
mterryrobert_ancell, hello again.  In reference to bug 978430, is there a reason why we use SIGKILL on onboard instead of SIGTERM?00:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 978430 in onboard ""Enter" hangs when using it entering password with onboard in lightdm" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97843000:37
robert_ancellmterry, that's in the destructor right?00:38
mterryrobert_ancell, yeah on shutdown.  No longer actually in a destructor (because it was never being called)00:38
robert_ancellmterry, I think I had it using SIGKILL in the destructor because the normal code path should have killed it properly. Short answer is it's not done any way in particular, please fix if it is wrong00:39
mterryk..  I can't reproduce this specific problem, but OP says SIGTERM works better, so I'm tempted to just make that switch00:40
robert_ancellmterry, are you looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~marmuta/unity-greeter/kill-onboard-with-sigterm/+merge/101889?00:42
mterryrobert_ancell, "original poster"  I did see that branch, but most of it is obsolete.  Though the terminator class is an interesting SIGTERM/SIGKILL combo00:42
mterryrobert_ancell, though I don't think marmuta is a canonical contributor agreement signee00:43
robert_ancellI never got around to reviewing that but the blocking inside a destructor is a bit worrying00:43
mterryrobert_ancell, well again, it's no longer in a destructor.  That's the bit that's obsolete.  The branch did two things:  1) make sure the SIGKILL call actually got called, and 2) turn it into a SIGTERM/SIGKILL combo.  #1 is done a different way in trunk, #2 is still at large00:44
mterryIf merely switching SIGKILL to SIGTERM is enough, I'm tempted to just do that00:45
robert_ancellmterry, yeah, he's not in https://launchpad.net/~contributor-agreement-canonical/+members#active00:45
mterrywithout a timeout for SIGKILL at all00:45
robert_ancellI'm OK with that. I'm not sure if there's any side-effect if onboard sticks around but I guess it's really an onboard bug if it does00:45
sarnoldwhy does lightdm kill onboard on keydown rather than keyup anyhow? wouldn't people expect to be able to "undo" a mistaken click by releasing the mouse/finger off the button anyhow?00:46
mterryYeah, not sure how likely that is, which is why I asked in the bug if the Terminator class was done out of necessity or defensive programming00:46
mterryBut if I don't get an answer by tomorrow, I'll just distro-patch SIGTERM in00:46
mterry(after testing more of course)00:46
mterrysarnold, not sure00:47
jbicharobert_ancell: what do you think of rhythmbox 2.98? http://git.gnome.org/browse/rhythmbox/tree/NEWS03:03
robert_ancelljbicha, for Q?03:28
jbichayeah, how risky would it be this late? does it need a FFe?03:29
robert_ancelljbicha, it needs the newer grilo so I figured that would rule it out03:29
robert_ancellI really wish they'd follow the GNOME release schedule03:30
jbichano, grilo is optional, bug 97329503:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 973295 in rhythmbox "[precise] Enable grilo plugin" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97329503:30
jbichaI built 2.98 and it seems to work ok03:31
robert_ancelljbicha, It would definitely need a ffe I think. It might be a bit risky this late but I personally prefer to take those risks. Others might disagree :)03:32
jbichaok, I'll file it and see what happens03:32
TheMusoI think its too risky personally. Hell we take great risks by adopting new upstrea GTK. Regressions a plenty this cycle. :)04:08
* TheMuso returns to tracking down a regression introduced since 3.5.12 in GTK which breaks a11y in the installer...04:09
didrocksgood morning05:14
larsuhi didrocks05:14
didrockshow are you larsu?05:17
larsudidrocks, still a bit of a cold, but getting better. Also, I remembered I have a national holiday today \o/  And you?05:17
* larsu should immediately stop reading MRs05:18
didrockslarsu: heh :) still a bit of a cold as well. Otherwise, I'm fine! Thanks :)05:20
larsueverybody's sick around this time of the year05:20
didrockslarsu: you should /quit irc immediately :)05:20
didrocksyeah, it's been more than 3 weeks though… Start to want to feel good again!05:20
didrockslarsu: about the ubuntu-mono icons, was it a last minute change?05:21
didrockslarsu: mpt approved on tuesday some changes from David Calle, and was quite disappointed to see them reverted the day after :/05:22
