
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
FourDollarsHi, I have a bug. It just needs to rebuild the package to solve.03:02
FourDollarsHow can I do that for Ubuntu quantal?03:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028746 in ibus-chewing (Ubuntu Quantal) "quantal alpha3: ibus-engine-chewing crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()" [Medium,Confirmed]03:04
tjaaltonhallyn: yes, the ubuntu branch03:55
pittiGood morning04:07
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dholbachgood morning06:49
dholbachtjaalton, happy birthday! :)07:00
tjaaltondholbach: thx :)07:01
didrockshappy birthday tjaalton ;)07:01
tjaaltondidrocks: :)07:02
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Davieyjtaylor: hey, did you investigate what pwlib used to be used for?08:23
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xnoxFourDollars: if you want a no-change rebuild, please subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug.08:38
FourDollarsxnox: Thank you. :)08:39
xnoxFourDollars: is it just your package that needs rebuilding or a wider set of packages? everything that depends on particular versions of ibus?08:39
FourDollarsxnox: Not sure.08:39
FourDollarsxnox: I am only sure for ibus-chewing.08:39
xnoxFourDollars: ideally we want package uninstallable if there was an api/abi bump. Or a proper transition in place for all rdeps of ibus....08:40
xnoxFourDollars: that's ok.08:40
FourDollarsxnox: IIRC, there is no such mechanism in Ubuntu archives. Right?08:41
xnoxFourDollars: sure there is.08:41
xnoxFourDollars: tick good on this page http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/boost1.49.html08:42
xnoxFourDollars: or see this in progress transition http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/gnutls28.html08:42
FourDollarsxnox: Thanks for your information.08:42
xnoxwe also have uninstallation reports and other bits and bobs ;-)08:43
cjwatsonOr just do it if it's a small number08:43
FourDollarsxnox: I don't see any ibus relative under http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ .08:43
xnoxFourDollars: either it's small, not done/setup, or ibus had incompatible changes without bumping shlib depends/soname.08:44
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gsedej_workhi! I am trying ubuntu 12.10. Where is "logout", i wish to choose some other DE10:22
mitya57gsedej_work: support is in #ubuntu10:23
gsedej_workubuntu 12.10 beta?10:23
ogra_for 12.10 i think its rather #ubuntu+110:23
gsedej_workoh, sorry, i didn't see it in channel list10:24
mitya57well, the logout button didn't change in 12.10 :)10:24
gsedej_worksorry for bothering10:24
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mptev, the #100 crash in 12.10 is in worldofgoo11:48
mptThe first sign of importance for giving access to independent upstreams11:49
evyeah, we can't possibly retrace those at the moment11:49
evbut great that we're actually getting them11:50
cjwatsonThe number of people still installing beta-1 is a little scary11:51
infinityThe number of people who install milestones more than a few days after we release them scares me. :/11:51
infinityBut, I guess if you have the ISO lying around.11:52
mptand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta1 gives no clue that beta 2 is out, that I can see11:52
infinitympt: Why would it?11:52
cjwatsonThat's more understandable; it's only relatively recently that daily builds have been worth bothering with11:52
infinitympt: Do the oneiric release notes point to precise?11:52
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cjwatsonmpt: Ah, now that at least is readily fixable, although the question presupposes a charming belief that users read the tech overview ...11:53
mptinfinity, why wouldn't it?11:53
cjwatsonI think it's reasonable for milestone notes to point forward11:53
mptinfinity, for people who have heard that beta 1 has been released, and haven't heard that beta 2 has also11:53
infinitympt: I'm not saying that obsolescence notes on release notes might not be a cool idea, just that we've never done it before that I know of, hence my wondering at your wondering. :)11:53
* cjwatson adds a bold-face note to the top11:54
infinitycjwatson: And the alphas!11:55
mptcjwatson, good -- is there also a checklist for "things to do when a beta/final is released" to which that step can be added?11:55
cjwatsonProbably ought to but have other things to do11:55
cjwatsonmpt: BetaProcess.  But I'm not bothering since I hear milestones may not be happening next cycle11:55
* infinity isn't quite sure why we have one set of notes per milestone at all, rather than just a cumulative document for Q that ends up being the final notes.11:56
mptTwo eminently plausible ways to solve the problem11:56
cjwatsonWouldn't hurt to archive some more of the beta-1 images, either11:56
cjwatsonI'll do that later today11:56
dokocyphermox, yubiserver ftbfs11:58
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dokocjwatson, a lot of the amd64 only build failures (found now 7) seem to be caused by changed dpkg-dev behaviour. all have in common that either the install target is called in the build step, or that there are missing dependencies for the build-arch target. these build failures are not seen in unstable12:27
cjwatsonwell, unstable or not, they are surely bugs12:31
cjwatsonI don't see any obviously-relevant changes in dpkg on either side, although I've only checked changelogs12:32
cjwatsonBut at this point I'd rather fix those packages than change dpkg anyway12:32
dokolooking through the amd64 only ftbfs now12:35
xnoxI had something like that with addons, e.g. dh_sphinxdoc -a fails12:37
cjwatsonThat doesn't sound related.12:38
xnoxso I had to make dh_sphinxdoc call only in binary-indep12:38
cjwatsonUnless DH_OPTIONS is wrong as a result of the above.12:38
xnoxoh and that one was reproducible in sid, so different problem.12:39
buxykees: Next meeting is 2012-19-15 %-)12:43
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smosercyphermox, do you think i'm way off assuming bug 1058517 and bug 105898712:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058517 in dbus (Ubuntu) "upgrade of dbus causes unclean unmount of /" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105851712:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058987 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "In Quantal, the root filesystem is not cleanly unmounted at shutdown or reboot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105898712:52
