
ScottKshadeslayer: Sure.00:05
ScottKshadeslayer: No reason to send that one to proposed.00:09
shadeslayeroh .. ok00:10
ScottKUploaded with quantal instead of quantal-proposed.00:10
shadeslayerI thought we were in pre release freeze, and all uploads go to -proposed00:10
ScottKNo, still just ones that can break the archive with skew.00:10
ScottKThe whole archive is frozen, so everything hits unapproved anyway.00:11
ScottKSo the 4.9.2 update as a whole goes to -proposed.00:11
shadeslayerright, and then copy over to main archive to prevent skew00:11
shadeslayerkdegames is still building with fix00:15
ScottKNothing else appears to have failed so far.00:17
shadeslayerso it seems that kdegames has dropped the top level README and instead there's a README for every game00:19
shadeslayerand mostly useless tbh00:19
ScottKbugfix only FTW.00:20
ScottKDon't worry about shipping the per game README's then.00:20
ScottKIt's an artifact of them moving to git and splitting.00:21
shadeslayerScottK: kdegames uploaded00:23
* shadeslayer sync's bzr branches00:23
shadeslayerScottK: branches syncd00:29
shadeslayersync'd even00:29
shadeslayerwe don't maintain a branch for taglib do we?00:29
shadeslayer( doesn't look like it00:31
ScottKkdegames and taglib are in.00:48
ScottKThanks shadeslayer .00:48
shadeslayerScottK: http://paste.kde.org/561392/ < something is wrong with 4.8.5 on armhf precise01:08
shadeslayeroddly it doesn't pick up kde-window-manager-gles 4:4.8.5-0ubuntu0.101:09
JontheEchidna:s http://i.imgur.com/xWdOr.png01:32
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: any ideas on^?01:33
JontheEchidnaeverything started to slow down to to swap usage01:34
JontheEchidnaooh, symptom, when I run dragon and then close it, a window playing the file from the beginning again shows (with no UI elements other than the video) and then closes01:37
ScottKshadeslayer: You're installing a package from -updates with -updates disabled.  Won't work.02:24
konquiWill quantal release with 4.9.2 or 4.9.1? 07:22
tsdgeosi just got kmix 4.9.2 in my quantal installation07:32
konquitsdgeos: does kmix 4.9.2 even exist? About kmix says 4.2 here07:35
tsdgeoskmix from 4.9.207:36
konquiAh ok got that too kmix i386 4:4.9.2-0ubuntu107:37
debfxshadeslayer: kde-baseapps shouldn't build-depend on kdelibs5-data, instead the include file need to be moved to the proper package09:03
RiddellI just noticed that :(09:04
* debfx wonders if it's safe to assume that no one uses q-proposed09:04
RiddellI did fix it but I must have failed to push the fix and it ended up in the final build for the archive09:05
Riddellsame for the change to kdegames09:06
konquiWill quantal release with 4.92? or 4.9.1?09:06
Riddelldepends if I keep making mistakes or not09:07
konquiSo if it does release with 4.9.2, will klook be automatically added to Kubuntu or will users who want that have to install a seperate package.09:09
konquiMy bad, seems like that is not yet implemented and still marked as "todo"09:11
RiddellI've forgotten what klook is09:12
Riddellwhat is it?09:12
konquiDolphin previews, for files 09:12
konquiA bit like the one in OS X09:12
RiddellI don't get it, I don't use OS X and dolphin already has previews09:18
konquiRiddell: http://www.koryavov.net/2012/03/klook-new-utility-for-kde-and-rosa.html09:19
* konqui doesn't use OS X either 09:20
Riddellseems a lot like gwenview09:24
konquiRiddell: Not really, all it does it give you a large popup to view content right from dolphin quickly on pressing space, so you can quickly play video, scroll through a pdf, image etc10:02
konquiQuite handy as you don't have to waste time opening okular etc when you just want to view the file10:03
Riddelloh he left before I could ask him to package it10:30
Riddellgroovy precise packages work10:30
Riddelloh foo am I doing something wrong or is launchpad when copying? http://paste.kde.org/561542/10:52
Riddellhmm something on my computer that doesn't want to work11:04
Riddelluh oh launchpad is e-mailing me OOPSes I wonder if I should worry11:14
davmor2Riddell: You should Always worry ;)11:17
smartboyhwHi guys11:25
Riddellhola chico11:26
smartboyhwRiddell, er Kubuntu is the only flavour with under 89% completion of blueprint:P11:26
Riddelloh interesting, notifications appear on the PPA web page for the errors11:26
Riddellsmartboyhw: tidying up blueprints has been on my todo list for ages and yet to get to the top11:26
smartboyhwRiddell, ooh:P 11:27
* smartboyhw thinks every flavor has done it already:P11:27
Riddellsmartboyhw: actually i think lots will be the dozens of spec items littlegirl put in to docs for her to keep track of things before she had to leave11:32