larsudidrocks, yeah, I just got the icons yesterday05:22
didrockswas it from mpt?05:22
larsuwell, that's design's fault, they didn't say the icons were coming05:22
larsuyes, he sent them to me05:22
larsuHumanity icons are coming, too05:22
didrocksnot very nice to our community :/05:22
larsuI agree05:22
larsuI did check that the new icons don't have the same problem as the one David fixed05:23
larsustill, better communication could have saved him some work there05:23
didrocksyeah :)05:26
didrocksare they really different?05:26
larsuyes, they have much better contrast. Before, the status emblem was hardly visible and people were complaining about that05:27
didrocks(I must say the new icons are better though, more the ones I would have expected first)05:27
didrocksyeah, just tested :)05:27
larsuthe humanity patch will update the ones in the menu to look the same05:27
larsuand in empathy05:27
didrockshum, I think for the others, an UIFe will be needed05:28
didrocksthe current change is minor enough to not have the documentation impacted05:28
didrockschanging the icons in the menu should have the doc team involved though05:28
MCR1didrocks: Hi :) Qu: Will this (https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/font-manager/font-manager.fix-961034) fix ever land or what do I have to do to make it land ?06:54
MCR1Here the right link without ) https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/font-manager/font-manager.fix-96103406:54
MCR1Also another question: Who do I best talk to to get lost software to be packaged for Ubuntu again, I guess in #ubuntu-packaging ?06:56
didrocksMCR1: well, seems you have done everything that is needed. Upstream isn't active anymore it seems :/07:00
didrocksMCR1: we can distro-patch the package though if you propose a branch for it07:00
didrocksMCR1: I would say #ubuntu-motu for software to be packaged07:01
MCR1didrocks: Hmm, is the branch I've proposed not enough ?07:01
didrocksyou can ping dholbach :)07:01
didrocksMCR1: you proposed to the upstream, isn't it?07:01
didrocksMCR1: not any ubuntu package07:01
didrocksit's like when you propose a fix in compiz07:01
didrockswe package then compiz07:01
MCR1didrocks: Thanks for the fast infos as always :)07:01
didrocksand there is a packaging branch07:01
didrocksMCR1: no worry! (I lost 3 minutes TBH as I was checking something for PS in tarmac :p)07:02
didrocksand waiting to finish this before answering you :)07:02
MCR1Highly appreciated to learn about processes (still a newbie ;))07:02
didrocksMCR1: oh, let me get you a wiki page for putting that into ubuntu07:02
MCR1didrocks: Top, thx !07:03
didrocksMCR1: btw, the approved seems to have been done by the upstream guy, weird he didn't merge it :/07:03
MCR1yes, I know07:03
didrocksMCR1: here we go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess07:03
didrocksyou should have the full process here :)07:04
MCR1the last change to the source was fixing compilation in Quantal07:04
didrocksdo not hesitate to ask if you have any question!07:04
MCR1ok, thx07:04
seb128hey desktopers08:02
xclaesseoutch, cannot set more than 1024x768 on my external screen since latest ubuntu upgrade :/08:11
xclaessexrandr does not list any higher resolution08:11
seb128smspillaz, alf_: hey, you still have work items on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-compiz-gles208:13
seb128 [afrantzis] Guide for transitioning plugins to GLES from GL: TODO08:13
seb128[smspillaz] sync up testing to get compiz tests to work with lava: TODO08:13
seb128[afrantzis] help with lava: TODO08:13
seb128 08:13
seb128should those be POSTPONED?08:13
seb128xclaesse, are you using vesa for some reason? what is in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?08:14
xclaesseseb128, I don't think this is vesa, but those logs contains both vesa and intel msg...08:21
xclaessebut this: [    17.229] (II) intel(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync08:21
xclaesseand nothing higher08:22
seb128try asking on #ubuntu-x maybe08:22
seb128Sweetshark, hey, can you update the remaining INPROGRESS workitems on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-libreoffice-split and update the "implementation" status?08:28
smspillazseb128: we should probably descope some of them08:39
seb128smspillaz, works for me, please just update them ... either keep them if you think you can still work on that or set them to POSTPONED08:40
