
lifelessStevenK: is https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/ still the jeknins?00:23
lifelessStevenK: I don't see an attached executor00:24
StevenKlifeless: That's because I haven't done it yet because I was noming00:32
lifelessStevenK: ah kk00:33
StevenKlifeless: Your key has been added00:35
StevenKlifeless: ubuntu@
StevenKlifeless: I've not updated xvfb did you want to hack that in before we kick off a build?00:37
lifelesswin: $ lxc-ls00:39
lifelesstwo for the price of one00:39
lifelessStevenK: ah, lxc-start is still running00:39
lifelesslptests setup still happening ?00:39
StevenKNo ...00:40
lifelessthe android-in-magazine thing is kindof cool00:40
lifelessok, well the base is running00:40
lifelessso I'll just use that00:40
lifelessStevenK: whats the password for jenkins, do you know ?00:42
lifelessStevenK: doesn't seem to have passwordless sudo within the container00:42
StevenKIt ought to00:42
lifelessjenkins@lptests:~$ sudo apt-get install xvfb00:42
lifeless[sudo] password for jenkins:00:42
StevenKIt certainly does outside the container00:42
StevenKlifeless: And it doesn't have one, the user is created with --disabled-password00:43
lifelessStevenK: I am confuse00:44
lifelessStevenK: how does lpsetup install stuff within it then ?00:44
StevenKI have no idea how lpsetup does its thing00:44
lifelessanyhow I've edited the file from outside00:45
lifelessso xvfb-run is fixed00:45
lifelessshould I stop the container ?00:45
StevenKYeah, let's do that and I'll kick off a build00:45
StevenKand done00:45
lifelesswhat concurrency did you use ?00:51
StevenKThat hasn't changed at least00:51
lifelesslxc-ls shows 800:51
lifelessI detect a bug in lxc-ls00:52
lifelessls /var/lib/lxc/00:52
lifelesslptests  lptests-temp-1FaKWwb  lptests-temp-c8jcW0W  lptests-temp-qoZ6ncr  lptests-temp-wbvIQLE00:52
StevenKtestr run --parallel --concurrency=400:52
lifelessI know00:52
lifelesscheck out lxc-ls on the executor though :P00:52
StevenKlxc has bugs? I'm SHOCKED00:52
StevenKlifeless: It could be once is for the container and another to show its running?00:53
lifelesscp's should really be cp dest source00:55
lifelesscp -t . <- awkward00:56
lifelessStevenK: 'ps fax | grep python.*load-list | grep -v resume-layer | awk '{ print $14 }' | xargs cp -t .'00:56
lifelessStevenK: captured the lists being executed.00:56
StevenKYou can't get that from the temp directory inside workspace/devel?00:57
abentleylifeless, StevenK: I know little, but read this post that said "The lxc-list command lists anything that’s a directory in /var/lib/lxc": http://jonathancarter.org/2012/09/29/llxc-my-little-python3-lxc-based-project/00:57
StevenKAh ha!00:58
StevenK    raise LocationError(subject, name)00:58
StevenKLocationError: (None, 'branch_type')00:58
lifelessabentley: it also looks in cgroups00:58
lifelessabentley: and the mount table - its just a shell script if you want to look at it, it is AFAICT just confused by the unionfs going on. Or something like that.00:59
abentleylifeless: So far, I haven't used lxc.  Tried to set up juju-on-lxc last week, ran into some glitch with zookeeper.01:00
lifelessabentley: ah, so yeah - juju-on-lxc does things more differently than juju-on-openstack, for instance, which I find odd.01:00
lifelessabentley: lxc on its own is pretty nice, and lpsetup does a decent job of configuring it.01:03
lifelesswgrant: / StevenK: I think a 'here is how I did it' post to the -dev list might be useful for folk.01:03
StevenKlpsetup needs a -y :-(01:03
wgrantlifeless: Once we've actually done it, yeah :)01:03
lifelessthe new shiny stuff hasn't been socialised nearly enough.01:03
wgrantlifeless: Unrelatedly, I'd like to basically abolish the explicit slave/master store selectors from normal code.01:05
wgrantDo you see any reason to keep them?01:05
wgrantA few places explicitly use a slave store for searching, but that seems pretty pointless.01:05
lifelessI haven't done an audit but the idea sounds fine to me01:06
lifelessI agree that forcing a slave for searching is unnecessary01:06
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.01:09
wgrantIf basically everything uses the policy's default store, then we can avoid terrible fallback hacks in the DB policies.01:10
wgrantPlus code gets shorter01:10
wgranteg. a lot of scripts use IMasterStore everywhere01:10
wgrantWhen scripts always default to the master anyway01:10
wgrantwallyworld_: Looks like you may have broken the build01:11
wgrantBut that's impressively few test failures considering what you've done.01:11
wallyworld_iy passed ec201:11
wallyworld_i can click that myself you know01:14
wgrantYeah, but it's like a buildbot bookmark and 3 clicks away01:14
wallyworld_i already had bb open to monitor the build01:16
StevenKwgrant: Do you know about the code.simplified_branches_menu.enabled FF ?01:16
wgrantStevenK: It's been on for everyone for more than a year, I'm pretty sure01:16
wgrantIt can probably be removed.01:16
StevenKLets do that01:17
wgrantEven better if you remove the view code but forget the model stuff, so I can delete it myself later :P01:18
StevenKI don't think this includes any model code01:21
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
StevenKwgrant: PersonBranchesMenu makes me sad. It has these link properties and they're so generically named that I can't tell if they're used01:29
StevenKwgrant: So if a method returns a link a template still has to reference it? I can't any results for '/owned'01:35
wgrantStevenK: Most of the time01:36
wgrantStevenK: But sometimes entire menus are probably rendered01:36
StevenKThis is PersonBranchesMenu and I want to destroy more code01:36
wgrantDelete them and see what breaks, perhaps01:37
StevenK 6 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)01:45
StevenKI think I've deleted enough to make up for I added01:45
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/skip-private-dev-focus/+merge/12762202:02
LPCIBotProject devel build #1105: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 28 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1105/02:13
StevenKThat's wallyworld_'s fault too02:15
wallyworld_StevenK: this is where I think some pragmatism is needed with the LOC thing - your branch combines 2 totally unrelated changes just for the sake of artificially reducing LOC when really 2 branches would have been better, and now it makes it harder to review because you have to constantly ask what unit of work the various parts of the diff are for02:52
