
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
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Estersiossomebody know if akregator can sync with google reader?02:23
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* raven_ {One Hour of Silence)04:57
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=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
konquiHi, I am trying to make my Kubuntu system as minimal as possible, any ideas, I still want desktop effects and such but want to reduce stuff such as automatic update notifications etc any tips?06:09
frogonwheelskonqui: most of those services &c you can configure in the system settings06:28
konquifrogonwheels: I am not refering to desktop environment stuff, also I run Kubuntu06:28
konquifrogonwheels: Ignore the "I run Kubuntu part" I thought I was in #ubuntu06:29
=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
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fournine2Are there binary packages for 4.9.2. available?08:13
FlameReaperNot yet I suppose08:14
konquifournine2: Doesn't seem like it but I hope it goes into quantal final as the fixes are quite significant this time08:14
FlameReaperat least not when I last updated last night08:15
fournine2konqui: no backports for Precise?08:15
gonssal_did someone else have to install an additional 2GB with the latest dist-upgrade?08:24
Smurphygonssal_: nope... Did you upgrade to 12.10 Beta ?08:24
gonssal_including a lot of latex- packages?08:24
gonssal_no, using 12.0408:24
gonssal_with updates ppa08:24
Smurphylsb_release -a will tell you what you have.08:24
gonssal_Description:    Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS08:25
SmurphyJust reenabled ppa kde backports ...08:26
SmurphyWonder which version comes in :)08:26
gonssal_why on earth is this thing installing lots of ispell, latex and fonts packages now?08:26
gonssal_just did update and dist-upgrade08:27
Smurphyyou have kde ppa active ?08:29
gonssal_yes, updates08:29
Smurphyweird. Not here. He just wanted remove 150MBytes of i386 compatibility packages. That's all, and add 560MB :]08:30
gonssal_nah will run the upgrade and then try to delete all the installed shit08:31
SmurphyHow is KDE 4.9.1 BTW ? Never tried it - yet ... :}08:31
Smurphyok - 4.9.2 - anyon has a link for binary packages for KUbuntu ? ppa backports ?08:34
tsimpsonthere are none, yet08:36
fournine2There are websites which claim that you can already install 4.9.2 for Kubuntu.08:39
fournine2(which is also the reason why I came asking here, because 'it didn't work')08:40
tsimpsonthe internet is full of half-truths08:43
tsimpson4.9.2 is becoming available in the -proposed repository for Quantal now, but is still being worked on08:44
tsimpsonthere are no packages for Precise as yet, expect them after the release in Quantal08:44
tsimpsonand keep an eye on http://www.kubuntu.org/news rather than whatever random website you used ;)08:44
fournine2and over you.  You're on the worst Linux distribution from a developer's (and so Gentoo Prefix) perspective since http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/.08:46
fournine2Why do Gentoo people apparently hate Ubuntu?08:46
fournine2The "disaster" systems are NetBSD, OpenBSD and Ubuntu: they are NOT supported.08:47
fournine2Not exactly positive.08:47
Smurphysaw that. No KDE 4.9.2 for KUbuntu :} yet ...08:48
konquifournine2: Did you get that from a bootstrap article or something08:54
fournine2konqui: if you run bootstrap-prefix.sh you get that.08:55
fournine2konqui: I think it only shows that the author of that script is lazy/does not care about Ubuntu.08:55
konquifournine2: And where did you that file?08:55
fournine2konqui: wget 'http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/alt/browser/trunk/prefix-overlay/scripts/bootstrap-prefix.sh?format=txt' -O bootstrap-prefix.sh && chmod +x bootstrap-prefix.sh08:56
fournine2konqui: it's just one big rage against multi-arch, and it's even out of date.09:00
fournine2Apparently everyone using Debian is braindead too.09:01
=== CodenameStrike is now known as FlameReaper
Thecaptain2000Hi, I am having a littleproblems with video effects, I have three monitors connected and my videocard is a radeon 6870. It should handle them like a charm but dragging windows from one screen to the other is becoming painfull to watch. any tuning tweek I could use?09:15
SmurphyThecaptain2000: Don't think so. Using more than one screen can disabe the 3D Effects because acceleration is disabled.09:16
SmurphyHow did you configure the 3 screens ?09:17