smoserare related12:52
cyphermoxsmoser: not necessarily13:07
cyphermoxit looked weird too, since I could have sworn that piece of code (in NM to stop dnsmasq) used to work, and certainly didn't change significantly enough to cause this13:08
smoserand in the cloud imageswhere i see this, i have no network manager13:08
smoserbut do have dbus13:08
smoser(and this was in precise)13:09
cyphermoxI'm still going to look at dnsmasq/NM closely to be sure13:09
cyphermox(since the reporter days they can avoid this by removing dnsmasq-base)13:09
smosercyphermox, right. that didn't make much sense to me either.13:10
smoseri'm not even sure how i became aware of your bug.13:10
cyphermoxfwiw, I don't understand because dnsmasq is reportedly no longer running, otherwise things would hang earlier and get caught by report_unkillable in sendsigs13:12
cyphermoxor at the very least I should always be able to see it on all my systems13:13
smosercyphermox, well, any thoughts you have, i'd be interested in.13:14
smoserbecause this is pretty serious a regression in precise13:14
cyphermoxsmoser: "Also, doing a fully up-to-date netinstall works fine until I install network-manager-gnome (which pulls in dnsmasq-base). That's when this bug starts to show up."13:14
Laney@pilot in13:14
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Beta 2 released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
cyphermoxalso, this is a bug in quantal, not precise13:14
cyphermoxmaybe it's really two different things13:14
smosercyphermox, right.13:14
mptHm, the #1 crash for Ubuntu users overall right now <http://launchpad.net/bugs/821233> is from software that is unmaintained <https://answers.launchpad.net/weather-indicator/+question/209454>13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 821233 in indicator-weather (Ubuntu) "indicator-weather crashed with AttributeError in export_location_details(): Location instance has no attribute 'location_code'" [Medium,Confirmed]13:27
dokopitti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118057586/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.vala-0.10_0.10.4-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:33
dokothis is the same error as for ubuntu-drivers-common ...13:34
pittinot for the same service, though; but yes, timed out while waiting for a service to get activated13:34
dokobut I can't see how this connects to a swap space issue13:35
pittiswapping makes everything grind to a halt, so everythingthat does I/O (that includes d-bus service activation) just takes ages13:36
pittior at least slow enough to trigger some race conditiosn13:36
pittibut this is amd64, not arm13:36
dokopitti: do you know it is swapping? I doubt it13:36
pittiso apparently this is a different problem13:36
dokothe arm build is only 12min, so it doesn't like to be a timeout13:37
cjwatsonDamn, rebootstrapping eclipse-mylyn didn't fix eclipse-egit13:37
cjwatsonWonder what's going on there13:37
pittidoko: well, it's "slowness"; I just parrot infinity when he said that since the upgrade our arm builders have to do a lot more swapping13:37
dokopitti: but here I can't see any reason for that13:38
pittidoko: right; pitti | so apparently this is a different problem13:38
dokocjwatson, I think I did address all binary-arch issues, maybe uw-imap is another one13:40
Laneyinfinity: would you like to take care of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/1000498 ?13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000498 in eglibc (Ubuntu Quantal) "fmod() incorrectly returns NaN for (some?) denormalized inputs" [Medium,In progress]13:55
infinityLaney: Yeah, it's on my TODO today, since I need to re-do my SRU upload ANYWAY.13:55
infinity(Thanks, security team)13:55
infinity(I'm not bitter)13:55
LaneyPfft, security, what do we need THAT for?13:56
cjwatsonjamespage: I could use help with the eclipse-egit build failure; it's not making a lot of sense to me, as those plug-ins do seem to exist.  But I'm not sure where Eclipse might be looking.13:59
jamespagecjwatson, looking now14:01
jamespagecjwatson, ergh - that looks like osgi terror - lemme see if I can dig out the DM14:03
nikitisWhere can one apply for steam linux beta?14:08
cjwatsonjamespage: Hmm, some dependencies were dropped between Debian and Ubuntu14:09
barryjodh: ping14:10
cjwatsonjamespage: Aha, installing those missing dependencies did it.  So eclipse-mylyn has misbuilt14:12
* cjwatson hopes this wasn't the result of his bootstrapping attempt14:13
jamespagecjwatson, not sure I understand - I would suspect some sort of odd bootstrap sequence to get this stuff working in Debian from scratch so that might make sense14:13
infinitycjwatson: What did you do to break it? :)14:13
cjwatsonInstalled eclipse-egit from Debian14:14
cjwatsonThe -mylyn build log has stuff like:14:14
cjwatsonjh_installeclipse: Cannot determine the package providing /usr/share/java/httpclient.jar.14:14
cjwatsonWhich looks possibly relevant14:14
infinityMissing build-deps?14:14
cjwatsonlibhttpclient-java is there14:15
cjwatsonJDK 6 vs. 7?14:15
infinityThat seems likely.14:15
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cjwatsonBut it just uses dpkg -S for that check14:17
jodhbarry: howdi14:17
barryjodh: hi!  sorry about crossing signals on that bug.  i tried to find you on irc but i think it was past your eod14:18
infinitycjwatson: Which would imply the files don't exist...14:18
cjwatsonAnd yet.14:18
jodhbarry: np!14:18
barryjodh: did you see the patch and test i uploaded?  i wonder if it makes sense to pull those into your mp for lp:python-apt?14:18
* infinity scratches his head...14:20
cjwatsonTrying to construct a matching build locally now.14:20
jodhbarry: I think mvo has already taken both your + my code and put it into the ubuntu branch.14:21
Laneyplease can someone reject https://code.launchpad.net/~schumski-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount/ubuntu/quantal/kmess/1045090/+merge/122427 per the comment there14:22
barryjodh: great!  i still have a few comments about the mp, so i'll just follow up there and let mvo dtrt.14:22
stgraberLaney: marked as work-in-progress14:22
Laneystgraber: if that gets it off the list, cool14:23
Laney(I could have done that too)14:23