wgrantThe LoC policy doesn't say anything about single branches being LoC-negative.02:54
wallyworld_i know02:54
wgrantThat would be perfectly acceptable as two separate branches02:54
lifelessit explicitly avoids that in fact02:54
wallyworld_which i why i questioned it02:54
wgrantSo there's no pragmatism required :)02:55
wallyworld_well, that's my bias coming through02:55
StevenKI can delete the MP and blow them apart02:55
wallyworld_if a better solution requires slightly more zLOC, then so be it02:55
wallyworld_LOC should be a secondard consideration, always02:55
wgrantBut in most cases there's an easy win02:56
wallyworld_StevenK: that would be great if you could02:56
* StevenK stops glaring daggers at LibrarianFormatter02:56
lifelessStevenK: ok, so what I'm doing to reproduce is this:02:59
lifelesscd /home/jenkins/launchpad/lp-branches/workspace/devel/02:59
lifelessjenkins@ip-10-218-67-147:~/launchpad/lp-branches/workspace/devel$ sudo /usr/local/bin/lp-setup-lxc-test lptests /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa --load-list /home/jenkins/runs/tmpzqc6_R > ~/runs/stream 2>~/runs/stream_err02:59
lifelessusing the captured load-list02:59
lifelesswhich contained one of the tests that got spewed to https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1105/console02:59
lifelessStevenK: when it completes, if the stream is corrupt, we'll have reproduction.03:00
lifelessStevenK: if it isn't, we'll need to keep trying harder.03:00
lifelessOnce we have reproduction, then I'll start on trimming down the size neede dto trigger the failure: first delete all the tests that ran *after* the corruption (allowing 2- or 3 to stay for buffer flushing just-in-case)03:01
lifelessthen delete all the tests before it, leaving enough to trigger the fail03:01
lifelessrinse and repeat - binary search needed for some of these 'delete all the' bits.03:01
wgrantwallyworld_: Why don't we just restrict +bugs and searchTasks to users with launchpad.View?03:01
lifelessbecause every alteration will permute things03:01
wgrantOr zope.Public for public artifacts.03:01
wgrantwallyworld_: Unauthorized is the correct exception to raise; it triggers the 403 page like any other forbidden page03:02
wgrantWe don't need a more user-friendly message than that.03:02
wallyworld_wgrant: no, what's there in the mp is restoring existing behaviour which i broke with the ff removal03:02
wgrantOr if we do, then we need it generally.03:02
wgrantwallyworld_: Right, but is it valuable existing behaviour?03:03
wgrantOh, is this the "this information is not shared with you" thing?03:03
wgrantThat we added recently?03:03
wgrantfor LimitedView?03:03
wallyworld_it was specifically asked for during disclosure development03:03
wgrantRight, that makes more sense03:03
wgrantNot actual sense03:03
wallyworld_yes, the "this info is no shared " thing03:03
wgrantBut more :)03:03
* wallyworld_ doesn't want to speculate on the usefulness of the feature, just implementing what's been asked for03:04
wallyworld_thank you03:04
wgrantI just thought it was probably some terrible ancient thing03:04
wallyworld_fair enough :-)03:05
wgrantAnd terrible ancient things that I don't know about can usually be deleted without anyone noticing.03:05
wallyworld_the recent bb breakage was me attempting to fix the failing test03:05
wallyworld_so i neutered the test to get bb going03:05
wgrantRight, I saw you'd dropped the +bugs team check thingy03:05
wallyworld_and then provided the proper fix03:05
lifelessStevenK: general design rule testr honours is to expose data / state so folk can go digging :)03:06
StevenKBut not quite enough data in this case03:07
lifelessStevenK: what would you like added ?03:09
lifeless/usr/bin/python 27917         jenkins    0r     FIFO                0,8      0t0   18555269 pipe03:14
lifelessseems saner03:14
lifeless/usr/bin/python 27917         jenkins    1w     FIFO                0,8      0t0   18555270 pipe03:14
lifeless/usr/bin/python 27917         jenkins    2w     FIFO                0,8      0t0   18555271 pipe03:14
lifelessso the xvfb-run fix is intact03:14
wallyworld_wgrant: installing the cert works great for chrome but now ff constantly complains about (Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain) even if i add an exception. any idea?03:38
StevenKlifeless: Merely pointing out that testr does not provide quite enough state or data to be able to tell what's leaking03:38
lifelessStevenK: but it does, AFAICT03:38
lifelessStevenK: I mean, I'm doing this because I've lots of experience and I have the time atm03:39
lifelessStevenK: but there was nothing hidden that would make it hard to reproduce03:39
lifelessno need for a debugger, for instance.03:39
lifelessor extra print statements03:39
lifelessStevenK: I mean, clearly its going wrong :P03:40
StevenKwallyworld_: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/skip-private-dev-focus/+merge/127629 should be more to your liking03:45
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/destroy-simplified-branch-ff/+merge/12763003:48
wallyworld_StevenK: bit of a nitpick on line 52 - s/an/a03:49
StevenKAh yes. It made sense before I added 'private' in :-)03:49
wallyworld_StevenK: so thst i understand, will self.branch be None if the user cannot see the devfocus branch?03:50
StevenKwallyworld_: Yes, I won't paste the code block, but the development_focus_branch property will only return the branch if the user has permission to see it. In the cases there is no devfocus or it's invisible, it returns None.03:53
wallyworld_StevenK: right, and this is the self.branch attribute used in external_visible?03:54
StevenKwallyworld_: Right, self.branch backs onto self.development_focus_branch03:54
wallyworld_ok, thanks03:54
StevenKwallyworld_: I'll push up that nitpick before landing too03:56
wallyworld_StevenK: and now you get to close a second bug :-)03:56
wallyworld_since there are 2 x mp03:56
wgrantwallyworld_: Which domain are you going to?03:57
wallyworld_wgrant: bugs.launchpad.dev03:57
StevenKwallyworld_: Which second bug?03:57
wallyworld_now works without complain in chrome03:58
StevenKVery tempted to just Won't Fix bug 39340703:58
wallyworld_StevenK: the one you raise for removing the feature flag03:58
_mup_Bug #393407: PPA doesn't allow signed contributed builds <feature> <lp-soyuz> <ppa> <soyuz-upload> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/393407 >03:58
