
Kilosmorning all05:34
superflyhiya Kilos05:52
Kilosjust for interests sake superfly have you ever booted and your im apps windows had shrunk?05:55
Kilosmy pidgin and xchat were tiny flattish windows at bottom of screen05:55
Kilosi normally run the full size each in own workspace05:56
superflyKilos: dunno what you're talking about, never seen that05:56
Kiloshehe see murphy does live here05:56
Kilosis easy to drag them to size again i just wondered if it is only me05:57
superflyonly you, Kilos05:58
Kilosha ha ha05:58
Kilosand have to manualy enable mobile broadband everytime05:59
superflyKilos: I don't use mobile broadband much06:00
superflyKilos: and when I do, I usually use KPPP06:00
Kilosoh in terminal like gnomeppp06:01
Kilosi got a big fright when i downloaded kubuntu and lost connection at 98%, tried modem in other ports but no joy so used the cell to get online and after about 5 mins wget carried on with the download06:04
Kiloswould cried to lose 98%of 703m data06:05
Kiloswould have06:05
Kiloshi Tonberry 06:05
inetprogood mornings06:43
inetproKilos: don't worry I'm still alive06:43
magespawnmorning all06:54
Kiloshi inetpro magespawn 06:56
magespawnwhats up Kilos?07:07
Kilosstill trying to found the sound for xchat and quassel magespawn 07:08
Kilossome plugin or something i think is missing07:08
Kilosand youre side?07:08
magespawnkids on school holiday so they at work with me today07:11
magespawnmmm they busy watching cartoons on youtube at the moment07:12
Kilosinetpro, whats the kde for gedit?07:12
Kiloslol yeah kids love the idiot box07:13
inetproKilos: kate07:13
Kilosso you do sudo kate filename?07:14
inetproKilos: you on KDE now?07:14
Kilosyou been missing out man07:14
Kilosdownloaded with wget using night surfer data07:14
Kilosand its to big for cd so did my first usb install07:15
inetproKilos: wow!07:15
* inetpro is impressed07:15
inetproKilos: do you really want to edit stuff as the root user?07:15
Kilosbut no sound in xchat or quassel07:15
Kiloslooking at  http://superuser.com/questions/22767/enable-system-beep-in-ubuntu 07:16
inetproKilos: Settings | Configure Notifications07:16
inetproKilos: that is in quassel07:16
Kiloswhat you mean what07:17
Kilosi did that with the fly and right things are ticked07:17
Kilosits an outside thing, because xchat has no sound either and i know how to get bloeps going on xchat07:18
Kilosi did those 4 notifications and sound works while in there 07:19
inetproKilos: sorry, I will have to help later whne there's time07:20
Kilosnp inetpro 07:20
Kilosill keep looking07:20
Kilosgoogle is my friend you know07:21
* Kilos hates google07:21
inetproanyway, if you really need to edit stuff in the kate editor as a root user run 'kdesu kate'07:21
inetprokate = KDE Advanced Text Editor07:21
inetproyears ahead of gedit07:22
Kilosim trying to keep kde pure here otherwise i would installed gedt07:22
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:24
maiatodayhi Kilos07:25
Kiloskdesu kate   -- command not found07:25
Kiloswith sudo as well07:25
inetproKilos: is kate installed?07:31
Kiloswhen i did sudo kate filename it opened a window but it was empty07:32
inetproKilos: obviously!07:33
magespawndoesn't that mean it is a new file?07:33
Kilosyes it was installed but did an aptitude reinstall 07:33
inetproKilos: unless filename is an existing file and has something in it07:34
Kilosyes so there no blacklist stuff in there07:34
Kilosdo you run kdesu kate with sudo?07:34
inetproKilos: but you can't run kdesu from the commandline07:35
inetproKDE su (kdesu) is a graphical front end for the UNIX® su command for the K Desktop Environment. 07:35
inetpropress Alt+F2 and then kdesu kate /folder/filename07:36
Kilosalt+f2 does what07:37
Kilosnothing happens here07:37
inetproKilos: are you really running KDE?07:38
Kilosya 12.0407:38
inetpronative install?07:38
Kilosclean install07:38
Kilosand fully upgraded07:39
Kilosai what???07:39
Kiloseish you frighten me when you say that07:39
inetproKilos: what happens when you press Alt+F107:40
Kilosi see the app launcher07:40
Kilosthat blue thing bottom left07:40
inetproahh the K Menu?07:41
Kilosya that thing07:41
inetproso that works07:42
* inetpro wonders why you don't see anything with Alt+F207:42
inetproAlt+F2 should bring up a small box at the top07:42
inetproit's like Win+Run on Windows07:42
inetprovery similar in functionality07:43
Kiloslemme go see onna blank workspace07:43
inetproa nice shortcut to start programs from there07:43
Kilosat the top07:43
Kilosya i see that07:44