* dholbach hugs Laney14:23
stgraberLaney: no you can't do that yourself, you need to be in ~ubuntu-branches (so basically be a TB member)14:23
LaneyI get the option14:23
LaneyWork in progress, Needs review, Merged14:23
* xnox too14:23
stgraberoh, is that new?14:24
xnoxthat is not "Rejected" though.14:24
stgraberanyway, yes, work in progress will get it off the report14:24
xnoxand sounds nicer =)14:24
mvobarry: I merged a bunch of stuff this morning, I did not see a MP from you though? did I miss that? (just from from jodh)14:25
infinitycjwatson: I bet it's just sketchy parsing of "dpkg -l" in perl that the new dpkg may have broken.14:25
cjwatsonIt's possible.  I should be able to tell once I get far enough through the build (unfortunately it's a bit slow).14:25
barrymvo: no, i didn't get around to doing the mp.  was going to do that today, but i think i won't need to.  you grabbed the package patch i applied for LP: #1030278 right?14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1030278 in the python apt bindings "Quantal failed to install: ubiquity crashed in apt/progress/text.py in pulse: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103027814:26
Laneyjodh: would you care to continue reviewing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zabbix/+bug/1047837 ?14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047837 in zabbix (Ubuntu) "Upstart support for Zabbix services" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:28
barryjodh, mvo i added a few comments to https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesodhunt/python-apt/test-for-size_to_str/+merge/12743514:29
infinitycjwatson: Or not.  A simple copy-and-paste reduced test case from javahelper spits out package and version just fine.14:30
cjwatsonIt's not locale-dependent or something, is it?14:30
cjwatson(I do wish eclipse* didn't have 100MB-plus build-deps from universe.)14:31
infinityLANG=C seems to behave fine too.14:31
infinitycjwatson: Installing just libhttpclient-java is small.14:31
cjwatsonYeah, but since that apparently doesn't reproduce the problem ...14:32
jodhLaney: comment added.14:32
infinityWell, yes.  But I'm stumped, cause it clearly has the right string there.14:32
infinityWhich it then passes to the sub that I copied verbatim.14:32
infinityAnd it works.14:32
mvobarry: thanks, I'm in a call now wil comment in a bit14:32
jodhbarry: thanks.14:33
infinitycjwatson: Any chance those strings could be null-terminated or something wonky?14:38
infinitycjwatson: That would asplode the dpkg -S14:38
cjwatsonYeah, not sure yet14:39
mfischRiddell: ping14:42
Riddellhi mfisch14:42
mfischRiddell: hey, I'll test my deb in a bit here and let you know in the defect14:43
Riddellmfisch: point me at it and I can test too14:44
mfischRiddell: okay, need to finish up a phone call first14:44
evugh, yes python-apt, what I really mean by "extract this deb" is "create a lot of empty directories for each symlink you encounter."14:48
ogra_oh, that fix to bug 390247 looks tempting14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390247 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Change I/O scheduler to NOOP when installing in SSD Drive or virtual machines" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39024714:51
* ogra_ wonders if there are any drawbacks using udev rules like that14:51
xnoxogra_: hmm... is the scheduler per drive? what if I have one rotational and one SSD ?14:53
Laneyjcastro_: do you know when the HP cloud trial finished/finishes?14:53
ogra_yes, it is14:53
xnoxogra_: that's ok then. Upload on day one or r-series?14:53
ogra_xnox, well i wonder if it could help with bug 864051 as well somehow14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864051 in partman-target (Ubuntu) "TRIM support not enabled for SSDs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86405114:54
xnoxogra_: I like the bug 390247 solution better. If we can enable trim/ change scheduler on the fly the better.14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390247 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Change I/O scheduler to NOOP when installing in SSD Drive or virtual machines" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39024714:55
mfischRiddell: it will be built in a bit, I haven't tried it yet: https://launchpad.net/~mfisch/+archive/testing/+packages14:55
mfischRiddell: it's looking like it will be a few hours before I can install it14:56
xnoxogra_: the caveat here, if we get it wrong we may wear one of the other out.14:56
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/packages/nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra-16.0$ cat /sys/block/sdd/queue/scheduler14:56
ogra_[noop] deadline cfq14:56
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/packages/nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra-16.0$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler14:56
ogra_noop [deadline] cfq14:56
ogra_wrt your first question14:56
jcastro_Laney, they have not given me an exact date.14:57
jcastro_Laney, basically, keep an eye on it, lmk if they start charging you.14:57
Laneyjcastro_: OK, I'm kind of scared to use it any more for this reason14:57
ogra_xnox, hmm, i thought if the HW doesnt support TRIM it simply wont be used14:57
jcastro_you're an employee, we have a cloud policy you can expense.14:57
xnoxogra_: but schedulers are available for all drives?14:58
ogra_xnox, the question is, can we tell it somehow through sysfs to use TRIM or is that only possible as mount option14:58
jcastro_And that would enable us to know if they did start charging us so I can tell community members to either stop or keep going.14:58
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/packages/nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra-16.0$ ls /sys/block/sd*/queue/scheduler14:58
ogra_ /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler  /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler  /sys/block/sdc/queue/scheduler  /sys/block/sdd/queue/scheduler14:58
ogra_grmpf ... IRC14:58
lfaraone|shjcastro_: let me know, too, haha. they also ended their 50% discount on cloud usage.14:58
xnoxjcastro_: Laney: don't they invoice monthly with no updates and that means, if they do invoice it's too late...14:59
ogra_xnox, at least for all sdX ones14:59
jcastro_xnox, yes, exactly14:59
Laneywell, you'll then have to claim it back14:59