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:46
didrockshey chrisccoulson!08:48
smspillazseb128: done08:48
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you?08:48
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm ok, thanks. Yourself?08:48
seb128smspillaz, thanks08:49
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?08:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, didrocks, yeah, i'm not too bad thanks08:49
chrisccoulsontired ;)08:49
chrisccoulson(as always)08:49
tsdgeosany idea what may be causing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/1048886 ?09:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048886 in software-center "submit_review_gtk3.py crashed with SIGSEGV in subtype_dealloc.25740()" [Medium,Confirmed]09:53
seb128Laney, hey, is there any chance https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1060468 will be acked you think? (new package for universe)09:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1060468 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] FFe: geary" [Wishlist,In progress]09:58
Laneyseb128: yeah probably, mark it as New and I'll get to it shortly10:01
Laneywould be good if you get didrocks or some other AA lined up to process it10:01
seb128Laney, ok, will do, thanks10:02
mpt"integration script avaliable unity-webapps-launchpad"10:21
mptAvaliable, huh10:21
Laneythat's a terrible message to show, even without that typo10:22
mptit is just awful10:24
mptLooks like bug 1059573 for the typo, bug 1058816 for the awfulness.10:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1059573 in unity-firefox-extension "Spelling error in integration script prompt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105957310:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058816 in unity-firefox-extension "Unhelpful message bubble when offering to install an integration script" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105881610:24
Laneyafter you say yes to that one, you get "Would you like to install BBC News (bbc.co.uk), for extra features and quicker access?"10:25
LaneyYes/No/Don't ask again10:25
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
Laneyhum, are the retracers stuck or just lagged?10:49
Davieyseb128: did you see my PM?11:14
cyphermoxgood morning!11:33
Laneyhey cyphermox11:35
Laneyhow goes?11:35
cyphermoxnot bad, not bad11:35
cyphermoxand you?11:35
Laneynew PC is shiny11:36
* Laney has been running multiple VMs simultaneously for fun11:36
cyphermoxstill wishing to not run into one major issue with NM that we haven't seen yet, so late in the release11:36
cyphermoxoh, cool11:36
mlankhorst'NM causes my system to explode'11:37
LaneyI was and still am amazed that I just turned it on and Ubuntu booted up with no problems11:37
Laneyfirst that I plugged everything in right and second that nothing exploded11:37
cyphermoxLaney: UEFI?11:41
cyphermoxI reinstalled my desktop the other day to try and make use of that, for the little bit it actually changes ;)11:41
Laneynope, still bios11:41
Laneysuppose i could/should turn that on11:42
cyphermoxheh, that would mean a reinstall11:42
Laneycan't i just install grub-efi instead of grub-pc?11:43
Laneyprobably will reinstall onto the ssd anyway11:43
cyphermoxoh, then again maybe you're right... I had to keep windows and that insisted on using GPT if UEFI11:44
mlankhorstpitti: you just had to help jason out of his dream didn't you? :(12:03
chrisccoulsonpitti, you killjoy ;)12:06
LaneyI assumed that was a joke :P12:07
mlankhorstme too12:08
mlankhorstespecially since the instructions cleary say it's going to be freezing temperatures12:08
Laneyit doesn't look too far from the airport to the hotel12:08
Laneywonder if I could cycle it12:08
Laney* Laney gets run over after instinctively cycling on the left12:09
mlankhorstEvolution, teaches you to cycle right!12:10
Laneyseb128: did you see my earlier question about the retracers? can you check if they are working?12:21
seb128Laney, no I didn't (still don't see it in the backlog), let me check12:21
seb128Laney, the amd64 one is down for a day, fixing12:23
Laney03/10 11:49:57 <Laney> hum, are the retracers stuck or just lagged?12:23
Laneyah, thanks, that explains it12:23
Laneyback soon12:23
mlankhorstpitti: aw he didn't know, still you should have waited with replying until you were sure he landed. :P12:26
seb128would have been nice to see Jason land with short, tshirt, solar cream and sun glasses ;-)12:29
