
MaskilPDXBanging my head against a question16:24
MaskilPDXHow can you add a PPA via command line without entering {Enter} to confirm16:24
MaskilPDXis it "-y"16:24
MaskilPDXA PPA repo16:27
MaskilPDXFound it .. sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:xxxxxxxx16:36
nathwilli'm pretty sure "echo y | command-requiring-confirmation" works too16:52
tgm4883-h is pretty handy to see what options are available17:29
nathwilland... man17:51
nathwillthough i still giggle like an idiot every time i type 'man date'17:51
bkerensatgm4883: see you on the 20th?17:55
bkerensanathwill: Can we go private?17:55

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