
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: afaik, if the person who created the hangout disconnects, the hangout ends00:03
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: that's why I want to try, last time I saw one of those issues, I saw a "we'lll be right back, technical issues" screen instead of it terminating00:03
JoseeAntonioRso, I want to make sure of that00:04
philballewI think they stay up00:07
philballewmight be wrong00:07
JoseeAntonioRI want to see what happens if there's more than one person connected to, what I told you happened while there was only one person00:09
jonowould someone mind redditing http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/10/03/the-canonical-community-team-and-13-04/00:56
JoseeAntonioRok, in the process00:59
JoseeAntonioRok, upvotes appreciated! http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/10uknd/the_canonical_community_team_and_1304/01:00
jcastro_look at this chart yo: https://plus.google.com/116015965439782966698/posts/VhJHhHqwaC701:13
jussianyone know what jono's sleep schedule has been like recently? (just want to know when I should expect him online)11:15
smartboyhwjussi, er expect him coming after 15:00 UTC (according to join messages):P11:16
jussibah, thats really late. thanks for checking.11:18
czajkowskifolks I do need your help, and the post explains it https://plus.google.com/102921374554385564572/posts/2chyKLhJiyR11:20
dakeris Lola Chang a real person or just a persona ?13:06
czajkowskicontext ?13:08
popeya persona13:10
popeydesign team have a bunch of them13:11
popeyshe's the most commonly used13:11
czajkowskiwhoo packed for 23 days to Ireland 2 days back in UK then odff to UDS :D13:12
popeywhen do you leave? in a month? :)13:20
* popey knows you like to pack early13:20
czajkowskipopey: tomrorow13:21
czajkowski9:50 flight13:21
czajkowskibut most of that goes to UDS with me so prety much packed for that now :)13:21
czajkowskiadd in some extra warm clothes for the evil cold13:22
=== smartboyhw is now known as nemesis-project
=== nemesis-project is now known as smartboyhw
czajkowskipopey: I've changed, Jon has that affect, he's utterly disorganised, it's hard to be organised around him :p13:37
IdleOnenice to get upstream involved, even if it takes a bribe to get them to do it :)14:52
mhall119not a bribe, a challenge14:54
smartboyhwjussi: jono is here...14:57
balloonsindeed, a challenege14:58
IdleOnelol @ getting pinged all over the place14:58
smartboyhwjono, jussi wants to find you about 4 hours ago:P14:58
jonosmartboyhw, aha15:00
jonodpm, jcastro_, mhall119, balloons https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/efd220932f36e6c67f6c696a9a3a0ef26e1b3d7f?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:01
SergioMeneseshello! I wanna share something with you : http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2012/10/03/new-members-of-the-loco-council/15:06
smartboyhwLearnt about it15:06
paultagjcastro_: I saw your comment on Zack's blog - need ideas for real?15:07
jcastro_jono, ok so you reinvite us now?15:10
jonodpm, jcastro_, mhall119, balloons https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cda11f037a7030b3e6e5cf14e178f39a45f61036?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:10
paultagjcastro_: there are tons of easy bugs on orphaned packages - they're not RC, but totally low-hanging-fruit that'd be nice to fix - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?maint=packages@qa.debian.org - but it's technical. Were you trying to do something technical or not?15:10
balloonsjono, re-join15:13
mhall119jono: can you post the youtube link too?15:13
balloonswe're curious about something15:13
jonodpm, jcastro_, mhall119, balloons https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a1dadc03e76f90ae4e432530d4633147f689455a?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:34
jonohey, can someone go to http://youtu.be/JNGhKrO8ROE15:36
jonotell us if you see us15:36
cjohnstonI do jono15:37
cjohnstonjcastro_: say something15:37
cjohnstonthe pirate went away already :-(15:37
jonocjohnston, do youy hear us?15:38
cjohnstonwow.. and it hasnt even started yet15:38
jonocjohnston, is it running?15:38
cjohnstonballoons: I like your hat15:38
cjohnstonwa wa wa15:38
cjohnstontomorrow is going to be a bad day.. lol15:39
jcastro_you should see a video after the dog15:39
jonocjohnston, see the vid?15:39
cjohnstonballoons: nice bike15:39
cjohnstonno video15:40
cjohnstonI see a bunch of people staring at it15:40
PiciThe staring is kind of creepy.15:40
czajkowskijono: CDs mail before I get lynched :)15:42
cjohnstonjcastro_: trim your nose hair15:42