Thecaptain2000using AMD's own amdccc09:17
SmurphyDid you activate Xinerama ?09:18
Thecaptain2000accelleration is disabled if using more than one screen?09:18
Thecaptain2000at list I did not chose it09:18
Thecaptain2000I mean I did not tick any box saying xineramas09:18
Thecaptain2000just checked, the option xinerama is disableds09:19
SmurphyThere is one mode where acceleration is disabled with more than one screen.09:20
SmurphyI think - with cloned Displays on same resolution, you keep 3D Accel, all other modes - you loose them.09:21
Thecaptain2000likel it is xinerama09:21
SmurphyDidn't manage to get it to work -> Dell Precision 4600 Notebook, with high end Graphic card etc.09:21
Thecaptain2000I have three screens with different resolutions09:21
SmurphyI had issues with 2 screens only :) but eventually 3 will make a difference :D09:22
Thecaptain2000the card should have plenty of resources09:22
Thecaptain2000to handle this09:22
SmurphyIt is not a matter of the card...09:22
Smurphyit is driver related.09:22
Thecaptain2000this is such a letdown09:23
Thecaptain2000is there a difference between Nvidia and AMD on this particular matter?09:24
ussher_Thecaptain2000: keep trying stuff, you should be able to get it to work.  Im running 4 monitors of different resolutions and it works fine.  nvidia though.09:24
SmurphyNope. Same issue on both sides. Have also a Mac Mini - same issues.09:24
Smurphyussher_: What setup did you use ?09:25
ussher_nvidia's one that writes to xorg.conf09:25
ussher_2 monitors running on nvidias 'dual view' and the other 2 with separate x screens.09:26
Thecaptain2000also ati09:26
ussher_with xinerama09:26
Thecaptain2000I mean also ati writes to xorg.conf09:26
ussher_you can have my xorg.conf if you think it would be of any use.09:27
Thecaptain2000is it possible it has something to do with the frabe buffer size?09:27
Thecaptain2000I would not know what to look for, moreover the options in xorg.conf are likely different as the parameters forthe two cards are09:28
SmurphyThecaptain2000: xorg.conf uses generic parameters most of the time - so it should not be much of a difference.09:29
Thecaptain2000I am googling. >I believe I have accellerations (I can see the effects) just there are not enough resorces (like the 1ºGB of the videocard isnot sufficent or something?)09:34
Smurphy*rofl* If the 1GB of the video card is not enough - then I don't want to know "what" resolution you run ... 1Millionx1Million ??? :}09:39
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Thecaptain20001920x1080 + 2500x1600 +  1920x120009:57
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bmwAnyone have Network Mgmt panel/systray icon reversed?10:24
Solaksigh... audio and linux is still a problem here :/10:50
Solak"KDE detected that one or more internal devices were removed." and it shows about all there is inside the system, and that's not removed...10:51
* Solak sees HDA Intel PCH ALC887-VD and SB Audigy 1 ES.10:52
Solaklspci and aplay -l list all devices...10:54
eagles0513875hey guys i am tryign to run a java based site on chormium and its asking me to install the sun version of flash what package should i install as an alternative10:54
gonssal_Solak say yes, it will work anyways from my experience10:55
Solakgonssal_: problem is that nothing comes out of the speakers (in windows it does, so the hardware functions).10:56
superbuntui upgraded to the beta2 of 12.10 quezal kubuntu10:57
superbuntuand now i'm stuck in native 1900x1200 resolution10:57
eagles0513875superbuntu: ask in ubuntu+110:57
superbuntuits heating up my  computer10:57
eagles0513875superbuntu: that channel is for 12.10 discussion and support10:57
superbuntui have KDE ubuntu 12.1010:57
eagles0513875superbuntu: doesnt matter10:57
eagles0513875all 12.10 discussions are there this is 12.04 discussions and support here10:58
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francesco_kde 4.9.0 sarà disponibile nei repo kubuntu updates?12:36
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ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:08
BluesKajHiyas all13:11
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=== Guest4134 is now known as mocha
joe_____spricht jemand deutsch13:27
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joe_____bin nur mal die software am testen13:27
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Pici!de | joe_____13:28
ubottujoe_____: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:28
joe_____Vielen dank13:29
mochai wont to learn english13:30
mochacan you help me?13:30