magespawnmy favorite, Alt+F2 and xkill07:44
inetproin fact I edit mine to float07:45
Kilosya also empty window so its not the blacklist route07:46
Kiloshey you must go work07:46
Kilosill keep looking ty07:46
inetproKilos: anyway you can also do the same thing in the search field of the K Menu at the top 07:48
Kilosoh ya i like that thing07:48
inetprojust type kdesu kate /some/file07:48
Kiloshi charlvn 07:49
inetproor help:/kdesu/using-kdesu.html07:49
Kilosi ran this07:51
Kilossudo grep pcspkr /var/log/dmesg 07:51
Kilos [ 15.620198] input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input807:51
KilosThe program 'i' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:07:52
Kilossudo apt-get install iprint07:52
Kiloshere is an error08:00
Kiloskbuildsycoca4 running...08:00
KilosError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-miles" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.08:00
magespawnuid 0 is root isn't it?08:12
magespawnthe other one should be your login uid Kilos08:16
Kilosi dunno why it showed that. 08:19
magespawnsounds like it should be owned by uid 0 so the computer can start or stop it automatically08:22
Kiloshehe time for another clean install08:32
Kilosjust a bit busy cooking08:33
Kiloswith no xchat sound i dont hear when im chatted to08:33
Kilosmagespawn, you didnt get your wife to make my curry yet08:34
Kilosnor did inetpro 08:34
Kilosbuncha chickens08:34
Kilospuuuk puk puk puk08:35
inetproKilos: play /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Im-Message-In.ogg08:41
Kiloshe program 'play' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:08:43
Kilossudo apt-get install sox08:43
Kiloshehe now it plays a ping08:45
Kilosinstalled many dependancies08:46
KilosMaaz, hi08:46
MaazSup Kilos08:46
Kilosstill nothing in xchat08:46
inetproso your sound is working fine?08:49
Kilosyes pidgin got sound08:49
inetpronothing wrong with the installation08:50
Kilosonly irc clients got no sound08:50
inetprojust configure notification in quassel and tick the play button08:50
inetproand make sure you have a sound file like KDE-Im-Highlight-Msg.ogg in there08:51
Kilosi have over and over08:51
Kilosif i tick that tiny triangle there it makes sound08:51
inetprodid you put it in the Highlight event08:51
Kilosall 408:52
kilos_here be quassel08:53
inetproKilos: is 'Play a sound' ticked?08:53
kilos_i go look again but yes it was08:53
inetproKilos: are you even using quassel now?08:54
kilos_yes all ticked and it plays a ping from the right hand triangle08:54
inetproso what is the problem?08:55
kilos_lol  ya man08:55
kilos_and xchat when quassels sound didnt work08:55
inetprobut quassel's sound is working now?08:55
kilos_i dunno when i close the little window thats the end of the sound08:56
inetprowhat window?08:56
kilos_im on quassel here08:56
Kilosxchat here08:56
inetpronee man, you out to confuse me?08:56
Kilosthe one that opens to set up sound08:56
Kiloslook nick08:56
magespawnKilos or kilos_ i did not even give it to her yet08:57
inetproKilos: don't troubleshoot to many things at the same time08:57
kilos_shame on you magespawn08:57
inetproKilos, kilos_: what if we refer to both nicks?08:58
kilos_inetpro: i was on xchat then you started asking about setting in quassel so i opened it08:58
kilos_i get all messages on both08:58
kilos_and popups showing08:59
inetproKilos, kilos_: so do you get a sound?08:59
kilos_nothing on either08:59
kilos_ya ai08:59
kilos_but only the irc clients08:59
kilos_other sounds work08:59
kilos_ok xchat gone09:01
inetprokilos_: xchat is not native to KDE09:01
inetprostart by troubleshooting the naticve apps first09:01
inetproperhaps play around in Systems Settings | Harware | Multimedia09:02
kilos_ok i go see09:02
kilos_its got phono and audio cds but test sound doesnt work from either09:08
=== kilos_ is now known as Kilos
Kilosha found a system settings handbook, will go through it09:10
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
inetproKilos: en as jy nou so stilbly?12:30
Kilosek rus nou. het iets gedoen in alsamixer maar verder as dit nou is daar geen klank meer nie, nerens.12:31
Kiloscant remember how i got to the last 2 windows that opened but last one show all ogg files12:32
Kilosnow head popping12:32
Kilosso deciding whether to try find later or reinstall12:33
Ludoany progrsmmers around here who's brain I can pick?16:00
inetproLudo: don't ask to ask, just ask16:09
inetprothe rubber duck debugging method can be very effective16:10
inetproLudo: BTW, wb16:12
