
phillwI did not ask for a review as per usual editing rules, as it was just a typo I edited the 'live' test suite.00:00
balloonsofc not :-)00:01
balloonstypos are typos00:01
balloonsthere's nothing to review00:01
balloonslive edit typo fixes are good things ;-)00:01
phillwballoons: thanks, I really did not think it worth the while of a bug being raised, allocated, etc. etc.00:02
phillwstep 11 referred to step 10 instead of step 14... a simple change from 10 to 1400:03
balloonsyes anytime you see a typo, or another maintenance need, fix it00:04
balloonsit's the point of the team :-)00:04
balloonsotherwise, yes Noskcaj could have filed a bug and then you responded and did the same thing00:04
balloonsbut etheir way it's an easy thing to fix00:04
phillwballoons: but on the minus side, when we do that, other people who "just count beans", do not realise that we can react and fix far faster than the filing of bugs :/00:06
balloonswell, it's not often going to happen00:07
balloonsif your concerned about bean counters, open a bug :-)00:07
balloonsI'll be working00:07
phillwe.g., there are times I will just email Julien with a silly bug. It gets squished and saves a lot of time!00:07
phillwBut... we are supposed to register a bug report every time!00:08
phillwhow do I tell people it is one rule for us, and a different rule for them?00:08
balloonsphillw, I'm pretty sure devs don't file bugs for everything they fix00:09
balloonsif it's a big deal or they need to track, they'll open and close there own bug00:09
balloonswe can adopt the same practice00:09
phillwballoons: Devs, like Doctors actually bury their mistakes. I do believe that once a year they do hold a minute's silence for all the bugs they unmercifully killed :D00:10
balloonsphillw, haha00:10
balloonsI have been a dev on a project before, and that was my own workflow00:11
* balloons is booting his lubuntu vm00:12
phillwballoons: next on our agenda is how to get PPC passed. You have been cc'd the emails. These issues go back a long time, a way round has always been found. We are now tasked with finding it....00:13
balloonswhy is quake installed by default btw?00:14
balloonsI mean it's kinda handy, but ..00:14
phillwwhat is quake?00:14
phillwI've not had a desktop luubntu installed since A1.00:14
balloonsi think i'm running precise00:15
balloonscan't remmebr00:15
balloonsnope, quantal00:15
phillwthat's what happens with testing :D00:16
balloonsmakes your head spin trying to remember?00:18
phillwI recall having a chat with Dave Stan (drs305) about grub 1.97 when it was launched.... He told me that he was amazed that I could have so many entries on my grub file00:21
balloonsI love testing sometimes00:21
balloonsI always find bugs I DON'T want to find00:21
phillwback in those days, I didn't know about VM's so would just slice up my extended partition for each test area. I think I had 7 test areas, all on real hardware!00:22
balloonsnow I have to upgrade my packages, reboot, and retest everything to confirm the bug00:22
phillwVM's are useful, but you cannot beat having your hard drive set with extended and just grabbing a bit of it.00:24
phillwballoons: oh, and btw, following the parting of the ways of me and SII, I now lurk, with others, at ##phillw00:27
balloonsxnox, are you around perchance? I can't imagine so00:35
knomeballoons, hey! what's the status with QA testcase conversion? :)00:37
balloonsknome, you can check the page for up to date status :-)00:37
knomethe what page ;]00:37
* balloons isn't seeing atm00:37
knomelooks rather good00:38
balloonsyes, I'm sitting on a couple items while I mess about with something else00:39
balloonsbut overall we met our beta2 targets00:39
knome\o/ for the $family stuff00:39
knomeheh, there's a problemin the entire disk testcase00:40
knomethere's something that's still <li>00:40
balloonssure -- what is?00:40
knomeitem 3.00:40
balloonsthere are some uls in there sitll00:40
balloonsis that what you mean?00:40
balloonsthose are intended if so00:40
knomeworksforme if worksforyou00:41
balloonsI'm open to suggestions00:41
balloonsbut the intent is to show a bulleted list of stuff00:41
balloonsmaybe it would be better as something else00:41
balloonsor presented differently00:41
balloons<-- not a UI guy00:42
balloonsbut I think you know that now00:42
knomejust dl with some bullets ?00:42
balloonsbut yes, I wrote some perl to convert the cases00:42
balloonsand they should all be done00:42
knome<dd>&#10004; Your system have at least the amount a space indicated</dd>00:43
knome&#10004; is ✔00:43
balloonsohh neat00:44
balloonsyou've got the power.. change it :-)00:45
knomei'll do that tomorrow00:45
knomeit's also 4am ;)00:45
balloonsyea, I'd say00:45
balloonshit the hay00:45
knomei'll probably fill some crosswords00:45
knome*then* hit the sack00:45
knomelaunched client's website today00:46
knomeso i need some "time off" ;)00:46
balloonshence your brain is still stoked from the launch00:46
balloonsi know those night00:46
