -rf ../bu04:22
jbichabzr bd04:22
jbichastupid X04:23
jbichaI'm not even sure how that happened04:24
jbichaand I'm not sure why my computer was calling out for help to RAOF04:25
jbichamaybe I should blame gdm actually04:26
jbichaany ideas how my keyboard output was going to two windows at once?04:34
didrocksgood morning05:22
pittibonjour didrocks!05:29
pittididrocks: finally went over the bronchitis?05:29
didrockspitti: still some little rest and cough, but it's really minor compared to what it was. So mostly over, thanks! :)05:30
didrockspitti: how are you?05:30
pittinice to hear!05:30
pittiJe vais tres bien, merci05:30
RAOFpitti: Good day! Would you be up for a little Debian sponsoring? Porters would quite like colord 0.1.21-3 to be uploaded, so it builds on !Linux archs. ☺06:36
pittiRAOF: Oui, je peux06:36
jibelgood morning06:37
pittibonjour jibel06:37
jibelguten Morgen pitti06:37
pittiRAOF: spotted in the build log: is that known? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1255398/06:39
pittiRAOF: anyway, that's not something recent, so I'll upload -306:39
RAOFpitti: Hm, I didn't notice that.06:40
RAOFThat's probably the gir fixes that are in later colord versions :)06:40
=== sivatharman_ is now known as psivaa
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:24
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson :)07:24
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, how are you?07:25
didrockschrisccoulson: way better, bronchitis almost over \o/ and you?07:25
chrisccoulsondidrocks, that's good :)07:26
chrisccoulsoni'm not too bad, but i have quite a headache this morning07:26
didrocksurgh, not enough sleep?07:26
didrockshow is the family?07:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, they're ok thanks07:26
chrisccoulsonjo had a cold last week, and i think i'm getting it now ;)07:27
didrockschrisccoulson: typical at this time of year, I think :)07:27
chrisccoulsonyeah :(07:27
chrisccoulsonnever mind :)07:27
didrockschrisccoulson: better to be sick before UDS, you will be stronger for the virus melting pot! :)07:28
chrisccoulsonat least we got to the bottom of bug 1058209 yesterday :)07:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058209 in webapps-greasemonkey "firefox re-installs Add-ons everytime I restart Ubuntu" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105820907:29
didrocksyeah, I saw that, excellent :)07:30
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128hey desktopers08:02
didrockssalut seb128, ça va?08:03
pittibonjour seb12808:03
seb128hey didrocks, pitti! ca va bien, et vous ?08:04
pittiseb128: je vais trés bien, merci!08:04
seb128"très" ... ton français devient bon, tu écris presque sans fautes ! ;-)08:05
didrocksseb128: ça va :)08:05
pittiseb128: je fais de mon mieux :)08:06
seb128didrocks, don't you forget something?08:06
* pitti reminds didrocks about meeting reminder reminder08:07
didrocksseb128: how can I forget to reminds you about the desktop reminder? I can remember that even if pitti just did remind me about reminding you from the reminder :)08:07
didrocks*phew* :)08:07
seb128thanks ;-)08:08
didrocksyw! ;-)08:08
* seb128 hugs didrocks pitti08:08
* didrocks hugs seb128 and pitti08:08
* pitti embrasse seb128 et didrocks08:10
seb128group kissing now? :p08:11
pittiembrasser != "embrace" (hug)?08:11
seb128no = kiss08:11
pittifalse friend then? I thought "baisser" was kiss08:12
seb128well, it can be used for both08:12
seb128not as a verb08:12
didrockspitti: you meant "baiser" and you don't want to use that word :)08:12
seb128"donne un baiser" works08:12
seb128baiser is slang for making love :p08:13
didrocksbaiser is more "fuck-area-related" :)08:13
pittididrocks: really? in Germany we use it all the time, it's the name of some kind of cookies08:13
pitti(baked whipped eggwhite with sugar)08:13
seb128not quite the same in France then ;-)08:13
didrockspitti: it's vulgar in French, don't even try it :)08:13
seb128well as a verb, you can use it "donner un baiser" fine08:14
pittihttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baiser <- c'est le pâte08:14
seb128that's "give a kiss"08:14
seb128hum, cakes, cookies!08:14
didrockspitti: ah, some kind of meringue :)08:14
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, pitti08:16
pittierr, "la pâte", oui?08:16
pittibonjour chrisccoulson! bienvenue au chambre de français!08:17
chrisccoulsonheh :)08:18
chrisccoulsonthanks ;)08:18
pittiargh, compiz is getting on my nerves; restarting, brb08:18
