
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
alecummcc_: calling IPC after the reactor has finished? it can certainly work on linux, since we are using dbus, but it's no wonder that it does nothing on darwin and windows, since the ipc needs the twisted reactor to be running. Let's discuss about this tomorrow in your AM.01:09
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mmcc_Tried to send this earlier but had connection issues: I tried again to create a menu item that overrides the Qt default item that calls Qapplication::quit(). This time it worked, so here's a diff that catches cmd-q and kills syncdaemon then cleans up: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1254978/ - I think this is the right way to go, but I'm curious if anyone thinks main is the wrong place to put it.07:10
mandelmorning all!07:50
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:13
gatoxgood morning!11:13
mandelgatox, buenas :)11:38
gatoxmandel, elo!11:44
* gatox is not starting very well the morning12:09
gatoxif i execute the tests in mac, everything is ok..... i with the same pythonpath i try to execute control panel.... it says it can't find PyQt12:10
mandelgatox, are you using the python installed by brew?12:13
mandelgatox, if not, it will be using other path or the other way around, you installed pyqt with brew and you are using the python found inthe system12:13
gatoxmandel, you are awesome! jejeej i was executing u1-cp as ./bin/ubu... if i do: python bin/ubu... it works!12:14
mandelgatox, glad to help :)12:14
mandellunch time for me12:50
=== mandel is now known as mandel|lunch
alecuHi all,13:31
gatoxalecu, hi13:31
alecuGatox, hi! I'm a bit trashed today13:32
gatoxalecu, what happend?13:32
alecugatox, just feeling sick13:32
gatoxalecu, sick day was invented for that :D13:33
alecuGatox, I have already written ralsina about it13:33
alecuGatox, and yes, I'm taking a sick day because of that13:33
gatoxalecu, good..... have some rest sir! :P13:34
alecuGatox, I came here to see if everything was okay13:34
alecuGatox, Ok...  Thanks!13:34
gatoxalecu, at least for me..... i was kind of blocked with mac..... but i figure it out some stuff that was failing and moving on now13:34
alecuDobey, what happened?13:35
dobeyalecu: i think a qt update in quantal broke ubuntu-sso-client :(13:36
alecuIn how many pieces?13:37
dobeytesting with the previous version (4.8.2) now, to see13:37
alecuI mean, dobey: what part of it is broken?13:38
dobeyindeed, downgrading qt, and the failing tests pass now13:38
dobeyalecu: at least qtnetwork13:38
dobeyalecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu-sso-client/update-4-0/+merge/127358/comments/274187/+download13:39
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
* dobey wonders why these tests are failing exactly13:41
alecudobey: It looks like every proxy test that is related to authentication is broken.13:43
dobeywell, and ubuntu_sso.utils.webclient.tests.test_webclient.BasicProxyTestCase.test_anonymous_proxy_is_used13:44
alecudobey: that's related to authentication too13:44
alecudobey: I'm sure Mandel may be able to give you a hand with those tests, since he worked on all of them afaicr13:46
alecuI'm sorry I can't be of much further help: I've been feeling dizzy the whole morning, so I'm taking a sick day13:48
* alecu will be back later today13:49
dobeyalecu: go rest13:50
dobeythe tests pass when i run them on my laptop with the newer qt14:09
dobeybut are failing in tarmac14:09
=== mandel|lunch is now known as mandel
mandelalecu, ouch, get better!14:15
dobeymandel: ^^ any idea about those failing tests?14:16
mandeldobey, let me take a look14:16
mandeldobey, what version of squid are you running? it looks like the tests are not going throw squid14:20
mandeldobey,  to be prices the via/squid header is missing14:20
dobeymandel: right, the header is missing; but it's a change in qt that affected this14:22
ralsinaalecu: go away, you are sick ;-)14:22
dobeywhat's weird though, is that the tests pass on my laptop, but not in tarmac :(14:22
mandeldobey, hm.. let me try to run the tests in Q14:22
mandeldobey, is your desktop Q too?14:22
dobeymandel: no, my workstation is still precise14:22
mandeldobey, I can reproduce the failure in !14:27
mandeldobey, seems like a Q problem, give me some mins and I'll try to debug what is going on14:27
dobeyyes, like i said, it's due to a change in qt that happened in the upload for 4.8.314:28
dobeyoh, on my laptop the tests were just skipped it seems :-/14:28