smartboyhwRiddell, leave?11:34
Riddellshe had some real life issue11:34
smartboyhwgee who is replacing him the Riddell ?:P11:35
smartboyhwOmit the *the* please11:38
smartboyhwRiddell, question edited:P Gee who is replacing her Riddell?:P11:39
xnoxsomebody help me with bug 106089313:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1060893 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu messes up Kubuntu installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106089313:04
yofel_xnox: seems like an issue in the subvolume handling of the btrfs setup, nothing kubuntu specific13:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
xnoxyofel: true. and on debian/ubuntu you can only have one btrfs pull and only @ as the boot/root volume.13:07
ScottKAny objections to making the changes that mgraesslin asked for?13:10
BluesKajHiyas all13:11
RiddellScottK: I excpect not but let me read it over properly13:15
ScottKOK.  Thanks.13:15
ScottKI think they're all in the line of "this won't work".13:15
ScottKI have a package prepared assuming you agree and he writes back that I didn't screw it up.13:19
RiddellScottK: did you look at what the virtual desktop issue would need?13:21
ScottKI don't think it needs anything.13:21
ScottKIf you set things to one desktop the pager just becomes invisible.13:22
Riddellbut that needs set somewhere presumably13:22
Riddellit makes sense to only have one virtual desktop if you use activities instead, but I've never worked out how or why I'd use activities13:23
ScottKMe neither.13:23
ScottKOTOH, I always forget about desktops too.13:23
ScottKIsn't this enough:13:23
ScottKThis is the time to be bold I guess and be 14.04 I think we'll all be using activities, so we may as well take the plunge.13:24
Riddellyep, I'd say go for it13:24
=== smartboyhw is now known as nemesis-project
=== nemesis-project is now known as smartboyhw
Riddellxnox: that seems a bit random13:39
ScottKOK.  I'm going to wait for mgraesslin's reply.13:40
xnoxRiddell: which bit? the bug? the deficiencies of btrfs in debian/ubuntu? me panicking? all of the above? (delete as appropriate)13:40
Riddellxnox: the bug is, it doesn't help that it's not written in a way I fully understand, where are there strange @ directories going etc13:44
Riddellmparillo: 4.9.2 working on 12.04 for me, fancy putting a news item on the website?13:45
yofelRiddell: in case you don't know. @ is the name of the root subvolume if you install on btrfs. The partitioner automatically creates a subvolume for / (@) and /home (@home)13:45
Riddellmm, maybe I should try btrfs one day13:46
xnoxRiddell: only if you don't care about your data13:46
yofeldo it on kernel >= 3.5, It's ~usable these days. Still many ENOSPC issues though :/13:46
BluesKajis btrfs going to be used by linux , replacing ext eventually ?14:01
Riddellno idea, you'd need to ask some linux developers14:02
xnoxBluesKaj: btrfs is one of the filesystems that linux kernel supports. currently ubuntu decided to continue using ext4 as default.14:02
xnoxBluesKaj: btrfs is not aimed to be a direct continuation of ext file system family, but rather yet another competitor.14:03
BluesKajwell , if btrfs auto sets / and /home partitions , that would be a a good thing I suppose , but what other advantage does it offer over ext , xnox  ?14:07
xnoxBluesKaj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Btrfs14:08
xnoxCOW, checksummings, snapshots, RAID levels, etc.14:08
ScottKLooks like i386/amd64/powerpc are done for
Riddellyes, just installed it fine14:29
RiddellScottK: how do we get it moved to release?  I realise I don't actually know14:30
ScottKRiddell: sru-release in archive tools.14:31
Riddellthat seems easy14:32
Riddellfor asdf in `cat /home/jr/src/kubuntu-automation/kubuntu-automation/kdesc-packages-quantal.txt`; do echo ${asdf}; ./sru-release -r quantal ${asdf}; done14:34
Riddellthat should keep it busy14:34
ScottKWe need to wait for the builds to finish though.14:35
ScottKI don't know what horrors happen if you copy a package that's not built yet so that some binaries exist in -release and others will later appear in -proposed.14:35
Riddellwe'll find out now14:37
ScottKHopefully they get -release build records and it's all good.14:38
RiddellScottK: on the question of owncloud, Blizzz says 3.0 is unmaintained so I don't see us getting a patch for the issues in 12.04, so I'm still thinking delete it and put an update in -backports is the best thing we can do14:39
ScottKMaybe SRU it so that people who have it installed already don't get left out?14:40
ScottKWe'd need special permission.14:41