desrtgood morning fellow hackers, designers, artists, writers, testers, translators and otherwise unclassified humans13:03
seb128desrt, good morning Canadian's friend13:06
desrtstrictly speaking that's true i suppose.  there is a canadian that i am a friend to.13:07
xnoxdesrt: you missed out on androids.... =(13:14
desrtxnox: my psychiatrist advised me to reduce the amount of talking to non-humans that i do13:15
xnoxdesrt: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:16
ogra_androids are half human, no ?13:37
* ogra_ thinks unclassified humans would classify them :)13:37
desrtogra_: you're thinking cyborgs13:58
ogra_oh, indeed13:58
seb128wth intel,xorg, if I boot docked with lid closed on quantal it doesn't see my laptop screen13:59
seb128like I've only my external monitor listed in the xrandr capplet13:59
seb128and if I undock I get no screen!13:59
seb128xorg or kernel13:59
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst, bryceh: ^ known issue?13:59
ogra_did you click "detect monitors" ?13:59
desrtseb128: not likely an X issue but a acpi <-> kms issue14:00
desrtseb128: i had something very similar14:00
desrtin my case it did detect it but it detected the resolution wrong14:00
desrt(panel down on boot)14:00
seb128ogra_, yes14:03
seb128ogra_, well it's not only xor14:03
ogra_tried with open lid too ?14:03
ogra_ah, k14:03
ogra_if its kernel level it indeed cant work14:03
desrtogra_: seriously... it'll be a kernel bug14:04
desrter.  seb.14:04
mlankhorstyeah just file against intel though14:04
tjaaltonor just test with 3.7rc1 once it's out :)14:04
desrtseb128: best bet, hop into #fedora-desktop and ask ajax14:04
seb128ok, otp will do that after14:05
caycephi, i'm having an issue w/ getting gnome3 standard (instead of fallback) graphics enabled on an ivy-bridge xeon14:17
caycepon 12.04.1 LTS14:17
davmor2caycep: this is a developer channel for general help try #ubuntu14:19
caycepok thanks14:21
ralsinahello, it seems we have a problem with the upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10, where the icon for u1 disappears from the launcher14:40
ralsinait's probably because we are removing the ubuntuone-installer package that had the icon there and adding ubuntuone-control-panel in its place14:40
ralsinaanyone knows how we could fix/workaround/avoid that14:41
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128ralsina, try asking dobey when he's around15:06
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: it seems kernel, I don't get a vt on screen either when I undock the laptop15:06
mlankhorstseb128: not surprisingly, still file against intel :)15:07
seb128desrt, your issue got sorted out?15:07
seb128mlankhorst, ok15:07
dobeyseb128: i have no idea how to fix/avoid this. :-/15:08
desrtseb128: a patch went upstream.  i compiled my own kernel and tested it two or three times15:08
desrthounded the kernel team about it repeatedly15:08
desrttested again, reported success15:08
desrtnothing happened15:08
desrtthen the kernel team pulled the new upstream kernel with the fix anyway15:08
desrti think the bug is still sitting open....15:08
desrtstill broken on P though, i think15:09
seb128so yours is fixed, probably a different one then15:09
desrtya.  this was a very specific issue15:09
desrtthe acpi failed to report large panels (~1600x900) as dual-link LVDS so KMS was configuring them single-link15:09
desrtand the result was junk on the screen if you had booted with the lid down15:09
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ do you have similar issues btw? (laptop screen not detected if you boot docked lid close)15:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, not sure. my lid is always open when my laptop is docked15:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'll try next time i reboot15:11
didrocksdo you know if you can fake easily lid closed?15:11
didrocksI can try the same setup but without a dock15:11
didrocksas I need to reboot soon :)15:11
* desrt is starting to think that apple may have actually done something right15:11
desrtit was 20 years too late, but whatever15:12
dobeyseb128: problem is that with moving the .desktop file to a different package, and ubuntuone-installer getting removed first, the file goes away and any running bamf/unity see it disappear (and I think remove it from the config), even though it isn't really going away :(15:12
didrocksdoesn't seem to have anything in a thinkpad to fake it :/15:12
