
mario_I installed Lubuntu to a friends PC, but then he sell it to me and I want to know if it is possible to change the name of the system and user02:17
cdoublejjwell if al else fails you can reinstall with a different name02:18
wxlhostname: issue "hostname <desired hostname>" in terminal and restart02:18
wxlwell actually02:18
wxlyou may not have to restart02:18
wxlyou can check it with just "hostname"02:18
wxlif it hasn't taken effect, restart02:18
mario_wxl, Ok, so, open a terminal and type: hostname newhostname02:19
wxlmay have to sudo it02:20
wxlthen for the user:02:20
wxlusermod -l <new name> -d /home/<newname> -m <old name> && groupmod -n <newgroup> <oldgroup>02:21
Unit193Wow.  Also have to edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts02:25
wxlafaik hostname edits both02:27
wxltypically on reboot02:27
wxli did this once a long time ago and don't remember the details but it was totally painless02:27
Unit193Ah, I may have edited the files to be safe, don't know.  Could test in a vm.02:28
wxloverkill ftw02:28
Unit193http://dc379.4shared.com/download/ZmlWNWAe/tsid20121003-023124-a9e0c16e/Overkill.jpg wxl02:31
wxlUnit193: can i ask you to move this discussion to #lubuntu-offtopic?02:32
* wxl prepares for the kick02:32
Unit193Yep, thought about that, wrong channel and all.02:32
wxldoh, i need some aloe vera02:32
wxlcuz that's a burn02:32
tweaksterusing the Lubuntu Alternate _ISO worked out very well for me, especially in light of the fact that I could not get Lubuntu installed with the regular ISO. But even more than that, the options presented during installation using the Alternate_ISO were clearer and better suited to my conditions. For one thing, it allowed using LUKS whole disk encryption and LVM. That did not appear as an option for me, not that I could see an06:05
tweaksterUsing the Ubiquity GUI was preventing my installation due to RAM constraints.  This approach got past the problem.06:08
cdoublejjwell it seems i may have to wait a good while before i find help, if any about gfx drivers.07:28
cdoublejjhow do i know in lubuntu that that the nvidia drivers it wants to install are the correct drivers?09:59
cdoublejjmade a thread, might take me another 10 hours or so before i get any if any responses but, at the least i am making progress10:06
cdoublejjif i don't get any more out side help i do have plan10:06
cdoublejji'll reinstall with no internet again and make double sure it runs fine with out drivers, i'll even install updates. i might even take the extra step to leanr how to save boot and check logs before the next step, reinstalling the drivers to make double sure they cause the lock up10:08
cdoublejji'll probably save my bio settings some where and set those to defaults if need be. for now i might try and go lay down fora bit.10:08
donnySalve vorrei sapere quale sistema per iniziare con un vecchio hp pavilion ze4500. grazie13:07
donnyquale sistema operativo tra i tanti mi consigliereste ?13:08
donnypc hp pavilion ze450013:10
starkers<english :(13:10
donnysistem linux for hp pavilion ?13:10
starkersscusate ho sbagliato13:13
starkersinstallare la versione a 32 bit: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/precise/release/lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso13:13
starkersbuona fortuna, buon divertimento13:14
donny;-) :-)13:15
nannesLubuntu channel14:45
nannesdidn't know it existed14:45
silverarrowis anyone clever with alsamixer trouble on fresh intsall?17:10
nannessilverarrow: what kind of trouble?17:20
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=== Kit is now known as Kit_Carson
=== Kit_Carson is now known as nannes
calmarcusI have been trying to connect my Toshiba portege m200 laptop to my projector, and have succeed in connecting then. Though now I disconnect my projector and reboot my computer it causes tan screen with backward lettering on it, and the computer will not boot past that.17:51
holsteincalmarcus: no need to leave it hooked up.. i ould just boot, make sure both the ports are useable from the bios, and plug and configure after boot17:52
calmarcusbut my computer does not work right if I disconnect them, and how do I make sure my ports are usable from the bios17:54
holsteincalmarcus: i would look in the bios.. under whatever graphics settings there are17:55
holsteincalmarcus: can you get to tty?17:56
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.17:56
calmarcuswould that also explain the tan screen and backwards letters18:01
holsteincalmarcus: tty will just get you to a terminal.. its a troubleshooting step more than an explanation18:02
calmarcussorry yes I can get to tty18:02
holsteincalmarcus: what happens when you get back? how did you enable the dual head? do you have an xorg.conf file?18:03
calmarcusAll that happens is I go from tty to the graphical desktop. I enabled the duel head by typing in the lxterminal  "nvidia-settings" and then changing the computer screen and the projector to dual head? I am not sure if I have the xorg.conf file18:08
holsteincalmarcus: i would check the xorg.conf... i would have just use arandr.. i would say something is borked in your xorg.conf..18:09
calmarcuswhere do I find my xorg.conf file .18:10
starkersls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf*18:11
starkers...if you don't know where your xorg.conf is the question holstein asked before still stands "how did you enable dual head?"18:12