Riddellyeah that would seem like needing beurocracy, a tech board exception presumably14:41
ScottKRemoving it doesn't help users that already have it installed.14:44
Riddellbackports the first step anyway, I'll do that14:45
ScottKAs long as it's tested to at least run.14:49
ScottKRiddell: The early package copy should be non-world ending.  You'll just need to copy the ones that weren't finished again once they are, so keep a list.14:54
ScottKIf for some reason the recopy doesn't work, then we can panic (in theory is should, but untested)14:58
soeeare there any wallpaper changes in 4.9.2 ?15:02
Riddellsoee: nope15:04
Riddellmparillo: beat you :) http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.9.215:05
mparilloRiddell: Well, at least you did not have to edit my draft!15:06
ScottKRiddell: k-d-s changes in queue per mgraesslin (he verified on the list).  Please accept.15:06
BluesKajthe ppa doesn't connect15:06
* Riddell waits for launchpad to make the diff15:07
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1060986] kwin_opengl_test crashed with SIGSEGV in r600_bind_blend_state_internal() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1060986 (by Dimiter "Arruor" Nikov)15:07
BluesKajCannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports.)15:07
RiddellBluesKaj: what are you trying to do?15:09
BluesKajRiddell, odd , it's comnnecting now 15:10
Riddelljust launchpad then15:10
mparilloshadeslayer: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Get Involved/WhoWeAre I am last, Riddell is first and the I pre-populated some table rows sorted by IRC handles. I will try to do some updates, but I am afraid for this to really work, people need to update their own data.15:11
mparilloHmm, I guess spaces are not good things to have in URLs. The Wiki handles them, but not the freenode web IRC interface.15:13
smartboyhwWow that page is really new:P15:13
tsimpsonspaces must be escaped: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Get%20Involved/WhoWeAre15:16
Riddellmparillo: yeah best to have no spaces 15:17
ScottK+1 on no spaces15:18
tsimpsonthis is why we have CamelCase in wikis15:18
mparilloThat's what I get for cloning: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Get%20Involved/WhoWeAre15:18
mparilloI will switch to camel case. Good for an ancient PERL hacker anyway.15:18
ScottKRiddell: k-d-s has a diff now.15:18
* Riddell accepts15:19
ScottKNote that mgraesslin's name is fine in a proper utf-8 locale (as one finds in debian/changelog).  The weirdness is just the LP diff.15:19
BluesKaj404 error , failed to fetch kubuntu backports ..no access to 4.9.2 here15:20
* ScottK checks "keep upstream happy" off his list for today.15:28
Riddellthanks ScottK :)15:29
mparilloCamel Case: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GetInvolved/WhoWeAre15:34
ScottKxnox: Do you consider yourself a Kubuntu person?15:41
Riddellwe might have some persuasion to do for that to happen :)15:41
xnoxScottK: in what sense?15:41
ScottKxnox: In the sense that mparillo put you on ^^^ wiki page and do you want that?15:42
xnoxScottK: meh =)15:43
xnoxScottK: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1055866/comments/2  I was tempted to end it with "Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Mythbuntu Developer"15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1055866 in Ubuntu "Combine all official derivatives differing only in default desktop environment to single distribution" [Undecided,Won't fix]15:43
xnoxScottK: due to convenient core-dev team inclusion in official derivatives ;-)15:44
* xnox oh edubuntu as well =)15:44
BluesKajRiddell, are the backports actaully accessable , or is kde still being uploaded ?15:45
RiddellBluesKaj: installed and worked good for me15:45
ScottKBluesKaj: Look on the web site.  It's there.  I think you need to talk to #launchpad about why it's not working.15:45
xnoxScottK: I am not a spokesperson for kubuntu project, and will not reply personal email aiming to get a quote by "Kubuntu developer"15:46
xnoxlisting me on the wiki page is fine =) but I'd only be interested in low-level stuff or installer =)15:46
ScottKxnox: One small point: Kubuntu is not an Ubuntu derivative.  It's a different flavor produced by the Ubuntu project.  Derivatives are things like Mint.15:46
ScottKOK.  15:47
ScottKCan you edit yourself then?15:47
BluesKajScottK, I looked at the website , but it has no special ppa other than the backports ...maybe a server change is order here15:48
xnoxScottK: ok, sorry for the confusing terms. I refer to "official derivatives" (flavours that is) and "unofficial derivatives" (mint, hannah montana linux etc.)15:48