czajkowskimhall119: can you move thatpicure of sit in front of it15:43
czajkowskithe glare flickers15:43
czajkowskiso you have a bright light behind you15:43
mhall119can you guys see us now?15:43
jonocjohnston, are we on air?15:43
cjohnstonit didnt restart15:43
PiciMine paused itself.. trying to play now.15:44
cjohnstoni dont see the new one15:44
czajkowskiI dont see the new one15:44
balloonsit should just restart15:44
balloonsone moment15:44
balloonswe're trying to restart it15:44
balloonsbut that's what *should* happen15:44
mhall119sweet! 4 Debian donations already!15:56
balloonsseems my phone can't handle g+ hangout with that much streaming video15:56
balloonsthey should let you mute video of all the remote15:57
paultagmhall119: :)15:57
balloonsgot a debian donation also :-)15:58
jcastro_for your phone I recommend joining it to your wifi15:58
jcastro_instead of your normal phone data plan15:59
mhall119balloons is ahead of me by £116:18
mhall119we're both gaining on dholbach16:18
balloonshe took a day off :-)16:18
* balloons floats above mhall119 16:19
* mhall119 pops balloons 16:19
czajkowskiis dholbach in hibernation for tomorrow16:47
mhall119czajkowski: german holiday16:49
mhall119£255 balloons, you're behind now!17:46
balloonsmhall119, you just continually refreshing the page?17:47
mhall119nope, got the email17:47
balloonsI don't see myself behind17:47
paultagmhall119: where's the link, again?17:47
balloonsit hasn't hit yet17:47
mhall119paultag: http://www.justgiving.com/mhall119 for me, http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ for the marathon itself17:48
balloonsit's official, debian loves mhall119 > balloons  :-p17:48
paultagballoons: you were first, and zack and I were talking about it in d-devel17:48
paultagerm, mhall was first17:48
mhall119the last one wasn't form Debian though, it was form one of our loco guys, so I still need one more to meet my challenge17:48
balloonsahh.. one short17:48
mhall119I'll get there, I have confidence17:49
balloonspaultag, I'm not worried.. It's all for a good cause, so no matter what, it's a good thing17:49
paultagballoons: totally :)17:49
paultagjust sayin', it's not like debianfolk don't care, mhall119 was getting more airtime :)17:49
IAmNotThatGuyHiya paultag17:50
paultagIAmNotThatGuy: challah17:50
IAmNotThatGuySup paultag ?17:51
paultagIAmNotThatGuy: straight chilln'. Stopped by to help jcastro_ find some stuff to contribute to, but alas, he's ignoring me again.17:51
jcastro_on calls17:51
paultagyeah yeah :)17:51
paultagIAmNotThatGuy: whatabout you?17:51
IAmNotThatGuyLeaving Office. 23:22 here17:52
paultaga bit late17:52
mhall119oh, wait, chaynie updated his comment, it was for Debian!  Challenge met!17:53
IAmNotThatGuyPaultag, usual time for me these days ;)17:53
bkerensaballoons: If there were more time I would send you a FF shirt and try to get you to do the same deal mhall119 made but for Moz17:54
bkerensanext time17:54
paultagballoons: is doing manpages, much awesomer17:54
balloonsbkerensa, good idea17:54
balloonsis there a 'qa'ish type activity the moz guys would be down for?17:54
bkerensaunsure it depends by project17:54
bkerensawe are copying you guys though17:55
bkerensabe we decided to do more than 24 hours17:55
balloonsI saw your post :-)17:55
bkerensaa entire week17:55
bkerensawe will do relay marathan17:55
bkerensabut the idea is also we will work on other open source projects17:56
bkerensaand raise money for projects17:56
=== jrgifford is now known as Guest9882
balloonsgotcha, so it's a spin on the event17:57
balloonsglad we inspired more17:57
bkerensayeah https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/mozilla.reps.general/DRWOv8ECRuM17:58
bkerensawe have done something like it in the past17:58
bkerensaIn the past we had a event called Firefox Giving Challenge17:58
bkerensaballoons: http://www.crowdrise.com/celebrity-fundraisers/special/firefoxchallengeevent18:00
bkerensaso I gues $680k was raised18:00
bkerensabut it was a much diffent kind of event18:00
balloonsbkerensa, that's awesome18:02
JoseAntonioRjono: ping, did you have an end broadcast button when you rejoined?18:36
mhall119JoseAntonioR: it was there, but we were already off-air18:41
mhall119and no way to re-start the broadcast18:41
JoseAntonioRmhall119: ok, that happened to me yesterday, already asked and waiting for a response18:42
bkerensaJoseAntonioR: ;)18:45
JoseAntonioRbkerensa: nope18:45
JoseAntonioRjono, mhall119: we're having probs, max hangout on air time is 4h18:50
JoseAntonioRand i've heard it terminates after 1.5 or 2 hours usually18:50
bkerensaIt can but its not a set in stone thing18:51