holsteinyeah.. i would say, thats what has borked your display.. theres a recover console at boot. but what i typically do is boot knoppix, grab that xorg after all is looking "good" and specify whatever in there like driver18:13
starkersalso there are a few tools to to configure it, I find grandr is the most "new user" friendly however I've never used it on intel18:14
starkershangon.. nvidia-settings? I thought the m200 was an intel video card18:15
holsteinstarkers: me too...18:15
holstein"I enabled the duel head by typing in the  lxterminal  "nvidia-settings" and then changing the computer screen and the projector to dual head18:15
holstein^^ from above...18:15
redderhsHow do I set lxpanelctl's font color when set to "solid color with opacity? http://i.imgur.com/J4H2V.jpg18:16
starkersactually after a quick google I've found these m200's can have intel and others have nvidia (so much for "model numbers")18:18
calmarcusI typed in lxterminal  nvidia-settings and changed the moniter and projecter to dual head, but I cannot change the settings back to default because I get the message "you do not appear to be using the X nvidia driver. Please edit your x configuration file (just run nvidia-xconfig as root), and restart the X service18:19
starkersis it definately nvidia?   "lspci | grep VGA"18:19
holsteini would just be looking at the xorg.conf.. thats what nvidea config will be doing18:20
starkersye nvidia-settings will have modified that (look at timestamps on xorg.conf* )18:20
starkers...although I might be wrong but be on the lookout for an xorg.conf in your home directory18:21
calmarcusit is nvidia geforce fx Go5200 32m/64m18:21
starkersgood to know18:22
holsteinyeah.. there should be a backup there somewhere.. you can just move the xorg and try others.. i would just back it up and be relatively careful18:22
starkersman I want a laptop with nvidia :-(18:22
calmarcus# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig18:23
calmarcus# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder63)  Thu May 31 12:36:44 PDT 201218:23
calmarcus# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings18:23
calmarcus# nvidia-settings:  version 295.33  (buildd@zirconium)  Fri Mar 30 13:43:34 UTC 201218:23
holsteincalmarcus: i wouldnt get excited til you boot into X.. is it working? did you generate a new one? did you look in the file manaually? are there backups?18:24
* starkers heads home18:24
redderhsBelieve I found my answer here: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXPanel "fontcolor=#ffffff   # color of text on the panel (Currently this is only supported by clock applet)" If anyone knows differently feel free to mention when you are free but just wanted to say thanks again for always being so helpful.18:24
starkersgl calmarcus18:24
holsteinredderhs: i use tint218:25
starkersredderhs: I don't use lx sry I can't help, but yes, tint2 = win18:25
calmarcusyes there is a backup, but how do I generate a new one?18:27
holsteincalmarcus: there is a recovery console.. at boot.. in the kernel list.. might have to tap shift to see it18:27
ubottuThe X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf18:27
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.18:27
holsteincalmarcus: all your troubles are in that xorg.conf file.. im 90+% sure of it18:28
calmarcusUsage: /etc/init.d/lightdm COMMAND18:28
holsteincalmarcus: i would just open it, and look at it.. phyically take a look at the text... see what enteries are there18:28
holsteincalmarcus: im not sure where you are going with lightdm.. i could be wrong18:29
calmarcusyes I see the entries but how do know which ones are incorrect18:29
holsteincalmarcus: i would try specifying the vesa driver.. i would consider purging the nvidia driver and reinstalling.. i would try copying a known good xorg from a live instance such as knoppix and specifiy the nv driver.. iwould try a backup18:30
holsteincalmarcus: purge the nvidia driver... remove the xorg.conf, and you should be back to square one... then you can reinstall the driver when you get x going18:31
calmarcusokay I will purge the nvidia driver18:31
holsteincalmarcus: you might also need to manually remove the xorg.conf.... you can rename it or whatever18:32
calmarcusI cannot edit or rename the xorg.conf file. I get the message permission denied18:33
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:34
holsteinsudo rm /path/to/file... sudo mv /path/to/old path/to/new18:34
calmarcusI have reinstalled the nvidia driver and now I need to leave so i can reboot the computer.18:40
calmarcusthanks now all it works fine.18:44
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=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
cdoublejjis there a way to find what is causing the nivida drivers to lock up the system, or find out in general whats causing the lock up19:18
wxlcdoublejj: you can look through dmesg and/or Xorg.0.log19:18
wxlthe answer isn't always obvious tho19:18
cdoublejjcan i do that through some sort of safe mode?19:19
cdoublejji have a thread19:19
wxlyou may be able to get to a tty depending on the nature of the apparent freeze19:20
wxlif not you can always use recovery mode19:20
wxllet's try19:20
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"19:21
=== signorqualcuno is now known as nannes
silverarrownannes, i have no alsamixer in terminal, and no adudio icon on taskbar19:51

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