StevenKwallyworld_: Bleh03:58
wgrantwallyworld_: Does the Firefox cert error show the right cert?03:58
wgrantIt's possible you're fighting with SNI and losing, or something like that03:58
wallyworld_hmm. not sure, let me look03:58
wallyworld_wgrant: it's labelled as "Invalid Certificate" when i use ff to get the cert from the error screen. not sure how to know what the right one is04:01
wallyworld_wgrant: i actually ran the entire rf-setup-certs.sh script once, but it complained about an invalid file or dir so i just ran the last 2 lines and that seemed to work04:03
wallyworld_which it did for chrome04:03
StevenKwgrant: I wonder if bug 583392 is fixed now04:04
_mup_Bug #583392: IntegrityError raised setting a branch for a project series. <branches> <easy> <lp-code> <oops> <series> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/583392 >04:04
wgrantwallyworld_: Try adding the cert to Firefox's certstore manually, I guess.04:05
wgrantStevenK: It appears to be, indeed.04:07
lifelessok, it reproduced on that one stream04:11
lifelessnow to divide and conquer04:11
lifelesscp tmpzqc6_R{,.orig}04:11
lifelessand delete all but the 50 or so tests before the glitch04:11
lifelessstream_err has only this:04:12
lifeless less stream_err04:12
lifelessWarning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.04:12
lifelesskill: 186: No such process04:12
lifelessStopping lxc04:12
lifelessand a blank line04:12
wgrantDid someone disable qastaging updates?04:12
lifelessit can mess things up, but there is so little of it, and its all (AFAICT) outside of the xvfb-run anyhow, which is why xvfb-run isn't directly griefing us04:12
lifelessStevenK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1257313/ list of tests04:13
StevenKlifeless: Nice04:15
lifelessStevenK: and for tracking progress https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/106061604:26
_mup_Bug #1060616: subunit stream corruption with jenkins test runs <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1060616 >04:26
StevenKlifeless: So, thanks for filing that, but not another critical :-(04:26
lifelessStevenK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1060616/comments/104:31
_mup_Bug #1060616: subunit stream corruption with jenkins test runs <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1060616 >04:31
wallyworld_wgrant: got it working. had to convert the x509 cert for chrome to a pkcs12 one for firefox. i have no idea about all this stuff04:31
lifelessStevenK: now that we have an unadulterated stream, we can see pretty clearly whats fucked up04:31
lifelessI'll file a testr bug about making it easier to get said stream.04:32
wgrantwallyworld_: Hm, Firefox should be able to import plain x509 too04:32
wallyworld_wgrant: it didn't seem to give me that option, only pkcs1204:33
wallyworld_i tried to import the x509 and it complained04:33
wallyworld_at least it all works now, and the other ff lp.dev issue is gone now too04:34
lifelessStevenK: so this is critical, because if it breaks on buildbot it will equally badly and mysteriously.04:34
wgrantwallyworld_: Ah, were you trying to import into the Personal section?04:34
* wallyworld_ shrugs04:34
wgrantthat needs a private key too, so it requires PKCS#1204:34
wallyworld_yes, looks like i was04:34
wgrantServers/Authorities should work with x50904:35
wallyworld_ok, will try that next time it breaks04:35
StevenKlifeless: Indeed04:37
wgrant"USN-1551-1 fixed vulnerabilities in Thunderbird. The new package caused a04:38
wgrantregression in the message editor and certain performance regressions as04:38
wgrantSo it wasn't just me!04:38
wgrantwell. This update fixes the problems."04:38
lifelessStevenK: its worse than I thought:04:52
lifelesssee comment 204:52
wgrantThat's normal04:57
wgrantIf the subprocess dies, the rest of the layer goes with it.04:57
wgrantAnd the parent often doesn't notice.04:57
StevenKThere's a bug for that04:57
StevenKSubprocess death unheeded by parent or so04:58
lifelessso the question is04:59
lifelessis python failing to process a finally:04:59
lifelessor is something else fubared04:59
wgrantWhich test is it dying on?04:59
wgrantProbably something that uses webkit05:00
lifelesswgrant: lib/lp/code/javascript/tests/test_productseries-setbranch.html and lp/testing/tests/test_yuixhr_fixture_facet05:00
wgrantAh yes05:00
wgrantSo it is05:00
wgrantSo it'll be segfaulting.05:00
wgrantYou can reproduce that easily05:00
lifelessso, subunit layer, it may make sense to have a 'close off the stream no matter what' escape clause05:00
wgrantIt usually happens when run outside xvfb-run, though05:00
lifelesswhich the parent could use05:01
lifelessneed to determine first how the parent-child stuff works05:04
lifelessit may be that the parent is just being stupid and not reporting a close when it knows already05:04
lifelessStevenK: so, you know now whats wrong - webkit fuckage05:04
lifelessStevenK: and I have the data on how the system was failing, so can reproduce externally.05:04
StevenKThen why doesn't buildbot fall over into a screaming heap?05:05
lifelessits webkit isn't segfaulting05:05
StevenKBut why not? :-(05:05
wgrantRun it manually05:05
wgrantYou might get a GTK error05:05
StevenKAnd I'm curious what is causing it to SEGV05:06
wgrantIt normally segfaults because there's no X05:06
lifelessnothing on stderr05:06
wgrantBut the xvfb-run should sort that out05:06
wgrantgdb :)05:06
lifelessstart an ephemeral container05:06
lifelessssh into it05:06
lifelessrun one xvfb-run bash05:06
lifelessrun gdb python --args -- bin/test lp/testing/tests/test_yuixhr_fixture_facet05:07
lifeless(or thereabouts)05:07
StevenKlifeless: You're still on the executor, are you going to try that?05:07
wgrantThe stacktraces tend to be reasonably self-explanatory, fortunately.05:08
lifelessStevenK: no05:10
lifelessStevenK: a) cynthia time, b) I'm pursuing the test reporting side of it, to make future runs less likely to fail in this mysterious manner05:11
lifelessStevenK: daylight saving kicked in here last weekend, we're 3 hours out atm05:11
lifelessStevenK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subunit/+bug/106062805:12
_mup_Bug #1060628: cannot 'fix' a subunit stream that may be corrupted <subunit:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1060628 >05:12
StevenKlxc-start -n lptests will start the ephemeral container?05:13