desrtthunderbolt is actually a pretty nice alternative to a traditional dock15:12
desrtlike, better than, even...15:12
seb128didrocks, you have an external display?15:12
seb128didrocks, just close the lid for real? :-p15:12
didrocksseb128: yep, but no dock :)15:12
didrocksseb128: well, I need to push this power button15:12
desrtdidrocks: my dock has a power button on it :)15:13
didrocksdesrt: my "no dock" has none surprisingly :)15:13
seb128didrocks, you can probably press the button and close the lid before reaching grub15:13
didrockshence the "can I fake lid closed"15:13
desrtdidrocks: all of the docks you have have at least 27 power buttons on them15:13
didrocksseb128: yeah, I wonder if it's suspending it, will try in a few :)15:13
seb128didrocks, or just do "reboot" from your desktop with the lid closed15:14
didrocksdesrt: yeah, but the ones you don't have have still none :)15:14
desrtdidrocks: universal quantification over the empty set is so much fun!15:14
didrocksseb128: I'll see if it restarts with that, worth a try anyway :)15:14
didrockswill reboot in 10 min15:14
didrocksso, the issue for not vt is just "start with external display and lid closed"?15:15
didrocksno ligthdm, no vt?15:15
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/106101215:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1061012 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "laptop screen not detected when booting with lid closed" [Undecided,New]15:16
didrocksok, I'll see if I can fake that15:16
seb128didrocks, screw driver in the lid detection part?15:18
didrocksseb128: what do you mean?15:19
didrocksI meant, starting with lid closed, which is the challenge with no doc :)15:19
seb128didrocks, it's the lid state detected by a mechanical part you could push on with a screwdriver?15:19
seb128to fake lid close15:19
seb128I don't have a thinkpad, I don't know how those work15:20
didrocksseb128: no, I looked for that, that was my first question15:20
didrocksseb128: but I see nothing obvious working like that15:20
seb128just try to reboot :p15:20
didrocksyeah, will do in a few :)15:20
didrockshoping it won't go into sleep mode :)15:20
didrocksok, let's see if it works15:22
didrocksbrb (or not)15:22
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118244008/XorgLogOld.txt has no eDP115:22
seb128where https://launchpadlibrarian.net/118244006/XorgLog.txt has15:22
seb128[     8.592] (II) intel(0): EDID for output eDP115:22
seb128[     8.593] (II) intel(0): Printing probed modes for output eDP115:22
seb128[     8.708] (II) intel(0): Output eDP1 connected15:22
didrocksok, I don't reproduce the issue, but there is a fun difference15:27
didrocksso, lid -> closed, got plymouth and lightdm login screen15:27
didrocks(on the main monitor)15:28
didrocksthen, I open the lid15:28
didrocksthe laptop monitor turns on15:28
didrocksand I get the "master/slave" lightdm unity-greeter15:28
didrocks(login info on one screen and ubuntu logo on the other)15:28
didrocksif I start with lid opens, I have plymouth on both15:28
didrocksand the lightdm unity greeter is mirrored (so both have the cursor moving, lower resolution on the main monitor, and login screen on both)15:29
didrocksso one case the intel driver should trigger an extended desktop (when you add a monitor after Xorg is started)15:30
didrocksand in the other case, it just mirrors by default15:30
ralsinaseb128, so, if dobey and I have no idea how to fix the u1 icon problem, do you have any clue where we may find enlightenment?15:32
mterrykenvandine, were you planning a new release of unity-scope-gdocs?  I was noticing a bug that seems fixed in an unpackaged tarball15:33
mterryI can roll one if you like15:33
didrocksdon't ship trunk as it should be depending on latest gir-*unity15:34
mterrydidrocks, was that for me?15:34
mterrydidrocks, I was considering shipping 0.5 tarball15:35
mterrydidrocks, which is trunk it turns out15:35
* didrocks checks15:36
didrocksso it depends on latest gir15:36
mterrydidrocks, I don't see any comments about the gir dep being bumped...  What's the story?15:36
didrocksmterry: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/unity-lens-gdocs/trunk/revision/1915:36
didrocksmterry: I added the Unity.PreferencesManager in libunity trunk15:36
didrocksyou know this preference thingy for online search :)15:36
mterrydidrocks, I see15:36
didrocksmterry: I can push it as the same time I'll push the unity stack15:37