didrockspitti: qu'est-ce qui se passe?08:18
seb128chrisccoulson, hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:24
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks, other than quite a headache this morning. it doesn't help that there are people digging up the road outside of the house as well ;)08:24
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:24
seb128I'm good thanks08:25
seb128no noise here ;-)08:25
chrisccoulsonooh, silence!08:30
chrisccoulsoni should probably enjoy this brief moment :)08:30
* didrocks starts chrisccoulson's mpd remotely :)08:31
didrockswith noise-from-street.ogg :)08:31
didrocksyou're really welcome! :)08:31
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: on each and every lp page I get this popup nagging to install the pluginscript. once I click on "install" nothing happens. Known issue?09:13
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, i think so. but that's not from firefox ;)09:13
chrisccoulsonthere were some others talking about the same issue yesterday09:14
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: k, I just thought you would know ;)09:14
chrisccoulsoni think Laney had the issue too09:14
Laneyhey, yeah09:15
Laneythere's a bug somewhere09:15
Laneybug #105780009:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1057800 in libunity-webapps "Some userscripts fail to load immediately after install" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105780009:18
Laneyor bug #105946009:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059460 in libunity-webapps "When clicking "yes" on any integration prompt, nothing happens" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105946009:18
pittididrocks: just the old "keeps auto-raising" bug again :(09:41
Sweetsharkseb128: do you have a second?09:44
seb128Sweetshark, yes09:45
didrockspitti: argh :/09:47
Sweetsharkseb128: looking at http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-quantal/u/bjoern-michaelsen.html, bug 780399, bug 1017771 and the bibliography task are all pretty much the same -- The infrastructure for that (PkgKit integration) is in place -- that was the hard part and the remaining code changes to use that should be simple. However, we are very late in the cycle and I would like to keep some reserves for remaining trouble with the unity stuff (which i09:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 780399 in libreoffice "Wizard doesn't run without libreoffice-java-common installed. The user should be notified to install it when running a wizard." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78039909:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1017771 in libreoffice "LibreOffice Calc needs extra packages to use Address book" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101777109:49
Sweetsharkseb128: so, should I a/ still try to force it in before final freeze b/ maybe prepare it for the 3.6.3 SRU for quantal c/ postpone completely to quantal+109:51
seb128Sweetshark, c/ I would say09:51
seb128there a "nice to have" but it's not the end of the world if they wait next cycle09:51
seb128we can discuss "b" later if we feel it would be useful to SRU but I don't think it's needed for a nonLTS version09:52
Sweetsharkseb128: k, thanks.09:53
seb128Sweetshark, is that your opinion as well?09:53
Sweetsharkseb128: I just needed someone rational confirming this as I am just annoyed by having it 99% done and then still missing this cycle.09:54
Sweetsharkyes, the rational part of me agrees ;)09:54
seb128ok, good09:54
seb128Sweetshark, if that's of any confort you can tell the annoyed part of you that enabling those would be a feature and that if you ask for a FFe the release guys will hurt you :p09:55
Sweetsharkseb128: OTOH the release guys have to be kept on a constant level of pain, so that they are kept in training ...10:01
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
mlankhorstdoesn't that make them bitter?10:10
Laneybitter is very welcome, indeed10:11
mlankhorst"No! You can't have shiny!"10:11
mlankhorst"You see I have this opportunity to grant you this very small amount of pleasure, but I get the pleasure out of denying you that small bit of pleasure."10:17
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneywebkit and qt4-x11 are both uploaded10:53
Laneylet's see how that goes10:53
seb128Laney, \o/ well done, thanks a lot for that10:54
Laneynow for some queue reviews before lunch, then piloting this afternoon10:55