Picimocha: ##english would be more helpful than #kubuntu for that.13:30
GH0Is there a reason why syslog would restart every day: Oct  3 08:02:00 localhost syslogd (GNU inetutils 1.8): restart13:35
skreech_GH0: So you don't have one huge log filling up your drive13:40
GH0skreech_, I would rather have one huge log file that eventually gets truncated after it reaches a certain file size, or is re-written/overwritten on a reboot.13:41
skreech_GH0: Syslog can't ensure that you will reboot13:42
skreech_GH0: But you may want to look at the options if you want it to cycle on size13:43
bazhangmocha, not here13:43
skreech_Move the cat13:43
bazhang!ot | mocha13:43
ubottumocha: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:43
mochacan you help me?13:44
bazhangmocha, with what13:44
mochai wont to learn english13:44
bazhangmocha, ##english NOT here13:44
bazhangmocha, /join ##english13:45
skreech_mocha: Because ##english is where you get help  for english13:45
bazhangmocha, this is kubuntu support not english training13:45
mochathank you13:45
skreech_mocha: You are welcome13:45
mochagood bye13:45
skreech_mocha: We are not kicking you out from here13:46
skreech_Just saying if you want to learn english you should type /join ##english13:46
sibelhi people, i want install wininet via wine. but it giving me error. please help13:51
bazhangsibel, check the appdb13:51
bazhang!appdb | sibel13:51
ubottusibel: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:51
bazhangsibel, then /join #winehq13:52
sibelappdb ?13:53
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org   <----- sibel13:54
sibelhttps://gist.github.com/3827036 this is my error in console13:55
sibelbazhang:  i copy my error that paste page13:55
bazhangsibel, check the appdb.   then /join #winehq13:56
sibelbazhang:  i am newbie. i go to that page but i only see list of some programs13:57
sibeli need wininet because of my work software. not game or anything.13:57
bazhangsibel, enter the name of the app there.13:57
sibelokay. bazhang13:59
lordievaderGood afternoon14:18
oquidaveam asterisk voip server and am peering it via bluetooth usb adapter to a phone...but asterisk complains that i shoudl set the voice setting to  0x0060 using hciconfig tool...can anybody help me with that. thanks14:19
tsimpsonoquidave: I guess it wants you to run "sudo hciconfig hci0 voice 0x0060"14:23
tsimpsonthough you may have to mess with the "hci0" parameter, depending on your setup14:23
oquidavetsimpson: it says Can't write voice setting on hci0: Connection timed out (110)14:27
tsimpsonmake sure that the phone is connected when you run the command, other than that I can't really help14:28
tsimpsonI don't have any bluetooth here14:28
oquidavehello again..which file do i specify the pin code for bluetooth pairing? thanks14:38
hateballoquidave: What do you mean? If you use the GUI it will let you set a custom pin when you attempt to pair a device14:46
hateballand after that, well... then it's paired14:46
oquidavehateball: i can do that via commandline?14:48
hateballoquidave: That I do not know, I have only used the GUI for it. Which happens to be very nice.14:48
ElesaHi, how do I set up the system tray so that the Kopete icon doesn't hide? Or other icons?15:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kmail users read this before upgrading: http://bit.ly/o841iy | 12.04.1 LTS http://www.kubuntu.org/news/lts-update-12041-released | KDE 4.9.2 available http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.9.2
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Riccardocome fare una partizione su kubuntu aiuto15:48
tsimpson!it | Riccardo15:48
ubottuRiccardo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:48
txemaHi how set kubuntu to 1920x1080 pxci resolution on kubuntu 12.04?16:15
Smurphypxci ? -> settings.16:18
txemakubuntu español por favor?16:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:19
txemaHello as I set the screen resolution of kubuntu on the basis that the max resolution available is 1600x1200, and my screen is full HD (1920x1080)16:23
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Txemahay alguna forma de solucionar el problema de las resoluciones en este OS?17:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:02
qwhello all17:10
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foormeahi. on kubuntu 12.10 (beta), kopete 1.3.1, i can't get online on gtalk. i'm pretty sure my settings are good and password is good. i tried finding a debug/extra verbose flag but couldn't find. what do you suggest?18:14
lordievaderfoormea: Try the #ubuntu+1 channel for 12.10 support.18:19