didrockshopefully tomorrow15:37
mterrydidrocks, OK15:37
didrockskenvandine: ^15:37
didrocksI wanted to go through all the bugs and ship all things related to bug #1054746 in the repo15:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1054746 in gwibber "[FFe] [UIFe] No easy way to disable online-fetched results in lenses" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105474615:37
didrocks(apart from gwibber, will let this pleasure to ken :))15:38
mterrydidrocks, that's a bunch  :)15:38
didrocksyep ;)15:38
seb128didrocks, yeah, that's a "known issue", we think it's g-s-d's fault15:38
didrocksseb128: well, it's minor TBH :)15:38
seb128didrocks, you can probably check that theory by turning out the xrandr plugin in unity-greeter's config15:38
didrockshow do I do that?15:38
seb128didrocks, yeah, it annoyed me before precise because it means in practice most user will not see the nice "logo on one screen and password prompt on the other one"15:39
didrocksah, you mean the mirroring?15:39
didrocksit should just be extended?15:39
kenvandinedidrocks, i have the package update already prepared for the gdocs scope15:40
kenvandinejust waiting on libunity15:40
seb128it's g-s-d which overrides xorg's behaviour and activate mirror15:40
didrockskenvandine: ok :)15:40
didrockskenvandine: maybe just bump the dep on gir-*15:40
didrockskenvandine: and push to -proposed?15:40
kenvandinewill do15:40
didrockskenvandine: 6.815:40
didrocksseb128: this was working like that for me on precise (extended desktop)15:40
seb128didrocks, I'm not sure if you can do it easily out of editing src/settings-daemon.vala in unity-greeter15:40
didrocksseb128: I was thinking it was on purpose to have mirrored screen on quantal15:40
seb128didrocks, oh, it never worked for me, I always had to trigger a reprobe, like unplugging and replugging my hdmi15:41
didrocksno, was working really well for me before15:41
didrocksit started to change mid-cycle15:41
seb128could be a race between xorg and g-s-s15:41
didrocksI was finding that good TBH :)15:41
didrockssometimes my external display takes time to switch on15:41
didrocks(it's switching between VGA and HDMI)15:42
didrocksso having it mirrored helped to login in case I mistyped my password15:42
seb128well, the password prompt should be on the screen which has the focus15:43
seb128but I guess if you don't see the mouse cursor it's not easy to move it across ;-)15:43
didrocksindeed :)15:43
didrockswell in practice, I know the geometry15:44
didrocksso quite easy to get the mouse back :)15:44
didrocksstill one more step!15:44
didrocksfunny I never got the race in precise15:44
didrocksand only in quantal15:44
seb128did you run precise on your new laptop?15:44
didrocksI got it before quantal was released15:45
didrocksI mean, just after precise was released15:45
didrocksand I didn't upgrade the first month to quantal :)15:45
seb128I upgraded last week15:47
seb128I regret now, before I had a working laptop screen :p15:47
didrocksheh :)15:47
didrocksuse 2 screens!15:47
didrocksit's good :)15:48
ogra_3 is better15:48
didrockstwice more productive15:48
didrocksogra_: there will always be bigger :)15:48
ogra_there is nothing like 5760x108015:48
seb128didrocks, I don't want to make you guys feel bad by doubling my productivity :p15:48
didrocksseb128: tsssssssssssssss :-)15:48
GunnarHjseb128: Hi Sebastien!16:07
GunnarHjseb128: Thought I'd try to attend the UDS in Copenhagen during a couple of days, and use the tracks/schedules to pick the specific days. However, all the schedules at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/ seem to be empty. Am I missing something, or is there a draft schedule available somewhere?16:07
seb128GunnarHj, hey16:07
seb128GunnarHj, UDS is not that of a fixed schedule, it's mostly discussion slots16:08
seb128GunnarHj, like https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2012-September/003957.html16:08
jbichaand beware that the schedule will change during the summit16:09
seb128GunnarHj, we just started putting topics on the list for discussions, the schedule usually evolves a lot until late16:09
seb128where late means it keeps changing during the UDS time16:09
seb128GunnarHj, the way you usually do it is to subscribe as essential to sessions you need,want to be and register the days you will be there on launchpad16:09
seb128GunnarHj, the scheduler try to put sessions on days where everybody that should attend is available16:10