MCR1I am having issues with complete visual lockups on 12.10 for about 4 weeks now. All graphics lock up, except for the mousepointer which is still rendered correctly and all I can do about it is to reboot via VT.11:08
MCR1Is this problem known ?11:08
MCR1It makes serious work impossible on 12.10.11:09
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
LaneyMCR1: what graphics? you probably want to speak to the #ubuntu-x guys like mlankhorst12:17
MCR1Laney: It is an ATI 5750 HD with gallium driver... I already tried to change MESA driver and other things from the xorg edgers PPA, but it did not help... but thanx a lot for the info though...12:24
MCR1I am just wondering if it is just me suffering from that, because I had confirmation from other people experiencing exactly the same thing...12:26
seb128MCR1, do you have a bug number for the issue?12:28
MCR1seb128: nope, not for this one...12:28
seb128MCR1, no wonder it doesn't get worked then...12:29
mitya57MCR1: does this happen after resume from suspend/sleep?12:29
seb128you should open a bug using ubuntu-bug just after getting the issue (so the logs might have useful infos)12:29
mitya57I have been experiencing a similar bug on Debian sid some time ago12:29
MCR1seb128: I am just wondering how a bug like this can even pass automatic testing12:29
seb128mitya57, do you think about the intel bug that recently got fixed? MCR1 says he uses ati12:29
mitya57seb128: which intel bug?12:30
seb128MCR1, because we don't own every card and chipset available on the market and some bugs are hardware specific12:30
MCR1mitya57: No, it usually happens during strong disk activity, like updating or compiling12:30
seb128mitya57, bug #96674412:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 966744 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96674412:30
mitya57seb128: I don't use compiz12:31
seb128MCR1, well anyway open a bug and ping #ubuntu-x about it12:31
seb128mitya57, do you use another compositor,GL desktop?12:31
seb128mitya57, that bug is not specific to compiz12:31
mitya57seb128: I was getting it with gnome shell12:32
seb128yeah, could be the same bug12:32
mitya57thanks for the link anyway, I'll test the new version12:32
MCR1seb128: okay, but no time today - I'll do it in the next days...12:33
seb128MCR1, thanks12:33
xclaessewho was working on the GNOME remix?13:15
xclaessejust to tell: the new boot splash does not work when asking encryption pwd :(13:15
kenvandinexclaesse, jbicha13:18
jbichaxclaesse: oh you mean bug 1060123?13:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1060123 in ubuntu-gnome-default-settings "Plymouth theme does not show password prompt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106012313:24
xclaessejbicha, looks like it, thx !13:24
xclaessejbicha, it went back to text mode here when typing p<d13:25
jbichaI have to admit I don't use ecryptfs and I don't know much about plymouth13:26
jbichaI subscribed the two guys that made that theme though13:26
xclaessejbicha, you can now get it from the normal ubuntu installer13:26
xclaessebefore Quantal it was only from alternate installer13:27
jbichaoh, you mean "full disk" encryption? I haven't used that either yet13:28
jcastro_didrocks, hey so is `dconf reset -f /org/compiz/` still not recommended? What do we tell people who want to reset their Unity configuration?13:36
didrocksjcastro_: I think it's not recommended dconf doesn't update gsettings apps listening to the key AFAIK13:37
jcastro_bummer, so is there no way for people to undo whatever they break?13:37
didrocksjcastro_: there is no easy solution for people to reset their Unity and Compiz configuration as each plugin has its own schema13:37
didrocksdidn't change since we last discuss ;)13:38
jcastro_I just want to know what to tell people when they break something. :)13:38
didrocksgsettings list-relocatable-schemas | grep compiz13:39
didrocksnote down the relocatable schemas13:39
didrocksthen gsettings reset <each schema from the list above>:/org/compiz/profiles/unity13:40
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
didrocksmaybe an extra / at the end13:40
didrocksshould be scriptable, that's what I told on the merge request removing it13:40
didrockswould be cool if someone will do that properly13:40
didrocksjcastro_: ^13:40
didrocksjcastro_: oupss, should be reset-recursively instead of reset :)13:41
didrocksjcastro_: needs testing, but I think in theory, that would work13:41