foormealordievader: thanks. actually i found koepte has a replacement in 12.10, telepathy. but thanks anyway! :)18:24
genii-around!info imp418:24
ubottuimp4 (source: imp4): webmail component for horde framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.7+debian0-2.1 (precise), package size 5244 kB, installed size 15752 kB18:24
Kilosevening all im using kde 12.04 and get no notification sounds in quassel konversation or xchat when focussed18:45
Kilossame as http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/issues/110618:46
Kilosany ideas what i must do to fix this prob please18:46
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SIR_Taco_Kilos: if you follow the links in the bug report you posted, it says to be fixed in 'future release', but also (more links in) that the notification system is being re-worked to remove duplications and reduce overhead19:14
Kilosah ty SIR_Taco_. i will just leave it in another channel then , it works that way19:16
SIR_Taco_or minimize the window19:16
Kilosaha ty very much19:17
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest53971
lordievaderHey Solak19:38
SolakShouldn't "sudo aptitude install libreoffice-l10n-nl" result in an active dictionary for the dutch language? I see an 'i', but LibreOffice doesn't notice the module...19:39
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* Solak notices that a 12.04LTS install by upgrade isn't a 12.04LTS install :-/19:40
lordievaderSolak: I have spent quite a bit of time getting a Dutch spellcheck found one on some website, hold on let me find that.19:40
Solaksome things that worked in the upgraded install don't work in the new install.19:40
lordievaderSolak: If I remember correctly it was this one: http://www.opentaal.org/bestanden/doc_download/14-1-woordenlijst-v-200g-voor-openofficeorg-319:41
Solaklordievader: hmm, it looks like the module is installed, but I don't see why libreoffice doesn't list it.19:42
Kilosnight guys19:47
crow_I'm getting in my tray a Software Updates notification which lists a few security upgrades20:06
crow_but when I do "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" the software updates list is still displaying the same updates. why isn't "apt-get upgrade" upgrading them?20:06
crow_btw, my mistake. there aren't any security upgrades, but there are upgrades listed anyway. same question remains though, why isn't apt-get upgrading them?20:08
lordievadercrow_: apt-get update only updates packages if they do not make any significant change to the system, if a package (A) update wants to remove another package (B), apt-get update will not update package (A). However apt-get dist-upgrade will update that package.20:08
crow_lordievader, is a"pt-get dist-upgrade" safe and recommended?20:10
lordievadercrow_: Generally speaking, yes it is safe. It is a good practice tough to keep an eye on what apt-get is going to do, see what it will install or will remove.20:11
crow_how about the "Software Updates" program? Will it do the exact same thing "apt-get dist-upgrade" would? And if not, which option would you recommend?20:12
lordievadercrow_: I have no idea about the Software Updates thing, it is not something I use.20:14
crow_ok, thanks for your help20:15
crow_i'll use apt-get dist-upgrade20:15
BluesKajmuon/software updates , crow_ ?20:15
lordievadercrow_: No problem.20:16
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=== Moriarty is now known as CrowX-
matt__can i upgrade kubuntu from cd to dvd?20:57
SIR_Taco_matt__: not sure what you mean20:58
matt__SIR_Taco_: well when you download kubuntu theres a cd which is 700mb whihc i installed and the dvd one is 3.3gb20:59
avihayyou installed from the dvd and you want to know if you can now upgrade from the alt-cd?21:00
matt__avihay: no i installed from the CD version adn want to no how to upgrde to dvd21:00
SIR_Taco_matt__: the DVD just contains more packages/software that you may wish to install.... since you already have a functioning system you could just install the packages you want instead21:01
matt__avihay: not alter one the cd one which is 700mb21:01
avihayyou mean upgread with the dvd, or make it so that you have all the packages that are installed by default from the dvd?21:01
matt__SIR_Taco_: oh ok thanks i wasnt sure what was on the dvd21:01
matt__SIR_Taco_: im new to kubuntu i used to use ubuntu then went to mint and used there distros for a while and liked kde but the mint one is crap so i though to try kubuntu as was well known21:02
