[07:17] tsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity/ignore_unmapped_on_minimize_unminimize_6.0/+merge/127652 [07:18] oh cool [07:18] i was planning to do it now [07:18] have you done 5.0 too? [07:18] back in a sec [07:19] tsdgeos: 5.0 not yet, I did 6.0 since we need it in ;) [07:19] tsdgeos: can you test and approve? :) [07:20] (your own fix ;p) [07:26] sure [07:35] tsdgeos: once you're done, please approve - since I want it to go in ASAP [07:35] compile just finished [07:42] sil2100: give me 10 min more, something went wrong in my compile and things are crashing like crazy [07:48] Ouuch [07:48] Ok, no problem [07:55] sil2100: done [07:55] sorry for the delay [07:56] Awesome, thanks! [07:57] sil2100: going to test the 5.0 one and will create a MR for it too [08:02] tsdgeos: thanks! [08:44] sil2100: not yet merged? needs an unblock or is just the merger being busy? [08:49] https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/ignore_unmapped_on_minimize_unminimize_5.0 ready too [08:51] I think the merger is busy... [08:51] The merger seems to be really slow recetnly, and has a BIG queue === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch === mpt_ is now known as mpt === mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik [11:54] hey guys I noticed that the messaging indicator shows online with no app started but can't be set to anything else till an app is open it this the expected behaviour? [12:25] davmor2: sounds like a bug, I can see that as well... [12:26] btw anyone wanting to test the candidate for next 12.10 unity stack, it's at the moment at ppa:unity-team/ppa [12:27] Mirv, is it still building? [12:27] Daekdroom: only for ARM [12:28] i386/amd64 should be all built and published [12:38] Installed and running. [12:38] No kittens have died so far. [12:40] popey: quick check on skye... [12:42] davmor2, leaping around like a lunatic [12:43] popey: kittens are indeed safe then it appears === yofel_ is now known as yofel === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [13:28] Mirv: I'd love to join in unfortunately I'm juggling enough things as it is === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [15:05] I compiled unity from src by following instructions at http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity/. On starting it though (unity --replace &), it crashed. [15:06] I'm running Q Beta 2. Stack trace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251142/ === dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch [16:16] bschaefer, morning :) [16:16] mhr3, good morning! [16:17] want to improve your mood in the morning - lp:~mhr3/unity/ubus-rewrite ;) [16:17] \o/ [16:17] * bschaefer grabs the branch and compiles it [16:18] things seemed to be working mostly :) [16:18] will need to merge re-trunk though i guess [16:18] mhr3, awesome, and without taking a look at the code, how is starvation being handled? [16:18] i mean re-merge trunk :) [16:18] mhr3: *NO* :-) [16:18] didrocks, huush! it's your eod! [16:19] mhr3: don't even try to sneak it in 6.0, I know you thought about it! :) [16:19] haha [16:19] * mhr3 continues his masterplan while didrocks isn't looking [16:19] mhr3: you will need to DDOS launchpad to not send any email :) [16:19] or ack the canonical servers for it [16:20] starts to be quite expensive to do :) [16:20] didrocks, you're thinking too big, all it takes is pinging is to suspend your mail for a bit ;) [16:21] heh :) [16:21] bschaefer, as for starvation, i set the default prio to "default", ie all ubus msgs have same prio as redraws or any other event processing [16:22] mhr3, cool, I was just thinking if people keep shoving HIGH prio the ones before it could starve to death :( [16:22] but the starvation isn't really fixable while unity runs in the same thread as compiz [16:23] perhaps one day... :) [16:23] hmm the only way I could think of would be to bump of the prio at times for things... [16:23] meh [16:23] it is very unlikely to happen :) [16:24] yea, it'd be nice we glib sources could specify deadlines by which even low-prio sources have to be processed [16:24] that could completely fix possible starvation [16:24] hmm yeah, which would be nice but the added complexity vs worth it [16:25] starvation is not cool though [16:25] but anyway... i gotta be on squash court in 30minutes, so gtg cyas :) [16:25] mhr3, have a good one! Thanks again! [16:27] bschaefer, thx, as for the branch, it's just missing a few more tests, then i'll re-merge and propose ;) [16:29] cool, Ill test it out as well :) (ie. fixing a few bugs ;)) [16:32] feel free to comment it @ https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity/ubus-rewrite/+merge/127821 [16:32] will do! === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [19:46] what's the difference between the enum values NOT_HANDLED and HIDE_DASH (enum HandledType in UnityCore/Lens.h)? === seb128_ is now known as seb128