lifelessStevenK: no05:13
lifelessStevenK: lxc-start-ephemeral -d -n lptests05:13
wgrantlxc-start -n lptests will start the real container05:13
lifelessStevenK: so you can ssh in and not have the awful console emulator05:13
StevenKroot@ip-10-218-67-147:~# lxc-start-ephemeral -d -n lptests05:15
StevenKgetopt: invalid option -- 'n'05:15
StevenKAnd the usage message isn't very helpful either05:15
lifelessoh blah,05:15
wgrant-o maybe?05:15
wgrantI can't remember05:15
wgrantMay just be a positional arg05:15
StevenK-o orig is in the usage05:16
lifeless-o lptests05:16
lifelessI was remembering base container startup05:16
StevenKA consistent UI is a bad UI05:16
lifelessthis isn't inconsistent05:16
wgrantBack in my day it only had positional args, and we liked it.05:16
lifelessbecause you wouldn't be naming it05:16
lifelessit got 'fixed'05:17
StevenKBleh, and I run right into the 'jenkins has a password?' thing :-(05:18
* StevenK forcibly edits the lxc's sudoers05:19
StevenKjenkins@lptests-temp-k0hHY4M:~$ sudo apt-get install gdb05:23
StevenKReading package lists... Done05:23
wgrantstub: Do you recall if there was a reason for translations-export-to-branch to do its search on the slave DB?05:23
wgrantIt then casts the branch up to a master object to write to it05:23
wgrantWhich seems odd.05:23
StevenKjenkins@lptests-temp-k0hHY4M:~$ xvfb-run bash05:24
StevenKxvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start05:24
* StevenK grumbles05:24
wgrantIt does like its helpful error messages05:24
wgrantBeware, 'tis a hideous shell script05:24
StevenKYes, and I'm trying to avoid bash -x05:24
stubwgrant: Sounds like one I would have nagged about because of performance and/or long running transactions05:30
* StevenK stabs xvfb-run05:30
stubwgrant: IIRC it had long running transactions, and when fixing that it was easy to switch it to using the slave for most of the work too.05:31
lifelesswgrant: that was avoiding lock driven bloat on the master05:31
wgrantThe thing is the DB work is really really trivial05:31
lifelesswgrant: but without slony the bloat impact happens no matter what slave you are reading from05:31
lifelessso without slony there is no benefit to that jumping around05:31
wgrantIt's the only remaining case of things that need to write querying from the slave store05:31
stubwgrant: Yeah, but if you look sideways at a Storm object at the wrong time it gets refreshed from the DB and suddenly you have a new, open transaction sitting idle.05:31
stubjtv did the fixup IIRC, I might be mistaken for the rationale.05:32
wgrantIt's used the slave store since the script first landed in the tree05:33
stubBut the basic principal of 'thou shalt use a slave instead of the master whenever possible' still applies.05:33
stubExcellent. We should do more of that.05:33
wgrantShould we?05:34
wgrantThe DB load from the two things that do that is miniscule.05:34
wgrantAnd it's a fair bit of added complexity05:34
stubYes, the master isn't horizontally scalable.05:35
stubWhy is it complex?05:35
stubI suspect it is complex because it is bending over backwards to ensure a transaction doesn't get held open while doing possibly lengthy operations, like anything to do with importing or exporting pofiles or anything to do with bzr.05:36
wgrantWell, most things are very well served by just using their policy's default store05:37
wgrantWe have a lot of code that uses IMasterStore/ISlaveStore/IMasterObject unnecessarily.05:37
stubYeah, but something like exporting translations you can say 'this always uses the slave store' because we never care that the information is up to date.05:38
stubThe scripts policy could encode this, but other callers to the code don't get that policy.05:39
stubDo we care now if things are a little out of date?05:42
wgrantI'm trying to think of a cleaner way to do the slave fallback. Currently you get a slave object that's actually connected to the master, which is a bit ugly.05:48
wgrantBecause we need master->slave fallback to some extent.05:48
wgrantThough I guess if I get a fake-slave object and keep it around over a connection reset, it could end up reattached to a real slave05:52
wgrantOur Storm object lifetimes are sometimes a little odd05:52
wgrantstub: Does our postgres config log statement timeouts?06:02
wgrantIs it easy enough to find out the second that the final statement there was terminated?06:03
wgrantSince it took 24 seconds06:03
wgrantI suspect the delay is on the Python side06:04
wgrantBut I'd like to know for sure06:04
wgrantSince this goes back to the random delays we see sometimes that can't all be explained by GIL contention06:04
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/assertion-review-token/+merge/12763906:04
wgrantThey usually exhibit themselves as very long DB queries06:04
stubFrom my POV, there is nothing wrong with ISlaveStore returning a Store connected to the master db. However, the Zope adapter mechanics require that IFoo(bar) return an object that provides the IFoo interface.06:05
wgrantOh, it actually checks?06:05
stubI've thought of making all objects that provide IMasterStore also provide ISlaveStore06:05
stubI think it does in some cases? All cases? I forget the details06:05
wgrantI guess having the slave store connected to the master DB isn't too bad, but it might be useful to log the current connection string somewhere.06:06
stubWe don't need to use the adapter spelling. It was the nicest spelling that met our needs at the time.06:06
wgrantCurrently in OOPSes we log whether it was master or slave, which can be helpful for diagnosing slowness.06:06
wallyworld_StevenK: i'll pass since i'm not fully across the subtlties of the oauth stuff06:07
wgrantI'll look in a sec06:07
StevenKwallyworld_: Pft. It's subtle as a housebrick to the face.06:08
stubWe need to, at a minimum, switch from using dbname to dbname+hostname. Full connection string might be too noisy in some contexts.06:08
wallyworld_StevenK: not really, there's subtle changes to the error handling and flow06:08
wallyworld_and i don't know what might break06:09
stubOur statement sanitation code isn't hiding the integer id in that oops06:09
wgrantstub: We might just want to log timeline events on reconnection, and at connection start.06:09
stubDoesn't want to handle function calls06:09
wgrantThe request started at 21:26:5606:09
wgrantThe fatal query should have started about 2 seconds after that06:10