SIR_Taco_matt__: essentially everything they wish fit on a CD... but you can just install it from your software center or whatever you want to use21:02
shadeslayerI think kubuntu-full is what is pulled onto the DVD21:03
shadeslayermatt__: ^ You can install kubuntu-full and have everything that's on the DVD21:04
matt__shadeslayer: is that from the package manager?21:04
SIR_Taco_shadeslayer: good to know... didn't realize there was such a package :)21:04
shadeslayermatt__: yeah21:04
shadeslayerSIR_Taco_: everything on ISO's is managed via tasks/meta packages :)21:04
matt__shadeslayer: ok thanks i need to still do all the updates but cant be asked tonight haha21:05
SIR_Taco_well yea... but it just never occured to me haha21:05
matt__Sir didnt you kow that then?21:06
SIR_Taco_matt__: didn't think about the kubuntu-full package... I've never used it. I just start with the base and add what I want/need21:07
matt__SIR_Taco_: thats fair enough half of the stuff ill probs wont use21:08
matt__btw you guys heard the company of ubuntu is not helping kubuntu no more21:08
SIR_Taco_matt__: they're just not giving them $$ anymore, not too worried about it21:15
matt__SIR_Taco_: so they will keep releaseing? how will they get there money then donations like linux mint?21:16
matt__SIR_Taco_: thanks the the sound of it it could benifit them21:20
SIR_Taco_matt__: keep in mind that most of the work is either done by the community/developers anyway or, the base system at the very least, borrowed from Ubuntu21:22
=== demo_ is now known as johnflux
matt__SIR_Taco_: Ye it will be interesting to see where they take it21:23
matt__SIR_Taco_: btw does kubuntu stick to one KDE version to the end of support or does it KDE get upgrades21:24
SIR_Taco_matt__: it will stick to one major version, usually with minor version secuirty updates. But you can add the backports repo and receive updates to packages (like KDE) that are being tested/added to the up-and-coming release and deemed 'stable enough'21:26
shadeslayeryep ^21:26
matt__do either you guys do that?21:26
shadeslayermatt__: do what?21:27
matt__add the backport repo21:27
shadeslayerwell, since I'm on precise and I like a stable system, I do add the backport repo21:28
matt__what version of kde you on then?21:29
shadeslayer4.9.2 right now21:29
matt__cool if you wanted to go back to the version it came with could you do that?21:30
shadeslayernot advisable21:31
shadeslayerif you want to stick to officially supported stuff, use the archives21:32
shadeslayerotoh as someone who helps maintain the kubuntu backports repo, I'm certain that you won't face packaging issues21:32
matt__ok how would i find the backport repo? you help maintan the backport repos?21:33
shadeslayermatt__: yes, see /topic :)21:34
matt__shadeslayer: cool what do you mean see /topic?21:35
shadeslayermatt__: I meant see the channel topic21:35
shadeslayeror check kubuntu.org to figure out how to add the backports repo :)21:35
matt__shadeslayer: thanks just looking up to see what the changes are?21:38
shadeslayerI don't follow ....21:38
shadeslayerdo you want a list of changes in 4.9.221:38
matt__ye sorry its getting late my yping is getting bad :P21:39
matt__lol typing21:39
matt__looks like dolphin has some nice changes21:41
=== matt_ is now known as Guest65630
Guest65630anyone know how to change kubuntu so i login automatically?22:01
Fuzzleshow do i install flash in rekonq?22:07
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:07
avihay!info kubuntu-restricted-extras22:08
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Kubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB22:08
Fuzzlesubottu: thanks didnt realise it was exactly the same22:10
ubottuFuzzles: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:10
avihayFuzzles: I think installing kubuntu-restricted-extras should do it. though I think rekonq should have offered you do to it22:10
Fuzzlesavihay: ok thanks22:10
avihayubottu is so modest22:10
ubottuavihay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:10
Fuzzlesis he actually a bot?22:11
Fuzzleslol ok btw how do i login to kubuntu automatically?22:11
avihayoh, you switch nicks so fast it's hard to track you22:11
avihaysystem settings->startup and shutdown22:12
Fuzzleswho me?22:12
avihaysorry, system settings->login screen22:12
avihaythe Convenience tab22:13
Fuzzlesavihay: yr somereason my name changed to guest and thanks22:13
avihayyou were also matt__ before22:13
Fuzzlesye it got reset to guest :S22:14
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »22:26
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