Laneyas long as random usage is covered by this policy then it's cool by me14:59
ogra_ah, also for sr0 loop and ram devices that i have here14:59
Laneylike, I'll use it now to do this patch piloting since my PC sucks14:59
jcastro_Laney, don't take my word for it, please read the internal cloud policy document (I don't have it handy)15:00
xnoxLaney: didn't you brag about your new i7 on facebook?!15:00
Laneyyeah but I'm working15:00
Laneycan't be building PCs now can I :P15:00
jcastro_I am kind of hoping they just love Ubuntu and leave the accounts open and free for the benefit of the project. :)15:00
ogra_xnox, hah !15:02
ogra_xnox, http://lwn.net/Articles/515790/15:02
Laneyjcastro_: yeah just read it, seems like it would clearly be fine15:04
ogra_so seems trim/discard should be tweakable through sysfs too with that patch15:04
LaneyI'll give it a go then, thanks15:04
xnoxogra_: lol =) interesting.15:04
jcastro_Laney, yeah, unfortunately I have no way of finding out when/if they shut it off, I figure it's better for us to find out than having a community member stuck with a bill15:05
jcastro_xnox, did you ever do the rebuild thing on HP cloud?15:05
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xnoxjcastro_: i did do recompress https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-dpkg-xz15:08
xnoxfor that blueprint15:08
xnoxof amd64, all, dbgsym packages.15:08
xnoxusing hadoop cluster on top of HPCloud.15:08
Laneyisn't there a problem with using xz in the base system, or something?15:09
* Laney can't remember exactly15:09
Laneysomething to do with debootstrap maybe15:09
cjwatsonThere certainly was at one point, and may still be.15:10
* lfaraone|sh is reducing his usage to ~3 XS instances, as a precaution. 15:10
xnoxLaney: cjwatson: but it is awesome for -dbgsym packages =)15:13
cjwatsoninfinity: Argh.  eclipse-mylyn got the right dependencies when built locally.15:13
Laneyyeah, I'm sure the ddeb archive will thank you15:13
cjwatsonxnox: You could fix -dbgsym easily independently, in pkg-create-dbgsym.15:13
xnoxcjwatson: yes.15:13
infinitycjwatson: ...15:14
cjwatson(And no errors from jh_installeclipse.)15:14
infinitycjwatson: Well, that fits with my by-hand unit-test of test.pl, but that's pretty unhelpful.15:15
cjwatsonI might try another build in a PPA to see if it's cosmic rays.15:15
infinitycjwatson: That's some serious cosmic rays...15:15
infinitycjwatson: I guess filesystem corruption could have thrown a null in the perl script... Somehow?15:15
xnoxcjwatson: and then we can discuss if we fill flip the xz switch elsewhere e.g. (amd64, i386, all, armel, armhf, powerpc) x (debs, ddebs, udebs) x (lamba function of your choice)15:15
cjwatsonxnox: Personally I'm not interested in doing this independently of Debian.15:16
cjwatsonToo much hassle for too little gain.15:16
cjwatsonDebian seems to be showing signs of wanting to do it in the near future anyway.15:16
cjwatsonSo if we do it ourselves, that's potentially a non-trivial amount of work that might well be superseded in not very long anyway ...15:17
infinityIndeed, it was hotly discussed at Debconf.15:17
ogra_pitti, any opinion about bug 390247 ? i think we shoudl ship it, but i'm not sure where to add it, udev or udisks ...15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390247 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Change I/O scheduler to NOOP when installing in SSD Drive or virtual machines" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39024715:17
cjwatsonSo why not contribute our effort to making it work right in Debian, if that's what we want to do15:17
infinityThough, mostly just from the POV of twiddling debhelper's defaults.15:17
infinity(And their defaults may still end up not being what we want, given that people think "slow arches" don't deserve good compression, so we'll see)15:17
infinityI tried to fight that mentality as hard as I could.15:18
xnoxor look at the stats and identify packages that are not gaining anything from compression, and e.g. initiate fixing those pre-compressed packages.15:18
infinityxnox: Yeah, a lot of compressed stuff shouldn't be.15:19
infinityxnox: And some stuff should be gz instead of xz, and, and.. But the per-package tweaks are orthogonal to picking a sane default.15:20
xnoxinfinity: especially after we already optimise our pngs for example.15:20
cjwatsonI realise there are some sub-block files where it makes no difference; but "fixing" many others might well entail making the installed system bigger.15:20
cjwatsonWhich isn't a good side-effect.15:20
infinitycjwatson: We're talking debs specifically, hard to make the installed system bigger by changing compression of debs...15:21
infinity(At least, I think we are)15:21
xnoxcjwatson: how would the installed size change?15:21
* xnox agrees with infinity 15:21
cjwatson"fixing those pre-compressed packages" - any pre-compression is going to be individual files inside those .debs, surely.15:22
infinitycjwatson: When I talk about "some stuff shouldn't be compressed", I literally mean some data.tar.gz components should be data.tar (openclipart is a great example).15:22
cjwatsonOh, I see15:22
cjwatsonApparently nobody's doing that right now since LP doesn't support it15:23
infinityYeah, we noticed that in the BOF. ;)15:23
cjwatsonSo you might want to fix that first15:23
infinitydak supports it because they tore out the component filename check a while ago.15:23
infinitysoyuz should likely just do the same.15:24
infinity(Or maybe you pulled it out when you decided it was crusty and unnecessary...?)15:24
infinityI dunno, I don't have a checkout in front of me.15:24
xnoxshould I upload at tar compressed package to a ppa?15:25
xnoxor does it need to be archive?15:25
infinityxnox: PPA would explode the same way.  But I'm not sure I care deeply to test this morning, and finding the relevant bit of code is minimal effort. :P15:25
* xnox goes to make coffee instead =)15:26
ogra_coffee !15:26
Laneyslangasek: If you need any more debugging info on that mountall bug, shout soon because this system is going to be flattened tonight15:28
slangasekLaney: flattened?15:39
Laneyslangasek: replaced15:39
slangasekLaney: so one thing I noticed in the output was /media/debian/var/lib/schroot/union/overlay mounted before /var/lib/schroot/union/overlay, which looks like it's probably wrong, but I'm not sure15:40