balloonsmy brain is full steam ahead00:46
balloonsmy body is crashed00:46
knomeand i did some work for my foss projects future website ;)00:47
knomehttp://lallinaho.fi/test_wordpress/project/greybird/ for a peek00:47
phillwknome: I know about planning for the future :) take a peak at http://phillw.net/isos/ which will be holding all the archives of milestone releases for 13.04 :)00:49
knomemy eyes! ;)00:49
knomethat's a bit too intense red for me00:50
knomei mean, on the menu00:50
phillwknome: you'll be pleased to know that your iso sections can be fine tuned as you wish :)00:51
knomegood, that err... looks good00:51
knomeapart from the er... looks00:51
phillwknome: button highlighting done without Java :P The index.php looks to its local css and img files. TBH, I really don't care what you put on as headers / main / footers. I just have set it so that the teams can :)00:54
phillwI know that the lubuntu ones will go to a subtle shade of blue :)00:55
phillwballoons: as the -qa tag has been reclaimed by the LoCo team, have you given thought to how to present https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ ?01:00
balloonsdo you think it needs changed?01:01
phillwballoons: well, we are either Testing and use that, or we have -qa tags lying about? you're the boss :)01:12
phillwsorry for delay, just enjoyed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xirezDjumZE&feature=share01:13
balloonswe're -qa01:18
balloonsI guess I don't get the full ramifications01:18
balloonscreepy voice01:19
phillwballoons: well, ubuntu-qa is supposed to be for the LoCo team? I'm also confused....01:24
phillw"Welcome to Ubuntu Testing" does explain things? Do we really need "Welcome to Ubuntu QA and Testing"? ... Who is Ubuntu QA?01:27
balloonsI think I get that confusion01:28
* phillw bed! catch you all after sleep :)01:43
wxl_so i'm trying to write an xorg.conf. i made some big time progress. i have a decent background now. but dialogs are empty. anyone have clues to how to fix?07:51
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* smartboyhw wonders should somebody change the topic....Beta 2 is far away:P11:20
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=== nemesis-project is now known as smartboyhw
silverarrowphillw: I cannot find anything on the org bug14:10
phillwsilverarrow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/105864114:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1058641 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) ""No devices detected" radeon regression" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:11
silverarrowyes, that one14:11
silverarrowit seems to be fine on my G414:12
phillwthen please add a note saying so. This allows us to better know which machines are affected. (Add in the video card your machine uses).14:13
smartboyhwA suggestion: Since everybody know about Ubuntu GNOME Remix but it isn't an official deriative (for now) so one suggestion: Can the Canonical QA guys make an QA Tracker for these unofficial deriatives?14:29
smartboyhwballoons, stgraber, ?14:32
smartboyhw.........maybe also skaet or..14:34
skaetsmartboyhw,  question probably best asked in #ubuntu-iso-tracker channel.14:36
silverarrowphillw: reading the last additions on the bugreport I am affected by the  bug14:41
silverarrowvideo=radeonfb:1024x768-32@60 seems to bypass the radeon driver or graphics card some how14:41
phillwthat's okay. it does seem that the fix is working :)14:42
smartboyhwskaet, found sth interesting...#ubuntu-iso-tracker isn't even registered.....14:52
stgrabersmartboyhw: well, there's no good reason to register it, it's not listed anywhere and is just a temporary channel14:56
smartboyhwstgraber, gee.......14:56
silverarrowwhat does video=radeonfb:1024x768-32@60 do, activate or disable frambuffer?15:24
silverarrowxfburn seem to work in ppc,19:01
silverarrowit did not in the last version19:01
silverarrowdoes anyone use sylpheed?19:03
silverarrowsure someone does since it is on lubuntu19:04
balloonsso, anyone in here ever re-master a ubuntu image?20:42
phillwballoons: the only person I know who has done one is jonathan on Lubuntu who did a community 64bit release back in the days before we were adopted :)20:47
balloonsphillw, my eyes have been opened20:47
balloonsI have a "better" idea20:47
* balloons scurries back to his cave20:47
balloonsI'm excitied about tomorrow20:47
phillwthe creators of zenix, UCE and proxlinux will also be familiar20:48
balloonsbah.. idea failed20:55
phillwballoons: bodhi shows as logged on at #ubuntu-beginners-team He's a real cool guy & is the one I would approach for such a topic :)21:09
phillwcorrection ... #ubuntu-beginners21:10
phillwhe's not joined the team channel yet.21:10
phillwballoons: our very own (well, release) stlsaint is the guy who looks after UCE (It's one of the ISO's I host).21:13
phillwKris looks after proxlinux, but he's a bit busy with RL atm.21:15

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