jcastro_I put a fat bounty on it, that should get it some attention. :)13:42
didrockswant me to answer here?13:42
jcastro_let's see what the bounty generates13:42
didrocksyeah, seeing it :)13:42
jcastro_you can do something more important. :)13:42
didrocksjcastro_: can you change "script" with "properly written in python" :-)13:42
ogra_.oO( are scrips not proper ? )13:43
jcastro_well, IMO we should certainly have a "Reset to defaults" when it comes to desktop stuff.13:44
didrocksogra_: as "unity", is a python script ;) I would prefer a --reset doing some library call rather than subprocess() :)13:44
jcastro_ohh, I can add that13:44
ogra_didrocks, uuh, yeah13:44
didrocksjcastro_: yeah, that would be great, there are a similar one in windows 8. To reset an account and you have some kind of granularity (like removing my emails, but still have my account setup)13:45
=== sivatharman_ is now known as psivaa
rodrigo_where does dput get the lp credentials from?14:55
Laneyyou mean the server location?14:55
Laney/etc/dput.cf or ~/.dput.cf14:55
seb128rodrigo_, dput has no credential, the ftp is an open one, uploads need to be gpg signed to get accepted though14:56
seb128rodrigo_, the matching is done through the package signing14:56
rodrigo_seb128, oh, that's probably it, he maybe didn't sign the package14:57
seb128mterry, hey, mvo asked if somebody could review https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-release-upgrader/lp1052605/+merge/125693 ... any chance you could have a look since you worked on that code before? (it's a reasonably small merge request)15:02
mterryseb128, sure15:02
seb128mterry, thanks15:03
jbichais the new gwibber lens icon landing tomorrow?15:25
seb128kenvandine, ^15:28
seb128kenvandine, didrocks, chrisccoulson, Ursinha, Laney, mlankhorst, cyphermox, mterry, tkamppeter, robru: it's meeting time, if anyone has a topic (none on the wiki so far), also please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-10-02 with things you worked on this week for those who didn't write anything yet15:29
mlankhorstHello, World!\n15:31
seb128hey mlankhorst15:32
seb128how are you?15:32
mlankhorstgood :) you?15:33
didrocksjbicha: I think it will land only when unity will land15:33
didrocksjbicha: so probably on thursday15:33
seb128mlankhorst, I'm good thanks15:34
mlankhorstit's been interesting past few weeks15:38
seb128mlankhorst, interesting in what way?15:48
mlankhorstseb128: well, vacation, xdc2012 in nuremberg, trying to get stuff upstreamed :)16:05
jibelLaney, I owe you a beer! webkit builds on jhbuild with make from proposed *\o/*16:26
Laneyjibel: \o/16:27
LaneyI need to reupload webkit actually16:27
Laneyforgot to merge the archive changes16:27
mvomterry: thanks for the branch review! merged now16:46
=== e11bits_ is now known as e11bits
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
seb128desrt, is g_settings_delay() g_settings_reset() g_settings_get_string() still supposed to give you the schemas default for a key with glib 2.34?17:07
desrtthere was an issue in dconf at some point that prevented that from working17:09
desrtdidier filed a bug... but it was fixed quite some time ago i think17:09
seb128desrt, hum, seems to be buggy :-(17:10
desrtgot a testcase?17:10
seb128I will try to get one17:10
seb128my testcase is Didier's code to display the default theme in the appareance capplet17:10
seb128which worked fine in precise and now indicate "default" for the theme selected at start time17:10
seb128rather than the schemas default17:10
desrtlet me do up a quick hack17:11
seb128start = when the capplet is loaded17:11
seb128desrt, buggy?17:12
desrtya.  i did a small test here17:13
desrtwtf is it this time?17:13
desrtyou just made it to the top of my todo list17:14
* desrt bets that this is something stupid17:14
didrocksstop breaking my code! :-)17:15
desrti found the bug17:17
didrocksas usual, that was fast :)17:17
desrtthis is not the usual sort of bug17:18
desrtsee if you can spot the problem17:18
seb128desrt, XXX :p17:18
seb128bad desrt, no cookie!17:18
desrti didn't write testcases for the gsettings backend :p17:19
desrtshould be easy enough to fix17:19
desrtgimme 1017:19
desrtcan i get a bug?17:30
desrtseb128, didrocks: ^^17:30
seb128desrt, sure17:30
seb128desrt, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68531617:32
ubot2Gnome bug 685316 in gsettings backend "getting default schemas value doesn't work in GNOME 3.6" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:32