cjwatsoninfinity: Search for verifyFormat (at least)15:41
slangasekLaney: would be interested to know if you get different results when commenting out either or both of that mount point, and the non-standard /cgroup one15:41
LaneyOK, can do that15:41
cjwatsonProbably ought to run dpkg-deb -I or something15:41
Laneyno clue where the second overlay came from15:41
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I feel like we've had this conversation before.15:42
cjwatsonIt's not impossible15:42
infinitycjwatson: Cause I remember verifying that dpkg-deb -I exits non-zero on broken archives.15:42
infinitycjwatson: Of course, that approach also requires making sure soyuz's dpkg always support the latest and greatest deb formats, but I suspect that's a sane thing to require anyway.15:43
cjwatsoninfinity: ICBW but I think I landed something else a while back which means that it has to nowadays.15:46
slangasekLaney: I presume that schroot did some session recovery and mounted it within a chroot for you?  But it looks like it's doing this too early15:49
Laney/media/debian is an installation of sid on another partition15:50
LaneyI can't remember how I set this up :P15:51
brendand_who's in charge of errors.ubuntu.com?15:52
stgraberbrendand_: ev15:53
* ev hides15:53
brendand_ev, who can have access? there's an upstream maintainer who wants to access it15:53
brendand_ev, at least they say they are15:54
mitya57that's me actually :)15:54
brendand_mitya57, i'm sure you are :)15:54
mitya57I'm Ubuntu maintainer, not only upstream15:54
evbrendand_: at the moment it's only people in ~canonical or ~ubuntu-bugcontrol15:54
evso getting into the latter group would be my suggestion. :)15:55
evwe do want to open it up to a wider audience, but there are serious privacy concerns15:55
evas anything at all can be in the crashes15:55
mitya57I definitely plan to do that, but I want to become a Ubuntu member first, which won't be possible until November :(15:56
pittiogra_: I don't have an opinion about this, I'm afraid; I know nothing about schedulers :(15:56
pittiogra_: I do know that linux sucks while doing heavy I/O, especially on my rather fast SSD15:56
ogra_pitti, no, but you know where device rules usually live :=15:56
pittiso maybe this alleviates it a bit15:56
brendand_mitya57, no reason to do it that way around. i was in bug-control first and then only after ubuntu-members15:56
brendand_mitya57, in fact bug-control membership can be valuable collateral for your application15:56
ogra_pitti, the rule is correct ... its just about where to put it15:56
pittiogra_: well, if you mean that, a rule like this would never go into udev itself; it's a workaround for bad kernel defaults (if it is a bad default)15:57
pittiat least not upstream15:57
ogra_its not15:57
ogra_its something the kernel cant detect (yet)15:57
pittiso if the kernel can't detect it, how can userspace?15:57
pittibut anyway, if you want to put rules into udev, you know where the bzr tree lives :)15:57
ogra_theoretically the kernel shoudl just notice the device is an SSD and set the right default scheduler15:57
mitya57brendand_: ok, so I'll apply when I have some time, can you still show me that crash?15:57
ogra_well, the kernel exposes the feature to userspace ... but doesnt do any proper automated handling of it yet15:58
smagounHi, would someone review this bug and (hopefully) mark it public? Apport has identified it as the master bug for an issue, I'd like to see the master bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/88361515:58
ubottuError: malone bug 883615 not found15:58
ogra_pitti, so rather udev than udisks ?15:58
ogra_(that was my actual question ;) )15:58
brendand_mitya57, anyway i have the screenshot here (of the python stack trace). i'm pretty sure there's nothing confidential/private shown so unless ev wants to veto it i can post the link here...15:59
pittirather "fix the kernel", I'd say, but it's a nasty workaround rule no matter where it lives :)15:59
stgrabersmagoun: done15:59
smagounstgraber: thank you!16:00
evbrendand_: presumably you mean paste the text or put up a pastebin url of the contents - you shouldn't be able to get to the stack trace without going through open ID16:00
evbut I don't mind if you share the contents :)16:00
ogra_pitti, whats nasty about it ? i prevents your SSD from wearing out and increases performance :)16:00
pittiogra_: I mean having userspace rules to fix broken defaults (that's why it wouldn't go upstream)16:01
ogra_andi agree it should be fixed in kernel eventually16:01
xnoxogra_: i'd stick it into hdparam package or something like that.16:01
ogra_well, its not defaults, but rather missing handling of them16:01
pittiogra_: so for packaging, I guess it's fine to put it into udev, as that has an ubuntu specific packaging anyway, so doesn't introduce a delta; but I don't mind much which package it ends up in16:02
ogra_xnox, hmm, i think that would add a depends on udev, no ?16:02
ogra_pitti, thanks :)16:02
pittino, it's just shipping a file16:02
pittiif udev isn't installed, the rule wouldn't work anyway16:02
brendand_ev, heh - pastebin would be even better :) assuming mitya57 is only interested in the stack trace?16:02
pittibut then again, you can't uninstall udev16:02
* pitti waves good night16:03
pittineed to run now16:03
brendand_mitya57, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1256228/16:03
mitya57thanks brendand_!16:03
ogra_ciao pitti and thanks again16:03
brendand_mitya57, and do get bug-control sooner rather than later :) make your life easier16:05
mitya57brendand_: sure16:05
davidcallejbicha, hi. I'd like to have your advice on https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-photos/+bug/1049090. It's a OEM team request to change a lens shortcut (Super+P to Super+C).16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049090 in OEM Priority Project quantal "The shortcut Super + P of photo lens is conflict to Video out hotkey" [High,Confirmed]16:08
davidcallejbicha, is this shortcut documented?16:11
evpitti: any objections to depending on python3-debian? I had to rework that merge16:14
evpython-debian is in main16:14
evI'll need to work out a MIR for python3-debian16:14
cjwatsonNo, you don't16:15
cjwatsonMIRs are by source package16:15
evoh, right16:15
cjwatsonpython3-debian can be promoted as soon as something depends on it16:15