ScottKxnox: No such thing as official derivatives.15:49
ScottKThere are flavors and there are derivatives.15:49
ScottKMint is a derivative, Kubuntu, etc are not.15:49
xnoxichtux linux was/is a meta package in ubuntu archive (hence a flavour?!) but it was integrated enough to be build on the same infrastructure e.g. cdimage & iso-tracker.15:52
xnoxofficial: published on cdimage.u.c. the rest is upcomming, obsolete, or unofficial to me =))))15:52
* xnox should not be a spokes person. see how politically incorrect I am =)15:53
BluesKajok Riddell I assumed the 12.10 backport would be loaded as well , not the case 15:53
ScottKxnox: No.  Itchthux was never a flavor.  We never built ISOs for it.15:54
ScottKSabily is similar.15:54
ScottK(former Muslim Edition)15:54
ScottKSo you can't install them from the official archive.15:54
xnoxbut they did cd's themselves. hmm... ok, i see now.15:54
mparilloScottK, xnox: I just grabbed some IRC handles I see frequently to have a starting point for the table. One edit could be to delete the entire row. 15:54
ScottKThey are, I think, most properly Ubuntu remixes.15:55
* xnox /0\15:55
ScottKI know the language is annoying, but I think it's important to get it right.15:55
ScottKThe different terms imply different relationships with the Ubuntu project.15:56
xnoxwell for trademarks and stuff.....15:56
xnoxit's not like we get enough problems with licensing alone.15:56
ScottKWell it can get fun.16:00
yofelmparillo: did you just delete the page? seems to be gone16:00
yofelhm, back, edit conflict -.-16:01
mparilloI did not.16:01
ScottKOne of the blockers for getting the (now) Sabilly meta packages into the archive was that none of the developers would sign the Ubuntu CoC because (at the time) it claimed sabdfl was infallible.  The claim was made in jest, but it conflicted with the religious views of the developers, so they wouldn't sign it.16:01
ScottKxnox: You have no idea the fun some of this stuff entails.16:02
mparilloyofel: It looks like ScottK fixed his time zone and added Packaging, Management as his areas of expertise. Maybe the wiki software locked the page during his edits?16:04
yofelI didn't see an edit warning when I edited it, after I saved the page was gone. Now it's back though16:04
xnoxScottK: ok.16:05
Riddellbah, turns out owncloud backports isn't just a straight recompile16:09
Riddellshadeslayer: the sticker printer you used in Bangalore, any similar ones near your home?17:19
shadeslayerRiddell: spacetime's father owns a shop that could probably print them18:23
shadeslayerI mean, Rishab Arora, you might have met him at Akademy :)(18:23
BluesKajok , 4.9.2 working well on 12.04 and 12.10 18:42
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1017709] package kdm (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal sc... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1017709 (by jjinco33)19:19
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1041945] "multiple errors leading to this one" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1041945 (by Christopher Horan)19:51
micahgsomeone want to take care of Bug #1061187 20:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061187 in kaffeine (Ubuntu Precise) "Lack of Kaffeine french translation into Kubuntu Precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106118720:07
shadeslayermicahg: needs rebuild?20:09
micahgyeah, should be a no change rebuild (keep in mind same version in oneiric/precise when versioning)20:10
shadeslayerI don't think I have upload rights, unless it's in the kubuntu package set20:11
shadeslayerwhich iirc it isn't20:11
micahgmeh, I can just do it later then20:11
micahgunless someone else (MOTU/core-dev) grabs it20:11
vHandashadeslayer: one sec20:12
vHandashadeslayer: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30738820:13
ubottuKDE bug 307388 in filewatchservice "Regression: crash in KInotify::Private::_k_addWatch" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]20:13
vHandaplease include both the patches20:13
shadeslayerok cool20:13
shadeslayervHanda: anything else?20:14
vHandanope. that's it20:14
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK ^ We should get that in before rolling 4.9.2 out20:14
ScottKToo late.20:14
* shadeslayer can do it tomorrow if no one else want's to do it today20:14
shadeslayeroh, did you copy to updates?20:14
ScottKPlease get it uploaded ASAP so I can review.20:14
ScottKYes.  Riddell did.20:14
shadeslayerah ok, I have a kde4libs patch as well, fixes samba support20:15
