
zykotick9i'm so sorry.  i feel like a total idiot.  my message at 22:05 in #ubuntu about bug reporting was NOT suppose to be public!  i meant that for ActionParnsips ears only.  a would like to apologize to the #ubuntu community as a whole, simply by letting the OPs know - it was an error. sorry.02:12
IdleOneMy vote is we ban him02:22
IdleOneWe can't have people with opinions about stuff in #ubuntu.02:23
elkywe probably shouldn't have them here then.02:26
IdleOneGood point.02:27
IdleOneGuess I should be banned02:27
bazhangzykotick9 is one of the best helpers there02:28
IdleOneI was being sarcastic about banning him.02:29
bazhanglog readers sometimes have insufficient sarcasm detectors02:30
IdleOneyeah, maybe if they took the time to get to know us instead of hating us for what they think we are...02:31
Flanneljust ban everyone.  Set all the channels +m, and lets go home.02:45
elkyFlannel, sir, i like the way you think and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.02:56
Flannelelky: You're in luck, I'm having a special pricing in October.  Subscribe now and you can get the entire rest of the year for the low low price of four times the newstand price!03:13
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (mandanga:)08:29
bkerensaJordan_U: you are a super fast ninja08:30
bkerensagnomefreak: right?08:30
gnomefreakhe is08:31
Jordan_Ubkerensa: It's more that I'm using autobleh and tab completion :)08:32
bkerensaJordan_U: autobleh?08:32
Jordan_Ubkerensa: http://autobleh.projectnet.org/08:33
gnomefreakthat is how i removed the wrong person,08:33
gnomefreaki hope he comes back so i can apologize08:34
Jordan_Ubkerensa: All I had to do was type "/abr man<tab>", (confirm that that tab completion was correct ;) , and hit Enter.08:34
Jordan_Ugnomefreak: Can't hurt to PM (if you haven't already).08:34
bkerensaJordan_U: ahh I have chanserv.py so I can /kb man<tab>08:34
gnomefreaki havent but thanks i will08:35
bkerensait doesnt do remove unfortunately08:35
gnomefreakok pm done08:37
gnomefreaki need a smoke be back in a few08:38
ubottuIn #ubuntu, mmm4m5m said: ubottu: yes, tripwire... it is similar to samhain somehow... But I forgot it. Thanks, maybe it will looks more user friendly. Thanks, will check it09:11
gnomefreakdoes everone think the bot is real?09:13
elkyyes. everyone. everyone on earth.10:37
jribbazhang: hi, I'm frying some eggs and bacon using ubuntu, can you help me out?11:33
bazhangjrib, brown eggs? well, OK11:33
IdleOnebkerensa: chanserv.py doesn't do remove?12:18
bazhangyeah it does12:18
IdleOneI know it does, but I am wondering if he has an old version12:19
bazhang /cs k bkerensa    <------ that is a remove12:19
bazhanggood point12:19
mneptoksomething's always out there. i feel it watching me. something's always right there. something i can't see.15:47
bazhangbetter to have left him on the floodbots, in retrospect16:01
PiciI don't understand how people drop into #freenode asking for a cloak, but don't even know what they are.16:02
* genii-around does a little exorcism on mneptok's computer to get the demons out16:03
PiciJust a little one?16:04
bazhangI seriously doubt they don't know. then again, when someone says: my first time here, I doubt that as well16:05
mneptokgenii-around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyuJnifp7KA16:11
ubottuIn ubottu, drsa2 said:  microphone is not working16:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu, drsa2 said: ! microphone is not working16:50

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