bkerensabut according to Dori Storbeck, Comm Mgr for Google+ Hangouts 4 hours is the max for hangout on air18:51
mhall119JoseAntonioR: 1.5 to 2 hours? really?18:51
bkerensamhall119:  ^18:51
mhall119yeah, 4 hours is what we heard too18:52
JoseAntonioRI'll be contacting Dori Storbeck in a few minutes18:52
mhall119if we can get an exception, that would be great, otherwise we'll work around it18:52
bkerensamhall119: so the 1.5 to 2 hours is mostly due to connectivity issues but it seems like a decent sample of people hit right around there18:52
bkerensaI might leave mine on tonight and screen record to see18:52
mhall119it'll timeout from inactivity18:53
JoseAntonioRwhat about a clock? and playing background music?18:53
JoseAntonioRno, that's prohibited by copyright18:53
mhall119I think it watched mouse/keyboard activity18:53
JoseAntonioRbkerensa: play your song in repeat in the background18:53
JoseAntonioRok, let me contact Dori from the ubuntu on air account18:54
bkerensaI wouldnt do that18:54
bkerensaconsidering the name policy18:54
bkerensaI e-mailed Dori18:54
JoseAntonioRquestion: where do you get those emails from? :P18:55
bkerensaJoseAntonioR: Most companies have formats for e-mail addresses18:55
JoseAntonioRoh, well18:56
bkerensaCanonical: first.last or aliases for first18:56
bkerensagoogle follow similar rules18:56
bkerensabut not strictly18:56
bkerensaso hit and miss18:56
JoseAntonioRlet's hope we get an answer by today, otherwise we may need a call18:56
bkerensaand boom19:01
bkerensalooks like they have two dstorbecks at google19:01
bkerensabut Dorian Storbeck got me in touch with Dori ;)19:01
jonomhall119, free for a quick hangout?19:30
mhall119jono: sure19:34
jcastro_haha man19:46
jcastro_I got a call from my movers19:46
jcastro_they are stopping by ...... tomorrow during the marathon19:46
jcastro_that should be great for entertainment purposes19:47
snap-ljcastro_: That's going to be awesome.20:00
jcastro_I think I'll go over my computer layout20:00
bkerensajcastro_: you still have the standing desk?20:01
jcastro_not a dedicated one, I think this time I'll do one small section as a standing desk20:01
jcastro_and keep the rest normal20:01
jonomhall119, the pre-populated thing now works20:02
jonobut how do I pre-populate the date field?20:02
jonomhall119, I recreated my DB20:02
mhall119jono: just give it datetime.datetime.now()20:03
mhall119Entry(entry_date=datetime.datetime.now()) or something like that20:03
jonomhall119, how do I specify that for a specific form field20:03
mhall119specify it on the model you pass to the form using instance=20:03
jonothanks mhall119!20:04
ajmitchso when does this 24 hours start?20:06
jcastro_in about 14 hours20:08
paultagy'all better get some sleep20:09
mhall119no kidding20:11
paultagbtw, lots of water20:12
mhall119coffee and tea20:12
paultagI just graduated, I'm still a pro at this -- just pound water all day, your body will be a lot more up to staying up over 20 hours20:12
paultagcoffee will make you crash, pound water and eat every 6 hours or so20:12
mhall119we're gonna be stuffing out mouths on camera, aren't we20:13
paultagthat or lots of adderall20:13
mhall119this whole thing isn't going to be big on dignity20:14
paultagthat'll keep you cranked up for days20:14
* ajmitch wonders if this stream can be recorded for future reference20:16
paultagI'm hella making .gifs out of someone.20:16
JoseeAntonioRajmitch: it will be recorded20:17
mhall119ajmitch: it'll be on youtube20:17
ajmitchright, wasn't sure if youtube would have something that long20:18
mhall119is there a CC-BY-SA-DON'T_MAKE_FUN_OF_US license?20:18
mhall119ajmitch: it should20:18
AlanBelldoes anyone care about the old branding on http://packages.ubuntu.com20:19
ajmitchwe wouldn't make fun of you20:19
paultagI would make fun of you20:19
mhall119AlanBell: the design team probably does20:19
mhall119paultag: honest jerk :P20:19
paultags/honest\ //g20:19
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: nope, but you have CC-BY-NC-ND20:20
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I just got response from Google and BCC'ed you and mhall11920:27
bkerensaAlanBell: I am surprised the design team has not said anything :P they have e-mailed me and PM'ed me on a few occasions insisting on not use the old branding20:28
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: ok got it20:29
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: and so it appears a 24 hour straight HOA is not possible but we will see20:29
bkerensamhall119: perhaps 6 segments? :)20:30
mhall119bkerensa: that's what we currently plan on doing20:30
