[06:49] good morning [08:27] jtaylor: nothing other than dpkg --compare-versions is guaranteed to actually get it right for package version numbers. But perhaps 'sort -V' would help [08:27] $ (echo 2.10; echo 2.9) | sort -V | xargs [08:27] 2.9 2.10 [14:46] in 15 minutes we're going to do another ubuntu-dev hangout - anyone who wants to co-host? :) [14:49] dholbach, count me in :) [15:02] coolbhavi, ready? sent the invitation :) [15:02] yep [15:02] :) === emma is now known as em === e11bits_ is now known as e11bits === didrocks1 is now known as didrocks === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:35] is the test rebuild still running? [17:35] I'm surprised the number of failures is going up although we are fixing many ._. [17:36] Yes [17:36] It looks a day or so away from done on x86 [17:36] Several days off on armhf [17:37] k, thanks for the sort -V hint, that looks useful [19:21] any volunteer to take a look at merging zsnes? [19:23] hm I guess I could have a look [19:23] I wonder if its still broken with hardening flags [19:23] debian looks kind of invasive [19:24] do we need something from there besides the 4.7 fix? [19:24] the version in quantal build-depends on ia32libs :( (ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable) [19:26] but thats not fixed in debian? [19:28] sort of: it's now i386-only [19:29] but can be installed on amd64 due to multi-arch [19:29] -march=i486 [19:30] in the log, is that ok for ubuntu? [19:31] honestly I think I would prefer to leave it failing for q [19:31] the merge is enormous and zsnes works fine as is [19:31] I don't want to break it 3 weeks before release [19:32] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20120922/+build/3846866/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.zsnes_1.510-2.2ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [19:32] but I see that we don't have an amd64 build anyways (although the package is i386 and amd64) [19:32] so we can probably ignore it for quantal [19:34] good that it gets decent attention in debian now [22:13] tumbleweed, Laney , micahg (whoever else I forgot): Do we need a session on pre-release backports opening? If only to sit down and declare it done. [22:17] do we have policy to nail down, still? [22:19] Dunno. [22:19] there's still some left-over work items from the last blueprint, do they need a session at all? [22:20] ajmitch: Link me please? [22:20] ScottK: are you going to uds? [22:20] highvoltage: Yes. [22:20] nice [22:23] ScottK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-backports-bof === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [23:18] ajmitch: thanks. === Ursinha is now known as Jorjao === Jorjao is now known as Ursinha