mandeldobey, it looks like the rest of the headers are correctly added but the one from squid14:37
mandelgatox, do you remember the doc we had to set up the mac env?14:37
gatoxmandel, yes... pm with that14:38
dobeymandel: probably because qt isn't connecting to it14:40
mandeldobey, as in going straight to the localhost.. probably, let me check that, is quite simple14:40
mandeldobey, could it be that the via header is disabled by default in squid?14:54
mandeldobey, which might have been updated14:54
ralsinamandel: since you are the one that has something the closest to working on the in-dash stuff: can you contact John lea and show it to him?14:55
ralsinamandel: to make sure we are not missing something from the design and such.14:55
mandelralsina, sure, I can send him a video etc..14:55
* ralsina carefully avoids explaining how to "show" that14:55
dobeymandel: no, squid hasn't changed at all14:55
mandeldobey, not event the default conf?14:55
ralsinamandel: an interactive demo would be ideal, but I suppose building the whole stack is near-impossible, right?14:56
dobeymandel: no, the package hasn't changed in months14:56
mandeldobey, ok.. must be something else14:56
mandelralsina, yes, that is not feasible14:56
dobeymandel: like i said, it's qt. if i install the old version (4.8.2) the tests pass fine, and they fail with 4.8.314:56
mandeldobey, ok.. I wonder why..14:56
ralsinamandel: so video it is.14:57
mandelralsina, let me help dobey first14:57
ralsinamandel: no rush, tomorrow's fine14:57
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
dobeymandel, ralsina: standup?15:01
ralsinasorry, otp15:01
gatoxWorking on shares tab issue on mac, tracking why the ipc communication or something is failing and the response is not being received.15:02
gatoxFinish with that issue and move on to fix another mac stuff.15:02
gatoxdobey, go15:02
dobeyDONE: releases, uploads15:02
dobeyTODO: finish 4.0.0 releases/uploads, poke py3 twisted guys about packaging15:02
dobeyBLCK: None15:02
dobeybriancurtin: go15:02
briancurtinDONE: debugging, ended up taking a half day for the john hunter memorial service15:02
briancurtinTODO: windows u1cp env debugging15:02
briancurtinNEXT: mmcc_15:02
mmccDONE: figured out how to catch cmd-q15:02
mmccTODO: polish up cmd-q, work on daemon mem usage15:02
mmccBLOCK: no15:02
mmccnext: mandel15:02
mandelDONE: More work on unity not compiling. Splitted most of the code out of the preview.15:02
mandelTODO: more splitting. try to land it. help dobey with proxy.15:02
mandelralsina, please15:02
ralsinammcc: please share how you caught cmd-q :-D15:03
ralsinaDONE: calls, reviews, 1-1s, planning TODO: calls, reviews, try to actually code! BLOCKED: too many of the former to do much of the latter NEXT: EOM15:03
mmccralsina:  from last night: "I tried again to create a menu item that overrides the Qt default item that calls Qapplication::quit(). This time it worked, so here's a diff that catches cmd-q and kills syncdaemon then cleans up: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1254978/ - I think this is the right way to go, but I'm curious if anyone thinks main is the wrong place to put it."15:03
ralsinammcc: so the problem was that we did *not* have our own menu, but something Qt adds to keep the mac global menu bar happy?15:04
mmccralsina: yes, right.15:05
ralsinammcc: awesome catch15:05
mmcc:\ - I tried exactly this earlier but just messed up creating the menu item so it didn't get picked up15:06
mmccof course, no useful error messages that time, so I just moved on15:07
dobeymandel: is there any good way to figure out what's really happeneing here?15:08
ralsinammcc: if it makes you feel any better, we have been asked to do an actual menu a few dozen times15:09
ralsinammcc: so, I am not terribly happy about it being in main, but that file already has per-platform code anyway15:10
mandeldobey, is not easy what so ever, we need to look at what is going on in the wire15:11
mmccralsina: yeah, and the shutdown code is duplicated between there and systray, which I don't like, but I didn't think of a good place to consolidate it15:12
ralsinammcc: we could start a "shutdown.py" but not now15:13
* gatox lunch15:14
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mmccralsina: yeah, maybe just one of those great comments in the code that "if you change this, also change this file over there" :)15:14
ralsinammcc: I think main import systray, so we could put it in systray even if that makes very little sense15:18
ralsinammcc: oh, no it doesn't15:18
mandeldobey, I'm trying to see if I can connect with wiresshark and take a look at what is going on in the wire15:20