AlanBellbkerensa: any particular contact? Might see some of them at the release party http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2006/detail/ which you should all fly over for20:30
bkerensabut there would also be a short pause because you would have create a new HOA then change the code20:30
bkerensaso this might be a 25 hour marathon20:31
mhall119bkerensa: yeah, which is a bit of a pain, but not difficult20:31
bkerensaAlanBell: I believe it was Paul Sladen20:31
AlanBelllast release party one of the design team told me how ironic it was that they were designing ubuntu but they all hated using it20:31
AlanBelloh sladen, he is cool20:32
mhall119bkerensa: let me know if you hear anything else from them, and thanks for checking into it20:32
bkerensathere was no nice wording around the branding20:32
bkerensahe said "You need to take that logo down and replace it"20:32
bkerensano ifs ands or buts20:32
AlanBellI think that particular member of the team was on his way out, he was looking forward to a more apple loving job20:32
AlanBellSladen is lovely and spectacularly eccentric20:33
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: if she needs a call to discuss it, let me know here or via email20:33
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I dont think they are going to discuss it20:33
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I found a vinyl company for my Ubuntu pictograms20:34
bkerensaAlanBell: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/20:37
mhall119uh oh?20:45
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: which one?21:01
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: Skinit21:03
bkerensaSo it seems it will cost about $29.99 per pictogram21:03
bkerensaI am going to check if we have a vinyl printer local but so far local pricing has been spendy21:04
JoseeAntonioRhope you can find it21:04
bkerensamhall119: Google says no go21:11
bkerensamhall119: they checked with their development team and cannot accommodate the request21:11
mhall119bkerensa: ok, we'll just switch it out every 4 hours then21:16
mhall119thanks for checking21:16
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: any ideas on how to switch?21:17
bkerensaeveryone will have to move to a new one21:17
bkerensaand drop the new embed code into wordpress21:17
bkerensaand hope for the best on browser caching21:18
bkerensapeople will definitely have to refresh21:18
JoseeAntonioRok, but we need to minimize the time that it takes to move from hangout to hangout21:19
JoseeAntonioRwhich means, one person of the team needs to exit the current hangout, while the other 5 keep talking and so on, while he creates the new one, gets the link to the other participants (at least 2 min before), and the embed code gets changed21:20
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I think we need to add a iframe and have it refresh every four hours21:24
bkerensaotherwise though who stay on page will see old widget21:25
JoseeAntonioRbut what if the person joins the page after the marathon started? it will refresh later21:26
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: ^21:26
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: bkerensa: We'll update the embedded video on marathon.ubuntuonair.com each time21:27
mhall119people will just need to refresh21:27
JoseeAntonioRand what about adding a note saying "Refresh your browser at 14, 18, 22, 2 and 6 UTC for the hangout to update!"?21:29
mhall119we might do that21:29
mhall119we can make a schedule table too21:29
mhall119letting people know21:29
JoseeAntonioRare the broadcasts starting at 10UTC?21:31
JoseeAntonioRbecause if not, time changes21:31
JoseeAntonioRok, then21:34
mhall119ah man, balloons passed me again21:37
* balloons grins sheepishly21:38
bkerensajcastro_: second round of LED reviews coming... Ultra low watt consumption this time so nothing over 8 watt21:54
snap-lbkerensa: Nice22:06
mhall119jcastro_: where the list of charms available right now?23:33
JoseeAntonioRhttp://jujucharms.com/charms/precise ?23:35
dakercjohnston: mhall119 can you point me to the IS channel ?23:51
JoseeAntonioRdaker: #canonical-sysadmin23:51
JoseeAntonioRdaker: the one you joined is for ISD23:52
dakerthanks JoseeAntonioR23:52
bkerensamhall119: does your wifi card have a N driver in the kernel?23:53
bkerensaI just realized the kernel does not appear to support 802.11n connectivity for my chipset23:54
mhall119anybody know of a package/server/tools for managing a shared-hosting server with multiple customers?23:59
mhall119bkerensa: no idea23:59

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