shadeslayerthis http://commits.kde.org/kdelibs/8e9bfe11f54e3fa5000a86773b21bdcdcff44bd520:15
shadeslayerok, let me reboot20:16
* ScottK is busy trying to sort out with upstream having PyKDE4 for 4.10 buildable on Quantal when the time comes.20:17
micahgdebfx: I must be missing something, why is qtwebkit being  built during the qt4-x11 build?20:22
debfxmicahg: to avoid a build-dependency cycle between qt4-x11 and qtwebkit. qt assistant (which is part of qt4-x11) links against qtwebkit.20:23
micahgdebfx: that seems silly, especially if qtwebkit and the copy in qt4-x11 are out of sync20:24
micahgwell, the dep cycle makes sense, but is frustrating20:26
* micahg wishes upstreams wouldn't couple stuff so tightly20:26
debfxof course it's silly, at least qt5 is properly modularized20:26
debfxbinary compatibility isn't an issue in practice as qtwebkit is in a low maintenance mode20:27
micahgbut IMHO, it should only be enabled for the bootstrap release, once there's an ABI compatible qtwebkit, it should be turned off IMHO20:27
micahgotherwise you risk binary incompatibility with the qtwebkit in the archive (unless it's statically linked)20:28
debfxthat would only be an issue if qtwebkit added functions or classes and qt assistant would use those20:29
debfxboth is very unlikely20:29
micahgyes, in addition though, it wastes lots of build time each time building qtwebkit (and makes arm* painfully long)20:30
micahganyways, qt5 in R? :)20:31
shadeslayersounds like we have a volunteer to do Qt 5 packaging20:32
debfxthat's why I proposed disabling qtwebkit on arm (leading to a feature loss in qt assistant on arm)20:33
debfxI'd prefer Qt 5 in Debian first20:33
ScottKQt 5 won't affect us much until we have a KDE ported to use it.20:37
debfxIt affects us if we want to provide a nice environment for developers20:39
ScottKRiddell: I think we need to teach sru-release about binary packages.20:51
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [744812] FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bo... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/744812 (by Francois Thirioux)20:52
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1057578] Vulnerable against "CRIME" attack @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1057578 (by Felix Geyer)20:52
shadeslayerScottK: can I just upload to quantal instead of quantal-proposed?20:54
shadeslayerScottK: uploaded nepomu-core to quantal20:59
JontheEchidnaI did upload debian's packaging for qt5 qt-base to -experimental. (There's still a lot of Qt5 still to go though)21:01
JontheEchidnathe -dev packages between 4 and 5 are totally in conflict though21:01
JontheEchidnabut you can run some of the demos from the -demos package21:01
shadeslayerah shoot21:02
shadeslayerScottK: can you unapprove nepomuk, I think I might have uploaded with -sa21:02
shadeslayerScottK: kde4libs uploaded as well21:06
RiddellJontheEchidna: upstream are talking about changing qt5 so the -dev stuff doesn't conflict21:51
Riddellbut in the mean time that's just what happens21:51
shadeslayerwell ... uh ... I have to go in a couple of minutes, so could someone please approve kde4libs and nepomuk-core ( the second one I just uploaded )21:53
Riddellcan do21:53
shadeslayerRiddell: oh and what about the stickers that you were talking a about?21:54
Riddellshadeslayer: I'd just like to get some for UDS and was wondering if there was an easy and cheap way to do so21:56
shadeslayersure, how many, and do you have a design?21:56
shadeslayerand your budget as well :)21:58
Riddellshadeslayer: lots, something like this I'm thinking starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/output.pdf21:58
Riddellbudget is whatever we can convince the kubuntu council to pay21:59
shadeslayerheh :D21:59
shadeslayeroh btw there was this guy on G+, maybe we can ask him if we can design a sticker for us?22:00
Riddellshadeslayer: reject  nepomuk-core from 1 hours ago?22:01
shadeslayerRiddell: yes22:02
shadeslayeraccidentally did a upload with source -.-22:02
ScottKshadeslayer: nepomuk - approve or unapprove?22:02
shadeslayerreject the old one, accept the new one22:02
ScottKshadeslayer: To quantal is fine.  22:02
shadeslayerScottK: figured as much :)22:02
Riddellaccepts done22:03
RiddellScottK: beat you22:03
ScottKRiddell: Only because I'm busy with wgrant trying to figure out how to untangle your package copying mess...22:03
shadeslayerRiddell: lots=500 ?22:04
* Riddell hides from ScottK in shame22:06
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah22:06
shadeslayeralright, will talk to Rishab and figure out how much it'll cost22:07

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