wgrantAnd terminated between 5 and 23 seconds after that.06:10
wgrantI'm interested whether it was 5 or 23.06:10
stub<lpnet55@launchpad_prod:25567> 2012-10-01 21:27:22 UTC ERROR:  canceling stateme06:14
stubnt due to statement timeout06:14
stub<lpnet55@launchpad_prod:25567> 2012-10-01 21:27:22 UTC STATEMENT:  UPDATE Bug SET heat=calculate_bug_heat(1047345), heat_last_updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' WHERE Bug.id = 104734506:14
stubI'm seeing some odd replication stuff around that time, may be unrelated06:14
wgrantSo did postgres sit on it for 20s too long, or did we delay sending it for ages.06:14
wgrantI wonder06:14
stubWe can't tell now06:15
wgrantStevenK: You can't really just convert all AssertionErrors into notifications...06:16
wgrantStevenK: And you can't just str() or unicode() things.06:16
wgrantstub: Thanks for poking.06:17
wgrantCould be Python, pgbouncer, or postgres :(06:18
StevenKwgrant: So I can convert the 5 AssertionError's in the model into OAuthValidationError or something ?06:19
wgrantStevenK: Something like that. There may already be a relevant exception,.06:19
StevenKNot that I can see.06:20
lifelesswgrant: could also be TCP06:22
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1257370/06:23
StevenKlifeless: There. Fixed. ^06:23
bigjoolsgod I hate dpkg06:24
bigjoolsonce you get a bug in a postinst you're screwed06:25
wgrantlifeless: Shhh, I only blame TCP when I want elmo to investigate06:25
wgrantIt's not at that stage yet :)06:25
wgrantbigjools: What sort of bug?06:25
bigjoolsit hangs06:25
wgrantOh good06:26
StevenKbigjools: That's when you edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.postinst :-P06:26
bigjoolspackage removal fails, reconfigure fails...everything bloody fails!06:26
bigjoolsStevenK: yes, that's what I do :/06:26
bigjoolsctrl-c not working either06:26
StevenKCtrl-\ ?06:27
StevenKctrl-c is SIGINT, ctrl-\ is SIGQUIT06:27
StevenKbigjools: Failing that, ctrl-z ; bg ; kill -9 ?06:28
bigjoolsoh GREAT.  now the kernel bug that disconnects usb devices hit me.  no mouse06:28
* bigjools ragequit06:28
wgrantStevenK: How formy is it?06:28
StevenKwgrant: EPARSE06:28
wgrantStevenK: Redirecting to the success page and adding a notification to say that it failed is somewhat unpleasant.06:28
wgrantIs it close enough to a form that you can display an error message on it?06:29
wgrantRather than a notification?06:29
StevenKNot really06:29
StevenKThere are no fields06:29
StevenKWe show 6 buttons and a lot of text06:29
bigjoolsStevenK: kill -9 after searching for all the processes that apt-get started yeah :/  it's hanging on a very innocuous prerm ...06:30
StevenKwgrant: I can redirect to '/' or something if you wish?06:30
StevenK'~' might work too06:30
wgrantStevenK: I'm not sure.06:31
wgrantRedirecting to the callback is definitely wrong06:31
wgrantRedirecting to anything and displaying a pretty blue success notification for failure is also a little wrong.06:31
StevenKSo we should continue to OOPS? :-)06:31
wgrantNo, ideally we'd display an error message.06:32
wgrantNot just redirect with successful failure06:32
StevenKwgrant: So what about response.addErrorNotification ?06:37
wgrantStevenK: That might be an acceptable compromise.06:39
wgrantIt's probably easiest.06:39
StevenK wgrant http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1257382/06:39
wgrantStevenK: Sounds more reasonable. I don't think we use the term "request token" anywhere else in the UI, though. I'd try to find a better term by looking at the existing template.06:40
StevenKWhat about 'token' ?06:41
StevenKwgrant: request token is already shown for the token.permission == OAuthPermission.UNAUTHORIZED case?06:43
wgrantStevenK: Isn't that the response to +access-token, which is given to the client, not the user?06:43
StevenKI have no idea06:45
StevenKHm, I can think OAuthBase can die a quick death06:49
StevenKReplace OAuthNonce.getStore with IMasterStore06:49
wgrantI might mean IStore06:50
wgrantIMasterStore should be used only sparingly.06:51
StevenKIt uses MASTER_FLAVOR06:51
StevenKSo ...06:51
wgrantSo do a lot of things06:51
wgrantA lot of things are wrong :(06:51
StevenKAnd it has a comment saying "We want all OAuth classes to be retrieved from the master flavour.06:52
wgrantWebservice requests always end up on the master today.06:52
wgrantI guess leave it. OAuthNonce will hopefully die soon anyway.06:52
StevenKwgrant: So 'request token' is good enough, or you object?06:52
wgrantThe template doesn't mention tokens at all.06:54
wgrantBut I can't think of much better06:54
StevenKAnd it's for an erorr that shows up what, once a week?06:54
wgrantAnyway, you also might want to inhibit the callback06:59
StevenKwgrant: Good point. That change is pushed.07:04
StevenKwgrant: Can haz approval, or you still object? :-)07:12
wgrantStevenK: Done07:14
StevenKBlink. How did I miss that. I even re-indented that block. :-(07:15
adeuringgood morning07:51
wgrantI think there's an infinite loop in the dominator08:10
wgrantOh, or it's a transaction conflict...08:11
wgrantHeh, yes08:11
wgrantEvil massive Soyuz doctests08:11
wgrantStevenK: You have test failures08:13
StevenKMy testfix fixed all of them bar one, too. Sigh.08:28
wgrant 10 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1053 deletions(-)08:42
wgrantaka. burning soyuz for fun and profit08:46
wgrantAs a precursor to making us not suck at transactions.08:47
czajkowskiwgrant: StevenK wallyworld_ can one of you please look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20965809:25
wallyworld_czajkowski: i'm somewhat clueless when it comes to such email issues sadly :-(09:26
adeuringStevenK: could you have another look at my MP?09:27
czajkowskiwallyworld_: it's now baffling09:27
czajkowskiI got him to add his key to LP09:27
czajkowskibut still having issues09:27
wallyworld_czajkowski: curtis i think has knowledge in this area09:28
wallyworld_he should be online soon09:28
StevenKadeuring: r=me09:42
adeuringStevenK: thanks09:42
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
wgrantStevenK: Hm, which LoC counter did you use to determine you had more credit than me?11:45
wgrantStevenK: I'm well ahead of everyone on 1-month, 6-month, 12-month and 18-month intervals.11:46
wgrantBy 'bzr high-scores'11:46
mgznow now wgrant, no need to boast :)11:46
jelmerwgrant: where does 'bzr high-scores' live?11:48
wgrantjml's bzr-damage, probably11:48