xnoxGunnarHj: it's not tracke per day. It's all in parallel. Usually we have like up-to 10 (?!) sessions in parallel. Some sessions are from the same tracks. As there are less tracks.16:10
GunnarHjseb128, jbicha, xnox: Ok, thanks for the insight. Sounds like I'd better just pick two days. Meeting you guys IRL will probably be the most important part of the travel - at least to me. ;-)16:13
seb128GunnarHj, yeah, lot of UDS is talking to people16:14
seb128GunnarHj, and some of us have scheduling edition rights, so we can move a session if needed (we often do it)16:14
seb128like if there is one you want to be at, we can make sure to put it on schedule when you are here16:15
GunnarHjseb128: Good to know!16:16
brycehGunnarHj, btw the way it usually works is the first couple of days are very session-focused so are good to attend if the sessions are most important to you.  Days 3-4 tend to be better for hallway conversations and meeting people.16:23
seb128dobey, why is ubuntuone-syncdaemon trying to call ubuntuone-installer and why doesn't it depends on it if it needs it (when picking ubuntuone in the sync indicator)16:57
seb128dobey, seems to be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/105833416:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1058334 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with GError in function(): Failed to execute child process "ubuntuone-installer" (No such file or directory)" [Medium,In progress]16:57
xnoxseb128: wasn't ubuntuone-installer removed in quantal?16:58
xnoxor did i get all of this backwards.16:58
dobeyseb128: fixed in the upload i just made16:58
GunnarHjbryceh: Thanks for letting me know; may be of some help when deciding the days.16:58
* didrocks waves good evening16:59
mitya57$ apt-cache policy ubuntuone-installer | grep Candidate16:59
mitya57  Candidate: (none)16:59
dobeymitya57: yes it's gone16:59
mterrykenvandine, when Firefox prompts me to add webapps integration for a site, am I supposed to see an "untrusted source" installation dialog?18:16
* micahg would certainly hope not...18:16
* xnox saw mpt discuss it on.... #ubuntu-devel?! today?!18:54
kenvandinemterry, no... bug mvo has a fix for that coming for aptdaemon19:40
mterrykenvandine, cool19:40
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
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seb128mterry, versions says we lag behind on remote-login-service versions ... should we update?21:17
seb128mterry, we basically lack that commit it seems: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~remote-login-service-team/remote-login-service/trunk/revision/7521:17
seb128not sure if that's something we want to get in quantal, but seems a 1.0 should consider ;-) (asking in case it was overlooked)21:18
mterryseb128, yo21:20
seb128mterry, hey ;-)21:21
mterryseb128, looking now21:21
mterryseb128, I might have not gotten poked for this update by tedg.  tedg, I'm assuming we want it?21:21
seb128mterry, as said I just noticed it on our versions page21:21
mterryseb128, oh I was21:22
tedgHmm, I think so.21:22
mterrytedg, I asked if that wouldn't need an FFe for the new dbus api21:22
tedgAh, I missed the comment.21:22
tedgIt shouldn't be new DBus API, just implementing the one we had.21:22
tedgmterry, We were ignoring that call21:23
mterrytedg, ok.  will update21:23
tedgCool, sorry I missed your comment.21:23
bkerensacyphermox: Is there some reason we are limited to 802.11g? http://www.engadget.com/2012/05/01/ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin-review/23:50
bkerensaI just got a 802.11ac router and using iwlist I only see the G broadcasts23:50
bkerensano N23:50
sarnoldbkerensa: I don't know which, if any, chipsets have N drivers available.23:51
* bkerensa ragequits23:52
bkerensaso basically in 2040 we can expect 802.11ac to be fully supported? :)23:52
TheMusoThe bcmwl driver supports N at 5gHz, so does the intel driver for the 6xxx chips afaik.23:57
TheMusoI have machines that use both drivers and have those chips.23:57
TheMusoAnd I am using N at 5gHz.23:57
sarnoldTheMuso: thanks :)23:57
bkerensaso in looking at lshw it appears I am using iwlwifi23:58
bkerensait also seems to have N support "wireless=IEEE 802.11bgn"23:58
TheMusoWhat does lspci give you for your wireless?23:59
bkerensaTheMuso: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1030 (rev 34)23:59

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