[00:32] brousc: har har [01:07] God, I love this band: http://www.metalinjection.net/tv/view/10039/gojira-explosia-video [12:54] Good morning [12:55] morning snap-l [12:56] How goes? [12:56] good been on the road for work for the last 2 weeks so a bit behind [12:57] trying to figure out what this new month will bring [13:04] Cool [13:08] Yes, this month will be cooler than last month due to fall coming on [13:09] brousch: Literalist. [13:10] i'm slowly coming around to python. [13:10] Everyone does [13:10] jrwren: It's what all the cool kids are smoking these days. [13:10] Join us [13:11] Allow me to show you my massive python [13:11] script [13:11] mmm... that makes me want to name something grass, just for those smoking jokes. [13:11] PEP420 [13:11] http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0420/ [13:12] high-Python [13:12] huh? [13:12] "package" refers to Python packages as defined by Python's import statement. [13:12] not what you were thinking [13:12] snap-l: I am disappointed that's not a real joke PEP [13:12] jrwren: Actually, I was checking to see if there was a 420 [13:12] and there is, and it's boring [13:12] oh! 420, right. [13:13] i forgot that 420 means something. [13:13] Marijuana can affect your long term memory [13:13] And thus exhausts my knowledge [13:13] brousch: So can hanging out in IRC [13:14] I disbelieve. I've been using IRC for a month or two and I feel fine [13:14] I've been using it for... OH GOD, I CAN'T REMEMBER [13:57] I've been using it for at least 7 years, but I can quit at any time. [14:47] BTW: New OMC is out for your listening perusal [14:47] Dangit. Now I'm 3 behind [14:47] I'm currently listeing to long song [14:48] Heh. [17:07] is it bad I get excited about announcements like this? http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2012OctDec/0004.html [17:14] yes [17:15] nerd [17:32] greg-g: Is it sad that every time I see a working group get together, I wonder how they're going to break things? [17:35] yes [17:35] codger [17:40] I had a nice debate with some new roommates who are startup mobile devs where they complained that standards orgs take too long [17:40] My perfect retort was: Well, I trust slow grey beards more than I trust money hungry brogrammers. [17:40] and they shut up ;) [17:41] (sorry to invoke the new godwin law of brogrammers) [17:41] heh [18:15] greg-g, standards creation does take too long [18:15] so they do have a point [18:29] I understand it takes a while, but, most efficiencies in speed are at the cost of many things. [18:29] eg: community involvement, true review and critique, and bake in period (time to do implementations use a draft before it becomes final) [18:31] for the example in my world: Schema.org was a response to W3C metadata production). But, it means Schema.org is basically just Google pushing things forward without consultation (because they *obviously know best*) ugh [18:31] not sure about those extraneous parens etc, I was interrupt while typing that [18:34] http2, because we don't like the sound of spdy [18:35] What's wrong with spudy? [18:36] Because it's Googe pushing things [18:49] greg-g, its even worse in the government for standards, DISA (Defense Information Security Agency) just released their security guide for iOS4 [18:49] haven't revved it for iOS 5 let alone iOS6 [18:49] That's pathetic [18:51] yeah but it does take time [18:51] Understandable, but that's two revs old [18:52] oh i know [18:52] iOS4 is probably deprecated at this point. [18:52] i bet [18:52] but that's the speed of government [18:56] jjesse: haha [18:56] pretty sad [18:56] I'd be cuious who actually did that work, that stuff is usually farmed out [18:57] to SRI or whomever [18:57] yeah, General Dynmaics, Lockheed Martin, SRI, some integrator [18:57] going to be a blood bath if this sequest [18:57] doh [18:57] going to be a blood bath if this sequester thing in the budget goes through and a ton of cuts happen [19:19] jjesse: when you say "blood bath", do you mean a *literal* blood bath? Or do you just mean "shrinking an overbloated military-industrial complex and firing a bunch of overpaid contractors"? [19:19] * devinheitmueller takes off his trolling hat and goes back to Linux drivers. ;-) [19:19] i mean lock head martin will have to "fire" all 120,000 employees [19:20] search google news for the WARN act [19:21] Lockheed was at $24 in 2000. They're at $92 now. I think they're doing just fine. [19:21] And it's fear mongering like that which causes politicians to do stupid things. [19:21] * devinheitmueller goes back to Linux drivers for real now.