cjwatson(Or just in advance, if that's more convenient - but not too much in advance so that we don't spend too long with junk in component-mismatches)16:16
jbichadavidcalle: yes http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/quantal/view/head:/ubuntu-help/C/unity-dash-photos.page16:17
smoserslangasek, i'm guessing that this is fallout of the mountall change16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1060296 in coreutils (Ubuntu) "'df /' reports Filesystem '-'" [Undecided,New]16:20
jbichabut Super+P as a video out shortcut isn't in ubuntu-docs16:21
davidcallejbicha, I see. It's apparently a standard for some OEM.16:24
slangaseksmoser: please get me the boot-time output of mountall --verbose16:24
smoserslangasek, isnt it clear this is a fallout?16:25
jbichadavidcalle: we might be able to sed replace it, do different languages have different keyboard shortcuts?16:25
jbichaon the other hand, the Ubuntu Manual is almost string-frozen too16:25
smoseri can do that though.16:25
slangaseksmoser: knowing that it's fallout doesn't tell me how to fix it16:25
davidcallejbicha, no, same shortcut.16:25
smoserwell, mountall is trying to write stuff to /etc/mtab before / is rw16:26
smoserbecause we told it to mount other stuff before / is rw16:26
slangaseksmoser: I need the debugging output from the machine where this is happening16:26
jbichadavidcalle: ok, I guess it's fixable with a text replacement, but...16:29
Laney@pilot out16:29
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Beta 2 released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
jbichacurrently all the lenses are ordered alphabetically in English, and photo lens or even picture lens sounds better than camera lens16:30
davidcallejbicha, I know, that's why I'm worried about this. The new shortcut has been decided on this morning, the comment timeline on the report is... well, let's say it could have been fixed a long time ago. :/16:30
jbichaso changing the shortcut would make other stuff more inconsistent16:30
davidcallejbicha, I agree.16:31
davidcallejbicha, but Super+P is an OEM blocker.16:32
jbichadavidcalle: while you're here, my wife really hates that there aren't tooltips to let people know what the different lenses are16:32
jbichaI need to bug the designers about that since it's a wife blocker ;)16:33
davidcallejbicha, I thought the social bird was pretty clear ;-)16:33
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jbichaI don't know, it hasn't landed yet... the applications icon isn't clear at all though16:34
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davidcallejbicha, it isn't. About tooltips I think it would be nice to experiment with it, or to redesign the lens bar completely to accomodate icons + text.16:38
mvobarry: had a bit of a busy afternoon, please merge from lp:~mvo/python-apt/debian-sid-mirror that will contain some of your suggestions :)16:41
jbichadavidcalle: let's see, GNOME Shell & Android both use a bunch of squares to represent "All Applications"16:41
jbichadavidcalle: anyway, the keyboard shortcut change could get an UIFe, it's just less clear that it's the right change to make16:46
davidcallejbicha, they both use it in the same context as other app icons, i'm not sure it would work here.16:46
davidcallejbicha, could you make this comment on the report, to have it seen by design? Anything I need to do to make it a proper UIFE request?16:50
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jbichadavidcalle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#UserInterfaceFreeze_Exceptions16:54
davidcallejbicha, ty16:55
* cjwatson swears at Python 2. It can't die quickly enough16:55
cjwatsonStupid bytes.decode() default encoding16:55
Laneyslangasek: so commenting out those entries indeed made it boot with 2.4116:58
Laneyturns out /var/lib/schroot is a symlink to /media/debian/var/lib/schroot/16:59
Laneyand it works if I change the mount point to the real path rather than going through the symlink17:01
slangasekLaney: thanks, useful to know - can you mention that in the bug (if you haven't already)?17:02
Laneyyeah, pasting it in now17:03
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smoseranyone seen this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1256365/17:07
infinitysmoser: Which part?17:08
smoserthe failure17:08
smoseri've never seen thnat fail17:08
smoser(well, not like that)17:08
infinityOh, I didn't notice that was fatal.17:08
infinityIs /home/ubuntu writeable?17:08
smoseractually, just creating that dir made it exit success17:09
smoserbut still loud17:09
infinityThough, you'd think after going to all the trouble to make a tmpdir and put keyrings in it, it would also set the gpghome to that.17:09
roaksoaxhowdy! So i have a question regarding upgrades. So we had older maas install several files, including maas-celery.upstart. Now, in quantal, maas has simply become a virtual package. maas-celery.upstart no loonger exists anywhere17:09
roaksoaxso on upgrade, maas-celey.upstart remains there17:09
roaksoaxany ideas of how to force the removal of those files that previous 'maas' package installed, when upgrading to new 'maas' (virtual) package?17:10
smoserand worse, if I create that directory, now i have root owned content in there.17:10
infinityroaksoax: Are you sure you mean virtual package, not metapackage?17:11
infinityroaksoax: I certainly see a "mass" package in quantal...17:11
roaksoaxinfinity: err yeah, metapackage :)17:11
roaksoaxinfinity: this is the new stuff that hasn't yet been uploaded to archives17:11
infinityroaksoax: man dpkg-maintscript-helper, see rm_conffile17:11
roaksoaxinfinity: cool thanks!17:12
smosermvo, i'm guessing this is regression:17:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1060335 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "apt-add-repository fails" [Undecided,New]17:18
infinityAhh, yeah, this calling GPG thing is shiny and new.17:20
cjwatsoninfinity: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118143204/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.eclipse-mylyn_3.8.0-1%2Bppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz hmmmm17:22
cjwatsonSame symptom17:22
cjwatsonAny bright ideas?  I don't care about that PPA so I can push arbitrary debugging nonsense into it17:23
infinitysmoser: Can you try editing ppa.py to add '"--homedir", tmp_keyring_dir' to GPG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS?17:25