cjwatsonhigh-scores since r14780 (loc-contributions' default) is 1) William, 2) Curtis, 3) me, 4) Aaron, 5) Steve11:51
wgrantHm, loc-contributions seems to hate me11:54
cjwatsonMight be counting DB patches differently11:55
wgrantI merge db-stable a lot, so it might count them against me11:55
cjwatsonYeah, quite possible11:55
wgrantWhereas high-scores might just count each rev individually11:55
cjwatsonWhen I was writing loc-contributions I found both got things wrong in different ways11:58
cjwatsonIf high-scores does as you say, I expect it will miscount branches which were merged from devel before landing11:58
cjwatsonWhich I reckoned was a commoner case11:59
wgrantHm, it may12:00
StevenKwgrant: loc-contributions for me says -3500 or so, and like -1200 for you12:01
StevenKLast I checked12:01
StevenKI'm approaching cjwatson :-)12:01
cjwatsonCurtis still has me beat12:04
cjwatsonThough if I can get some ops time next week to deploy another PCJ runner or similar, I can flush a big negative queue then ...12:05
StevenKcjwatson: There's a bunch of criticals you get to close too, which is nice.12:06
StevenKwgrant: Don't you get to close bug 624078 now?12:16
_mup_Bug #624078: soyuz-set-of-uploads.txt has unnecessary tests that are tricky to remove <lp-soyuz> <tech-debt> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/624078 >12:16
StevenKIn truth, soyuz-set-of-uploads.txt should just die in a large fire12:16
czajkowskicjwatson: will you be doing more LP work next cycle ?12:16
cjwatsonNot as much12:16
cjwatsonProbably bits here and there12:17
czajkowskiwill be running 2 more LP clinics at uds so hopefully we can get more pople to scratch their itches12:17
StevenKcjwatson: You're still going to destroy delayed copies?12:17
wgrantStevenK: Indeed, forgot to reference it in the commit message.12:18
cjwatsonStevenK: Yes12:19
cjwatsonBlocked on removing the synchronous path from Archive:+copy-packages, which is blocked on a bit more PCJ running capacity so that they're more responsive12:19
StevenKI've been looking forward to delayed copies dying a slow and horrible death.12:19
cjwatsonBut nothing hard at this point12:19
StevenKRemoving the synchronous path closes at least two criticals. Possibly a third.12:20
StevenKDeath of delayed copies is another one or two.12:20
cjwatsonAnd nearly 1500 LOC.12:20
xnoxczajkowski: hmm.... I have a few new small bugs I'd like to tackle. But since you need LOC to land those, maybe you can do a clinic on gaining LOC credit?12:23
wgrantloc-contributions indeed implicates me in db-stable merges12:23
wgrantAnd, even better, it actually double-counts me for about 2000 lines where I did both the merges12:23
wgrantExcluding those gets me to -450012:23
jelmerbleh, bzr high-scores doesn't like ghosts12:23
wgrantSadly cjwatson still beats me12:24
cjwatsonxnox: Mine has been gained from (a) rewriting scripts as API facilities and removing the scripts (hard to duplicate) (b) removing completely useless unused stuff (c) rewriting doctests as unit tests12:24
czajkowskixnox: people will land them if asked and they approve of the fixes12:24
czajkowskibut yes it could be brought up in the clinics12:24
cjwatson(b) just requires finding them; (c) isn't a reliable source but there is a vast mine of crappy doctests to refactor12:25
xnox=)))) lolz12:25
StevenKBut don't be scared away by LOC. Nothing says the removal has to come first.12:25
xnoxStevenK: not scared. Just playing the game ;-)12:25
StevenKAnd if your change provides a maintaince benefit, lifeless or flacoste may grant an LOC exception.12:26
xnoxnah, I'd rather have fun with LOC. I was trying to do that with ubiquity a little bit, as self discipline.12:26
StevenKxnox: So please, don't just groan about LOC, *talk* to us about it.12:27
mgzkilling doctests is always good.12:27
StevenKI enjoy killing doctests12:27
StevenKSoyuz has too many of them12:27
StevenKcjwatson, wgrant and myself have helped drop the number12:27
wgrantWe have 10 Fix Committed criticals12:28
* wgrant curses sprints12:28
* StevenK does QA for his oauth fix the easy way12:30
StevenK(Leaving a browser window hanging for >2 hours)12:30
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: abentley | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: ~300
deryckrick_h_, are you back today?13:32
czajkowskisinzui: so what's your favourite kinda cake :)14:33
sinzuiChocolate with coconut and pecan frosting.14:50
* sinzui might make that for lunch14:50
czajkowskisinzui: nobody seems tobe able to work this out, so it falls I'm afraid to you. https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20965814:51
czajkowskiI sorted out webops folks yesterday with a curly wurly cake :)14:52
sinzuiczajkowski, Looks like a malformed signature per14:55
sinzuiczajkowski, I think steve complete borked his setup be removing his keys and possibly changing his client14:55
slankczajkowski: yes, that was delicious. thank you!14:55
czajkowskislank: :)14:56
sinzuiczajkowski, the common cause of this (also seen in signing the CoC) is that the part after14:56
sinzui-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----14:56
sinzuigot wrapped14:56
sinzuior lost characters.14:56
czajkowskihow does one lose characters14:56
sinzuiIt could be a copy+paste error of his client wrapped the message before sending it14:57
sinzuibad copy or bad correction of a wrap will loose characters14:57
czajkowskisinzui: 2 more things, 1) commericla renewals I've had 2 mails sent to the RT about them, I would expect they would get an email notification to renew and a link in that where to go and pay ? No?14:59
sinzuiczajkowski, I think we can tell steve that email clients are often the problem. I use shitehawk because it does signing properly with PGP/MIME14:59
czajkowski2nd thing will send to pm as it ha sa link14:59
czajkowskisinzui: fair enough, not seen this issuebefore15:00
czajkowskithank you though15:00
czajkowskiI shall send the cake :p15:00
sinzuiczajkowski, the emails do not contain the link because the link it not to launchpad.15:01
czajkowskiah so how do they find where to go to renew ?15:01
sinzuithe email correctly state that the user must visit the project page and follow the instruction to renew15:02
abentleysinzui: product_licenses_modified sends mail to the logged-in user.  Is this correct?  Wouldn't it make more sense to send it to the product owner or something?  I noticed because I called createProduct with UnauthenticatedPrincipal logged in.15:02