desrtwill have a patch uploaded for testing in a moment17:33
desrtk.  done.17:34
desrtthis fell through because i was planning on never writing this code...17:34
desrtwould have been done differently under the new gsettingsbackend regime17:35
desrtso what it comes down to is that this bug is larsu's fault17:36
* larsu is okay with that17:36
* didrocks waves good evening17:37
seb128didrocks, 'night17:37
desrtseb128: too slow17:37
seb128desrt, can't always win :p17:37
desrti'm fairly sure that will fix the issue17:38
larsudesrt, which new gsettingsbackend regime do you mean?17:38
desrtbut i'd appreciate a testing for your case17:38
desrtlarsu: i was in the middle of rewriting the gsettingsbackend interface when i was rudely dirupted by all your gmenumodel/gtk_widget_insert_action_group/muxer/etc/etc hacking requirements :)17:38
larsudesrt, you mean you appreciate that you were allowed to work on that? :P17:39
* desrt just loves menus :)17:40
seb128desrt, segfaults17:40
larsudesrt, I'm getting the feeling, yeah17:41
desrtseb128: not surprised... but curious17:41
desrtcan i get a trace?17:41
larsuseb128, indicator-messages 12.10.4 is out17:43
seb128desrt, sorry, phone...17:45
seb128larsu, danke17:45
seb128desrt, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1256451/17:45
desrtthis is a crash in gkeyfile17:46
desrtjesus christ17:46
desrtobvious/stupid problem17:46
desrti forgot that gqueue is both stack and heap allocated17:47
desrtseb128: new patch is uploaded17:48
desrtglad i waited for the test :)17:49
jcastro_hey seb12817:57
seb128jcastro_, howdy17:57
jcastro_hey so, I keep noticing how much faster the dash is without blur. I don't suppose we've asked to default to that?17:58
seb128jcastro_, no blur by default? no17:58
seb128jcastro_, for some reason design is crazy about that blur17:59
jcastro_it seems like a nice quick and dirty fix to a bunch of "the dash is slow" problems17:59
seb128jcastro_, not going to happen...18:00
jcastro_yeah so I was just whining in your general direction18:00
seb128desrt, updated version seems to work and to fix the bug18:04
desrtseb128: cool.  i'll push and to stable too18:15
desrtseb128: if you want to vendor-patch those in, be my guest18:15
seb128desrt, doing so18:16
desrtsorry for the silly18:16
desrthope i didn't waste too much of your time :)18:16
seb128desrt, no worry, I'm glad we got it before release18:16
seb128no, that code didn't change this cycle so my first bet was an issue in gsettings,dconf and I started by pinging you18:17
desrtah good18:17
seb128jbicha, there?18:36
jbichaseb128: yes18:45
seb128jbicha, do you consider small tweaks to icon which doesn't change the shape and color as an UIF change?18:46
jbichawhich icon?18:46
seb128jbicha, specifically the indicator-messages status one, they have an updated version with renforced borders18:46
seb128it makes them easier to see on the background18:47
seb128jbicha, I fwed you the before,after grid18:47
jbichayes, that needs UIFE18:47
seb128jbicha, ok, I was unsure since those are really bug fixes rather than UI changes18:48
seb128there were discussions at some point to just consider UI fixes as bug fixes18:48
seb128jbicha, let me know if that's likely to be acked or if I should not bother then...18:48
jbichawell it would be visible in https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/figures/unity-appmenu-intro.png18:49
seb128well, I don't think such details would confuse users on the validity of the documentation screenshots18:49
seb128it's like those games "find the difference" between images :p18:50
jbichaI don't understand why the colored status shape needs lighting, my idea of mono icons is that they should be flat18:50
jbichathat's part of why the current messaging menu icons are bad18:50
seb128I'm not the one to argue with about those ;-)18:51
seb128I agree that the current one suck, especially with the light theme18:51
jbichaI know, I like talking to myself18:51
jbichaseb128: do you use Radiance?18:52
seb128that's what I call "light" theme ;-)18:52
seb128well, see the "light menu" in the "before" grid in the email18:52
jbichathe current icon looks "fuzzy" in Ambiance, mono icons should have sharp edges18:52
seb128you can't really see the full shape of the icons, they fade in the background18:52
seb128it sucks18:53
seb128especially the yellow triangle18:53
seb128it seems cut on the top18:53
seb128well, anyway ... worth opening a bug or not?18:53