cjwatsondpkg -S must be saying something since otherwise it wouldn't try dpkg -l.17:25
cjwatsonI guess I could try PERLDB_OPTS='NonStop=1 AutoTrace' perl -d /usr/bin/jh_installeclipse17:26
infinitycjwatson: Oh weird.  That's pretty bizzarely not what I was expecting.17:26
infinitycjwatson: This is probably where I'd upload a custom javahelper with random print()s in that subroutine to try to figure out WTF dpkg -S is returning.17:27
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infinitycjwatson: Or why it things pkg is unset.17:27
infinitycjwatson: Cause I can't even fathom why that's failing in production but not here.17:28
infinitysmoser: Is that on quantal?17:30
infinitysmoser: It looks to me like the precise upload DTRT, and quantal has an incomplete forward-port.17:31
cjwatsoninfinity: Check.  Stupidly verbose javahelper coming up.17:31
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smoserinfinity, quantal, yes.17:33
infinitycjwatson: It could still be dpkg -S not finding it, if it's just piping the output and ignoring the return.17:36
infinitycjwatson: Then you'd get a dpkg -l for "dpkg-query", which would return null.17:37
cjwatsonIt doesn't get into the dpkg -l unless dpkg -S returned some actual output.17:37
cjwatsonOn stdout.17:38
cjwatson"dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /foo/bar" goes to stderr, so that won't get matched.17:38
cjwatsonI think what actually happened is that something decided I didn't have enough odd puzzles.17:39
bdmurrayslangasek: bug 1060249 is receiving a few duplicates now17:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1060249 in debconf (Ubuntu) "frontend crashed with signal 5 in g_node_copy_deep()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106024917:44
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, it almost certainly failed for your benefit.  Way to fight off dementia.17:48
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slangasekcjwatson: ^^ any idea about this debconf crash?  looks like a new problem with the gnome frontend :/18:06
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ogra_oh, that really has a few dups18:07
cjwatsonNo, but surely a libglib-perl/libgtk2-perl bug ...18:07
cjwatsonProbably doesn't help that libgtk2-perl currently fails to build18:08
slangasekah fun18:08
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cjwatsonslangasek: Every single one of the dups has been marked Invalid, presumably by apport due to lack of retraceability :-(18:11
cjwatsonSo ... I have no idea.  rls-q-incoming it I guess ...18:12
cjwatsonOh, it's already targeted18:12
jtaylorRiddell: you did the new taglib version?18:15
jtaylorRiddell: tfile.h includes a nonexistant file (tiostream.h) which breaks mediatomb18:15
mvosmoser: yeah, what infinity said earlier :/18:23
infinitymvo: I'll be committing/uploading in a moment, don't worry about it.18:25
infinitymvo: (And don't read my POC patch, it was clearly broken)18:26
barrymvo: will look, thanks18:27
infinitymvo: Okay, fix uploaded and committed.18:33
infinitysmoser: Done with the instance, thanks.18:33
cjwatsonHuh.  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118149510/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.eclipse-mylyn_3.8.0-1%2Bppa2_BUILDING.txt.gz18:35
cjwatsonNot being printed by 'dpkg -l | grep -E ^ii'.18:36
cjwatsonI'll have to finish up now and look again tomorrow though.18:36
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mvoinfinity: weeh, thanks!18:37
infinitycjwatson: You weren't kidding about cranking the verbosity to ridiculous...18:37
cjwatsonI'm going to dump out raw dpkg -l next.18:38
mvoinfinity: I will commit a simplification to trunk soonish as python-apt has apt.auth.add_key_from_keyserver() now (since ~yesterday) that performs the same verification18:38
infinitymvo: Heh, fair enough.18:40
mvoinfinity: but thanks for taking care of this it means I can call it a day and worry about this later18:41
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infinitymvo: NP.18:41
claheyHey all.19:01
claheyI've got an internal bug assigned to me that points out that when I go to the Open With tab of the Properties dialog of a vmx file, it doesn't list vmware-player and vmware as options.19:02
claheyThey're both there in the right click menu "Open With VMware Player" and "Open with VMware Workstation"19:02
claheyI'm curious how that dialog makes its list so that I can fix this.19:02
DavieyGah, please can someone give me n00b lessons on the differnece between Reply and Reply-All. Seems i suck.19:03
ogra_Daviey, ??19:03
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claheyDaviey: I have that issue sometimes.  I've decided to have the default be Reply All since that's almost always what I want, but when it's not, it can be pretty embarrassing.19:04
Davieyogra_: ubuntu-devel, intended to send an offlist reply :)19:04
ogra_use reply-to-list then :)19:05
ogra_vs reply19:05
* ogra_ never uses reply-all ...19:05
* Daviey notes he didn't have this problem with telnet as a mail client :)19:06
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sorenDaviey: It also never happens with carrier pigeons.19:25
sorenDaviey: Just saying.19:25
claheysoren: Are you saying you've never sent a flock of carrier pigeons when you meant to send only one?  That happens to me ALL THE TIME.19:30
dead_insidethats why i keep a shotgun at my desk clahey19:31
dead_insidekill them before they reach everyone19:31
claheydead_inside: Tou ché.19:31
argesinfinity, hello. I finally got access to AMD hardware to verify pad.lv/979003. Any other verification you'd like to see on the hardware while rtg  lets me use it?19:47
infinityarges: Nope, but I'll need to reupload all over again later tonight, cause the security update reverted it all.19:49
infinityarges: So, if Tim's going to let you have access to it for a day or two, I'll ping you as soon as I get a fresh upload in (probably by tomorrow).19:50
argesinfinity, yea saw that,I was able to apply the diff cleanly on top, so it shouldn't be too bad19:50
argesinfinity, ok perfect19:50
infinityarges: Yeah, it'll not be much effort.  I want to nail one or two more bugs while I'm at it, though, since I have to re-upload anyway.19:50
infinityarges: Anyhow.  I'll poke you about it tomorrow.  I've been up for ~30h, it might be time for a nap.19:51