sinzuiwhich is purchase from a non-canonical site, then wait 30 to 300 minutes, then apply the voucher that took forever to get to Lp15:03
sinzuiabentley, it sends it the the maintainer, not the logged in user...the emails are created by a job once a day15:03
abentleysinzui: I have a traceback that indicates otherwise.15:04
sinzuiabentley, the case you are reporting is a different email, and yes, that could use the maintainer15:04
sinzuiczajkowski, we have seen a lot of projects fail to renew because the company set a person as the maintainer, then they left the company.15:06
sinzuiWe will state that we think users should never maintain projects owned by commercial organisations15:06
abentleysinzui: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1258172/15:19
sinzuiabentley, yes, I understand. You can change the method to use the product.owner, but you may still need to update the that specific email to know about the registrant because the owner might know know he owns the project15:27
abentleysinzui: s/know know/not know ?15:32
sinzuiabentley, you are correct15:33
abentleysinzui: Okay, cool.15:33
sinzuiabentley, I have a bug I was thinking of fixing on friday to make czajkowski and my days easier15:34
* czajkowski hugs sinzui 15:34
sinzuiI think I need to edit that subscriber method15:34
sinzuiSo I will find update the code to use the maintainer.15:35
abentleysinzui: Okay, cool.  I'll work around it in my test.15:37
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
abentleyderyck: I'm the OCR (which I just noticed is an anagram for orc).  Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/limit-product-info-types/+merge/12781417:55
deryckabentley, sure.17:55
abentleyderyck: Thanks.17:56
abentleyderyck: For my next task, I was thinking of "Private project creation should enable appropriate apps".17:57
deryckabentley, sounds great, thanks!17:57
abentleyderyck: There's currently a policy that if the license is Other/Proprietary, you get PROPRIETARY bugs/branches.  I'd like to change it so bug/branch/blueprint policy follows product.information_type.17:59
deryckabentley, that sounds right.18:00
abentleyderyck: And I guess the other part is disabling Answers?18:00
deryckabentley, indeed.  I had forgot about that.18:01
abentleyderyck: Cool.18:01
deryckabentley, r=me for the MP.18:08
abentleyderyck: thanks.18:08
deryckabentley, I just found a bug in project registration.  the js hides the license choice for you, but only selects proprietary/other and leaves the description blank, which raises form validation errors.18:18
abentleyderyck: I don't follow.18:20
abentleyderyck: I am seeing a "There is 1 error." message with no obvious error, though.18:21
deryckabentley, when you select Proprietary information type, the js code hides the license stuff and automatically sets the license to "other/propretary"18:21
deryckabentley, yeah, I believe that's because the form needs the extra "description" field for "other/proprietary" filled in, but it's now hidden.18:22
deryckabentley, toggle it back to public, and select other, and you can see the option to fill in that field, which I did, toggled back to proprietary and the form will submit.18:23
deryckabentley, however, I don't think the save step actually sets the information_type.18:23
abentleyderyck: Is this on qastaging?  It looks like information_type isn't selectable there.18:23
deryckabentley, I'm doing it locally.  with the appropriate flag enabled.18:23
deryckI really thought info type was saved.  could of sworn I checked that already.18:24
abentleyderyck: I don't see a description area for other/proprietary on qastaging.18:24
deryckabentley, weird, I do.18:26
deryckabentley, if I click "other/proprietary" then the text area expands open.18:26
abentleyYeah, I don't get a text area, just the three checkboxes.18:27
deryckI wonder what's different about you.18:28
deryckabentley, FWIW, I'll fix project creation to save info type now.18:29
* deryck branches18:29
abentleyderyck: I get the same behaviour on chromium and firefox.18:31
deryckabentley, do you see any errors in either browser's console?18:32
abentleyderyck: Not in firefox...18:33
abentleyderyck: Not in chromium.18:34
abentleyderyck: (firefox actually has some CSS errors)18:35
deryckhmm, weird.18:35
deryckabentley, I'm stumped.  I have no idea why you wouldn't see it.  I've tried on 4 browsers across 2 laptops now and works fine for me.18:35
abentleyderyck: So, if I choose proprietary, then submit, the error page has a license description text box.18:37
abentleyderyck: But the initial page doesn't.18:37
deryckoh weird, abentley.  It errors for me, with no text box.  But I get the text box normally when information_type is public.18:38
deryckso I'm reversed of you.18:38
abentleyderyck: I didn't understand you properly.  I expected the text area to be shown when I clicked the "Other choices" expander, but it's actually shown when clicking "other/proprietary".18:41
deryckabentley, ah, ok.  So we had a language fail then.  IRC communication failure, sorry.  What you're seeing is correct, and also what I'm seeing.18:42
deryckabentley, the text area should not appear until you actually click the "other/proprietary" checkbox.18:43
abentleyderyck: My fail.  And yes, that's the behaviour locally and on qastaging for me.18:43
deryckok, cool.18:43
deryckone less bug to sort out. :)18:43
abentleyderyck: So we've still got the problem that the license description is mandatory but not filled in.18:44
abentleyderyck: When auto-selected by information_type.18:44
deryckabentley, exactly.  and in looking for where to fix the saving of information_type, I just found the spot to fix this.18:44
deryckI tired to break rick_h_ of short, crazy variable names when we paired in Auburn, but I see he's still at is. :P18:45
deryckat it, rather18:45
rick_h_deryck: I've tried! What did I short cut on? and sorry for the bug. I meant to chat with you about how to handle that with the wiring up of the field and see if we should put some standard text there.19:06
deryckrick_h_, no worries. :)  and I can't decide if license_cont reads license_continue or license_container :)19:07
deryckyou could even have gone with license_div and stayed short but clear :)19:08
rick_h_deryck: well it's not the license div, it's the container of the license div :)19:08
deryckso license_div_div is still better than license_cont ;)19:08