mandeldobey, should be better than adding prints everywhere15:20
dobeymandel: yeah, wireshark should work, since it's plain http15:23
mandeldobey, weird, I'm connecting wireshark to lo and get no traffic.. wtf15:35
ralsinamandel: strange, that shuld work on linux15:36
mandelralsina, indeed15:36
ralsinamandel: try tcpdump and see if it catches packets15:37
dobeymandel: it's probably not connecting to localhost; try the "grab from all interfaces" and see if you can find the requests15:37
mandeldobey, ralsina, very strange, applying the following filter in wireshark: http.server contains "TwistedWeb" and get no requests when listening to all interfaces15:46
mandelbut we do get our server to be twistedweb..15:46
mandelralsina, fyi I talked with johnlea, a video is enough15:48
ralsinamandel: awesome!15:49
ralsinamandel: don't filter, get all the traffic, then look for the connction and rebuild the TCP stream15:50
mandelralsina, I captured everything, then filtered the traffic after I stoped recording15:51
mmccbrb, coffee time15:57
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mandelagh.. I wonder what changed in qt..16:04
dobeymandel: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/116637150/qt4-x11_4%3A4.8.2%2Bdfsg-2ubuntu1_4%3A4.8.3%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu1.diff.gz16:08
gatoxdobey, what was the command to upgrade to 12.10...... i remember once you told that to ralsina..... but i can't remember the exact command16:09
mandeldobey, maybe => Make sure QGlobalNetworkProxy is created for QNetworkProxy16:09
dobeygatox: update-manager -d ?16:09
ralsinagatox: upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 is not likely to work right now, I heard16:09
gatoxdobey, that one! thx!16:09
dobeymandel: could be16:10
ralsinagatox: let me know if it explodes ;-)16:10
gatoxralsina, ah ok....... i was going to do it, because i'm working on mac now16:10
mandeldobey, which could mean that is not going through the proxy16:10
dobeymandel: right. which seems to be the case, given the missing Via header.16:10
mandeldobey, I'll take a look at what force_proxy is doing to solve that16:11
dobeymandel: great, thanks16:12
dobeyi need to get some lunch16:12
mandelok, EOD I'll fix that bug tom morning16:29
mandelsee you all tom!16:29
briancurtini'm waiting for the time a person named tom joins the team and mandel has to type out "tomorrow" :)16:32
mandelbriancurtin, I'll claim that nickname so he has to be called tom_16:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dobeymmcc: care to review https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/update-4-0/+merge/127559 ?18:04
mmccdobey: sure.18:05
mmcc+1 dobey18:10
=== gatox_ is now known as gatox
dobeybrb, gotta run a couple errands18:29
gatox_macok… after upgrade i can't connect to internet with that machine :S18:40
mmccany advice on testing code that adds an action and menu to Qmenubar? I wanted to just call it and test that the action is in the menu bar, but it doesn't look like I can get a list of the current menus from the menu bar…18:52
ralsinammcc: let me check the docs18:53
ralsinammcc: you can get a list of actions http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwidget.html#actions18:53
mmccaha, thanks ralsina18:54
dobeygatox_mac: any idea why these failures would happen as they do? https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/update-4-0/+merge/127559/comments/274671/+download19:08
* dobey wonders if they're also due to qt changes19:09
briancurtinAny recent changes to U1CP in how its started on the command line? i'm trying to login and get CredentialsError when choosing "Sign me in with my existing account" on trunk19:19
dobeybriancurtin: sounds like it's not able to start sso?19:20
briancurtindobey: SSO is already started and U1CP appears to interact with it when i start it up. i'll dig in if this doesn't ring any bells19:21
dobeybriancurtin: are you getting the dialog to enter your email/password from sso? or just the error?19:22
ralsinabriancurtin: no bells ringing19:22
briancurtindobey: i get the sorry an error has occurred dialog before the email/pass would pop up19:22
gatox_macdobey, i don't think so… i'm going to take a look after i finish with the branch i'm working on right now on mac… but i'm having some problems with mac and ubuntu, so i don't know when is going to be…. i hope soon19:23
dobeybriancurtin: i'd look at the sso logs first then. seems like something is going wrong in there19:24