LudoOk to all the devs and dba out there: What do you do when you dont want to use a column anymore in a table but also don't want to drop it because the data in the column is important, or was. How do you mark that column?16:18
Ludothanks inetpro16:25
zerefLudo: what to you mean by "mark that Column"16:27
Ludoso for example one app or framework have a metadata table where they mark that column as inactive. Another developer adds a _ infront of it. What I want to know what is a good practice16:35
superflyLudo: why do you need to mark it?16:39
Ludobecause some where in the future you maybe want to finally archive the information and drop the column so now you need remember that when if it is marked or logged in a table somewhere you can either query the table or the catalog and find all those columns16:43
Ludoai english i fail16:43
zerefLudo: in the filed, there should be an option to set the column as inactive (=0) then your queries should reflect that16:44
Ludothanks for the input zeref16:57
smilehi all :;)17:02
kodezgreetings smile17:11
smilehi kodez :)17:11
kodezhow are you?17:13
smilekodez: i'm fine, you too? :)17:17
smilewhy do girls always let you wait :|17:17
kodezi am better than yesterday, thanks for asking.17:18
kodezhas anyone used remastersys?17:26
smileyes, and I found it not good enough for what I wanted17:32
smilekodez: have you tried it yet?17:33
kodezyes i have tried it and i am unable to create an installation distro of my customised OS17:37
kodezI need help to understand how remastersys works17:38
kodezi did managed to create a live DVD17:38
SymmetriaI have no words for what I just heard from a certain internet registry17:42
Symmetriaabout concurrent IP utilization17:42
Symmetriatheir argument... if a student is in a lab, using a machine, they dont need to be using their ipad and their phones at the same time17:42
Symmetriaso those devices wont need ip addresses on the wireless networks17:42
SymmetriaKerbero Im 2 stunned right now to even know what to say to that17:44
Kerberothat is like a perfect summary of stellenbosch's IT department17:44
Kerberothey don't even know the difference between SSL and SSH17:44
SymmetriaKerbero yeah except this came from the african internet registry17:44
Kerberothat is bad17:45
Kerberoeveryone should just stop their s* and go ipv617:45
Kerberomy ipv6 HE tunnel works very nicely17:45
Kerberoin conjunction with my /64 and /48 blocks17:45
magespawnevening all17:53
zerefSymmetria: Is it better to spread a database over many servers or replicate the database over many servers?17:56
* Kerbero would go with the replicate option18:07
Kerberobut i guess it depends on the use case18:07
Kerberoif you have a lot of IO on the DB spreading the load should be better18:07
magespawnunity video18:10
zerefso Kerbero, what does say facebook use?18:12
Kerberobecause that is immensely much IO18:15
Kerberozeref: a good read is http://www.zdnet.com/google-reveals-spanner-the-database-tech-that-can-span-the-planet-7000004421/18:16
smilegood night, Kerbero :)18:16
Kerberolekker slaap smile18:16
bmg505so I am 1 day and 2 hours late for the meeting again :(18:29
bmg505or rather 6 day and 22 hours early18:29
KerberoZS6LMG, ZS1JPM18:31
inetprogood evening19:52
Kilosbed time guys20:23
KilosMaaz, google sakis3g for kubuntu 12.0420:24
MaazKilos: "Ubuntu e le chiavette internet non riconosciute, Sakis3G è la - LffL" http://www.lffl.org/2012/05/ubuntu-e-le-chiavette-internet-non.html :: "How to Install Vodafone 3G USB Modem on Ubuntu" http://skyfire.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Install-Vodafone-3G-USB-Modem-on-Ubuntu :: "Ubuntu 12.04 Review: This is the Distro you're ... - Lunduke.com"20:24
Maazhttp://lunduke.com/?p=2813 :: "New '12.04' Answers By New Users - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/tags/12.0…20:24
KilosMaaz, google sakis3g20:24
MaazKilos: "Sakis3G - All-in-one script" http://www.sakis3g.org/ :: "Sakis3G wiki" http://wiki.sakis3g.org/ :: "Mobile Broadband Internet connection and Sakis3G" http://linuxconfig.org/mobile-broadband-connection-and-sakis3g :: "Raspberry Pi • View topic - RaspPi & Sakis3g" http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=12736&f=46 :: "Sakis3G - Ubuntu Forums"20:24
Maazhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1580427 :: "Sakis3G: All-in-one script « TODO forev…20:24
Kilossleep tight all20:28
inetproLudo: sorry, did you get your answer you where looking for?20:30

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