rick_h_but point noted. I'll work to unwire the cont/container abbrev19:09
abentleyderyck: I'm not sure if it makes sense to require a description of other/proprietary.  (In tests, I sometimes put "mine, all mine!")19:09
deryckabentley, I was adding "Launchpad 30-day trial commerical license" to not have to change too much.19:11
deryckit's in js, so nothing else changes.19:11
abentleyderyck: There's an argument that if Project.information_type is set to EMBARGOED, the branch/bug/spec policies should be PROPRIETARY, not EMBARGOED_OR_PROPRIETARY, just to be cautious.  What do you think?19:22
deryckabentley, I need to think on that.  and about to host TL call.  let me come back to that question shortly.19:25
abentleyderyck: okay.19:26
deryckabentley, coming back to your question, I think that makes sense.  Though I'd guess if people use embargoed for a project, they mean to go public later.  Just guessing.19:59
deryckabentley, rather than the other-level-of-proprietary that it's used for in PES.19:59
abentleyderyck: If you're PES, you would set information_type=Embargoed to share milestones and productseries, but I don't know if they want to.20:01
abentleyderyck: I wonder if it'll be a problem that branches are associated with productseries?20:02
deryckabentley, hmm, could be.20:04
deryckabentley, so let's just keep it embargoed == embargoed_or_proprietary for now.  for consistency, and we can adjust as we get feedback.20:05
abentleyderyck: Okay.20:05
sinzuijcsackett,  how goes your attachment branch?20:28
jcsackettsinzui: i have discovered it is far more complicated than i thought. care to chat?20:28
sinzuiokay. I just wrote a test case for apport/blobs and attachments.20:29
sinzuimy concern was new bugs though20:29
lifelesssinzui: hi20:30
lifelesssinzui: did that log rotate fix get applied to LP?20:30
sinzuiNo. we discussed patching Lp yesterday...then aggressively upstreaming the fix20:31
deryckabentley, I have to go now for a birthday party for my little one tonight.  But I have a branch for review for those bugs, if you don't mind reviewing in my absence.20:44
deryckabentley, if not, I can get it later tonight from someone when I'm back.20:44
abentleyderyck: sure.20:44
deryckabentley, awsome, thanks! https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/actually-save-info-type-on-project-create/+merge/12786320:45
deryckbe back later on to finish up milestones/series.20:46
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: ~300
sinzuijcsackett, Bug #17479421:05
_mup_Bug #174794: Uploading file with Internet Explorer uses full path name <ie> <lp-foundations> <oem-services> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/174794 >21:05
lifelessStevenK: so lets get jenkins going today22:22
lifelessowww ugh22:30
lifelessthe zope subprocess stuff is heinous22:30
lifelessits not semantic at all22:31
lifelessalso, look at runner.py,22:34
lifeless        # Display results in the order they would have been displayed, had the22:34
lifeless        # work not been done in parallel.22:34
* lifeless isn't sure what to make of that22:34
sinzuiwallyworld_, the broken approve/decline js related to Bug #271697 and I think you get to close Bug #120357 and maybe this in now invalid Bug #62929122:47
_mup_Bug #271697: Javascript for approving / declining nominations is confusing  <bug-nomination> <confusing-ui> <javascript> <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/271697 >22:47
_mup_Bug #120357: Improve the accept/decline/nochange column on +nominations <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/120357 >22:47
_mup_Bug #629291: Missing column borders after expanding nominate <lp-bugs> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/629291 >22:47
lifelessoh man, more bugs.22:57
lifelessStevenK: wgrant: so I'm not going to file a bug for this, but the zope runner will corrupt a subunit stream if it gets keyboardinterrupt/memoryerror/systemexit23:04
lifelessbecause it doesn't use finally: around outputing completing for layers.23:04
lifelessyou might want to address that if you have cause to touch it.23:04
lifelessgary_poster: another FYI^23:04
wgrantThe zope runner generally just fails pretty terribly if it gets a keyboardinterrupt, yeah23:05
wgrantThe subprocess stuff is all a tad fragile23:05
lifelessI'd like to get us totally away from it23:08
lifelessjust needs elbow grease23:08
StevenKlifeless: Okay, creating a executor23:28
lifelessStevenK: I have one hour to help you out23:29
StevenKThat's disappointing, because that's how long it will take to bring up the executor23:30
StevenKI failed with xvfb yesterday23:30
lifelessI have a 4pm flight23:36
lifeless2:30 at the airport23:36
lifeless1:30 leave here23:36
lifelessits 12:3623:36
StevenKlifeless: Ah, so you're coming to help in person? :-P23:39
wgrantStevenK: Does ec2 hate your simplified branch menu branch?23:43
StevenKIt did, yes23:44
StevenKFAILED (id=0, failures=31, skips=37)23:44
wgrantAnything terrible?23:44
StevenK        linkdata = method()23:44
lifelessStevenK: if you want to come up to gosford with me, sure.23:44
StevenK    TypeError: 'LinkData' object is not callable23:44
StevenKwgrant: Most failures are caused by that23:45
StevenKSo I need to work out WTF23:45
StevenKlifeless: Gosford? That's no fun23:45
lifelessStevenK: http://miller.emu.id.au/pmiller/codecon/2012/index.html23:46
lifelessStevenK: wgrant: anyhow, since zope.testrunner would need a massive overhaul to detect corrupt streams at source and fix, my hack-in workaround seems to be whats needed. I've queued that up to do, which will improve robustness in this sort of failure mode in future.23:47
StevenKlifeless: So I still need to figure out why webkit SEGvs?23:48
wgrantRight, the probable segfault is the big issue23:52
wgrantYou can often reproduce in bin/py pretty easily23:52
wgrantOften just by importing it...23:52
StevenKIt would be nice to get xvfb working23:52
lifelessStevenK: apt-get install didn't work ?23:53
StevenKlifeless: Running xvfb on the executor inside LXC did not23:54
lifelessStevenK: in what way didn't it work ?23:54
StevenKIt didn't start and didn't give any helpful hints as to why that was.23:54
StevenKI thought these properties were supposed to return Link(...) :-(23:56
StevenKOh, no. It wants to call it23:56
StevenKFAILED (id=1, failures=4 (-27), skips=2)23:58

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