briancurtindobey: yeah thats where im looking now. its raising that CredentialsError for not finding creds (which sort of makes sense), but it doesnt allow you to then provide any, so something's not hooked up correctly19:29
mmccbriancurtin: I did change the code for finding binaries (eg, to launch the SSO gui). maybe that's not working right. IIRC it was working for me when running from trunk on windows, but not super well tested…19:30
briancurtinmmcc: could be it. running windows IRL from source tends to lag behind. i really need to get that "dev channel" updater setup some day...would catch this stuff right away19:31
mmccso if I add an action to a menu and add that menu to a menubar, that action doesn't show up in menubar.actions(), and I can't see a way to get a list of menus from the menubar…19:49
ralsinammcc: is actions() empty?19:49
mmccralsina: yes19:49
ralsinammcc: but is menu.actions()?19:50
mmccralsina: in this context I don't have menu19:50
ralsinammcc: actions() probably has the actions that were added directly to the menubar19:50
ralsinammcc: so, you may have to iterate something. let me check docs19:50
mmccyeah, that makes sense. I was just expecting to be able to get a list of menus from the menubar19:50
ralsinammcc: when you call addMenu() you should get a QAction19:51
ralsinammcc: which should be in menubar.actions() unless the gc is doing some trick19:52
ralsinammcc: also, you can try menubar.children() but I am guessing that's empty19:52
mmccralsina: I do get the qaction, but I wasn't exposing that from the function I'm testing. I wanted to call the function then test that it put the right action in the menubar19:53
ralsinammcc: try children() and let's see what's there19:53
mmccbut from the test function, I can't seem to do step 2. does that make sense?19:54
ralsinammcc: actions() is returning actions that are added directly, you are adding a menu which has an action in it, so it's not in menubar. You may want to keep a reference to that menu :-(19:54
mmcchmm. children is this: [<PyQt4.QtGui.QToolButton object at 0x110b027a0>]19:55
mmccnot a menu19:55
mmcckeeping a reference so I can test it seems like it's defeating the purpose of the test - I want to check that it's in the menu bar, but if I keep the menu ref around for testing all I can really check is that the ref is what I expect it to be, which is less useful IMO19:56
ralsinammcc: that's ... strange19:57
mmcchere's what I'm talking about. I have this function: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1256753/19:57
mmccI wanted to write a test that finds the 'quit' action in the menu bar and checks that it has the same method hooked up to the triggered signal19:58
ralsinammcc: that QToolButton.menu() is probably the menu you are creating.19:58
mmcchmm. ok, checking19:58
ralsinammcc: so, menubar.children()[0].menu().actions() should contain your action19:58
mmccugh. menubar.children()[0].menu() crashes…19:59
ralsinammcc: grmbl20:00
ralsinammcc: if you can put a name to the QAction, you can call menubar.findChildren()20:00
mmccaha, ok. I will try that when I get back from lunch… I've been telling them 'one mnute' for about ten minutes20:01
gatox_macok… eod for me… i'll keep fighting with twisted tomorrow...20:03
gatox_macbye people20:03
dobeyugh, 41ms ping20:18
dobeyralsina: what did we decide to do with the menu separator branch from gatox for the sync menu? jsut try to get it in an SRU?20:20
dobeyerr, just even20:20
ralsinadobey: hmmm20:23
ralsinadobey: I wouldjust do a 4.0.1 and abuse that they let us get microreleases in20:23
ralsinadobey: as a SRU20:23
facundobatistarye_, second (and last) branch to solve the syncdaemon problems we talked about: https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/fix-path-retrieval/+merge/12758320:23
facundobatistaralsina, alecu, pfibiger, ^20:23
ralsinafacundobatista: looking...20:24
dobeyralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/update-4-0/+merge/12758620:28
ralsinadobey: got it20:28
ralsinadobey: +120:34
ralsinafacundobatista: I don't think  I can finish reviewing that one today20:36
ralsinaEOD for me20:39
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dobeylater all21:55
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mmccugh, need to keep a reference to the menubar around or it reverts to old default menubar. wtf23:18
mmccwill update my branch and add a test for that tonight. as-is, my branch doesn't work23:18
mmccbecause I moved things around to clean it up, I broke it. whee23:19

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