seb128I will get mpt and larsu to comment tomorrow if I open on, they are the ones who asked for an update18:53
jbichaseb128: yes it needs UIFe and there's probably already a related bug for the issue18:54
seb128jbicha, do you know the number?18:54
seb128jbicha, I got that it needs an UIFe, I'm asking if it's worth opening one or if it's going to be rejected and not worth the arguing and time going to be spend on it18:55
jbichahow about bug 1055966 or bug 105648818:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1055966 in indicator-messages "New Messaging Menu icons look too small on indicator-applet" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105596618:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1056488 in ubuntu-mono "Messaging menu title icons are indistinct" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105648818:56
seb128jbicha, thanks18:57
jbichaI'll probably approve it, I mean what's one more UIFe?18:57
seb128lol, indeed :p18:57
jbichaplease don't tell Design I said that18:57
seb128don't worry, I'm with you on that one ;-)18:58
seb128ok, dinner time first, I will update the bugs and upload to the desktop ppa so it's available for testing after dinner18:58
jbichaoh good18:59
seb128jbicha, ok, used bug #1056488 for the UIFe, uploaded the new ubuntu-mono to the desktop ppa (humanity-icon-theme to follow) and emailed translators,documentation team about the UIFe19:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1056488 in ubuntu-mono "[UIFe] Messaging menu title icons are indistinct" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105648819:08
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mterryrobert_ancell, poke about the autologin-timeout-expired support needed in the greeter22:44
jasoncwarner_bryceh robert_ancell RAOF and TheMuso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-10-02 don't forget to update! oh yeah, and good morning ;)22:52
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
stgrabermterry: hey, speaking of greeter, could it be that unity-greeter ignores greeter-show-manual-logins=true unless greeter-hide-users is also set to true?22:52
* RAOF wonders idly what's popping up the white on black No! sign every half hour or so.22:52
mterrystgraber, it shouldn't...22:53
stgrabermterry: I have a bunch of machines that are using LDAP login and I can't get them to show both a list of users (those who have already logged in) and still give me the option to manually login with another account22:53
stgraberI'm seeing that behavior on both precise and quantal FWIW22:53
mterrystgraber, just to be clear, the key is greeter-show-manual-login without the s22:54
mterrylet me try it22:54
* mterry restarts lightdm, brb22:55
* bryceh waves22:56
brycehRAOF, No! means no22:56
robert_ancellmterry, ack22:56
mterrystgraber, works for me..22:56
mterryrobert_ancell, hi!  So, what kind of support needs to be added in unity-greeter?  Why is the greeter even involved?  (like, why doesn't lightdm just initiate login after the timeout?  to properly show error conditions when trying to login?)22:58
mterryIt looks like it listens for the signal and then should immediately start an autologin22:58
mterryWere you going to work on that, or shall I?22:58
robert_ancellmterry, the greeter should probably show feedback that that an autologin is about to occur (i.e. a timer). It should also cancel that if a user starts authenticating22:59
stgrabermterry: hmm, I certainly have the typo in my config here, let me check how widespread it's ;)22:59
robert_ancellit's better that the greeter handles the timer as any delays in starting the greeter would mean you wouldn't have the full time to intercept it23:00
stgraberI'm using some config management tools, so the typo is quite likely everywhere ;)23:00
RAOFrobert_ancell, mterry: While unity-greeter's under discussion, it seems that my unity-greeter still has the not-seamless-transition-to-desktop regression?23:00
mterryrobert_ancell, but it looks like lightdm manages the timer, since it's in control of the timeout signal, no?23:00
robert_ancellmterry, no, it is just a hint to the greeter and the timer is in liblightdm23:00
robert_ancellRAOF, I continue to see the odd bug report like that, yes23:01
mterryrobert_ancell, ok.  maybe you should whip up a patch then, or I can try to figure it out tomorrow23:01
robert_ancellmterry, ok23:01
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=== Ursinha is now known as Jorjao
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