argesinfinity, wow... yea sounds good19:52
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TheBurritoAnyone have tips for getting Ubuntu Core running on an Odroid-X? I've gotten Android 4.0.4 running, as well as the linaro image that hardkernel links to. I'm now using the original boot partitions with ubuntu-core as the root fs. I have copied all of the modules over from the linaro image to accompany the kernel with this new rootfs. I get serial consol output all the way up to fsck running. Is ubuntu core setup to run a serial19:59
TheBurrito console?19:59
ogra_ubuntu core is intended for people who build images out of it (or as a cheap chroot if you are to lazy to debootstrap), its extremely minimal and totally unconfigured20:01
ogra_you need to create a serial upstart job to make it start a getty on serial20:02
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cjwatsoninfinity: ahahahahahaha bonk20:03
cjwatsonpi  libhttpclient-java                  4.1.1-2ubuntu1                    all          HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation20:03
cjwatsonthanks, ... something20:04
TheBurritoI've tried that wihtout success. I followed the post at www.omappedia.com/wiki/OMAP_Ubuntu_Core to no avail. I was hoping to get a lightweight rootfs to create a robotics platform. perhaps i'll get the server rootfs and start from there until my linux-fu is stronger.20:06
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argesmicahg, hi. I have a backport that should be a no-change now.  is there anything I need to change to get it on to the backports queue? pad.lv/943502  .. thanks20:06
stgraberTheMuso: heya. I'm looking at the casper bugs, any progress on bug 122024?20:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 122024 in casper (Ubuntu) "orca should automatically get started when braille is activated" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12202420:14
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TheBurritoogra_: I'm in. thanks for the pointer to upstart/getty.20:29
tjaaltonhallyn: -qxl 0.1.0 needs spice-protocol 0.12.2 to build20:31
tjaaltonbad upstream for not bumping the dep on configure.ac..20:31
hallyntjaalton: drat20:33
tjaaltonso just update it :)20:34
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hallyntjaalton: there is no 0.12.2 release, only 0.1220:35
tjaaltonit's tagged in git20:35
hallyndo we care about risking having different .orig.tar.gz than debian?  or do we just stick git commit int he version #?20:36
hallynwell anyway, i'll put my best guess up at ppa:serge-hallyn/virt20:37
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tjaaltonhttp://spice-space.org/download/releases/ has the tarball20:37
hallyntjaalton: I'm perhaps missing something. a re you suggesting i use 0.12.0 tarball and push the patches on top?20:39
tjaaltonno, update the package20:41
tjaaltonbump it to 0.12.220:41
tjaaltonoh it's in collab-maint20:42
tjaaltondoesn't matter20:43
hallynoh.  feh.  i was looking at spice.  spice-protocl does indeed have a 0.12.2. tarball. <slap>20:44
tjaaltonhehe :)20:44
tjaaltonpushed -qxl git, just use the current one on the ubuntu branch20:45
hallyntjaalton: ok so i tried that last night and got stuck - where should i get the tarball so i can debuild -S?20:48
hallynthere didn't seem to be a rule in debian/rules to make it20:48
tjaaltontarball for what?20:49
tjaaltonuse uscan --download-current20:49
hallyn(meanwhile, new spice-protocol pushed to ppa:serge-hallyn/virt)20:49
hallynok, will do, thx20:49
tjaaltonalso, I just deleted the files that diff-ignore tries to ignore but fails20:50
tjaaltonto build the source package for my tests20:50
tjaaltonhallyn: once you're satisfied, please upload if you think it's worth it. you know this spice stuff better than I do :)20:51
hallyntjaalton: i don't believe i have the perms to push any of it :)20:51
hallynbut i'll test and ping you tomorrow if that' sok20:51
tjaaltonahh, ok then I can push it20:51
tjaaltonsure thing20:51
tjaaltonI'll get up in ~7h20:51
hallyntjaalton: cool then i'll try to finish befor ebed :)  thanks again, ttyl20:52
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tjaaltonhallyn: great20:52
melodieI have searched in several places where to ask for more info about blueprints, what can be done in this matter and what belongs elsewhere (for 2 ideas I would like to communicate) but didn't find yet a place where I can get adviced. Is there someone here who could tell me about it ?20:54
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barrytumbleweed: i requested your review on the mp for my branch for bug 935516.  i'm not sure the fix is right, or whether we should wait a little longer to hear from upstream.  comments are welcome.21:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935516 in genshi (Ubuntu Quantal) "genshi version 0.6-2 FTBFS on i386 in precise" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93551621:35
zygapitti: ping21:39
zygapitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/100782621:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007826 in apport (Ubuntu) "crash with AssertionError: file stream must be in binary mode when trying to save report to file" [High,Fix released]21:39
zygapitti: I just reproduced that on quantal21:39
zygapitti: shall I repen it or file a new one (it was filed and fixedc on 2.2.4-0ubuntu1 and I have 2.6.1-0ubuntu1)21:40
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hallyntjaalton: works like a charm!21:54
tumbleweedbarry: yeah, I never did it myself, because I wasn't entirely sure wha tthe best solution was. But that seems appropriate for Ubuntu21:58
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barrytumbleweed: cool.  unless you disagree, i'll upload that fix and we can always back it out, or resync to debian later21:59
tumbleweedsounds fine22:00
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brycehanyone with NVIDIA graphics on precise want to help me test something real quick?22:12
ionbryceh: sure22:12
brycehion, thanks, I'll PM you the directions22:13
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brycehthanks ion!22:18
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LaneyDid something change to make me get mail for openstack-ubuntu-packagers?23:25
DavieyLaney: someone reviewed the moderated mail queue23:25
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